#dair crumbs
jennifersminds · 2 years
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BLAIR WALDORF   1.08 - Seventeen Candles
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impossibledial · 10 months
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jealous blair my beloved part 2
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horsegirlcahir · 13 days
okay well. @nothingbutvainfantasy this is probably not at all what you wanted but i had feelings about cahir and also about horses and also about cahir and horses.
Dheran catches him.
It's a stupid thing, foolish and childish, a shameful reason to be brought before his grandfather. Dheran doesn't tell their father then, and Cahir never knows if he ever tells him; Ceallach goes along with the old ways as expected in public, but inside his own home, his wife's Northern influence holds more sway.
It isn't that Dheran is trying to get him into trouble. Cahir knows that. He's only trying to help. In Nilfgaard, only children and girls name their animals, not soldiers.
("Llwyna," he had said, trying the name out, foreign and strange in his mouth, for Nilfgaardian comes from the Elder Speech but he is seven years old and only just beginning to grasp their differences. The filly had snorted and nudged her head into the hand stroking her velvety nose, nuzzling into his palm. Dheran had been in the stables. Cahir hadn't seen him, hadn't been paying attention.)
Gruffyd aep Dair, huge in his intensity, summons him to his sitting-room, asks him what it means - she-fox, Cahir says very quietly, hands behind his back, she's red, like a she-fox - and praises him on his knowledge of the Elder Speech. The little chestnut is gone by morning, and her stall remains empty until spring.
Cahir pretends not to notice, and when the reins of a mouse-grey yearling are handed to him as the weather begins to grow warm, he never once says her name - Dryw, he thinks, like the ones that nest outside the kitchens - aloud.
He takes the black stallion out of stubbornness and spite at twenty-one, because Ifan and Gwilym laugh when he stakes his claim. He's a beautiful creature, well-built and gleaming like jet, without a fleck of white to be seen, with amber-golden eyes the size of apples.
When they take control of the castle and its stables, the beast is ill-tempered and half-mad. The stablemen in this far-flung, forsaken end of the Empire seem to only have known their trade so far as whips are concerned, and the first time Cahir sets a hand on his neck, the stallion very nearly takes a chunk out of his forearm.
If he had sense, he would leave it be; after enough beatings, even a royal mount will accept its new place as a plow-horse, and someone will be able to make use of it. But Ifan and Gwilym and the others are watching -
And the stallion shies away from his hands when he sets a bridle on its brow, quivers faintly when he brushes it down with a handful of straw. He could, he thinks, find another mount that requires less of him, and leave this one to its fate.
He loses the stallion four years later, on Thanedd, with everything else.
The colt dances with terror when he approaches, paying no mind to his soft words or his open, extended hands. Its reins are wrapped around a low-slung tree limb, tied well - no accident - and tell Cahir precisely what happened, as though the colt itself is speaking: they tied me here and never returned, though they said they would. They left me, they left me, they left me.
He isn't a colt, really, Cahir thinks later, watching the horse bury its face in a feedbag that he had backtracked half a mile to take off of a dead man's half-burned wagon, his horses long fled. There's barely anything at the bottom, but the colt gets every crumb and gnaws on the burlap beside. A yearling, or a little under; he still has the gawky, gangly look of a colt, but he's well on his way to his adult size, which Cahir suspects will be quite respectable.
"Where did you come from," he asks quietly, and the colt glances at him sidelong from its patch of mostly-dry grass. "Were you some child's? You're certainly no warhorse."
Despite that, the colt is old enough and large enough to ride; if he had been in his officer's armor, it would be different - but he isn't, and likely won't be again. He'd taken clothes from an overturned carriage barely a mile from where he had been freed from his coffin, ill-fitting but good enough to fit his purposes; they're largely wool and linen, barely noticeable to a horse, and he has very little else that could be a burden.
He'll find tack in the morning, he thinks, stretching out on his newly-pilfered bedroll, luxuriating in his newfound ability to do so, and with luck the colt won't shy from the smell of his dead brethren. A saddle and a bridle - even just a bridle will do in the short term - and something to eat for the both of them. Then they'll catch up with the Witcher, the two of them, together.
Cahir falls into a restless sleep, and when he dreams, he dreams of ashen hair and golden eyes and fire.
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lottiecrabie · 8 months
Crabie beloved, I need to know : where do you get inspo for writing such deliciously sexy smut? Apart from (hopefully!) good experiences IRL, is there like, a good smut repository that you'd be kind enough to share with us? Doesn't have to be Matty fics at all, just good books or fanfic from anywhere. This is basically me begging for crumbs,,,anything! (picture anon in the floor, pink cheeked, sweating and foaming in the mouth after reading JUST the first half of dftlc part 2) (also I read your fics in parts because I save them up, allowing myself little treats or else I'd finish them too quickly!!!)
i just have an overly active imagination to be quite honest! it pretty much all comes from my noggin, but i do sometimes get inspired by other fics. joint fingering i’m pretty sure came from some other fic that hinted at it and i was like Oh?? also pfms riding matty’s fingers was inspired by a dair fic lol. those are the two i’m fully aware of, but i’m sure i’ve read some things and it caught in my brain and resurfaced when it was Horny Hours. i also sometimes scrounge through people’s experiences on reddit for inspiration lmao. but there is unfortunately no good smut repository, just a girl and her google doc
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mysteriesofloves · 1 year
ok i watched gossip girl when i was younger and don’t think i ever got to s4 at all? but recently i’ve gone on a dair journey by first watching all their scenes on youtube and now going through and watching good gossip girl eps + dair eps and also reading fic and i wanted to say firstly that your fic is some of the best i’ve come across!!! secondly just wanted to say i’m so sad we never get to see a lot of really good dair moments. like we never got to see them go watch nenette or go see other movies we just see the aftermath…in 4x13 when they get out of plans with other people so they can go get coffee together we never see them plan that out or how they got to that point…just wish there was a whole season of dan and blair seeing movies and having breakfast together in their early friendship u know because that’s one of my favourite parts about their relationship, that they had such a steady foundation and really loved spending time with each other. i’m in my feelings about them forever.
THANK YOU 🫶 and welcome !!! isn’t it miserable but sexy here !!! i 100% agree there are so many little missing moments… i think the planning of the coffee date came about like the texts in 417 just one of them the night before (blair cough cough) texting the other about getting coffee the next morning.
but also i think this shines so much in fic i love how many fic writers love writing the little moments with these two <3 and you see it in moodboards and gifsets too we all love the breakfasts and the phone calls and the coffee dates all the mundane things that feel so magical. they gave us crumbs but we’ve made a meal !!
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
If we had gotten more Blair pov during season five Dair, what do you think we'd see more of?
I'm not sure if this is more what we would have seen, or what I would want to see, but here goes:
a conversation between Blair and Nate about her relationship with Dan. they gave us CRUMBS of blate friendship but I want it anyway. the only people outside of Dan that she really talks about the relationship with are Dorota and Serena, and Dorota was the only one she could be happy about it with. just having Nate be another person in her corner, that not only Dan talks to (because Blair's known him longer!)
in that same vein, Blair and Dan as a couple in her mother's presence. there's only the infamous "strong and safe" scene, but let's get more! and let's get Cyrus in there! Eleanor threw a chuck-shaped grenade into her daughter's wedding, so, I want Blair to kind of bring her to task about it, with Dan there.
Blair trying to do ~girlfriendy~ things, interrupting work to buy Dan lunch, taking him shopping, trying to make him breakfast in the loft and failing so spectacularly. her trying to do a Something for him, and maybe there's a breaking point, after she sets off the fire alarm or something, and he yells bc she scared him and so she shouts at him to just let her do something nice, Humphrey, because you do too much for me! and Dan being taken aback by that and saying that he doesn't need anything from her. he just wants to be with her. another shade of the Despicable B complex, if you will.
Her staying over in the loft period. Waking up there, having Brooklyn days.
two very important dates happened while they were together, and we saw neither of them, so the first one:
it's sad. but blair's due date for the pregnancy she lost would have come around, and her finding her way through that grief and Dan being there for her and really just getting SOME form of closure for her on that front.
and, happier, Dan's birthday! said this before, but let's have a Dan's 21st birthday episode, where Blair tries to plan a whole thing and it goes terribly. like, she employs Nate to keep Dan distracted so she can pull off the surprise (maybe it's a party, maybe she's rented out a movie theater just for the two of em or something idk) and Nate gets him trashed and there's all sorts of tomfoolery trying to bring the boys to heel.
you could also go the angst route with a tswift all too well ten minutes version with blair completely missing dan's bday due to chip related complications if you like Suffering
Her finding out that Dan hasn't told his sister that they're dating, and Blair being offended and going on the attack, and then realizing his very reasonable reasons why, and her taking some kind of step to make amends to Jenny.
anyways, that's kind of my wishlist!
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dair2022 · 3 years
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dair cheating era 💗💓💞💕💝💘💖
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blairswladorf · 3 years
i’ve fully convinced myself chair is getting a mention tonight based off these outfits and these tweets
like i’m preparing myself to be let down but it’s alright
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
omg, have you seen the new josh safran ama on twitter??? serena is still married to dan apparently (mixed emotions), but more importantly, safran describes dan and blair as having their “own wonderful confidant-esque relationship” which is showrunner speak for POST-SERIES AFFAIR BABY 🍾🥂☕️ lol i know it’s a tidbit, a crumb really, but given the gorgeous array of post-series dair fics that are based on that EXACT premise, it really does validate the headcanons
YESS i just looked it up!!! @strideofpride posted about it on here too, im gonna reblog her post, for those who haven't seen it. but like - you're right!!! this tweet says it perfectly aghfkgh.
I'm just totally not built for fandom on twitter - wish I was, though, cause all the dairs on twitter seem to be having the time of their lives (AS THEY SHOULD!!)
no but for real.....nobody even brought up dan and blair, HE did??? and he didn't even seem to realise that he basically just slandered endgame derena/chair with that in some way ghshfjkhklh. i am legit so amused?
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strideofpride · 3 years
ooh, for the fictional character ask meme you reblogged yesterday, how about dan humphrey
Okay so I’ll just do all of them then, haha?
♥ whipped cream: what they dress like on a daily basis
We know this one, flannel and jeans. Sometimes he mixes it up with a tight sweater (my favorite Dan look tbh).
♥ cinnamon spice: what they wear to fancy events
Suits, suits, more suits. Dan could pretty much do any color suit/shirt/tie combo too. Which is good, cause Blair always needs him to match her dress. 
♥ ginger snap: what their significant other buys them for the holidays
Blair gets him old typewriters, rare first editions of various books, and an espresso machine over the years. 
♥ pumpkin pie: what their first date was like with their partner
Do we know what canonically Dair’s first official date was? I don’t think so. I headcanon that since they had to keep a low profile because Blair was still married to Louis, Dan makes her dinner in the loft and they watched classic movies and made out a bit before Rufus & Lily came back and interrupted them. 
♥ cocoa drizzle: what happened to them once their book/film/tv show ended
Dan’s not really a franchise guy but he did get really into The Good Place. The finale made him cry. 
♥ cranberry cookies: what their favorite food is
Dan’s a sucker for his dad’s waffles. 
♥ warm fudge brownie: what their aesthetic is
Plaid, red and black, crushed cigarettes, and coffee. 
♥ cake crumbs: what their dream home looks like
Dan loves the loft and never really wants to leave. Even if/when he does move out, that will always be home to him. 
♥ caramel apples: what they do in their spare time
Write! And scribble nonsense in notebooks haha. 
♥ plum pudding: what they do to celebrate their birthday
Dan’s a taurus like me so spring birthday! As a kid, Rufus would take the family to Prospect Park and do a picnic. When Dan gets older, Blair insists on throwing him fabulous rooftop parties. 
send me a fictional character & i’ll tell you
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jennifersminds · 11 months
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DAIR CRUMBS 1x02 - The Wild Brunch
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andsmile · 4 years
do you have any like least fav dair or serenate scenes lol
i think... well obviously all the scenes that were having them fall apart, but i can’t think of any scene during their relationships that i dislike... i’ve learned to appreciate every single crumb i’ve gotten with them haha.
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Chicken Donuts.
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Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to my recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to make a special dish, chicken donuts. One of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Chicken Donuts is one of the most popular of current trending meals on earth. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes delicious. It's appreciated by millions every day. Chicken Donuts is something which I have loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.
To begin with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have chicken donuts using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Chicken Donuts:
{Prepare 1/2 Cup of Chicken.
{Prepare 4 of boiled mash potato.
{Get 1/2 cup of chopped cabbage.
{Prepare 1 of Onion chopped.
{Make ready 1 of Chopped Capsicum (Optional).
{Make ready 1 inch of piece of chopped garlic.
{Make ready of As per taste Salt.
{Prepare 1/2 tsp of Black pepper.
{Make ready 1/3 tsp of Ajeeno moto.
{Get of For Coating Corn flour.
{Get of For Coating Crumbs.
{Make ready 1 of beated Egg.
{Prepare of Cooking oil.
Instructions to make Chicken Donuts:
In sab ingredients ko chopper machine m daal kr grind kr len phr 2 spoon cornflour daal kr sare mixture ko axhe se mila kr fridge m rakh den.
Phir iski donut shape den hath se shami ka shape dekr beech m finger se circle bna den phr egg m dip kr k bread crubs lga kr kuch dair fridge me rakh k set kar len.
After setting isay nikal kar fry karlen.
Golden hone pr dishout kar len.
This is final look.
So that is going to wrap it up for this special food chicken donuts recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I'm sure that you will make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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thefudge · 7 years
Oh my god, I saw that you reflagged the Salty Ask List and I LOVE reading your rants and your general thoughts on books / television, so of course I needed to send you some of these. 1,22, 7 and 10. Pick whatever fandom you feel like ranting about haha.
haha thank u my lovely
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
- predictably, i find d*lena a piece of nonsense. and the most mind-boggling thing is that the show, not the fandom, sabotaged this ship. julie & caroline dries supposedly support it but they spent the whoooole of season 5 making damon and elena run circles around each other and yell that they’re toxic and hate what they’ve become (there’s a scene where elena ties him up and stabs him and wishes she could hate him #WHY), it was weird. and it wasn’t like fun, messy weird. if you wanted to convince me of their potential why put them thru this? for drama and ratings?? there are ways to keep romantic interest going without self-destruction. but i’d be remiss if i didn’t mention that their dynamic just leaves me cold, mainly because they’re rarely fun, and they only seem to operate on high drama. like all their “firsts”, from kiss to sex to domestic stuff has been in defiance of others, hurting them for no reason. like, it wasn’t my decision to have domestic!d*elena happen while stefan was repeatedly dying in a safe at the bottom of a lake, so i ask these showrunners why do this if you want to make this your main ship. why. oh i know why, they hate women in general and elena should always be punished for wanting to have sex and be with a dude. 
- i don’t get j*aime/c*ersei. i like my incest just fine, but as a book reader on top of show watcher, i find this ship really dour and depressing. they don’t embody the whole “ride and die” dynamic, cuz cersei is mostly out there for herself and maybe one or two of her kids. if jaime isn’t her faithful copy, she rejects him. idk it bums me out. i don’t see it as compelling stuff.
- s*tucky has to be another huge mystery to me. the story, on its own, is interesting, but the way marvel is framing it should please NO ONE.  the movies DO SO LITTLE WITH IT. the fandom survives on crumbs and calls them a king’s feast, basically letting marvel know it’s all cool. the queerbait is so embarrassing, it strips this ship of all potential. 
- j*ohnlock in the bbc sherlock fandom. turned to shizz.
- c*lace is the dullest thing on shadowhunters. i mean u got incest drama and longing looks and aaangst and it still comes out lifeless and prefabricated. this may be the case where the actors dont have chemistry imo. 
-  zilpha/james. i don’t get at this point why ppl are still interested. incest dynamics aside, this ship is dull as hell. i stanned it HARD. but when half of your otp is literal dead weight, wtff?? zilpha was written for shits and giggles. some talented folks are writing AU for it, but honestly, james aint worthy. 
- harley/joker in suicide squad. bleeeeh. and lame. and so, so tame.
- k*laroline. the fucking tamest. 
- h*inny. the boringest harry potter ship, unless it’s mixed in with some conflicted tom riddle feelings in between.
- fanny/edmund from mansfield park. WHY. i don’t mind that they’re cousins, yall know me, BUT THEY ARE LIKE TWO WOODEN BLOCKS CLACKING TOGETHER SADLY. free fanny price. free her. 
- mindy/danny on TMP. THE WORST. he is the fucking worst. i mean i empathize with his upbringing and i get that becoming a better dude is a constant process, but HE DOESNT EVEN WANT TO TRY. FUCK HIM.
- motherfucking chair from gossip girl. they can choke. bring back dair.
- shoshanna/ray from girls. i’m so glad they didn’t resurrect that. 
- i have more but i’m running a blank at the moment. 
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
- i used to like taboo, i used to like sherlock bbc, i used to dig tvd in its heyday.  hmmm i used to like daenerys, until i read the books and the show put the final nail in that coffin. i used to like gabriel garcia marquez until i kinda tried to reread some of his stuff and maaan, that shit doesn’t age that well, actually
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
- that bullshit slave narrative on taboo. bonnie bennett’s arc in seasons 4-5. sansa’s butchered storyline on the show. matter of fact, ALL Got characters’ arcs. that storyline in gilmore girls where rory gets drunk and sleeps on the bathroom floor cuz logan didn’t call her. eeesh. i like that ship now but its beginnings were tumultuous at best. 
22. Popular character you hate?
barry fucking allen. yall heard me. john watson in the bbc version cuz he’s a fucking cunt. that downer girl from sense8, riley something. look i get it man, tragedy. you lost your daughter. but you’re suuuuch a downer. that asshole girl from 13 reasons why. haven’t even watched it and i know i’ll hate her. ha. 
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jennifersminds · 2 years
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DAIR CRUMBS 1x08 - Seventeen Candles
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