#deluweil replies
deluweil · 1 day
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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erandri · 4 years
@deluweil replied to your post “One Hour Prompts!”
Buddie prompt "I didn't have a choice? That's what you're going with?" (No lawsuit though can't read anymore of those)
Thanks so much for the prompt! (and for your optimism about my day tomorrow) Your story is posted here:
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daily911 · 4 years
deluweil replied to your post “Hey, does anyone know what Eddie and his grandmother say to each other...”
She calls him "Edmundo, where's the fire?" Eddie turns around and says in Spanish "I forgot" Then she blessed him saying "that's better, now go to work"
lol. Apparently my hearing is so bad I didn’t even understand the part in English. Thanks so much for the translation! 
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deluweil · 2 months
What did you think of Eddie and Marisol? Do you think she will be sticking around?
I think that they are dating,
But like all of the former gfs, she doesn't get much more than a couple of frames.
I think she's fun and comfortable for both Eddie and Christopher, but she isn't the center of their relationship, she isn't really a part of their world.
Buck is. Buck gets time, meaningful time with both Diaz boys and they love him and hog him as much as they can.
I think Marisol, will be shown very little, considering that 7x02 and 7x03 will mostly focus on the cruise ship and the 118 going to get their own people back.
I am hoping that by 7x04/7x05 we will be done with Marisol.
Because when Eddie needed help, and it was less about women and more about the moral support and intimacy of a home made by three people, Eddie didn't ask for help from Marisol, he asked Buck.
So that relationship isn't going to last imo, because anyone who is not the core of the Diaz home's heart will just pale in comparison.
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deluweil · 1 month
Would love to hear ur take on all this buddie Oliver Ryan press???
Lmao, I have resolved myself to not watch any of the press circuits done, by anyone.
I read here and there from the corner of my eye.
But from what I've seen, you can't really match what's being said to what is happening on the show.
On one hand, you have diplomatic responses from both Oliver and Ryan of things like vulnerable male friendships and shit like that. I say shit like that because I have watched so many best friends pairs on several different TV shows where there is trust and vulnerability and love and sharing of apartments and kids in the mix, and none of those look as gay as Buck and Eddie and whatever the hell they do.
And on the other hand, we have the unfiltered God bless him, Ryan responses, where he loves both Buck and Oliver to the core, and "this goes beyond friendship".
In my opinion, Ryan is the only one being honest about how this thing looks like, he's been married, he has kids and lot of close friends,he can be objective and tell the difference.
I buy more into Ryan's solo interviews, than whatever was said in the show oriented PR tour.
The fact that they finally put Ryan and Oliver together tells me that Buck and Eddie will get even more, if that is possible, close this season.
Where it leads, is unclear, because the interviews may not say much, but the show itself just seems like it's gravitating to a buddie endgame conclusion.
It helps that the entire cast, low key, are buddie shippers since S3, led enthusiastically by Ryan and JLH.
So I don't know, but I wouldn't look too closely at the interviews, they never reflect the on screen interaction.
Since I didn't watch the Ryan and Oliver interview, if I missed something or got it wrong correct me, but looks like the bottom line of the gifs I saw is they're married but not sleeping together vibe lol
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deluweil · 2 months
Based on the last speculations (bi-Buck and probably him having something with a man), how optimistic are you for Buddie going canon? Do you think we’ll get some Eddie reaction/jealousy? I want to be optimistic but I’m scared they’ll do the same shit from last season…
Look, I said it before, Bi-Buck will probably be only with Eddie,
Buck is not who he was, Buck 1.0 AND 2.0 would have experimented his way through the greater male population of LA .
But this one? He will want the man who makes him feel like everything, who sees him, we know that's what his looking for, he said it in 6x15.
No one has ever seen him better than Eddie - Buck, imo, assuming he actually was just straight up until now, is probably more Eddie-sexual than anything else.
Now if you have asked me about Eddie, I could definitely see him, going through several failed male encounters, where the sex is great but it's not quite it, with Buck jealous as hell in the background not really understanding why - until he does.
You see, if the whole saying yes year (which was the dumbest idea ever and got executed so badly we hardly knew it existed) was this year where he says yes, and not to reproducing for others, I'd say maybe, but now, I don't think so.
My money is more on Eddie figuring it out first and him dating other men will kick Buck into motion.
Especially with Ryan taking a bigger role this season, this is right in his wheelhouse, and out of the two of them Ryan actually portrayed a gay character before.
I gotta say though, that while ABC have already done the Bi (both male and female) character arcs - it is still dependent on 911 creators to make that decision and I stopped trusting the showrunners a long time ago.
There's a part of me that is sure that the only reason buddie was not made canon yet is because KR was stuck along with FOX in the heteronormative narrative they kept shoving down our throats.
I want to believe that the move to ABC will allow buddie to become canon, but I am not getting my hopes up, and by the things I'm seeing so far, I don't feel very optimistic about it.
I do believe we'll get gay Eddie though, because that suit was screaming out and proud, the last groom I saw in this kind of suit, was divorced and out of the closet 6 months later, just saying. (by the way me and my gay best friend won that wager, but the original wedding was fun lol).
So, you know, glass half full and all that.
We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for a fun ride.
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deluweil · 2 months
Hey, your friendly neighborhood spn anon here, just wanted to say, I agree with your view on Ryan and "pr jail".
Also, I am just all 😍 about Ryan. I mean I have been for years anyway, so nothing new... but just getting to read his thoughts again is nice.
Hello my dear spn anon 🤗🤗
They should have sprung Ryan from PR jail a looong time ago,
I adore that man, I have for such a long time, way before 911!!
He's such a fun spirit, I absolutely love all the PR we're getting from him, that man is just 😍😍😍😍
And those flushed cheeks 🥵 So much goodness!!!
I love how ppl for years wanted to hear Ryan's thought about the whole buddie situation, but no one is capable of processing it without fainting 😂😂 this is a great time to kick back and observe this fandom 😂❤️
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deluweil · 2 months
Love your Buck PSA 😄
Also so yes, to Ryan's way these days.
Just hope it'll be fun to watch unfold. No matter which way. I want to go back to enjoying the show. The premiere was a good start.
Ryan, I can't say or write his name without a smitten smile these days, that man makes me so happy!
I'm really hoping this is a new way for 911, because they can be brilliant, the potential is there, but it feels like all KR and FOX wanted to do was kill it.
So I'm optimistic about the fact that Tim took over again and the show being on ABC where some of my favorite shows reside, so they're in good hands.
And the fact that 7x01 was so much fun, whichever way this goes, if they keep it up and not flop towards the end of the season ,this should be a fun ride.
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deluweil · 27 days
So spoilers apparently to follow
Feel free to ignore or delete .
Sorry, needed to get that off me chest. Felt safe to do it here. So Eddie asked Marisol to move in and Buck and Tommy are already dating by the coming out scene (7.05)? I am not sure what to think. I am bummed a bit.
Lmao, first off tell me where you saw that that you consider it spoilers instead of wishful Buck slut thinking.
I think, as a speculation obviously, Eddie will make the journey from breaking up with Marisol, to thinking of dating Tommy and then Buck will step in, kiss the life out of him and we get secret buddie dating.
I mean, a girl can dream. Also I will take a hot scene between Tommy and Eddie, I'm not picky. I'll be a bit disappointed that Buck and Eddie won't be each other's (male) firsts but I'll take it! 👀😂
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deluweil · 27 days
Clicking with someone ...
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I know exactly how you feel dear,
I am the same, that sneak peek came and...
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deluweil · 1 month
But I'm having a hard time reading the posts about Christopher cheating and associating it with misogyny.
Agree and to ad for this. He already had that problem of everyone leaving before, so it's not even something new. It's something he already dealed with, and now he is just older and it's still the same problem of everyone leaving, it's just different how he acts it out
Yes, I agree.
It's been said before, when Eddie wanted to date Anna during covid.
Which was, in my opinion, some of the dumbest ideas the writers came up with.
But yes, it's not new. What's new is that that fear is now consciously associated with his mother. The parental figure who left him and his dad, no matter how much they loved her.
He's seen his dad gets his heart broken by his mother, he doesn't want that to happen to him, he doesn't want it to hurt when whoever he ends up with will, in his mind, inevitably leaves.
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deluweil · 2 months
What do you think of Athena's fear(s)? Is it really that she's afraid they won't have things to talk about? And do you think it plays into why she doesn't want a promotion or even retirement?
To be honest, I think on some level I understand Athena, I always have this fear that even with close friends when we meet if we don't share work or a degree process we won't have anything to talk about.
And I get it she's a cop, her spirit itself is restless, she can't relax, she's always looking for the worst case scenario, it is understandable.
But she went to see Frank and she didn't really talk about it, she also refuses to talk about it with Bobby and makes him feel alienated and on some weird footing where he's chasing her and she's avoiding him.
There is also the fact that this should have been a fear at the beginning, why now? And why not bring that up before going on the cruise.
I understand her, but I hate that she's hurting Bobby, leaving him to talk to the AA group on the ship about his problems.
I mean, the setting was hilarious, but also in a way heartbreaking, because he felt alone on a ship full of people on a holiday with his wife.
He just wanted them to be together without the fear of imminent death, I don't think that's a lot to ask.
I have a lot of thoughts, but it all boils down to one bottom line, nothing is without risk, so you need to take the quiet moments where you can get them, otherwise you end up doing a cat and mouse chase on a vacation, only for it to be taken by shooters the next moment.
About Athena retiring, people like Athena don't retire, they get retired either by force or by death.
My Grandfather, bless him, has been officially retired for a long time, and he still comes to work every day. Some people don't know how to enjoy life after the big work race, they need it for their health, for their sanity.
Bobby, like me, is planning his retirement, the fun, travel around the world, and move to Toscana and paint for the Golden Years stage (might just be me lol).
For Athena, that may as well be a death sentence, because she wouldn't know what to do with the peace and relaxation even if it kicked her in the behind.
So lots of talks and therapy are to be made here, let's hope they both survive this cruise long enough to get there. 🙏
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deluweil · 2 months
I’m so lost about the BTS of Eddie, Buck and Tommy and then the second scene of only Tommy and Buck.
What’s your opinion? What do you think is gonna happen?
To be honest, I haven't watched the episode yet,
I'm thinking that could be a few things,
1. Buck thinking about joining air rescue
2. Could be therapy by exposure.
3. Could be Tommy and Eddie get close and in true Eddie style in Lone Star where Buck was staring at Natasha and Eddie got himself assigned as her partner for that assignment, maybe Buck is sussing out Tommy because of his connection to Eddie.
Because both have been with the fire department enough time for them to create friendships and connections outside of the 118.
Anybody watching CF or Station 19, there are clashes and cooperations between houses all the time.
KR and FOX kept the whole interaction very much like bottle episodes kind of way where they only interact with each other, but I'm thinking Tim gave KR the boot and decided, in a way, to reboot 911 back to S2-S3 vibe, where everything is open and we have a new possibility to learn about our favorite firefighters and their lives outside the firehouse and how they are seen and interact with their peers.
So all is open, imo, this feels like a good opportunity to kick back and enjoy the newly reset-ed 911.
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deluweil · 2 months
I mean...
Either we blame the writers on being such a cowereds
Either we can be greatfull for Ryan and Oliver for their acting choices.
I ONLY blame the writers!
Oliver and Ryan were brilliant, they make the characters, I started to watch this show for Angela and Aisha and stayed for Ryan, Oliver and JLH.
I am hoping for the best, but seriously expecting the worst.
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deluweil · 27 days
One of the blogs posted parts of the leaked script. Not so much speculation now, I guess. I am not sure. Maybe it's fake, maybe it's real. But that's what is said in the script. About Marisol moving in and B/T already dating.
There were a lot of fakes online since this whole thing started.
Tbh after Oliver's latest interview and the sneak peeks Buck getting it on with Tommy feels kinda left field, like one moment he's jealous he might be doing his best friend/crush/lomgl and the next he's coping a feel to see what Eddie may have?
Weird. Only way that will make sense is if it ends up in a threesome 😂
*taking a moment to picture that 😏*
And I'm back. The leaked scripts, those that hasn't been altered by naughty fandom artists, you know who you are👀, are often taken out of context and have no grasp on the actual situation.
More than that it could have been text that was taken out in editing no. God knows how many.
You remember how we all thought the injury and the "he'll never forgive" that Buck will say to Maddie? Now we know that Christopher wasn't even there on the basketball court and he's actually talking about Eddie.
So take every spoiler and interview with a grain of salt so to speak.
Just kick back and enjoy the ride 😉😎
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deluweil · 2 months
So 👀
Are you going to watch the s7 premier?👉👈
You said that you wouldn't watch this season..
Your little sister y😘
Lol I got swept with the excitement,
But I think I will hold off watching, at least until the three episodes sequence is over,
This year I don't mind the spoilers and tbh I'm not in a hurry to get all worked up and then be let down again.
Since it's all of 10 episodes, I'll either join late in the season if I like what I see here or just watch the 10 episodes all together once it ends.
Since I don't live in the US I don't influence rating either way.
So it's not a sure thing, but I will definitely lurk around for the responses. Time will tell, I guess.
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