#dean wouldn't know what to do with himself if cas showed up looking like this
We're Not in CW Anymore - 1
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 1: The Good News Gabriel Brings
One minute, you were reading your very spicy romance book on your couch. The next, you were sitting in some diner off the highway, book still in hand. You looked around, wondering if anyone noticed you appear out of thin air. Not a single person was looking towards you. Okay, this must be a dream, I dozed off while reading, you thought. If I'm right, I won't be able to read words. You opened up to a random part in the book, and sure enough, you could read every single smutty word on that page. Fuck. What just happened?
"More coffee, sweetie?" The waitress pulled you from your downward spiral. You accepted, though you'd rather be drinking something a little stronger. You took a sip, letting the warmth fill you up. You looked down - you were no longer wearing your oversized sleep shirt. Instead, you were wearing skinny jeans, brown boots, and a gray tank top with a blue flannel layered on top. Very autumn lumberjack, you thought. It was much more appropriate than your sleep shirt though, given the dreary weather outside. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket, surprised to find a signal. You were more surprised that you had your phone at all, and even more perplexed when you saw your purse sitting on the booth next to you. You peeked inside - thank god, your inhaler. You're gonna need that because the panic will surely set in soon. You scroll through your phone and find your messages are all gone. There's no logs of calls or contacts. Everything has been wiped. Great. You pull up the news to see if you can get your bearings a little. You weren't quite sure what else to do - after all, you've never teleported before.
You were too focused on your phone to notice a 1967 Chevy Impala pull up to the diner. Nor did you notice the two gigantic men walk through the front door as the bell jingled. But one of these men clocked you almost immediately. His face turned pale and he stopped in his tracks. "Holy shit," he breathed. The taller one looked at him like he was nuts, but before he could say anything else, the shorter (but still really tall) one found himself walking towards you. "Dude, what the hell?" His buddy was following him to your booth.
"Hey. Hi. Um, can I sit here?" Real smooth, dipshit, he thought to himself. You looked up at the man speaking to you, not really registering what he said. This man was a spitting image of Jensen Ackles. In fact, they could be twins. However the man standing in front of you had his flannel sleeves rolled up enough for you to see a tattoo sleeve and a myriad of scars peppering his skin. The man who appeared behind this man looked exactly like Jared Padalecki. "Am I being punked?" you asked. The two men look at each other and sit down in your booth, facing you. They look intrigued, waiting for you to keep talking.
"I wouldn't really say 'punked,' but I really had some fun with this one." A dude appeared out of nowhere, sitting next to you, looking like Richard Speight, Jr. Okay, what the actual fuck.
"Gabriel? What the fuck are you doing here?" the guy who looked like Jared asked. Okay, we got Sam, Dean, Gabriel...what's next? Cas? You look out the window to see the Impala and your stomach flips.
"Listen, I don't have a lot of time for you bozos, so pay attention and don't interrupt. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean, this is Y/N. Yes, like the show Supernatural, I know, whoop-de-do, let's get to the juicy parts, alright?" Gabriel looks almost irritated with his little speech.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam's patience was wearing thin already.
"What did I say about interrupting? You're a bad listener. As I was saying, Y/N comes from another universe. Dean, I'm sure you're quite familiar. Y/N, you get the gist of it, but it's not exactly like the CW show. This is more real-life, nitty gritty, not at all rated PG-13. There's a lot of shit from the show that didn't happen in this universe. The writing really went to shit after Kripke left, but that's just my opinion. I digress. Y/N and Dean are soulmates, don't ask me how they ended up in different universes, I'm just here to fix it. So boom, problem solved, have fun figuring all this shit out." Gabriel acted bored but seemed to be amused by this situation.
Your head was spinning. Supernatural. Real life. Alternate universe. Soulmates? You stared down your coffee cup as you tried to wrap your head around the situation. It was hard when the entire time, you could feel Dean staring at you. He hasn't taken his eyes off you since he walked into the diner. You thought they were attractive on the show, but in real like they're so gorgeous, it's intimidating.
"Why would you do Dean a favor like that? What do you get out of it?" Sam asked. "Nothing from you ever comes out of the kindness of your heart."
"Listen bud, I just know what's gotta happen and I do it. Any other questions?"
"Hold on! You said parts of the TV show didn't happen in this universe. Which parts?" You had to know - Rowena, Crowley, Chuck, Leviathan - was all of this real now?
"Just the dumb parts. All of season 7 basically. That weird attachment Dean had with the Darkness even though she was a kid for a while, creepy if you ask me. The whole Darkness thing never happened, don't know if it will in the future though. The Men of Letters are alive and thriving, Sam and Dean actually work for them as hunters. I don't know kid I'm sure you'll figure it all out." His answer placated you for now. It was still too much for your brain to process. You're sure you'll have lots of questions come up as the day progresses. You turn to thank him, but he's already gone. That leaves you alone in a booth with Sam and Dean Winchester.
Chapter 2
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
Hi! I just wanted to start off by saying that your analyses on the characters are awesome and they really helped further my understanding of the show, so keep up the good work! :D
I was wondering, if you don't mind answering, what did you think of about Dean giving permission for Gadreel/Ezekiel to possess Sam in season 9?
I'm still a bit on the fence about how to feel about it and I thought your particular brand of wisdom might be able to help me out.
Dean had just a few pieces of information at the hospital in 9.01.
Dean knew that Sam had every intention of surviving The Trials in 8.14 and in fact Sam promised he would survive them and show Dean to the light at the end of the tunnel, because Dean was suicidal: "I'm closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you. [...] I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it."
Dean observed that Sam became suicidal over the course of The Trials and that this culminated in Sam forsaking his promise and his desire to live and falling into a tailspin where he wanted to die to make himself "pure". Disturbing dialogue from 8.21: "Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had... demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure? [...] It doesn't matter anymore. Because these trials... they're purifying me."
Dean pleaded with Sam not to kill himself in 8.23, and Sam agreed, asking, "How do I stop?"
These are the details Dean has prior to Sam falling into a coma. He believes that his brother wanted to commit suicide, but that he did change his mind and decide he wants to live.
Two other notable details:
First, Gadreel earns Dean's trust quickly by risking his ass to help Dean, and then on the phone (after being given the fake name "Ezekiel") Cas, relieved and pleased, vouches for Ezekiel. So Dean has no reason to suspect anything nefarious (and in fact, at this point, Gadreel doesn't have particularly nefarious intentions besides staying in hiding away from other angels).
Second, Dean is not the one who pleads with Sam to live in the dream sequence, getting him to say "Yes". It can't be Dean, because 1) "Dean's" face morphs into Gadreels which is clearly intended to indicate to us that this wasn't Dean speaking 2) If Gadreel was somehow projecting the real Dean into the conversation to give that speech, then Gadreel wouldn't be the one receiving the consent. It would truly be Dean receiving it and not just Gadreel pretending. Those words HAVE to come from Gadreel's mouth for the possession to work—not Dean's. We've seen angels morph into loved ones and mimic their voices perfectly several times.
With all that in mind:
After Gadreel pitches his plan to possess Sam, Dean immediately says it isn't his call to make—it's Sam's. It's after Gadreel shows him Sam falling back into the same suicidality from 8.23—wanting to die so that "no one else can get hurt because of me"—that Dean wavers. Still—at the end of the day, whether Sam agrees to live or not was never Dean's choice, and this is something I often see people get mixed up about. Dean doesn't get to choose whether Sam dies or not. It is still Sam who chooses to live. Sam does this by saying "Yes" to Gadreel. This could not have happened if Sam hadn't changed his mind about living. He doesn't know he's going to be possessed, but he has once again beaten back his suicidality and chosen to live. Sam still had hope in a good future.
Sam chose to live. He did not know he was going to be possessed. That's the issue. However, Dean did not intend to keep Gadreel's possession from Sam after it happened. Dean and Gadreel have this conversation upon leaving the hospital:
DEAN So? How's it look in there? EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY Not good. There is much work to be done. DEAN Yeah, but he's gonna wake up, right? EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY He will. DEAN So, what he does – what, is he gonna feel you inside, triaging his spleen? EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY He will not feel me, no. There is no reason for Sam to know I'm in here at all. DEAN You're joking. No, this is – this is too big. EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY And what will he do if you do tell him he is possessed by an angel? DEAN Well, he'll have to understand.
This conversation suggests that Dean's initial thought process was "We perform supernatural life-saving surgery". He just wanted to get Sam to a point where he'd wake up and they could talk. Like any situation with a relative in a coma, that person in a coma can't consent to surgery. The next of kin is the one who gives consent, because their loved one can't. They can only consent to a procedure if awake to do so. So Dean doesn't stop Gadreel from performing life saving surgery, but his intial belief and intent is that they'll put all of this back in Sam's hands when he's awake.
Up to this point, I don't actually have a problem with what Dean's done based on his knowledge. It's here at the end of the episode, where Gadreel convinces Dean to depart from his intial intent and stall, that in my opinion, the "Dean doing something wrong" part starts:
EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY And if he does not? Without his acceptance, Sam can eject me at any time, especially with me so weak. And if Sam does eject me, he will die. DEAN Then we keep it a secret for now. Or until Sam's well enough that he doesn't need an angelic pacemaker or I find a way to tell him. I - I... As for him being in a hospital, I'll have to figure something out. EZEKIEL IN SAM’S BODY I can erase it all, if you like. He will not remember any of this.
Dean doesn't feel good about it, but he agrees to keep quiet, because he's scared Sam will yet again make a suicidal play. Dean is riddled with guilt in the following episodes over lying to Sam, and in 9.08, Dean tries to tell Sam he's possessed, but Gadreel takes over Sam's body and stops him. Dean comes clean again in 9.09, only for Gadreel to stop Sam from receiving the news again.
So. Dean's mistake is lying to Sam. He shouldn't have lied to him. Point blank. At the same time, had Dean pushed the issue, would Gadreel have been willing to be expelled? Would he ever have allowed Dean to tell Sam the truth, from the moment he was... installed? Or was Dean screwed from the beginning, and was the idea that he got to choose any of this—any bit of it—really just... an illusion to keep Dean compliant with the possession that was keeping Gadreel under the radar?
Think about it for a second. Why did Gadreel ask Dean's permission? He didn't ever need Dean's permission to do any of this. He didn't need Dean's permission to trick Sam. He didn't need Dean's permission to remove Sam's memory of the hospital. He didn't need Dean's permission to keep the fact that he was possessing Sam a secret. He could have done every bit of this without asking. The problem was, Dean probably would have caught onto the disappearing angel act, and Gadreel would have had to get violent, and for the first part of season 9, Gadreel doesn't want to get violent! He just wants a place to lay low, and sees an opportunity to prove he's a good angel who helps humans—not just the angel who let the serpent into the garden. Getting Dean's "consent" might ease his own conscience about nonconsensual possession or be a way to keep Dean compliant or both, but ultimately, these are more questions worth weighing imo, because Supernatural loves to toy with the illusion that Dean has power in situations where he doesn’t, and in this case, he doesn't... actually have any power at all... does he?
That said, when it comes right down to it, Dean still did something wrong by helping keep the secret—by not trying to tell Sam the truth immediately because he was scared. And well. Okay. So what?
This is a show with characters who have good intentions but still make mistakes. As Cas will say about this later, "You were stupid for the right reasons". We get some great insights into the pitfalls that lead Dean down this path, and it's interesting to watch that happen and then later, see a broken mirror as Sam endeavors to prove through season 10 what Dean is willing to do can't touch what Sam is ultimately willing to do to keep Dean around.
Here's the thing—I don't believe for a single second that Sam wouldn't do the exact same thing in 9.01 had their positions been reversed. Sam and Dean have a conversation along these lines at the end of 9.13 "The Purge":
DEAN All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing. SAM No, Dean. I wouldn't. Same circumstances...I wouldn't. 
This genuinely wounds Dean and gets brought up a few times, but then in 9.23 when it's brought up for the last time in another context:
DEAN What happened with you being okay with this? SAM I lied.
Sam never gets the chance to do the exact same thing to Dean, but he has already gone behind Dean's back to try and save his life before. He's used Dean's death to justify doing things Dean begged him not to do on his behalf. He kept the case they were actually on under wraps as he inched toward a plan to turn himself and Dean into Frankenstein's monsters in 3.15 (and really the only reason it didn't work is that Sam got captured by Doc Benton and Dean had to save his ass, and then Sam morosely helped dig the grave). Sam went behind Dean's back directly against his wishes to threaten a crossroad's demon in 3.05. In season 10, he violates Dean's consent by removing the Mark of Cain from Dean's arm using the Book of the Damned, which not only requires an overt human sacrifice of Oskar and gets a woman named Suzie killed in "The Werther Project" because Sam refuses to heed her warnings, but also results in the apocalypse... and all of this was something Dean asked Sam not to do, and Sam did every bit of it to get his brother back, and while standing in the wreckage in 11.01, echoed Dean's line from 9.13, saying, "I would do it again". Dean signed the supernatural possession next-of-kin consent form, and the fallout was Kevin and Sam. Sam violated Dean's consent and tens of thousands of people died and he said he'd do it again while they died around him.
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tiktaalic · 6 months
The crazy dean criterion collection: curated by ME!
Crazy in this parlance. means. “sam gives dean a strange look" natural. recommendations welcome. i dont read a lot of fic so there are maybe 5 on here. here we go.
“It was an accident,” Dean insists, as soon as they hear from Bobby. They’re sitting at a diner halfway back to the hotel room and these are the first real words Dean has spoken. “I know it was. He didn’t mean to.” Sam stares at him. “He?” “Castiel?” Dean says, shrugs. “Boy name, right?” “Are you insane?” Sam blurts out.
“Why is the app on Dean’s phone? Why is someone messaging you on Dean’s phone?” Sam asks and Dean knows Sam’s staring at him even as he stares at the page in front of him with an intensity he hasn’t had all afternoon. When no one answers, Sam tries again. “What –?” Irritation flares like electricity through Dean and it’s only that spark of anger that gets his words out. “I’m just helping him out, Sam! Jesus, he’s – he was – he’s an angel. Celestial intent! How is he meant to know what Grindr is? How to – how to – to talk to guys, how is he –” “Dude,” Sam says emphatically, placating him with wide eyes, holding his hands up. “Okay, okay. Listen, I know you’re not –”
Sam snorts and puts down his phone. His bed creaks as he gets comfortable. “So, what’s up with Cas?” “What do you mean?” Dean says. “Nothing. Just, like, what’s his deal?” For all the fretting he did over this trip, Dean never once thought to prepare an answer for this question. So when he blurts out, “Well, he’s gay,” the only person he can be disappointed in is himself. “Uh, okay,” Sam says. “I was looking for more of a big picture type-thing, but I guess we can start there, too.”
They both throw the ball, Cas controlling Dean’s swing with his own arms and his own legs, strong and firm at his back. If he’s a shifter, he could kill me right now, Dean thinks, and stays put right where he is. He releases the ball and they both watch as the ball travels straight towards the pins, hitting them with a good amount of force and knocking them all down. no sam pull quote for this one. but trust he would have things to say about the bowling alley.
"Nah, there's nothing wrong with it, if you like H&R Block chic. I'm just saying, if I was reborn as a hot chick I'd want to show off a little." The matching looks Sam and Cas give him make his cheeks burn. "What?" Dean tosses his hands indignantly. "You're telling me if you were a woman you wouldn't want to look hot?" "I can honestly say I haven't give it much thought, Dean," Sam says, looking like he's about to ask Dean if there's anything else he wants to admit to, and Dean doesn't want to give him the satisfaction, so he climbs inside the car and turns the music up before Sam can open his pinched little mouth again.
that's all i got boss. if you've read something where dean is Crazy drop it in my inbox.
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lol-jackles · 5 months
Is it just a side effect of being somewhat disappointed in who Jensen presents himself in recent years, or is it normal that I find Dean's sad monologues less meaningful and more over dramatic the more times I watch supernatural?
For me, many of the earlier ones hold up well, but him talking to his dad’s grave in What is and What Should Never Be just feels a bit silly now. Like, that’s not even your real dad’s s grave, dude. And the mirror scene in Regarding Dean feels a bit self-indulgent. Even him talking to Mary inside her head just seems like … too much? It’s like I can feel the show going, “Get ready for it … we’ve got a scene coming up where Dean is going to emote all over you! Cue up the one perfect man tear!" Or the whole over the top apology to Castiel in purgatory.
It could just be the natural effect of rewatching, but I often find the emotional monologues less impactful. Yet, I still enjoy watching Jared play soulless Sam, and looking at how different he is from normal Sam. Or seeing how he deteriorated during the trials era.
I guess I’m just wondering if I’m just biased now. Or if there is a more legitimate reason that Jensen’s emotional scenes loose effect on me while Jared’s characterization still fascinated me.
There’s a reason why I didn’t choose the scenes you mentioned for my "Jensen’s best acting" posts.
I suspect the main issue was the lack of organic build up so it felt slightly out of the left field. Look at the ~build up to Dean's emotional conversation to Mary in 12x22:
12x3 - Dean refuse to look at Mary when she tries to day good-bye
12x4 - Dean wonders why Mary isn't calling or texting him
12x6 - Dean wouldn't talk to Mary
12x7 - Dean is angry that Mary isn't calling or texting him
12x12 - Can't remember if Dean and Mary interacted while Sam was killing Ramiel.  
12x13 - Dean bans Mary from the bunker
12x15 - 12x20: Dean is mad that Mary isn't calling or texting him
The saving grace of Dean's speech in 12x22 was it was about how Mary's demon deal had destroyed Sam's life and her death destroyed the family. This speech was a long time coming and it need to happen, but the build up to it should have been better executed.
Dean's apology-prayer in 15x09 also didn't have an organic build up, which was why Jensen comes off as overacting.  They didn't spend any time showing why Benny was such a big deal, he wasn't even in the “Then” portion of the intro, so the general audience had no clue who this Benny is because he was last seen 7 seasons ago. Then this was supposed to be the build up to Dean's apology-prayer: 
Dean: I know you’re sorry about mom
Cas: I’m so over your dead mother. I was talking about Jack
Dean: *shocked pikachu face*
In contrast to 4x11 when Dean revealed to Sam about his time in hell and broke down into an emotional confession how after 30 years on the rack, he broke and took up torturing souls and he liked that.  That breakdown makes sense because the preceding episodes were building up to Dean’s breakdown and he earned the right to do so. 
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castieldelamancha · 11 months
Sam lifts his head at the low, pained, hiss coming from the other side of the table, he does so just in time to see Castiel showing Dean his index finger without a word and a really offended expression on his face, like he would smite it out of existence if he was still able to use his powers.
Dean gives him a sympathetic look and, without either saying a word, he stands up from where he was sitting beside Cas and leaves the room.
Sam shrugs to himself and goes back to the article he was reading, from the local newspaper of a nearby city, leaving Cas to keep staring at his finger almost cross-eyed.
"Okay, let's see," Dean comes back to the room, carrying with him one of the travel size first aid kits they usually take with them to hunts, he sits down once more and opens it, rummaging around for a beat before taking out a band-aid with a triumphal hum.
He gently closes his hand around Cas' wrist and pulls it to himself to inspect the cut more closely. He made a promise to himself, Sam knows, that this time around Castiel's path through humanity wouldn't be as disastrous as the first one. He doesn't need Dean to say it out loud, he knows him well enough, the blame he carries, the need to take care of those around him. Dean takes the band-aid out of its paper wrap and proceeds to put it around Cas' finger.
Sam would joke about him coddling Cas, an ex-angel of the lord that has gone through much worse things than a paper cut. He would joke about the way Cas just lets him do whatever he wants, all while staring at him like Dean was the one who hung the Moon in the sky.
But he doesn't, in fact, he feels the need to shut up and look away, let them be, the simple moment too intimate for a reason he can't quite grasp. So that's what he does, he gets up and makes his way to one of the shelves, looking around for a book he doesn't need.
He turns around just in time to miss Dean kissing Castiel's covered finger, then his knuckles.
"Your first paper cut, man, welcome to Humanity." He says, a smile clear in his voice.
"I am glad everything humans experience isn't as agonizing as this," Castiel deadpans, he is being dramatic but Sam knows is just to get to laugh.
It works like a charm, "yeah, I mean, there are pretty great things humans experience, right Cas?" Sam doesn't need to turn around to know his brother is giving the angel a sultry look, he lowers his voice but Sam can still here him since he is only a couple of feet away from them, "like that thing we tried last night when you-"
"Guys, I'm still here." Sam reminds them, frantically.
"Sorry Sammy."
Sam shakes his head, that didn't sound like an apology at all.
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sugarrushproductions · 5 months
Sabriel Family Headcannons
Not married, sees no real point too. They love each other, that's enough.
A few months after they begin dating, a hunt has them dealing with a shifter. Another hunter had already dealt with it, but accidentally missed something.
The shifter's kid. Not really kid, but the one that was ordered to raise it.
Dean was busy on another hunt with Cas and Jack, so Mary goes with him.
They arrive just after the hunter blows town.
Since they're there, the two decide to check things out just in case.
Sam has to check the sewers, a bit annoyed. He can never win Rock Paper Scissors with his mom.
He found some of what the shifter shed.
He also found a little girl. That was unexpected.
He takes her back the hotel room.
Mary is concerned, but doesn't want to kill her.
She's only nine after all.
She hates it when she found out silver burns her.
Sam is thankfully able to convince her to let her stay.
They can't leave her in town, so she comes back to the bunker.
Dean is surprisingly ok with keeping her around. Jack immediately takes to her as well. Big brother energy.
Jack loves showing her his powers and is mostly their go to baby sitter. Mary and him take turns.
This goes on for a good few months.
Gabriel comes to visit Sam and the crew, only to find him reading to the little girl.
At first he can't bring himself to interrupt.
He just watches. Sam doing voices, making the girl laugh.
He'd never felt more in love.
Sam happens to glance up and see him.
Gabriel blushes and looks away, like he hadn't been silently watching him read to this girl.
Sam promised to finish the book later and picks the girl up to greet Gabriel.
At first the girl is shy, burying herself into Sam's shoulder.
She lightens a small bit after they kiss. Even more when Gabriel summons candy and gives her some.
He finds out her name is Sally.
From then on he's not just visiting Sam and his nephew.
There are days he'll come the bunker to find Jack and Sally snacking on the sugary cereal Sam disapproves of.
(side note: did not plan this intentionally, but now I see them dressing as Jack and Sally for Halloween)
Gabriel can't help but laugh when Jack and Sally say simultaneously "Don't tell Sam (Sammy)"
He'll stay until Sam gets back from the current hunt.
He shows off his illusions, Sally loving every bit of it.
She even makes requests based off her books and favorite shows.
She starts calling him Gabe like Sam does.
One day she goes to Gabriel, tugs on his pant leg, and asks him to make an illusion of what a kid of him and Sam wouldn't look like.
He starts. He doesn't know what to think.
He asks why and she explains that she can't shift unless she's seen the person she's trying to copy.
Sam comes in and hears it.
Both their hearts melt at her insistence.
Gabe obliges, making a vision of her with brown hair with a golden sheen. She has his nose, Sam's eye shape and color. She's the same height and has cute little dimples.
He really loved the one she has already.
Sally leaves to go shift in her room, thanking Gabe with a hug.
Sam and Gabe embrace, surprised but overjoyed to have a daughter.
I don't know why, but I find it really cute for these two to have a shifter daughter. I just feel it's a cool parallel to destiel and Jack. What do you think?
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ezra-editss · 6 months
"Dean doesn't reciprocate" MY ASS
I'm just kinda gonna write down my thoughts about this. I'm in season 7 now, I know what happens in the very last episode, but nothing else so I don't read any posts about the show here yet :) (just so yk and don't accidentally spoiler me) Oh and I do this mostly out of memory and some notes that I took, so this might be a little chaotic :,)
Okay, so the whole season 6 fight was crazy to me. The way Cas was watching while Dean kept on defending him. And he knew how much Dean trusted him. ("The worst part was Dean. He was trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.") It hurt him, but the whole time he was, again, protecting Dean. And yes, he hurt Dean, but I think it was as worse for Cas to hurt Dean, as for Dean to be hurt.
Then, Dean apologizing for the others? They (thought they) were wrong and Dean had kept on trusting Cas, so why was it him who apologized? Because he knew it meant more to Cas when he did it? Idk.
Cas wasn't able to lie when he looked in Dean's eyes.. come on? Also, the fact Dean wasn't actually mad when he found out was really interesting. He was just extremely sad. Yes, his trust got broken and maybe he was just tired of it all, but it didn't seem like that to me, I felt like he usually got madder.
I love how they always share those sad looks when they go apart after the fights btw, such a best buddys thing to do.
It was really hard for both of them. We can see that Dean can't sleep that night and that Cas comes back to talk to him alone, because it only matters to him that Dean understands.
Oh and the "I'm doing this for you, Dean." I don't even need to explain his motives, because he reveals them himself.
Then the scene from my edit. (at the top) (it's kinda laggy, bc it's slow-motion, but anyways) They both have teary eyes a lot, but this is different. Dean turns aways because he knows he's gonna cry and Cas disappears before he really starts crying, but they are both fuckin crying about this. They're both just sad and want this to end. Even when Dean said he's gonna stop him and so on, it was way less threatening then usually. And Cas kept coming back when Dean was in danger.
But Dean still cared as well. In the first episode of season 7, when Cas asks for help, he pretends he doesn't care about him anymore for a bit, but you can clearly see that he still does. You at least can see it when he thinks Cas is dead. He's devastated.
It's kinda funny how Bobby's there but Cas very obviously only cares to make up to Dean. Like he always says "they're my friends" but in reality he means Dean.
AND THEN.. Cas tries to protect everyone else again and sends them away but DEAN STAYS. I think he knew that there wouldn't be anything he could do, but it didn't matter.
Cas dies again. (give my man a break, please) Dean keeps the god damn coat? I think he might've done it, because he was hoping that Cas would come back again. Anyways, scene was devastating.
In the judge/court episode about Dean's guilt, I immediately hoped Dean didn't feel guilty about Cas too, but was pretty sure he did. My worries were confirmed in episode 5.
So yeah, I suppose that's the part where I am, I guess I have to wait 'till Cas comes back now :,)
I don't think anyone read all this, but I hope I didn't make any grammar mistakes, bc English isn't my first language, so I sometimes get stuff mixed up (I definitely made the tenses confusing). Anyways, rant end.
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dothwrites · 9 months
as far as season premieres go, this one is... okay? i thought we were getting zombie apocalypse and i got weird boring daytime ghosts. bloody mary is THEE scariest episode of spn but man, spn forgot how to make stuff scary somewhere along the way because the ghosts in this episode just look... like cosplayers who got lost
but that being said the PATHOS in this episode gives me some good fucking food. the way that cas is SO very careful with jack's body. like. that's his KID. and he had to watch him die. and he couldn't do anything. and it was his dad that killed him. and this is cas losing the very last bit of his faith. and cas smiting things will never cease to be amazing. but we're concentrating on the SAD here.
cas' "well i wouldn't starve" is SO VERY BITCHY. and he has every right to be at this point.
dean is doing an AWFUL lot of hindsight declarations. first he always knew that jack would go bad and then he always knew that chuck would go bad. he is very conveniently rewriting his own history and it is a very interesting choice for him to make.
cas lifts that giant slab of stone above his head and all i can do is have a dean winchester "SO STRONG" moment. (so STRONG!)
cas having to watch a demon parade around wearing the corpse of his kid is... he is literally going through one of the worst experiences of his life. and sam and dean are pretty much completely ignoring it and telling him to suck it up and get over it. and then he's ORDERED to give up his blood. cas is no longer "always happy to bleed for the winchesters" and you know what? HE'S RIGHT!
this is why the divorce arc is SO necessary (in my opinion). cas has reached a point where he has NO autonomy with the winchesters. dean, and to an extent sam, are treating him like a soldier--like how john treated them. they're giving him orders and expecting him to obey them. cas has lost EVERYTHING--his son, his family, his faith--and sam and dean don't acknowledge his loss or his pain. they expect him to get over it and do his job--follow their orders. and that is why it is so VITAL that cas leave.
cas' pain being so much that he can't even stand to be in the car with dean and belphagor... he is HURTING! he is in TRAUMA! (and i guess everyone else is too but cas is the only one who is visibly showing it, other than dean making a "whoopsie" statement in the crypt)
good to know that cas doesn't need to touch people to heal them. he just does that for dean because dean is ✨special✨. and when it comes time to fix sam cas is like "ew yucky" and makes sure to keep a good five inches between his hand and sam's body
these broad daylight ghosts are stupid
though cas being pissy because sam shot him is fun. see, that's why cas doesn't touch you when he heals you, sam. all i can think about in this scene watching cas run is misha running on his shitty old man hips and his brand new shiny titanium hips
and then belphagor mocking cas over dean's treatment over him... dean not being able to keep himself from coming to cas but immediately forcing himself away... AH IT'S SO PAINFUL. i love it.
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
Your posts about The Winchesters is making me consider getting involved in the community again. I'll be honest, SPN's finale hurt bad, and I haven't engaged in or even re-watched an episode of Supernatural in two years. It took a long time to appreciate the experience and not feel like i'd wasted YEARS being so invested in something that felt like a slap in the face at the end. I miss the community; I miss talking about it, being excited, etc. But I got in the SPN tags for the first time in two years today, and seeing Dean, Sam, and Cas's faces on my screen again felt like seeing old friends:'-)
Aw, heck, well... welcome back :')
I still haven't rewatched 15.20, and I don't know that I ever will. But for the first time since it aired, watching The Winchesters 1.13 actually... let me feel even a little bit okay about it.
When The Winchesters was first announced and we learned the premise of Dean telling the story to us, I was wary. If it had started off with "so I'm dead and in Heaven and learned this stuff..." I probably wouldn't have watched, just because of that. I do NOT wanna hear about Dead Dean. I still cannot reconcile the Dean in 15.20 with the Dean from the entire rest of the original series. 40 minutes of just completely erasing all character growth and then pinning him on a rusty receipt spike was NOT the culmination of 15 years of him struggling to be free, you know? I would've noped so hard on watching him tell stories from Heaven... I really didn't want to engage with more canon that insisted that travesty actually happened.
Many of us cling to our Chuck Won theories-- that Chuck's power transferring into Jack transformed Our Jack into some weird God-Chuck-The Sequel. That Chuck The Guy was just a puppet for the actual Cosmic Power and it still had its own agenda but now there was nothing for Dean to fight back against he just... gave in to its demands and played out the story Chuck had always wanted him to.
Detour time: I've spent the last few days (while being stupidly sick and not particularly coherent as a result... hooray cold medicine brain) trying to assemble all the times Chuck talked about his writing process, what he wanted from his story, and giving up quickly because it's just so much... but I recall him saying something to the effect of "that's where I went wrong, when I tried to write myself into the story." And I think that was his failsafe-- he spent all of s15 waiting for Jack to turn himself into The Perfect Receptacle for his power, to put on that little show on the beach and take on all his power so Sam and Dean would believe they'd actually won. Making everything that happened afterward just... them thinking they were making their own choices or whatever, when they'd completely dropped their guard and all Chuck had to do was throw the Random Bad Vampires at them that Becky complained about way back in 15.04. And they'd never see it coming.
So... Dean telling the story here? I still held out hope that it would take place BEFORE the events of 15.20, when he was alive, and that the goal was to tell a DIFFERENT story from the one Chuck wanted to tell.
But the way it was all set up in The Winchesters left us open to question everything we saw, everything we were being told by Dean as the story unfolded. We had to think about it week to week, and the payoff to that? That Dean has been dead and running out of Heaven specifically in search of a world where maybe his family actually had a chance to be happy? When he was supposedly in HEAVEN, also known as PARADISE, where everyone is supposed to finally find peace and happiness? Well, that right there SCREAMS "hey, so maybe paradise isn't what it's cracked up to be... maybe something is really, really wrong in Heaven, with "Jack," with the whole concept of "peace when we are done."
Dean... is still looking for something. Something is desperately missing. His whole family is supposedly in Heaven with him, and yet why is he running through the multiverse looking for something? What could be missing?
We were *told* in 15.20 that Cas was there in Heaven, but *we never saw him there.* We were *told* that Heaven was "fixed" and all was well there, but *we did not see any of that.*
What if something very much larger is very much not right, and Dean is still looking for something? He looked so dang sad in the Winchesters finale. SO dang sad. And he was very pointedly behaving very carefully toward Jack. Like he knows he's breaking rules, or possibly even testing boundaries a little bit here... and I like the wide open possibilities of what that could mean.
I really think Dean's role in The Winchesters is effectively wrapped up. I would love to see a continuation of the series just for the characters we've grown to love there. But I do firmly see it as its own thing, adjacent to Supernatural and built from it, but with the potential to be whatever it wants to be in the future, and I love the possibilities inherent in that.
But for Dean himself? He absolutely built a high dive platform for himself to dive back into his own story from here, and I would LOVE to watch that unfold, as well. And to me, that feels like Jensen's intent behind all of this.
Will it ever happen? Golly I sure hope so...
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s9e9 holy terror (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad bruckner)
embarrassing but even though i've read a lot of fic for seasons i haven't watched yet, i didn't even consider until that recap put those bits side by side (angels conning people into saying yes + ezekial) that the angel inside sam was like. up to no good in some fashion?? LOL. me n dean. i think i even know the bad angel's name because i've definitely seen it mentioned in fic 😂🤪 this is like how i was kind of on sam's side about ruby, like i know she's up to something but we can make this work!! haha
SAM No, it's more than Vesta! I mean, this kind of thing's been happening to me. Like, like, there are chunks of time just … missing. Like there are times when I'm… not here.
💔 sam has a lot of reasons to worry about the state of his mental health, mad at dean, mad at the show. etc etc.
DEAN Yeah, because … damn straight the trials. They whacked you, man. You're not up to warp speed yet, okay? But you will be. Would I lie?
more mad at the show/dean. like, why make him say that. why make sam feel that way, doubting himself and trusting dean when he shouldn't. a pal said it was the righteous man's turn to fuck up now and dean's doubling down
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literally just yelled "oh COME ON" i forgot about this. it was in the recap, but i already forgot. dean made that face and i was like, did he lie about something? i can't remember that either.
heaven politics have my brain glazing over yet again
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other than giving dean the much needed turn to fuck up and need to grovel and beg for forgiveness, the only thing i like about this ezekial situation is dean's increasingly flustered reactions to him popping in
CASTIEL It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you? SAM Why wouldn't it be okay?
i'm happy that sam's happy to have cas around, and i feel like he'd have reason to be not happy with cas but honestly i have no idea where things were left between them. i lose track when it's a plotline every several episodes.
EZEKIEL-IN-SAM I told you. When I chose to answer your prayers and heal Sam, I chose sides. That means I'm not in good standing with certain angels. DEAN Okay, well, you know what? Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight. So tell me, what makes you so special?
what indeed! dean and i are both idiots 😂
METATRON Well, I'm really looking forward to this. EZEKIEL-IN-SAM Excuse me? METATRON Oh, please. I know who you really are. And it isn't Ezekiel. NOT-EZEKIEL-IN-SAM looks constipated.
got another funny transcription, thank you. gadreel reveal??? i'm going to be way less impressed with myself when it's someone else
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CASTIEL You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him. DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question) Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together. CAS looks sad.
understatement! good job dean, made him make the sad wet kitten face.
METATRON And yet you spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon. And now you're hiding in this human, posing as Ezekiel.
i did not know that! i know nothing about gadreel just bad+sam. lol (and yet that wasn't enough of a clue!!)
METATRON And so … Plan "B." Rebuild Heaven as the place God envisioned it, only with a handpicked few. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew. And no more stupid angels. (consideringly) Maybe some funny ones.
i'm not down with calling cas stupid, and i don't know if this was meant to be a little shade on cas per se, but i did appreciate it nonetheless. because cas consistently makes the worst decisions. but he was funny there for a bit! let's go back to that
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LOL this framing he looks like the big robot
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the day the earth stood still (2008)
GADREEL-IN-SAM Humans do seem chaotic, Metatron. METATRON Which makes them fascinating, but... All that emotion. Geez. And the wasted energy. It's just... exhausting. GADREEL-IN-SAM I know. Sam Winchester... It is a mess in here. And the brother – I do not know where to start.
low hanging fruit but i'll take it
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pretty shot
wanna know a secret? i force myself to pay attention to the goings-on with cas and make sure i include bits of it whenever he's around only because he has such a large presence in fandom's mind. otherwise i kind of tune him out like i do the political machinations. he's around more than people like jody, his storylines never make much sense because he just makes the most batshit decisions, they talk about his relationship with dean more than they ever show it. it's such a weird combo. it's like we're all pretending he has a bigger part in the story than he ever does on screen. but we (the show) talk about it, and the fandom talks about what the show talks about. i may be too high for this thought process
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see i forget about kevin too! and i like kevin. i love how completely fucking over this all he is. but he keeps plugging away, forgotten, somewhere.
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no pressure. just a bunch of kids died too.
was cas trying to get caught? i'm confused
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????? okay. needed to fill that torture quota
CASTIEL I've explained in detail. I don't know how Metatron's spell worked. Therefore, I can't assist in reversing it. I was an unwitting accomplice. MALACHI Ohhh. A dupe. The great Castiel. Valued and trusted Castiel. Top-of-the-Christmas-tree Castiel. No more than a dupe.
MALACHI Just following your example, Castiel. How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall? Oh, you didn't know? A host of angels died when they fell – Azrael, Sophia, Ezekiel
i was like, he got you there, cas! about the following your example thing but now cas finds out about not-ezekial, ok
i am so confused. cas sucking this dude's grace out
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very domestic and sweet.
CASTIEL I… I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
i mean, not the first time, amirite
all right, dean and i got with the program, not-ezekial==bad.
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DEAN You're gonna have to trust me, okay, trust that I told you everything that I can for now. Can you do that? KEVIN I always trust you. (DEAN nods.) And I always end up screwed. DEAN Oh, come on. Always? Not always.
cute cute. kevin's fun
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i compulsively screenshot the bunker too because i'd like to try to understand the layout but i'm useless at it. i should just cheat and look it up. anyway, what's up with the weird bathroom vanity sinks in not-bathroom rooms. one in the kitchen, one in the war room place
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s8e15 (mentioned it here too :p)
DEAN (hurriedly) No, you don't. I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me up, so I made a move, okay, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma.
oh, dean.
DEAN I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed like the only way. SAM (sighs) So... Again. You thought I couldn't handle something, so you took over! DEAN No, I did what I had to do! You would've never agreed to it, and you would've died. SAM Well, maybe I would've liked the choice, at least. DEAN We can do this – later. You can – you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems.
i can feel that longstanding frustration-rage bubbling up that's so particular to a familial relationship
oh, gadreel fooled me too. i thought maybe he popped back in because dean was too slow.
and i knew kevin died (only recently read something that mentioned it, i generally avoid stuff around the time period i'm watching when reading but oops) but like. anticlimactic? :\ and as always, ALWAYS just when i start to really enjoy a side character they get killed off. womp womp. at least i didn't cry, that's something
instead i just sighed because "trust me, kevin" and "i always end up screwed :)" so now dean's gonna feel guilty. he's already feeling guilty enough, did we need that too? when they push too hard on the excessive dean whump, i get annoyed. like the whole 4 months=40 years, i enjoyed torturing people, etc. edgelord bullshit :P
the single tear of man pain has returned
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bring it on (2000)
what i think of every time
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A review of Spn 5x20 "The Devil You Know" as part of the Crowley tour
See the link for more information about what episodes are for what days
What I liked about the street light scene
Crowley being absolutely dramatic. I also really liked how Crowley briefly had a pleading look on his face when he said "please." Emotional vulnerability isn't something you see often in demons and I would have loved to see more of that. Although the vulnerability might have been fake, as I will talk about below
I also loved the humour in that scene. Crowley gives a dramatic monologue? and then he says he's under a spotlight, like he's performing on a stage. It's this crazy juxtaposition because Sam and Dean are treating this seriously like it's real life and Crowley is acting like he is under a spotlight and Dean had the audacity to give him bad reviews. When Dean gave him one star and a "holy crap we don't care" Crowley upped his drama game
Also lbr Crowley had a point that he didn't make Sam & Dean bring Jody and Ellen
I love how Crowley's expression doesn't change in the slightest even when Brady said Crowley would be tortured forever. You can just tell that even though Brady won't talk, Crowley is absolutely sure of himself as we will later find out
Dean being beat up as part of Crowley's plan. Oof. Ouch. I loved how Crowley was so determined for Brady not to suspect anything, that he wants Dean to look confused and unsure. That way Brady wouldn't see confidence on Dean's face and think there is something more going on. Crowley did this by giving Dean false information. Truly delightful. It reminded us that Crowley is still a demon even if he is on their side. Might also have been punishment for Dean not caring about his pain
It is so unfair we didn't get to see the demon hive fight. However given that his suit got ruined he did also get into close quarter combat. So we know he doesn't just have to rely on his powers. I believe the short middle age of Crowley's vessel as well as him being a salesman means demons tend to underestimate his fighting capability. This would also suggest that Crowley went to combat classes as a demon, and I find it so funny imagining Crowley doing weekly krav maga, MMA and other martial arts with other humans
Ah remember that expression Crowley had on his face when Brady told Crowley Satan would torture him forever? Well, it turns out that was Crowley being inspired by Brady's words about eternal torture. It shows us that Crowley is able to use rants from his enemy to inform and inspire strategic moves. He got information from Brady that Lucifer wouldn't let him die and he knew exactly what to do with it. This isn't the only time Crowley is able to do this
Mark Sheppard and Jim Beaver bounce off each other so well. All of their scenes together are amusing
I would give the Crowley parts a 9 out of 10. The missing star is because they didn't show the demon fight
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
I've been thinking about your meta about 5.16 as a Zach manipulation. It reminded me of the theory that the Ash scene is Dean's 3rd heaven room. It has Dean's coolest friends, Ash and Pam, and they reassure him they don't blame him for their deaths. Ash persuades him you can hack heaven and have fun with it; Pamela tells him heaven is great. All this propaganda for a special Dean heaven as a final reward for being Michael's meatsuit, like the angels later promise Adam will see his mum?
Pam does hit Dean and say "That's for getting me killed" in that scene. Ash is cool with being dead though, and Pam ends up saying heaven is a better place. I actually think Pam throwing in a dose of guilt then cooling it with the balm of heaven being a real paradise is perhaps more indicative of potential manipulations in play than her telling Dean she didn't blame him would be, because two primary component of Dean's motivations when running off to say "Yes" end up being 1) Minimize the destruction of the earth (i.e., the harm to others) 2) The weight of guilt over what happens if he's wrong—if they can't find a way to win, and then when EVERYONE dies (like what Zachariah showed Dean in "The End") Dean thinks it'll all be on him—it'll all be his fault that the world burned.
Bringing Pam back in 5.16 is interesting, because Dean's lowest point in season 4 was arguably "On The Head of A Pin", and that episode opened with Dean talking about Pam's death the previous episode.
SAM What's your problem? DEAN Pamela didn't want anything to do with this and we dragged her back into it, Sam. SAM She knew what was at stake. DEAN Oh yeah. Saving the world. And we're doing such a damn good job of it. SAM Dean— DEAN I'm tired of burying friends, Sam. SAM Look, we catch a fresh trail— DEAN And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired.
The episode closed with Dean saying that if HE was supposed to stop the apocalypse, "You guys are screwed". He followed that up by saying these burdens were too big, overwhelmed to the point of tears.
So bringing Pam back recalls a lot of negative emotions and a sense of deep hopelessness. Pam basically functions as a voice to remind Dean that he isn't qualified to stop the apocalypse. It's too big and he isn't strong enough. He'll fail (he's already been blamed for failing to stop Sam at the end of season 4 repeatedly). People he cares about will get hurt/die (and already have, like Pam and Ellen and Jo). Pam is also a reminder of risk. No matter what plan Team Free Will might come up with, it'll be risky—and Pam was the collateral damage of one of Dean's risky plans. Contrast this with how Pam represents heaven as a peaceful certainty. "No matter what happens, everyone will come here and it'll all be okay". So Dean might as well stop fighting, stop torturing himself, stop hand-wringing, and give in.
I also think that's a great point about Ash making heaven feel more "real" by giving the possibility of hacking it. All of this feels like a direct attempt to refute 4.22 when Dean fought with Cas in the beautiful room and said life on earth was better than heaven because it's real—that he'd take the pain and the guilt because it was a lot better than being some Stepford bitch in paradise. Pam says it doesn't matter if it's fake, and Ash represents being able to be in heaven without being a Stepford bitch. And the thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if Zachariah overheard that fight between Dean and Cas in 4.22 (especially based on how immediately he appeared to try and stop Cas when Cas returned to help Dean escape). If Zachariah overheard that, he'd know it was a defining aspect of not just Dean's but Cas's reasons for rebellion as well. Convincing Dean to abandon this perception of heaven as a false paradise would not only weaken Dean's resistance, but also weaken his bond with Cas as well by making Cas feel betrayed (which is exactly what ends up happening). 5.16 attempted to weaken Dean's resistance, but 5.13 through 5.16 were also all about weakening the unity of the family as a whole, starting all the way back with John and Mary, working through Sam and Dean's relationship with Bobby, Sam and Dean's relationship with one another, and then Dean and Cas's relationship.
What Pam says reeks of heavenly manipulations already (how does Pam know all of these details about Dean being a vessel anyway?) but Zachariah's influence also seems likely based on how Sam and Dean get inside the Roadhouse, and then what happens the moment they leave. What gets them into the Roadhouse is Zachariah "looking" for them in the woods. It's obvious he knows exactly where they are, but he appears to toy with them for no reason. He keeps popping up in front of them everywhere they run, until they bump right into Ash who leads them away. Sam and Dean are meant to believe they'd escaped Zachariah's awareness of their location by following Ash, but we immediately know that can't be true, because the moment they leave the Roadhouse they immediately fall right into Zachariah's most overt trap inside the old Winchester family house, and inside that trap, Zachariah confronts Dean with a completely fake Mary—so why wouldn't he have lead them to a completely fake Pam and Ash?
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elfie4306 · 1 year
Supernatural S13E6 Destiel
This will only be about Destiel.
When Dean hugs Cas, the relief on his face. The way he tilts his head further into Cas’ shoulder. The tears in Cas’ eyes when he turns around from the phone booth. The way Dean is completely speechless except for asking “Cas, is that really you?”
He sounded so tired, exasperated almost, he had no hope that it was real. But then when he goes in to hug him, just the complete acceptance. They didn’t do their tests like they would have, Dean was just so relieved to have Cas again he probably didn’t even want to entertain the possibility that it wasn’t really Cas.
Castiel: “How long was I gone?”
Dean: “Too damn long.”
Literally after Dean says that, he is looking at Cas with the most heart-eyed expression. And when Cas says he wasn’t in heaven, I swear Dean’s first thought was hell and he was so worried. The “really?” after Cas says he was in the empty, (im reading too far into things but I don’t care), definitely translates to “oh thank fuck.”
Sam asking all the logical questions while Dean is just taking Cas in, and worried only about him. Look, I’m aware this probably wasn’t the intention, but I will read it that way for funsies.
And just the immediate change in Dean from being hopeless and numb, to being all bubbly and dressing like a cowboy. Cas did that. And that’s why Destiel is canon.
Dean Needing a Big Win
Dean saying he needed a big win, and getting Cas back was a big win. I love that, he's not just ecstatic because he's in Dodge, he's ecstatic because he has Cas back. And I'm so glad he does have Cas back for this, because he wouldn't enjoy it as much without him.
Sam's "Yeah. Fair enough." after Dean talks about the big win thing. I swear to god, he knew what was up. He knows Dean's whipped as hell.
Jack Waking Dean Up
When Jack goes to wake up Dean, and Cas is yelling behind him, knowing that Dean's gonna wake up in fight mode. Old married couple behavior. Domestic Destiel.
BUT ALSO, Dean doesn't put his gun down until he sees and recognizes Cas and only Cas. Meanwhile, Cas is standing there like, I tried to warn him.
"Who's making me coffee?" THAT IS SUCH AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE THING. Then cutting back to Cas thinking, "yeah he's a fucking dumbass I know." However, I do hate that they didn't show that Cas is definitely the one that ended up making the coffee.
"I told you. He's an angry sleeper." OLD MARRIED COUPLE. "Like a bear." THE TEASING PLEASE. old. married. couple.
Everyone sitting around the table being productive, while Dean is just slowly sipping his cup o' joe and being grumpy. Plus the silent, hold on, let me finish this coffee. The most domestic shit I've ever seen. That's happy functional family shit right there. The fact that it cuts to CAS sitting back down after Dean does that though. They are literally every stereotypical parent trope.
Fixing Cas' Hat
Dean going in to talk to the cops as if they're gonna be straight out of the 1800s.
Castiel: "This is why you're making me wear this absurd hat."
Dean: "It's not that bad. Well, yeah actually, it kinda is. Hang on." Dean reached over to pull the weird little ribbon thing off Cas' hat. He could have just told him to take it off, but no. He did it himself. He didn't just tell Cas he had a piece of lint on his jacket, he picked it off of him. (that's a New Girl reference/maybe The Crown but I've never seen it so idk)
Dean: "Alright that's better." Dean proceeded to check Cas out, while Cas teased him. And that right there is the definition of beauty.
Then Cas leans over towards him to look at himself in the rearview mirror, and Dean gets flustered. Argue with a wall, he gets flustered and looks away. The crazy long pause when he's looking away and regaining composure before he confirms that yes, Cas does indeed, look ok.
Conversation About Tombstone
Dean: "Just act like you're from Tombstone."
Castiel: "The city?"
Dean: "The movie. With Kurt Russel? I made you watch it." The way he said this, with the most "he's so annoying, yet I love him" face.
Castiel: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis. I'm your huckleberry." DEANS FACE AFTER HE DOES THAT!!!!! LITERALLY GULPING. FLUSTEEEEERRREEEEEED.
Dean: "Yeah, exactly." Dean Inner Monologue (interpreted by yours truly) - "fuck that was hot"
Dean: "It's good to have you back Cas." Explain that in a platonic way. Right now. You fucking can't, that was the most on the nose flirtatious exchange I have ever seen in my fucking life. Right after he was just so flustered?
NOW. The ENTRANCE. Dean putting his hat on while he gets out of the car, looking over to Cas, adjusting his jacket. Hot damn. While Cas is looking at him like, "you are the dumbest person I've ever seen"
But their entrance, side by side, yeah yeah, I get that I'm reading into this part a bit, but after that conversation in the car, I honestly don't think so. These fuckers are in love, with each other.
Dean looking exasperated when Cas says "howdy partner," and "much obliged" as if he isn't doing exactly what he was told, and Dean wasn't just swinging open those saloon doors over and over before they left.
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what-if-i-just-did · 9 months
Destiel Prompt List 27. Team Free Will, in heaven, finally.
Trigger Warnings: mentions of loved ones dying, falsly assumed unrequited love, mini-mention of sex, mini-mention of beer
Dean got to Heaven, after all this time, and it felt.. final. Almost everyone was there; there was Jody and Ellen and Jo and Bobby and Mom and Kevin and Charlie and even Jimmy Novak showed up one night. It felt.. two steps away from perfect. He could heavily feel the spaces of the people missing. Dad. Rowena. Benny. Sam, but he could come in due time.
Cas was.. around here somewhere. Supposedly. That's what Jack kept telling him- the kid visited. But Dean hadn't seen Cas... anywhere. After.. everything? Cas.. Cas hadn't come to find him. Dean waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and -time's funny up here, so he could have waited years or weeks and he wouldn't know, but- finally, he was done waiting, so.. he prayed. He prayed like he used to, like back from when prayer was like a phone-call and not on the same line as begging, whimpering and whining. "I.. pray to the Angel Castiel. Dude I've been here for a while. Are you coming to see me or what? You're around here somewhere, or so I'm told-" and Cas was there.
"Hello, Dean.", and he sounds nervous, a little, but he looks exactly the same and he sounds exactly the same as always and Dean can't help himself. He finds out soon that Cas smells the same too, because he's wrapped up the stunned angel in his arms and has buried his head in Cas' hair. "You stupid angel. Why the fuck did you pull that? Seriously.. never, ever do that again, capische?" He released Cas from the hug to look him in the eye. "I capische." Cas said, half-serious and half-confused. "Why didn't you come see me?", he questions. "I didn't know that I would be welcome. Dean, as I've said, I love you immensly, but I did not think this would in any way be a welcome emotion of me to you. I did not plan on having to face the consequences to my actions and the subsequent break of our friendship, which I greatly treasure."
Dean looks like Cas just punched him. "You 've got to be kidding me." Cas does the head-tilt thing. "Why would I be joking?" "Cas, you can't seriously believe.... " "What, Dean?" "You can't seriously believe I'd stop being friends with you just because you love me, right? You can't- you can't actually believe that. You... Cas, of course you can have me!" "What?" Now it's Cas' turn to look stunned. "Of course you can have me! You can have everything! Anything! I love you too Cas, always- I've always loved you. And you can't just drop a bomb like that on a guy, and then DIE on him, okay? You just can't!. Because all I could say was that I don't want you to die, because I never want you to die or be hurt ever and I'm always such a huge mess whenever you leave because I can't function without you and you always leave and I- I just.. And I couldn't say 'I love you' back because the only thing I could focus on was you dying and I was overwhelmed and you died thinking I didn't love you back and I hate that, but luckily we're Winchesters and I get to tell you anyway because dying is funny like that when you're a Winchester. And I'm rambling, I know I am, but Cas, don't you ever think again that I don't care about you or that I think of you as a brother because I don't! Well kinda I do but in a totally different way and I fucking love you, like romantic love, like wanna cuddle and have sex and things type of love, like I wanna kiss you so bad all the time like you can't even imagine, okay? So. Well, that. I'm.. gonna stop talking now. Okay." "Dean?' "Yeah?" "Could I kiss you now?" "Fuck yeah, Cas"
One day, some years after Sam got there, they're all sitting together at a lake, looking over the water, with some soft rock in the background and the wind messing up their hair. Dean is sitting on Cas's lap, and Sam is sitting on his chair, and the moment feels... serene. Peacefull. Because heaven will never be perfect- there's too many people that they lost, that will never be able to be here, like Meg and Crowley and Bela and Gabriel- but in this moment, they have eachother, in every way that they want eachother, and they have peace. And sometimes, they get the itch to hunt -saving people, hunting things- but it's nothing that can't be put out by a nice cold beer, a massage, a conversation, a nice home-cooked meal. So yeah.
It's Team Free Will. Free. At peace. Finally.
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rubywines · 2 years
I LOVED the moment where in the city of the righteous (during the apocalypse) the harlot pretended to be a preacher. Cas said that only a minister of heaven could kill her, and then began to explain why everyone present didn't fit, in explicit order "from best to worst." And he named Dean first, only then himself. I mean, you see, he, the angel, put himself below the hunter who has been in hell for forty years and tormented souls there with pleasure... I dream of meeting someone one day who will look at me with the same warmth and love, as if I were the perfect person, always deserving of salvation, as Cas looks at Dean.
BUT I LOVE the resentful way Cas looks at Dean when he wants to agree to let Michael in. He's done everything for him, given everything away, and now the damn Winchester is going to sacrifice himself again – what an idiot! And he runs to Dean in the bomb shelter so soon, just to make sure of his condition, to help, to follow up as best he can. To be exorcised by the sigils. And then he runs again and finds him without difficulty; maybe sometimes Dean does need a good beating to bring him to his senses.
I LOVE that Dean thinks he's naked without that amulet pendant, but almost immediately gives it back at one request (command) from Cas. And lets him lug it around, doesn't ask, but just, well, gives it away. He even forgets about it for a while. Just because Cas said "please," just because it's important to him, even though Dean himself doesn't believe in God, just because there are no other options.
And I REALLY LIKE the fact that Cas brings the amulet back, even when he's totally trashed and frustrated and devastated. Well, promises are important to Castiel, he doesn't mince words, but his condition is too human-like for an angel at that time, so hardly anyone would blame him for forgetting. A little later he would have returned the pendant anyway... Or maybe that's what the clipping lose of faith in God and devotion to him showed. Either way, no one would blame Cas. But in his mind, that promise was brighter than his own strife.
I LOVE that Castiel didn't regret bringing Dean back to life for a single second. It almost goes without saying – he did it and would do it again, even if he were stuck in a time loop with Winchester's death as the exit. No way in hell; better to be dead than... this.
It's a little different for Dean, though: he's got that "Why me? Why me of all people?" look, and Castiel has nothing to say, at least not that he knows what kind of words Dean would like to hear.
While speaking of freedom, Cas looks at Dean. Staring intently, catching his gaze and holding it so that he understands first, even though the conversation is supposedly with Sam, too. It's as if Dean's awareness is most important; he's hard to reach, of course, he's the bone structure of impulsiveness, but a little attention to the other Winchester wouldn't hurt either. No kidding, it's easier to tell when Castiel isn't staring at Dean in a huge crowd of people, just at him. Or when Dean doesn't do the same. Really.
And maybe Cas didn't kill fifty thousand people for him and Sam, but he probably would have done it under different circumstances, because Cas is more in love with humanity than anyone else. With the Winchesters. With Dean, as a matter of fact.
He's patient. All of Dean's tantrums, the rudeness, the injustice, the ingratitude, his constant challenges during the war, when Cass is the busiest, he’s patient. Gently takes any insult and also gently responds, as if speaking to a child, so affectionately and ingratiatingly. Everything tolerates and complies with every request. Maybe it's the nature of all angels, but Castiel changes, and we all remember how he was at the beginning of the fourth season. That Cas wouldn't even listen. This one listens and complies, as if he had put a collar on himself, holding out a leash to the Winchesters, but saying: "I don't serve people and certainly not you, Dean." Just to be clear, we all believe him, of course. Yeah. Totally.
And Dean, oh… Dean wants to be special and unconsciously gets angry when that status is taken away. To Castiel, he’s more important than anything, but it's not enough. Probably. He says as if he doesn't believe in Dean the way Sam does, but, damn, he believes and very much so, and the death of hundreds of versions of Winchester doesn't give him the strength to take the life of the real one (the only version who secretly would love to die).
I LIKE that Dean, this person with the most painful and impressive trust issues, was the only one who faithfully believed that Cas was not involved in Crowley's plan. He kept repeating, "That's Cas, our friend! He won't work with Crowley, hey, come on," though doubts obviously plagued him, no matter how desperately he tried to quell them. And Cas was winning him over. His gaze was permanently fixed on Winchester's grim face, on the denying and struggling with his thoughts Dean, who had so rarely thanked him aloud before, but paid off everything with his inhuman devotion.
And when the truth is revealed, when it's obvious to everyone, Dean stubbornly continues to hope; he says, "You have to look at me. Look me in the eye and tell you're not working with Crowley," he begs. Perhaps, just perhaps, he is asking for Cas to lie. But Cas doesn't lie, he's an angel of the Lord, and Dean looks with such despair, as if a needle of a dead man's blood had been thrust into his heart, wounded by betrayal as deep as his fear of being betrayed extends. He feels bad. But even then, he's the only one who says it's not too late. And that everything can be fixed. That he's always been here. As he runs away, he turns around to look at Cas one more time, rejected but not yet abandoned, and later Cas really comes back to him.
"After Sam, Bobby and you are my dearest people," Dean opens up to him, trying his best to reach out, saying things he sometimes didn't do for Sam either, but Cas turns away from him so cruelly, but with the same regrets in his soul. Because he's confused, he's lost, and he thinks he's doing the right thing; he cares so much about the Winchesters, about Dean, that he's confused about aspirations, about what he wants to do and how to achieve it.
Dean hates himself so much. No one – not the monsters he's killed, not the souls he's tormented, not the people he's let down for some reason – hates him as mind-blowingly as Dean hates himself. And he sees everything as his own fault: if a volcano erupts somewhere, of course he blames himself alone. If he saves only a hundred and ninety-nine people out of two hundred, he'll be drowning in regret for the rest of his life. And I honestly think Sam had no right to be angry when Dean killed Amy; of all people, Sam knew better than anyone what his father had taught him, and what an excellent student his brother was.
Dean's eyes are dim, though he smiles broadly, and his eyelids redden very quickly; he wants to cry, but he can't afford it, because he is the eldest. It's as if he lives only because of his seniority over Sam, and not in the sense of suicide (well, not just it), like... Almost as if he wasn't worth living, but someone has to look out for Sam and his troubles with head.
Dean always loves others more than they love him. Always. And he is willing to do more for them. People, family, friends – Dean needs them all more than they need him; "Thanks for caring, but I don't need you anymore," "Did you ever stop to think that everything is your fault?"
"Why do you ask? As if... you don't think you're worthy of salvation."
Hammered. Abusive. A lonely, tired and shattered man. Lost, abandoned, God, how does he wake up in the morning? How does he still breathe?
It's ironic, really, that the only one with whom his "curse" doesn't work is also forced to suffer the same thing: Cas’ true happiness is in acknowledging his affection and love, and he's dying for three damn words. Dean, no doubt, thinks it's his fault, too. And he won't let others confess their love to him anymore. Never.
He's anxious beyond belief if nothing bad happens in his life because he's used to constant fear; he's so lonely, but so afraid to let himself get close to others. He has been betrayed, abandoned, even Cas has done it. But Cas is stronger than the others, though, and he probably would have been strong enough not to die as a mere mortal. Dean's usually protective – so, well, it would be nice to feel safe, wouldn't it? But Cas is dead with ends, and Dean is dead, too, but in a very far away place where even the illusion of Cas is not here. And he's happy… Not completely, though, but as always.
Let's say it again: the only one who loved Dean more than Dean loved in return with his immensely large and affectionate heart was Castiel. And Castiel was the one who died to love Dean exactly to that extent.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
apologies if any of these have been done already but 💥🎉🤍
Sorry for the delay, tumblr ate my response, but I got it back.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
I had a lot of fun adapting Supernatural characters into teachers. The core teachers are the Horseman; Death is the English teach, Mr. Mort, who only assigns books related to death. Other characters are in a different English class, taught by fangirl Becky, who makes her students do fandom style homoerotic subtext analysis and honestly I still think that's hilarious now. The history teacher is War, Mr. Guerre, and he teaches exclusively about war, the bloodier the better.  In this AU, Dean and Cas meet when Cas saves him from a fight, and I wrote:  “My name is Castiel, and I am the one who just saved your ass.” And honestly I think that was pretty good, as far as AUing that line goes.  All in all, this fic (what I wrote of it) is really... prettty decent? I mean, a lot of the writing makes me cringe, but not like I expected it to. I wrote it in 2016, when I was 16.  My fic with the second-least kudos is Wake at 23, which I think is mostly because it's the most recent. I love Wake. I wrote a lot of it at 3am and I knew there were typos in it and I avoided looking at it for a couple of weeks, but when I finally did, it actually needed way less work than I thought. I basically just fixed typos and a couple sentences that didn't make sense because it was 3am but it was clear what I meant to say, and did minimal editing otherwise. I'm really happy with the writing quality on that one! 
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
I celebrate when I actually complete & post, which isn't often. I don't usually do much, but I do enjoy it and feel good about it. I always give myself credit! I wouldn't say I seek validation from others; I crave feedback and engagement, I want a response, but it's not validation I'm looking for. There have been a couple times I wanted to post a fic on a particular day, and for life reasons had to post things a bit rough, and I don't always give myself enough credit for finishing in those cases, but I'm working on it. Celebrating mostly looks like me sitting in my room feeling satisfied, but when I actually complete and post ghost AU I'm going to buy a bottle of wine or something. 
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Wake started out as kind of an exercise in deconstruction, but it became a story in its own right and I think it's better for it. The intended message of Wake was to show BJ feeling uncomfortable now that he was back in the life he'd spent so long dreaming of, feeling as though he doesn't fit, that he no longer belongs in his home, feeling distant from Peg who's the person he's supposed to feel closest to, not recognizing himself and worrying he's not the person he's supposed to be, and then showing all those feelings as being his fears, not the truth. It's all a part of his trauma and his brain is lying to him.  I said this about this fic before, but he doesn't really wake up until Peg wakes him up by joining him in the kitchen. BJ sitting alone feeling alienated is part of the nightmare. It mirrors Peg's nightmare, where he comes home but she can't recognize him (haha I totally did that on purpose....).  But there's one line in particular in this fic: BJ and Hawkeye, awake in the small hours, listening for choppers, and the war might as well have not ended at all, because not a damn thing had changed. I'm not sure people realized this was a bad thing. It's not negative on Hawkeye and BJ's friendship generally, but the point is that they have to let go of how they were during the war, if they want to wake up from the nightmare (and maybe Hawkeye already has; we don't know, because he doesn't appear here, only BJ's fantasy of him). BJ is clinging to Hawkeye as someone who understands, but he needs to let go. BJ calling Hawkeye at a normal hour to talk to his friend would be good; BJ calling Hawkeye here would be bad, and it's a good thing that he chooses not to.  I was worried about people not getting the BJ scene in hills like white elephants. I think the part where Hawkeye suspects BJ figured out what he did but they don't discuss it for safety reasons is pretty clear. I hope so. I was concerned about that scene coming off too Hawkeye/Margaret, because I was worried people would think BJ thought Hawkeye was or might have the father, or that I was implying that. I'm very much against that interpretation of the canon version of this episode, because I think Hawkeye's role is more meaningful without that implication, and I feel that way tenfold about this fic. I don't want any implication that Hawkeye gave Margaret an abortion because he was somehow involved in her pregnancy. He did it because she needed one and that's it. However, despite all my fears, no one seems to have misinterpreted that scene! What a relief!! 
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