#dark aiger
ynhotcakes · 1 year
"𝙿𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗. 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜? 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 <𝟹 "
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*͛⋆͛ Suoh Genji; Headcanon's🌷🍃 *͛⋆͛
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🇧🇷vale apena mencionar que nada disso é oficial, apenas na minha cabeça.Por favor sem hate,okay?
🇺🇲Worth mentioning that none of this is official, just in my head. Please no hate,okay?
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As flores favoritas dele são Gardênia e Ciclame.
Sabe fazer delineado melhor que todo mundo, melhor até que a Nika.
Carinha de anjo mas xinga todo mundo mentalmente principalmente o Aiger.
Não gosta que toquem no cabelo dele sem permissão.
Por ter morado no Canadá quando era mais jovem, apreendeu a falar inglês bem rápido.
Descendente de canadenses.
Tem uma amizade muito forte com o Laban,o tipo de amizade que eles podem se xingar sem sentir mágoa.
Ele ama fofoca secretamente.
Já questionaram a "masculinidade" dele por ser muito "afeminado",mas ele simplesmente respondeu da forma mais educada que conseguiu e depois ignorou.
Criança rica da escola.
Quando está no seu "lado sombrio" ,ele geralmente é mais sincero e fala o'que pensa sem se importar com as consequências.
Pinta as unhas de preto frequentemente com o Fubuki.
Chá doce >>>>> café
Fã da Madonna 🗣️.
Música que usaria pra se declarar pra alguém: Sunflower-Post Malone e Swae Lee
Música favorita: Bombs On Monday -Melanie Martinez
Bebe monster energy até demais.
Notas boas.
Aluno "quase" exemplar.
Prefere ficar em casa do que sair não importa o lugar.
Bigênero e arromântico.
Yandere disfarçando de tsundere.
Tem uma Axolote de estimação .
Her favorite flowers are Gardenia and Cyclamen.
He can do eyeliner better than everyone else, even better than Nika.
Angel face but mentally curses everyone especially Aiger.
He doesn't like having his hair touched without permission.
Having lived in Canada when he was younger, he learned to speak English very quickly.
Canadian descent.
He has a very strong friendship with Laban, the kind of friendship where they can call each other names without getting hurt.
he secretly loves gossip.
They've already questioned his "masculinity" for being too "effeminate" but he simply responded as politely as he could and then brushed it off.
Rich student.
When on your "dark side", you tend to be more outspoken and speak your mind regardless of the consequences.
He often paints his nails black with Fubuki.
Sweet tea >>>>> coffee
Madonna fan
Song you would use to confess to someone: Sunflower-Post Malone and Swae Lee
Favorite Song: Bombs On Monday -Melanie Martinez
Drinks too much Monster energy.
Good grades.
"Almost" exemplary student.
Rather stay at home than go out, no matter where.
Bigender and aromatic.
Yandere disguised as a tsundere.
Have a pet axolotl .
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🇧🇷Na minha cabeça ele é assim :P me desculpem pelos erros de ortografia,vou ficar editando qualquer erro. Tchau tchau.
🇺🇲In my head he looks like this :P Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'll keep editing any mistakes.Bye bye.
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beybladeninja · 7 months
Now for the self proclaimed "King of Beyblade"!
Here's Arthur!
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Arthur is the God of War. As the patron of reciprocal negative feelings, he is very adept at knowing just the right words to start an argument with someone, and just what buttons to push to start something between others.
He delights in starting conflicts amongst others, especially with humans. Every war that happened throughout human history has his fingerprints all over it, orchestrated purely for his personal amusement. He pulls strings behind the scenes in numerous ways in order to ensure conflict - a misplaced word here, a disastrous misunderstanding there, the idea for a cataclysmic super weapon in this person's mind, the irrational paranoia about a group of people or event in that person's subconscious, to name a few methods. He certainly keeps deities like Aiger, the God of Victory, on their toes. His antics put him at odds with the other gods, and he’s been labeled a “Dark God”. He couldn’t care less, though. He simply loves to create conflict - it’s in his very nature.
He is always depicted wearing things that symbolize war: armor, helmets, face paint, spikes, some form of weapon. He's also depicted wearing what could be defined as "spoils of war": gold, jewelry, fine clothing.
While he enjoys sewing the seeds of conflict, very rarely does he actually participate in the wars he creates. Which is good, because if he did…
Gods help us all.
What do you think of God Arthur?
And better grab whatever light source you have near you, because the Princes of Darkness are up next!
To keep the list going, who do you want to see as a god next?
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Beyblade characters who could definitely kick my ass without using their beys (most of them could due to being world class athletes but these are the best examples)
Bruce: minor character with no plot importance? Yes. Experienced martial artist? Also yes
The captain of the Tall Boys: same as Bruce
Steve: punts my 50kg ass into orbit
The Dark Bladers: a vampire, a werewolf, a mummy, and Frankenstein's monster. Do I need to say more?
Any of the Majestics: they know how to use medieval weaponry
Zeo Zagart: gets sick and electrocutes me on accident
Garland: martial artist
Tetsuya: kidnaps me and feeds me to crabs
Benkei: so there is this scene in Metal Fury where he helps Kyoya train by throwing logs at him. Benkei can yeet full logs. He can definitely throw me at the sun
Ryuga: given his physical feats, even without his bey, he is likely not fully human
Tobio: just fucking shoots me
Any member of Wang Hu Zhong: martial artists
Klaus: arguably the physically strongest character in the series
The Garcias: they mug me in a dark alley
Aguma: martial artist
Bao: martial artist
Kikura: kidnaps me and I drown
Spike Bourne: a jab, a hook, and an uppercut later I am knocked out
Captain Arrow: I die of JUSTICE
Jin Ryu: he's a fucking airbender
Xander: martial artist + strong as hell (taking doors off their hinges is a recurring thing)
The rest of Sword Flames: martial artists
Lui: extremely strong
Ghasem: martial artist
Free: he just drops a boulder on me
Ren Wu: martial artist that beats my head with a stick
Clio: maybe a vampire
Aiger: as strong as, if not stronger than, Lui
Hae-Jin: the strength of Xander and also an experienced archer
Xavier: has a sword
Lodin: stronger than Xander (probably)
Pheng: martial artist
Lain: physically strong
Payne: he sets himself on fire. He just has to hug me while he does it
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sappho-rose · 2 years
~Ranking Every Beyblade Burst Season~
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I've done a post before on my thoughts about DB and the Burst anime's conclusion, so I think that it's time to reveal my opinions on every single season and rank them from best to worst. 
Before I do, I want to say this is based on my personal opinion and perhaps a bit of bias, so take this with a grain of salt.
Also, there wasn't a season that I genuinely hated or disliked strongly. I love Burst, and I got enjoyment from every single season. There were some that were more frustrating than others (*cough cough*) but I could easily rewatch scenes and episodes from every single one.
(Also, don't take the numbers super seriously. Some seasons feel like they're ranked really low despite me liking the season a lot, and that's purely because I'm putting each one against each other. Please don't come at me. This is also like- really fucking long)
With that out of the way, let's get straight in it!
Edit: It was really late at night when I wrote this, so there might be a lot of spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes. Please- I’ll deal with them in the morning and make this look prettier I’m just- I’m tired. 
1. Beyblade Burst Cho Z/Turbo
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Starting this one strong, boys. 
Alright, so I know that for many people, this wasn’t their...particularly favorite season. It was a staggering change going from Valt and his MC journey to Aiger/Aiga’s. Both stories had a lot of differences, so much so that it was difficult to really compare to the two, they were so different.
Perhaps this holds a bit of bias since this was the first season I watched weekly on Disney XD as it was coming out, but Turbo/Chouzetsu was- really fucking good. 
Aiga’s journey was really interesting and different from Valt’s, as we shifted away from a underdog, journey to the top, kind of story, to a more person vs self conflict and the other aspects that are involved when it comes to blading. There was a lot of emphasis placed on the relationship between the blader and bey, which in my opinion, was a REALLY good option because it expanded the idea a lot more from the foundation that was laid out in the first two seasons.
Going from Valt, who seemingly was a natural at communicating with his bey and forming a bond with Valkyrie, to Aiga, who struggled a lot with it and his resonance, so much so that he got corrupted, to then working extremely hard to gain the trust and relationship with Achilles once again, really showed how the two stories contrasted each other. 
Yes, Aiga did become the world champion halfway through the series, but that was necessary to show that where Aiga’s struggles lie isn’t in getting stronger, he was blessed with that talent from the get-go, he was a prodigy, but rather his relationship with that obsessive drive and how that affects his relationships. 
It led him down a dark and corrupted path, where he was forced to confront himself and rethink the ENTIRE way he approached blading in order to get back up again, it was REALLY FUCKING INTERESTING. Underdog stories worked well for the first two seasons of the series, but I’m glad that they didn’t follow the same formula.
It was different, it was made to contrast Valt and provide a different kind of character as an MC. Going from an arrogant self-obsessed kid that thought highly of himself to someone that had matured and grown and learned from his mistakes and failures, from someone that everyone fucking HATED, to a more likeable character, proves how well his character development was written. 
To be honest, I could go on and on about Aiga because in terms of writing, he was definitely my favorite, but I’ll talk a little bit about the other aspects of the show that made it so good. 
Phi’s character and his villain arc was really really well executed, with the entire buildup, to his relationship with Aiga that gave the kid literal TRAUMA, to the structure of his arc, from being a recurring character that only gave bad vibes to someone that was an actual threat, to the way that the story was written to executed that so well??? His character may not have as much depth as some other antagonists in the series, but by far is it the most well executed out of all of them. The final battle between Phi and Aiga? The way that the entire show built up to it and the fucking quality of the episode? The way that they showcase the relationship between Aiga and Phi and gave us a real reason to despise the former? Absolutely Phenomenal.
The way that they tied things from the previous season onto this one and brought up old plot lines, still allowing development for previous characters despite the fact that their respective seasons were over was really well done and many of the characters were interesting in their own right, despite being sidelined later on.
I’ve rambled on too much, wow. Anyways, long story short, very good season and would recommend
2. Beyblade Burst God/Evolution
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While the first one was a bit of a hot take considering that many absolutely hated Turbo/Cho Z, this one wasn’t too much of a surprise.
Evolution is a fan-favorite by many in the fandom, and it isn’t too hard to see why. It is arguably the most well-written season in the show and does an excellent job of taking some of the best elements from the first season and improving on it tenfold.
It did an absolutely amazing job in taking every character and making them interesting with arcs and ultimately making them feel real, something that the first two seasons absolutely excelled at. We got to see the story of every character, both from the first season and from this new one, giving each one depth and a personality despite perhaps not having as much screen time.
The fact that they are able to intertwine so many storylines in this season was incredible to watch, and the world-building gave us a glance on what was happening outside of the main storyline. There were different teams all competing and wanting to get into the world league, glimpses into how each of these teams functioned and how that may contrast the way that BC Sol ran. It gave us deep and complex issues in most episodes that somehow made it involve every single character. That’s. Good. Writing. 
The conflict with Red Eye and the way that they expanded on Shu’s initial arc from the first season in a way that made it feel natural truly puts this show so ahead from many others in the series. It was already clear from the beginning of his story that he was willing to do anything to get stronger, even injuring himself in the process. Not only that, but his bond with Valt a major driving factor throughout the initial season, so it only made sense that in this next stage of his arc, that would yet be another internal issue he would have to face, with his drive to become an even stronger blader, and his wish to not disappoint his best friend. 
The Snake Pit was such an interesting concept that Beyblade Burst played with, and its a shame that we don’t get to see much of it afterwards, or even fleshed out entirely at all. The way that Shu was affected by it’s grueling and self-destructive environment was a major driving force for the story’s conflict, and seeing a character we all loved go down a spiral of isolation and absolute resentment to get to his ultimate goal, losing sight of many things along the way, made it so easy for its viewers to get invested in the show. Not to mention Ashtem, who seemed to be seemingly a background obstacle to slowly take the forefront as he takes advantage of an already self-destructive character and lead him down to a darker path. The antagonist conflict in this season was just SO well done and well written in every sense of the word. 
I don’t really have much to say about Valt in the season, but what I will say is that the challenge he faced with seeing his best friend change for the worse and go down a dark path, all while being told that it seems that the old him is never going to come back and that he can’t do anything about it, was really really interesting for his character development. 
To be honest, I was never super super invested in Valt’s character arc and his journey in becoming stronger. Even though he was my favorite protagonist, that was mainly because he was likeable and he was the first, so naturally there is bias that is going to come with that. Despite that though, the entire arc being an underdog story would’ve been bland if it weren’t for his bonds with those around him, the way he affects others positively and how that aids him in his own growth as a blader. Spreading the message that blading is truly about having fun. 
It’s an extremely well done season, and while not my favorite purely out of bias, it is still up here, at number 2.
3. Beyblade Burst (2016)
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Ah yes, the season that started it all. It honestly feels like a crime to put this season so low on the list, but sadly that’s how the dice rolls. This one is probably going to be a bit shorter because it’s been a while since I last watched this season, but I write what I remember.
One of the things that Burst absolutely excelled at when it aired its first 52 episodes was its character writing. I kid you not, every single one of these characters that show up in the first season have a level of depth and realness to them that I don’t think any of the other seasons could replicate. There was a reason why so many of the characters that showed up in this first season are remembered so fondly by many fans, begging for a comeback. 
Of course we have the original cast, the Beyclub, who all had great chemistry with each other and the writers did really well implementing them in the story. It isn’t just a half-assed attempt that making a character relevant, they gave these characters a REASON to stick around and a reason to leave the cast. Each one had a unique story. Take Daina/Daigo for example, who had a little brother that was stuck in the hospital and admires him more than anyone, enough to make Daina wish to get better just for his sake. His entire story about cheating and being desperate enough to go for a last ditch effort, and his struggle with that afterwards, made his a character that the audience could really root for and get emotionally invested it. We had Kensuke/Ken, who was a ventriloquist, a shy and soft-spoken individual who grew to be more confident in himself and express himself more, even using his real voice more often than relying on his puppets. He was unique and different from many other characters, but that is what made him so interesting, especially with the obstacle of moving to another school again, away from Valt and the Beyclub. 
These are two characters from the initial main cast that aren’t given the main spotlight later in the series apart from a few episode cameos in the 2nd season. And yet they were still so interesting. Shu’s challenge with his injured shoulder and fear of disappointing Valt and not being strong enough was a perfect foundation to set for the next season, where these struggles would drive him to become the next main villain of the story. 
We had Lui, who wasn’t even a villain of any kind, he was just a main rival of the series who still got development and depth, showing that he wasn’t just an aggressive blader, but rather someone that genuinely cares about the sport deeply. 
Valt’s journey started in this season, and while there are many times where Valt wins out of pure luck, or just the sheer strength of his bey, it was needed to show that he still had a long way to go, tying in with the next season where he would be going to the international stage as part of a team in another country. 
The fact that he lost to Lui in the final episode of the season encapsulated this perfectly, and while some may be confused as to why they made the protagonist look to the antagonist in the final episode, it was NECCESSARY to show the state of Valt’s journey. 
Shu’s defeat against Lui and the destruction of his bey, Spryzen, was also another way that they built up the arc that Shu would soon go through in the next season, as an extra factor for why he had to get stronger. 
There are so many other things in this season that made it so good, like the Spin Emperors/ Supreme 4, the realistic tone to the series as they focus on more grounded issues that the audience can perhaps relate to, to the other background characters that could make an appearance for just a few episodes only to be loved by many and remembered years later, and just all in all, an extremely strong start to the series.
The only things I have to say negatively about this season is its issue with making Valt win despite the fact that he had no logical reason to other than plot, and the fact that the plot and story may seem a bit more bland compared to the later seasons in the anime. However, these are minor things that didn’t really contribute to the overall enjoyment of the season, at least for me.
~ It is no surprise that the first three seasons are some of the strongest in the Burst anime, mainly because these are seasons that had more than enough time to fully flesh out and develop their characters, along with their storylines and plot points. So do keep in mind that I don’t particularly dislike these next three seasons to much capacity. Most of the issues that I have with the later half of the series is the fact that they didn’t have enough time to develop its characters or storyline as much as the initial three did. With that said, let’s get into the bottom three. ~
4. Beyblade Burst Gachi/Rise
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God, I really want to put this one higher, but I just can’t due to the issues that this season had with its pacing and structure as a result of the new time format. However, I do believe that if it had chance to have a full length 52 episode season, then this would have been able to shine a lot more.
First off, I just love Drum/Dante. While he goes back to the a similar kind of hyper and loud character that Valt was, it is still very clear that he is a very different protagonist. He isn’t so much of a newbie, having been a blader of BC Sol, and his relationship with the other characters in the show is in my opinion, what makes him so likeable. Especially with his relationships with people like Delta and Gwyn, where in that regard, he is similar to Valt as having a positive effect on those around him. His main theme is friendship, and that is shown clearly throughout the season.
On top of that, we also have Amane/Arman, who out of all of the best friend characters and an honorary Kiyama, is probably my favorite. Don’t get me wrong, Rantaro was fun to watch and Ranjiro’s bond with Aiga was sweet, but out of all of these characters that fell under the best friend archetype, Amane was the first one I saw that actually constantly pushed himself to grow and become stronger, and not just stand in the sidelines to cheer Drum on. That was a trap that the other character fell into, where they essentially just became the punching bag to prove how strong the other characters are, not only that but they also seemingly have little reaction to it and are just there to cheer on the protagonist. But Amane consistently pushes himself as someone that sees their friend grows stronger, and wants to catch up and grow even more, constantly comparing himself to the other. They address this and handle it well, by making him battle Arthur two times, beating him in the third to the last episode, AND making him reach hyperflux. Drum wasn’t the only one who was allowed to grow, other characters were allowed to shine and have their moments of growth. 
One more thing that I think that Gachi did extremely well were its antagonists, or villains, more specifically one in particular. While Arthur was interesting in his debut, he quickly became less threatening and more of a nuisance to deal with, as he kept on losing to both Delta and Drum, later Amane. But while Arthur was frankly one-dimensional in his writing, the antagonist that truly shined this season was Gwynn.
I’m not kidding when I say that Gwynn’s introduction to the series was the only thing that made me truly invested in this season, because of how brilliantly they written him and executed his psychological breakdown over the course of 22 episodes, 11 in dub. The way that they introduce him as being a mathematical genius with a concrete, rigid view of the world and as a result, Beyblade when he picked up the sport, only to have that challenged by out protagonist and to see him STRUGGLE? The mental hoops that this boy goes through to desperately preserve his way of thinking, and the way that they show how much FEAR this kid has at suddenly changing absolutely everything he once knew as right? To go from believing that he knew everything and could calculate everything and that everything was as simple as that to being challenged in such as way that he is being confronted with something he has never experienced before. His relationship with Dante, more specifically his feelings for Dante are some of the best character writing I have seen in this entire show, not to mention the best executed. They constantly show the inner scopes of his mind and his thinking and denial about everything that is going on is brilliant to see. The amazing thing about his character was that it was someone that for the first time, felt a connection, a bond with another person, but they are so stuck in their own ways, whether it was out of fear of the unknown, or just pure denial that they were wrong, that they actively push that person away while also seeking to be with them at the exact same time and mental breakdown that occurs from it, and the amount of scenes that illustrate it so beautifully and fuck it’s just SO well done. I could on more, but I don’t want this to get any longer than it has to and I already have analysis on Gwyn’s character in the works, so stay tune for that.
But with some of the best parts of this season out the way, we need to talk about the issues that it also has.
There is the obvious, which is its structure and pacing. The first half of the show was not very interesting and frankly quite boring. At this point in the series, we aren’t given anything to really get invested in the series, no end goal or conflict that really tie everything together. Sure, we had Delta, but that conflict was ehh.. I’ll get to it in a moment. But the structure I must say was really not working out for this new format. It was clear that they were trying to apply a similar formula that the first three seasons had onto this new season, except due to it being half the typical length, absolutely did not work. The pacing was a complete mess, as there were several arcs that had to be cut short with no real time to be fully fleshed out in the slightest, and it seemed that we were just jumping from place to place with no real objective in mind. The arcs felt too short and the season, in the first half, just felt like it was all over the place. In the second half, they finally introduced the antagonists and that really helped with giving the later half a bit more structure, now having a concrete conflict and goal set in mind. But these aspects were introduced way too late into the season, so not only are they not given time to be legitimately developed plotlines, but they feel out of place when compared to the rest of the show. In a single episode, we go from a normal title match between Aiga and Delta, a result of the tournament that had been going on for a bit now, to suddenly having a random ass guy literally jump in and crash the party. And boom, we have our villain now. There isn’t any buildup, or time to ease into the new conflict, we are just thrown into it and expected to just go along with it. It feels unorganized.
The other problem I have with this season is honestly the way that they handled Delta. To be frank, I really didn’t like this character. I felt like they were trying to do something similar with how they did with Shu and Aiga, but just worse. Thinking about it in hindsight, and going back and rewatching a few of those scenes and episodes with Delta and Diabolos, it actually seemed that they had an interesting concept going for them, except the format of the show completely ruined it. It was clear that Delta’s relationship with his bey wasn’t healthy, since his bey demanded more out of its blader than the other way around. There is more to his character than just that of course, but these other aspects weren’t explored very well as there was little time to really develop it. A few episodes here and there and perhaps a few reactions scenes isn’t going to cut it for what they are trying to do in the season, and perhaps that it was they realized halfway through, realizing fuck- we need to fix this. That leads into the kind of Delta’s redemption for the WBBA vs Hell arc, but that redemption doesn’t feel as natural as it should because it just didn’t have enough time to be developed. Do you see the issue here? All of the issues that this season seemingly had was issues with time, and not being able to adapt to the new format of the show, or perhaps being forced into it too quickly, that they didn’t have time to adapt. 
One final thing about this season is that I know that many fans took issue with them not including old characters in his season, like they did with the previous season. Many were upset that beys like Fafnir and Longinus were being owned by people that weren’t the fan favorite, Free and Lui. As for my opinion on it, I honestly do not care. I always viewed Gachi as more of a self-contained story, one that worked on its own and helped in seemingly expanding the world of Beyblade, not continuing the already developed stories that went before it. Of course, we had Aiga, whose development very much showed in this season as an improvement from the previous, but that is really the only one I can think of. 
I, for one, didn’t mind that we had a mainly new cast and that Free and Lui were replaced because I did like this new cast (Fumiya and Ichika has a very interesting story and dynamic and Lodin was a cool guy, despite only appearing during the Bey Carnival arc) and I perhaps wasn’t as attached to Free and Lui as many other fans were. That isn’t to say that their opinions and views on the show aren’t valid, it’s just a matter of tastes and biases. 
In the end, while this season had a heck of a lot of potential and truly did shine in some areas (*cough cough* Gwyn *cough), it ultimately suffered from the new format and time constraint of the show, making it 4th on this list.
5. Beyblade Burst Sparking/Surge
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Sparking was a tricky one to place, simply because out of all of the seasons in the Burst anime, it is one of my favorites to rewatch. And that’s just because of one of the biggest things that made this season unique, which is the interactions and return of many fan favorite characters. Despite not having as many returning characters as let’s say Cho Z, the entire aspect of older bladers now being called Legends is what marketed the show. Watching your favorites return yet again is the peak of fan service in Beyblade, so why is it so low on the list? Well, there are a couple of reasons why.
The first one is the lack of proper character to character interaction and the lack of proper worldbuilding. Something that the earlier seasons did so well, for some reason were completely lacking in this show. 
It felt like each of the characters couldn’t interact or talk about anything else other than what was going on with the either the tournament or Lane, or the brothers. And if it did, it was a very vague and general statement, a copy and paste sentence that could easily be said by any other character. There weren’t many interactions in this season that made the characters feel real, or real beyond the realm of the current plot. It always had to tie back to either Lane or the Asahi brothers, they couldn’t just talk for the sake of it. They all had interesting character arcs and storylines within their respective seasons, and yet none of it seemed to be brought up or made relevant to the character in this season. At best it may be a throwaway line, or something that gets brought up, much never touched upon again. While there were some gem interactions (looking at you, Drum and Lui), others just fell flat and it made these incredibly well-written and fleshed out characters feel, well...one-dimensional. 
There was also the issue of each of the Legends losing too easily to the new characters, which I feel like is just another instance of the time format affecting the quality of the season. They didn’t have enough time to build up these battles and make every single Legend a threat when there are just so many to get through in a tournament. 
Another weak point of the season was the main antagonist, Lane. Perhaps this is just personal bias, but he wasn’t my favorite villain in the slightest. It felt like he was being too edgy for the sake of being edgy, and no real personality traits that made him relevant to the plot beyond just his Flare, which was poorly explained in the first place. He didn’t feel like a real natural character, and each of his interactions were tinted with the feeling that he is just there to cause conflict, to be the obstacle that has to be overcome by the protagonists. I will admit that I found the entire mentorship between Shu and Lane very interesting to watch, as we actually get to see Shu get developed even further based on what happened in the second season. I honestly wish that this kind of storytelling and writing was presented in the other characters as well, to make them feel like extensions of their characters in their respective seasons. Going back to Lane, it also really felt like they were trying to do something similar to Gwynn here, where Lane is faced with a feeling and circumstance that is different from what he expected, however I feel like it isn’t executed nearly as well as it was in Gachi. 
In GT, not only did we get frequent glimpses into Gwyn’s mind and his thinking, so we are truly coming to understanding little by little why he is breaking down so much over this, but we also get a chance to see Gwyn before he is put in the antagonistic role. We are able to get a good feel for his personality, understanding that there is more to this character than this mess we are seeing. However, for Lane, this isn’t presented nearly as well, and it is especially harder for the audience to truly connect to him as well. 
We can’t get invested when we can’t follow the character and his thinking because we don’t know. It is yet another case of the show trying to make you care about a character without giving any real reason to make you care about them. Not to mention the amount of plot armor that Lane has, where we barely see him train at all, or struggle in the slightest, and he beats these Legends like it was nothing. And there is little explanation for it beyond just his Flare, which wasn’t even a sound reason that the audience can understand because they don’t even know what the fuck it really is, or why it’s important. 
Even with all of the flaws that this season had, there was one aspect that I believe this season absolutely excelled at. And that was the understanding and adaption of the new time format, creating arcs that better suited the shorter seasonal run time. Instead of trying to force in many small little arcs that have little connection with each other, they instead dividing up the season into two main arcs. The Legend Festival and the Ultimate Tag Series, having a major element to tie them all together, being the main antagonist, Lane. This was really smart, because now episodes no longer feel like they are going nowhere, but rather it is all heading up the main goal of eventually getting the level of Legends, along with the conflict of Lane being presented so early on that they have time for the audience to get to know him and this conflict. They didn’t run into the issue of having one-off characters only to never appear again, but rather all of the characters are presented from the beginning and remain relevant throughout the entire season. The fact that the entire season mainly consists of tournaments is also a smart way for them to get used to the new format of the show as it has a clear structure to follow, making it harder for the viewer to feel lost while watching. The tag teams were also a smart play, as we get to the see the new dynamics and developed bonds of these older bladers, seeing how they have grown and matured over the years.
We then move onto the topic of the protagonists, who are brothers have to learn to work together. I felt that it was actually a smart move to have dual protagonists in this new season. It kept things fresh, even if the interactions between literally every other character failed, then at least we can count on these two. Both Hyuga and Hikaru work really well together and seem to balance off of each other nicely. While Hikaru is more about strategizing and thinking logically about the battle, Hyuga is much more impulsive, and tends to want to do things on a whim. He may not think much about what happened in the battle other than the fast intensity of it. Hikaru is about defense, and using his head in battle, while Hyuga tends to attack a lot, caring more about the raw strength rather than actually coming up with a definitive strategy. The two balance each other, and it’s fun to see their banter along with their teamwork while they are blading.
Finally, there are the battles. If you’ve noticed, I haven’t spoken about the quality of the bey battles up to this point, and that is simply because I don’t care much for it. It’s not like Yu-Gi-Oh, where I’m pushing through every episode that has a master duel in them. Beybattles are fun to watch, but they aren’t really what I watch the series for. I watch it for the characters and story writing that goes into it, along with the occasional banger soundtrack that plays during the intense moments. But Sparking was one of the only seasons to legitimately get me enticed by every battle, but every battle seemed to interesting and fun to watch. Perhaps it’s because they all tag battles, but it felt like very beybattle hit the mark, both with the actual bey action in the stadium, but also with the fact that since they are all tag battles, each other gets us a glimpse into the dynamics and relationships that these Legends have with each other, both with their opponent and their partner. It was interesting, and never once did I feel the need to roll my eyes as the sight of another beybattle starting.
 All in all, while I believe that this season definitely suffered a bit from the time format, it had many other flaws and issues that made it, in my opinion, a weaker season than GT, despite being able to adapt the 11-minute episodes to it’s advantage.
6. Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle/Quaddrive
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Alright, alright, we’ve made it to the bottom of the list. 
First things first, I don’t actually think that DB is objectively the worst season, in terms of writing. I don’t think that it’s an extremely disappointing season either, but rather a mediocre one to end off the Burst anime. Lots of the criticisms that I have about this season probably has to do with personal bias here.
This was really the first season to make me yell at my computer, which is quite funny to think about in hindsight. Many things in this season were frustrating, so we’ll break them down one by one.
First let’s start with Bel. Now, you can tell from not only the character design, but also the first couple of episodes that they are trying to go in a different direction with this character. The story isn’t about a rookie blader, or someone that started off as weak and untrained. No, Bel already proved in the first two episodes that he was extremely powerful from the start. He already had strength since the beginning, whether that was because of endless hours of training and experience or perhaps he was just a prodigy. At first, it seemed like an interesting route. They could go in many different directions with this kind of set-up, and decide to focus on different things for Bel’s character arc. It seemed that at the start, he was an arrogant, spoiled, bratty kid, very similar to how Aiga was beginning of his season. Perhaps we could end off this season with some very satisfying character development, right?
However, it seemed that this show had different plans. This was one of the things that frustrated me the most in the season, was the absolute selfishness of the main character, and how he never truly gets punished for it. To share what I mean, I present an example. In the Legend World Tour, they hold a little minigame to see who gets to battle against Free in El Astro. Rashad ends up winning, to which Bel demands that the ruling be changed or to give him another change so that he can battle against Free. Wakiya denies and tells him he must respect the results, that Rashad will battle against Free because he has earned it. 
Of course, Bel is still super salty, which is to be expected because he is meant to be a spoiled bratty child. However, instead of just sitting on the plane and respecting the rules, he goes out and goes to battle against Free. That is something he is completely banned from doing at any point in the World Tour, and yet he still completely disobeys the rules for his own free gain. Wakiya, Valt, and Rashad find out and instead of actually going and stopping this battle, or putting a real stop to it, they instead watch is live back on the plane. That, on its own, is enough to justify not liking Bel as an MC, but to make matters worse, Bel actually ends up WINNING against Free. 
Of course, Wakiya is fucking pissed and you can see that Rashad is upset too. Valt just brushes it off, and instead of seeing it for what it is, a complete and utter lack of thoughtfulness for someone else you may be affecting with your selfish actions, he just sees it as Bel being Bel. 
Then when Rashad gets rightfully pissed and says that he won’t battle against Free anymore, because what’s the fucking point if the Legend you’re trying to beat already lost to someone you know? Of course, this gets brushed off, and when Rashad tells Bel he must follow the rules, he just completely disregards it. 
Then you expected me to empathize for this character when his bey gets destroyed when he just been an absolute dick to Rashad and acting extremely selfishly the entire arc?
And the worst part is that he stays this way for the entire first half of the series, hell perhaps a little more than that, without absolutely no punishment in sight. He gets off, completely free, for being self-centered and arrogant the entire time. Even the way they tried to make him grow and be better wasn’t enough because by the end of it, it just wasn’t enough to make him a likeable character. It’s annoying and frustrating to watch.
Next is one of the biggest issues of the show, which is its structure, and oh boy. It’s bad. I thought that perhaps they were onto something when Sparking came out, that maybe they figured out this formula, but nope. It ran into the exact same issues that the first half of GT struggled with, only this time is worse because that was literally the entire show. How do we go from a world tour to a team battle to a three-way battle, and expect that to make sense? While I was watching it, I was struggling a lot in getting invested in the fucking show, or feeling any real tension for the finale, because there was no tension. There was no buildup. It was so poorly structured that it made its climax seem like another ordinary battle. They jump from small arc to small arc with little end goal in sight. The worst offender was probably the Phenomeno Payne arc, where a character is introduced just to market the new Pheonix bey and make Rashad look like more of a bad guy. And then he just left! 7 episodes, that was literally how long his arc was, 4 normal length episodes. he wasn’t even relevant in the end. 
There were some good things about DB. We got to see then actual revisit the friendship between Valt and Shu, which was really nice considering that this is the final season. The Burst anime started with Shu and Valt, and it ended with the two still as close as ever. They also actually gave Wakiya interactions with the two, tying a bit of it back to how things were when the Beyclub was first created.
I thought that Basara was an interesting character that had potential to do well if he just had more time to develop. Ranzo was a lot of fun to watch! I especially love his dub voice. Rashad wasn’t a particularly bad character. I liked Ilya, I thought that she was cool and it was great to see a female blader have a unique bey and play a role in the story. There were some genuinely great aspects of the show, but they’re just overshadowed by the some of the worst bits, to the point where it really just ruined the show for me. 
Who knows though, I’ve only watched this season once through, and the dub is currently being released. I might rewatch it at a later point, once all of the dub episodes get released and maybe my opinion will change by then. But for now, these are my current rankings. 
If you made it this far, wow, thanks a lot :D
I love Beyblade Burst, and it holds a special place in my heart as I’ve been with the show for so long. It’s going to feel a bit bitter to see it end on such a dull note and see it soon replaced by another series, but hey, good things can’t last forever :,)
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riahxshi · 2 years
Beyblade Burst Rise Is Underrated
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I can understand that people wished some older characters appeared, but at the same time I like that there were new characters. You cant keep depending on the older characters to make a season good. I think this season was decent, especially for the little time they had in an episode. One of the best things in this season was Armans character. He’s a new character and is supposed to take the place of Rantaro/Ranjiro as the best friend character. He is different from them though. Rantaro and Ranjiro were solely in the show to be Valt/Aigers best friend. I don’t remember a time when they had their own character arcs that didn’t involve other characters. When it came to Arman he has his own character arc. Throughout the entire show he has had a goal. To bring the glory back to the Victories club and to show that they aren’t just a “rag tag” team. I was sad when he lost his battle against Fumiya, but they showed him wishing he was in Dantes place after. Then he got more character when they went to go visit Pheng. After that he wanted to get hyperflux. Then they showed more of his character during the bey island thingy and I liked that. Sadly he lost that as well, but we all knew that was going to happen. BUT then we got to the tag team arc thingy with Arthur and Gwyn. He trained with Delta. Pushed for Delta and Dante to be a team, but then they let Arman go against Arthur again and won. I loved that. He achieved Hyperflux and helped Dante win the battle. I loved that. Finally a best friend character thats not just the best friend character. I also liked that it was refreshing to have a more positive season. Beyblade Burst Turbo was dark asf. Having a bright new season that was (in my opinion) sort of like season 1 and evolution, was very nice. I also love Dante. He’s so sweet and energetic. I loved seeing the new dynamics between Delta/Valt and Aiger/Dante. Dante and Aiger are a great duo. Valt is a great mentor as well. This season is just very good!!
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art-ember · 1 year
Theory 2
Same as with the orevious theory, I am theorizing about how the characters in quadstrike are connected.
The basic stuff I explained stays the same
Xander and Hyuga- Fire
Quadra and Hikaru- Lightning
Kit and Dante- Wind
Pax and Bel- Darkness
However I do have some ither theorues about the water bladers
What if the ones representing water are Valt and Ransou?
Hear me out
Ransou I suspect because in the Ransou teaser he is wearing a mask that looks like water. And Valt? Well, think back to season 1. His special moves eere inspired by a dolphin, so perhaps that's the connection.
Whay about Ken and Aiger then? Well, notice how they are the last two remaining and also happen to be the only two who's beys are themed after greek Mythology. Kurbeus is Cerbeus and Achilles is well Achilles. And both are connected to the underworld. Cerberus obviously guards it, and Achilles took a dip in the river of styx. Cerberus is also knowm for symbolizing birth, youth and old age, while Achilles symbolizes Weakness and Vulnerability. I'm not enitrely sure how these two could relate to the plot of this season, but it's am interesting connection.
And wanna know something even more interesting?
With this, each side is represented by both a Protagonist and a non-protag.
Xander (Fire), Quadra (Lightning), Kit (Air), Ransou (Water), Pax (Darkness), Ken (Greek myths? Underworld)
Hyuga (Fire), Hikaru (Lightning), Dante (Air), Valt (Water), Bel (Darkness), Aiger (Greek Myths? Underworld?)
Personally, I think the characters will divide into two factions. One lead by Pax and one lead by Bel, with one person representing each thing joining a side
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veronicacasal · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Etienne Aiger saddle bag purse.
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snowboyclarkov · 3 months
Beyblade World Tournament: MD18-MD23
The final 6 matches of that one random comparison tournament thing I'm doing because I can. Nothing more needs to be said. I still think the fact that Phi and Hyde don't have a known surname looks off compared to all the others.
This is used in the event of all the peeps having the original beys. Mainly because Hasbro beys are about as appealing as Sage hentai, and also because on Hasbro beys, the hax don't exist.
Battle Smarts
Break Potency
Burst Resistance
Launch Strength
Special Moves
Aiger Akabane = ACH
Alexander Shakadera = XCL
Arman Kusaba = ASH
Arthur Peregrine = APO
Bel Daizora = BFY
Boa Alcazaba = BAL
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Furutani) = MRN
Dante Koryu = DRA
Delta Zakuro = DVL
Free de la Hoya = FAF
Gwyn Reynolds = GEN
Hikaru Hizashi = HLO
Hyde = HAD
Hyuga Hizashi = HPR
Kurt Baratier = KHA
Lain Valhalla = LUC
Lui Shirosagi = LNO
Pax Forsythe = PDM
Phi = PHN
Pri Forsythe = PDR
Rashad Goodman = REG
Shu Kurenai = SPR
Silas Karlisle = SAT
Valt Aoi = VTY
Matchday 18:
HPR 10-8 REG
SPR 10-9 GEN
BAL 5-11 PDM
SAT 6-10 PDR
APO 16-3 KHA
LUC 9-10 VTY
HLO 10-7 DVL
Matchday 19:
REG 11-6 ASH
BAL 3-14 PHN
MRN 10-7 PDR
ACH 11-6 KHA
SAT 10-7 HAD
APO 11-8 VTY
LNO 10-9 DVL
Matchday 20:
DVL 8-10 LUC
HAD 6-13 APO
KHA 7-10 SAT
BFY 14-3 BAL
DRA 11-7 XCA
ASH 4-13 SPR
GEN 8-11 REG
Matchday 21:
XCA 6-10 REG
BAL 6-11 ASH
SAT 4-13 BFY
APO 10-9 PHN
LUC 13-3 KHA
HLO 10-6 HAD
DVL 7-10 VTY
Matchday 22:
VTY 10-7 HLO
HAD 6-11 LUC
KHA 5-12 LNO
PHN 11-7 SAT
BFY 8-10 ACH
PDM 6-11 MRN
DRA 12-6 BAL
ASH 4-13 FAF
GEN 10-8 XCA
REG 9-10 SPR
Matchday 23:
HPR 8-10 BFY
PDM 10-8 PHN
GEN 11-7 HAD
BAL 6-11 LNO
MRN 12-7 APO
ACH 12-6 SAT
Final Standings | (Some of the nicknames are made up by myself)
Aiger Akabane | Achilles 45 | Scarlet Supernova
Dante Koryu | Dragon 45 | Dragon Tamer
Bel Daizora | Belfyre 45 | Dark Prince
Valt Aoi | Valtryek 45 | Wonder Boy
Pax Forsythe | Pandemonium 45 | Elemental Master
Lui Shirosagi | Lúinor 45 | White Tyrant
Clarkov Furutani | Mysurarni 44 | Snow Sage
Shu Kurenai | Spryzen 44 | Crimson Flame
Rashad Goodman | Regnar 44 | High Prince
Free de la Hoya | Fafnir 44 | Prodigious Lone Wolf
Lain Valhalla | Lucius 44 | Pitch Black Flame
Hikaru Hizashi | Helios 43 | Hero of the Shining Sun
Gwyn Reynolds | Genesis 43 | Galactic Equation
Pri Forsythe | Pandora 39 | Quadra
Hyuga Hizashi | Hyperion 38 | Sleepy Speedster
Arthur Peregrine | Apocalypse 37 | High King of Inferno
Delta Zakuro | Devolos 24 | Scarlet Lightning Bolt
Phi | Phoenix 23 | Lord of Destruction
Alexander Shakadera | Xcalius 19 | Laughing Giant
Silas Karlisle | Satomb 18 | Rebel Without A Cause
Arman Kusaba | Ashindra 15 | Shining Virtuoso
Hyde | Hades 6 | Dark Lord of the Nether
Kurt Baratier | Khalzar 3 | Emperor
Boa Alcazaba | Balkesh 0 | Ascended Apprentice
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veenoms · 3 years
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Don't you just hate it when you go insane because a fucking white haired god fucked up your bey's resonance and you went so insane that you slapped your emotional support friend who ACTUALLY wants to help you
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ova-kakyoin · 3 years
Aiger: hey cap’n! Its been forever since ive seen you! How are things?
Ranjiro, who’s been sitting in the dark and crying for five hours straight:
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r0mali3 · 2 years
Posting my headcanons but anyway
Beyblade Burst HCs (1/?)
Hikaru suffers from anxiety
The Kusaba brothers have an adult sister
Dante has nyctophobia (fear of the dark)
Hyuga has these rare days where he just goes silent/sluggish for no reason (he's back to normal the next day)
Aiger's really affectionate to people he love when others aren't looking
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sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
According to Plan - Suoh x yandere reader
Word count:3,293 Warnings: yandere, slight described gore, attempted murder A/n: I enjoyed writing this. It’s a perspective that I haven’t seen a lot in x readers. Fun fact: I finished this on Bakugou’s birthday (2020). Reader is the same age as Suoh
The salty sea air filled your nose. The light breeze ruffled your hair. You were on a boat in the middle of the sea alright. The Battleship Cruise to be precise.
Like the Wild Bey Gang and Naru, you had stowed away on the ship. Only the bladers invited and the ship crew were allowed, but you knew you had to go. Unlike the others, you weren't there for Aiger or Ranjiro, you were there for Suoh. You knew him from Beigoma academy, though you hardly ever talked to him. You could never find the courage, yet you knew you wanted to be close to him and be with him. It may sound silly that you liked him that much, and never talked to him, you even admitted that to yourself. The reason was that you were worried of accidentally ruining your chances with him, or getting a rude comment. If he decided to talk to you himself, you'd handle it a lot better. Though, it seemed like that wouldn't be happening any time soon.
Even if you didn't talk to him at all, you still wanted to be around him. It made you happy and your heart beat faster from simply seeing him. Who knows, maybe if you were around him long enough, he'd end up falling for you. Even if it was small feelings, it'd still be something.
Currently you were wandering around the ship just for fun. You had nothing better to do. There was a perpetual smile present on your face as your arms swung freely by your side. You bounced on your feet as if springs were installed in them. Simply being on a cruise ship radiated a joyous, carefree feeling.
The wind floated into your ear with a sound that brought you out of your obvious, blissful daydream like flicking off a television. It sounded like someone said Suoh's name. It could have very well been the wind, simply playing tricks on you and taking advantage of your tied up heart. However, you wanted to investigate, just in case and to satisfy your curiosity.
You listened intently, your ears trained for any sort of sound that could be words. As you approached, you began to pick up a conversation. The voice sounded familiar, yet you couldn't place who's voice it was. You bit your lip in frustration and paid attention.
"... That day, y'know, the one when you strutted into the Wild Bey Gang like a boss."
Who was that? 
Judging by her mentioning the Bey Gang, it might have been Gumita. You came to a stop at a corner, the one that covered the entrance into the ship. Upon looking, you immediately saw that it was Gumita talking to Suoh on the starboard side of the boat, opposite of your side.
What. The. Heck. Was. She. Wearing? Instead of her usual loose, pink, jumpsuit, she had a white, flowy sundress with a large brimmed hat. She looked like someone out of an old, summer romance movie. Where did she even get it? You would have thought she'd never want to be caught in an outfit like that. Was there a store on the ship she bought it from or something?
Anyway, that's why her voice sounded familiar. But why was she talking like that? She never sounded like that before? Why did this sound like a scene from a sappy romance? And what kind of bull dung was she feeding Suoh?
From where you were, you could see there was a pink blush covering her cheeks. You had to strain to hear. "You remember? I was the one who called your victory. What a special day."
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the corner. What she said wasn’t so bad, aside from the end, but the way she said it was so sappy. It all seemed so fake. It made you want to barf.
"My heart was, like, totally racing. Has anyone ever told you that you're super strong? I even thought so the other day." She smiled up at him.
Your jaw clamped up, causing your teeth to grind, as your nostrils flared up. It was a good thing your fury resulted in you stiffening like a statue rather than running up and strangling her. Was that liar trying to take your boy? Then again, you had already guessed as much with everything else. He doesn’t care about your heart, he doesn’t want it! Besides, wasn’t it incredibly obvious that he was strong, probably the strongest on that boat?
Suoh's mouth opened slightly as he let out a sound of surprise with his eyebrows raised. It wasn’t a look you liked when he was looking at another girl. Don't tell me, he's falling for this sappy syrup-covered trash! You're mind yelled out so loud you dug your teeth into the inside of your lip.
She noticed him looking at her, now having his undivided attention. She immediately panicked, waving her arms around like a chicken and squawking before turning around and covering her face with her hat. You inwardly rolled your eyes, since you found yourself unable to look away, at her over dramatic actions. Normally you didn't have a problem with Gumita, but right now she was ticking you off. Like every annoying, irritating thing you’d ever experienced had just re-entered your life and was mocking you. That's how it felt. It was torture.
You strained to hear more, when a high pitch, friendly voice said, “Hey, (Y/n!”
Whipping around as if you had just been caught doing a crime, you spotted a little blue haired girl waving to you. It was Naru. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself. This sweet girl, who did nothing wrong, didn't deserve to see your fury.
You plastered a sweet, convincing smile on your face and paced to where Naru was. You pushed the previous dark aura aside to act like everything was cheerful and right with the world. You wanted to do anything but walk away. The farther you got, the less you were able to hear. Though it would seem suspicious if she noticed you were spying from the corner or if she walked over to see you were staring at them and somehow sense the circulating ideas in your mind. You stopped in front of her, maintaining the sweet face though inside you were cringing that you could only hear snippets of the other conversation, and that was if you strained.
"Were you doing something?" she stared up with such happy innocence that it almost calmed your silent rage. ... Almost.
"No, not really." Faking a smile with the same expression Suoh might have had in that situation.
"... be cheering for you..." you caught Gumita saying within the short moment of silence between you and Naru. What was happening?! Did she confess her love to him and they're dating now and she's saying she'll support him?!! That &%R%^*!
"Boat Mom wanted to show you how to make tonight's meal. She said it was a little harder than the other ones." She turned and headed for the entrance to the boat, expecting you to follow.
"Of course." You're choice of words was much more polite than usual. Perhaps it was you subconsciously hiding the emotions hiding underneath.
You strained to hear one last time. It would probably only make you even more angry, yet  your curiosity created this constricting desire to have as much information as you could about this.
"Do you mind if I ask a favor?" His voice sounded so nice, like silk woven from honey, the kind that would make you melt. But it angered you he was talking to another girl in that gentle voice.
Unfortunately, you had to leave. You followed step by step while a strange, dark serpent wrapped itself around your heart and mind. The events replayed in your head like a broken record. It stayed the only focus in your mind, even on basic facts that didn't need to be thought about for longer than a second. You tasted blood. A cut was left in your lip from biting it and a stream of sweet and an iron taste, with an unmistakable lingering flavor was flowing out of it.
"You're being quiet," Naru noted as she skipped through the corridor.
You smiled and shrugged. No one plots a murder out loud.
 A knife was firmly in your hand. You stood by the counter, carving meat for dinner. You weren't exactly sure where everyone else was. Boat Mom was getting something she needed to prepare the meal, if you remembered correctly. You were partly still out of it, one foot in reality and the other in your thoughts. What happened earlier stayed singed in your head.
The door clicked open and pulled you back to the present.
Looking over, you spotted it was Gumita. She just quietly stepped in. She only glanced at you.
"Hey," she said in a monotone voice and waved.
"Hi." You put a quick grin on your face and waved back, only at the last second remembering to use the other hand that didn't have the knife.
She began to quietly do her own thing to complete the jobs Boat Mom gave her. Putting on an apron, she walked to the back room and turned around the corner. You tightened your grip on the knife. It was only you and her in there.
Unable to push away the impulse, you silently followed her with the blade still in hand. Even if she saw you, the beauty of being a kitchen is that no one questions when you have a knife. She never noticed you. She bent down to open a door beneath the counter to pull out a pot. The magnetic force drew you closer. A few steps away from her, your hand began to flinch up. Your subconscious plotted what you would do next as you followed the unknown instructions in a daze.
Thankfully, thinking ahead stopped you before you could make a horrible mistake or even look suspicious. There was a clear flaw in disposing of the fake now. If you got rid of her here, you would have nowhere to hide the body, and no way to get rid of it without getting caught. The one thought of putting her in the trash chute crossed your mind, but that wouldn't work. Someone would find it, and they would file an investigation and there was a large chance you would be caught. You had to make her disappear, without any evidence of a murder.
You spun on your heels and went back to the meat. At that moment was when Naru and Boat Mom came in. It was very fortunate you thought before you acted. Now, the thoughts flooding your mind were now tedious plans on how to end this nightmare.
 It was hard to believe that you had planned and gathered everything you needed in only a day. It was strangely satisfying to have created such a perfect and thought-out plan, someone may have called you a psychopath. But thankfully, it was such a good plan, that it was sure to succeed without anyone ever knowing. You're cautious nature would only add to the probability of success.
You had everyone's typical schedule written and a blue print of the ship. You knew just about where everyone would be and the best places to get rid of her. You were wearing dark clothing. In your bag that you had prepared, you had a knife, latex gloves, napkins, and wet wipes. Everything was prepared.
You picked up the bag and set off to complete this mission. You made your way out of the interior and onto the walkway of the deck, a prefect view of the ocean to your right. Just as you predicted, you saw Gumita and silently followed a few yards behind her. You waited for the time she could be in the ideal area to take her out.
The plan was reviewed in detail within your mind as you followed her in secret. You would put on the gloves so fingerprints wouldn’t get on the knife and to not get blood on your hands. That way you could quickly take them off and not have visible stains on your hands while you tried to find a sink. Then you would get right behind her while cover her mouth with one hand and used that arm to pull her close to you and hold her there. That way you could keep her from screaming and increase the chance of you stabbing into the right place with the right amount of force. You would stab into the solar plexus, the weak point in middle area right below the ribs, and stab up to try to hit one of the lungs. You would have preferred to just jab right into the heart, but you probably didn’t have the strength to force the blade through her chest without hitting a rib. It would also give her an opening to get away. At least by aiming for the area below you would get her to lose a lot of blood and possibly hit a vital organ.
You had to do all of that within a very short amount of time. There would probably be a few extra stabs and you would pay attention to how easy it was to hold her up to get an idea if she was weakening or not. Once you believed she was weakened or injured enough you would attempt to pick her up and toss her over the side. This would be somewhat difficult to do without her seeing you. You planned to just heave her up and over the edge with her back facing you. The dark clothes you were wearing would make any blood that got onto you, before or during this step, less noticeable.
You didn’t want her to know it was you, so she couldn’t tell on you if she somehow did live. Plus, there was something about the thought of her scared expression when she realized it was you, or the thought of her even knowing it was you, that sent a sense of dread though you. Maybe it was because she considered you a friend.
Hopefully she wouldn’t hit the side of the ship and make a red spot. And hopefully she didn’t spin too much on the way down, either that or her vision would be too blurred to tell it was you. After that, she would hit the water and die from drowning or blood loss as the boat unintentionally left her behind. Then you would wrap the knife in napkins it wouldn't get blood everywhere in the bag, clean up any extra mess with a wet wipe, and go to a bathroom to clean yourself and the knife off. Then the last bit would be to return the knife, change your clothes, and wash the dirtied ones.
Because of when this would happen, it would be hours before anyone started looking for her, and even longer until anyone realized she was nowhere with the size of the ship. It was possible that whatever-that-wild-bey-gang-boy’s-name-was would look for her sooner than you anticipated, but that wouldn’t matter. Even if someone somehow found her body, the water would probably have mangled and distorted her body in a way that it would be hard to tell she was stabbed.
You smiled at how well thought through this was. It hadn’t even happened yet, yet you could picture it. Your heart did somersaults at the anticipation and fear of it going wrong. Planning and acting it out was very different.
She was about to turn around the corner and was almost in the perfect spot. You began to open your bag and pull out the gloves to put them on. Your hands twitched like your body was struggling to reject or override your brain’s commands, as if it thought the whole scheme was wrong.
At that moment, before you had even finished putting the gloves on, you felt someone presence approaching.
“Suoh!” You jumped and immediately straightened, like it would somehow improve his opinion of you. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Good afternoon, (Y/n). Just taking a stroll.” His magical, smooth voice drifted into your ears.
“Me too.”
You looked in front of you and saw Gumita turning around the corner and out of view.
“Gumita…” for whatever reason, you felt the need to comment on her, “she’s…”
“Annoying,” Suoh filled in.
Your eyes immediately turned to him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. You almost laughed at how blunt and brutally honest he was. “Yes,” you blurted out without a single thought.
This reaction got a similar expression out of Suoh, caught between shock and amusement. He actually stopped walking and stood in his place. This was reasonable since he had never heard you say anything bad of anyone before and he knew you were friends with her. A grin grew on his face at this agreement.
“She and I had an interesting conversation yesterday,” he began.
“Really?” you pretended to not know. Your stomach tied into knots at the fear of his next sentence being about getting together with her. Some of the concern accidentally crept into your voice which made you mentally kick yourself. You looked back to the corner. Gumita was probably far from the optimal killing point by now.
“She acted as though she had feelings for me.”
“And what did you say?” you asked sadly.
“I told her to stay away from me.” He let out a small chuckle. “I don’t think she’ll ever try something like that again.”
“Really?” you laughed. You clapped your hands together with a huge smile spread on your face. A great wave of euphoria washed over you. It took a large of effort to not jump around and whoop in joy. “That is great! What did she say?”
Your response and joy at this action seemed to please him. His smile grew and you felt you could feel his opinion of you rise. “To say the least, she didn’t seem very please. She got loud. It was clear she was faking it.”
“Oh my gosh. Serves her right if she was. She’s normally smart, but she was dumb to think that a genius like you wouldn’t see through that,” you continued laughing. This new fondness only improved your mood. “But why would she do that in the first place, she’s usually very sensible,” you wondered out loud.
“I believe it was to convince me to train with Ranjiro Kiyama for the battle we were assigned to team up in. Though there’s no need to train when you’re the best. If anything, he would only get in the way."
“That’s the truth.”
He smiled more at your words. You noticed that he was now facing you and giving you his complete attention.
“But that was the worst plan ever,” you continued. “Then again, it sounds like her to risk even her dignity for Cap’n.”
The corners of his mouth turned upwards and he seemed very close to laughing. “I know. It is quite humorous.”
At this point you completely forgotten about your bag. You couldn’t ask for anything more than this. To be talking with him and bonding like this. You were really glad that you ran into him and had this talk before you accidentally killed someone innocent, who wasn’t preventing you from getting Suoh at all. The current moment was perfect. You were almost certain that this talk was the beginning of a good friendship and you couldn’t wait for every conversation and moment with him after.
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Burst’s lack of central theme
Disclaimer: It is possible that everything I say is wrong and I simply misunderstood something important, because I find it hard to believe a series has no central theme, especially in this franchise. Also, obvious spoilers
So I have realized that I cannot point out a single, specific central theme for Burst like I can for the other Beyblade series. The original series? Friendship formed through friendly competition. Metal saga? Man’s desire for self improvement. Burst? A mix of a bunch of themes with none of them standing out above the rest, and as a consequence they all end up being too vague to make Burst stand out thematically as a series
With any piece of fiction, the easiest way to find a central theme is through the protagonist and antagonist. Discounting stories with a villain protagonist and those with no real defined antagonist, there is usually a character trait that makes the hero heroic and the villain villainous, with these traits often mirroring each other. The original series does this perfectly. Our heroes battle for the love of the sport, and respect their opponents as equals. The villains battle for ulterior motives (world domination or making Zeo a human), while seeing their opponents as problems to be taken care of. MFB’s central theme is how every person strives to become better, often taking the form of becoming more powerful. It then shows how some ways to gain power are good (training, power of friendship), and how others are bad (arrangement, dark power). Admittedly Nemesis doesn’t strive for self improvement (at least not after it became Diablo Nemesis), but he mainly serves as an obstacle that shows the flaws in Ryuga’s method of self improvement (Gingka succeeds where Ryuga fails because Gingka’s methods were right)
Even Beywheelz has a central theme: losing. When our heroes lose, their friends help them get back up. When one of the villains loses, they get punished for it. Beyraiderz, for all its flaws, introduces a theme towards the end (freedom vs order), even if the theme isn’t well developed. Beywarriors Cyborg’s theme is nationalism and how it sucks (granted, Bran isn’t nationalistic, but exploits August’s extreme nationalism to manipulate him)
Burst’s main theme varies by season, with no real central idea that consistently connects said themes. Season 1′s conflict around Valt, Lui, and Shu is about friendship. Specifically, treating rivals not as enemies, but friends (best seen with Valt’s reaction after beating Ken vs Lui’s after beating Shu in the flashback). Evolution is about not endangering yourself in an attempt to improve. This theme was present with Shu in season 1, but Evolution truly explores it. However, these two themes are that, two themes. They aren’t variations of the same theme, but rather two separate themes with nothing to connect them. Turbo’s theme actually connects season 1′s and Evolution’s somewhat. Aiger, using dark resonance, ends up embodying the worst parts of both season 1 Lui and season 2 Shu. He seeks power above all else, and considers those he defeats to be beneath him. Then we get Rise
Rise’s theme is the power of friendship (and rainbows, quite literally, at the end). Why is Gwyn the main antagonist? Because he doesn’t believe friendship can make bladers stronger. Why is Dante the protagonist? Because he believes that friendship is the best way to make a blader stronger. It works as a different angle from which to explore the themes of season 1, but it doesn’t thematically connect to Evolution, and only partially connects to Turbo (the part that relates to season 1)
Then Surge comes in. The main theme is presented through 3 things: Flare, Limit Break, and the Legends. Flare is really just a reskinned resonance, and the Legends are there to be fought by Lain and the Hizashi brothers. Lain battles the Legends because he is compelled to, thus giving him an evil flare. The brothers battle the Legends out of admiration (the desire to stand alongside their idols), giving them a good flare. This is similar to Rise, and explores the same theme from a different angle. Limit Break is where things get weird. It’s the idea of pushing yourself beyond what you thought you could achieve. We see this in mfb, where it’s presented as a positive (Klaus being the best example, and Ryuga’s flaw was that he relied exclusively on this instead of combining it with the power of friendship). But in Burst, this has been presented as a negative before (Shu in the first 2 seasons). Pushing yourself too hard can endanger your health, and you shouldn’t do it (Free was extremely lucky to not end up more injured in Evolution). I’m fine with mfb and Burst having contradictory takes on this idea, but Burst should not have contradictory takes within itself
QuadDrive’s main theme is about actions vs presentation. Bel presents himself as a villain, but his actions, especially after accidentally breaking his opponent’s bey (Ranzo’s), show him to be a batter person than Rashad, who presents himself as a hero. Just compare Bel helping Ranzo build a new bey to Rashad not caring after he breaks Bel’s and Valt’s beys. This is an entirely new theme completely unrelated to any of the themes from previous seasons. I know QD ignored everything after Evolution but still. Maybe there’s just something I’m not seeing?
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art-ember · 1 year
Okay, so I have multiple theories and I will say wach of them in a seperate post.
This is theory 1
Now, most of you don't know but eversince I realized that most of the characters that have been revealed for Quadstrike are connected to the elements mentioned in the intro, I've been trying to figure out who coukd be the ones representing water.
Hear me out for a sec
Xander and Hyuga could represent fire
Quadra and Hikaru could be lightning
Kit and Dante could be wind
This leaves Ken, Valt, Bel, Pax, Ransou and Aiger.
Now Ken and Valt don't have xlear elements they could represent, but both of their beys are related to the afterlife. Valtriyek is Valkyre in the sub, and Valkyres guide fallen warriors to Odin's land. And Kurbeus is obviously a cerberus, which guards the gates to the underworld. So I think these two both represent that here.
But that doesn't solve the water problem. Especially since Aiger doesn't have a clear connection to that, and it seemed strange.
As I thought about it, I had this theory
What if Shu will return, and bring Fubuki with him? There are very few beys in burst that represent water. Only Toko's, Fubuki's and Naoki's beys do. So I'm thinking, what if Fubuki is the one who will represent water? And why do I think he will do it specifically? Well, Shu has been in every season except Rise/GT, and it seems strange to not include him here. So what if Shu just comes later in season and brings Fubuki with him.
But who woukd be the other water character then?
Well... take a look at this picture from the Ransou teaser
Tumblr media
His mask seems sorta themed after water. And notice how he wasn't been shown in the intro, despite us knowing he'll be there. I think the water character will be a mystery, and Ransou being it will be a big reveal.
Now this only leaves Pax, Bel, Aiger, and my speculation of Shu.
Well, I think Shu and Aiger will be here to represent resonance. Because sorry, but elemental powers are an energy in beys? Sounds like resonance 101 and where resonanve goes Shu follows. And with that it would make sense for Aiger to join too.
But Bel and Pax?
I think Pax will be thr main villain. Between him being shown in the intro when it said "Darkness" and the fact that he keepa giving me Ryan vibes, I've been pretty confident in this. And Bel being the protaginst, they both basically have their special roles to play.
They bith represent darkness. Pax is shown in the intro when it says "Darkness" and Bel is the Dark Prince.
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Mayblade day 17: rain (I can’t tell raindrops apart from tears)
When Z Achilles breaks during the battle with Phoenix, it’s arguably the most emotional breakage in the series. From Achilles yelling Aiger’s name, to Aiger realizing that he is at fault for it, to the way Aiger’s actions look in hindsight. And when Achilles breaks, Aiger starts crying at the same time it starts to rain (the battle was outdoors). And the way the raindrops are drawn is the exact same way as Aiger’s tears. Because the moment Achilles broke was when Aiger’s dark resonance was at its peak, and Aiger was at his lowest point. And when he wept, the world wept with him, and on him. When we see his face, there is no way to tell the what's water and what's tears. The weather itself had joined Aiger in that moment
Aiger’s dark resonance was worrying everyone. Fubuki went to get Shu. Shu showed up uninvited at the Dread Tower to help Aiger. Ranjiro willingly journeyed into the death trap that is Hyde’s home for Aiger. Even Suoh cared. The whole world was telling Aiger that he had people there for him, but he didn't see it. And when the sky cried with him, it was trying to say "you're not alone"
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snowboyclarkov · 8 months
Beyblade World Tournament
For some reason, I decided to have a bit of fun and put 24 bladers in a league format to see who came out on top. Because it was for fun, I also put in my main OC to see where they would end up.
Categories used:
Battle Smarts
Break Potency
Burst Resistance
Launch Strength
Special Moves
Aiger Akabane (Zeal Achilles Illegal Quattro'-4)
Alexander Shakadera (Xiphoid Xcalius Xanthus Sword'-1)
Arman Kusaba (Bushin Ashindra Hurricane Keep Ten)
Arthur Peregrine (Prime Apocalypse 0Dagger Ultimate Reboot')
Bel Daizora (Divine Belfyre Nexus Adventure [Ultimate Gear])
Boa Alcazaba (Arc Balkesh 2Bump Atomic)
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Snowstorm Mysurarni Illegal Metal Bearing Drift-10)
Dante Koryu (Gambit Dragon Karma Charge Metal'-10)
Delta Zakuro (Master Devolos Generate)
Free de la Hoya (Vanish Fafnir Tapered Kick-3)
Gwyn Reynolds (Eclipse Genesis Hybrid)
Hikaru Hizashi (Komet Helios Giga Zeal-10)
Hyde (Dread Hades 11Turn Zephyr')
Hyuga Hizashi (Stellar Hyperion Tapered Xplosion-2)
Kurt Baratier (Boom Khalzar 7Under Hunter)
Lain Valhalla (Lucius Endbringer Kou Drift)
Lui Shirosagi (Guilty Lúinor Karma Metal Destroy-2)
Pax Forsythe (Ruin Pandemonium Karma Spiral-4)
Phi (Dread Phoenix 10 Friction)
Pri Forsythe (Flame Pandora Aquilon Jolt-10)
Rashad Goodman (Glory Regnar Over High Xtend'+)
Shu Kurenai (Burst Spryzen Spread' Fusion'-8)
Silas Karlisle (Curse Satomb Hurricane Universe 1D)
Valt Aoi (Ultimate Valtryek Wing' Accel'-9)
Frankly, I don't see why Ultimate Valtryek had to be upgraded. It's not even a proper upgrade. Also, the upgrade looks horrible.
Note: The bey's of Aiger, Alexander, Bel, Dante, Hikaru, Hyuga, Kit and Valt are written as their original versions. The ones used in QuadStrike are the Hasbro versions, because they're the ones who made the season. In reality, ignoring the armour tips, their beys are:
Zeal Achilles Giga Massive-10
Xiphoid Xcalius Xanthus Xtend+-1
Destined Belfyre D-Gear Gyro-2'
Gambit Dragon Karma Zephyr-4'
Komet Helios Fyquor Planet-2
Stellar Hyperion Diagron Guard-7'
Whirl Knight Tapered Jaggy-2
Bolt Spryzen Xanthus Quattro-1
Ultimate Valtryek Over Liner-3
Ultimate Gear is the H-Gear/A-Gear/D-Gear/VS-Gear with Belfyre.
Moves for each blader in this thing*:
Aiger/Achilles - Zealous Breaker, Zealous Defence, Zealous Dive, Zealous Launch, Zealous Sword, Zealous Shield, Zealous Upper, Zealous Whip
Alexander/Xcalius - Xiphoid Saber, Dual Xiphoid Saber
Arman/Ashindra - Bushin Guard, Double Bushin Guard, Hurricane Defence, Tower Counter
Arthur/Apocalypse - Eclipse Whip, Final Blast, Omega Blast, Prime Reboot
Bel/Belfyre - Dark Prince Elemental, Divine Counter, Divine Dive, Double Divine Dive, Divine Flash, Divine Launch, Divine Recoil, Divine Wrecker
Boa/Balkesh - Final Crash, Final Guard
Clarkov/Mysurarni - Blizzard Breaker, Parity Dive, Parity Drift, Parity Launch, Parity Snowstorm, Parity Spectrum, Parity Spin
Dante/Dragon - Dragon Launch, Gambit Break, Rainbow Dive, Ultimate Break, Ultimate Recoil, Winged Recoil
Delta/Devolos - Master Launch, Master Upper, Master Smash
Free/Fafnir - Kick Counter, Vanish Break, Vanish Claw, Vanish Counter, Vanish Spin
Gwyn/Genesis - Eclipse Pulse, Eclipse Whip, Hybrid Force, Superior Eclipse
Hikaru/Helios - Komet Strike, Solar Launch, Zeal Counter
Hyde/Hades - Dread Gravity, Dread Impulse
Hyuga/Hyperion - Solar Launch, Stellar Strike
Kurt/Khalzar - Bolt Attack, Skyscraper Boost, Thunder Attack
Lain/Lucius - Final Crush, Final Disaster, Final Limit Breaker, Final Wall
Lui/Lúinor - Dragon Crash, Guilty Smash, Guilty Upper, Nightmare Boost
Pax/Pandemonium - Fire Elemental, Lightning Elemental, Water Elemental, Wind Elemental, Elemental Break, Ruin Break
Phi/Phoenix - Dread Break, Dread Cannon, Double Dread Cannon, Dread Cannon Crush, Diving Dread Cannon Crush, Dread Crush, Final Dread Impact
Pri/Pandora - Elemental Break, Flame Launch, Flame Whip
Rashad/Regnar - Glory Breaker, Glory Crown, Glory Dagger, Glory Pendulum, Glory Slam, Glory Spear
Shu/Spryzen - Astral Spin, Astral Spark, Astral Whip, Counter Break, Crux Boost, Upper Launch
Silas/Satomb - Roller Defence, Triple Spin, Universe Drift
Valt/Valtryek - Rush Launch, Ultimate Dive, Ultimate Flash V, Ultimate Whip V, Ultimate Wing V, Winged Launch
*Some moves are added personally by me based on previous moves each blader had (except for OC, all of those are my ideas). Does not include tag moves as they are irrelevant. Some additional moves for Shu are named after Astral Spryzen as naming them after Burst Spryzen doesn't sound right at all.
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