#but israel and palestine is never going to be clear cut
sukifoof-art · 7 months
Hi, I really liked your art and all and was a fan of you, until you started posting things about supporting a state which is controlled by a terrorist organization that doesn’t care about their own civilians and when any donations come there it doesn’t go to the people who need it but to Hamas, and by donating to Gaza not only do you not help the people in Gaza ,but you also help a terrorist organization who doesn’t care who it needs to kill in order to achieve its goal.
Also when I saw you reposted a post who supported the people in the picture’s with all PLO flags (which weren’t the main problem there) ,it seriously hurt me to see that one picture where people were stepping on USA flags and Israel flags. like….why would you support someone who obviously hate you(assuming you’re from the USA) but even if you aren’t from the USA then think about the fact that you’re LGBTQ, these people HATE people who are Queer and kills them ,so I really can’t understand how are you supporting people who want you dead and are against feminism.
I really hope that what I wrote helped you see this complex situation more clearly and I beg you to look at the situation from both sides.
so this means everyone there deserves to die? this means that a whole school year of children needs to be wiped out? that hospitals must be bombed and millions displaced and communication be cut off? that every palestinian must pay with their lives? that every closeted queer palestinian should die? are you seriously that dense. i made it clear i do not want people who support a genocide following me. have you bothered reading palestinian voices from queering the map? those who regret not saying they were in love and dont even have the chance anymore because thousands are dying? i genuinely don't know what to say to you to make you realize these are real, actual people who are dead. you speak of palestinians as if they're a monolith and not real individual people who had thoughts and dreams. none of these people deserved to die, even if they hate people like me. people can change and learn and grow and they weren't even given the chance. i am so sick of seeing fellow queer people SUPPORT GENOCIDE because they can't be bothered to think about others and their experiences for more than two seconds. of all the queer experiences i've read this is one of the most heartbreaking, and it's from gaza.
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do NOT act like queer people and their families aren't being harmed and DO NOT come into my ask box supporting ethnic cleansing. there is never any reason for thousands of people to live in fear of airstrikes and white phosphorous, or to be stuck beneath rubble and in hospitals that don't even have power. if the idea of THOUSANDS DYING wasn't enough to upset you, there are so many videos of parents mourning their children, children mourning their parents, children and pets shaking in fear for me to not have explain to you that genocide is bad. there is NEVER any reason to JUSTIFY GENOCIDE. that should be clear enough. again, if you are complicit or try to justify genocide, do not follow me and DO NOT try to make me "see the situation from both sides". to be so privileged that you can sit here and write out paragraphs supporting genocide says enough about you.
if you see this i am begging you to contact your government, just do anything you can. even just spreading the word helps because palestine can't. the most important thing is to not give up hope. mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
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kataraslove · 7 months
i remember a week ago in which i reblogged a post shedding light on the palestinian genocide and tagged it as “free palestine,” to which someone sent me an ask: “wdym free palestine?”
i deleted the ask because i didn’t want to deal with any trolls at the time on a topic that is highly sensitive. i thought my reblogs spoke for themselves. but then i realized that that was a cowardly thing to do on my part, all because i didn’t want to deal with any online semantics. people are literally undergoing genocide right now. it’s the least i can do.
so let me make my stance abundantly clear: free palestine from the apartheid settler-colonial state of israel, who is committing all kinds of atrocities against the civilian population, 50% of whom are children. the israeli government is cutting off food, water, electricity, and humanitarian aid for the palestinians. they are bombing hospitals, which violates all kinds of human rights laws. they are using white phosphorus on hospitals, which burns to the bone. a child is killed in gaza every 15 minutes. all across twitter, i am seeing the most horrendous, graphic pictures; of dead bodies, of mothers grieving over their dead children; infants who are buried in rubble; men, women, and children who are dismembered. israel dropped over 6000 bombs on gaza in the course of 6 days. six fucking days. then the zionist regime turns around and denies that a genocide is happening.
let me also be clear: the israeli government isn’t the only evil acting force here - all of this is possible by the support and funding it receives from the american and other western governments, who gleefully jumped at the chance to spill blood. all of the hollywood celebrities and organizations who are extending their support to israel and refusing to acknowledge the genocide that Israel is committing, has been committing for 70+ years to occupied palestine. the media that is operating on and fuelling the propaganda that palestinians deserve this form of carnage. all of these heads of states, these governmental bodies, institutions - all of these systems have blood on their hands. no amount of their backtracking now - especially now that they’ve realized that the people’s voices and support are not on their side and it will cost them future elections - can ever make us forget how quickly these racist, white supremacist systems, politicians, and figureheads jumped at the chance of contributing to genocide but a mere a week ago. let us never lose sight that their public words paint a very different picture from what is going on privately; they are still actively funding this genocide with no interest in cease fire.
the media continues to paint this as some type of war against terrorism, a conflict with geopolitics way too complicated to understand, in order to prevent you from doing your own research into it. this is not war. this is not conflict. this is genocide. this is apartheid.
outside of online efforts to raise awareness, i am also planning on joining in on pro-palestine protests that are occurring in my city. from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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Violence is the condition of possibility for the struggle unfolding in and around Gaza and the other parts of occupied Palestine right now. It will always be, until and unless the colonial condition that brought us to where we now stand is changed once and for all.
Arnon Sofer, the University of Haifa demographer widely credited as the architect of Ariel Sharon’s plan to withdraw Israeli forces from Gaza, surround the coastal strip, and cut it off from the outside world, recognized this when he drew up his plan in the mid-2000s. “When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe,” Sofer told an interviewer in the Jerusalem Post in 2004.
Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.
Strangely enough, though, the inhuman darkness of this vision also contains within it the very glimmering of the only long-term solution to the Zionist conflict with the Palestinians. Sofer himself saw this from the beginning. The point of all the killing he called for, after all, is not just killing for the sake of killing: It is killing to preserve the nature and identity of the state conducting the killing—the state for which, since 1948, killing (along with ethnic cleansing, home demolition, torture, and apartheid) has been an existential premise. According to Sofer himself, this policy has one objective only: “It guarantees a Zionist-Jewish state with an overwhelming majority of Jews.” To be clear then: According to one of its own most zealous planners and architects—these are his words, after all, not mine—the maintenance of a “Zionist-Jewish” state fundamentally requires the killing of Palestinians.
To end the violence permanently, the settler-colonial and apartheid state must be transformed into a democratic state that treats all its citizens equally. Our Western governments have pledged every ounce of their effort and resources to maintain that system of apartheid and exclusion, with all the violence that it entails. But that’s what they did up until the very last possible moment when the world confronted the last apartheid state before this one—and in the end, even the Western media, and ultimately the Western governments, changed their tune.
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2023himbotournament · 2 months
For Eu look up:
Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up:
US campaign for Palestinian rights
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:
HP (Hewlett Packard)
Israeli produce
We will be ending our call to boycott
PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.
Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out
Ok I'm not a copypasta person unless it's memes but like. Look I'm not Palestinian but I'm also a Southwest Asian and my mental health has definitely deteriorated seeing just. Everything. Especially the increase in racism and islamophobia (I'm also muslim) and seeing all the hate crimes and knowing that someone could probably shoot me in the head while I'm writing gay fanfiction in public and justify it by saying that I could've been a dangerous terrorist and therefore my entire family tree must be eradicated-
basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm hoping that making this post on the himbo tourney blog will get some eyes on this. Like. I've been feeling really powerless about this and kinda just like shriveling up and dying lately. Tbh. The world is fxcked right now. In the year of our lord 2024 /ref, here we are post undertale we are being pro-genocide how funny is that haha. It's not funny. It's. It's not. It's not funny . I can't. I've seen too many videos of children dying and crying and I just. I saw the one thing about the kid with cerebral palsy whose parents got shot right in front of them for literally no reason and then they got yelled at by soldiers and like. People literally will look at this and call these people animals?? I saw that term get thrown around a lot. It's just disgusting and like.
have people seen the bingo the literal genocide bingo. People are treating this like a joke like. Do people not realize that Southwest Asian people are like... people??? We're people you know. Like this is mainly targeting Arabs but I've seen stuff about people discriminating against the rest of us too (mainly because they can't tell the difference. Because the idea of not treating Asian cultures as interchangeable applies until you get to Southwest Asia I guess even in progressive circles everyone just says Arab for everything even here I've seen people like-). I'm Persian and I'm still scared someone will cut my life off. I'm 16. Nowruz is next week and I just want to live to it with my family. My mind is inundated wit the tears of the families that had never gotten to have their celebrations. Because of one group on one day.
one group on one day. One group on one day. it's always that. it's always that for people like us.I feel like I'm going insane. It's just 9/11 in America all over again. I wasn't even born for that. But you can just feel it all around you. And now we have the sequel, across the world. But it's used the same way. 7/23. Can't wait for the memes /s. This one thing happens therefore we can dedicate multiple months to killing all of you just making you suffer stripping your dignity you don't deserve anything and we'll make the world hate you because fxck you and then the world goes along with it because nothing good ever happens and I just want to escape from this but every time I go on tumblr it's just this and I know if I ever stop seeing this it means that the worst has happened anyway
and then people try to act like YOU'RE the bigot because you're trying to hold a country's government and military force responsible for war crimes just because the country has its branding in minority groups. How about I make this crystal clear: I don't give a flying fxck about what Israel is, it's what it's doing that matters. I'd be saying nearly the same shzt if they were PERSIAN, and that is MY ETHNICITY. I literally do not care. It doesn't matter. Because killing people is wrong and that should not be a controversial statement but I guess some people like the sound of screams in the morning. The Palestinian death toll has surpassed the 7/23 death toll. And it's still going. And not all the deaths have even been accounted for because bodies are still buried under rubble. Because they're still bombing people and they won't stop. And no one will make them stop.
like I don't give a fxck about Hamas either, I heard some of the members did genuinely say some like directly quoted antisemitic shzt and also they like condoned a racist caricature of a black woman in a magazine I think but I'm not sure about the second one (I know the magazine thing definitely happened but I'm not sure of their like involvement at all-) like. I don't need to suck there dzcks like some people do it's one group of fxcks like I don't. They're just the excuse being used for this. You're bombing the entire population of a country where the majority population is fzcking tater tots. You're attacking children. You are killing children. Paint yourself purple. Dammit. Just. Again it's 9/11 all over again but in another country.
even then like it's like. You know that trope in cartoons that shows up more often than you'd think that was in like Avatar and Korra and RWBY I think where there's like a fictional minority that is oppressed and wants rights and then active protest is represented by an evil terrorist group who attacks people and is the villains of the media and passive protest is always portrayed as good and active protest is evil and there's no nuance and also they just frame the group as just like evil spawned out of nowhere not addressing that they literally would not exist if not for the truly evil system of oppression that basically created them. Like.
You know Hamas only exists because Palestinians were already treated like shzt right? Like they were already displaced and didn't consent to the whole Israel thing and like look up Nakba it's fzcking awful like. Hamas is just a symptom of the disease and there will just be another Hamas if you try to knock it down without actually like. Doing anything about. the fact that Palestinians are oppressed. but people will just act like you can keep punching at Hamas like that'll result in anything like they're the flowers not the roots y'know-
also I'm calling it here, this entire thing is gonna definitely be used down the line by Neo-nazis I mean it kinda already is being used to justify antisemitism but like I saw the stuff of people trying to redefine antisemitism to be synonymous with antizionism and make isrseli and jewish synonymous and to basically gatekeep jewishness from anti-zionist jews (I'm not kidding I actually saw shzt like that) and it's like. Y'all they're gonna turn around in a year or two like "ohhh look at the big bad scary jews- I mean Israelis their identity is literally tied to the genocide of Palestinians they are inherently evil there is no denying it!" (Ignoring the fact that the USA and other bastards of colonization did the same shzt as Israel literally the same story history is repeating itself but we have social media brands this time-). And then like what the fxck do you do about it when the word antisemitic now means anticolonialist so no one takes it seriously anymore. What the fxck are you supposed to do about that. And when they probably made themselves right because they probably contributed to Palestinian Genocide themselves they don't care they're just using them as props in their fxcking jew hatred. But like. Yeah you are now tied to this nationality that is tied to fxcking genocide what do you do? It's like perfect to use for fearmongering around Jewish people since the shzt they used before somehow worked despite literally being pulled out of their xss istg like where the fxck did any of the bank stuff come from like. The fzck?-
im tired. I'm so tired. Both in the literal "It's past 1am" sense and the less literal "make the stop" sense.
I just don't want people to die. I just want people to be happy. I just want people to not suffer but every day it feels like it's getting worse and I just want something to change for the better and I'm scared. Why do people act like it's a bad thing to not want people to suffer? I don't understand. I just. I just don't understand. I. am I naive? For this?
does this wish make me naive?
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centrally-unplanned · 10 days
And to maybe cut out the hinting on this one, to describe the Democratic Party in the US as "defecting in the prisoners dilemma" or "rugpulling" on Israeil/Palestine is imo very wrong - the Democrats very explicitly support Israel. From the 2020 Party Platform:
Democrats believe a strong, secure, and democratic Israel is vital to the interests of the United States. Our commitment to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself, and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding is ironclad.
This is not ambiguous. They go on to iterate their support for a two state solution, oppose settlements, oppose Palestinian violence while supporting their human rights, and condemn antisemitism and explicitly condemn BDS movements. Nothing the Biden administration has done in its time contradicts this, its party line.
Its fine to not like this. The reason, if you are a hardcore left voter on the Palestine issue, to vote for the Democrats anyway, is that the Republicans openly supports the ethnic cleansing Palestine for the glory of a Jewish state and also now under Trump just generally support violence by ideologically aligned strongmen because its Cool and Sexy? They haven't really workshopped this, its a bit of a mess, but the direction is clear. And you only get a binary choice alas.
Your call on which of those you would prefer but the point is this is not, in any way, a rugpull. The Democratic party keeps telling you they are pro-Israel (which they are because a million reasons but most importantly being pro-Israel is just very popular in the US across all demos - was until October 7th and its aftermath at least, we haven't had like an election cycle since then with primaries ofc), its extremely clear. They didn't pretend in order to court the votes of college students. They courted the vote of college students via other topics! Like a ton of them, student debt and abortion and the economy and healthcare (really college students care about most of the same stuff all dems do, they aren't that special).
Again if you wanna say "okay lets boycott now to send a message" you do you. Just don't say its because the democrats lied to you, or tricked you for your vote, or whatever. They never did, and imo in 2020 and 2022 on this topic voters got what they wanted.
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dirtytransmasc · 7 months
this is going to very different from my usual content, but it needs to be said now, loud and clear.
while I'm not going to get up on some soapbox and talk politics, cause they are quite frankly not my thing, it makes my head spin and I would surely misspeak like an idiot and make a fool of myself, if not do harm with my lack of political knowledge.
what I will do is say I stand with Palestine with no if's and's but's or exceptions of any kind, and if you don't stand with Palestine in that manner do us both a favor and block me now.
no one, not a single soul on this earth, deserves what Palestine has gone through in the last few decades, much less the last few weeks.
what Israel has been doing in just the last few weeks alone goes so far beyond sickening I don't have words to describe it. they're bombing innocent people, civilian homes, schools, hospitals, and ambulances of all things. targeting people fleeing on the route they told them to take, forging 'evidence' of heinous crimes that never took place, spreading horrific propaganda, the lot of it. not to mention this has been going on for decades, that barely scratches the surface of it all.
they are calling Palestinian's animals, cutting off food and water and power, cutting off the internet to silence them and it is sickening.
Palestine deserves to be free, they deserve peace and prosperity, they deserve to live and if you disagree with that, you are a monster. Palestine has done nothing to deserve this, nothing to deserve decades of apartheid, mass bombings and violence, having the world turned on them in their greatest time of need, it is sick.
this isn't some fancy speech, I know, this is just the thoughts and feelings of some stupid young (white) american who is for all intents and purposes unaffected by this genocide outside of how its tearing my heart to shreds. I don't know everything, hell I don't know anything, but my feelings stand, no one deserves to be genocided, especially not Palestine, and they need every ounce of our support.
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bunni-v1 · 6 months
Hi, so I guess I didn’t make this clear in my several posts about palestine. If you don’t stand for the freedom of Palestine and chose to be neutral or stand for Israel, unfollow me immediately.
If you’re neutral you’re okay with mass genocide. You have to understand that this conflict has been building for decades. Israel — Zionists, just to be specific, not all jewish people — has been slowly overtaking the land of Palestine and displacing the people from their land for decades.
Israel is fighting an unequal “war” against citizens. The only military power that the people of Palestine have are in Hamas, and the power Hamas has is small at that.
I do not stand with Hamas, by the way. I stand with the civilians of Palestine that are uninvolved and are being attacked for their ethnicity. What Hamas did was inexcusable, but what Israel is doing in response is a million times worse. They are overreacting, clearly.
They are deliberately attacking civilian areas knowing the cost of human life. They are aware that they are killing more children than Hamas militants and they do not care. They attacked residential areas, hospitals, and REFUGEE CAMPS.
What’s worse? The largest countries in the world (not all, but many, specifically in the west) are backing them. I’m ashamed to call myself American, I’m ashamed of my country and the people who lead it.
They are asking them to evacuate, knowing damn well that they cannot and are making it exceptionally hard to do so. They want them to be displaced so they can take over Gaza. They cut water and power and are actively weakening any support for survivors to get help.
I’m going to say it again, they attacked refugee camps. They attacked refugee camps.
Oh, also, the school year has been canceled because most of the children in Gaza are dead. Yep, you read that right. What children are not dead are seriously injured.
And, I get it. The propaganda that the IDF is using is incredibly successful, especially among those who are zionists or are less educated about this long going conflict. But, let’s look back at where this type of propaganda has been used before.
The dehumanization of an ethnic group to justify the senseless killing and prove that your race is superior or deserves something more. Where have we seen this before? I wonder? Perhaps… Nazi Germany?
Hitler quite literally used the exact same tactics that the IDF is using today. Are we blind? Did we not all learn about the horrific acts of Nazi Germany? That’s the ironic thing, isn’t it? History repeats itself, it’s just crazy that the group that was undergoing the torture is now the one doing it. At a different level, I suppose, but my point stands.
It is NOT that hard to see if you have even a BASIC understanding of war and war crimes. This is genocide. Israel is committing war crimes. On purpose.
Staying neutral on genocide is supporting it. So if you’re neutral, unfollow me. I’m not here to debate this.
I’m sure I missed a million things, there is so much historical context that needs to be explained that I can’t do in one single post. But my point stands.
I will never be okay with genocide, and I stand with Palestine. These people have suffered for far to long, and we are far too late to notice.
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y2kas13 · 2 months
Part two…
I think I may have perceived the Neil druckmann situation to be a little different than you did. Neil druckmann is from Israel and witnessed this brutality and genocide first hand, since Palestine and Israel have been fighting for many years! He said witnessing this caused a deep anger in him that he harnessed when writing tlou2…
I thought he was using art to make a comment on the situation. Like, he wanted to show that constant fighting over land and religion never leads to anything good. Literally, they showed that the constant fighting between the scars and WLF lead to the demise of both groups. As Shakespeare said, art holds a mirror to reality. Through art, we can make intentional choices that will evoke certain feelings in people. Because of all of the vengeance and violence they participated in, Abby and Ellie both lost everything. Could it be that this theme was missed by you? Art is meant to evoke visceral responses, so it kinda seems like he did his job with that. Also, he supplied financial support to both the Palestine and Israelis, so I’m not entirely sure how it was concluded that he hates Palestine. (I think what is happening oversees is absolutely disgusting, but I don’t see how Naughty Dog is perpetuating the war. Also, you never know what someone has been through or seen, so you really can’t condemn people for compartmentalizing in order to make it through. That is how/why some people are able to temporarily put the bad shit to the back of their mind for a few hours while they click some buttons on a controller.) What is the goal with not buying remastered tlou2? I want to help, but I don’t see how not purchasing a video game will make anything better. I want to understand. Remastered was auto-downloaded to my ps5, since I had it in my wishlist for a while. They already have my money for it, so might as well play it? They can’t benefit anymore from me playing it I don’t think…
while I can agree in the game you see how both side's actions are harmful to one another this isn't the case in real life. In Tlou its clear cut that no side is truly "evil" just the product of violence that isn't their own until they take on the violence but that's not the case in real life with Palestine and Isreal which is where I believe you are misconstruing what I'm trying to say. Palestine didn't do anything to Israel at least not in the same capacity as what Israel has done to them.
Tlou and Palestine/Israeli conflict are different in the sense that there is clear right and wrong, now am I going to sit here and say Palestine is completely 100% innocent no. But in this conflict yes. The people of Palestine shouldn't have to suffer because another nation wants to selfishly take what not there's and kill them to get it.
I am not claiming he hates Palestine but I don't think its fair for him to act like its some their both bad and good on both sides Israelis can walk free in their streets while Palestinians wonder if they will be shot down in there own to "be made an example of". it's not a fair nor accurate representation of the truth.
Not purchasing Tlou 2 shows that using real-world suffering for your profit and gain and not even doing them justice and being fair isn't right nor will be tolerated.
If you truly "want to help" and understand don't argue with me in my asks listing to the dozens of real Palestinians begging you to do what you can and if that means not buying a game then so be it. don't you think they want to be able to sit back and a play game.
I hope this cleared up for you and others why people like me are putting the pressure to not buy and boycott the game.
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some-triangles · 7 months
Nobody needs my take on israel/palestine but I feel compelled to say something anyway, so under the cut it goes.
A week in, Israel is still blockading Gaza, cutting off supplies of food, water, medicine and fuel. The agreement they struck today to let a comically inadequate 20 truckloads of supplies in makes it clear to me that they have no intention of stopping. It seems undeniable that Israel is now politically committed to genocide, and not the slow kind it was already engaged in. I hope I am wrong.
China has been getting away with it in Xinjiang for years now, but China's too powerful to challenge. Azerbaijan is getting away with it in the Caucuses, but the world is distracted with Ukraine. Now Israel is doing it and the opinion pieces on CNN are about how the Geneva conventions are outmoded and should be discarded when engaging in modern counter-terrorism. I'm kind of shocked that they're even bothering to deny blowing up that hospital. We don't care anymore.
I knew this was how it was going to go. I knew "never again" stopped meaning anything a long time ago. I don't think I have the capacity to be shocked by humanity anymore. But some part of me is still grieving - not just because of the atrocities, which never stop, but because it's confirmation that this country we held up as exceptional is just another grubby little ethnostate, pretending to be a democracy but run by a man who is so corrupt that he can never afford to leave office, its racism written into law, its elites constitutionally entrenched. Azerbaijan is the right comparison. There is nothing special about Israel - founded on terrorism, legitimized and sustained by colonialism, propped up by its alliance with the American imperial sphere. Just another country.
It shouldn't surprise me that this is what the people who thought nationalism is what we needed to protect us from another shoah ended up building. They built it, it'll stand til the next world war, and much joy may it bring them, as it brings shame and violence on the rest of us. May their teeth rot in their heads.
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frenziedcrescendo · 6 months
I think that, with all the post regarding the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine,l flying around, I would contribute some thoughts of my own, and see how it turns out.
So heres the guist: I don't think either side are inherently right. Now before you start chewing me out over not immediately siding with Palestine, hear me out.
Hamas made the first move by striking the music festival. But then again, tracing back in history, it is Israel who invaded their turf in the first place.
It is widely known that Israel has killed more civilians than necessary. But some intel suggest that it was Hamas who kept the civilians there, so Israel would not be able to attack without committing war crimes.
Hamas is a terrorist organisation. But a terrorist group initially designed to defend against Israel's attempt to push further and invade.
Many evidence of the terrorists existences from Israel have been proven fake. But they were taken out of context, with many similarly not citing source and only suggests it invalid by a simple caption.
Note how every sentence has two colors? Well, orange words are points that support the Israeli military, while the blue supports Palestine. Do you get it now? The side you unequivocally support still has its many wrongs. History in itself has never been such a clear cut thing with a definitive force of justice/evil. Coupled with the fact that none of us actually knows what's going on save certain sources that might not be unbiased, can we for sure put the blame on either side?
Please do note that none my claims have, at the time, been actually verified at all, and I currently wish to stay as neutral as one can be. This post is supposed to be a reminder that definitive just does not exist in the real world, and that to act the best option, one must be neutral without bias.
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➡ Mutuals, followers, and anyone else with a sense of humanity, please read this! Especially if you've been avoiding what's been happening in Palestine! This is partially me expressing my thoughts/feelings, but I do have a good point and helpful links at the end!
I have to say I am so heartbroken and disappointed to see people here actively choosing to engage in their own privilege and turning a blind eye to this tragedy. Apparently even boosting posts by reblogging is too much?
And of course, many of these people are white and have never experienced the world outside of their own white privilege and individualistic mindset (which stems directly from white supremacy/capitalism), so the thought of having to break out of that and feel uncomfortable for the sake of trying to help other people that aren't like them is like asking them to cut off their fucking arm. Meanwhile, people of color across the world have been doing so much to try to push for change, even though it was the white powers of the world who started this mess and are continuing to support it. If anything, as white people, we have an even stronger responsibility to clean up the mess our ancestors started. ESPECIALLY when our corrupt white leaders refuse to stand up and do the right thing. It is unfortunate and unfair that the responsibility lands on us everyday people to try to stop a literal genocide, but it is the reality of our present times. And we must do the right thing!
Because what happens if we all don't contribute to this? What happens if this movement for change fizzles out bc people decide to turn away from it bc it's hard/uncomfortable/scary? Well, not only will Palestinians be potentially wiped out of existence, but our world as we know it will stand no chance at ever changing. If we don't come together as humans and form community (locally & internationally), if we don't stand by our fellow siblings from other parts of the world and fight for their lives/freedom, change will never happen. And we need change, on so many levels. Do you guys really think this doesn't affect you? It affects ALL OF US. If not now, then it will later. If we can't even come together against a genocide of people, how are we ever gonna be able to stand together for any other movement of change?
This is OUR responsibility, as humans, as people. Many of our world leaders and people in power lack humanity, but that doesn't mean we don't. Right? Please prove me right here. Because seeing some of my mutuals agreeing with posts about people saying "you don't have to engage in what's going on or try to help if it makes you uncomfy, guys 🥺" is so disheartening. And let me be clear, I am not encouraging you to doomscroll all day and throw away your personal lives and cause yourselves to mentally spiral and burn yourselves out (possibly even more than you already are). What each of us is capable of doing to help this movement is gonna look different, depending on the person. But doing something is better than nothing at all. And yes, if you have any empathy in your hearts, you are going to feel pain and heartache and rage over what is happening in Palestine. Good! Use those feelings to continue to push for change! Let's actually make good use of our humanity and our privilege!
Here are some small, but impactful ways to help:
BOOST POSTS (don't just like them, reblog! This helps more than you think it does, even if you don't have many followers! It's about making noise and not allowing social media to suppress our voices!) Tag them with things such as #palestine #free palestine #gaza #free gaza
Contact your representatives/government! (The US and Europe sites provided will write an automatic script for you, but you can also find a pre-written script for your country here if you don't know where to begin with writing your own!)
United States (At the end of the script, you should add something along the lines of "If you do not stand with Palestine and vote to stop funding Israel, I will not be voting for you next election.")
Europe (click on your country at the top of the page and it'll tell you who your representatives are, how to reach them, and provide a script that you can copy and paste!)
3. Take part in the BDS movement by choosing not to support as many brands on this list as you can!
4. Donate (free option included!)
Click the button on this site (can be done once every 24 hours) and you will be helping to donate to Palestinians for free! Every click takes money from the sponsors who support this cause and gives it to Palestinians. (I plan on setting an alarm every day to remind me to press this button, and I suggest you do too!)
If you have money to spare for this cause, donate to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!
5. Finally, learn what you can, even in small doses! This guide gives great info on the past/present regarding Palestine and provides lots of sources! This is perfect if you're interested in learning more, but don't know where to begin.
Bottom line: it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to take action and contribute to this movement. Small action is still action and -with enough of it- can lead to big change! The hardest part is working to unwind/unlearn/recognize our individualistic mindsets and our privilege and choosing to do and be better! Change is only possible if we all do our part to make it happen. So let's make it happen! ❤️
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eldritch-thrumming · 7 months
i usually do my activism under my own name with my face visible on instagram and tiktok. i didn’t post abt what’s going on in palestine because i’m not an activist here; this is just a niche anonymous fandom blog.
but then i realized this is actually where i have my biggest following.
so i want to be clear: i support palestine. i have always supported palestine. i stand with the palestinians and the palestinian resistance. i wholeheartedly condemn the israeli regime and the iof. i condemn israel’s war crimes. as an american, i recognize and condemn the us’s complicit actions in the genocide of thousands of palestinians. i will never forget the american celebrities who spread misinformation and worked to incite violence against normal people protesting this genocide to their millions and millions of followers. i will never forgive my congresspeople who endorsed genocide, despite thousands of their constituents begging them to do something. i will never forgive the biden administration for lying to the american people to cover up, fund, and facilitate the genocide of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. i will not forget the us voting ‘no’ for a humanitarian ceasefire in gaza as gaza went dark and was cut off from the entire world.
the people in power—the us, western europe, the israeli regime—want us to look away, to stop talking about this, to feel hopeless. i will not look away. i won’t lose hope.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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luckyladylily · 4 months
I've seen a lot of progressives and leftists ask a question that can be boiled down to the following:
If Biden is a candidate that bends to public opinion, especially center and left of center (all the way to the far left) political voices, then how did we end up where we are with Biden supporting an unpopular war and more unpopular genocide?
Well, the simple answer is that it is not an unpopular war or an unpopular genocide, even if you do not include any self identified republicans in the discussion. For example, a poll taken in mid December:
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Even among Democrats, it's basically a 50/50 split on supporting Israel or Palestine. Add in the Independents and there is a clear preference for Israel. And with the republicans it wouldn't even be a contest.
For another statistic, approval of military aid to Israel and humanitarian aid to Palestinians:
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As we can see, 67% approve of at least as much military aid as we are giving. 67% is not split. That's wide spread support. Sending bombs to Israel is widely approved. The silver lining here is that people do want aid to Palestinians more than they want bombs to Israel (the seeming contradiction here of supporting both likely means that back in November the Israel propaganda that they were "targeting Hamas" was sticking quite well among Americans)
The good news is that over time opinion has been shifting against Israel. You can see the effect in a poll where responders were asked which side they were more sympathetic towards:
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While unfortunately this poll shows none of the three groups actually favoring Palestinians over Israel, it does demonstrate that generally there has been a shift away from Israel support to support of Palestinians. We can likely chalk this up to the brutal and unjustified civilian killing's getting more coverage because of on the ground reporters and people spreading their reports.
We don't have easily accessed poll data since the South Africa genocide accusation and opening evidence at the trial.
Last off, it is widely agreed that Americans generally support a cease fire, with the numbers I've seen saying north of 60% of Americans currently support a cease fire.
Armed with this information, what can we do?
I've said before that Biden is a man who follows public opinion, every time. It has made him useful to us in the past. Right now it is working against us because our voice is not the loudest and certainly not the most wide spread. Biden is doing what Biden does best, following the political wind.
In my opinion, the most impactful thing we can do is outreach to moderate democrats and centrists (if we can). The more of them we convince, the more of the voting base of Biden will demand he change course. This is a case where more voices is intrinsically better than loud voices. We, as progressives and leftists alone, are simply not enough.
If you know any moderates, convincing even one or two people of how bad the genocide is can make a world of difference. If every progressive and leftists were to do this then it is likely supporting Israel would become politically untenable for Biden.
Now this might seem somewhat obvious but there are a number of important take aways.
Talking about it on our social media echo chambers is not going to cut it. We need to reach outside of our normal political circle or our efforts are effectively worthless.
We need to use arguments that will convince moderates and centrists. A high minded lecture on colonialism and land back theory is, at best, going to go over people's head and at worst alienate them. We are talking about the first baby step towards those ideas. Luckily we don't need to resort to theory.
A basic discussion of civilian casualty rates and the brutality of the Israeli army should be more than enough to convince basically anyone that this is not a "proportional response" and goes far beyond the reasonable limits of "self defense". Keep in mind that people almost never change their mind in front of you, they reflect on it later and change their mind then. A short five to ten minute discussion will be more than enough to get you started and will keep the door open for more discussions.
Use current events as a launch point for the discussion. Protests, the ICJ trial, and major events in Gaza itself (like the current threat of bombing a hospital) all are perfect launching points.
Keep the discussion focused primarily on Palestinians and what is happening to them. The death of obviously innocent people is politically straightforward and less likely to trigger the "oh the middle east is so complicated" reaction. "The death of children is not complex. Whatever a person might think of Hamas, Israel is the one killing children now. They should stop, because killing innocent children is bad." That is an extremely hard point to argue against.
Remember, we are not trying to "win" arguments. We are trying to help people see.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 5 months
Ngl I've been a halsey fan since before badlands and I really never cared much about fan interaction online, but halseys manager of both their makeup brands posted a link to a fundraiser for Isreal, which has since been deleted since halseys Instagram statement. I understand they got a brand to run now but it truly felt gross watching about faces insta go silent for a few days after her statement just to then post a 25 dollar zine and more about face stuff, while never acknowledging their manager. I get that they got swatted and all that but like.... normies get swatted and have illnesses and small children and they can't just hire more security or move into a new mansion. Like I get rich people have problems too but they also have money, and that's something not a lot of us get the privilege of having.
I hear you. I agree that that's gross.
I didn't hear about this specific incident though, so I need to clarify - was this fundraiser posted on any account associated directly with Halsey? Or was the fundraiser posted to a personal account controlled by an employee of Halsey's?
If the fundraiser was posted to an AF account, then yes, obviously that's not okay and Halsey should make a statement, and should make it very clear that her brands do not support Israel.
But if the fundraiser was posted to a personal account by an employee of Halsey's... look, I don't support Israel on any level, but it's also not appropriate for any employer to try to dictate what their employees can and cannot post about. A thorough inventory into someone's political beliefs when the only thing they're meant to do is sell your makeup brand is not exactly appropriate either, not even for someone as outspoken as Halsey is about politics.
I tried to look this up since I completely missed it, so I'll have to take your word for it. I have to assume that the fundraiser was posted to the About-Face and AF94 accounts, because I don't think there's anything Halsey can or should have done about an employee's personal social media posts (other than cut ties after the fact.)
If that's the case, and the fundraiser was posted to any account directly connected with Halsey, then I agree that it's very disappointing and Halsey should have made a direct statement about it. I can definitely see why that upset people, and it should have.
With all that being said, even taking my disappointment around that into account - Halsey is human. Yes, they do have access to resources and money and options that most of us will never have. Yes, there are people out there with fewer resources, going through worse, that are doing more work. That's always true, for everyone. But I think it's okay to give people grace, and recognize when they're going through a particularly hard time, especially when they've been working pretty much non-stop for ten years.
Everyone can always do more, celebrities especially. But Halsey's relative silence now does not erase or undo any of the impact or work they've done in the past, and will likely do in the future.
And one thing about them having money is that they've likely been able to donate significantly more cash to that cause than you or I have. On a purely utilitarian level, she's done more than we ever will be able to. And she should! But like, let's be real about actual impact versus performative social media posts.
People can't be 100% on it 100% of the time, even with tons of cash and support and staff. I think H does pretty okay. I am not bothered by people keeping her in check, but I think there's a line.
And fwiw, my original post was less so about Halsey's political activity and more so about like, parasocial codependent fans who are sad she doesn't post as much anymore, lol. People saying shit like "Halsey has been different ever since ______" and are including things that predate the most current situation in Palestine. I have much bigger issue with the people just whining about how little content there was this year than I do people with legitimate concerns about her politics.
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picnokinesis · 3 months
hello taka,
I respect you very highly as a cherished mutual of mine. I’m on anon because I can’t trust people not to misconstrue me and paint me as something I’m not. I just want to express concern over your reblog of South Africa—people conflate the situation with them and with Israel in dangerous ways. the key difference is that the Hamas-run government’s mission is to kill all Jews and Israelis. This includes the Muslims and Christians living in Israel. They are not synonymous situations, because there has never been a precedent for what’s happening now. it is naive to think that there would be no risk to the Israeli citizens, because there is a genuine threat to all of their lives. I just wanted to share this with you because it is very painful to see misinformation like this being spread, and how it misrepresents the situation. You don’t have to respond to this; I am sympathetic to why you shared it. I am only sending this ask because I see that you care and I don’t want you to be misled.
Hi there!!
I actually really appreciate this ask, because it made me go and have a conversation with a good friend of mine who studies international conflict and relations, and has a much greater understanding of this sort of thing than I do. Which is gonna be the basis of my response here, but I just wanna clarify that I'm by no means an expert on any of this, or how this sort of situation can be resolved.
I think I get where you're coming from here! And actually, I fundamentally agree with you on a lot of things - you're right, there is a tendency right now for people to draw parallels between these other historical/current situations, which can lead to over-generalisation which isn't really helpful, as some things are a lot more complicated and less clear cut than others. And, also, every situation is unique. You're right - the solution to apartheid in South Africa, and the situation in Boliva are not the same as what's happening with Israel and Palestine. So saying these situations are exactly the same isn't helpful.
However - I do think you missed the point of that post. Or, at least, the point how I interpreted it. For example, I don't think that post was at all calling for a Hamas-led government - in fact, I don't think it mentioned Hamas at all? My initial reaction to your ask, I'll admit, was frustration, because it seems that every time people try and talk about what's happening in Gaza, people bring up Hamas, and whilst I know why, it comes back to the whole thing of like, if you're spending so much time explaining that, no, you don't agree with Hamas and you think the Oct 7th attack was wrong, then you are not talking about the bigger problem, which is that nothing that Hamas did could ever justify what the Israeli government is doing right now, or has been doing since 1948. I know that's not at all what you were saying, but it is really frustrating. I think you're right, I don't think there should be a Hamas-led government (thought, to be frank, it's not really my place to say who should or shouldn't be in charge). I don't know what the government of a free Palestine (presumably combined with Israel) would look like - and I know that building a democracy is very difficult and also dangerous. But we have to hope that it's possible to achieve something that would actually work, right? We have to believe that there can be a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live together, equally, and without fear, and without prejudice, for either side (and I personally think the risk is much greater for Palestinians not being treated equally, but at the same time I recognise what you are saying too). The fact is that historically, a multicultural Israel/Palestine has existed (albeit, Israel as the country state that we know it today didn't necessarily, but you get what I mean) - and so I think that post is a lot less about 'these situations are all the same and should be treated the exact same way, with the same solutions'. If it is about that, then I don't think it's correct. I think it's a lot more about solidarity, and the idea there have been all sorts of awful situations before, and that afterwards, when varying solutions were achieved, people were able to live side by side with each other. That it is possible.
That said though, I definitely didn't have all these thoughts in mind when reblogging that post - I just thought yeah I really agree with this! and reblogged it. So, I'll be honest, I didn't know or understand all of what you said here - so I'm really glad that it prompted me to go and talk to my friend and start looking more into things and learning more, which is never a bad thing. Because you're right, this is complicated. And it isn't black and white.
There isn't an easy solution to what's going on. And I'm not here to provide that solution anyway. But - I guess I come at this from a Disaster Management perspective, which makes sense since I studied that. And in Disaster Management, there's a thing very imaginatively named 'the Disaster Management Cycle', and basically it goes from prevention, preparation and mitigation > DISASTER > response, recovery, development, building back to a new normal where things are better, and cycle back into that initial prevention for future disasters. And so, when I'm thinking of response, I'm also thinking of what needs to come next - what comes after the ceasefire? What comes after the aid, the immediate relief? We've got to think about recovery and development, and what that new normal would look like. And I think, whilst I now see that making comparison the way that post did can cause harm in it's own way, I think that the core of it was that we want to work for a future in Palestine and Israel where there is no displacement of anyone, where people can return and have freedom of movement, where people are equal. And, sure, that isn't going to happen tomorrow, and it's not going to happen next week - because it takes time and it's extremely difficult. And I probably am naive - but we have to have hope, right? We've got to have something to aim for. We (or, rather, someone) has got to be able to sit down and say this is what we want a free Palestine to actually look like, and there will be things that are practical and things that will be idealistic, and things that will be a bit of both, but regardless...we gotta start somewhere.
And, of course, the worst part of this whole situation is that we're not there yet. We're not even in response. We're still in the disaster stage. And I think that is what we've got to be talking about the most at the moment because the situation is getting worse and worse, and I can go on about long term solutions all I like, but there are things that need to be done right now. And, unfortunately, neither you nor I have the power to snap our fingers and do that - but we do have the power to be as annoying as possible to the people who do. So, my friend - I have no idea which country you're in, but if you're in the UK or the USA or any country that's failed to back a ceasefire or has cut funding to UNRWA, and you haven't been annoying to your local official/rep/mp about it yet - give them hell. And then, when we're in the recovery stage, we can start talking about who should be in charge and making sure no one else ever gets killed or loses everything over all of this.
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shardsofswords · 6 months
When it comes to antisemitism among western gentile antizionists (and I'm making it very clear i'm not talking about palestinians themselves here. I'm not demanding scholarship from people who are actively being bombed. I don't feel the same about those of you who are fine and safe and simply not willing to acknowledge your own bigotry) there is a common throughline in the belief in the myth that israelis are all just wealthy americans/europeans/have dual citizenship and can leave anytime, and the vehement opposition to both the idea that jewish people are in some way indigenous to the Levant, and that a non insignificant of people genuinely fled antisemitism and would have died if they hadn't left for Israel.
And I think these things come from the same root. Which is the desire for a narrative where there's foreign bad guys colonizing a land, who could leave anytime and have no reason whatsoever to be there.
And underneath that narrative is a silent assumption, one that confuses me greatly. Namely, that if some portion of israelis did have a good reason to want to go to Israel, both because of a longstanding cultural and historical connection to the land and because they were escaping antisemitism elsewhere, that would somehow make the act of mass murder and supression of palestinians... less bad? As if the existence of jewish people living in the region of palestine, and the state of israel carpet bombing gaza are inevitably connected, and the first can't happen without the second, and therefore, if the first is in some way justified, the second must also be. Except it very clearly isn't justified. It's an active genocide, and for that to be true israelis must have no reason for living in israel at all. The problem becomes not the ongoing mass murder of palestinians, but the presence of israelis, because these two are now one and the same.
Now, it has to be said, a big driving factor of this sentiment is because this narrative, that jewish presence in the middle east recquires that mass murder of palestinians, is one the Israeli government has pushed itself for decades. It justifies its horrific violence by saying that this is absolutely necessary for jewish people to exist safely in the middle east. Or in fact anywhere in the world, because it's also a core zionist idea that jewish people will never be safe anywhere but in a jewish state. This conflation of two seperate things wasn't invented by antizionists.
It is, however, not true. when the israeli state says this, they're lying. And just because antizionists didn't invent the idea doesn't mean we don't need to unlearn it. Acknowledging that jewish people are connected to israel doesn't make what is happening to palestinians not genocide. Nuance doesn't mean "well I guess now it's a little bit okay to bomb refugee camps and cut an entire region off from water, electricity, and the internet" Genocide is bad. Always. Unambiguously so. No matter who's doing it.
"jewish peope are indigenous to israel" also, in fact, doesn't make it inaccurate to call what is happening in palestine "settler-colonialism" because it is. A lot of people- understandably, considering history- have a purely racial view of colonialism. The idea is that there is an ethnic group of people who is indigenous, and therefore has rights to the land, and another ethnic group who isn't, and therefore is an invader who has no right to the land. What this ignores is that what defines colonialism is the material and political reality of one group being pushed out by another. What is happening in israel is settler-colonialism because the state of Israel is, in fact, trying to permanty replace palestinian society with an Israeli one. That's what settler-colonialism is. Their ancestors living on that land centurie and millenia back doesn't change that.
This answer by user starlightomantic explains it better than I ever could. "they locate the crime not in the invasion but in the foreignness" is basically what I was trying to say a few paragraphs ago but way better. But basically, under this purely racial framework of colonialism "jewish people are indigenous to israel" sounds like "the land rightfully belongs to jews (and therefore pushing palestinians out is fine)"
And once again, of course, "jews are indigenous to israel" IS also being used by zionists and the israeli state to justify the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. And they're wrong. But part of antizionism is countering this kind of propaganda and in this case the part that's wrong isn't "jews have a special historical connection to israel" or "a lot of people came to israel because they were facing life threatening antisemitism elsewhere" but "jews being indigenous to israel/facing antisemitism makes the displacement, oppression, and mass murder of palestinians okay"
You don't have to try and prove that jewish people don't have a connection to israel. Because it doesn't change the fact that a genocide is happening and it needs to stop. Trying to argue these points does nothing for palestinian liberation and only helps to fuel the propaganda that all antizionism is antisemitim, or that the ultimate goal of antizionism is to drive all jews out of the middle east.
Stop wasting time falling for repackaged conspiracy theories and continue boycotting, protesting, and speaking out for palestinians. The genocide HAS to end.
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