#but it is also like everything in my head scarian
good-chimes · 1 year
The Locked Tomb is not mcyt (I'm sorry to both asker and OP) but this can be fixed with
Second House: the might of the Imperial Cohort is represented by necromancer Impulse and his long-time best friend and cavalier Skizz, who arrive at the lyctor trials determined to make the best of things. Skizz has only a few days to encourage the gathered company with Teamwork! and Positive Thinking! before he is murdered very early on by Bdubs, who claims he was possessed, and Scott, who didn’t bother with an excuse.
Third House: Bdubs, the scion of the third house, arrives at the trials with renowned cavalier Etho the Third. On landing, Bdubs pronounces the heirs, the cavaliers, and the assembled skeletons GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL and immediately gets into three romantic entanglements simultaneously (not with the skeletons). Etho, another of Bdubs’ romantic entanglements, spends his time beating everyone else in duels and adding to the relationship drama so quietly it takes everyone else several weeks to work out that’s what he’s doing.
Fourth House: Anyone who knew shock troop necromancer Joel and battle cavalier Jimmy the Fourth would have put their life expectance ‘somewhere around the mid-teens’ due to Joel’s lust for murder, Jimmy’s self-proclaimed curse, and both of them radiating a disaster field larger than your average space station, but to everyone’s surprise they’re still here. “Jimmy keeps turning up late to every battle airdrop, is what it is,” Joel claims, to which Jimmy’s reply is recorded as “It’s tactical. I’m doing tactics.” Either way they seem in equal amounts of danger boiling an egg as rappelling into the bowels of Canaan House, so it’s anyone’s guess how long they’ll last.
Fifth House: Gregarious cavalier Ren and upbeat necromancer Tango lead a House who are the cheerful curators of the Nine Planets’ most important cultural heritage, which in Tango-and-Ren’s joint opinion is a set of fragments from an ancient text called Throne of Games(?) and a glass case of preserved tabletop manuals. Tango uses the contraptions in the basement of Canaan House to set up a LARP dungeon and Ren declares himself king of it. General agreement among the gathered pairs that they’re probably going to die but everyone will be sad about it.
Sixth House: Necromancer Pearl and BigB the Sixth turn up already deep in each other’s pockets and in everyone else’s business. They’re both writing theses on ‘interpersonal relationships among elite House Society’, which they claim is not just an excuse to eavesdrop on the extended Bdubs polycule drama. To their credit they solve at least one murder. This might be ethically cancelled out by Pearl’s later murder spree; but at least they tried.
Seventh House: The long tradition of the Heir to the Seventh House winsomely fading away at the brink of death was spoiled when their heir Cleo actually died and then—this part was the problem—sat up thirty minutes later and asked for breakfast. As useful as the stability of an undead heir is, nobody can quite figure out how she did it, so the House eventually shipped her off to the lyctor trials with some relief. This also caused a problem for the seventh house artists who take their aesthetic motto (Joy of the Emperor, the Rose Unblown) very seriously; suddenly deprived of their picturesquely dying muse, they were forced to paint sexy pictures of Cleo doing aerobics for a while before her cavalier Scott volunteered to model for sexy rose-draped pictures instead. Cleo and Scott are at the lyctor trials to succeed or to die, but since Cleo probably can’t die, they’ll take some juicy drama instead if you’re offering.
Eighth House: I’ve run out of people so I guess Martyn and Lizzie are elbows deep in the soul-siphoning business. Good luck Martyn, I do deeply believe you would consent to having half your soul sucked out of you purely out of commitment to the bit.
Ninth House: The solar system’s resident weirdos are powerful but unfocused necromancer Scar—Reverend Son of the House, Keeper of the Locked Tomb Key, he definitely still knows where that key is, he just put it down somewhere, it will turn up any day now—and the perpetually thwarted and outraged Grian the Ninth who has grown up never allowed to stab anyone due to weak excuses like ‘we have a population problem anyway, Grian’ and ‘why can’t you practice on the skeletons’. Throughout the lyctor trials their deep co-dependent spiral into devoted madness is distracted only by Grian’s ongoing dreams—the immaculate corpse locked deep in the bowels of the House, the sum of beauty in the eternal embrace of death, all of space and time’s exquisite patterns frozen in the curve of the one most perfect essence of humanity…
Why do you keep tracing a mustache on the mirror? Scar asks at one point. Oh, Grian says, ecstatic with the mysteries of the universe. No reason.
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mochiwrites · 1 month
I would also like to see you put scarian in situations:
51. Meet ugly/awkward first meetings please?
51. Meet ugly/awkward first meetings (put that guy in situations!)
reblogs do more than likes!
“You tricked me!” Grian’s voice lifts in pitch as he yells. He’s spent all day hunting for that scarred merchant who sold him that ‘wooden cutting board.’ Grian’s not the sort to get so easily scammed, but the merchant had been… very nice looking. He managed to find him after practically running through the Hypixel hub all day.
For his part, the man looks startled by Grian’s arrival, green eyes nervously flicking around their surroundings. No one bats an eye at them. He looks at Grian, “Ah! You’re the red sweater guy from a few days ago! How’s that cutting board treating you?” He smiles, all smooth and polite.
It makes Grian growl with frustration. “You said it was wooden, but the second I went to use it, the whole thing crumbled to dust!” The scarred man blinks at him, feigning some kind of concern. It makes Grian want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him around. “You scammed me out of my diamonds.”
“Why I’d never scam! Everything I have to sell,” he gestures to the large pouch at his feet, “is completely authentic! If you want another cutting board I could—”
“I want my diamonds back,” Grian interrupts him, not even giving him another chance to smooth talk his way into Grian’s wallet. Not again. He’s not letting this handsome guy have his way with him again!
The merchant winces in return, quickly covering it up with a smile, “I’m afraid it was non-refundable! I’d be happy to give you another product in exchange?” He tilts his head before his eyes light up. “How about a couple of rare magic crystals? Or an enchanted book? I have a one of a kind fishing rod with so much luck, a fisherman once found Atlantis because of it!”
Grian’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance, “How in Void’s name did I let you talk your way into making me buy anything from you, dude. It’s so obvious you’re a scam.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re so blunt it hurts?” the scarred man quips, the smile never leaving his face. “Does that scare off the ladies?”
Grian snorts, “It’s sent plenty of men running.”
He pretends not to notice how the man’s eyes light up. “You sure have a sharp wit about you. I like that.” The smile on his face softens into something a bit more real, and Grian sees the way it reaches his eyes. It makes his heart skip a beat.
“You’re not smooth talking your way out of repaying me.” He crosses his arms, squinting at the man. “I’m expecting to be repaid — I gave you ten diamonds for a piece of junk!”
The man laughs, and oh if isn’t the nicest sound Grian has ever heard. “May I interest you in a different deal instead, my good sir?” he inquires, taking a step closer.
“Depends on if it involves getting my diamonds back or not.” Grian lifts a brow.
“While I can’t make your diamonds magically reappear, I can make it up to you. If you’ll allow me too.” That stupidly soft smile is still on his face.
Grian’s nose scrunches up and he scoffs. “Thanks but no thanks. I have rent to pay so if you can’t pay me back, I have to go find a different way.” He knew it was a bad idea to begin with! What the heck did he need a cutting board for anyway?! He doesn’t even cook for crying out loud! The man really had just… charmed him with words alone. Well, his looks certainly had something to do with it. It’s not Grian’s fault he’s weak for a guy with fluffy brown hair and nice green eyes!
He frowns and steps back, turning around. He starts walking away with hurried steps.
“W-Wait!” the man cries out, hurrying after him. Grian’s pace doesn’t slow, determined. They fall into step together, walking side by side. “Just hear me out!”
“No thanks!” Grian starts walking faster, hoping to shake him.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t.
“I promise it’ll be worth your time! Your while even! I’ll knock your socks off!”
“Not interested!”
“Please! Let me take you out to dinner!”
Grian stops short, eyes going wide. His cheeks go red, and he whirls on the merchant to look at him. “What?!”
“Let me take you out to dinner!” he repeats, and Grian continues to stare at him, jaw dropping. “While I can’t give you back your diamonds, I can at least treat you to some Goodtimes.” He winks, and oh Void is he flirting right now?!
“I— you— what—” Grian stammers out, heart thundering in his chest. The man’s smile is doing terrible things to his critical thinking skills.
“You won’t have to pay for a thing! I can talk our way into the best restaurant of your choosing,” he continues on.
Now that… is a curious thing. And Grian feels like he’s about to make another bad decision.
“…if it’s a date, you should at least tell me your name.”
“It’s Scar! Scar Goodtimes,” Scar replies, green eyes bright and pleased. There’s a little smirk on his face. “And you are?”
“Grian.” Is he really doing this? “So… where and when am I meeting you, Scar?” He’s really doing this.
“Let’s say… tomorrow afternoon? Meet me here?” Scar questions, and Grian takes in a breath.
“I expect my socks to be blown off,” he teases.
(It turns out to be the best decision he’s ever made. Even if the first choice was a bad financial investment.)
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desolationcleo · 1 year
reviewing life series ship names
scarian: ideal combination of the names. tends to glow gold in my head probably because of the images of sand and the sun conjured. extra bonus in that sometimes scar uses it to mean person who watches his stuff, giving everyone psychic damage.
cledubs: once again, best combination of the names. fun to say out loud
biggri: sounds sublime when said out loud, same energy as cledubs. when written looks like either the name of or the sound made by an enemy from a fantasy rpg that you choose to use long range attacks against for one reason or another
treebark: YES. oh my god yes. the double meaning. the pun. the cleverness. perfect ship name for them
solidaritek: not bad. great combination there.
impdubs: for some reason i want to dip this ship name in paint
redwood: yes yes yes yes. the invocation of the tallest tree... the impact it'll make when it comes crashing down... <- still not over everything to do with the southlands
shadowrot: look all i'm saying is it's hilarious that cleo's shadow alliance name is also her ship name with lizzie
ethubs: sure why not
smallidarity: hilarious. sounds like someone's url on here, or something that another player would call jimmy to make fun of his height.
redstone winter: why does martyn get all the most god-tier ship names
flower husbands: yeah they sure fucking are
smalletho: is... is he really? how small? can i carry him in my purse?
majorwood: would be good except that martyn's other two boyfriends have ship names with him that are so much better this one just falls flat by comparison
flower ranchers: sounds like a name for a tag team of weirdos who fight bad guys together but like if it was randomly generated using one of those things where your initial and birthdate or whatever determine the name
clethubs: like a combined ultimate powerup form of three sparkly beams in different colours fitting together perfectly
jizzie: jizzie
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tearsonmarz · 2 months
Scarian Flirting and Fishing pt. 2
(I know I said I wasn’t going to be adding onto the one-shot-- but that was before Grian’s latest episode came out, so here we are. Don’t hold your breath for another part. Also, I decided that it wasn’t going to be a modern setting, but I’m also too lazy to make either of these historically accurate. I wrote these for fun, they weren’t meant to be anything too thought out. Here's part one if you haven't read it yet. I was also too tired to edit it, but I need it out of my docs because it'll consume my thought otherwise.)
“So, why do you want this book so badly?” Scar was curious since he hadn’t seen Grian before. He had never imagined what would stem from a simple encounter with the sandy haired man.
He’d been following Grian for about a month now. They’d go to nearby streams, scrounge around for the book, spend hours getting excited only to be disappointed once again.
After the first two days, Scar bought a fishing rod to help out. But Grian had insisted that he wanted to be the one to find it, nevertheless Scar fished because it bothered Grian.
“I need it for something important that I’m working on. You know you can leave whenever you want.”
“Still trying to get rid of me, don’t you get tired of it?”
“Don’t you get tired of following me?” He shot Scar a look that only caused him to burst out laughing.
“You just aren’t going to give up.”
“I should be the one saying that.”
Why was he staying this long? There was no reason for him to continue bothering Grian. It’s simply something that had integrated into his daily routine. Every day without fail they would link up, take a walk down to the river and start fishing. They’d eat together, talk together, and enjoy each other’s company. It mainly consisted of Scar ranting to his hearts content, while Grian pretended not to listen. Every now again Grian would forget and chime into the conversation to Scar’s surprise.
Through it all they continued to hang around each other. The other’s presence because comforting and routine. Though Grian would never admit it, he was happy that Scar stuck around. Even if he wasn’t ecstatic about Scar in the beginning, each fishing trip felt a little more fulfilling even without a mending book. He hadn’t wanted to spend this month any other way.
“I don’t think this is the spot.” He dejectedly spoke as he reeled in another fish.
“Are you sure? It’s barely been an hour.”
“No, I’m not sure, but I’m just so sick of getting nothing every single day. It’s so infuriating.” A sigh left his lips as he tossed it onto the pile and put down his fishing rod.
“Why don’t we just take a break. Let’s head into town to eat for a change.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. Finish up while I start packing up our stuff.”
‘Our.’ Just that simple word stuck in Scar’s head, enough to distract him from the pulling on his line. Snapping out of it, he reeled in is line. Much to his dismay it was a book. He walked over to his pile, but before he could inspect it, Grian called out to him.
“Ready to get going yet?”
He hid the book in the pile of items he had acquired pretending to sift through it. “Yeah, just let me finish putting everything away and I’ll be good to go.”
“Oh… Alright, I’ll just wait for you then.” Without another word Grian started towards the fishery.
Scar brought the book back out. It had a royal purple coloured cover decorated with golden trim, and an ominous aura to it. Besides, he already knew it was what Grian was looking for. Just in case, he was going to allow it to dry. Once he had gathered himself, he made his way to where Grian was.
“What are you in the mood for?”
“Anything as long as it’s delicious and filling.” Grian sulked as they strolled.
Scar just smiled, leading the way to the nearby tavern. They grabbed something quick to eat, not paying much mind to the time. Scar’s priority was to cheer Grian up after all. Well, that was before he had found what they had been searching for. It felt like it was looming over his head. He knew he had to tell Grian eventually.
“So, G. What are you going to do when you do find that book?” That question earned a coughing fit from Grian. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. Here-” He passed Grian his handkerchief, urging him to drink water as he tried to calm down.
“Why… Why do you ask?” Grian replied in between coughs. He cleared his throat, quietly thanking Scar and beckoning him to continue.
“Well, I just got to thinking. We’ve been fishing for a month, and it has to come to an end. I was just wondering what would happen to us when it does… End I mean.”
“Oh. I hadn’t really thought about what we would do. I guess, we’d probably go our separate ways.”
They sat there in silence for a moment. Wondering what the other was thinking. The thought of this coming to end was bittersweet and heartbreaking. Scar didn’t want it to end, but he’d be lying if the thought didn’t cross his mind. What was he to do after this? What was his life lie before hanging around Grian? That thought has only caused him more grief.
Scar never stayed in one place for very long. There was never anything keeping him tied to a single area. He was free to do as he pleased without a care in the world. For the first time, he had something to look forward to. Casual conversation, playful pranks, and a type of warmth he hadn’t experienced before. He liked the sense of security he began to associate with Grian. His home.
The thought of something changing, or Grian leaving him was devastating. And the fear began to set in. If he were to show Grian what he had found there was a large possibility that he’d leave him. He couldn’t take that chance. Maybe, if he held onto it for a little longer, he could find another reason for Grian to stay. Just maybe.
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usbfr0st3d · 2 months
Wrote this scarian fic cuz i was bored
Crack! He snapped his head around, Scanning for any threats that may be lurking in the wet, Dark, abandoned forest. Ever since the Greed of The Watchers, who managed to code the end of the entire world for all non-human entities, Everything was crawling with danger, even the seemingly safe presence of your base. After looking for a while, there was nothing. Even that was concerning. He shook it of and sat down on the cold, stone path. Whilst trying to figure out what had happened to his wing, another noise came out of the forest surrounding him. His feathers pinned and his eyes widened as he went back to cautiously scanning the cold forest. He swallowed loudly when he finally found the source of the noise, although he could not see what made the noise. He spread out his wings to make himself look bigger and got ready for the creature to pounce. “Ow ow ow ow ow. oh, is that my bloo- no, nope, that's someone else's… ok…” He pulled his wings back immediately as he stared unimpressed at the man standing before him. He had Emerald green eyes and scars all over his body that made him look slightly threatening. The man was quite clearly an elf, as he had abnormally tall figure and pointed ears. He may have been a hybrid of some other species but the avian couldn’t tell just by looking at him.
The man, after staring at a twig with blood on it for what felt like an hour, noticed the small avian wearily looking at him and seemed to recognise him. “G?” Startled at hearing his real name rather than a pesky bird who kept stealing everyones rations, he stood up ungracefully and ran. For about ten seconds before getting caught in his own trap he setup mere minutes earlier. Clearly panicking, he tried escaping the trap but the man who was watching, quite amused, spoke up. “G, Do you need help or…” his voice trailed off for effect “No, im perfectly fine here.” Grian didn’t know why he said that, as he did in fact need help but he decided to go along with it “Yup, because your very capable of getting out of this really high tech trap” the man added sarcastically. “Ok I give up Scar, what do I have to pay you to get out of here” “My rations.” “What about something else-” Scar cut him off “Do you want to get out of this trap or not.”
There was silence for a moment before Grian sighed and started searching through his bag, thinking of ways he could keep the small amount of rations he stole and get out. “Also don’t even think about trying to trick me, I will check before releasing you.” Well there went his first plan. To make it believable that he was still searching for those rations, he muttered to himself “Where did I put those, I know I didn’t eat them”. Scar seemed to see straight through those lies, which was to be expected, considering they lived with each other for almost 2 years before the apocalypse, but he let it go for the minute. After a while of thinking, Grian finally gave up and handed him the rations. “There. Now can you help me get out, my wings are covered in blood.” That statement caught the scarred man off-guard as he stared at the avian with a concerned look, which in return got a unimpressed dead stare from Grian. Scar took his knife out and started cutting the rope surrounding him. After Scar finally cut Grian out of the netting, he stood back and looked at him for a bit before speaking up again.
“You're in a horrible condition.” He sounded like he felt bad for the avian. To be fair, he did feel bad for him but he didn’t need to know that.
“You're face is in a horrible condition” Grian replied snarky.
All of the elvens previous sympathy seemed as if it immediately faded as soon as the avian said that. “Oi, don’t get bitchy on me, I could have left you up there. I am trying to help you here”
Grian was in a lot of pain and Scar knew when that happened, He would usually try to get people away from him, as a defence instinct but jokes on him, Scar was not gonna give up. Not after last time.
“I know your hurt. Turn around, I’m helping.”
The avian was now visibly annoyed, but he obayed nevertheless.
The elven started tending to his wounds, dressing them and preening his feathers.
The two started talking about how their lives had been going since the apocalypse and making jokes with each other. Grian was noticeably warming up to Scar again but the elven didn’t say anything about it.
Later on it was night time, also known as the most deadly point in time. Grian was more alert than usual, as now he had another person to protect rather than just himself. This was one of the exact reasons why he had not had someone with him in the first place, but he did miss the company. Especially Scars company
Scar spoke up again.
“Hey G?”
The avian hummed in response.
“How would you feel about an being allies again? I mean you don't have to, You clearly ran off for a reason but I do forgive you”
Grian thought for a minute. This would mean more effort but he would have help and a friend to talk to on hard days. Although he betrayed Scar in the first place, he was giving  him a second chance
“Yea sure, I wouldn't mind the company”
The two sat together in a comfortable silence, looking the stars as the reflection of the moon shone over them, creating hues in their hair. They knew that it was dangerous outside, but that night, the dangers seemed to rest, as the two just enjoyed each other's presence, occasionally looking at each other and laughing together. Both of them were at the moment, just two stars in an entire sky, and they were happy with that, as they had each other. And a glock.
Psst… Hey, Hey you. Yea you. Here's an author’s note:
Scar and Grian used to be allies before Grian ran off to protect Scar from him but Scar took this the wrong way and thought Grian was running away from Scar, therefor losing his trust after days of searching for him. Scar always thought it was his own fault for Grian running and Grian had always wondered where they would be if he had not ran. Until Grian stole Scar’s rations.
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 9 months
I saw you mention other people giving you recs but i was actually wondering if you have any fics you'd recommend to us? specifically Outsiders smp related but anything you want to share is cool.
UMMMMM UM UM UM so i dont have a lot of outsiders fics i've read,, one i really enjoyed that most in the fandom already know of to my knowledge, it was called six flares, it was very good. in fics outside of outsiders, i've really enjoyed everything from @/thetomorrowshow, who on ao3 is @/theyesterdayshow. my favorite fic of theirs is trust au (a flower husbands au and the main reason i started writing my flower husbands au) and they're like legit my favorite fic author of all time, i love their stuff SO MUCH it's all SO AMAZING.
i also really loved this one scarian fic called closer to another shore, i don't remember who it was by off the top of my head but it changed my literal brain chemistry. all fics by @/scribblingdragon are also really amazing, they have some really good mean gills stuff that i enjoyed a lot.
hot tea, which is an ethubs fic, is also really notable among people who like dabble in ethubs content- another ethubs fic i really enjoyed was called of gods and redstone, and i'm working on finishing reading that one right now. if any of you have any outsiders fics that you think i'd enjoy, or just any outsiders fics to recommend at all, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me about them because i NEED to read more outsiders stuff.
i'm super sorry about not linking everything, but most of these are on tumblr, and i'm fairly certain that at the very least all the links to the ao3 works are posted to tumblr.
thank you SO MUCH for the ask anon you are a glorious human bean and i hope you have a beautiful day!!
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bluiex · 2 years
Random Scarian Heroes x Villain AU thing I made for no reason Mumbo: Let me get this straight, he gave you a rose. Grian: Yes Mumbo: After you two fought. Grian: Yes Mumbo: ...and you kept it. Grian: What was I supposed to do when people give you flowers?! I've never been given flowers in my life, especially from a hero! Mumbo: Grian, you might give Scar that little hope that you might like him back or he has a chance! I love torturing people but I'm not on the same boat when it comes to breaking other people's hearts. Grian: But I don't wanna throw the flower away! I like roses. Mumbo: *sighs* Fine, just try to ignore Scar I guess? Let's just see where this will end up. (Months later..) Grian: Mumbo..? Mumbo: Hm? Grian: He asked me out...on a date. Mumbo: ...wha- WAIT WHAT?! REALLY?!?! Grian: We had another a fight as usual in the city and before I could head back here, Scar pulled me over and asked if we could go on a date!! Mumbo: Well?? What did you answer? Grian: ... Mumbo: Grian? Grian: I..I might've said yes...? Mumbo: GRIAN Grian: HE'S NOT THAT BAD!! He's cute so I just thought why not. Also..I umm, kinda like him too so uhhh...yeah. Mumbo: *facepalms* You know what? Makes sense why you've been having goo-goo eyes for him. Grian: HEY!!
(After the date) *Grian comes back from the date* Mumbo: So, how was it? Grian: We're going on another date soon. Mumbo: ... Grian: Are you..mad? Mumbo: No, Grian. I'm honestly happy for you so don't worry about it! Grian: Then why were you so silent?? Mumbo: Nothin' much, I just feel like I'm on the path to being a third wheel. (Grian and Scar started dating, not many people know about it but some do. Civilians have suspected that villain named Watcher, Grian, and the hero named Vex, Scar, have some chemistry going on but have shrugged it off) (3 years later...) Mumbo: I HEARD THE NEWS!! Grian: News of what? Mumbo: THAT YOU AND SCAR- wait.. Grian: Mumbo? Is everything okay? Mumbo: ...nevermind forget about it. Grian: Okay then?? Mumbo: *walks out of the room* Mumbo: *calls Scar* Mumbo: Scar? Scar: Oh hey Mumbo! What's up? Mumbo: I thought you proposed to Grian!!! I almost spoiled the surprise. Scar: Dude I'm scared!!! What if he says no?? Mumbo: That man loves you, alright?! Put that ring on your boyfriend right now and make me your best man in your wedding!! Scar: Okay okay!! I'm just trying to find the right time. Mumbo: I've literally cleared out Grian's schedule just so you can propose!! Just do it man! Scar: You're right!! I will do it!! Mumbo: YEAH Scar: YEAH The end :D
OUESFESOGIGRDOJKHD Honeslty this is better than any fic. THE BOYS MARRY AT THE END AAAHH They have a wedding, and invite all the heros and villains and its an amazing time
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liighty · 2 years
Strong Enough
(A/N): Not crossposting this on AO3 but I wrote a scarian oneshot there for doublelife if y’all are interested
[Not a link, copy and paste if needed]
Anyways, this is my first time writing for Jimmy and Tango (I wrote for Tango once (1) in an rp with a buddy and then never used him again, so if the characterization is poopoo, i sincerely apologize)
Mini Summary: (Pre-Session 3) After the burning of the Ranch, Jimmy starts to doubt himself and everything he’s ever done before. Tango is there to provide some common sense and snap him out of it.
Rating: General I’m pretty sure
Warnings: Panic Attacks, Self-Doubt, I think like a little cursing but I really don’t think there’s anything really bad, also a really stupid pet name
Pairing: DL!TangoTek/DL!Jimmy Solidarity (/r)
Word Count: 511 :sadkermit: (It’s a drabble if you check out my ao3 I have much longer fics i promise)
Fic under cut!
Jimmy hiccups as he clutches onto Tango’s back, holding his soulmate tightly. He sobs quietly, shaking like a leaf, and Tango lets him get his frustrations out as best as he can. It’s only fair, considering all that Jimmy did to calm Tango down after the burning of their ranch.
The cold air running through the newly exposed ranch was the cause of this bout of depression, to nobody’s surprise outside of Jimmy. He thought he had this under control, that this didn’t bother him as much as it should, and that he’d be able to compose himself to be strong enough for Tango. Of course, he was wrong. It’s Jimmy Solidarity, for Void’s sake. When’s the last time he was strong enough for anything?
“It’s- ‘s my fault, Tango- None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for- if it- I-“
Tango pulls away from their hug and gently yet firmly grasps Jimmy’s face. “Hey, that’s enough outta you! Am I mad? Do I look mad?”
“You were mad earlier…” Jimmy sniffles between sobs.
“Yeah, but not at you. Never at you, Jimmy.” 
Tango presses a gentle kiss to Jimmy’s forehead and rests his own head against the spot he kissed. “We’re gonna be okay, alright? I got a plan to get ‘em back, and it’s gonna be great. There’s no need to be sad, okay?”
“…I’m sorry. I should- I’m not…”
“You’re not what, Jim?”
“…I’m not strong. I’m sorry.”
Tango blinks, his red eyes staring at Jimmy as if he just said the sky was green. “I’m sorry, what? You- You don’t think you’re- Jimmy, are you kidding me?! You’re the strongest person I know! I mean, physically, you’re super strong! You can wrangle cows and not have to use leads sometimes, and I think that’s great! Plus, you can pick me up like a princess, and I’ll have you know that I enjoy that very much.”
Jimmy giggles slightly, and Tango grins.
“You’re not just physically strong either, y’know. Last season, it took two people to talk me out of killing Bdubs after he killed me, and I still almost did it! But today? You calmed me down all on your own, and I’m not mad anymore. Well, I am a little still. But that’s not the point! The point is, you helped me. You held my hand while it was scorching hot and kept me from murdering Scar and starting a war. That takes so much strength, babe, and I know it’s hard for you to believe it, but-“
“B-“ Jimmy laughs quietly, “Babe? Did you just call me-“
Tango’s ears go bright red, and he quickly stiffens. “I didn’t mean to! I was just- I mean, it- I-“
His tail droops slightly. “…Yeah. I did.”
“Well, I don’t think I can be sad after that. You should call me that more, I think.” teases the blond, pressing a little kiss to Tango’s nose. “Cuddles?”
Laughing, Tango wraps his arms around Tango and pulls him back down onto the bed. “Yeah, you big goof. Cuddles.”
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More Scarian/Third Life Robin Hood AU
I've figured out the Royal Court
Let's start with the most obvious,
King Mumbo
He's currently the King of the Kingdom (I haven't named it yet, suggestions are welcome)
He's away at war
He's Ren's older brother and Grian's cousin
He's a good king, if a bit bumbling sometimes, and is loved by his people
He left Ren in charge until he gets back
He's Aroace so won't produce an heir making Ren the next in line
Speaking of Ren...
Prince Ren/The Red King
Ren is next in line to the throne and will get it when Mumbo dies
He is Mumbo's younger brother and Grian's cousin
He is in charge while Mumbo is away
He is a bit of a tyrant who always thinks he's right and wants everything done his way
He absolutely despises Good Times and wants him arrested as quick as possible
He is very protective of his family and friends
He lives in Dogwarts Castle
Ren calls himself the 'Red King' to show his authority until Mumbo is back, his court has been unaffectionately nicknamed the 'Red Army' because of this, Ren just rolled with it
The Resistance is hoping to either reform him or have him give up his claim to the throne
Ren is dating his closest advisor Martyn
Martyn/The King's Hand
Martyn is partners with Prince Ren
He is also his closest adviser and has been given the title of the 'King's Hand'
Ren also made him the Sherriff of Crastle village, the small town just outside Dogwarts Castle and he is in charge of catching Good Times
Martyn is extremely protective of his partner Ren and doesn't fully trust anyone else
He's very suspicious, especially of Grian as he sees the way he has interacted with Good Times and is unfortunately very insightful, this is a great source of worry for Scar
Prince Grian
Grian is cousins with the King and Prince, Mumbo and Ren
He is third in line for the throne which is what earns him the title of 'Prince'
It also means that Ren has him near constantly surrounded with guards because he will be king if anything happens to Ren which makes him cautious about Grian
Grian fully resents this and is trying to give his very tired guards the slip at all times, he actually has a lower number of guards than he used to thanks to the amount he's made to resign due to being an absolute menace
He is against Ren's ideas and jumps at the chance to help the Resistance and he definitely isn't even the tiniest bit influenced by how extremely attractive Good Times is, no, not at all, he has no idea what you're talking about
Grian is on Ren's council and pretends to support him, only pushing back slightly and rarely outright opposing him
He acts as a spy for the resistance, giving them as much information as he can and doing his best to help if any of them get caught along with his two ladies in waiting, Pearl (who he grew up with, they're like siblings) and Lizzie (a noble woman and 'ex-fiancé' of Joel, an old friend of his who defected from the Red Army and joined the Resistance)
He is head over heals for Scar and won't admit is despite being constantly teased about it
Grian is childhood friends with Pearl, Joel and Jimmy
He is also trans and everyone supports him, no misgendering in my AUs
He is still almost always wearing a skirt, he just likes them and trans Grian in a skirt is just so perfect lol
Pearl and Lizzie
Both of them are Prince Grian's ladies in waiting
Pearl and Grian grew up together and are practically siblings, they live eachother and are very protective of the other
Lizzie is the 'ex-fiancé' of Joel, a lord who betrayed the Red Army and joined the Resistance, in reality they are still together but Lizzie has to pretend to have broken off the engagement in order to stay in the Royal Court
Both of them work alongside Grian to spy for the Resistance and help them out wherever they can
Impulse is the castle craftsman/blacksmith, he basically makes all of their weapons
While he is fairly loyal to Ren, but is more loyal to the villagers and will put them before Ren if it comes to it
He sometimes creates weapons for the villagers and if he knows that some of those might go to the Resistance? That's no-one's business but his
He is on Ren's Council due to his skills in weaponry
Impulse is best friends for Bdubs, when he was just starting out as a craftsman he made them matching clocks
Etho is the Head of Ren's guard
He is known for being silent but extremely intelligent and deadly when he needs to be, he doesn't often say much at council meetings but when he does it's always with good insight
He is the most loyal to Ren aside from Martyn
He is childhood friends with Bdubs, Skizz and Tango
Etho is married to a villiager from Crastle named Bdubs and, though they live separately, it's a very happy marriage
Skizz is one of Ren's closest guards
He is fiercely loyal and will protect the king at all costs which is what has led him to being on Ren's Council
He absolutely loathes Good Times and will often take lead in trying to take him down, especially if Martyn is busy
Skizz is determined and will follow orders at all costs
He will run to Ren's side to protect him at any sign of danger, he is almost like a bodyguard to him but not quite
He's very jovial around friends but brutal with his enemies
Skizz is childhood friends with Bdubs Etho and Tango
BigB is a particularly wise noble staying at Dogwarts who is loyal to Ren's cause
He will often give good advice to Ren and is one of his most valued advisers because of this
He gets on well with Prince Grian and will often agree with him on not acting too hastily and trying to protect the villagers in plans to take down Good Times
He doesn't agree with the Resistance but sometimes think they have a point, however, he is very against how they get it across
BigB gets on well with Prince Grian but is unaware that he is a spy
So, there you have it, the Royal family and the King's Court
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
Oh my god I’m so normal about this chapter Sparks I am soooooooooooo normal. Incredibly normal. Oh my god. Look at me I’m so normal. The way you used the flashbacks to slip back and forth between them talking about their plan and what really happened was SO good it’s one of my favorite things in writing. AUGH.
And also just. KERALIS! DOC! AUGH. Their powers are so COOL and I love them so much. You got their voices so well. Keralis is such a Guy. The SHADOWS are so COOL augh. And the METAL form Doc augh yes yes yes. They are so. You got em in one.
Also I have to say it again, so sorry, but why is Scar holding Doc hot what did you put in the water dearest SparksNevadas.
And then Mumbo and Grian having to remember to use their code names over their real names is so. The way Grian almost slips up. The way him and Mumbo work to get back to Scar but Mumbo is more worried about Grian in the moment. They make me WEAK. GOD.
Keralis calling Grian chicken nugget is absolutely sending me. Fyi. Oh my god that’s so funny. I love your keralis so much. And Doc being Ducky I just. Keralisisms give me life and you write them SO well.
And the way everyone goes back to their weird semi-friendly but only sort of rivalry they have when Grian passes out is so interesting to me. The dynamic is everything. The fact that Doc is more worried about the party being ruined than anything. AUGH.
Scar calling Doc ‘Doctor Hothead’ is ALSO hilarious im. Head in hands its just so funny.  Especially considering he’s trying to negotiate an alliance I think it really speaks to Scar’s charm as a person that he gets away with that nickname in this scene tbh. I just. It’s so cool to see Scar be so in control and then to lose that control when Keralis revealed that little scrap of paper. THEY’RE BROTHERS. AUGH. CUB. AUGH. AND THE FACT THAT RENS THERE TOO WHAT IF I JUST FLOATED DOWN A RIVER AUUUUUUUUGH! AND MUMBO DOESN’T GET WHY THE BROTHER THING IS SUCH A BIG DEAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH WHAT IF I SCREAMED!!!! ITS!!!! THE WAY YOU WRITE IT IS SO GOOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH
The description of Scar’s office is fascinating too – it paints such a picture of him as a character. How he has all the stuff about him and mayor but then he has those two honest photos of cub on the wall its. He’s painting a certain picture of himself but then also like, displaying this honest relationship he has w cub as his brother im. AUGH. AGONY.
oh my god belle this is a whole essay and a half, dude,,, (<3)
you dont need to be normal about the chapter. please be abnormal with me,,
that little experimental flashback and such was decided very last minute! i thought it was too soon to reveal ren last chapter where it was supposed to go, and honestly, good decision methinks. :) I liked having doc be just a big metal guy. thought about giving him a redstone power like others but i think its neat if his whole arm was partially constructed by his own power. a metal mobility aid :) I DIDNT THINK THAT IT WAS--- I AM SPRAYING YOU WITH WATER!!!
they love each other SO much. i like making all the characters feel human so i give them little quirks and slip ups-- something im so worried about myself doing irl that i barely speak lmao. of course its hard to switch to a new name when you still use the old name in private. and of course, mumbo isnt usually on the scene for fights, and he's never really seen grian fight too much, so he doesnt really get it that grians bleeding and continuing to fight. im rambling, anyways--
the thing about keralis is that he says the weirdest things. even trying to write him, he'd still manage to say weirder things in videos. he's such a Guy
Doc immediately calls a time out basically. he sighs and lets them wash off grians wings, and then keralis leads them to his office where hes been stewing about his bruised pride. he's a silly wet cat
who knew such a big persona could be brought down with a piece of paper smaller than a finger?
he loves his brother. if theres anything you should knoow about scar, is that cub is his pride. i mean. he got the city to fund a statue of them, of course he loves him. he loves cub so so so much for what theyve been through. he cant wait to annoy him over board game night and never complain about his cooking ever again.
I WANTED IT TO BE A SURPRISE!!! :D i kept telling everyone they were going to come kill me after the chapter (mostly, yknow, about the cub thing) but in the back of my head i was just >:3c and wait until you get to that last scene, my pretties
i mean, ash @polyamquackity was live reacting to me in the dms and i KNEW exactly when they got to it because he just texted
Tumblr media
which was exactly the reaction i wanted everyone to have :) Got a lot less dts (/friendly) than i was expecting though!
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illuminamint-writes · 2 years
I thought that I’d make a lil masterpost of all my ideas in one place, because I’ll be updating small snippets here to tumblr while I write them! Everything’s listed in rough order of how much I have written/planned out so far.
Current Projects (AKA, these have a lot written/planned out):
The Waters are Still Cold (TWASC) - Heading the mycelium resistance is just supposed to be a little bit of fun for the server, but after HEP wins, Grian finds himself trapped in a series of time loops. [Read on Ao3]
Make a Sudden Leap - Born a Watcher, Grian wants to know what life is like as a player. So he enters 3rd life and pretends to be one. Scarian. [Read on Ao3]
Into Midnight - Side fic of TWASC exploring scenes from alternative POVs.
The Other Side of Paradise - 3rd Life AU, where instead of building monopoly mountain together after Scar gets killed via creeper, Grian and Scar end up building an oasis temple in the desert, declaring themselves neutral within the server. Scarian. [Read on Ao3]
When Withered Feathers Fall - After receiving a curious message in code in the mail, Grian finds himself slowly turning into a bird. [Read on Ao3]
Future Projects (AKA, these have rough plans and concepts):
Chisel Away the Starry Night - Set in the TWASC-series, within s8 in which the citizens of boatem find themselves in a time loop.
Disturb the Universe - Also dubbed as puppet AU. Puppet to the Watchers, Grian is a player that enacts their wishes to ensure the content they Watch remains interesting. This is fine with him—until they place him in a death game with his friends. Scarian. 
Process of Metamorphosis - Watcher Grian returns to being a player, and finds that it’s hard to go back to how things used to be.
Duet Between the Sun and Moon - Fantasy AU. Grian just wants to find the son of the travelling apothecary that saved his life and gifted him the necklace he treasures so much. He finds much more than that. Scarian.
Of Insidious Intent - Scar takes Grian’s green life. In an attempt to flee the man, Grian takes his chances with Dogwarts. Martyn is pleased that his friend is finally free from the desert.
Ideas I Have (But haven’t planned yet):
Skulk Infection AU - Grian just needs to resist resisting. The skulk is helping with that; it really is.
Knight Scar AU - Scar is convinced that Grian is going to resist against King Ren. Grian is convinced that Scar needs to leave him alone because he isn’t. Scarian.
‘My Grian was sorry too’ - The story of what, exactly, happened in s9 Grumbot’s reality, and what happened to make Grian sorry.
Mother Spore through the rift AU - The memory of Mother Spore comes through Grian’s rift, and begins to infect Grian once more.
Resisting resistance AU - Scar decides to rebel when he is not made a knight by Ren. Of course it’s only natural that he goes to Grian for help.
Til War Do Us Part - Instead of having date nights, Grian and Scar create wars to keep their romance alive. Scarian.
I have a couple of others but these are the main ones for now!
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How to Accidentally Date Your Servant
Summary: Scar is the second prince to a thriving kingdom. Grian is his new handservant and illegally charming. Oblivious gay fluff ensues. Content: Royal AU, gay fluff, obliviousness, flirting, courting rituals, avian Grian, wing grooming, kissing, purposeful use of ‘my highness’ for gay reasons, obligatory characters not CCs Pairing: Romo scarian
    To start this all off, one thing needs to be clarified: being a prince isn’t easy. Have you ever seen Barbie: The Princess and The Pauper? It gets it. You may live nice, but there are responsibilities up the ying-yang. It’s a tough life.
    …for the crown prince, anyway. Which is Mumbo. Who this story is not about. This story is about Scar, who does still have responsibilities, but has mostly slipped through the cracks while dearest ma and pa made sure the future monarch wasn’t going to future run things into the ground.
    Which left Scar free to do a good many things, like amass a crystal collection with mystical properties only he believed in and cultivate a wardrobe of the most dramatically stunning outfit choices. It also gave him plenty of time to acquaint himself with the majority of the castle staff, though the chefs never really did warm up to him (perhaps because his kitchen visits had the uncanny tendency to coincide with times of high cookie disappearance rates. odd).
    So when the castle took on some new staff, Scar noticed. Mumbo’s strategical marriage had been arranged, and with its approach came a wedding and a coronation and a joining of kingdoms ceremony. More help was needed for preparations, even with everything still being months out.
    Most of the new castle hands, predictably, were designated to work under Mumbo, but a few were brought in for routine staff replacements. One of these replacements included Scar’s handservant, who had been poached by Mumbo for what Scar believed to be solely cruel and petty reasons.
    (“They’re a tailor, Scar, I’m not quite sure how they even ended up in that position.”
    “The power of the crown has already gone to your head.”)
    Regardless, Scar was excited to meet his new help. Trips outside of the castle were rare for the royal family, and even then it was hard to interact with anyone when they were too busy bowing and staring at your crown to hold an actual conversation. Castle staff tended to be the same at first, but once they had some time to get used to the royal family and their very human eccentricities the effect would fade.
    It took a while to sort out whose job was whose when the newcomers all arrived, Scar waiting patiently to the side with Mumbo and their parents while various heads of staff read through lists and marked names. But soon enough the groups were being sent off towards their respective royalties. Mumbo walked out of the hall with a good dozen or two following him, looking a bit overwhelmed by the amount, and the king and queen headed off with three more each.
    Scar was left in the hall with the few remaining newbies. Two were new chef’s assistants, who were looking at him intensely while the head chef muttered what Scar assumed to be warnings as to the fact he was never to be allowed in the kitchen to them, and the last one was who had to be Scar’s new handservant.
    It should be noted here that, typically, Scar does not, as you say, ‘mix business and pleasure,’ which for him means everything, which is because when you’re a prince everything in the castle is your business, which is to say he’s never really been worried about any castle business before, which could be interpreted as Scar simply never before having been interested in any member of the castle staff in any manner past friendship and/or mischievous enemyship, which is quite possibly because no member of the castle has ever looked like that.
    He was currently talking with Scar’s head of staff, grinning broadly in a way that felt warm to Scar even when it was directed at someone else halfway across the room. A pressed and gleaming white shirt stuck out over the collar and sleeve cuffs of his very soft looking red sweater, and out of his back sprouted large, colourful wings. They twitched and fluffed slightly in a restless manner, the shine of the vibrant wings mesmerizing.
    Scar was still trying to take in as many details about the person as he could when he turned to face Scar, his smile growing as he waved at the prince. Scar managed to return the gesture, trying to be subtle as he leaned against (minorly swooned into) the wall behind him.
    He didn’t have any time to recover before the newbie was approaching him, still smiling as he stopped only a few feet in front of Scar. He only got more stunning the closer he was, with tousled brown hair and charming dark eyes and-
    “Hello!” Oh, that voice, bright and cheerful and Notch he was doomed. “I presume you’re Prince Scar?”
    “Uh- yes, yes, you’d be correct, I am- I am Prince Scar.” One chance at a first impression and that’s the best Scar could come up with? He should’ve brought his luck crystal with him, why didn’t he bring his luck crystal with him-
    “Great! I’m Grian, new handservant.” Grian stuck out his hand, wiggling his fingers. “Nice to meet you.”
    Scar took his hand and shook it with perhaps a tad too much enthusiasm. Second chance to say something cool, and note-worthy, and princely. “Aren’t you supposed to bow?”
    ‘Princely’. And he ends up with one of the lines from the etiquette book.
    Throw him in a pit of silverfish.
    Grian took the question much better than Scar himself was, cocking an amused eyebrow. “Oh, I suppose.”
    And then he bowed in perhaps the most dramatic fashion Scar has ever seen, which is saying something coming from Scar. It’s possibly a perfect ninety degree angle of a bend, with Grian throwing his arms out to his sides in a mock courtesy pose, wings unfolding so as to fully display their plumage. And as if that wasn’t enough, he looks up then, smirking at Scar as he asks, “Is that satisfactory, your highness?”
    Was this how assassination attempts were being undertaken these days? No longer with poison slipped into royal meals but with carefree, proud, pretty boys?
    “More than.” Scar managed after a too long moment, forcing himself to focus on the wall behind Grian while he attempted to put some semblance of his wits back together.
    A move that proved pointless once Grian straightened up, once again within Scar’s line of sight, but it wasn’t like he had been making any progress anyways. He was fairly certain most of his brain was fried out at this point, forever gone. He’d have to have the next group out of the castle fetch him some brain coral to shove in the gap.
    “Now that that’s out of the way,” Grian started, brushing non-existent dirt off of his sweater, “care to show me around? Or am I to manage that myself?”
    Technically, that task was meant to be taken care of by one of the staff who already knew the castle. Not that Scar was going to let it stop him from getting more time with Grian (as if Grian was a visiting guest and not now in Scar’s direct employ as one of Scar’s most relied upon servants).
    “Oh, well, of course! My bedroom first, though.” Scar said. Paused. Considered his words. Blushed scarlet. “For my chair- my wheelchair! Not because- I shouldn’t- it’s a big castle-”
    Grian laughed, thank Notch that for some reason he considered Scar’s flustered social ineptitude humorous rather than sad or embarrassing or rude. “It’s alright, Prince Scar, I’m certain I’ll be in your room plenty anyways.” He paused for a moment as well, roughly as long as Scar had, though he looked much less abashed by how he had left his statement when he casually added, “To assist you as your handservant, obviously.”
    Scar forced a laugh that would’ve been much more believable if he didn’t have a hand over the majority of his lower face, trying (and miserably failing) to at least hide some of his blush. “Obviously.” He repeated, clearing his throat before he turned in the direction of the bedrooms. “Anyways, uh- follow me!”
    Despite its size, the touring of the castle wasn’t that lengthy of an affair. At least, according to the clocks it wasn’t. It felt like an entire day- or several- to Scar, who was quickly learning that there was very little Grian could do that he wouldn’t find interesting in some way or another. And that Grian was very funny. And very nice. And very handsome. And-
    “So, that’s the castle then.” Grian commented, pulling Scar out of his thoughts. He realized they had ended up back at the door to his room, having made a complete circuit of the building. “It’s nice, though it seems a bit easy to get lost in.”
    “Wouldn’t be a castle if it wasn’t.” Scar joked, idly moving his wheelchair back and forth. “It’s not that bad though, you get used to it soon enough.”
    Grian nodded. “And that’s my room?” He pointed to the door next to Scar’s, one Scar had indeed mentioned on the tour.
    “Yep.” Scar confirmed. “I can leave you to unpacking, if you’d like, your duties don’t really commence until tomorrow…”
    Grian chuckled. “Prince Scar, would you like to keep talking while I unpack?”
    “Why yes, yes I would.” Scar replied, pushing himself into the room while Grian held the door. It was pretty bare at the moment, with only some basic furniture (bed, side table, dresser, desk) and Grian’s bags piled by the door. “You’re allowed to decorate in here as much as you want, by the way, just as long as nothing’s permanent.”
    “What, don’t want me as your handservant forever?” Grian asked, winking at Scar when he leaned next to the prince to grab his things. “Not planning on having me in the same room my entire stay?”
    Another thing Scar was fast becoming accustomed to: feeling like his face was on fire. In part due just to Grian’s appearance, yes, but also due to the handservant’s ability to make seemingly random, joking comments sound so… personal. Only a bit earlier Scar had been talking about a book he liked when Grian referenced that paper was the traditional first year wedding anniversary gift, the out-of-the-blue comment leaving Scar speechlessly red and Grian smirking. Scar was starting to think Grian had been allowed to get away with too much throughout his life.
    Not that Scar was going to put a stop to that trend. Obviously.
    “My parents just like things as they are.” Scar finally responded with a half laugh. “Can’t let every stranger that comes through mess with their family heirloom.”
    “I’m a stranger to you? Have our two hours of castle touring meant nothing to you?” Grian joked, pulling one of his bags over to the dresser. “I suppose that hasn’t really told you much about me. Question game?”
    “Why not?” Scar shifted his chair, settling near to the door and facing Grian’s back as he packed his clothes away.
    “You can start.”
    “Alright… what’s your favorite food?”
    Grian opened his bottom drawer, beginning to fold pants into it. “Oh, that’s easy. Melon berries.”
    “Melon berries? I’ve never heard of those.”
    “They’re pretty rare.” Grian acknowledged. “They’re a hybrid of watermelon and sweet berries. You plant the two next to each other and hope you get lucky, basically. I’ve only ever had one, but it was incredible.”
    Scar mentally noted the response. “Your turn.”
    “Same question.”
    “Oh, chocolate-chip cookies, definitely.” Scar replied, grinning as he remembered the chef pointing him to the new assistants. “They’re why I’m not allowed in the kitchens!”
    “A necessary sacrifice.” Grian said with a laugh. “Alright, you again.”
    “Hm… favorite flower.”
    “First favorite food, now flower- you planning something over there, Prince Scar?” Grian joked, laughing again as he shut his bottom drawer and moved onto the next.
    Scar nearly made to deny the suggestion until he realized his next question was going to be ‘favorite activity’.
    He opted to clear his throat and avoid the question instead. “That’s not an answer.”
    “Neither is yours.” Grian pointed out, though he continued on. “But I’d say roses. Yours?”
    “Lilacs. Or maybe poppies.”
    “A good selection. Next?”
    “No, it’s yo-” Scar paused, realizing Grian had technically taken his turn already via flipping Scar’s question back on the prince. “Alright, no more question-reversing-stealing. A good handservant should be creative.”
    Grian snickered. “Fine, fine. No more repeats.”
    “Thank you.” Scar said with as much of a haughty air as he could manage, as if the matter was really that important. “Now, let’s see… favorite genres?” 
    “Romance and adventure.” Grian answered, and before Scar could make any comment on that Grian was continuing on, turning his head and making eye contact with Scar over his shoulder as he asked, “Do you prefer men or women?”
    It took Scar a moment to fully process the question, but he was fairly certain his flush when he did was instantaneous. 
    “I-just-forgot-I-have-prince-things-to-do-love-your-room-it’s-men-by-the-way-okay bye!” Scar said in a singular rush of words, nearly slamming into the side of the doorway as he spun out of the room.
He heard a tiny bit of laughter from behind him as he fled, but not as much as he would have expected after what must have been a well-picked joke on Grian’s part had elicited such a response. Maybe Grian hadn’t expected Scar to leave, though he wasn't going after the prince to try and explain himself either.
    Whatever Grian was doing, he was clearly an expert on it. To figure out what it was, Scar would either need another expert… or the exact opposite of an expert.
    “Why do I feel as if I should be insulted?”
    Scar had found Mumbo out behind the castle, far enough past the gardens he wouldn’t have any groundskeepers coming after him for all the redstone dust he was spreading. Scar wasn’t entirely sure what sort of contraption he was attempting to put together, but he seemed to be fairly busy trying to properly set up part of the circuits.
    Hence right now being the absolute perfect time to talk with him.
    “I don’t know why you would!” Scar replied cheerily. “For I am not insulting you at all! Really, I’m complimenting you, you and your complete lack of expertise in the relationship arena.”
    Mumbo did not seem consoled by Scar’s explanation. “You know we’re both royal shut-ins, you hardly have any room to talk-”
    “Now is not the time to worry about unimportant details.” Scar cut-in, ignoring Mumbo’s unamused expression. “Besides, I’m too close to this. He’s my handservant!”
    “...Alright, alright let’s uh.” Mumbo let out a sigh, putting down the repeater he had been fiddling with and leaning back on his hands. “Why don’t you say whatever it is you’re itching to say, and then I can get back to this in peace?”
    “Your selflessly offered brotherly advice is greatly appreciated and treasured.” Scar replied, making a point of shifting in his wheelchair as if he was settling down to begin his tale. “As you know, today the castle received a new batch of workers.”
    Mumbo shot a glance to the castle behind Scar, as if said workers might begin to materialize out of it at their mention. “I was there, Scar, of course I know.”
    “Proper storytelling involves laying the foundation.”
    “Yes but if I already know the foundation-”
    “Within the throng of the people,” Scar continued, leaving Mumbo looking resigned as he sat back on his hands, “there was a single man… if one could even call him a mere man… he was the one destined to become my handservant… and his name is Grian…”
    The response Scar deserved for his fantastical storytelling was, of course, a great amount of applause and a look of wonder in his audience’s eyes. However, his audience was instead, at current, looking at him with a very unappreciative-of-art expression.
    “Scar,” Mumbo started with a small sigh, “you’ve known barely known this man a few hours.”
    “It’s not my fault he’s causing problems!” Scar protested, crossing his arms in a pout. “He just keeps saying things like, ‘oh, a book is a good first wedding anniversary gift’, and ‘I’m your handservant, of course I’ll be in your room plenty’, and ‘Prince Scar you don’t happen to need your heart do you because I’ve stolen it’, and-”
    “Did he really say that last one?”
    “I may be paraphrasing somewhat.” Scar waved his hand dismissively. “But that’s not the point! The point is I’ve hardly started this!”
    Mumbo scrapped at the edge of one of his redstone lines, seemingly uncaring that his hands were beginning to look like he had created a murder scene. “Do you know if Grian's family has much money?"
    Scar gasped dramatically. "Are you daring to suggest my handservant and courter of a few hours is interested in me only for my money and title?!"
    "Well, not to imply you aren't utterly charming and quite put together, but-"
    "I think you're just jealous.” Scar said, looking away from Mumbo and hoping that would hide his frown. “Just because no one wants to flirt with your messy, murderer-looking self doesn't mean my charms are nonexistent.”
    With a grumble, Mumbo wiped off his hands on his pants, apparently missing the fact that it didn't really help his case. “I'll have you know at least half of my new staff has already made their advances at being royalty.”
    "Yeah, well, I have a 100% rate, so-"
    "I'm just saying, Scar.” Mumbo cut off his gloat, probably because he knew Scar would win the fight of bragging rights if he didn't. "Be careful. Mom and Dad not minding if you don't marry royalty is not the same as them inviting the first smooth-talking gold digger to dinner.”
    Scar huffed, rolling his chair back and forth a bit as he considered Mumbo's words. He wasn't wrong, frustratingly. There were always non-royalty personas who would do whatever it took to woo themselves into a well-off marriage. And it didn't help that of Mumbo and Scar, Scar was the more attractive target- not just because he was actually more attractive, but also because he was so free in his marriage choices. Mumbo had a duty to his people to marry into another kingdom's royalty. Scar didn't.
    "Fineeee.” Scar finally said, slumping in his seat. “I won't immediately marry the stranger who might just be after me for my throne."
    "Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated.” Mumbo responded, mimicking Scar's earlier tone. "May I please be left to my redstone now?"
    "I guess.” Scar glanced down at the mess of redlines and metal on the ground, nudging one of the lines with his foot. "What is this thing even supposed to-"
    At his poking, the redstone line disconnected from its ends, the action almost immediately being followed by the low hiss of ignited TNT. The look Mumbo shot Scar as it went off, destroying a section of the grass off to his right and sending dirt and redstone dust flying, could possibly be considered homicidal.
    "See you DO look like a murd- and I am wheeling away I am wheeling away-”
    Thanks to the power of fast wheeling and Scar's ability to get lost in the castle, he managed to escape Mumbo and go back to thinking about what he had said. If Grian really was just in it for his money, Scar did have to be careful, as little as he liked it. That couldn't be too hard though, right? Surely Scar, prince, wizard, general cool guy, could deal with a pretty guy.
    Or surely he couldn't, it seemed.
    Sure, he could handle seeing Grian every single day (he couldn't), and he could even deal with Grian's evidently constant complimenting and flirting (if flushing and stumbling over his own words every time Grian spoke counted as 'deal with'), but Grian was a man of many talents, and, really, there was only so much Scar could be expected to deal with sensibly.
    Like when Grian went and stole Scar chocolate-chip cookies from the kitchen, what was Scar supposed to do but order a box of melon berries and present it to him the moment it reached the castle? Scar was allowed to give his people gifts! That was an admirable quality of a leader, even.
    (Perhaps less admirable was how quickly he folded when Grian insisted he try at least one of them, or how he's fairly certain you could have fried an egg on his face when Grian furthermore insisted upon popping the berry into Scar's mouth for him.)
    Or when Grian offered to help Scar back to his room when he realized it wasn't as much of a no-wheelchair day as he had thought it was, an offer that changed from being an arm to hold to being carried to being flown (perhaps, just perhaps, because Scar had asked if it would be possible, if Grian could even lift him like that, and when Grian smirked and said they could certainly try it Scar found he had no way to back out).
    And- well- that had to have been a lot of effort on Grian's part, Scar couldn't just not find a way to say thank you! Plus the bracelets he got him were lined with emeralds and diamonds, the kingdom's primary exports, so it was a double-sided gift, even, both a thank you and a way to further represent Scar's kingdom, which was a very valid thing for Scar to be doing, gosh wasn't he a good prince.
    Such a good prince with such good ideas that Grian wore the bracelets every day after Scar first presented them to him, the colours a perfect contrast to his wings and the shine a perfect compliment to his grin, wow, Scar really could pick them, as in bracelets, he could pick bracelets, not, bracelets he meant bracelets-
    Now, if any of that sounded even the slightest bit completely disastrous to you (which how could it, Scar was so incredibly put together), well, just wait until you hear about the grooming incident.
    It was one of Grian's days off, so Scar hadn't interacted with him much that day. Of course, day off or not, Grian still lived at the castle, so Scar wasn't too surprised when he ran into him eventually, walking in the hall just outside of his room. Something had seemed off, with Grian rolling his shoulders a lot as he paced, occasionally reaching back and scratching at his wings as if he was trying to achieve something with the motion.
    "Are you okay?” Scar asked, accidentally startling Grian into turning around almost too fast.
    "Oh- Prince Scar, apologies, I didn't hear you approaching.” Grian said. Scar had told him weeks ago he could drop the title as long as no one else was around to hear, but Grian had refused to. Typically it was he could put a bit too much emphasis on the word and draw an easy blush out of Scar, but now he just said it regularly in the rush of his words. "It's nothing, really, just- uh- my wings.”
    "Your wings?” Scar frowned. “Are they injured? I can fetch the court medic-"
    Grian waved his hand dismissively. "No, no, nothing like that, they're just a bit… dirty.”
    "Don't you groom them?”
    "I do, but there's only so much of them I can reach.” Grian admitted, once again making to scratch at some point on his back and seemingly missing. "It's not a problem for the most part, but it does get a bit annoying as it builds up."
    "Oh.” Scar's frown deepened. Grian was trying his best to make the issue sound minor, but the way he kept shifting and grimacing suggested otherwise. "Would you like some help with it?"
    Despite Scar thinking it was a fairly reasonable and understandable offer, Grian's eyes widened in- surprise? shock? disbelief?- at the words. “I- well- you don't have to-"
    “Nonsense, I insist. You're clearly uncomfortable.” Scar pointed out. “Though I admit I'm not too experienced, I'll be careful to do my very best."
    Was that a blush on Grian's cheeks? Scar almost couldn't believe his eyes, but there was no mistaking the light, but definitely present, shade of red now colouring a good part of Grian's face. This is what it took to get back at Grian? Offer to help him out? No wonder Grian had made sure he was the handservant and Scar was the prince, trying so hard to hide his one weakness,
    "Alright.” Grian said, derailing Scar's train of thought with his much-quieter-than-usual voice, looking at Scar in a very odd way. "I mean, well, if you insist, it'd be rude for me to refuse you.”
    There was clearly something about the situation Scar was missing, but without any clue as to what that was, he decided to focus on the matter at hand. “Your bedroom, then?"
    Grian nodded silently before moving in the decided direction, heading for his bed while Scar followed and closed the door behind them. By the time Scar turned back towards Grian, he was laying fully out on his stomach, wings stretched out while he pillowed his head with both his hands and his pillows.
    It was hard for Scar to not feel supremely awkward as he settled on the bed with Grian, even harder when he realized the prime position to do this would be with Scar resting on top of Grian's lower back, but he managed (he didn't manage, not even a little bit).
    He was trying his best to distribute his weight between Grian's back and his own legs when Grian laughed quietly, sounding more like himself but still a bit too soft to be just right. "Your highness, please don't strain your legs on my behalf. I'd prefer this be a pleasant experience for the both of us."
    Scar acquiesced, trying to decipher the full meaning of Grian's statement. It almost sounded like more flirting, but his tone was all wrong, too quiet, not teasingly put on. He shook his head. He's looking too much into this, Grian's most likely just tired from all the gunk build-up.
    "Tell me if I do something wrong, okay?” Scar said before he started, lightly resting each of his hands at the base of each of Grian's wings. Middle back was the hardest spot to reach, he presumed, so he would start there before moving out to touch up the outer edges of the wings as needed.
    Grian nodded into the pillow in understanding before adding, in a voice that was muffled yet gentle, “You’ll do great, I trust you.”
    Trust? Grian was bringing trust into this now?! Wing grooming must be harder than Scar had thought.
    Regardless, it was too late to back out now. Instead, Scar took a deep breath, and slowly started working.
    Scar quickly found the build-up in the area he had suspected, being careful not to literally or figuratively ruffle any of Grian’s feathers as he cleaned out what dirt and grime had wedged themselves under them. He straightened each feather back into place after he was done with a certain area, having never admired the vibrant colours of the wings as much as he did then.
    That was until one of those vibrant coloured feathers detached from the wing in his hand, where Scar was fairly certain it was not meant to be.
    “Oh- oh no, Grian, I’m so sorry, a feather came out, I didn’t mean-”
    Grian, who had begun propping himself up on his arms in reaction to Scar’s panic, let out a small laugh. “Hey, calm down, it’s alright.”
    “But your wings-”
    “-shed a few feathers every week, it’s natural. I always take some out during grooming.” Grian explained, laying back down on his pillows. “Just place the loose ones by my head. You’re doing wonderfully so far.”
    Despite Scar’s still remaining worry, he smiled at Grian’s sincere compliment. He placed the feather by Grian’s head as instructed, taking care that its edges didn’t tear or catch as he did so, before he went on with his work.
    It was slow work, due in large part to how cautious Scar was being, but Scar didn’t mind it. It was relaxing in a way, and not just for him. Grian’s eyes had slipped shut at some indiscernible point, and outside of small flaps of his wings whenever Scar removed a particularly nasty piece of dirt, he wasn’t moving much. Scar wouldn’t be surprised if he had fallen asleep.
    Eventually, Scar reached the end of his work, pulling one last feather from the edge of a wing and mentally declaring his mission accomplished. Grian’s wings shone even more than usual, all neatly laid out and well arranged, if Scar could say so himself.
    Scar added the final feather to the small pile that had accumulated beside Grian’s head, but hesitated to leave. Logically, he had no reason to stay any longer, with the wings cleaned and their owner dozing. But the moment was so… calm. It felt right to stay there.
    Grian’s eyelids fluttered open after a few minutes passed with Scar doing little more than sitting and staring. He smiled sleepily and despite the hour Scar had just put into his wings, he was fairly certain he had never seen a more perfect sight.
    “Finished?” Grian asked.
    “Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah I’m finished.” Scar made a pointless gesture at the feather pile, as if that backed his statement. “I can go now if you want.”
    “You can stay.” Grian replied, softly, moving the feather pile to the table at the side with a motion and lightly lifting up one of his wings. “If you want.”
    Scar would hate to be a liar.
    As soon as he had slipped in next to Grian, the wing lowered once again, the soft feathers Scar had just set right now warm against his back and tickling the base of his neck. Grian himself didn’t move much, clearly content with the position he had been resting in for the last while, but he did slip an arm over Scar’s shoulders and shift his head to rest beside Scar’s.
    “This is nice.” Grian murmured, breath pleasantly fanning Scar’s chin. His eyes had slipped back shut. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to help with grooming sooner. I didn’t know if you’d want to.”
    “You don’t need to apologize.” Scar responded, equally quiet, pretending he had any idea why Grian would be apologizing in the first place. “I’m happy I was able to help.”
    Grian had apparently fallen back asleep, not saying anything back, but a small smile remained on his face as he pressed closer to Scar, wing curling in closer. Scar returned the smile, closing his eyes as well. No such thing as too much sleep (and no such thing as too much time spent with Grian).
    That affair had been a few days before it all really came to a head, and it had gone perfectly well, thank you very much. Sure, Scar had woken up later that day to find Grian sitting up and running light fingers through his hair, casually asking what they should have for dinner, but that hadn’t affected Scar, alright? He was completely level-headed and thinking right and not distracted at all.
    And then one day he woke up. And he was fine and normal and not at all thinking about how dearly he wanted to awaken to Grian, beside him, hands in hair, smiling, making plans. And he got up. And he saw his crown.
    It was in the same area it always was, but now there were flowers woven through its metal arches and around its gems. Lilacs and poppies, interspersed with roses. And tucked into place beside each rose?
    Feathers. Grian’s feathers. Grian’s vivid, radiant, treasured feathers. In his crown. Right next to his and Grian’s favorite flowers.
    After the allotted time given to Scar for determining that what he was seeing was not a dream (repeated pinching), he did the two most obvious and crucial things in response to such an event:
    First, he put the crown on. Obviously. Typically he only wore it for special occasions, but this definitely counted as a special occasion.
    Second, he immediately raced out of his room.
    Sub-second step, he made it four steps before he more or less crashed into a wall, retreated to his room, secured his wheelchair, and once again raced out of his room via wheels.
    To his luck, Scar found Mumbo not only in his room, but trapped within it, thanks to the wonders of having to stand still while tailors did their work.
    “Mumbo!” He exclaimed the moment he was within his brother’s room, ignoring the twin glares he received for it. “I am terrible at being careful!”
    “Clearly!” Mumbo huffed, checking the seams his tailor (Scar’s poached handservant tailor) had been working on when Scar burst in and startled them both. “Can I help you with something, or are you just bored?”
    Scar gestured emphatically at his crown, grinning.
    It took a few moments for it to register with Mumbo, but Scar could tell the moment he did, eyes widening as he frowned slightly. “Oh, Scar. Your handservant?”
    “Why would a gold digger remember my favorite flowers, huh?! Or decorate my crown with feathers I had groomed off of him?!”
    “To get your gold, obviously-”
    Before Mumbo could continue, he was cut off; not by Scar, but instead by his own tailor, who had begun tutting at him. “Oh, Bumbo."
    “I thought I told you to stop calling me that."
    "Bumbo, Bumbo, Bumbo.” The tailor repeated, making Scar snigger. "Your concern is understandable, but unnecessary.”
    Mumbo raised an eyebrow. “And why's that? Scar's flower theory?”
    "No, his feather one.” The tailor replied, moving around so that they were facing Scar while they worked on Mumbo's sleeve. “Avians are very particular about their wings, and even more so their feathers. The chances of one allowing someone they don't actually consider close to groom them are incredibly small, and giving feathers away, especially in such a manner? Not even the most gold digging of them would ever do such a thing under false pretenses.”
    "Why's that?” Scar asked, reaching up to gently brush a finger along one of the feathers as he did so.
    "Their feathers are very important to them, Avians only give them to those they care deeply for and feel they can trust with them.” The tailor answered. “Family members often give them to each other to signify being connected, and, as in your case, partners give them to each other both as a sign of trust and a way to display to others that they're dating.”
    "Well that's- wait.” Scar processed the tailor's full statement. “In my case?”
    The tailor cocked their head at Scar, as if Scar was the one missing something. "You said you groomed his wings, right? Avian partners do that to bond and, again, show they trust their partner.”
    Scar wasn't entirely sure what his expression was at that moment, but given how amused Mumbo was looking it probably wasn't good. “But- wait- no- I- I just said I wanted to help him! He didn't ask me or say it was about- about courting- just apologized for not asking-”
    “If a relationship goes on for a while without one partner asking the other to groom their wings, it's often considered rude, as if you don't trust your partner or don't consider your relationship serious. He probably didn't ask because he didn't know if you would know how to help or would even want to, and felt bad when he realized you did.” The tailor explained with a wave of their thread-wielding hand. They smirked then, glancing at Scar. “It's actually rather forward for one partner to ask to groom the other rather than waiting for an invitation."
    Scar thought back to the moment when he had offered to groom Grian's wings, the seemingly random blush he developed. Scar shoved his face in his hands. “Oh, Nether.”
    "You should probably get back to your handservant.” The tailor said, tone teasing nearly to the point of mocking. "He'll want to know if you accepted his gift, I'm sure."
    "You know, I've changed my mind, Mumbo, I'm glad you've stolen away my old handservant.” Scar bemoaned. "They’re very rude.”
    “And they somehow know more about your relationship status than you do.” Mumbo pointed out, now also smirking, because Scar was the only one in that room who cared about his hardships. "Go on, then.”
    For the record, it should be noted that Scar did not leave the room because he was being repeatedly told to get out. He left because the energy was bad and he had to talk to Grian. It was his own choice.
    He did manage to make a dignified departure before he once again began racing down the halls, fairly certain he'd be getting grief for the wheel tracks over all the rugs later but deciding to make that future him's problem. Soon enough, he was back where he started, but now a door over. Grian's room.
    Scar managed to stop himself from once again bursting into the room. He took a deep breath, trying to channel the spirit of someone who had a clue what he was doing. Only then did he (slowly) open Grian's door and let himself in.
    Grian was reclined on his bed, laying against the headboard as he flipped through a book. He looked up when Scar entered, eyes quickly drifting to his crown, smiling wide when he realized it was still just as he had decorated it.
    "There you are, Prince Scar.” Grian greeted cheerfully, putting his book down. “I was starting to wonder where you were, since you're normally not out of your room this early-"
    “Are we dating?!” In all fairness to Scar, he had managed to go a solid ten seconds before blurting it out. That was pretty good given the situation.
    Grian, for his part, looked as if he understood what was going on just as much as Scar. “I- well- I mean- yes? Is this-"
    "Yes? Yes?!” Scar decided this could be added to the list of things that would catch Grian off guard enough to ruin his composition, going by his wide-eyed expression, though Scar wasn't sure exactly when he would want to go through this again. "Since when?!”
    "Since- I mean- since you got me the melon berries?” Grian responded, now frowning in confusion, as if Scar was calling into question something he had been concretely certain of. Which would be rather impressive, given Scar hadn't known about it at all. "I mean- I guess I wasn't absolutely certain of it then, but you also got me these bracelets, and helped me groom, and you've put on my feathers so- yes?"
    "But what about- I don't know- kissing! Or pet names!”
    “I didn't know how 'known’ you wanted our relationship to be.” Grian said, still sounding bewildered. "Didn't know how the prince and his handservant would look.”
    "Well obviously it would look great with you involved!” Scar exclaimed, getting a brief glimpse of Grian turning the same red as his sweater before Scar was hiding his face in his hands again. “I can’t believe we’ve been dating for so long and I am the last to find out.”
    Scar lamented to himself for a few moments more before he heard Grian clear his throat. Scar gave Grian his attention, finding that his handservant- and boyfriend, apparently- was still looking very awkward but now somewhat aware of what exactly the situation was.
    "Seeing as I have failed to make my intentions clear…” He started, sounding a bit stiff before he smiled sheepishly. "You said something about kissing?”
    The speed at which Scar moved from his wheelchair to Grian's lap was likely not medically advisable.
    "Pet names, too.” He reminded as Grian's arms wrapped around his waist, wings copying the motion and blocking out the rest of the world as they came to rest against Scar's back. Scar's arms moved to settle over Grian's shoulders, one of his hands running over the spot where the soft ends of his hair met his neck and relishing the obvious way Grian leaned back into the touch.
    “I wouldn't dare forget.” Grian said under his breath, since it seemed, unfortunately, he had regained his composure and was ready to (sweetly, wonderfully, gaily) torment Scar with it.
    "Love,” he kissed Scar's forehead.
    "Darling,” he kissed Scar's cheeks.
    "Dearest,” he kissed the tip of Scar's nose.
    "May I?” He lifted one of his hands to cup Scar's cheek, thumb running over the edge of Scar's lips.
    Scar chose to skip an actual answer and instead moved in close to take his turn at kissing-your-boyfriend.
    “I think you said something about, uh, not staying in this room long? Or staying in mine a lot? Or something?” Scar mumbled in a breath, half of the sounds lost right against Grian's lips.
    Grian laughed, lightly scratching Scar's scalp, his hand having once again moved from Scar's cheek to bury itself in his hair. "You're a very forward man, my highness.”
    Scar felt breathless. “Oh, you really are not one to speak.” And then he wasn't speaking, neither of them were, and somewhere in the back of the mind Scar was trying to calculate how long it would take to get the bed in his room made a double and the gardens seeded with melon berries and roses.
    He was going to need yet another handservant.
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The Royal Pain (Scarian)
Ya’ll can blame the discord group for this one. Royal au with Prince! Grian and Peasant/Stable boy magic user Scar. Warnings for Heavy making out, but thats about it. Scar had always felt at home with the horses. Unlike people, horses didn't point and gossip about his scars, and they didn't judge him harshly for every move. Animals as a whole didn't do that- that's what Scar loved so much about them- and they especially loved his magic. What would've been gotten him burned at the stake outside these walls, kept him and these animals safe within the walls. As he stroked the horse's mane with the brush, he used his magic to calm the large animal- eye's glowing a brilliant gold as he hummed to himself. "You know, your so focused on that horse's hair that one could almost think your married~" A lilted voice- one that constantly wormed its way into his dreams- cut into the peace, making him freeze. Immediately, he let the magic fade away as his eyes returned to their normal brown before turning to the voice, eyes narrowing on the prince. Ever since he had started working at the palace stables, Prince Grian had seemed to become a thorn in his side- testing his normally infinite patience. "Your highness, what a surprise!" Scar tried to make himself sound friendly as he stood and turned to the prince, bowing, "Really? At this point, you should really expect me around stable boy..." His tone was teasing as he let out an airy giggle, a sly smile stretched across his features. Scar knew this game. Grian would push and push at his patience like the royal brat he was until Scar blew his lid and stopped being nice or until he got bored. "Tell me sire, is this some kind of game to you? Does trying to push me entertain you?" He smiled and hummed, cleaning his area and stepping out of the horse stall, "A game? Oh of course not! But is it fun? Definietely~" He chuckled, trailing behind Scar as he picked up a bucket and walked out behind the barn. Scar rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm glad I can help to entertain you." Scar set down the bucket on the ground, humming. Grian seemed to pout at the answer, huffing and crossing his arms, "You know, you'd entertain me some more if you- y'know-" He grabbed Scar's shoulder, pulling him to face him, "Paid. Attention. to. me." His breath was right again Scars face, their noses inches away. His face flushing a bit and tensing, Scar quickly brushed away Grian's hand and stepped back, "If I paid attention to you, i'd never get anything done your highness." This caught Grian's attention, a smirk playing on his lips as he quirked a brow, hands moving to his hips. "Oh? And what about me is so distracting, hm?" Scar froze, a warm blush spreading across his cheeks as his eyes widened, "W-wait- I- that's not what I-" He stammered over his words, caught off-guard by the comment. What WAS so distracting about the Prince? Well- there was a plethora of reasons. Firstly, because he kept asking questions all the time that drew Scar away from his work. Secondly, there was that lovely voice Scar could listen to for hours if it wasn't trying to piss him off. And Third of all, there were the boy's enchanting looks. Being royalty, it wasn't uncommon that he was so handsome, but there was something different about him from the other royals that Scar found himself so drawn to. Was it the way his tights were snug against his more intimate areas, or the way he let his red dress shirt hang semi-loosely from his shoulders, exposing delicate pink flesh. Maybe it was his sparkling blueish grey eyes, his messy honey blonde locks, or those soft, tempting looking pink lips- he didn't know. His figure, his stance, his voice, everything about Grian drew Scar in and it drove the man crazy that he could only dream of even being close to such things. "And now your getting all flustered? How cute...~" Grian giggled, stepping closer once more, eyes lidded in a flirtatious manner. If he didn't stop, Scar was going to lose his cool. Clearing his throat, Scar shook his head and turned away, "That's not what I meant and you know it. Now if you don't mind, I have work to be doing." He said sternly, picking up a large bag of oats and throwing it over his shoulder, walking back into the stables. Grabbing a knife, he put one end of the bag in the horse's feeder, cutting into it and letting it pour into the feeder. When it finished, he pulled out the cloth bag and hung it up. From the lack of noise, he'd assumed the prince had left, unaware of the male creeping up behind him as he put the knife down of the table beside him. Bending over, Scar began to gather a bundle of rope into his arms before he heard a whistle behind him. His face glowing bright red, he dropped the ropes and spun around, glaring at the blonde sitting behind him. The Prince leaned back against the table behind him with a smug grin, biting his lip. "Nice ass." "Excuse me? Did your mother ever teach you manners?" Grian sneered, "Of course she did. She also taught me to be persistent with what I want. Did YOUR mother ever teach you to take a compliment?" "Of course she did, but that was just plain crude and downright dog-like of you." Scar could feel his patience running thin, "This type of behavior is unacceptable, your highness." "And I care why?" He pushed off against the table, walking over and standing with his arms crossed, "I'm the prince. If I don't want to be polite or nice- I don't have to be." He glared right back at Scar, eyes alight with defiance, "You are just some stableboy. Someone below me and you do not get to tell me what to do!" Oh. Oh that did it. Scar felt his magic flare up inside him as his last thread of patience snapped, a quiet growl erupting from his throat as his eyes glowed gold once more. The knife flew up from the table to Grian's neck, making the blond yelped and scramble back towards the wall, "W-what the-?!" It levitated there and Scar walked closer, "You act like SUCH a brat!" Scar snapped, grabbing Grian's wrists and yanked them above his head roughly. Grian laughed nervously, "Scar- Scar we can talk about th-" Without warning, Scar smashed his lips to Grian's, catching the princes off-guard. Internally, Scar was screaming- he could be hung for this! What the hell was he doing?! He wrapped his free arm around Grians back, pulling their bodies together tightly he felt him lean into the kiss, tounges tangling around each other- the kiss feverish and messy. Scar kept screaming to himself, I shouldn't be doing this- I really, REALLY shouldn't be doing this, but he just couldn't stop- the feelings all too addicting. Scar thread his fingers into Grian's hair, pulling away and tugging his head back to expose his neck. He leaned forward, lips latching to the side of the Prince's neck eagerly, kissing and biting the sensitive flesh as he dedicated the soft noises Grian was making to memory. Warm hand's slipping under Grian's shirt caught him off guard once more, absolutely wreaked at the feeling of the other man against him so roughly. It was so different to how other's treated him, and he was reveling in it. The press of the knife against his throat, the painful bites, the rough handling- god, he needed to piss Scar off more. Scar let go of his wrists as he came up and captured Grian's lips again, both of their hearts thundering in their chests as the prince wrapped his arms around Scar's shoulders in an attempt to pull him closer. Scar smelt like the earth and fresh mountain air, while Grian smelt like roses and a hint of concrete powder- scents both of them dedicated to memory. "Grian!!" The both of them tensed, eyes widening as they pulled away from each other, both a wreaked mess as the knife clattered to the floor. A man in a well-dressed suit walked in, a confused look on his face as he saw the pair, "Grian? You're supposed to be training, what are you doing here?" Grian quickly tugged his shirt over his shoulders to cover up the red marks, running his fingers through his hair, "Mumbo- O-oh you know uh- Just looking at the horses!" Mumbo quirked a brow, looking between the prince and the stable boy with a knowing smirk before humming, "Right...well, say goodbye to them, because we gotta go~" He winked at Scar, who merely coughed into his hand awkwardly. Mumbo walked out and Grian sighed, looking at Scar, "Don't worry, he won't do anything..." "Oh thank god..." He sighed in relief before yelping, the prince grabbing the front of his shirt and kissing him roughly. When he pulled back, he spoke in barely a whisper, "Mumbo will come to bring you to my room at 9 sharp. Don't you dare think we are done here-" He huffed and let go before walking out of the stables reluctantly, leaving Scar stunned. Well, at least something good had come from that royal pain.
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bluiex · 1 year
I also have a little Scarian dbh thing bouncing around in my head, but my memory of how things work is a little foggy so it might be inaccurate.
Okay, so Grian is a programmer who is a part of a team testing out new personality types for a line of 'Companion' bots and Scar is the beta/test version of one of the personalities. Grian has to make sure Scar is in perfect working order for a showcase of how these 'Companion' bots work or should work so his team can get the needed funding for the project to move forward.
And things go great. Scar is doing everything he's supposed to, with some minor hiccups here and there, but nothing that can't be reworked before the showcase. There shouldn't be any trouble with Scar going through his programmed behaviors.
Until there is.
Scar ignores every single command another person on Grian's team gives him, opting to just blankly stare at them until Grian pulls Scar out of the room, citing some minor difficulties and possibly a bug that went unnoticed throughout testing.
Which leads to Grian running some diagnostic tests on Scar out in a hallway, trying and failing to find what could possibly be wrong, while his team continues on with showcasing the other bots. He does everything he could think of. From minor things like checking over Scar's body incase they got knocked around in transport, to asking Scar to do a few things like getting a thing of water from a nearby display and repeating some words back to Grian.
But Scar aces every test Grian does, showing that everything is fine and there should be no problems of any kind. Internals are fine, motor skills are fine, optics are fine, everything's fine! There's nothing out of place, no piece of code popping up as incompatible, there is no reason Scar shouldn't have done what they were asked to do!
So Grian just sighs, setting down the tablet on a nearby table and holding his head in his hands. It's just his luck that the bot he was assigned to, the one he had spent weeks testing and going through every programmed behavior with, would somehow have some kink in its programming to where it chooses to ignore certain commands...
Slowly, Grian lifts his head back up, taking a look at Scar. The android is looking back at him with a huge smile on their face, like nothing is wrong and they're waiting for what he'll say next.
"This is fair, you know. It isn't fair you've gotten some weird glitch that makes you unable to show how amazing you can be..."
He reaches over, ruffling fake but real feeling hair.
"You didn't ask to have some bug. You're just made to be sweet, kind, loving... The perfect loving boyfriend. And you have been. You did everything right until you had to get up on the stage. With all those people looking at you...I hope we get another shot at this. I really want people to see how great you can be."
He doesn't really know what to do when Scar pulls him into a hug, but just letting the android hold him is probably the wrong choice. Oh well, what's one more wrong choice? He probably made a wrong choice with some bit of code buried deep in all of Scar's programming and that's what cause the little glitch...Nothing he can't fix if he really tries. What's wrong with a little hug anyways? An affectionate bot is suppose to be affectionate. At least that programming works.
It's not like something bad will come from one little hug...
(oblivious Grian is oblivious. There a reason why your bot boy doesn't listen to other people but listens to you lol)
Grian.. Smh he only listens to you cuz he loves you silly.
Okay but for real- this whole idea is amazing. The things you can do. Scar still refusing to listen to anyone but Grian, cuz he's Grian's no one else's. why would he listen to others?
That is until the people who sponsor them, to get their androids on the market, give him a week to fix Scar's code or his AI is off the market and to be trashed.
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bluiex · 2 years
I must say first I love your writing! secondly what other headcanons do you have for Scar and Grian?
Boy I have a lot of head canons for them we'd be here all day. One being, cGrian isn't the stuttering, sad, down on himself, keeps things to himself, type of person a lot of people write him as! (Not that that is a bad thing, I absolutely ADORE every single way people portray him. Because I have written Grian like that XD) He's very confident in himself, sure he may act tsundere, but he's quite open about how he is feeling. Also I love him with wings and some traits from a bird, like mimicking and chirping
cScar for me is just everything. He is my fave, I will add anything to him. (mostly he is the clueless guy, but secretively super smart. And can take charge with a snap of a finger) BUT AS A SHIP, Scarian is the most highly functional relationship in my head. They are very open with one another and so damn in love. cGrian holds cScar up on a high pedestal but Scar holds Grian's higher lmao cuz he's taller >:))) (lets talk sex: Grian is a switch(that leans more toward dom), Scar is a switch. They both like it both ways) I like to imagine them as a power couple as well xD
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