#but come s4 the writers said 'actually the reason for this is because rose is severely chronically ill' and boom! lot more dimension added
kindaorangey · 1 year
feeling a lot of love for miraculous and the way the writers work with the foundations of the previous seasons.
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timelessbibliophile · 2 years
you're either incredibly naive or in deep DEEP denial, if you truly believe that the writers dont intend to explore ricky and gina romantically again this coming season. especially with the fact that olivia is not sticking around past a 3rd season (so you can't rely on rini saving portwell) and that by the time the season kicks off, ej will already have graduated getting ready to move onto the next stage of his life, and the show is called HIGH SCHOOL musical the musical the series. its about the students who attend east high.
so idk maybe that thought hasn't occurred yet or if you just don't care, but the sooner you wake up and start smelling the roses, the less it'll hurt when it inevitably happens.
also, as someone who does believe rina is going to happen next season, I don't think that ej is going to find out about ginas feelings for ricky and get insecure or whatever either.
in fact, most of us don't think a portwell breakup wont have anything to do with ricky at all. it's most likely that they'll just have 2 separate storylines next season (apart from their relationship) and at some point agree that- for many reasons, they should just remain friends. no bad blood, no heartbreak or unnecessary drama, just two people maturely concluding that they're on different paths and they're not compatible.
they'll hug it out, let eachother know they'll always be there to talk to, thank eachother for everything and be back to their usual anter in no time. giving the writers enough time to tie up loose ends in regards to his relationships, so that its not too hard to reduce his role for s4.
no theatrics.
so you're a rina huh? haven't had rinas in my asks in a long time so welcome :)
now, as for you being passive-aggressive in that first sentence, I'm neither of those things. I believe Portwell has been very well-developed, and it would be terrible writing to just throw it away. I don't think I've ever said Rina won't EVER be made, because I'm aware it's a very real possibility because of how things ended between Ricky and Gina, but just breaking Portwell up won't do to make fans happy. I know for a fact that Ricky and Gina have a very weird friendship, so if the writers wanna put them together, they'll have to work ALL season for it (the way they did with Portwell in season 2 and how we didn't see them actually being a thing until the last 2 minutes) or else it won't be good.
I'm actually against Rini so,,,idk what to say abt that, idc abt Rini that much because they're so unhealthy to each other, so I wasn't relying on anything. Not on Gina's side, not on Ricky's side. I've been pretty vocal about my love for rina as friends. I think they would make amazing friends, but a romantic couple just wouldn't be it with how troubled Ricky is. I love Ricky, but I think he's not ready for any relationship rn, and the way he has treated Gina even less.
The college thing isn't a problem imo?? Like, if the writers truly cared about the ship, they wouldn't just say "oh yeah, well EJ is leaving to college so they'll break up 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️", and if they did want to break them up because of that, then they've made the terrible mistake of showing us how amazingly their relationship can overcome things.
I think it's a pretty good thought that most rinas think a Portwell breakup will be clean and they'll stay friends, but why can't that be with Ricky? Portwell breaking up, in terms of their stories, wouldn't make much sense. "Exploring Rina" isn't a good enough excuse for it, because you can't build a strong, healthy relationship and then break them up because someone in the writers room thought "what if?" It would need a purpose, something big, something important. So, again in terms of their stories, the most logical thing right now would be to have Ricky and Gina as friends again, with no romantic tension. Gina explored that road before and she just got hurt, EJ on the other side brought her joy. I think it would be unfair to both Gina and Portwell to just jump to Rina right away.
I would like to see Rina, believe it or not, in some distant future if Portwell doesn't turn out. Rina has the potential to be good, we all know this, but far down the line when they have fixed their wounds and friendship.
Hope you understand now that I'm not that incredibly naive or deep in denial :)
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Halloween is just around the corner and although this episode of My Hero Academia may have seemed fairly cheerful on the surface, there is a darkness brewing that is slowly starting to weigh everything down…
I just hopped right into it there. Whew, must be getting excited. Sorry about that. I had another good but unreasonable busy week. How is it going on your end Crow?
  “Unreasonably busy” is a really good way to put it. Glad we got through it! But I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned a brewing darkness. That last shot… But, we don’t want to get too far ahead! Oh, I’m bold, and yeah, we’ll have spolilers.
So this week, Deku had to secure his working studies program at the Nighteye agency and as we already know, he did not make the greatest first impression. 
Turns out Nighteye is a devoted All-Might fanboy just like Deku though, so they bonded over their shared love of the old no. 1 hero and Deku got a second chance to prove himself in the form of a simple task. All he needed to do was to somehow get Nighteye’s seal from him and his spot would be secure. It’s a pretty meaningless contest all things considered. What do you think Crow?
Let’s talk about how it played out first, but I’ll say this: I was seriously annoyed with Nighteye through this whole sequence. Especially with how it ended! For someone who has such a high opinion of All Might, Nighteye had no qualms about substituting his judgements for the previous number 1 hero. Plus, as we saw with how he treated Bubble Girl, the whole idea of respect just doesn’t seem to occur to Nighteye…
Things went as you would expect. Deku failed, but in the most extra and dedicated way possible and got the internship anyways. Nighteye even admitted that he was always going to give it to him as he had decided as soon as he learned about it (told ya!). That wasn’t the important part. 
The important part or should I say partS were that 1, Nighteye was fully aware that Deku had inherited All For One and no one was surprised by the revelation and 2 Nighteye honestly believes that Mirio is the better candidate.
Interesting dynamic creating a worthy and capable rival in Mirio changes a lot of things. Up until now, Deku had the likes of Todoroki or Baku to contend with, except Todoroki is suffering from PTSD and has to sort himself out before thinking of becoming no 1 hero, while Baku is 50% villain if not more. Mirio is very similar to Deku in many respects. Optimistic, respectful and open, it’s very difficult to root for one above the other which creates a very interesting conflict!
Yes, it does! If it were almost any other student, I don’t think Izuku would be as rattled. All of them are competent, and some of them have potential for greatness, but in terms of being number 1, with the exception of Todoroki, I’m not seeing it.
But Mirio is practically All Might Junior! He’s so obviously heroic and so amazingly powerful that Izuku has to wonder if he measures up
I have to admit, all through the test, I hoped that Deku would be smart enough to add randomization as a test — throwing the papers and books that would move without his decision was a perfect way to test the extent of Nighteye’s powers. I was disappointed that Deku couldn’t manage to get the stamp himself. 
And I think he was disappointed, too. That’s got to eat at his confidence.
After Deku’s personal trial is over, we go back to the school to find out that he’s really the only student to have had any luck so far. Unlike the previous internship, the work studies program puts students directly in the line of danger, and as such, most professional heroes are not willing to take the risk and do not have the insurance for it. 
Nevertheless, it seems no. 3 hero Hawks has put in a request to work with Tokayami (birds of a feather!) while the renowned 3rd years are taking an interest in talking with Kirishima, Tsuyu and Uraraka. I wonder what that’s about!
They seemed afraid to hope — and with Aizawa’s deadpan delivery, it could be anything. I like how this show takes things like liability insurance seriously. It’s a small thing; and maybe I shouldn’t get so excited about it. But it’s the kind of thing that makes the world feel real.
In the closing scene, we find out that it all comes together, in that not only will Deku have to keep an eye on Overhault, but he actually meets him and (ED unicorn girl) Eri in person during the after-credits tag. Exciting things are certainly coming up!
In my notes, I said that scene “felt like doom.” The anguish on Eri’s face as she looked back at Overhaul, the calm glowering power coming from Overhaul himself, and Deku’s usual open expression just seemed to set the stage. I have no idea what’s coming; I’ve not read the manga. But that scene felt momentous. 
Next episode is promising!
As I was listening to Aizawa explain the background considerations of hero internship, it struck me yet again how much I like the core premise. Although My Hero Academia doesn’t beat us over the head with it, but it is stated right from season 1 (and whispered throughout) that in a world of heroes for hire and morals for money, virtue becomes irrelevant. The strength of your character is secondary to the marketability of your skill.
This isn’t a very hopeful message, and you may think I’m way off the mark as the universe of My Hero Academia has always been presented to us through Deku’s rose coloured glasses. But there have been a lot of hints to that effect. I mean the entire character of Endeavour is pretty much a personification of this. And I like this theme. I don’t think it will be pleasant to see Deku run up against these bitter realities, but it’s something I have never seen properly explored in a tale for all audiences and I hope I do get to see it in My Hero Academia.
You have this amazing habit of zeroing in on the heart of the matter. I was thinking about that as I watched Nighteye once again disrespect a character (seriously, I’m really angry with him for how he treated Bubble Girl). It’s the classic “might makes right,” but far from being a cliche, the writers are dramatizing its effects through this whole world. It’s the theme that made Stain such a viscerally powerful villain. I couldn’t bring myself to say he was wrong. His reaction to the problem of heroes not being heroic was extreme, but he was right. 
And so are you.
The reason I still have any respect for heroes is because of individual heroes, like Deku, All Might, Aizawa, and even Mirio. There are others, of course, but even among our cast, as you mentioned, Baku is half villain himself! 
I, too, really hope we see this idea develop during this season. 
Another element I’m basing this impression on is the subtle running theme of “faking it”. It doesn’t matter how weak, scared or defeated you feel, a hero must appear strong and in control. That’s All Might’s entire schtick. Be a “symbol”, inspire the masses! It’s really endearing but it does work both ways.
It doesn’t matter how cruel, greedy or ruthless you are, as long as you LOOK the part, as long as you can give a heartwarming interview, then you two can be a symbol of justice. We heard Nighteye say it again. You can”t let them know you’re worried. Authenticity is a weakness, and weakness is bad….
I actually hurt my neck I was nodding so hard in agreement. Based on the previous, it looks like my idea won’t pan out, but do you think that All Might might have chosen Izuku as the next One for All precisely because he’s different? Precisely because his goodness comes first, literally before his heroism, and everything in him flows from that?
In other words, is All Might trying to change what it means to be a hero? Even if I’m wrong, I love how they’re playing with this idea.
That would be sweet. Mind you I have a feeling All Might isn’t all that great at planning ahead. He never really had to after all. With that quirk, he could power through any situation, and later on, Nighteye would have been there to advise him and he sees the future! We’ve seen All Might get himself in sticky situations a lot because he didn’t consider his health or took things for granted. He’s a bit prone to acting first. I think that may be a factor in why he chose Deku. The boy seemed like a hero in the moment.
After these three episodes I have come to realize something, I much prefer to binge My Hero Academia. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying watching along, a lot in fact. But the momentum of the story just doesn’t suit bite-size in my opinion. I would have watched these last three episodes and probably a few more in a single setting easily, and that would have made a cohesive opening arc. As it is, I’m sort of waiting for the story to get started almost a month in.
I can’t find any flaws in your logic! But as I think back across these three episodes, that last shot of Overhaul, Eri, and Deku keeps coming back to me. If we consider the first three episodes as the tag, maybe things are about to kick into high gear. And I can’t wait!
  My Hero Academia s4 ep66 – Looming Darkness Halloween is just around the corner and although this episode of My Hero Academia may have seemed fairly cheerful on the surface, there is a darkness brewing that is slowly starting to weigh everything down…
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mswyrr · 5 years
Maze’s comment was… distracting. Chloe put off thinking about it while at work, managing to get through the rest of her day and back home before her mind went into relax mode and Maze’s words came tumbling through the barrier she’d erected in her mind. He loves that, she’d said, about Lucifer taking orders. He loves that.
Chloe shuddered again, though for an entirely different reason. She had no reason to believe her, but somehow it just felt… right. Dan had joked a bit about him liking it when she gave him orders in bed, but nothing serious. And it wasn’t as though she was into that lifestyle. She’d seen enough weirdos living in L.A. to put her off dipping her toe into any sort of established practice or scene. Though she’d been curious enough to google a little, most of what came up on the search engine had her slamming her laptop shut.
And yet.
Lucifer was probably into all sorts of stuff. Stuff she’d be far too self-conscious to even look at, let alone try. They were probably completely incompatible.
And yet.
That evening she crawled into bed, fingers itching. Lucifer was probably down at his club, doing the mingling thing so long as he felt up to it.
You know, it wouldn’t be so strange for her to check up on him. Since he had been her patient. And it had been a couple of days. She had a responsibility to the man. She’d been so concerned with Herrera earlier that she’d forgotten to ask.
She snatched her phone and flipped onto her back. Her knees rose up of their own accord beneath the covers, sliding together as she waited. Every ring ramped up her anxiety more and more, sending jolts of nervous pleasure down her spine.
There’s a lot of ways to interpret the canon (vanilla, femdom, switch, even mandom, though I am really really not into that - I like their dynamic because it has no *required* feeling of male dominance to it for me - to each their own, though). And I actually tend to disagree with the interpretation of Chloe in the handful of femdom fics because writers assume she’s experienced?
I get that that makes for fun porn and, hey, no judgment.
But a ton of women with actual dominant desires can go their entire lives without exploring that, given the intense social stigma and the structuring of the default m/f script in particular. I’ve heard female doms who thought they were subs because they had kinky feelings and the social programming was so intense they thought: well, if I’m a woman and I’m kinky I must want to sub.
There’s a lot of complicated gender roles and self-definition stuff involved. And there’s real danger and social stigma too.
With Chloe being so much about keeping her nose clean and being responsible and controlled, I think she’s barely experienced sexually beyond her ex-husband in general, and that certainly until she started feeling compelled by Lucifer she was keeping any kinky feelings locked up tight. I see her long suppressed potential kinkiness as another part of the things about herself she fears that her attraction to him allows her to start getting in touch with.
Like, I think they’re prioritizing the grand romance where you grow by loving someone who represents things you need to connect with thing and not interested in telling specifically a story about Chloe realizing she’s kinky. But I think that her realizing that would fit within the canonical “pattern” they have for her, which I talk about here.
It’s complicated because the writing--esp in S3--gets tangled up in his pov and we don’t get as much of that sense of her side of things sometimes, unfortunately, more what she represents to him... but I think it’s definitely there to be read and makes a coherent whole.
Sometimes the missteps make me wonder if they are consciously doing a lot of this stuff, which makes me worried... no way to tell except to see how S4 goes, though, really. S3 could be a fluke or not.
Anyway, this fic was a dream come true, because this is exactly how I see dommy!Chloe. Precious bb dom babe in the woods thunderstruck by a saucy, unspeakably sweet, eyeliner wearing switch and, for the first time in her life, actually feeling safe enough with a guy to maybe explore that yearning, warm, tangled ball of feelings she’s been shoving down and locking away her entire life.
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velvet-tread · 6 years
Multishipping Bellarke and Becho: a guide
I know I said I wasn’t going to be here, butttttttt things are getting crazy here and apparently I want to cut my followers down to zero so here goes.
Look, guys, ok I know the vast majority of you are on a scale of ambivalent to nuking North Korea when it comes to Becho and *FINE* I understand why. The Bellarke fandom wants Bellarke (not unreasonable!) so one half of your otp in a relationship galls.
But I love Becho even though I am Bellarke af and honestly the view is GREAT from here and I would love to share some of that good feeling around.
Seeing Bellamy and Echo in what is clearly a very happy and content (yet doomed!) relationship, is basically the most beautiful bittersweet thing to happen to me since Jason chose to serve my own heart up to me on a plate  with ai gonplei ste odon atop the satellite tower *sob*.
So I’m going to have a crack at some of the whys and wherefores of Becho and address how it could fit our Bellarke endgame.
My opinions, ok? I’m not trying to convert anyone, just spread some love.
Why put Bellamy in a long-term relationship at all?
Mostly, I think the answer is in the narrative shorthand the show is using to help us navigate the time jump, and the people Bellamy and Clarke are now. And who is that? Well, we don’t know the whole picture yet but one thing is for sure: Bellamy and Clarke have had a relatively content 6 years. They’re OK. Changed, yes, for a variety of reasons, but psychologically sound compared to, say, the people in the bunker.
Sure, there are some things missing from their lives - I’ll get to the nitty gritty of that later on - but I think we’re supposed to believe that they are more or less happy and healthy and whole.
So, I guess the question is, what does happy and whole Bellamy look like? Not only am I Bellarke af, but I am also a Bellamy stan to the core.  In the context of a 6 year time jump, I want nothing for him but contentment, appreciation and nookie on the regular. And it seems that against the odds, this has happened for Bellamy Bradbury Blake.  In the relative safety of space, in the company of his newfound space family, his impulse to slavishly attend to the everyday needs of his sister curtailed, Bellamy has actually, finally, taken 6 years for himself.
At his core Bellamy is an affectionate person, with a deep need for personal connection and intimacy. And, clearly, he’s attracted to girls and sex is high on his list of needs too (do we all need to be reminded of pre-Bree Bellamy and post-Bree Bellamy in s4?) so the idea of him in space for 6 years deprived of that emotional and physical intimacy just makes me sad.  And so, the shot of his and Echo’s quarters with their double bed, the TV in the corner, the punchbag above the bed (*raised eyebrow*) the shelving unit with 68 canteens on (why Becho, why?) is so heartwarming in its mundane domesticity. It shouted to me: BELLAMY IS OKAY.
Indulge my singing emo heart for a hot second. They clearly appreciate each other. He runs his hands up and down her arms.  She strokes his jaw. THEY ARE SO SOFT.  She soothes his Octavia anxiety. His terrible dad jokes make her laugh and ease her tension. These two people who have spent a life time pleasing others are happy making each other happy.
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Watching Bellamy in a comfortable space relationship with someone who hurt him so badly in the past deliver this bizarro rose-tinted expectation of his feisty, judgemental sister suggests that in his mind, everything about his life on Earth is hued in gold. This is a Bellamy who, surrounded by his friends and safety, has forgotten the grim realities of survival, of human frailty and human cruelty.
In fact, Bellamy finding love with Echo is just about the biggest endorsement of everything that Clarke stood for when she gave him her dying words of wisdom.
This Bellamy has absorbed all of Clarke’s glorious idealism, her ability to forgive, her faith in humanity, her faith in her own agency, her faith that whatever the problem is, there’s a solution. This is what head-and-heart Bellamy looks like.
Finally…realtalk time: I may choke on these words as I type them, but the truth about storytelling is that if you have an endgame ship in mind (and I stfg I refuse to be gaslighted on this any longer) and a 6 year time jump in which they believe each other dead, it would be straight up BIZARRE not to have one of them come back in a long-term relationship. No matter what the writers’ room says about Bellarke or love triangles, that is a conflict opportunity that is too delicious to pass up.  It’s what Satan would do.
But whhhhhyyyy does it have to be Echo?
Sidebar - I’m not going to get in too deep with the forgiveness question, because we’ve all been over it many a time. My take on it is that forgiveness is something you do for yourself,  not for someone else and is not the same as justice – especially when both people involved have things to answer for. For what it’s worth, the show’s take on it seems to be similar (hi Jake Griffin), so I see no reason why this is a problem in terms of tone or characterisation.
Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love Echo, and have a gazillion thoughts about what her arc could or should be this season.  But ultimately, this show is about Bellamy and Clarke, so it’s worth looking at this in terms of what this means for Bellamy’s character.
Basically: this is a question of impact. Echo represents the furthest possible point for Bellamy’s character development in the context they’ve given him (7 people in space for 6 years).  Echo hurt him, but she also represents all the terrible things that he has done himself, all of which he’s been grappling with for the past 2 seasons. So for him to be in a place where he forgives her enough to actually like her and then forge an intimate connection with her – that says more about how far he’s come in terms of forgiveness of others and self-forgiveness than, say, a relationship with Raven.
It doesn’t mean he’s ruined (and seriously, is this the 17th century?) or it’s out of character.  It means he’s taken Clarke’s lessons to heart.
How am I supposed to be invested in this relationship if I haven’t seen the start of it?
Well, I’ve been shipping Becho ever since she spat in his face in MW prior to their joint murder so I mayyy be biased but I would say we’ve been watching their relationship evolve for some time. No, we don’t get to see the point where forgiveness tipped into intimacy, but having been watching them forever it’s not a leap for me to headcanon the rest.
I get that it is a stretch for others but here’s the thing: I don’t think the show is asking us to be invested in Bellamy and Echo because they should be together forever.  The show is asking us to be invested in the peace and stability they found in space, literally in a vacuum, of which Becho is a product.
But if they’re going to split up, what’s the point?
Becho is the perfect illustration of the fragility of peace and human co-operation, which is in turn such a core theme of the show imo.  What Bellamy and the rest of the Spacekru achieved was an environment in which even Becho can forgive and flourish, find love and softness. That’s the goal.  But this isn’t that universe.  Bellamy and Echo were at odds on Earth because the reality of life there is messy, complicated and frightening.
Echo, bless her, knows that very few things are permanent, even the love of a good man. She lost Azgeda, why would she trust anything in her life to be constant after that? But this forgiving, idealistic, measured, comfortable, Clarke-like Bellamy is in for a shock.
You’re not expected to be sad about the demise of Becho because Bellamy and Echo lose each other, but because Becho represents an unsustainable level of stability and comfort that just doesn’t play in this universe.  Much like Clarke and Lexa before them, they’ll have to let go of the dream of a world in which their relationship is possible and I for one will ache for them.
I’m going to say here too that I think in contrast to Becho, I think Bellarke could survive in any environment.  It was forged out of crisis – as Eliza says, they’re in each other’s DNA.  They just have to work out what that means.
Why is it good for Bellarke?
Let’s push aside all my Bellarke shipper reasons for wanting a happy and whole Bellarke to be the people they reconnect with and find lasting love. And the fact that Clarke, too, has experienced a doomed love affair and I want my tragedy babies to be on an equal footing and commonality when they finally get their shit together.
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Let’s also push aside the angst potential of Bellamy and Clarke reuniting when one of them has a long-term partner, which makes up the tense character-focused storytelling this show is famous for.
Because, narratively speaking, the way this has been set up is just so Bellarke-centric I cannot even. Bellamy’s life – including his relationship with Echo - and Clarke’s life are the missing puzzle pieces for one another. Bellamy is
but there are a few things he misses.  He misses Octavia, who is practically his own child, and he yearns to be back on the ground with her. And like the rest of Spacekru, he misses the variety of living on Earth eating more than just algae. And guess what?  Clarke, who is also
has both of those things.  She has a fulfilling parental relationship with a child.  She has abundance.  But what doesn’t she have? She misses her friends and family, and adult company. I’m going to go ahead and assume she also misses the comfort and intimacy of a physical romantic relationship too, because we’ve seen her enjoy those things before.  Both of which Bellamy has.  When those pieces unite, when Bellarke reunite, the puzzle becomes complete.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Thoughts on The Best of the Governor Marathon and Episode Repeats
Morning everyone! It took me a while to get this post organized. I have all kinds of thoughts about things floating around lately. It’s much easier to have the thoughts than it is to organize them into something cohesive and readable, so bear with me.
Part of this comes from a convo @boltthrutheheart and I had a few weeks ago, but I’ll also be focusing a lot on the episodes from Sunday’s “Best of the Governor” marathon.
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@boltthrutheheart pointed out something I admit I hadn’t thought much about: how many repeat episodes there are in these character marathons. Yes, we get that these episodes highlight particular characters, and certain episodes highlight more than one, but even so. There are many cases where, rather than do a repeat, they could have used a different episode to better serve that character. 
In fact, a week ago, when they did the “Best of Carol” there were a lot of people in the fandom who complained that she was actually not very present in many of the episodes they chose for her. Episodes like Consumed were conspicuously absent, but that wasn’t the only one by far. So why do so many repeats? Well, let’s put it this way...
It’s obvious that the Carol episodes highlighted her arc as concerned Sophia and other children, as well as episodes that point toward her and Ezekiel’s relationship. I, for one, wasn’t sad that the Daryl/Carol heavy episodes were conspicuously absent. It’s a clear message of where Carol’s arc is going in S9 (and we already have spoilers confirming that). But my point is that if they’re EXCLUDING episodes to send a message, they’re probably also repeating episodes to send a message.
So here are all the repeats:
Guts: Daryl and Glenn’s marathons
Tell It to the Frogs: Daryl and Shane’s marathons
Chupacabra: Daryl and Shane’s marathons
Made to Suffer: Daryl, Michonne, and The Governor’s marathons
Home: Daryl and The Governor’s marathons
Cherokee Rose: Carol and Glenn’s marathons
Walk with Me: Michonne and The Governor’s marathons
Too Far Gone: Michonne and The Governor’s marathons
As always, I think they’re preparing us for what’s to come in S9. So, they’re probably repeating these episodes because they REALLY want the audience to remember the events in them. Just really trying to emphasize them, you know? For some episodes, I have some ideas (total conjecture of course) on why they might want to emphasize that particular episode. Others, I’m not certain about. I might have to re-watch those episodes to know for certain.
For example: Guts. It’s super-suspicious to me that they’d emphasize this episode. I don’t think it has anything to do with Beth, but rather with Rick’s departure. This past week I did two posts (HERE and HERE) about the walker horde theme. Remember that guts is where Rick and Glenn cover themselves in walker guts to get through the horde in Atlanta. So maybe the start of the walker horde theme or the way in which everyone who’s disappeared under a walker horde and survived will end up having escaped. I mean, it was kind of true of Glenn. He crawled under the dumpster, but he was also covered in gore.  
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Maybe when Rick “dies,” we’ll see him be covered in walker guts, which will ultimately help explain how he lives. Showing this episode multiple times might also be a way to symbolically link Glenn’s fake death by walker horde and Rick’s apparent death by walker horde (i.e. they’ll both survive.)
I’m not going to go over all the repeated episodes in this post, but let’s talk about Too Far Gone. Remember, I keep saying I think they might follow the format of 4x08 broadly in Rick’s leaving and Beth returning. (HERE) Anything to do with the Gov or 4x08 could tie into that idea. I know that’s super-broad and there’s no way to know if I’m right or wrong until S9 airs, but seeing stuff like this just makes me think that will be the case.
(Of course it also doesn’t hurt that we see Daryl and Beth leave the prison together twice. 😉)
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So we should be looking at, well, all the episodes in these marathons, really, and asking why this episode is important enough to make it into the lineup. But we should especially ask it of the repeats.
Switching gears slightly, I want to mention quickly some of the episodes in the Best of the Governor lineup that I’m side-eying.
Walk With Me was obviously the intro to the Gov, so it makes sense to have it in the line up. But it’s also the return of Merle, who had been assumed dead for two seasons, and also the helicopter accident. Remember, we’ll be seeing a helicopter in S9. (X)
Made to Suffer is perhaps the most suspicious to me. Of all the episodes, it’s the only one that made it into three different marathons, so it MUST be important.
1) This is where Sasha and Tyreese are introduced. 
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Anyone remember why that’s so important. As I said HERE, when we first meet Sasha, we learn that she is perfectly okay with leaving people behind if it serves the others in the group. She uses survival and logic to make decisions, rather than emotion. When we first meet her, she encourages Tyreese to leave an injured member of their group behind so the rest can escape. We think that will play heavily into what happened during the 17 missing days after Coda. Sasha had a lot of guilt over something and we saw it come out in 5x16. So I’m really side-eyeing the fact that they’re showing this episode three times throughout the marathon.
2) Maggie and Glenn are interrogated by the Gov. This is important because, over the years, we’ve found a lot of parallels between their imprisonment at Woodbury and Beth’s at Grady.
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3) We don’t get much of Beth in this episode, but we do get a little, and what we see is suspicious. This is the episode where Axel hits on Beth and Carol gets after him for it. When he asks, Beth tells him how old she is. Granted, she’s only 17 here, but this is the only episode where they directly address her age. I’m really side-eyeing that. We know S4 was roughly a year (a little less) after this, and chances are when she shows up again, another year will have passed. It’s like they’re really emphasizing her age here. You know, for some reason. ;D
4) We also saw the Shane hallucination in this episode when Rick and Daryl rescue Glenn and Maggie. Nothing to do with Beth, but chances are we’ll see another Shane vision in S9, which just proves my point about the reasons they might be emphasizing this episode.
Moving onto other episodes.
Welcome to the Tombs:
Once again, this is a big Governor episode, but remember that he walks into a cell at the prison and reads a scripture about the resurrection of righteous. The Governor was not a good man, and will therefore NOT get to be resurrected on the show. Beth on the other hand…
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You can read the details of this HERE, but remember that this was the episode where Gimple took over. He re-wrote a lot of this episode, including Andrea’s death and put in the big where Carl shot the Woodbury kid. That was still in play with Carl’s death as recently as 8x08. I believe Gimple put in this bit with the resurrection scripture to show that the resurrection theme would be a more literal part of the story moving forward.
There would be a resurrection of at least three major characters. Remember St. Nicholas and the Pickles story? (X, X). I’ve gone round and round about who the three resurrections represent in the show. I now believe it to be Beth, Glenn and Rick. We just couldn’t have even conceived of that before knowing AL was leaving the show for a time.
I’m not going to talk about the Governor’s S4 episodes in this post. Too much to say and this post is already long. I’ll try to do a post specifically about those episodes later in the week. (If I have time.)
One last thing and I’ll shut up for today.
I’ve been thinking about parallels between Beth and the Gov, and formatting. I’ve asked the question before, why use the Gov to do Beth parallels? I mean, there are TONS of them and they’re very strong. And it was obviously a purposeful decision on the writers’ parts to make his character be similar to Beth’s and do such strong parallels in his back story in 4x06-4x07. 
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But why use him specifically to do that, especially when he and Beth never had any particular interaction, he’s a villain, and he really doesn’t seem to have been relevant since 4x08. I just figured it must have been convenient to use his character to foreshadow her since he disappeared, was presumed dead, and then returned. I suppose since the same will be true of her, it was only natural to use his character to foreshadow her. But now, if they use something similar to the Gov’s departure to bring her back when Rick leaves, it just makes even more sense.
So, what if they do the same thing with her as they did with the Gov? Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of her in episode 5, to make the audience gasp, and then the next two episodes will be her back story, before the MSF where all the tragedy and drama goes down. That might explain why we have a “best of the Governor” marathon, and why we’re seeing Too Far Gone twice.
I really don’t think whatever happens with Rick will happen until the MSF. Yeah, yeah, I know he only filmed 6 episodes and spoilers are reporting for other episodes, but we know they generally don’t film in order, and if two of the first 8 are about Beth (and we strongly suspect all that back story was already filmed in previous seasons) then Andrew would only have had to film 6 episodes’ worth for 9a anyway.
Oh, and has everyone seen this from the spoilers site?
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Lol. Who called it? It has nothing to do with guesswork or wishful thinking or TD being geniuses. It’s just interpreting the symbolism and foreshadowing. Plain and simple. (Or complicated and convoluted. Whatever. 😉) 
And if we’re right about that then…
Juuuuuust saying.
(Sorry this was a bit sprawling and all over the place.)
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mazqueen · 6 years
I wish Petra would use the word “bisexual” in an ep. I kinda love the fact that most queer characters on JtV doesn’t have to say their sexuality but it just is (like Luisa and JR never use a label but are so obviously gay). But since some people keep calling Petra a lesbian, and that the word bi is like never used on tv, I think she should. Characters that are obviously bi either have no label or call themselves gay, sometimes even when writers confirm they’re bi they still won’t say it in canon
Me too. And I agree, it’s nice when they don’t have to say their sexuality because then it’s treated as normal, which is a good thing. But at the same time, I feel you in that the term bisexual is rarely used on tv and I feel like saying the word… helps, I guess? In validating it, in a sense, for bi-visibility, especially because there are a lot of people who don’t take bisexuality seriously or never even consider it as an option. 
I mean here. We’ve got Luisa, Rose and Krishna, all confirmed lesbians. JR’s sexuality was never said out loud in canon, but people have labelled her as a lesbian and no one has questioned it. And then there’s Petra, who I feel is actually in the best position (and the only viable one, at this point) to represent the bi community on the show especially now that she’s a confirmed wlw + her history. It all fits, and comes together quite perfectly. However, there are still a lot of people who say she’s a lesbian, who dismiss the idea that she’s bisexual (which Jennie Urman has confirmed she is btw) even though she spent pretty much three seasons pining over her ex-husband and it’s clear that her love for him was real, both in the writing and the translation of that writing onscreen. And it can feel a little offensive in a way, if you think about how there are 5 wlw (counting out characters who aren’t at the very least recurring guest stars) on this show and out of those five, (out of the two unconfirmed wlw), the bi community is only trying to claim ONE as our representation and when people try to argue against the idea of Petra being bisexual, it feels like we’re not even allowed to have that, like we’re not even allowed to exist in the line-up of wlw. 
And idk. I mean I want Petramos to be endgame. I want JR to be it for Petra, because I think they have a healthy, loving relationship and that’s beautiful. But at the same time, it’s upsetting when her ending up with a woman is taken as her being a lesbian. The thing is, unless you’re poly, you’re only gonna end up with 1, either a male or a female… but it’s not like ending up with a male makes us hetero, in the same way that ending up with a female does not mean we’re lesbians. We’re still bisexuals. And I feel like that was the whole point of why they made Adam explain all that stuff about bisexuality earlier. So that people understand that. But I don’t think people do. 
Like, here’s the thing. Bisexuals who like men and women equally are valid. Bisexuals who prefer men are valid. Bisexuals who prefer women are valid. Bisexuals who have never dated men before are valid. Bisexuals who have never dated women before are valid. Bisexuals who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to exclusively date men are valid. Bisexuals who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to exclusively date women are valid. In the same way that bisexuals who don’t want to date at all, for whatever reason, are valid. (And bi’s who would rather call themselves straight/lesbian because they want to exclusively date only one sex anyway is also valid, js. What people want to label themselves as is their choice.) 
It’s tough to make definitions with sexuality because it’s complicated, so this will be extremely broad but bisexuality generally means you can be attracted to both men and women. And I’m not talking about attraction in the… oh they’re handsome or beautiful kind of way, but in the sense that… you’d enter a relationship with them, or would have sex with them, or whatever other variety of that. Like, the idea of being in a relationship, romantic/sexual, with either women and men appeals to you. Sexuality is really not about who you’re with or who you end up with. It’s not about who you’re dating or not dating. You don’t stop being a bisexual for any reason, because being one is part of who you are. Like someone who is closeted and dating the opposite sex is still gay even though they’re dating the opposite sex. Because being gay is not something that disappears depending on who they’re with. It’s who they are. It’s the same with bisexuality.
And so in the same sense, Petra is bisexual no matter who she’s dating. Petra is bisexual if, for some reason she doesn’t end up with JR and dates ten women after that until she finds ‘the one’ who is also a woman. If she dates women the rest of her life, it doesn’t negate the validity of her feelings/relationship with Raf. She could be so over balls men (like me 99% of the time) but that doesn’t automatically make her not a bisexual. Mind you, being ‘over it’ means she was into at one point, which just goes to prove that her attraction isn’t limited to only women. Like… I can see Petra as fluid. And I can definitely see her as pansexual. But if you tell me Petra is not at all attracted to men? Idk but that’s just difficult to believe. And I’d also like to point out that Jennie made the decision to make Petra bi before s4 started… and yet we have a completely pointless scene in which Petra gushes about how handsome Jeffrey Mullins is, also being hot and bothered and clearly turned on at the thought of how good Raf is in bed and if she was going to make Petra a lesbian? Why bother with those.
And. Yeah. Clearly I have a lot of feelings about this lol. And I mean, it’s about Petra but it’s also, in the larger sense, more about the prevalence of bi-erasure in society as a whole and tbh I feel a little bit like invalidating Petra’s bisexuality is a manifestation of that. And I just wish we could be better. Like I’ve said before, we’re all wlw, all lgbtq, let’s just be supportive and accepting of each other.
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why sterek is just embarrassing
it’s severely out of character. it was born from fanservice from the very beginning. once upon a time, someone pulled it out of their ass and started screaming for it. then other people started screaming for it and putting pressure on the writers, it spiralled way out of control and it’s obnoxious. one: it doesn’t make sense. two: i’m not a fan of age gaps. i know stiles is pretty much an adult and FBI agent now but let’s talk about s4, s3, s2, s1 and take it way back: grown men and teenage boys? freshman boys? not sexy. not cute. i just personally… don’t agree with the concept. as if that’s not inappropriate enough for my taste, the shippers straight-up romanticized “i’ll rip your throat out with my teeth”, displays of violence, celebrated and SUGARCOATED derek actually physically hurting stiles and calling it an expression of “love” or whatever cheesy backwards nonsense they said. that’s not attractive or shippable to me. just??? NO. then there was the whole obvious age play thing in 4.01 and 4.02 and you KNOW that was meant to pacify certain people after they reacted so strongly to a certain new ship they didn’t see coming. sure, make derek younger and stir up that corner again for ratings!!1! + more violence meant for giggles and squee material!1!1 stop. idk about you, but i can’t support stiles being subjected to anything like that. that’s not love. it’s not romance. it’s not… no. just… yeahnothanks.
the real stiles would have never left LYDIA behind, broken-hearted and crying in her car to be paralyzed in questionable positions with derek or to parallel jack dawson and rose butaker in the pool. that was some wild fanfic pulled on us.
as someone who’s watched every season repeatedly, there’s nothing substantial about it besides some fans wanting to see what they want to see and i’m willing to bet a good portion of that is really a form of self-insertion/projection/vicarious living of fantasies. i don’t see a reason to it. what i see is nothing but fetishized m/m that blew out of proportion.
good writing doesn’t spring from fanon. the writers are really laying it on thick now with the pandered trailer scenes and i just don’t like it. i’m highly uncomfortable with everything it stands for. and the fact that it’s so BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION especially after the trailer was released kinda leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. other scenes could have been included but took a backseat to 1. a fanon, not-real, fan-created, fanserviced pairing and 2. one that’s justifiably disliked based on what comes with it.
idk, i just think it’s pretty fucked up that the writers are revisiting st/rek again when stiles is finally dating the girl of his dreams and she loves him more than her own life and it’s an actual thing. i hope they don’t plan on derailing and ruining that because of the entitled st/reks pouting in the corner.
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scarletrebel · 7 years
a thing about rw.by
this is a whatever. not a meta or a theory or really a well-thought out critique. if anything I guess im just voicing my frustrations. if you like rw.by, please, please dont read this. you wont like what i have to say and i am in no way looking to upset rw.by fans, i just need a good old fashioned shout into the void. theres some things i liked in here too that actually came out whilst writing aha, so its not all my bullshit.
my main gripe with rw.by at the moment is the lack of character development for ruby rose. you know, the main character? which i think is the reason why my heart breaks a little that i dont love it as much as i used to. i identified so much with ruby. a little girl with a heart too big for her brain, who just wants to protect and help, having to come to terms with the fact that the real world doesnt make noble goals like that easy? thats my childhood right there. 
the latter is something that hasnt been touched on as far as ruby rose’s character development goes until this season, and even then it hasnt really been touched, or lightly brushed, its been mentioned. ruby thought saving the world wouldnt take that long, that the world wasnt as big as it is; she apologises to jaune for dragging jnpr along with her. all INCREDIBLE MOMENTS I was really happy about, but they werent expanded upon. it was like the writers wanted to hit a checklist of ‘make sure the audience knows ruby is naive and sad but hopeful’ rather than making it more engaging to learn about as aspects of her character, which is just lazy storytelling. 
show, dont tell. they’ve done that with juane. they’ve shown that he’s upset about phyrra’s death, they’ve shown him get mad at the situation and with qrow. he’s never outright voiced these things about his character like ruby has about herself, and we all knew she was a little naive. season one, weiss accusing ruby of being a bad leader and them showing the audience ruby trying to get better was so much better than just having her be like ‘im a little naive but ill fight for the greater good!’ like she has so blatantly been this series. 
like, why would she not get mad at her own uncle for keeping her in the dark about someone wanting to kill her?? ruby’s what, 16 at this point? 15 at the least? would she not at least be a little bit annoyed, and would that not show some character growth on her part if she was? my naivety ended, personally, when i stopped trying to be so dang optimistic, (this can become more complicated to explain, as obviously you still have to have hope in the world while keeping a level head and ruby is still young, but, thats another conversation) and if that moment hasnt happened for ruby after 1. penny dying 2. phyrra dying 3. her uncle keeping important information from her 4. her sister having her arm sliced off 5. her friends being split up from her 6. nearly dying to a foe way more powerful than she is, even with her silver eyes -- then when?! 
and lets just get it out of the way -- i dont fucking hate juane. i really, really like him as a character but i just fucking wish he got less of a spotlight because so much more attention is being payed to him and his journey and how everything affects him over ruby. it just is, and it sucks. i like theorising about his semblance, im pretty certain he’s really fucking powerful just like ruby is, but if he unlocks and masters his thing before ruby does i will be so pissed, and the only reason i say that is because it feels like thats the way its headed. 
juane is a lovely character. he’s heroic, he’s actually quite brave and smart, and he’s a good fucking friend. he’s a brilliant support character. but for the love of all that is holy, focus more on ruby when they’re in the same scene. about how he’s helping her on her journey, why could they not have had one conversation about phyrra on screen is my question. they did it really, really well it season one, and i was very loud about the fact that no, juane doesnt get more screen time or attention, but during season four it feels like he -- like everyone that isnt ruby or the other three titular characters -- has over ruby. 
just, please, rwby season five -- give ruby rose more character development. prove me fucking wrong and reveal that you were playing the long game, please.
also; i havent watched the last two episodes, but if it turns out the ‘’’cure’’’ to yangs ptsd is a new arm. fuck, man. please no. but i cant really comment on that yet so, we’ll see. i actually, up until seeing the preview for her spraying her arm and all that, really liked yangs journey. and taiyang is such a sweetheart i adore him. he was so patient and gentle and loving with yang, a few moments had me cringing but overall, an enjoyable part of the season. i hope yang gets to punch adam in the face. 
blake’s journey is one ive enjoyed also. and tbh, i think sun following her and thinking she was on a personal mission to take down the white fang is a very sun thing to do, and i think blake surprising us all by saying no im not gonna do that is a very blake thing as well. sun is spontaneous, carefree to a point and very dedicated to taking down bad guys. projecting that onto blake was his mistake, and im really glad that blake is the one to voice the audiences frustrations at how annoying it is that he follows and harrasses her into taking action (even when a part of us knows that she should -- a really, really well written aspect of blakes journey actually, i really liked it) (sun really needs to have a ‘okay im being a creep im really sorry’ moment but i dont see it happening. again; prove me wrong, guys.)
blake so, so needed to see her family. im glad she could see that and im not surprised that she wanted to run under the guise of ‘resting’ like. come on blake, we all know you’re scared shitless. her characterisation was on point, probably the most out of the four girls. blake was a+ in this season and im really happy about that, come to think of it aha. i hope she gets to punch adam too.
weiss im satisfied with too, although i really wish that ironwood and her got to talking. he didnt necesarily need to save the day for her, i would think that a guy fighting her own battles -- even if it is a ‘good one’ like ironwood -- would irk her, so it wouldve been nice for them to talk. (im still fucking salty about juanes ‘you can have her’ to neptune like lmao fuck off you fucking dudebros THAT WAS SO ANNOYING anyway) weiss being able to call off the thing she summoned before it hurt the lady would be a sign that yeah she’s getting strong but she’s learning control, so. shrug. 
papa schnee is an asshole, where is mama schnee?? and i FUCKING LOVED THE PLOT POINT THAT HER DAD MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY. please let this be an opening for a badass but subdued for Reasons mama schnee (although my hope is not that high)
my main, number one, OVERALL problem with rwby since the end of s3 to s4 is that they dont give the characters that need and deserve the most time and attention just that. i know its a small crew, i know that what they do and the time they do it in is amazing and admirable, and i do admire it and applaud it, they work so fucking hard and deserve praise for that. but they dont use their time wisely when it comes to assigning it in the narrative. and thats more of a writing issue, anyway. 
and another fucking thing. the majority of the interesting characters that arent the main four and are alive and have been developed or made mysterious enough to warrant interest from the audience are fucking men. and yeah, no duh jade, welcome to every piece of media for fucking ever. qrow is an asshole that everyone loves, raven is probably going to turn out to be a bitch -- the majority of salem’s ‘court’ or whatever are dudes. ironwood. ren got backstory over nora. blakes dad. adam taurus. for all that i love him, fucking juane. did we learn anything about phyrra that wasnt her explicitly telling us her backstory? no. we felt sad that she died because of her connections with other people, but, lets face it, mostly juane. im still adamant that she didnt die just for him, that she knew there was a bigger picture and genuinely loved him, but from a narrative pov him and his reactions was a bigger focus point especially in the aftermath with season 4. 
i remember at a rwby panel at rtx one year, when asked about making a series that has four female protaganists, the guys said that they didnt see it that way, that they were just writing a story about a bunch of kids and yeah, i get that. but its not. 
its a story about four strong, tested, young women and they need to stop being oblivious to that because the narrative is fucking suffering. 
end rant/
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