#con emerson.
bloodsuckingfiends · 10 months
Back in April I posted about meeting Billy and the amazing experience I had with my jacket. (Read about that here!)
This weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing him again and getting it signed!
Again, the sweetest man ever and he even remembered me. He even remembered my mom, who had been standing a ways away when I got it signed. He went up to her and said how nice it was to see us again while holding her hand. (Yes, she nearly died inside. She’s had a crush on him since the 80s😂)
I had been wondering why he had been giving me funny looks all weekend, tried to come and talk to me while I was staffing, and gave me a look when I was thrown into conversation with him randomly😅
I’m so grateful for these experiences, and can’t believe the crazy life I’ve been living lately. It’s an honor to have gotten to speak with someone I admire as an artist on such a personal level. 🩷
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itskeisy · 2 years
THG cast reunions in SDCC
Amandla Stenberg (Rue) forgiving Jack Quaid (Marvel)
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Jack Quaid (Marvel) running into Jacqueline Emerson (Foxface)
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redrum-my-dear · 2 years
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Fucked up, pathetic angry little men walking with canes are my weakness
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darkwing-katy · 2 months
Okay so we’re only on episode two of Fallout but I can’t get rid of the mental image of someone dressed up as Lucy at a con waiting to meet Michael Emerson but instead of having him sign a photo she has him sign a replica Wilzig severed head that she created.
Someone please do this
Because I don’t wanna do it and it deserves to happen
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mthomasapple · 3 months
Do not trust those who believe themselves too much
Who is the most confident person you know? “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance”) Continue reading Do not trust those who believe themselves too much
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tania2199 · 8 months
Music in Our flag means death s2
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I Love My Baby - Nina Simone
Strawberry Letter 23 - Shuggie Otis
Pygmy Love Song - Francіs Bebey
Run From Me - Timber Timbre
This Woman’s Work - Kate Bush
SeaBird - Alessi Brothers
Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson
Wasting My Time - Harry Mosco
La Vie En Rose - Con O'Neill
I Love My Baby - Nina Simone (2nd time)
Roads To Moscow - Al Stewart
That’s All Right - Laura Rivers
The Times They Are A-Changin’ - Nina Simone
Music in season 1:
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saintmuses · 4 months
❝𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙙𝙚❞
Dark!Neil Lewis x Best Friend!Reader
Her baby daddy wasn’t around, helping her with her child, but Neil had been there since the beginning, and he was ready to step up to be more than her roommate and best friend.
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Warning(s): SMUT. Dub-con. Lactation kink (so sorry). Dark!Neil but also soft for Y/N. Neil was desperate in this. Y/N inhibited a bit of innocent behavior. Manipulation. P in V. Minors, dni! Note: I was inspired by his little interactions with baby Emerson in the movie. 
Word Count: 2.1k
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Neil was keeping an eye on Natalia who was sleeping in her playpen in the other room with a quirk of a smile as the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was playing on the screen in their living room.
He had been referring himself as her dad or she liked to say ‘da’, although never with Y/N around. He was not going to risk her wrath. Not until things started shifting then he would risk it.
It started when Y/N needed him to watch Natalia when she had a doctor’s appointment, and the baby became needy that they bonded over little things. Somehow it shifted from just being a friend slash uncle who would watch his best friend’s daughter to secretly viewing the baby as his daughter. 
Y/N came into the living room from the kitchen, wincing slightly as she rubbed her lower back. She was in her long gray t-shirt and boy shorts, revealing her legs.
“Hey…are you alright?” Neil asked, dropping the remote on the couch in order to get up and be at her side faster. He was worried about her as he voiced his concern.
“Yeah. I’m okay. My back is killing me.” She chuckled slightly, wincing again as the pain flitted across her expression.
“Maybe you should lay down.” He murmured softly, helping her move toward the couch. “Do you need anything?” he asked, trying to be as gentle with her as he could. When he saw her flinch in pain, he couldn’t help but feel protective. In his mind, she was his.
“If…if it’s not too much, would you massage my back?” She hesitated, asking him shyly.
His heart skipped a beat. “I…uh…I can do that, if that’s what you really want…” He paused for a second. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind it at all.”
She nodded. Then she crawled to the middle of the couch, and she felt him sitting behind her. As soon as he started pressing into her sore muscles, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.
“Is that… is that good?” He had no idea what he was doing, but he hoped that he was doing it well. He watched her closely as he massaged her, trying not to do anything that would hurt her.
He had a million thoughts running through his mind, telling him what to do next. Neil couldn’t help but feel a little possessive. She was allowing him to put his hands on her body, and it was making him feel a little… irrational. He started from the middle of her back where her spinal cord resided, moving his thumbs upward until he had reached towards the back of her shoulders, and eventually her neck before retreating and making his way around her shoulders.
He could hear her sighing as he rubbed her shoulders from behind. She then stiffened causing him to pause his ministrations, he had notice when she tilted her head forward, looking down in front of her. 
“I should wake Nat up,” she mumbled with a sense of timidity in her voice. Her body language was coiled as if she was ready to spring across the room.
Out of curiosity, he leaned forward over her shoulder just enough to see the collarbone and he peered down to see her breasts causing her gray t-shirt to become damp. He could hear her breathing hitched when the realization hit him and her for different reasons.
He stopped, noticing for the first time how low he’d been massaging her. His fingers had gone lower than what would’ve been appropriate...his gaze flitting down to her chest, where he saw the top straining against her curves, his breath catching in his throat. “Oh”, he mumbled, his finger brushing ever so slightly against one of her fabric covered breasts as he pulled his hands away.
He caught himself just in time, but the damage had already been done. “Whoops, sorry,” he said, his own voice was shaky. “I went too low,” he added, pointing out the obvious.
In reality, he knew exactly what he’d been doing. She did not need to know that.
“It’s okay. You didn’t do it on purpose,” she mumbled, turning around slightly to face him while attempting not to show too much. “And I trust you.” 
Neil stared at her unblinkingly, then he couldn’t help but laugh softly at her innocent comment, shaking his head slightly. “Are you sure I didn’t do it on purpose?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, his gaze fixed on her chest. He could feel his cock hardening in his track pants.
He saw the faintest blush sweep over her cheeks and knew he had her where he wanted her. “You trust me too much,” he said quietly, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. “And frankly you’re too pretty for me to do anything else but imagine all the ways that I’d love to have you all to myself.”
Her eyes widened cautiously while his eyes raked over her facial features hungrily. Before she could prevent him from accosting her in any form, it was too late.
His large hands ended being placed on both sides of the hem of her t-shirt, curling his fingers into the fabric around her waist before dragging his palms upwardly with a possessive intent until the fabric was lifted away from her chest that was keeping her breasts from his sight.
“Neil, no.” She protested, placing her hands onto his wrists to prevent him from continuing.
He looked at her while shushing her gently, “you don’t want to wake up Natalia, do you?” It was a rhetorical question since they both dreaded waking Natalia from her peaceful slumber and not return to it after nursing duty was over.
“Ne-“ she attempted to say his name, but he had already removed the fabric from her chest.
His eyes widened as his eyes landed on her bare breasts. They were large, full, and swollen, like they had been prepared for him all along. And the sight of the milk seeping from them was only adding to his desire for her.
His lips immediately shaped into a frown when she reached for her swollen breasts to cover them from his gaze with her hands.
It was wrong, yes, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to take her, to make her his in every way.
He had been wanting her even before she met a man who left her in his hands while being pregnant.
However, when her fingers accidentally squeezed one of her breasts, Neil watched in fascination as milk flowed over her fingers from her breast. 
“Let me have it,” he murmured to himself, grabbing her hand, and bringing it to his mouth. He started licking the milk from her fingers, not wanting to miss a chance.
She gasped when she felt her fingers enveloped by his mouth. “Neil.” She said his name breathlessly, almost as if she was scolding him.
He looked up at her, his eyes full of an animalistic need he couldn't explain. “Just… let me have it.” He was practically begging for it now. He wanted her.
“We can’t, Neil!” She hissed, and he could tell she was getting extremely flustered. “We’re best friends and best friends don’t do this to each other.”
“Then I don’t want us to be best friends anymore.” He said flatly after pulling her fingers away from his mouth.
She stared at him in surprise. “What?”
“You’re telling me that I can’t have you while we’re best friends?” He chuckled mirthlessly; his tone petulant as he continued. “My best friend who I’ve been there for years,” his lips curled in a demeaning manner, he was offended by her attitude. “I’ve also been there for Natalia long enough for her to see me as a da-“ he was interrupted by her.
“You are not her dad.” She snapped; her eyes were wide with incredulous.
“Oh, but I am.” He said darkly, his eyes turning frost despite his soft and goofy personality he’d inhibited for years. “Let’s face it, I’ve been more of a dad for Nat than that piece of shit who got you pregnant and ended the relationship after you told him. She even started calling me ‘da’ whenever she wanted to talk,” he said almost smugly, then his lips curled into a sneer. “If you do anything to prevent me from being with you and taking care of her….you’re only going to hurt her and yourself.” A soft coo from the other room could be heard, “she knows the truth and deep down so do you.” 
She stared at him with glassy eyes, he only returned his gaze with calm storm in his depths. He leaned forward, pushing her until her back is flushed against the couch, and he pressed his lips against hers softly before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“It’s just us, that’s the way it should be.”
His hands were on her breasts, massaging her firmly as the stream ran thicker. Little puddles were forming on the crevices, running down from his wrists to pool on her abdomen and seeping into the fabric of the couch. He will have to do some fabric cleaning; However, he didn’t care at the moment. He was entirely smug of the mess that he made out of her.
Neil kissed his way to one nipple then opened his mouth as he squeezed, spraying the liquid onto his tongue.
The sound he made in reaction was debauched. That was the only way he could describe it. A sound so wanton and thoroughly in pleasure. His eyes had closed and practically rolled back in his head. He was practically gorging himself on her as he pulled her breast deep into his mouth and sucked.
He could hear her breath becoming sporadic as he swallowed the liquid that was leaking from her breast.
He pulled back and turned towards the other breast, licking, and kissing the flesh before wrapping his lips around her nipple. His eye caught her watching just before his tongue made contact, however, and he paused at the look of petrification that had frozen on her face.
He reached for one of her hands that was lying beside her thigh and placed it on his cock.
"Do you feel how hard you make me?" he asked, moving her hand up and down his thick cock. His track pants was pushed down around his upper thighs, so there was nothing between her hand and his cock as she touched the bare skin. 
It was true; he was as hard as a rock. His chest expanded from sharp inhale as he pictured her cunt being stretched by the girth of his cock. "This protestation you have against us is pointless," he told her almost sternly, letting go while she continued to stroke him, and craned his neck backwards while biting down his bottom lip hard. 
He then tilted his head forward to look down at her as his tongue swiped over the spot where he released his lip from his teeth to soothe the pain. 
"I’ve always wanted you," he murmured, leaning down towards her breasts and he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, swallowing the gush of milk that spurt on his tongue. "And you can’t stop me from having you…" he said softly, his tone was edged with darkness as if he was daring her to go against the idea of them.
He paused, waiting for more disagreements from her, then he sighed in relief when there was none. She would’ve hated the consequences of her actions if she had continued to protest against him.
He immediately dropped to his knees on the couch between her legs, his heart racing as he looked at her fabric covered cunt. He reached down, curling his fingers into the boy-shorts and pushed it aside to reveal her sopping cunt to his hungry gaze. This could be his greatest achievement yet; he could make her his in more ways than he knew was possible. 
He knew that Y/N wouldn’t dare to make noises that would wake the child, not after hours of attempting to put her to sleep.
He crawled on top of her, starting to suckle on her breast like a desperate thirsty man who had been wanting the nectar of the gods from the rare oasis in desert.
He then pushed himself into her tight cunt, grunting slightly when the thick head of his cock finally breeched her little hole. “Oh, fuck.” He whined against her breast, a deep pitch escaping his throat as her walls pulsated around his cock as he was flushed against her deeply as he could go.
Neil was in heaven, tasting the milk against his tongue and her tight cunt wrapped around his cock. He grasped her back firmly, making sure she couldn't get away from him. It didn't matter that they were only friends, it didn't matter that they weren't supposed to be doing anything like this. He wanted her to feel the way he felt, desperately clinging to her and her body.
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bloodsuckingfiends · 10 months
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I wish I got more pictures this weekend, but staffing took up quite a bit of my time😅
Alex Winter is such a sweet soul, and meeting Kiefer was amazing! He’s so nice!!
Seeing Jason again was fantastic, and he told me he loved my pants, and that I HAVE to hang up my Lost Boys poster in a prominent spot in my house😂
He also gives great hugs if you can’t tell.
I also wanted to say how lovely it was to meet all of you! You all looked amazing, and I’m so so glad you had a great time! Next time, we will definitely have to hang out more (yes, there will be a next time, I’m manifesting it😂) 🩷
@misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @silvermaplealder
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redrum-my-dear · 2 years
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Same energy
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sunkendreams · 5 months
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please keep in mind that this blog is strictly 18+ — minors, please do not follow or interact with my content. any hateful subjects, inclusion of drama, or harmful requests will result in being blocked and/or a deleted request.
📌 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 / 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞.
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smut, smut and fluff, gore & violence, darker subject matters, porn with plot, porn without plot, female reader, afab reader, dubious consent, somnophilia, size differences, choking, breeding kink, pet names, experienced reader, inexperienced reader, dom/sub dynamics, predator/prey, capture/captive, bondage, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, monsterfucking, legal age gaps, bloodplay, knifeplay, threesomes, poly!relationships, voyeurism, etc . . .
non-con, pregnancy, necrophilia, only fluff, only slice-of-life, male reader, original characters, incest, age play, little play, watersports, sexual abuse, self-harm, domestic abuse, racism, homophobia, any harmful kinks/fetishes.
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❛ ━━━━━━━━ ❁ ━━━━━━━━━ ❜
michael myers ( 2018 )
michael myers ( rz!version )
corey cunningham
the lost boys + michael emerson
thomas b. hewitt ( tcm remake )
brahms heelshire
jason voorhees
bo sinclair
vincent sinclair
lester sinclair
billy loomis
stu macher
mickey altieri
richie kirsch
amber freeman
ethan landry
albert shaw / the grabber
eric newlon / john carver
dominic craven
jim hopper
001 / henry creel
eddie munson
steve harrington
dean winchester
sam winchester
alcina dimitrescu — (resident evil)
karl heisenberg — (resident evil)
salvatore moreau — (resident evil)
leon kennedy — (resident evil)
eddie gluskin — (outlast)
miles upshur / the walrider — (outlast)
chris walker — (outlast)
joshua washington — (until dawn)
joel miller — (the last of us + show)
tommy miller — (the last of us + show)
arvin eugene russell — (the devil all the time)
eric draven — (the crow)
v — (v for vendetta)
hellboy — (hellboy films)
prince nuada — (hellboy films)
jackson rippner — (red eye)
jonathan crane / scarecrow — (nolanverse)
dani ardor — (midsommar)
father paul hill — (midnight mass)
tiffany valentine — (chucky)
william afton — (fnaf movie)
michael schmidt — (fnaf movie)
rick grimes — (the walking dead)
rasvan benedikte eleazar / count dracula — (coming soon!)
joaquin jackson — (coming soon!)
ghostface oc — (coming soon!)
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misslavenderlady · 10 months
This weekend was an absolute dream come true! Everything I had hoped and dreamed for my very first convention. And I'm incredibly grateful that I got to be there with @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodsuckingfiends & @silvermaplealder (and his friend Jess). Everyone was so kind and fun to be around. I'll give the rundown of who I met in this post and I'll add another post later on with more pictures!
The first day Ghoulie and I checked in early and got all dolled up to meet Alex Winter first. I got both an autograph and a photo op with him. He seemed a little tired/out of it and I assume that's because he JUST got back from the U.K. and went straight to the convention. His photo op was super quick and I was only able to pose next to him, not with him.
But still, he was super cool and was very happy when I told him how I introduced my fiancé to the Bill & Ted trilogy. I also showed him an art commission I requested of Ricky Coogan! He was a nice dude overall 😄
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The second day Maple and I dressed up as David and Michael! I even got the honor of doing his makeup to make the cosplay extra authentic. He gave me some of his amazing, homemade stickers as a "thank you"! He was hands down the best looking David cosplayer in the whole convention.
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I got to get an autograph from Heather Langenkamp before doing a selfie with her. I was the last one to see her before she left for photo ops. She was an absolute delight! I talked about listening to her episode on the Dead Meat podcast and we had a bonding moment over that. When I posed with her, I did a peace sign and she copied the pose.
Then she said "that's such a coincidence because I wear THIS every day!" and she pulled out a necklace with a peace sign charm. She was just so delightful 😊
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Billy was an absolute dream. He has the most warm, caring look in his eyes and was very interested when I talked about how The Lost Boys got me back into writing. I was getting a little emotional, and I could tell he was on standby if I needed some help.
I had a photo op with him later, but I paid an extra $10 for a selfie with him. My hand was trembling from my nervousness and he was kind enough to hold it steady so I could take the picture. He made sure I was comfortable the whole time I interacted with him. 🥰
Also, I picked out a picture of Paul and Dwayne to be signed as a way to honor Brooke. When Billy saw it he said "awww I love this pic! 🥺" I was fighting tears ngl.
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Kiefer was an incredible guy!! I decided just to do a photo op and not an autograph because people were lining up at 3 IN THE DAMN MORNING and I wasn't about to do that lol. He loved the outfits that Ghoulie and Maple wore, and it was such a delight seeing his smile. He was so kind with me. Very welcoming and didn't hesitate to shake my hand or wrap an arm around me for our picture! I think he was still is a great mood after seeing Maples perfect cosplay lol
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The last celeb I met was Jason, and I gotta say, I think he was my favorite. Jordyn wasn't exaggerating when she said he was so nice. He was by far the kindest person I met at the whole convention (and that's saying something considering everyone was a delight to meet). I felt like he truly cared about meeting every single fan and was genuinely listening with interest when I told him the story of how @michael-after-hours got his name from Michael Emerson.
When I tell you his face LIT UP when he saw my cosplay. He was so overjoyed and it made me even happier to be dressed as Michael. The joyful energy was just so infectious. 🥰
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I'm so incredibly lucky to have met all of these wonderful icons in horror. They truly did care about their fans and made the whole experience extra special. I would do it all again in a heartbeat if I could.
@hypocriticaltypwriter @ria-coolgirl @fallingthruspace @silvermaplealder @britany1997 @leiasolo77 @starlahuskyz @vampirefilmlover @charlizekkelly @charlottieellis @ghoulgeousimmaculate @michael-after-hours @legal-lost-boy @unethicallysourced @auntvamp
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notasfilosoficas · 9 months
“La vida es lo poco que nos sobra de la muerte”
Walt Whitman
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Fue un poeta, enfermero voluntario, ensayista, periodista y humanista estadounidense nacido en West Hills, Nueva York en mayo de 1819. Considerado entre los mas influyentes escritores estadounidenses y ha sido llamado el padre del verso libre.
Sus padres tenían creencias afines a los cuáqueros, una comunidad religiosa sin credo definido que pretende revivir el cristianismo primitivo. Fue el segundo de 9 hijos y apodado Walt para distinguirlo del nombre de su padre.
A la edad de 4 años, Walt se muda con su familia a West Hills Brooklyn, viviendo en una casa de gran precariedad, y de la cual Whitman recordaría como una época de escasez, mas no de infelicidad por las características propias de la familia.
A los 11 años, terminó sus estudios formales y comenzó a trabajar para apoyar a su familia. Trabajó como empleado en una oficina de dos abogados y mas tarde pasó a ser aprendiz en el semanario de Long Island “The Patriot”, es allí en donde aprendería parte del oficio así como escribirá composiciones sentimentales.
Al año siguiente la familia de Walt regresa a West Hills pero el se queda en Brooklyn en donde trabajaría en otro semanario y en donde publicaría sus primeros poemas de forma anónima en el New York Mirror.
En 1836, derivado del colapso general de la economía en el nombrado Pánico de 1837, Walt regresa con su familia que ahora vive en Hempstead Long Island, dedicándose a la docencia.
En 1841 inició una carrera como periodista publicando diversos escritos en periódicos, revistas y foros culturales, llegando a ser director de periódicos como el Long Islander y el Brooklyn Eagle.
Viajó a Nueva Orleans en 1850, en donde trabajó como constructor por 5 años y posteriormente con sus propios recursos, editó la colección de poemas titulada “Hojas de Hierbas” que a la larga se convirtió en su única y esencial obra, acentuada por su libertad formal y de un lirismo y poderosa expresividad. La primera edición constó de un total de 795 copias.
El libro recibió un gran apoyo por parte de Ralph Waldo Emerson, quién escribió una carta de cinco halagadoras páginas a Whitman y habló excelentemente del libro a sus amigos.
Durante la guerra civil estadounidense, Whitman ocupó el puesto de enfermero y tras la finalización del conflicto, fue oficinista en el Departamento de Interior y en la Fiscalía General.
Tras sufrir un evento cardiovascular en 1873, Whitman se muda de Washington a Nueva Jersey, y posteriormente a Camden a casa de un hermano, esta época se consideró altamente productiva para el trabajo literario de Whitman, en 1884, Whitman compró su propia casa junto con una ama de llaves.
Al final del año de 1891, Walt Whitman preparó una edición final de Hojas de Hierba y preparándose para el final, hizo erigir un mausoleo de granito, muriendo finalmente en marzo de 1892 a la edad de 72 años.
Whitman fue llamado el primer poeta de la democracia estadounidense, su trabajó rompió todos los cánones de la forma poética y es generalmente cercano a la prosa. Utilizó imágenes y símbolos inusuales en poesía como ramitas de paja y escombros.
Whitman presenta un tono expansionista y afirmativo en su poesía, su voz poética celebra al nuevo hombre y a la nueva mujer en un mundo democrático. Para Whitman, “el poeta debe lograr que las palabras transmitan fuerza, haciendo que las palabras canten, dancen, sangren, naveguen barcos, ejecuten lo masculino y lo femenino, besen, y hagan todo lo que la mujer, el hombre o los poderes naturales pueden hacer”.
El erotismo, presente en los versos de Whitman, potencia una poesía intensa y sugerente a través de imágenes construidas sobre un lenguaje apasionado y delicado a la vez. El erotismo se manifiesta en una relación con el otro, que puede ser hombre o mujer, pero también en la experiencia de una relación autocrítica, que explora la propia sexualidad, recorriendo el cuerpo y las sensaciones sensuales sin pudor.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, alojacriticon.com, biografiasyvidas.com, sácielo.cl
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
A Little Eyeliner Goes a Long Way
pairing| Gareth Emerson x fem!reader
readersynopsis| Gareth lets you do his makeup and it leads to *activities* also reader gets nostalgic A LOT lol
warnings|SMUT! 18+ only as always, minors DNI. Drugs, fingering, oral sex, and dirty talk! and cursing. SoftDom!Gareth hehe. As always, Gareth and reader are aged up <3
AN: listen, this took me way too long to write but I did it. I have been struggling to put my thoughts to paper but I hope you like it!
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I’m sitting on the sofa, a blunt curled between my lips as I stare at the television. Its nearly 11:30pm and the digital clock to my left is blinking red against the dim lights in Gareth’s living room. His parents are out of town, so we decided to have our annual pre-halloween celebratory horror film marathon (that’s a fucking mouthful, I know) here, so no one would bother us. Jeff had left thirty minutes ago with the new corroded coffin member who’s name I can never remember. I try okay? I’m bad with names. Eddie had bailed to go do a deal, promising to be back the next day so we could work on Hellfire’s new campaign together. I’d conned Gareth into Rocky Horror Picture show (I know he secretly loves it) and we’d been snuggled together watching when he’d leaned in and whispered in my ear. 
“How hard is it to do Frank n Furter’s makeup?”
“Not that hard, why?” I mumble, feeling hazy. 
“You wanna do it on me?” Gareth mumbles back, bumping his nose against my cheek affectionally. 
I leaned back, giving him a look. “You never let me do your makeup!”
“I can change my mind.” He smirked, “I’m sure you’d be so bored, I can just forget-.”
“NO!” I squeal, “I’ll do it, I wanna do it.” 
I jump up from the sofa, rocking a little as I make my way upstairs to his room to get my bag. It's on the floor, next to a stack of D&D books, and I grab it in what feels like slow motion. Whatever weed Eddie gave us was hitting me HARD. I stop before leaving his room, letting my eyes linger on his wall. Polaroids from the last few years scattered the walls, but my favorite is the one above his bed. It’s us, our senior year at camp. I’m sitting on a picnic table, hugging Gareth from behind as he sits in front of me. We’re both sunburnt, smiling and the lake behind us is sparkly blue. That was the year we’d first kissed, both of us hungover from the night before and trying to find some quiet by taking a boat out onto the lake. He’d leaned in, barely touching my lips before pushing me out of the boat, into the water, and laughing. I giggled at the thought, reaching out to touch the picture. My boyfriend is so pretty. 
I hear shuffling downstairs, and scurry back towards the living room. Gareth’s stretched out over the sofa now, head leaning against the back of it, legs spread and arms outstretched. His eyes are closed, and I let myself take in the view. He’s got some scruff growing, curly hair framing his face like a halo. 
“Hi pretty.” He mutters with his eyes still closed as I plop down next to him and rummage through my bag. 
“Hi baby.” I reply.
He opens his eyes, finally, blinking as he focuses on me. God I love those green eyes. Sometimes I want to melt into him when he looks at me, its like my brain see’s those little gems and gets this insatiable urge to eat him alive. We’ve been dating for a year and I still get butterflies just from looking at him. I scoot closer, pulling my bag with me as I straddle his lap, facing him. 
His eyes are so dilated already, and they only get bigger as I sit on his lap, the color in his eyes dissolving into black as he watches me settle.
“I’m gonna start with eye makeup, then I’ll do the rest.” I smile, pushing his hair out of his face. 
He leans closer, letting me brush shadow over his eyelids. His eyes are closed again, and I go slow. Too slow probably, my hands feel heavy and I keep getting lost looking at him. His cheeks are warm, lips extra pink and a peaceful expression covers his face. So pretty. When I’m high like this, everything feels more tangible, and warm. His hands on my hips feel electric, and it's taking a lot of willpower not to kiss him. I just want to push into him, feel his body warm up against mine and his face nuzzle into me. 
“Whatcha thinking?” I jump as he asks, realizing he’s opened his eyes and caught me practically drooling. 
“Nothing,” I giggle, grabbing his face and brushing on more shadow. He smirks, letting me work and grabbing my hips tighter, shifting under me. I know he can feel me squirm, probably feel the heartbeat in between my legs with the way I’m sitting. 
I reach for my eyeliner, delicately drawing it over his eyelids and smudging it with my fingers. His lips part a little and he smiles as I admire my handiwork, checking to see if the liner is even on both sides. As I check, he sneaks a kiss, pulling me closer to him, and I let him. His lips feel even better than I expected, warm and a little wet. Instead of pulling away, I deepen the kiss, letting my tongue roll against his mouth as he groans softly. He pulls away to breath after a minute, a small trail of spit connecting our swollen lips. He reaches up and wipes my mouth with his thumb, sending a shiver down my spine. I toss my liner to the floor and push both my hands into his hair. I moan softly at the way he leans back into my hands, my fingers tangling in his hair as I kiss his jaw.
Making out with Gareth can go one of two ways, either he ends up slamming my face into a pillow while absolutely railing me, or he stops after five minutes and goes back to whatever he was doing like nothing happened. It drives me nuts when he teases me like that, and he does it regularly. I let it go because it never lasts longer than a few days before his willpower breaks and he’s slamming me into the nearest empty closet out of desperation. I’m hoping he’s too tired to tease me today, we haven’t had sex in two days and its starting to drive me a mad just a little. 
I whimper a little as Gareth bites my lower lip, his kisses getting harder. His arms are wrapped around me, pulling me in so tight I can feel us breathing in unison. The hoodie I’m wearing has slid completely off one shoulder and he pushes it down further, kissing down my neck and my collar bone lazily. I nuzzle into him, my hips instinctively grinding into him as I feel my skin tingle from his kisses. He leans back, pulling my hoodie back up and zipping it closed. I groan as he raises and eyebrow and smirks, situating me on his lap and handing me my eyeliner. 
“I was busy.” I whine, trying to kiss him again. He grabs my face.
“I know you were,” he chuckles, “go ahead and finish, you always wanna do my makeup. Now all of a sudden you’re not interested? Somebody’s gotta make up her mind!”
He’s babying me, and I feel like smacking him. Instead I sigh and climb off his lap, turning so my butt was facing him as I bent over to reach for the mascara I had just conveniently knocked off the sofa. Two can play at this game. 
I turn back around and grin as I catch his gaze. I’d taken off my pants earlier, after everyone had left. I may be wearing plain black undies, but I could literally be wearing a garbage bag and Gareth would still get hard at the sight of my ass. He’d admitted to me once that he’s an ass man, but I knew a special little secret - he loves thighs. Like LOVES them. My thoughts wander to a memory of his face buried in between my thighs, and I feel my pussy throb. Jesus Christ.
I can feel the energy in the room shift as I turn back to him, sliding down to take my previous seat on his lap. His eyes are dark now, more than before, and he looks like he might eat me alive. He’s not reaching for me, stubborn in his resolve to make me finish my task. I lose myself in brush strokes and blush for a few minutes, savoring the red that’s slowly crawling over his face. I can feel him getting harder underneath me too, and I know I’m starting to drive him nuts. This knowledge only makes me go slower, and I smile to myself as I watch him squirm under me impatiently. He’s eyeing me hungrily as I take my sweet time, grinding my hips down into his as I pull out a tube of lipstick. Before I can even open the tube he’s grabbed me by the wrists and flipped me under him, into the sofa cushions. I gasp at my sudden change in position and stifle a moan as he attacks my neck with kisses and nibbles.
“How do I look?” He rises, still over me, knees in between my legs, and whips off his shirt. I’m smiling, admiring my handiwork and the hair on his chest. Curly tendrils of it are scattered across his chest, but they concentrate on their way down his torso, a soft brown happy trail that travels underneath the waist of his boxers. 
“You look hot with eyeliner,” I say, grabbing at him and pulling him back down for more kisses. 
“I think you’re biased.” He murmurs, lips sloppily meeting mine as he presses into me. He’s sighing softly, almost barely loud enough to hear but I feel the hum in his chest. Our lips stay together, pulling at one another as both our hands roam. Mine through his hair, down his chest, across his back, feeling the muscles in his forearms. His under my hoodie, on my butt, in my hair and the back of my neck, pulling my face tightly to his. We’re both a moaning mess at this point, breathless and refusing to pull back.
“You feel amazing,” he whispers, hands slipping under my hoodie again, to my chest. 
My heart is pounding out of my chest at the feeling of his palms over my nipples and I can feel my pussy throbbing, aching for friction as I rut my hips up into him. He gently slips one hand under the waistband of my panties and I cry out at the sensation of him circling my clit. 
“Needy girl,” he smirks, looking a little hazy himself as he watched me unwind around his fingers. 
“Ive been thinking about this for days,” I whine, reaching for his arms. He slams me back down with his free hand on my chest, sliding a finger inside me. 
“Days.” I moan, arching and throwing my head back. His fingers are agile, stroking slowly in my core, his thumb circling my clit. He’s bent over me, pressing kisses on my chest lazily, down my torso. I love the way his checks flush when he watches me, he may be in charge but I can still fluster him. I remember when we were 16, I developed a habit of playing with his hair. It started when he sat in front of me on the floor during a movie night, and I absently ran my fingers through his curls. He let me do it, and after that he always sat the same way when we hung out. It was his quiet way of inviting me, saying, “touch me please” before either of us had admitted how we felt. He has the same flush on his checks that he did then, except now he’s confidently fingering me on his parents sofa. 
“Pretty girl.” He murmurs in my ear as his fingers push into me, obscene sounds filling the air around us as I whimper and gush around him. 
“‘Gunna cum on your fingers.” I stutter out, my brain starting to feel the haze of an orgasm. I’m stoned as hell and this feels really good. He’s watching me intently as I stutter underneath him, one of my legs trembling. 
“Squirt for me, i wanna see you cum on my hand.” He orders softly, kissing my cheek and pressing into my clit. I give into the high, white light fringing on my vision, my hands grabbing at the cushion under me. I cry out, feeling the slick on my legs and seeing nothing but Gareth over me with a grin. 
“Good girl.” He hums, slowly removing his fingers and leaning in to kiss me again. I moan into his mouth, pulling him on top of me while I’m still shaking from cumming. 
He kisses me deeply, curls brushing against my face as he grinds into me. I feel needy, already practically begging for him to touch me more. I want to see his pretty pink cock. I want to lick the tip and watch his face when I slowly bob up and down on him, making sure he hits the far back of my throat where I know he feels it more. My hands fly to his jeans button, struggling to undo it as he laughs into my mouth. 
“You in a rush?” He groans, letting me continue pawing at his pants. 
“No,” I pout (just a little),”I wanna suck your dick.”
He crinkles his nose at me, turning even more pink. He moves to pull off his jeans, and I feel my mouth water at the sight of him in his boxers. He’s already slid out of the fly a little and his cock is shiny with precum. I don’t bother to pull his boxers off, instead I fall onto my knees and push him to a seated position on the sofa. Sliding his cock out of the fold in his boxers, I take my time and run my hand slowly down his shaft. I lean in and follow with my tongue, licking his shaft and kissing his tip as I continue to stroke him with my hands. He’s not even in my mouth yet and he’s moaning so loudly. His head is thrown back and he’s leaning into my grip. 
“Look at me,” I whisper, and he does. His eyes widen and his lips part when he watches me suck on his cock like a lollie  pop, bobbing up and down as I let myself get lost in the feeling of him on my tongue. He’s so close, I can see it in his face as he wraps his fingers in my hair. He’s watching me in awe as I lift off him with a pop, a trail of drool stringing from my lips to his tip. 
He digs his fingers into my hair and gently pulls my head back down onto his dick, moaning. 
“Just like that.” He grunts, as I let him thrust deeper into my mouth, fucking the back of my throat. He cuts suddenly, spilling out of my mouth as I gag and smile, waiting till he’s done to lift my head up and kiss the tip of him. I love the way his cock twitches, how hard he gets when he’s fucking me. 
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart” he gasps, brushing loose strands of hair off my cheeks. “M’sorry I didn’t warn you.”
I wipe my chin with the back of my hand and giggle, “s’okay baby.”
“Baby, huh?” He growls, pulling me up onto his lap, “that’s your title.” He kisses my cheek and smirks as he notices the cum that’s dripped down onto my neck. Carefully he grabs his shirt to wipe it away and let him. 
“Let’s go shower and get you all cleaned up.” He whispers, nuzzling against my face again and leaving a kiss on my cheek.
“Only if you wash me yourself.” I giggle.
He grabs me and pulls me as he says, “Don’t worry, I'm gonna clean every inch of you.”
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angel-sweets666 · 8 days
asking rules and fanfic map
What I will NOT write for
currently accepting requests!!
By the way, I am of Spanish speaking decent English is my first language but I can speak a almost fluent amount of Spanish, I may write or reply in Spanish sometimes for my Spanish audience anal sex (sorry I don’t like it)
scat and or piss (ew bro trying to get a infection?)
feet fetishes (I could get away with it depending on how severe)
rape/non con (prison.)
UNDERAGE IM NOT TRYNA MAKE VICTIMS HERE. All minor characters are aged up to atleast 18 years old. incest (step cest maybe but I’m not letting no twin siblings each each others bums bro)
A guide for my lovely readers! 🤍fluff
🩷one shot
Lisa frankenstein
Sweetheart~ ❤️‍🔥🤍❤️ the creature x reader chapter one
chapter two
sweet heart mood boards here!
Baking w the creature, here
New girl lisa swallows x the reader ❤️‍🩹🤍
My hero acadamia
bakugo katsuki, barbarian bakugo x reader arranged marriage is here!
cast me a spell here❤️‍🔥🩷
cast me a spell part 2 here
every other character ntohing yet
Call of duty
run away together series, knight!könig x princess!reader🤍❤️‍🔥❤️
chapter one here
chapter two here
Simon Riley
Babysitting ❤️‍🩹🤍coming soon!
teach me German one shot 🤍 here
John “soap”
video games 🤍coming soon!
John price/ captain price nothing planned yet
Boyfriend to death
dealing with his breeding kink❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🤍 coming soon!
Cuddles with strade here
what I’m thinking about writing about
Five Hargreeves
stranger things characters (Gareth Emerson, Eddie Munson, steve Harrington ect)
young Sheldon (Georgie cooper mostly)
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cutedisneygrl · 7 months
The Hug
This is a One shot I thought of. I hope you like it.
Warning: none, just a sweet story where a girl meets Chris Evans at a Comic Con.
Emerson and Rose had been best friends since elementary school. Emerson loved movies; her favorite actor was Chris Evans. She had always dreamed of meeting him but knew the odds of that happening were slim. She could never afford the tickets to the meet and greets and definitely couldn’t afford to go to Com Con where he often went for photo ops and autographs. Emerson and Rose became roommates after college and moved to the mountains of North Carolina, just outside of Asheville. They got a small apartment together. Emerson was currently a pre -k teacher assistant and going to school to get her license so she could become a kindergarten teacher and Rose was working as a waitress until she could afford to go to school to become a doctor.
            One Monday evening Rose had gotten home from work and found Emerson on the couch asleep. She had her textbook over her chest. She put her stuff down and softly walked over to her and tapped her.
Emerson awoke “Rose.”
            “Did you fall asleep studying again?”
            “Yeah. What time is it?”
            “After 9 pm.”
            “I should get to bed.” She says closing her book and starting to stand up.
            “Wait, before you go. I have something to tell you.”
Emerson turns and looks at Rose.      
            “What is it?”
            “I have a surprise for you.”
            “What is it?”
            “Well, your birthday is next week, and I wanted to do something for you.”
            “Oh no what did you do?”
Rose smiles. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out tickets to Com Con in Atlanta that weekend.
            “No, you didn’t!”
            “I did, and guess who’s going to be there?” She smiles.
            “Chris Evans! No, way!”
            “Yes way. This is your chance to meet him, get a picture with him and get his autograph.”
            “You mean you paid for all of that?”
            “I did yes.” She smiles.
            “Rose, oh my gosh! That’s a lot. I know you’re trying to save for school. You didn’t have to do that.”
            “I wanted to. You’re my best friend and your worth it.”
Emerson hugs her. “Aww you’re the best!”
            “It’s this weekend so we need to leave early on Friday. We will be meeting him Saturday.”
            “Oh my gosh! I need to ask off from work.”
            “I’m sure they will let you off. You never ask off and are always there.”
            “I know, but I still hate asking off.”
            Rose smiles. “Well, it’s for a good cause.”
Emerson laughs. “I will ask my boss tomorrow. Thanks Rose.”
            “You’re welcome.”
Time skip to Friday morning.
            “Emmy come on get up!” Rose says shaking her.
            “Hmm, come on five more minutes.”
            “No come on. We need to get on the road in about an hour and I know how long it takes you to get ready.”
            “Alright fine. I’m awake. I’m getting up.”
Emerson gets up and gets ready. She was glad she had packed the night before. She walked into the living room carrying her bag. She sets it on the floor by the couch.
            “Okay I’m ready.”
            “Okay good. I thought we would grab breakfast on the way, that way we can get on the road.”
            “Sure, sounds good.”
The girls finish getting ready and then pack up and head out. They stopped at a fast-food place and grabbed a bite to eat then were back on the road. They arrived in Atlanta around 11 am. Rose checked them into their hotel, and they headed to the elevator.
            “What time are we going to the Com Con tomorrow?”
            “It starts at 11 but we need to leave her around 9:30 to get in line. We will be in line for a while probably. If we can leave earlier, we should.”
The girls went to bed and woke up the next morning around 8 and went down to the lobby to get breakfast and then went back to their room to get ready.
This is what Emerson is wearing. Not the coat and she has on flats not high heels and not the purse.
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Then the girls head out and get in a taxi and head to where the Com Con is being held. They arrive at 10. It is already crowded. They get in line.
            “Where the line is so long.” Emerson.
            “I know that’s why I said we needed to get early. We should have gotten here earlier.”
            “I’m sorry. I know it’s’ my fault.”
            “No, it’s not. It’s okay. Don’t worry we will get there, and you will be able to get your picture with him.” Rose smiles at her.
The line moves slowly. The closer they get the more nervous Emerson becomes. She can’t believe this is happening. She is so close to being able to meet Chris Evans in person, to be able to get a picture with him, it’s a dream come true, one she never imagined ever happening. She keeps thinking she is dreaming and will wake up and realize it’s all a dream and not real. Rose looks at her.
“Emmy, you, okay? Your quiet.”
            “Huh? Oh yeah, I’m okay.”
            “You’re daydreaming and thinking this is not real right?”
Emerson looks at her and nods.
            “Well, its real and you know what? We are next!”
Emerson looks up and realizes there is only one person in front of them. She starts freaking out. “Oh no! Can I do this? No, I can’t! No, I’m not ready for this.” She says out loud to herself, but Rose hears her.
            “Hey Emmy, it’s okay. Calm down.”
            “No, no. I can’t. I can’t do this! I should have….” She starts breathing heavily and freaking out.
Then she hears a voice and it’s right in front of her.
            “Hey, are you okay?” She looks up to see Chris right in front of her.
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She looks into his eyes. Man, he has such deep blue eyes. She thinks to herself. She keeps breathing a little heavily.
            “Hey, you’re okay. Take a small breath out and in.”
She continues to look at him and does what he says. “Do it again. Calm and slow. You’re okay.”
She calms down and looks at him. “Thanks, I’m sorry I…”
            “It’s okay. What’s your name?”
            “Emerson, but everyone calls me Emmy.”
            “Well Emmy its great to meet you.” He smiles. “Now that your calm do you want to get a photo?”
She slowly nods. He holds out his hand to her and smiles. “Come with me.”
She takes his hand and follows him onto the platform. “Do you have a pose in mind?” He asks her.
She shakes her head.
            “That’s okay. How about just a hug?” he asks, smiling.
She nods. He wraps his arms around her and smiles and a photo is taken. Rose comes up and takes a few pictures herself. Chris holds on for a few minutes after the photo is taken. Emerson slowly let’s go. “Thanks.” She says smiling.
            “You’re welcome. It was lovely to meet you, Emerson.” He smiles at her.
She leaves and walks to Rose.
            “Wow I can’t believe how nice he was.”
            “I told you. Now we get to get his autograph. We just have to get in line. He has a few pictures to get first.”
The girls get in another line and wait till its time to get his autograph. Its about and hour later and its her turn. She walks up to the table and hands him a small book. He looks up and smiles at her.
            “Well hello Emmy.”
She smiles. “Hello.”
            “It’s lovely to see you again.”
He sighs the books and closes it and hands it back to her. As he does his hand touches her and it seems he lingers just a bit, and he smiles at her.
When the girls get back into the taxi later that evening to head back to their hotel Emerson opens the book and freaks out.
            “What? What’s wrong?”
She holds out the book and shows Rose.
Not only did Chris sign his name but he put his number and it says,
It was lovely meeting you. I would love to see you again. Call me sometime or even text me.
Tag list: @cevansbaby-dove @lizette50 @nicoline1998enilocin @katherineswritingsblog I hope I haven't left someone out that has asked to be tag if I have I'm sorry.
if you would like to be added to my tag list, please let me know.
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camillescreations · 8 months
The song at the end of Episode 5 is Baby by Donnie and Joe Emerson! My dad and I both thought the singing sounded SO MUCH like Con Oneill haha! I guess they have similar voices!
Well hopefully during the drag show we'll actually get to hear Izzy sing 👀👀
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