#call it overdramatic or whatever idc
kaevch · 29 days
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bluberimufim · 3 months
OC Smash or Pass
Heyyyy I got tagged by @writernopal on this post (you can no longer vote on it bc I'm late as hell -_-)
I thought I'd do this for DoS, but I realized neither Seth nor Theo would be interested in the "smash" part of this, so I went with Dora! I'll be following the format of the previous post in this tag game chain or whatever it's called
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
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art by yours truly~~
Quick facts:
Height: tall (I never came up with specifics)
Age: around 34
Gender: female, she/her pronouns
Sexuality: lesbian
literally has divine powers
a painter - can and will draw you like one of her french girls
very committed to her partner (she's so so lonely)
if you have a thing for women in uniform, she's not really your girl, but she will wear that uniform sexily (as somewhat pictured above)
also if you have a thing for women who murder people on the regular, yeah
kinda butch, I'd say
would die for you
surprisingly prone to sincere and overdramatic declarations of love
has a girlfriend in canon but don't let that stop you
so unbelievably depressed
kinda blazèe and dismissive towards life in general
literally on the verge of death because being a demigoddess sucks
also she desperately wants to die
has a hard time being genuine - she won't lie about her feelings but she'll joke about her problems
not sure if this is a con or not but she cuddled with her girlfriend's corpse, like, twice
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I know my character per post limit is 8 but idc, I went over it for this one.
Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Alcina Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Mother Miranda, Mia Winters, Karl Hiesenberg, Bela Dimitrescu, Salvatore Moreau, and Elena Lupu reacting to their s/o asking to do their makeup.
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Daniela Dimitrescu
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Please do Daniela’s makeup!
She’s more excited about this than you are, already dragging you over to the necessary supplies before the question is finished leaving your mouth. 
Every time you tell her to look at you, she stares instead. If you don’t say anything, she probably just. Won’t blink.
She will nip at your fingers and attempt to lick your hand while you're doing her makeup.
Without fail, if you lean too close to Daniela, she’ll say something like, “Are we about to kiss right now?”
She’s gonna want to do your makeup after you’re done. It will be messy.
Donna Beneviento 
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This is the sort of thing you can only ask not only after Donna has removed her veil in front of you, but after she’s comfortable leaving it off.
There’s a little hesitance, but she’ll let you do it. 
She is as still as a statue the whole time, only moving when you ask her to. 
If you’re going to touch her scar, you need to tell her first. She doesn’t like anybody touching it. Especially without warning. 
Her face is warm under your hand. Something about the proximity just makes Donna go dskgaadkskaldhalsksj.
Angie wants to help! I wouldn’t let her. Both you and Donna will regret it. 
Alcina Dimitrescu 
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Alcina is kind of particular about her makeup. It will take some pleading for her to let you do this. Then...
She'll let out a painfully overdramatic sigh and agree.
I’d recommend using her products. I mean, she uses custom ones for a reason. Using a “normal-sized” lipstick tube on her is just so much more tedious. Be careful, though. It’s all very expensive!!
You best not intentionally make Alcina look like a fool. She will not be amused and then, surprise! Your makeup applying privileges have been revoked. 
Cassandra Dimitrescu 
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...Okay, fine.
If you want to put makeup on Cass, be prepared for her to not sit still.
Listen. She can't help it. She'll be shifting around in her seat a whole lot, her hands will drifting towards you and the products...
Like Daniela, if your fingers get a little too close to her mouth, Cassie will nip at them.
She has a near-perpetual Kubrick stare, and you're going to have to give her more than one reminder if you want her to stop tilting her head down.
Mother Miranda 
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Miranda is hesitant. She typically just puts makeup around her eyes and calls it day. And you want to do her whole face?
If you want to do this, I hope you want it bad enough to plead a little because that’s the only way you’ll get a yes.
...This is a one time thing, you understand? 
(Eh, maybe not if Miranda likes it enough). 
(If she does, she’s very begrudging when it comes to admitting it).
 Don’t go too crazy. And let her finish her experiment first. 
Mia Winters 
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Mia talks the entire time. Even when you go to put something on her lips.
Lets you do literally whatever you want, even if you want to do something intentionally ridiculous. 
Continues wearing the look until she goes to bed.
...Unless she falls asleep prematurely. A likely possibility, mind you. You might have to wake her up. 
Karl Heisenberg 
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Oh, you were being serious? Well, that changes things!
Cue Karl grumpily sitting in a chair with his arms crossed, unable to believe he's letting you do this.
"What the hell is that?" you'll hear every single time you pick up something new.
He pulls away slightly and won't stop blinking whenever you get near his eyes.
Bela Dimitrescu 
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Go ahead. Bela’s fine with that. 
She sits decently still the entire time. 
Asks you about how you got into makeup and stuff like that.
Goes on about how she knows things will turn out great before getting even one look at herself.
Her gaze follows your hands like one of those portraits with moving eyes. 
Salvatore Moreau 
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Yes! Sal might've just shyly asked you if you never did. He's always wanted to try out makeup.
He has a lot of questions about what you're doing. He wants to understand what you're using and how you're using it. 
Gets upset when he inevitably ruins your work. Can you fix it? Please?? Salvatore will be more careful this time.
Absolutely lights up if you offer to show him how to do it himself. 
Elena Lupu
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It could be fun. Elena's never gotten much of a chance to do anything with makeup before, so why not?
The urge to rub her eyes increases tenfold after you put makeup around there. 
Would you be willing to let her do your makeup after? Even if she barely knows what she’s doing? 
(...If yes, please give her a few pointers every now and then. Elena is struggling). 
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you deserve happines
*thinks what tags she should put for teens to see this 
i have never been in love. im not  really a romantic person. i am that boring person you see in the movies, you know that one nobody cares about ,its not the main but her story is still sad you wanna cry. somehow you feel bad for her and become grateful that you dont have that life. yes thats me. but im not in movies. i wish tho. it’s real life and im the main. i started my “speech” with love. and its probably really weird because i stopped and start to tell my sad story but i’ll go back to love in a minute. 
        so what  makes my life special and interesting you may ask?
well i’m sad all the time. i have low self esteem. but tbh i always try to be positive  and find good in everyone. i dont have that much words and im too lazy to tell my whole story but its pretty boring. i never get along with people, i overreact, i overthink , im overdramatic, super sensitive, i am not fake so thats why i dont get along with many. i hate fake people btw. life sucks, people suck blah blah blah..u get me. 
      well i have a notebook. i will not call diary okay. so legit 2 days ago i wrote motivational speech, how should i be grateful for everything i have , and how should i just take it easy and be happy. so it was like- how to not give a fuck speech, you can say. i was super pumped about it. i was like new year new me but new year started like 2 months ago. whatever. literally 20 minutes later my friend texted me. we have groupchat and shit gets down in here. we talk shit all the time not because we are mean. we have to deal with fuckboys and fakeis all the time okay? we dont gossip thats lame. so my friend showed me that one fuckboy texted her about me. welll its a fucking long story i don’t want to go there. idc tbh. i got real depressed real quick. and start lowkey cryin. (because im overdramatic like i said ) then i go to bed and start thinking about my life. (like always) and realized im not happy, an i have never been. im not including small things. im talking about real genuine happines. i have never felt that.  well its long story too (wtf whats the point of this blog then u may ask) but i have problems all the time. i dont get along with my family well. and im not ever lying we fight literally every day and that shit is tiring. im over it . well this story is already sad if you have a heart . because happines i think, is everyones goal. and i havent reach it (yet).  ye i started talking about love right? well like i sad i have never been in love. because im surrounded by homophobic ,racist , fuckboys that im not interested in. i didn’t even have a crush. but 3 or 4 days ago i found a boy on insta. (wow so romantic ) and the stalker i am, i found him on other social networks too and i stalked him so hard . well i dont even know what he looks like. because he does not show his face fully. i thing he’s insecure or something. but i fell in love with him so quick. because his posts is just so relateble to me . we have same interests and shit and he is just so cute. he has same taste in music and shit. and personality is just so hot to me. i dont even care what he looks like. and the end of my sad story is that saddest part is that i know for sure i can not be with this guy even if he knew me even if he liked me back. i can never be with him and with boys like him. im 17 and i dont get whats the point of living in this place like this. well i dont think about suicide at all . dont get wrong idea. but i just dont get it you know? 
           yeah whatever thats my story .. so tumblr i know .. blah blah blah.
   probably no one will ever see this and you will stay the lame you are.
 and if someone sees it , there are many grammar mistakes, i know because english is not my main language but im sure you get it what i wanted to say :) 
     you may think its long for you to read and i get it . read it or not idc 
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