23 for Sky and Atton??
ngl I’m embarrassed about how long this has been sitting in my inbox. thank you, Charlie!! :’)
23. “I’m right here in flesh and blood and self hate.” from this prompt list
When they had first touched down on Korriban, all that Sky could think was how dead the planet felt. The mustiness in the air reminded her of a tomb, and the dead littering the ground that Kreia had warned her away from only added to the feeling.
But as she walked through the academy, she realized that dead was the wrong word. And how could she mistake it for such? She, of all people, should know what a dead planet felt like.
Korriban wasn’t dead - it was starving. It longed for the fresh life traversing it to nourish its emaciated form, and the thick rot of darkness that permeated the planet was certainly pulling out every trick it could think of to drag her deeper into it.
Murderer. You thought that healing a few sickly refugees would wash away the blood? That drinking in the night and falling into bed with a stranger would fill the void in you? You’re delusional, Exile. Come home.
The training she received from the Jedi, combined with a near decade of poor coping mechanisms, were all that kept Sky’s smile in place, grinning so hard that her cheeks hurt. Perhaps if she smiled enough, her cheer would become real, real enough to ignore how Korriban whispered in her voice.
It didn’t take a master of the Force to know that her companions were feeling similarly.
Seeing HK stalk ahead with his blaster rifle drawn, she mentally corrected herself. Two of three, anyway.
Visas was quiet, as usual. Normally Sky found it relieving, meditating with her a welcome balm from the chaos of her life. But there was no serenity to be found from her friend, only a tension as cutting as static, and she felt a sharp pang of regret for bringing Visas to Korriban with her. Whatever her previous allegiances, Sky felt the natural leaning to the Light within her… but to bring her to a place of darkness so soon after leaving Nihilus?
If she falls, it’s your fault.
Smile in place, she carried on.
Atton had been here before, as he’d told her shortly before they touched down on the planet. A part of his training, and part of why she had asked him to go with her. If anybody in their party would have an inkling of what to expect, it would be him, Kreia, and Mandalore - and the latter two had opted for staying on the ship instead. When Sky had asked him, Atton had simply nodded. Yeah, of course.
She wondered if this was anything like what he remembered. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
Afraid to judge him? You should be. Jaq Rand has nothing on General Starbrac. Did you forgive him because you hoped you could be forgiven, too?
“There’s too many of them, General! What do we do?”
Murderer. Do you remember what came next?
“Keep going. We mustn’t give them an inch.”
Do you remember how many died from that order alone?
Do you remember?
Do we remember?
Closing her eyes against the sudden influx of thoughts, Sky exhaled sharply, her hand shooting out to brace the stone wall.
“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity.” She whispered to herself, willing her breathing to steady as best she could. “There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.”
Caught in her mantra as she were, Sky was caught off-guard when she felt a sudden warmth on her shoulder. Jumping and taking a step back, her eyes opened to see Atton standing beside her, his brow lifted and an inquisitive look on his face.
“That’s me,” he replied, removing his hand and stepping in front of her. “You there?”
A question with more meaning than just one, and she nodded. “Yes. I just needed a moment.” Sky said, trying to smile once more and unsure if she was succeeding. “Are you?”
Atton rubbed his forehead. “Yeah. I’m right here, in flesh and blood and self-hate.” She suspected that the expression he wore was meant to be a smirk, but instead it came out as a grimace. A few seconds after speaking, the grimace deepened and he clicked his tongue. “That was funnier in my head.”
Sky shook her head, feeling her lips quirk up properly before they lowered again. “Is this…” She trailed off, looking to the ground for a moment before looking back at him. “Are you hearing it too?”
“You mean this place telling me all the banthra druk I’ve been telling myself for years on repeat?” More wry, self-deprecating amusement. “I don’t remember this place being so chatty last time.”
A small laugh escaped her, and Sky brought her hand up to cover her lips. For a moment, it was as if they were on the Hawk again; a poor joke, ensuing laughs, and everything feeling natural between them. But then the cold sunk into her skin again, and she remembered where they were.
“I’m… I’m sorry for bringing you back here, Atton,” She confessed, folding her hands together. “I didn’t… I can’t imagine what this place is saying to you.”
Atton shook his head. “Don’t. Like krif I’m leaving you to listen to some whiny academy all by yourself. And this place isn’t saying anything I haven’t heard before.” She smiled, and he set his hand on his shoulder again.
He hesitated before he did so, and it was almost funny how sharp a contrast it was to the smuggler she’d found in a force cage on Peragus, the one who hadn’t waited even a moment before making his attraction to her known. He was built of sharp contrasts, she noticed.
Without thinking, Sky reached her hand up to rest on his, entwining their fingers together. “I’m glad it’s you here, Atton,” she admitted. “It’s nice to hear a voice that isn’t this planet’s.”
Squeezing her hand, Atton’s free one moved to brush a strand of hair out of her face, the smuggler stepping closer to the Exile. “I know what you mean.”
Jokes that failed to land, and a smile that was glued into place. What a pair they made.
Regardless, Sky wouldn’t have anyone else.
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Anyway Divine Vivienne does everything in her power to help mages and while people tend to get hung up on her reinstating the circle, they forget that her circles aren't controlled by templars and aren't prisons, nor are mages forced into them. Vivienne being divine in and of itself does so much for mage rights and showing the public that mages aren't scary or evil. Vivienne is a good divine
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thank you! :3
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
Darth Zash for the character thing??
How I feel about this character
one of my favourite act one villains. i love her so much. she’s a force of goddamn nature. she’s smart and cunning and ambitious and a one woman whirlwind.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
zash/her reflection
My non-romantic OTP for this character
zash/mind trap.
My unpopular opinion about this character
she’s a great villain. but she’s a villain. she’s not a good person! she was grooming the quiz to be her next body! she’s no better in that respect than valkoriate! she showers the quiz in gifts and affection and praise (unless they’re a fuckup, i guess, but even then she still smothers them in honey - proverbially, anyway) because she wants them to trust her and be off their guard, not because she has any particular affection for them.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
bioware hadn’t played the ‘wow she’s old and ugly’ thing for shock/horror. also why were her teeth pointy in that scene, anyway? is it trying to imply she’s non-human, too? because if so... yikes.
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teanmoon · 5 years
Definitely Bella, mainly due to how iconic you are and the fact that your overall aesthetic (at least on here) has giant Goth family vibes
I can’t help my love of the dark, that’s for sure! Give me velvet drapes, brocade couches as long as there’s plenty of light for my plants XD
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lavampira · 5 years
81 for Edelie and Torian? Or Vanna and Canderous if someone has already prompted it for Edelie and Torian
81. “I come with a warning label.”
The holocall to Mandalore was one of the hardest she had ever had to make. Even from a distance, and broken up by the flickering blue projection of her clan leader from a lagging connection, she could see the unbridled anger and tension across his features as she told him about her celebration—how multiple SIS agents and Jedi had infiltrated it in search of her, how the other champions had died fighting in an unfair ambush out of refusal to share her whereabouts with the Republic.
“They’ve blackened our history and dishonored you,” Mandalore snarled. “Make them pay.”
His holoimage flickered out as he closed the channel from his end. Edelie swallowed around the lump in her throat, and even though she knew his rage was directed at the Republic cowards, she couldn’t shake her own thoughts that she had failed him, failed their fellow champions.
This wasn’t the first time that someone around her had died. And it was far from the last time, looking back on her track record in the past year alone.
But the other champions had become something more than just friendly rivals, and glancing at the ragtag group she had picked up along the way—Mako, the sweet slicer who was more sister than crew member; Gault, the ever present pain in her ass who had a knack for scheming up something worthwhile when she needed a pick-me-up; Blizz, the creative little chatterbox who always had her back; and Torian, whose solid presence made her feel both so grounded and off kilter in ways she wasn’t ready to analyze—as she passed through the ship to her quarters, she wondered how long it would be until she lost them, too.
Settling crosslegged on top of her bed, Edelie buried her face in her hands. She needed a plan. Winging things wasn’t going to cut it, not when she had that persistent Jedi and his array of SIS agents breathing down her neck, luring her into a trap and killing her friends. But her throat was too tight and her eyes stung with tears that were getting more and more difficult to hold back until they finally spilled.
Not too long into her pity-party of one, a knock rapped against her door. “Ede?”
“Come in,” she rasped, wiping at her eyes in a desperate attempt for composure as the door hissed open.
Not that it was any use. Torian’s gaze seemed to zero in on her, piecing together what she imagined was a blotchy, puffy-eyed mess. He hovered in the entrance for a moment before he approached her, the bed dipping under his weight as he eased onto the edge almost close enough to touch. She noted the soft tufts of his sandy hair still slightly damp and casual tee and lounging pants as if he had come straight to check on her from a shower.
“Heard your call with Mandalore,” he eventually said.
“Eavesdropping, huh?” she returned, shooting him a flippant smirk that earned her a nudge of his elbow to her leg. “I’m fine.”
Torian gave her a look like he wanted to point out how clearly not fine she was, crying alone in her room, but he didn’t. “You can talk to me, if you want.”
The realization that she actually might want to struck her like a blaster bolt to the chest. She wanted to blame it on the stress and her frayed emotions, so much guilt and grief and anger at the situation that had spiraled so far out of control, but the truth was that he had a way of convincing her to tear down the lifetime of barriers that she had built, even in as little time as she had known him. Those last few months of playful comments and flirting in passing suddenly seemed so much heavier as she thought about it.
“Everyone around me keeps dying,” she blurted before she could stop the words, raspy and hoarse like they had been wrangled from her throat, followed by a derisive laugh. “I should come with a warning label.”
“What they did...” Torian trailed off, his jaw clenching as he reached for one of her hands, tentative but stable and warm around her. “Their cowardice. It’s not on you.”
“Sure feels like it. The others were killed because of me.”
A frustrated noise left his throat. Not at her, she knew. The situation rubbed him just as wrongly as it had her. He had been at her side when it happened—the destruction from what was meant to be a party for her, the mangled corpses of the other champions, the ambush sprung on her. He was a man of few words, but she was aware of how much he hated the lack of honor in all of it. A surprise massacre was death without purpose.
“Take that feeling, put it here.” He twisted her hand to place it over her chest, light over her beating heart, his gaze sharp as he tried to press the meaning into her. “Skira. When the time comes, you can make it right with them.”
As Edelie took in the determination in those deep blue eyes, so at odds with the boyish mirth she had grown used to seeing in him when they were alone, she felt how much he meant it. And maybe he was onto something. If she couldn’t assuage the weight of her guilt, she could use it to settle the score and honor her friends one last time.
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queenofthieves · 5 years
Hi I just wanted to tell you that I love Kaia so much, what's your favorite piece of Kaia lore?? What's her morning routine like?? What's her favorite way to wind down after a stressful mission?? 💙💙 (I hope you dont mind questions about your ocs, pls disregard this if you do! Have a lovely day 💙)
aaahhh!!! thank you so much for this Charlie, i’m so happy you love her 💖 i don’t mind oc asks at all, i’m always happy to answer them c’: 💖
ooo favorite Kaia lore, hmm this is difficult. I’m going to go with Kaia having soaps and perfumes from Csilla. she doesn’t always use them but when she’s feeling sentimental, or wants to feel more like herself she’ll will! my sister, @sirotras said “Well I personally like the fact that she’s a hoe”
she likes to get up fairly early and stretch every morning, she tends to like to do her workout early (tho sometimes that gets moved around depending on what’s going on). she likes to have at least two cups of caf after that. (of course she’s got a skin care routine that she does too, which was my first thought when i saw ‘morning routine’. agent life is stressful and she likes to feel good)
during her caf she likes to prepare herself for the day, so if she’s anything specific she needs to know for an assignment she’ll make sure she knows it like the back of her hand. 
Kaia’s favorite way to wind down? Kaliyo c: 💖
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lesbiannova · 5 years
@buffkreia replied to your post: My first Revan novel liveblogging post after the...
Hey Drew Karpyshyn what the fuck
I could make a drinking game for this: Take a shot every time I want to yell "Hey Drew Karpyshyn what the fuck” when I’m reading this book
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butchhesbian · 5 years
I'd guess eldest child or only child
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swtorramblings · 5 years
I don't know which pairings you like, but something Vaylin related for number 40?? :D
Some things take a while and I’m out of practice. Plus I tried something new for me. 
Vaylin is still traveling the multiverse, but finds herself somewhere familiar.
Vaylin popping out of the air by @fleeting-sanity. Sorry it’s a bit grainy, I can’t find my original copy and it was tiny.
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She tumbled to the floor, still disoriented from the transit. She looked for danger, but the room seemed empty for now. Where was she this time?
A lavishly appointed room in gold and white, touches of red. The feel of the Force. Was she home?
No. There were differences, both in the decor, like Zakuul’s but not quite the same, and in the Force. Home, she would feel the pain of too much awareness, too much power. Her grasp of the power here was less intense, though still strong. A universe like hers, but not hers. So, she would have a task to accomplish.
Barely in time, Vaylin sensed the other presence. The lightsaber sliced off her hood rather than taking her head. She spun and saw the Sith appearing, the cloaking field dropping. She instinctively reached to her belt, even though she hadn’t carried a lightsaber of her own for years now. She prepared to flee when her attacker spoke.
She didn’t know what to say to that, so she just said, “Yes?”
The woman sneered. “What kind of trick is this? Are you a hologram? A clone? Vaylin is dead! How dare you!”
Lightning flew from the Sith’s hands. That, at least, she could protect herself from, catching and dissipating it before it could do any harm.
It was going to be one of those days.
“Who sent you? What do they want?”
“I don’t know. But I’m me. I’m not a trick.” She wracked her brain, thinking she had seen this woman before. Yes. She was on the Dark Council back in her galaxy, wasn’t she? Arcann’s briefings were actually finally useful. “You’re V’lerian, aren’t you?”
One of the lightsaber blades was brought up to her throat. “Empress V’lerian, impostor.”
This close, Vaylin could see her eyes. They were not what she expected. Yellow, like her own, but so sad. She was hurting. Broken. “You know I’m real.”
Vaylin held her gaze. Eventually, V’lerians eyes softened, filled with tears. The saberstaff fell to the floor, deactivating. Suddenly, Vaylin was caught up in a tight embrace. This was not what she expected.
V’lerian was whispering. “I couldn’t stop him. I tried to save you, but he made me hurt you. I knew it was happening, but I couldn’t stop. And then you were hurting and you forced me to, to. I’m sorry.”
Vaylin embraced her back. She found herself stroking V’lerian’s hair. “Shh, shh, it’s all right, I forgive you. It was him.” She gritted her teeth. “It’s always him.”
They stood that way for some time. Neither wanted to break the embrace first. Eventually, though, V’lerian stepped back. Frowning, she said, “You are Vaylin, I can sense that much, but not my Vaylin, are you?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I didn’t even know how much I needed this.”
“What was she to you?”
“Nothing. A threat. But I could feel her pain. So like my own, and so much worse. I had hoped for a time, but I was afraid. She was so powerful. I did what he said, and it destroyed her. I should have found another way.”
“And you’ve let it nearly destroy you. Not very Sith of you, is it?”
“It is. I was indulging my passions.”
Vaylin reached out and brushed V’lerian’s hair away from her face. “Maybe you were afraid. It’s still not your fault.”
“How can you say that? I killed you. Her.”
“Because I’m terrifying.”
Another long pause. Finally, V’lerian smiled, saying, “Yes, you are, aren’t you?”
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
“I guess I did. It has been so long. Wait, is that who you are? A Vaylin from another universe?”
Oh, well, it’s not as if she always kept it a secret. “Yes. One where things went better, mostly. Except, we never met. I think I would have liked that.”
“Maybe. Still, I don’t suppose, maybe you could stay? I could show you around my Zakuul.”
Her Zakuul. Tallus didn’t seem to object, and she wasn’t vanishing, yet. “I can’t promise to stay forever, but perhaps for now.”
“No one can promise forever.” V’lerian extended a hand. “Now is enough.”
Perhaps it would be a good day after all.
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hythlodaes · 5 years
29 and 30 for Callia and Theron??? 💙💙
thank u charlie!!
29. one headcanon about your otp that breaks your heart.
both of them hold so steadfastly to the idea that they can't be in a relationship, that nothing happens between them before she's frozen in carbonite. there are...missed opportunities. there are times when they come close, but ultimately nothing happens. so when she's presumed dead, theron's devastated. he's lost his best friend, and he knows he loved her but he never got the chance to tell her. the grief hits him hard because it's been so long since he's cared this much about someone, and the regret feels tangible--like a physical weight on his chest.
it makes it hard to reconnect with her later. they were so close, but being that close to someone gives them the power to hurt you. he's just...scared of ever feeling that way again.
30. one headcanon about this otp that mends it.
when they reunite on odessen, he not only brings her ship back, but he's also tracked down and found her mother's lightsaber, which is what she carried since they met. he knows how important it is to her and wants to make sure that she gets it back :’)
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fiendpact · 5 years
You give off Leliana energy
[X] omg that’s such a compliment lmao thank u!!
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Anders is a lesbian icon and I don't take constructive criticism on that
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youre so right
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
Hera Syndulla??
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
crack pilot, crack shot, and all round badass. and a french accent... on occasion, anyway.
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jarael · 5 years
Felix, Vaylin and the Jedi Consular in general
I'm flattered! I love them all so much. 💜💜
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lavampira · 5 years
This is really late for this ask meme but I was thinking about Kai and. Top 5 pieces of Kai lore??
as a teenager, he wanted to see the world outside of the temple and the jedi order, so he slipped away from the masters’ watchful eyes a handful of times to sneak into cantinas or wander around marketplaces on his own. and once he was granted the rank of knight and given a bit more freedom and expenditure, before the weight of responsibility settled him down, that curiosity spread to the rest of the galaxy, and he spent most of his downtime clubbing, or having casual affairs, or generally exploring his own identity as a person and a jedi between missions.
he has a panic disorder that manifested not too long after he left mirial to become a jedi. along with having a slight temper and restless energy, he struggled quite a bit, but he learned a method of meditating that helped him control his feelings and calm himself when the panic flares. (it’s also what makes him so understanding as the battlemaster because he knows how difficult it is for other padawans to get a grasp on it, too).
the tattoos on his face tell his journey of becoming a jedi. he gets other ones down the back of his neck and shoulder-blades for accomplishments — his goals start off as outlines, and as he overcomes or completes them, he has them filled. he also has thin solid bands on his biceps for deaths that affect him deeply, so that he can see and remember, and that they can drive him forward in his path. and because he doesn’t care to regularly wear rings since they bother his grip on his lightsabers, he sticks to having just the traditional mirialan wedding tattoo on his hand when he and theron get married.
he absolutely hates being the face of the eternal alliance. he does like attention, more than he probably should for a jedi, but it feels... wrong? at the time, at least. he lost five years of his life while stuck in carbonite, he’s reliving old trauma with the biggest source of his pain inside of his head again, he lost the role in the order that he loved and enjoyed in teaching padawans in lightsaber combat and advising the council on battle tactics, and he’s so far removed from the life that he knew. he sticks with it, because he refuses to give up on the people who look up to him and the help that he can provide, but it takes a long time for him to come to terms with it. seeing the results and reminders of the good that he’s doing by leading it helps.
before the alliance establishes as a formal galactic power, and he’s more the face of a rebellion rather than a military organization, his appearance looks more haphazardly put together than he ever has in his life. his hair gets long enough to tie back in a quick bun. his usual elaborately-stitched tunics and cloak aren’t worn as much as armored jackets, boots, and gauntlets that are caked in swamp water and mud half of the time. he even grows out his facial hair a bit, because being on the run from skytroopers in the middle of the endless swamp or building an entire base on odessen don’t exactly leave him time to deal with it.
the longer hair and the beard make a return after he and theron adopt reza, though. who cares if he answers holoconferences with a drooling infant clinging to his shirt and tugging on the hair that is now half falling out of a hair tie? between trying to shift the eternal alliance into a peacekeeping organization to ally and work with the republic and be a father to a restless infant, the man is too exhausted to bother with Professional Appearances ™ at that point.
bonus (because apparently I can’t stick to five things):
the faulty carbonite poisoning might not have killed him thanks to the antidote lana brought with her, but he has vision problems in one of his eyes because it affected him, and sometimes he wears a patch when it bothers him. after iokath, he has chronic pain from sitting on the sabotaged throne. he heavily depended on the force to withstand the pain long enough to order the eternal fleet to stop tyth, but the shock on his nerves has a lasting impact on him. he dislocates his shoulder and fractures a couple of ribs from jumping off the umbaran train. and as he gets older, his joints definitely ache from a life of combat and takes up even more stretching and meditation to work through his stiffness.
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ferreandhiscat · 5 years
Ygritte is a bisexual woman. 
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