msanonships · 2 months
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coldwest in episode 2.09 of THE FLASH
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coldflasher · 4 months
saw multiple gifs of iris sitting on her boyfriends' laps (first eddie and then barry) and now im like >:( cos we never got to see her sit on len's lap. or, you know, speak to him directly for more than 3 sentences
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sophiainspace · 4 days
Fragment Friday
(No one tagged me, I just felt like playing!)
From 'An Honest Thief' "All right, I’m getting there," Len gripes, as he stumbles to the door. "Whoever you are, you’re disturbing a literal den of very cranky thieves at five in the fucking morning. If you’re not worth it, I’m gonna set my personal arsonist on—" The warehouse door rolls up. "It’s you," Len says, apparently for want of anything more witty to say. Iris West tends to have that effect on him. "It’s me." She grins at him and steps inside. "Hey, Leonard. How do you feel about solving one last mystery together?" And she holds up a device that - if Len isn’t very much mistaken - is stolen goods. "West," he purrs, "did you get light-fingered in Cisco Ramon’s lab?" Iris makes a nimble gesture with her fingers, and she must have learned that from him. "Why," she asks, with the most fabricated coy look he's ever seen. "Are my thieving ways getting you hot?" "Fuck, yeah," he mutters, trying very hard to ignore the way she smiles at that. "Get inside, and keep your voice down." "Or you’ll set your personal arsonist on me, got it." Her tone is just a little mocking, as she steps into the warehouse, but Len isn’t going to complain about that. "By the way, I’ve met your arsonist. Mick Rory is a teddy bear who’d just hand me the can of lighter fluid and tell me to go to town on anything I wanted to turn to ash." "Teddy bear," Len mutters. He resolves never, ever to mention that particular phrasing to Mick. He wiggles his own fingers at the device. "Stolen tech, Iris?" "Right!" She sits down at his kitchen table, as casual as she likes, and puts the device down. Then she grabs it again. "Consider spending your ill-gotten gains on a table that doesn’t have a dangerous wobble, Leonard. I’d really rather not drop universe-breaching tech on this concrete floor."
Tagging a few others (no pressure) in case they want to share a fragment of any WIPs they're working on: @joanthangroff @coldflasher @habibialkaysani and anyone else who wants to play!
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
character ask game for Iris and Caitlin? :)
Sexuality headcanon:
Bi or pan!
Westallen 🥰 I also love Westhallen, Snowest, and Barriscowest!
Iris & Cisco 💞 sunshine twins for the win
Iris/Eobard, Iris/Snart
First headcanon that pops into my head:
Iris is a decent singer, but she hates singing solo. She loves singing with Barry 💞
(She misses him so much when she loses him 😭 she can hardly bear to sing a single note without him there to harmonize)
Favorite line from this character:
"In this world, the bravest thing you can be is optimistic" words to live by!
One way in which I relate to this character:
I also can't cook very well 😅 working on it though
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
Her Three List. Also the waterfront kiss. I just...*sigh*
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?:
Cinnamon roll!
Sexuality headcanon:
Bi and/or aromantic!
Snowstorm and Snowest 🥰
Caitlin and Cisco! I used to really ship them, but...as time goes on, I ship them less. I don't see them as siblings necessarily, though I do see that vision, but...idk. They're cute as a ship but I mostly prefer them as a brotp lately
Caitlin/Eobard, Caitlin/Wells (any of them). Also Caitlin/KF (I personally love the sisters angle for them)
First headcanon that pops into my head:
Caitlin had a toy doctor set and proudly carried it around everywhere 💞 she used it most often on her dad
(This is in fact me projecting, I miss my toy doctor set)
Favorite line from this character:
"It's not a burden if we shoulder it together"
One way in which I relate to this character:
I'm also a pre-med like her who had a passion for it from a young age!
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
The way she treated Jax in 2x5...yikes. (And the way some people on Tumblr apparently called that "a mom encouraging her son"...double yikes)
Also her stint with Amunet...girl wtf??
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?:
Cinnamon roll! Though…problematic fave in some seasons (like s4 💀)
character ask game!
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calciumcryptid · 9 months
None of you know pain until you find a ship that you adore so much but it is only able to exist in one continuity and everything else you are building and adapting with your own bare hands because one of the characters is typically OLD AS FUCK.
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pricemarshfield · 2 years
coldwest. you understand
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nixies-creations · 3 years
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For @queerghostie​, Happy Belated Birthday Babe!!
Leonard Snart x Barry Allen x Iris West - Moving In Together.
"You sure we didn’t miss anything?” Len asks, brow furrowed and lips pressed together as he goes through their check list, for the dozenth time. 
Laughing softly, Iris leans forward, hand moving up to cup his cheek and turn him to look at her. “It’s fine, Len. Promise. If we did forget anything at your old place or ours, then we’ll just send Barry back to grab it asap. Okay?”
“And risk him breaking something when he gets distracted?” Len retorted with a pointed look. “Last time he broke the brand new toaster, Iris.”
Rolling her eyes, she patted his cheek before moving to grab the suit case with work clothes, “Then if you’ve forgotten something, you can drive over and get distracted by Mick cooking dinner and the Hockey game I’m sure he’s watching and Barry and I will see  you tomorrow.”
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qlala · 3 years
leonard threatened barry and iris with a loaded gun on christmas eve and instead of leaving out the door she’d JUST come through, iris stalked closer just to call him a homicidal maniac to his face. you know leonard was writing in his journal that night like 💕 dear diary 😊 there’s two of them 🌹
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achangeinpriorities · 2 years
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Another fill for Flash Rarepair Bingo, this one feat. trans Len, trans Iris, and someone at CCPD being a bastard:
“I don’t know what about you is going to draw the most attention.” Iris’s voice is warm with amusement. Leonard isn’t looking at her, but he can picture the way she props her shoulder against the door when she’s in the mood to watch him. “The fact that everyone’s going to know you’re a criminal, even if Barry erased your record, or the fact that you’re going to show up looking like that.”
There’s no better opening. Leonard twirls around to face her. His skirt swirls around him, furling tight around his calves and then swinging back to rest. “I look damn good, and anyone who insults me does so with the knowledge that I can murder them in their sleep. Also, if they’re going to gawk at clothing, they’re gonna look at you. You’re a vision in red.”
Iris’s eyes flit down to the ground. “You’re a flatterer,” she accuses, looking anything but upset by that.
“And you’re going to be the belle of the ball,” Leonard promises. “Which is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it?”
Iris smiles. Leonard sees a world of hurt behind that smile—and, alongside that hurt, stubborn pride in the woman she is now. “Yeah,” she agrees. “It is.”
Read the rest on AO3
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sproutwings · 3 years
I too am predictable in my choices here: Dickstroke identity porn (!!!) & Coldwest(allen?) undercover \o/
The Dickstroke identity porn was a prompt someone threw at me on AO3, about Dick hooking up with Slade when Slade doesn't know that he is Nightwing. I usually don't take prompts out in the wild, and my initial reaction was 'ha, I've written the same story with Coldflash'. Except then I started to consider it, and I thought the premise would probably play out differently with Slade and Dick, and now I kind of want to write it.
I don't have much of it written out yet, but this is one I really want to finish! Here's a bit post-sex, Slade being curious about Dick's scars:
"How did you get that one?" Dick winces. As his scars go, it's one of the least telling stories he could share without lying. It's also too damn embarrassing. "You wouldn't believe if I told you." Slade looks up, eyebrow raised, and the way his stare fixes Dick is as piercing as ever. "Try me." He doesn't look like he's inclined to let it go. "Fine," Dick relents warily. Maybe if he tells that story, it'll satisfy Slade's curiosity and they can end this night without bloodshed and new scars being added to his collection. "I'll tell you. If you promise you won't ask about any of the others."
The Coldwestallen undercover fic was very vaguely inspired by this Tumblr post, but I only have the opening scene and Leonard hasn't even shown up yet. :-/
"Are you sure this is a good idea? The last time we did this, you knocked a guy out with a bottle." Through the radio, Barry sounds mildly panicked, like he expects Iris to physically assault random patrons before he can interfere. She rolls her eyes and huffs under her breath. "Babe, did you forget that it wasn't even me the last time?" She keeps her voice low because 'crazy lady talking to herself' isn't the kind of character she's going for in this undercover gig.
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coldflasher · 4 months
been driving myself crazy lately thinking about coldwest and all the things they have in common because there's actually some really interesting ground to cover there. like. there's quite a few commonalities or at least overlaps in their life experiences and yet those experiences vary in such interesting ways
they both come from cop families, but whereas iris really seems to have faith in the institution to the point where she wanted to become a part of it, len is so obviously vehemently against the police force and everything it stands for (clearly the superior take, sorry iris), and both of their worldviews have been influenced by their fathers. lewis was a dirty cop who had the system work against him, whereas joe was a huge believer in that system up until season... 7? 8? i lose track, whatever season it was that they had him quit the CCPD
then there's the fact that both len and iris had a parent who was an addict—again, it's affected them both in very different ways. lewis was in and out of len's life, generally for the worse, he was actively abusive and physically hurt him, i believe it's implied largely due to his alcoholism? meanwhile, iris's mom was actively neglectful on at least one occasion to the extent that she put both their lives at risk (also this defo contradicts canon but i headcanon that iris knew damn well that francine didn't tragically pass away due to illness—six years old is more than old enough to remember a seriously traumatic life-threatening event like having to call 911 to save her overdosing mother during a potentially lethal housefire).
again, that's a very different trauma to having a present abusive father with a violent streak, but. neither of them had a mom growing up. we do love mommy issues, i know the show focuses more on len's daddy issues but he defo has mommy issues as well. i wish they'd addressed even vaguely what happened to both len and lisa's moms—the most obvious explanation is that they both left to escape lewis's abuse, but then neither of them tried to take the kids? len also briefly mentions a grandfather in one ep—i believe the grandfather played a more prominent role in his life in the comics, kinda wish they'd gone more into that relationship in the show as well
i feel like there's more but these are the main things that are rattling around in my brain right now (aka i'm shoving them into a fic that probs won't see the light of day for years), will report back with whatever else comes to me
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sophiainspace · 7 days
How long did you have the idea for and how much plot was ready/sorted out when you started writing "An Honest Thief"?
How I had the idea: I had Covid in October. I was in bed rewatching a big chunk of season 1, and I ended up watching through an Iris-focused lens. How did she feel about the extreme number of people she cared about who lied to her, over months? (They only sort of addressed that in the show - she got mad with Joe and Barry, but forgave them pretty quickly, to my mind.) Then I got to the Snart episodes and of course started thinking about Coldwest and how, if they'd known each other, he wouldn't have lied to her - he'd have been brutally honest, maybe to the point that she would have found it a bit much. And that's where the idea grabbed me.
How much plot was ready: I wrote about 8000 words in a few days, whenever I could sit up.* I drafted everything up to just after Iris finding out who the Flash was...
...and then it became clear this was going to be a fic partly focused on Iris being aro, and I went shit because I didn't feel qualified to write that. Whatever that means - I mean, I don't believe the purity culture nonsense that you can only write a thing if you've lived it, and also I am grey/demiromantic, but I've never thought about that very much - until this fic! So I slowed down in the second half and tried to work out where things would go once Iris knew the truth, and got help from the excellent @achangeinpriorities (who has now looked at many snippets and commented on the aro rep - thanks!), and generally floundered around a lot. This is not how I usually write - I tend to plot out a fic from the beginning, even if things change while writing - so it's been a rollercoaster. I think the tone of the fic has shifted, which might have lost me readers, but I'm having fun and that's what matters.
I did not have a resolution in mind at any point (except I'd planned one final scene with Len and Iris). As you can probably tell by the whole thing with the Coldflash side ship and then Coldwestallen hitting me out of left field (although that's prob not to be resolved until a hypothetical sequel). I thought this thing would have about 5 chapters - it's currently up to 10, with at least one more to go. I've been scrambling around for an ending for weeks, and the perfect one just hit me, the other day. Which is great, as if I write too many more chapters of this thing, I'll lose even more readers than have already stopped bothering with this weird monster of a fic ;)
Which, honestly, I'm not surprised this one hasn't had many readers. The Flash fandom isn't very active now - the remaining fans are mostly Coldflash folks (a ship I like but don't write very well). But post-show tiny fandoms are my favourite place to write fic (hence all my years in the Buffy fandom). You get a few dedicated readers (like you, Toby!), and you lap up all the fic that's still being written, and it all becomes much more friendly than a huge fandom ever could be.
Thank you for the question! 🩶
*Despite being really quite sick, apparently my muse was still very active in churning out fic nonsense. Brains are weird.
Talk Shop Tuesday
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leonard-cold · 2 years
thank you @coldflasher for tagging me 😊
Rules: Tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don't reblog!
Favorite color: black
Currently reading: gumiho by kat cho (YA/urban fantasy novel about korean fox spirits)
Last series: watched russian doll s2 and heartstopper back to back. would not recommend doing this haha, VERY different shows
Last song: not discuss it by st. beauty
Last movie: my gf and i recently rewatched moonlight. beautiful movie but it’s a little disappointing that trevante hasn't had a ton of chances to show how good he is since then
Coffee or tea: coffee
Sweet, spicy or savory: sweet
Three ships: look i’m sorry all i can think of is coldwestallen, coldflash, coldwest 😂 i tend to move on from ships and fandoms fairly easily but these three got their claws in me it's a problem
Currently working on: i've been working on a coldwestallen time travel/future fic for the better part of a year now, after nearly seven years of not writing a single word... ngl that one got away from me a little, it's already over 50k which may not seem like a lot to everyone but it’s a lot for me and i still have no idea when or if it'll ever be finished because it has grown so much plot while i wasn't looking 😭 oh and i've been making coldflash gifs because i miss them always
First ever ship: in hindsight it was probably buffy/cordelia from btvs, although i didn't realize i was shipping them until years later. the first ship i ever wrote fic for was veronica/logan from veronica mars when i was maybe 13? needless to say it wasn't great 😂
Favorite piece of clothing: i don't think enough about my clothes to have a favorite piece haha, if it fits me and there's no holes in it it's good enough for me
Comfort food: my grandma's chocolate buttercream cake
Favorite time of the year: probably spring
tagging some of my mutuals i'd like to know better, but pls don’t feel obligated to do this at all if you don't feel like it: @crestfallercanyon @eaion @leonardsnartsskinnyjeans
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Iris West for the character asks?
1. sexuality headcanon
bi or pan!
2. otp
Westallen and Westhallen 🥰 she and Barry are just perfect together, and with Eddie's “three people in this relationship” line, so are they! I do also adore Barriscowest because Barry basically has two lightning rods canonically anyway and it’s wonderful. And Snowest ofc, my other non-canon babies 💞
3. brotp
Her and Linda! For as little time as the show gave them, they were AWESOME. Also ofc her and Wally 💞 unbeatable dream team, it makes me so sad that she wasn't more supportive of him in s3 despite being his Girl in the Chair in Flashpoint :(
4. notp
Iris/Eobard, Iris/Snart, Iris/Frost. Aside from that, I don’t think I’ve found any that I hate? She’s a character I love to multiship 😂
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
She absolutely tricked people into thinking Barry’s full name was actually Barrence back in school (thank you @kitkatt0430) 😂 she tried to do it with Barnacle too, but that didn't take
6. favorite line from this character
Ooh there’s so many but “a girl’s gotta be her own hero every now and again” is a winner for sure 💞
7. one way in which I relate to this character
I also can’t cook 😅 sometimes, and for a few things, but not usually
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Her Three List 😬 I’ve always hated it. Why would the writers do that?? That’s not cute. That’s weird
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
100% a cinnamon roll 🥰
character ask game!
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nerdybirdy6602 · 3 years
for the angst prompts! 7 for daisy/sylvester/lars or 13 for carazuli? whichever you prefer!
Hey there! Thank you thank you thank you for the requests! I promise you that, eventually, I'm going to swing back around to the daisy/sylvester/lars prompt because I DO love it, I just don't have any ideas right now. For now, however, please have this carazuli "Hush, it's alright. None of it was real." angst that makes my heart ache.
Lazuli Rocks knew how everyone was going to die.
She supposed that was part of whatever plan the Sugar-Plum Fairy had for her, no matter how much she loathed it. There was an indescribable ache that settled in her chest every time she looked at her family, knowing well all the pain and all the loss that came with the rest of their lives.
Perhaps the person she mourned for most was her beloved Caramelinda, the future queen and, later on, future empress. The heart of the realm would one day break, and Lazuli would no longer be there to hold her together. It was that very spark of grief that had begun to crawl into her nightmares and play out in her mind. There came a point where she could no longer distinguish what were possible futures, and what were simply nightmares crafted by her grief and sick imagination.
There was one in particular that rocked her to her very core. In hindsight, she knew this couldn’t have been a vision because she directly interacted with it, but it felt so real and intense that she didn’t know what else to make of it.
It started with Caramelinda standing with her back to Lazuli in a field of sweet-smelling sugar grass. The archmage called out to her, but her voice was lost to the wind, strangled before it could even reach the other woman’s ears. Cara’s voice, however, was crystal clear.
“How could you do this?”
The words were harsh and bitter, more so than Lazuli had ever heard. The thought of her beloved so angry at her made an apology rise to the tip of her tongue without even knowing what she was apologizing for. When Cara turned to face her, blue eyes glistening with unshed tears, Lazuli felt like crying with her.
“You couldn’t tell me you were leaving?”
“Cara,” the archmage began, “you know why I couldn’t.”
Reason did nothing to assuage the flames of her anger. “I’m your wife, Laz! I love you!”
“I know,” she rasped in return. “All the more reason to shield you from what was to come.”
“You abandoned me!”
Lazuli felt the tears track down her face before she could stop them. “For the sake of your future! I had no choice, my heart. You know I had no choice.”
“That’s not true,” Cara snapped, fury and heartache at war on her face. “You used to tell me everything, and now it feels like I hardly know you. How much haven’t you told me? How long have you lied to me?”
“I’m sorry, Cara,” Laz sobbed. What else was there to say? “I am trying to protect you. I’m trying so hard to keep it together. You don’t understand-”
“You’re right,” Cara sneered in a tone so unfamiliar to Lazuli, she could hardly recognize it. “I don’t understand how you could ever leave the one you love to face this cruel world alone.”
When Lazuli awoke, it was to the sounds of open sobbing. It took her a moment to understand that the sound wasn’t coming from an outside source, but from her own mouth. It sounded so unlike her. Lazuli was the collected one. Though she wasn’t the oldest of the Rocks siblings, she was the calmest. Outbursts simply weren’t her style.
But Bulb above, did she weep for all that was to come. She wept for her sisters, who would face their deaths alone and afraid. She wept for Caramelinda, who would be forced to marry a man she could never love, and rule the kingdom with a man she could never respect. Perhaps most of all, she wept for herself, and all the horrid futures she had to keep to herself.
It wasn’t until a kind hand rested on her back that she realized Caramelinda was even beside her. She wondered if Cara, with all her kind touches and soothing words, truly meant any of it. Was she already sick of the lies and deceit, or would that exhaustion set in when Lazuli was no longer around to witness? Somewhere deep within her heart, despite the nightmare, Laz knew she could never be that cruel. Perhaps that was what made it worse, that she could hide things from Cara knowing full well that she would never do the same.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered in a voice that was scratchy and rough. “You deserve more, my heart. So much more that I cannot provide. I can only pray that you come to forgive me when these things have already come to pass.”
“Hush,” Caramelinda soothed, pressing herself closer to Lazuli’s embrace, “it’s alright. None of it was real.”
Lazuli simply shook her head, because no words could aptly describe the ache in her soul. Did it matter if the dream was real if it spoke the truth? She pressed her head against her lover’s chest and let out a shuddering sigh. At least for now, she could experience the warmth and closeness of Cara’s embrace without worrying about what was to come.
“I’m sorry,” she croaked, but the words came out as desperate as she felt.
She hoped Cara would remember this moment of regret after the war had already made a martyr of her.
You can find more prompts from the list here!
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