chemicalboys · 1 year
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hugo southwell for dieux du stade's 2010 calendar
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devynsshitposts · 1 year
imma be straight with y’all, if one of my faves (including but not limited to @abadtakehonestly @hotdapologist @valeskafics ) gets shadow banned i straight up just do not know only because i go straight to their blog, cause i am not scrolling through the tags to see if they posted (unless they ask to just make sure they have been released from the shadowlands) i just go straight to their page cause even if they didn’t post new chapters they still answers asks and everything and that brightens up my day
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narwhal39 · 1 year
help me I keep finding different SVCs to play around with
I feel like DDSP-SVC has slightly lower quality than DIFF-SVC or so-vits-svc but is very much easier to work with (like you can train a voice model and get decent results faster)
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scarlettqagain · 1 year
Finally sorted my oh so grown up retirement savings through work. Have been paying into it for 7 years. Figured I would look at it but then I realized I didn’t have a clue how to get into it.
Cpl phones and my full legal name later. Yep…It’s a RRSP/DDSP. I bumped up the percentage. See what that does.
Will be 10 yrs with my company this summer. Retirement saving plan says Sept. 1, 2040 is the day I eat fancy cake. Wonder what kind it will be….
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pretty-dianxia · 8 months
Hello!! Here are some of my favorite things right now, that tend to make me crack a smile when i'm feeling down:
(Has curse words, idk if that's a problem for you or not) The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy (Official music Video) - YouTube
My favorite Brennan Lee Mulligan monologue Brennan Lee Mulligan loses his mind on game changer - YouTube
A playlist full of TES: Oblivion being its wonderful self https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh7Dqzkuj3hWgPZcyAF6sz141NeNusu0L&si=dDSP-XwYH8ABTqug
There are also a lot of really good TGCF vine compilations on youtube that I like to watch when I'm feeling down!!
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basilepesso · 8 months
Pas d'origine donnée...
"Pour rappel, l'octogénaire avait fait une remarque à un individu qui urinait dans la rue devant une école du bas des pentes de la Croix-Rousse. Ce dernier l'avait faite chuter d'un violent coup de poing asséné au visage.
Selon la DDSP du Rhône, la victime a été opérée suite à une fracture du col du fémur. Elle a obtenu 45 jours d'ITT.
Le suspect âgé d'une quarantaine d'années avait expliqué lors de sa garde à vue qu'il était schizophrène sous curatelle. Il avait également reconnu les faits.
Après avoir été présenté au parquet de Lyon en vue d'un passage en comparution immédiate, l'homme a finalement été incarcéré. Il sera jugé le 20 octobre prochain".
(Aussi sur Fb, 9 septembre 2 023) Article de Lyon Mag : "Vieille dame frappée par un homme qui urinait dans la rue à Lyon : 45 jours d'ITT pour la victime"
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rohitmarri · 5 months
AI has started creeping into music production, and it’s enabling a whole new world of possibilities for enhancing and accelerating your creative process. Forget what you thought you knew about AI – these tools are designed by musicians for musicians, and they’re about to change the game. Whether you’re looking to generate new melodies, manipulate samples in new ways, get vocal assistance, enhance your mixing, or take your lyrics in entirely new directions, AI has your back.
Can AI help music producers in their creative process?
AI can absolutely assist by offering creative suggestions based on algorithms, automating repetitive tasks, and even providing deep analysis on tracks to help producers refine their sound, but a producer’s personal touch and perspective remain crucial to making standout music.
Here are 5 AI Tools Every Music Producers Need To Try
AIVA is not just a tool; it’s a creative companion for music producers. Leveraging deep learning, AIVA analyzes vast musical datasets to generate original compositions, acting as a virtual muse that sparks inspiration and breathes new life into your projects. AIVA brings a fresh perspective to your creative process, offering a collaborative experience that leads to unique and captivating musical expressions.
Musicfy lets you customize and modify vocals in your tracks using AI. This powerful yet easy-to-use tool can redefine your vocals in innovative ways. Have a great vocal take but need to change the key to match your instrumentals? Musicfy can transpose your vocals up or down to the perfect pitch. Just select the new key you want and the AI will automatically adjust your vocals. Musicfy’s voice changer AI technology allows users to transform their voices into different tones and styles, making their content more engaging and entertaining.
Vochlea Dubler is an innovative MIDI controller that converts your vocals into MIDI data. As a music producer, imagine being able to simply sing a melody or bassline and have it instantly mapped to MIDI notes in your DAW. With Dubler 2, you can opens up so many creative possibilities for music producers and electronic musicians. You can sing a bassline or lead melody with your own voice and hear it played back instantly on a synth. Lay down vocal harmonies and have them trigger chords on a virtual piano. Create vocal percussive sounds and map them to electronic drum samples. The options are endless.
Muse Spark is an AI-powered drum machine and beat maker. As a music producer, this tool can help you create dynamic drum patterns and beats to build the foundation of your tracks .Muse spark is an AI-powered chord trigger with infinite possibilities. Ask for chords in any style you want, and they’ll be instantly generated to use in your DAW.
DDSP stands for “Differentiable Digital Signal Processing,” and it refers to a research initiative and framework developed by Google’s Magenta research team. DDSP is designed to make signal processing operations in audio and music generation models differentiable, allowing for seamless integration with machine learning models and training through gradient-based optimization.
The world of music production is evolving, and these AI tools are your passport to a realm of endless possibilities. From sparking creativity to refining your sound, these tools have the potential to reshape your approach to music production. Embrace the future of soundscapes with these AI-driven companions and let the synergy of human creativity and artificial intelligence elevate your music to new heights.
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tokentraders · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Port Authority DDSP Safety Susquehanna Division XL Fall/Winter Hood Jacket w/Hat.
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leonardobarbosa · 7 months
Silken Echoes from Combustion on Vimeo.
Visuals by Nando Costa Sounds by Combustion
"Silken Echoes" is an AI-generated animation directed by Nando Costa. It used technologies like Midjourney, Runway, Topaz Labs Gigapixel, and Photoshop AI.
On the audio side, we used samples created by AI (DDSP, Emergent Drums, Audiomodern, Elf Tech) and mixed them with iZotope Ozone AI.
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rubensfernando · 7 months
Silken Echoes from Combustion on Vimeo.
Visuals by Nando Costa Sounds by Combustion
"Silken Echoes" is an AI-generated animation directed by Nando Costa. It used technologies like Midjourney, Runway, Topaz Labs Gigapixel, and Photoshop AI.
On the audio side, we used samples created by AI (DDSP, Emergent Drums, Audiomodern, Elf Tech) and mixed them with iZotope Ozone AI.
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deepdrivingschool · 10 months
Driving School In Perth
Looking for a reliable and reputable driving school in Perth? [Driving School Name] is here to make your driving journey enjoyable and stress-free. Let us be your partner in learning and mastering the art of driving safely and confidently.
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chemicalboys · 1 year
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ignacio mieres for dieux du stade's 2010 calendar
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devynsshitposts · 2 years
i watched bullet train today and let me tell you 🥵🥵 arron taylor-johnson and logan lerman were looking so good. like atj’s character was the cutest, i absolutely loved him 🥹🥹. i thought the movie was pretty good. would absolutely watch again.
i did also enjoy brad pitt’s character. the fact that he was i guess trying to be a pacifist and still managed to be one of the few surviving members on that train. my favorite part of the movie, as i keep telling everyone, is that i enjoyed that it took place on a singular train. absolute hearts all around.
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opineonionated · 10 months
On the decks
Pleasant mix of field recordings and computer synthesis from one of my favorite Bandcamp labels, Superpang.
Another recent Superpang release. Fascinated with the sounds on this one. From the liner notes: A Model Within is an experimental album that uses machine learning to create a unique listening experience. Trained with the DDSP algorithm and a mix of synthesized and recorded audio samples, the tracks on this album blur the lines between live instrumentation and digital manipulation. Each song was performed with the assistance of machine learning models, resulting in a sound that emulates a live performance within a digital environment. Recommended listening!
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Vagas Offshore: Keppel, gigante no setor de óleo e gás, está procurando Técnicos, Mecânicos, Eletricistas e outros profissionais com experiência
Se você está procurando novos rumos e oportunidades de atuação no mercado nacional offshore, está no lugar certo. Para este sábado, (24/12), a companhia de exploração e produção de óleo e gás Keppel está com vagas de emprego abertas. As inscrições para os processos seletivos já podem ser realizadas pelos interessados.
Confira a seguir mais informações sobre os cargos disponíveis na lista da empresa
Técnico de desenvolvimento de sistemas e aplicações
A Keppel está em busca de profissionais qualificados para o preenchimento das vagas de emprego de Técnico De Desenvolvimento De Sistemas E Aplicações, com os seguintes requisitos necessários:
Escolaridade: Desejável superior completo/cursando em Análise de Sistemas, Engenharia de sistemas, Estudos complementares equivalentes ou experiência profissional equivalente;
Experiência: Desejável de 1 a 2 anos na área de TI;
Conhecimentos Específicos: Inglês técnico básico, técnicas de levantamento de requisitos, análise de sistemas, banco de dados.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
Líder de Tubulação
Também estão disponíveis oportunidades de atuação no setor offshore como Líder de Tubulação nos projetos da Keppel. As atividades a serem desenvolvidas nas vagas de emprego são:
Realizar as atividades sob responsabilidade de acordo com os procedimentos técnicos e normas de qualidade, segurança, meio ambiente e saúde vigentes;
Organizar e limpar o local de trabalho;
Participar do diálogo diário de segurança e produtividade (DDSP);
Solicitar permissão de trabalho (PT) à área de segurança quando necessário;
Cumprir todas as legislações relacionadas a segurança, saúde do trabalho e meio ambiente.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
Mecânico Montador 
Você ainda pode se candidatar para as vagas de emprego disponíveis para o cargo de Mecânico Montador nos projetos offshore da Keppel, atuando nas seguintes atividades:
Participar do diálogo diário de segurança e produtividade (DDSP);
Operar instrumentos de medição mecânica;
Montar, lubrificar e ajustar equipamentos mecânicos;
Lixar e limpar peças mecânicas;
Furar bases e estruturas para fixação de equipamentos mecânicos;
Preservar e tratar os materiais e equipamentos de aplicação da área.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
Veja outras vagas de emprego abertas na Keppel
Mecânico de Manutenção
Estão disponíveis vagas de emprego também para o cargo de Mecânico de Manutenção na lista da Keppel. As atividades a serem desenvolvidas nesse posto incluem:
Organizar e limpar o local de trabalho;
Participar do diálogo diário de segurança e produtividade (DDSP);
Realizar manutenção em componentes, equipamentos e máquinas industriais;
Avaliar as condições de funcionamento e desempenho de componentes de máquinas e ferramentas industriais;
Planejar atividades de manutenção.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
Eletricista Montador
A Keppel está em busca de profissionais capacitados no ramo offshore para atuação como Eletricista Montador em seus projetos. As atividades a serem realizadas nas vagas de emprego são:
Organizar e limpar o local de trabalho;
Participar do diálogo diário de segurança e produtividade (DDSP);
Listar o desenho da atividade a ser realizada;
Montar suportes para calhas/eletrodutos de cabos elétricos;
Montar suportes para equipamentos e acessórios de elétrica, telecom e instrumentação.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
Por fim, estão disponíveis vagas de emprego para o cargo de Caldeireiro na companhia Keppel, sendo necessário realizar as seguintes atividades no posto:
Participar do diálogo diário de segurança e produtividade (DDSP);
Ler e interpretar o desenho técnico da peça a ser montada conferindo as dimensões;
Delimitar o perímetro a ser cortado na chapa;
Utilizar maçarico para corte e aquecimento de peças.
Faça as suas inscrições no site da companhia e concorra às oportunidades!
O post Vagas Offshore: Keppel, gigante no setor de óleo e gás, está procurando Técnicos, Mecânicos, Eletricistas e outros profissionais com experiência apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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skillstopallmedia · 2 years
Refusal to comply: a police officer “seriously injured”
Refusal to comply: a police officer “seriously injured”
A policeman was seriously injured Monday, September 19 in the evening, in Anzin (North). The official was in fact knocked down by the driver of a vehicle having refused to comply and stop. His vital prognosis is not engaged, but the man was hit on the back, specified the DDSP. A police source quoted by Le Figaro evoked for his part that he was « seriously injured legs« . Members of the security…
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