#cowboy eli hewson
msmoony7 · 4 months
🌹 Eli hewson cowboy moodboard immediately omg
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cowboy eli hewson
tysm for participating in my 100 follower celebration!
feel free to send in more requests!
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inhalerupdates · 9 months
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Inhaler via IG story!
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sirenlulls · 1 year
jackie & wilson → e. hewson
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pairing —elijah hewson x fem!reader
summary —a little peak into raising a girl with elijah (and her three annoying uncles)
inspired by this ask
everyone say thank you to @whoetoshaw for helping me with this because if there's one thing we will do, it is take baby fever to the next level
we'll steal her lexus, be detectives, ride 'round picking up clues. we'll name our children, jackie and wilson, raise 'em on rhythm and blues
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she's the most loved girl in the world but she was not planned 😭
as soon as it sets in with everyone that you're pregnant, they're obsessed with preparing to make her have the best life
the first thing robert asked when you told him was if you'd call her 'robin'
he kept asking
even after she was born and named
"you can always change it, you know. look at that smile, she's such a robin!"
she'd be such an angel baby
so beautiful too
UGH everyone is obsessed with her
josh is her fav uncle
the others take that very personally
the inhaler ig gets spoiled with the odd picture of eli holding her up like simba during soundcheck, her passed out on josh, ryan sitting her on his knee and letting her 'play' drums, and robert blank staring anyone who comes near him when he's holding her
speaking of
robert is such a clingy uncle
he'll always go on "she's always stealing my spotlight 🥱🥱🙄🙄" and then he's throwing a fit the second anyone tries to take her off him
fans are obsessed with her
if you're ever going into a venue and you've got her with you fans go crazy
respectfully ofc
at least one person has brought a special baby cowboy hat for her 🫶🥺
she'd be such a smiley baby
if you or eli ever need a break, and she's in a hyper mood, pass her off to ryan, and he'll have her giggling for an hour
but onto elijah
he's such a good dad
so so awkward in the beginning
poor guy is just afraid of messing up
after the first month or so he's a natural
he's obsessed with her
she'd be such a daddy's girl
he is wrapped around her finger
when she gets older he can and will embarass her whenever she brings a date home
he'd fall 10 times more in love with you
like omg you were already the most perfect person but now you've given him a new reason to live??? are you even real?????
his family would be so helpful
they'd be giggling over him being so stiff holding her in the beginning but they'd help him and be so proud when he finally gets the hang of it
eve will not let up on him abt marrying you
"so when are you getting the ring?" just after she helps him put the baby down for a nap
soon xx
goes without saying that she's got at least one song written about and/or named after her
overall, you love your little perfect family and your little perfect family loves you 🫶🫶
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inhalerupdates · 7 months
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Inhaler via IG story!
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inhalerupdates · 7 months
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Inhaler via IG story!
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msmoony7 · 4 months
ang’s 100 followers celebration!!
thank u guys for 100 followers!! it’s truly crazy to me how much traction my stuff has gotten (even tho in a bigger perspective it’s only a but bit its a lot to me). i always read fanfic when i was in middle school, then took a break, then started reading again in high school when i found the marauders and never thought i would actually write any. i only started writing about two months ago and i’m glad i’ve grown a following here :)
i decided i want to do a small special to
hopefully get me writing some more. it's a little early for Valentine's Day, but i wanted to get a jumpstart bc it’s so cutesy. and i’m not expecting too many requests so this should be feasible for me. leave ur requests in my ask box!!
requests for this are CLOSED!
💌 love letter — send me a description of yourself and i'll ship you with a character (pls send gender preferences and fandom!)
🌹 roses — send me a character and a scenario/idea/au and i'll make a moodboard (ex. cowboy remus, watching a movie w harry, etc)
💘 heart — send me a character and a prompt/scenario and i'll write a blurb
characters i’m writing for:
marauders: james potter, remus lupin, sirius black
harry potter: harry potter, george weasley, fred weasley, ron weasley
inhaler: ryan mcmahon, eli hewson, josh jenkinson, robert keating
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msmoony7 · 6 months
inhaler moodboards
dating eli hewson
dating bobby skeetz
dating ryan mcmahon, part 2
dating josh jenkinson
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