#catoon fun fact
friendlystarfruit · 2 years
I hate my art style and don't know how to color
aww hey there <3 *hugs* I am sorry you feel that way.
For getting an art style you like you just have to keep drawing and do lots of experimenting with different mark making. I am actually an impressonist artist that's my style but I am trying to learn how to do manga, digital art, catoon etc I also am trying to learn how to draw the human figure and human faces I find it easier to draw animals.
Don''t beat yourself up like even if all you can draw is stick figures or something draw the hell outta those stick figures. Thats draw and have fun. You get better at drawing the more you do and most people start off with art they don't like.
Fun fact about me I actauly love "bad" art or art that looks like it's drawn by kids and art that is drawn by kids.
Also my fav type of art actaully isn't even art that is drawn really well I love conceptional art my fav art is "One and Three Chairs" by Joseph Kosuth because it gets you thinking about semantics,idenity and representation , I like art that makes you use your head cus im nerd. (=
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heyhappysth · 4 years
About happy to sad.
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Cat:not my business
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☝🏻1. By human standards, having fun is not easy, as is making money.
☝🏻2. Sometimes you have to admit that cats live a better life than you.
☝🏻3. Solution: Balance your bank account and your quality of life.
👉🏻4. Forget the above and continue squandering when you receive your salary.🤣
Follow my on IG👇🏻😊
My instagram
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jammie-time · 2 years
All 44 for Jammie let's a go!
nosy anons let’s go
0: Height
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
1: Age
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
2: Shoe size
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
3: Do you smoke?
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
4: Do you drink?
NaH i DoNt LiKe ThE tAsTe I bE tAsTiN tHeM aLcHoLiC dRiNkS, nOt OnE bIt :o0
5: Do you take drugs?
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
6: Age you get mistaken for
ToO yOuNg >:o(
7: Have tattoos?
YeH!! i GoT oNe GoIn DoWn MiNe SpInE n CoVeRiN mInE nEcK aLl ThE wAy ArOuNd!
8: Want any tattoos?
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
9: Got any piercings?
I gOt ThEsE gAuGeS iN mInE eArS, tHeYrE fUn To HaVe!!!
10: Want any piercings?
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
11: Best friend?
PrInCe! I cAlL hIm KaRbRo ThOuGh :o) We ShArE ThIs LiTtLe SoCiAl BlOg HeRe Xo)
12: Relationship status
AiNt QuAdIn WiTh No OnE :o0
13: Biggest turn ons
cOnSeNt :o)
14: Biggest turn offs
ReAl BaD pAiN XoP dOnT lIkE tHaT aT aLl
15: Favorite movie
HaTe To Go SaYiN tHiS bUt ThAt MoViE e-StRi WeNt N sEnT ;o0 cAlLeD 'mY nEiGhBoR tOtOrO' iS a HuMaN mOvIe CaToOn :o0
16: I’ll love you if…
If Ya GiVe Me IcEcReAm 🥺
17: Someone you miss
MiNe AnCeStOr!!! He GoNnA bE gOnE aLl LoNg AgAiN i BeT tOo Xo6
18: Most traumatic experience
RaNdOm GoAt LuSuS.... NeVeR aGaIn...
19: A fact about your personality
ItS uGlY XoP
20: What I hate most about myself
m ToO nIcE :o0
21: What I love most about myself
mInE hAiR :oD !!
22: What I want to be when I get older
i DoNt GoTtA aN iDeA yEt UuH hOpE iLl Be MoRe CoNfIdEnT wHeN iM oLdEr :o0c
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
NoNe ReAlLy :o0c AcQuAiNtAnCeS i Be GuEsSiN! sOmE oF eM bE mInE fRiEnDs WhEn Im At ChUrCh :o0!
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
I dOnT gOt NoNe, ThAt A hUmAn ThInG :o0
25: My idea of a perfect date
UuH... mOvIeS n CaRtOoNs MaRaThOn!!
26: My biggest pet peeves
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
DoNt ReAlLy LiKe No OnE rIgHt NoW :o0
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
hMmM... pUrPlE bLoOd In MiNe ChUrCh ThAt UsEd To TaKe CaRe Of Me :o0c
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
WhEn I dOnT wAnT tHeM kNoWiN sOmEtHiN :oU
30: What I hate the most about work/school
gIvEs Me FuCk PaN sHiT yO Xo6
31: What my last text message says
">:o(" wAs TaLkIn To E-sTrI tHeRe.... BiTcH hE iS XoU
32: What words upset me the most
.... bEiN cAlLeD sTuPiD oR dUmB :o/ jUsT sTuFf ThAt Be MaKiN mE fEeL lIkE i CaNt Do MuCh FoR mYsElF
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
i AiNt EvEr ThOuGhT oN iT :o0c gUeSs CoMpLiMeNtS iN gEnErAl!
34: What I find attractive in women /35: What I find attractive in men
DoNt UnDeRsTaNd ThEsE qUeStIoNs ToO wElL :o0 iF i LiKe Em I lIkE eM :o0
36: Where I would like to live
NeAr A lAkE!!
37: One of my insecurities
mInE tHoUgHtS n HoW i GeT tO pUtTiN mInE wOrDs ToGeThEr :o0
38: My childhood career choice
AnSwErEd HeRe :o)c
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
ThE oNe ThAt CoOkIe N cAkE cRuMbS!! iS rEaL gOoD!
40: Who I wish I could be
lIkE kArBrO oR mInE aNcEsToR :o0
41: Where I want to be right now
iCeCrEaM sHoP >8o)
42: The last thing I ate
.... dId I... mOtHeRfUcKiN....eAt... ToDaY.....?????
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
@moogoth bE rEaLlY pReTtY!!
44: A random fact about anything
yAlL kNoW sEa GoAt LuSi GoT hUgE aSs ShArP tEeTh??? fUcKiN hElL!!!??
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bengalaas · 3 years
The initial problem with heated argument around US kids catoon to me is... "how on earth are you raising children if you think TV should educate them instead of their social environment and books you read together?!"
That is one major problem with this argument, and another I think is, it just doesn't work like that?? You don't learn lessons from cartoons unless there's an adult to ask educating questions later, and if that is the case, where's the problem pointing out to the kid that this or that was done in poor taste?
And if there's no adult around, then the only lesson is that cartoons are fun, but adults always have more important things to do.
Seriously, I'd love to see these new parents look back on their own childhood. I'm curious what lifelong lesson or message they got from Ed, Edd and Eddy, or from Johnny Bravo or The Flintstones or whatever. And I'm not talking about retrospective gasps theorizing what MIGHT have been learned. But facts. Gimme actual facts of how Cartoon Network taught you life lessons that stuck past adolescence lol.
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