oh-nostalgiaa · 7 years
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The Artist / Muse AU
“You’re ‘SHE’!”
Jyn glanced up from the influx of words spilling out into her notebook and blinked owlishly, trying to determine if she knew who the excited voice belonged to. 
“... Pardon?”
“SHE! You’re SHE!”, he repeated each word more insistent than the last. 
She figured he must be mistaking her for someone else, and shrugged one shoulder softly, wanting nothing more than to get back into writing, although she was afraid that the interruption had ruined her flow for the rest of the day. 
“Sorry, I think you must have me confused with someone else ... “
Frustrated that she wasn’t understanding, he pulled his phone from his pocket, scrolled through his photos until he found what he was looking for, and turned it toward Jyn so that she could see. 
What she saw were her own eyes staring right back at her. Her eyes, come to vivid, striking life from the hand of Cassian Andor. Cassian, who Jyn hadn’t spoken to in months. Not that she hadn’t fought with herself over calling, texting, or showing up on his doorstep unannounced, to say the words they’d left unsaid the last time that she’d left. 
“SHE”, he repeated, sliding his phone back into his pocket. “The Mothma Gallery? Cassian Andor’s newest exhibit? God, I didn’t think that SHE was a real person ... “
Jyn didn’t mean to be rude, but she tuned everything out as she stuffed everything back into her bag in her haste to get to the gallery before it closed for the day. “Sorry”, she called back, already six steps away before she even thought about it. “I’ve got to - “
Before she knew it, she was standing in the center of the gallery, surrounded by nothing but her face - paintings, sketches, finished and unfinished alike, smiling, looking away coyly, posing, at her most vulnerable, moments that she didn’t even know he was capturing, messy hair, a too-big t-shirt sliding down over one shoulder as she concentrated on writing, a frown on her face ... 
Nothing but her.
The last few observers murmured to themselves and stared openly as they passed by her, but Jyn hardly found a reason to care, not when she caught the all too familiar cadence of his voice when he said her name like that, and she turned, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.
There were plenty of things that needed to be said. But as she breached the distance between them, throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him flush against her, immediately searching his mouth out for a kiss that could only be described as searing, she knew they’d get to it later.
Much later.
She saw all she needed to know reflected back at her a hundred times over. 
He loved her. She loved him. 
That’s all she’d ever need to know.
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imsfire2 · 7 years
Out of darkness
So, he watches her.
The street is dark, and she is walking into the dark; he isn’t quite sure where the borders of the darkness lie, in the pools of streetlight or in himself.  His eyes aren’t working quite right anymore, and he clings on to the last sweet thing he will see, clings to the sight of her walking, as his brain clings to the last sweet thing it will know, the memory (remember me remember me) the memory of her body her lips the sadness in her eyes…
The blood running down his hip and pooling in the plastic seat is sickly, stickily hot and he is beginning to feel numb inside, the pain putting itself at a distance from him.
The street is dark, and Aurora walks into the dark, and he goes into the dark watching her.
Dark indeed, long dark, long like a bad childhood, like a fever, like fear...
He can feel something in the darkness.  A surface under his fingertips.  He touches it.  Firm. Not hard but firm.  Neither warm nor cold.  Motionless; not something alive.  When he moves his hand, curls his fingers, his nails find a faint texture beneath them.  Roughness, very delicate, structured, something interwoven, woven.  Fabric.
He can’t open his eyes, because dead men do not see.  Then he does; and sees nothing.  Lies in the dark, remembering with a brilliant vividness the young woman walking away from him, her straight back, swinging hips, sweet beauty going into the dark.  He’s there now in the depths of darkness and it still isn’t over.  He wonders how long it truly takes to die.
His breathing seems to be quite steady, and the pain has vanished.  So there’s that at least.  Interesting to know.  Dying, in these final stages; not painful.
He wonders if all the men he’s killed had a split second of this stillness in them, this quiet, troubled peace, before their shot hearts stopped.
On his left there’s something that isn’t darkness.  It looks, weirdly, like the outline of a door, with a light behind it.
Gabriel would laugh if he had the strength or the breath left for it.  The door to heaven, right there, shut in his face.  Fair enough.  It’s hardly a surprise to learn he didn’t do enough to merit redemption. Even now, even from here on the wrong side, the light beyond the door is strangely beautiful.  Thin lines like the angels’ lances, violent unearthly light of paradise, cutting through the endless night.  Even if he didn’t make it, then, heaven does exist.
Curious how comforting that is.  It’s not for him, but it is there, for others.  Blessed Mother of God and the words float up into his mind and he can’t remember the next line but even the start of the prayer sounds sweet Blessed Mother of God
Blessed Mother of God
Is this my consolation?
If this is all, I am content
The next time he wakes, he sees a regular door, and daylight; and he’s in a small grey room, in a bed, with a pillow beneath his head.  Things bleep.
His left side and his hand both hurt.  He has no idea why his hand hurts.
It isn’t until a nurse comes in, and he tries to say “What happened?” and cannot speak that he realises he’s been intubated.  One of the beeping machines is helping him to keep breathing.
It’s really true, then. He’s alive.
“Ah, good morning,” says the nurse when his desperate eyes meet hers.  “Good, good.”  He blinks at her.  She nods her head though she cannot possibly know what he’s trying to say; checks the machinery, leaves him alone again.  He lies looking up, staring at the reality of not being dead.
Later, for the rest of the day, doctors and other nurses come and go, and in between their visits he stares up and sees the plaster panels overhead, the support struts, the light fitting with the plain fabric shade. In his hearing all they will say is courteous, neutral, encouraging things, like relax, you need to rest and it was touch and go for a while there but you’ll pull through and excellent, normal blood pressure.
Someone must have called an ambulance.  The man behind the counter, perhaps.  How wonderful after all his dark deeds to owe his life to some ordinary act of compassion, a little man at a diner counter making a telephone call.
And someone must be footing the cost of all this.  Félix, presumably, the sonofabitch would do a thing like that, after all.  No doubt he’ll refuse ever to speak to Gabriel again, but he’ll still pay his hospital bill; out of some sick sense of honour, or to prove his ownership, one last time.
On the second day he has a visitor.  Not Félix, not any of the crew, but Doña Cecilia.  He can see the shadows of her guards outside, one on either side of the door, but she comes in alone and stands looking down at him.   Gives him a faint smile from on high, like the royalty she is.
“So, young Archangel, you’re still with us, then.  You have a little breathing space.  Time to think things through, eh? - make that decision we talked about.”
She doesn’t stay long, and doesn’t tell him anything about the rest of them.  That’s bad, he thinks, with a coldness settling in his chest alongside the pain that seems to live there now.  It could mean many things, and none of them are good.
They take the breathing tube out two days later.  He wonders what to ask, now that he’ll be able to speak again.  Outside this little grey room, he has no idea of the shape of the world anymore.  No idea even of who is living and who is dead.  All he knows is that he should have been among the latter, and somehow he is not.
The doctor supervising the extubation asks him a couple of pointless questions, inspects his stitches, listens to his chest and abdomen, congratulates him on being alive; leaves.  The nurses renew the dressing on his wound, check his catheter  and the drip in his arm, give him sips of water from a cup like a baby’s beaker and promise him a first taste of solid food that evening.  Soup, they say, as though it were manna.  It sounds like manna.  Chicken soup with vegetables.
It’s then that he decides to ask one question; the only one he has some hope will be safe.  His voice sounds like sawdust.  “Please, who called the ambulance?”  
“How did I get here? – the guy in the diner, did he call an ambulance, was it him?  I’d like to thank him, when I get out.”  
Saying that much has made everything hurt, and the nearer of the two nurses touches his hand gently.  “I don’t know, Señor, but I can find out for you. Would you like that?  Now you need to rest, you’ve had a tiring day.”
Strange to be petted, so, and spoken to like that; as though he’s a sick five-year-old, not a grown man and a murderer.  
He nods, whispers a thank you, accepting her authority and her kindness.  Stares up at the ceiling when the two of them leave, and is asleep within minutes.
“I found out the answer, Señor.  To your question.  I checked the records and apparently it was an anonymous caller.   A young woman, calling from a cell-phone.”
Blessed Mother of God, is this my consolation?  If this is to be all, I am content.  I remembered her, and she did not forget me.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, thank you, thank you…
“It’s nice to see a patient smile like that,” one nurse is saying to the other as they leave the room. “He looks happy to be alive for the first time.”
Doña Cecelia comes again the next day, and the rest of his questions are answered; and after that conversation, he lies shaking and unable to sleep, long into the night, in the darkness.
By the time Gabriel stands in front of a mirror for the first time and looks at himself with his bandages and dressings off, Félix and the boys, and the Señora, are all long buried, and he knows that there has been a guard on the door of his room the entire time, not just when Doña Cecelia visits.  The same guard who is now outside the hospital bathroom where he’s being prepared for his shower.  He’s too weak to do the job for himself safely (and though his spirit bridles at hearing that, he has to admit the doctor is right; he can barely stand unaided after these weeks bedbound and inert).  He must bear being manhandled and washed by a stranger; like a small boy, like an orphan.  It’s a peculiarly precise embarrassment.
He hangs on to the handles in the tiled wall with shaking arms, looks straight ahead, refuses to acknowledge the humiliation.   Thanks the nurse afterwards.
The mirror had steamed up within moments.  He’d had enough of the view anyway.  Always lean, he’s now painfully thin; cheekbones jutting, muscles wasted and slack.  Yet his beard has grown well.  He looks like a revolutionary out of a kids’ history book; gaunt and angry, savage-eyed, and superbly moustachioed.
The scar on his abdomen is huge; easily four times the length he’d anticipated when he first felt the wound.  Where the knife went in there’s a ragged three centimetre slash but that’s just the start; it extends above and off to the side now, neat surgical incisions.  Its whole length sutured up with stitches black as boars’ bristles, delicate as lace.  
It itches and aches, and it feels as though every organ inside hurts too, despite the analgesia.  
The cannula in his hand itches too, and the skin under the tape holding it down is inflamed.  It won’t be taken out for another three to four days.  They’re still pumping antibiotics into him through it.  The consultant tells him smoothly that he should focus on making a good recovery instead of grumbling about a few square centimetres of rash. Partial splenectomy, traumatic injury to the large and small intestines and the left lobe of the liver, a punctured lung, and massive blood loss; plus a chip out of the anterior end of one rib. He had to ask for explanations of some of the medical terms, but now he knows, he’ll remember.
“You nearly died,” Doña Cecelia tells him firmly.  “Next time don’t be so slow.  I shouldn’t have to keep telling you these things.  It’s time to get out of this life, Gabriel.”  She stands over him, looking down her regal nose; although her voice is kind she’s never lowered herself to the level of giving him so much as a pat on the hand.  “I’ll pay to keep you alive,” she tells him now “because you were always a good boy to me and I don’t like the idea of your handsome face wasting into dust just yet. But I won’t give you a job, after. You need to understand that.  You were Félix’s man and I don’t want that association.”  
“Of course, Doña Cecelia. And thank you.  I am forever in your debt, beyond anything I can ever hope to repay.”
“Really?  Well, since you put it so nicely, you young gallant. So - don’t be an idiot, then.  Live, and make a new start.  Since that idiot Félix made you his residuary heir and his poor whore of a wife predeceased him, you aren’t without resources.”
“I don’t want to carry on that business.”
“I should hope not! That isn’t what I’m paying good money for.  You’d be back in this place, in the morgue, within a week, the way things are at present. Why do you think I have a man stationed outside here right now, eh?  The business has as good as collapsed anyway.  But the properties he owned, those still have solid value.  Think about it; make up your mind what to do, and then do it.  Action has a magic of its own.  Didn’t some poet say that?  So act.”
“I will, Doña Cecelia. I know what I’m going to do.”
She smiles at that.  “Tell a lady your plans?  I’d like to think of you going out from here soon and finding yourself a life that won’t kill you.  What are you off to do, then?”
Gabriel smiles, slowly, letting himself hope for the first time he can remember.  “I’m going to Spain.”
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andors-hope · 7 years
*heart eyes*
Blogs I'm in love with: @diegoandgael and @diegocassians You guys have made me smile mightily since discovering you (although I think the likes have shown up from my main blog @waywardsonsuk due to using the app), and I just wanted to pass on the love! ❤️❤️
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diegoandgael · 7 years
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Diego and Romola behind the scenes of Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.
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                                 All assignments have been sent out,     so I am pleased to declare the Rom-Com Challenge officially open!
The AUs and their authors:
10 Things I Hate About You  - @rapidashpatronus​
About Time - @polynesianhermione​
Before Sunrise - @ta-dala 
Bridget Jones Diary - @operaticspacetrash​
Clueless - @panwonderfam​
Dirty Dancing - @skywaalker​
Ella Enchanted - @yavemiel​
Green Card - @jynandcassianandor​
Grosse Point Blank - @ohstardustgirl​
He’s Just Not Into You - @rebsrising​
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days - @callioope​
How to Steal a Million - @ladytharen​
Leap Year - @cornholius​
Letters to Juliet - @coppernailpolish
Love Actually - @thenewleeland​
Much Ado About Nothing - @bookishandbossy​
Music and Lyrics - @poor-poor-potsby
No Reservations - @rxbxlcaptain​
Notting Hill - @astrayember​
Rock of Ages - @ibonekoen​
Roman Holiday - @ava-dalo​
She’s All That - @fitzsimmonsy​
Sleeping with Other People - @the-woman-upstairs​
Stardust - @lyresandlasers​
Sweet Home Alabama - @diegocassians​
The Last Five Years -  @oh-nostalgiaa​
The Princess Diaries - @leralynne​
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement - @strong-bottle-of-jyn​
The Proposal - @baenakinskywalker​
The Wedding Singer - @weatheredlaw​
When Harry Met Sally - @dogearedpaperback​
While You Were Sleeping - @halflunar​ 
Graphic Makers:
This basic information is also found on THIS list. You can find more detailed information with regards to the talents and preferences of the graphics makers at THIS SPREADSHEET.
Sign Up/Waitlist Information:
If you signed up and don’t see yourself on the list, please let me know! 
Did you miss sign ups and want to participate? Check out the “Leftover AUs” on the spreadsheet and follow the sign-up procedure given HERE. (If you’d like to sign up to make graphics, also follow the procedure given in the linked post)
If you’re a brave soul and would like to tackle another rom com, also please sign up again using the procedure you did for the first one! (No need to reblog the post a second time, though!)
I will add people on a rolling basis off the waitlist, just remember your deadline remains the same!
Participant Information:
Remember that all works must be at least 5k, and completed by the beginning of September or so (don’t stress - if needed, deadline will be adjusted!) There will be staggered posting for works.
Use the #rebelcaptainromcom tag for all posts related to this challenge—use it to post snippets, discuss your work with people, etc!
A few weeks from now, you’ll have a chance to share snippets of your WIP, so make sure to prepare something!
If you’re writing a fic and want a graphic, please check out the list of graphic makers and see if you’d like to work with anyone! Graphic makers  go see if there’s any AU you’d like to make something for and reach out to them!
We hope that you’re as excited as we are about this event! We know that was a lot to take in, so if there’s any confusion, as always, please message us if you have any comments, questions or concerns.
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y00ngless · 7 years
ta-dala replied to your photo: tekayf-blog: Diego Luna
@diegocassians​ JUST the shirt? ;)
i mean, the man too, but the shirt is hilarious >;3
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devaneiossuspensos · 7 years
As usual I was thinking of Gabriel from Solo Quiero Caminar and came to some conclusions/paralells I’d like to share with you guys :)
- Gabriel (the character) is known by the codename El Arcánjel (The Arcangel)
- Gabriel, according to the bible and other writings, is indeed an archangel
- Archangels were the first creations of God; angels of high rank which answer to him first and only
- they’re neither good nor bad, they only do what their told but are feared for their power which comes from God
- the name Gabriel means “God’s strength” or “strong man of God”
- he’s the one who told both the prophet Daniel and Mary about the Messiah’s coming
- this archangel is known as a messenger from God and an angel of death
- The character Gabriel has only known life beside Felix since he was a child; he was fabricated killer because up until the very end there seemed to be no other way to survive and think over his vengeance against his father
- he acted as Felix’s right hand when it came to making deals and sending messages to his enemies and allies, both by gun and bribing and got his own fame for it (no one dared say a word against him)
- he’s always done what he was told, killed any man (except women and children) without blinking or asking questions
- many of Felix’s men basically answered to him since the practical matters always fell on his hands; @diegocassians and i share the opinion that at the end of the day he was the boss by proxy
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incognitajones · 7 years
@somaybelikeno tagged me on this one...
Playlist snooping: set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first 10 tracks that pop up -- then tag 10 additional victims.
My spouse & I share a music library, so this isn’t completely representative of my personal taste, but it’s pretty close. I also added Youtube links since it’s more fun to be able to listen.
Forgive Me - City and Colour
Think It Over - Steve Earle
From the Woods - James Vincent McMorrow
Ambicion Eterna - Thievery Corporation
Let Forever Be - Chemical Brothers
Send Your Youth - Cold Specks
Saturday Come Slow - Massive Attack
Summer Skin - Death Cab for Cutie
Lonely Mountain - Sun Kil Moon
Frank, AB - Rural Alberta Advantage
Huh, this is actually pretty representative of what we listen to: a more or less even split between indie folk, alt country, and the triphop/downtempo side of electronica. Should be more Canadian artists, though.
I think almost everyone has already been tagged! So I’m choosing 5 people at random: @glorious-spoon, @intellectual-carrot, @owl-librarian, @diegocassians,  @englishable, and anyone else who feels like it.
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awhiteshirt · 7 years
thanks for tagging me @ersonist Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: huh?
B - Birthplace: taipei
C - Current Time: 20:09
D - Drink You Last Had: tea

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: friends

F - Favorite Song: crazy by gnarls barkley   
G - Grossest Memory: shots of tequila and next

H - Horror Yes or Horror No: horror okay thriller yes
I - In Love?: yes
J - Jealous of People?: sometimes
L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: walk by again always

M - Middle Name: 句點王(自己想的吧) 

N - Number of Siblings: 3
O - One Wish: win a lottery to fulfill my other wishes

P - Person You Called Last: one of my best friends

Q - Question You Are Always Asked: why
R - Reason to Smile: cats. friends talking. diego luna interviews.

S - Song You Sang Last: 少年錦時 by 趙雷

T - Time You Woke Up: 9 am mostly

U - Underwear Colour: black and gray mostly

V - Vacation Destination:  argentina. turkey. usa & canada. japan. looking forward to visiting mexico some day.

W - Worst Habit: ...lurking?
X - X-rays: fortunately none

Y - Your favourite food: yakiniku
Z - Zodiac Sign: aries

Tagging @mototwinkclub @charolastra-redux @sambargestuff @cassianovas @diegocassians @moodybluestocking to whom i don’t have a chance to talk but i do enjoy watching you guys talk so (i mean if it doesn’t sound creepy at all) anyways : ) feel free to join or ignore
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oh-nostalgiaa · 7 years
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The Au’s, so far ... 
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imsfire2 · 7 years
SQC fic
So, SQC fans: I’ve written a little piece to join in the angst-fest that is our little, determined, bloodied-but-unbowed fandom - would you like it in short bits or all together?
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seren-pen · 7 years
thezelbinion replied to your photoset: diegocassians: Diego Luna as Tommaso Moreno in...
this feels weirdly like payback for all the bob morley posts….
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mllekaren · 7 years
@zip00198704 replied to your post: zip00198704: diegocassians: paulruddmallcop: ...
@mllekaren you are absolutely correct. i love ducks, big ones and cute ones too. i actually blogged a bunch of duck pics…. yea, that is what i meant.
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if you love me, don't let go
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rltw77
by anothersadsong
happy may the fourth to my lovely recipient when-did-this-become-difficult! written for the prompt 'pick any 3 of the following things: tender, AU, family, rifle, silence, blue'. while i did not manage to incorporate three ideas together, i do think that i found some pretty tender moments in this au. i hope you enjoy it!
(special thanks go out to (diegocassians, without whose willingness to indulge in half-rp i would not have found the inspiration for this particular au.
and to my wonderful betas, guinevak, incognitajones, k-lara7 & writinredhead for making this so much better than i ever could have done myself.)
Words: 5406, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Lyra Erso, Galen Erso
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: it's au time!, some some of royalty au i guess, with a beautiful princess, and a steadfast bodyguard, and an ocean's worth of pining, there are some 'heated moments', And a little bit of angst, but you'll have to read in order to find out if it has a happy ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rltw77
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Credit to diegocassians
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y00ngless · 7 years
ta-dala replied to your photoset: ta-dala: Hello, 911?  I’d like to report a murder.
@diegocassians​, yes, it’s recent.
omg i’m gonna die
i’m already dead actually
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