#digimon statistics
digitalworldbound · 2 years
Digimon & AO3/Fandom Statistics
While on the Fandom Stats website, I got curious and did some research about the Digimon Fandom!
Disclaimer: These statistics will only be accurate to the Archive of Our Own website, and will not include statistics about the fandom on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Fanfiction.net
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When searching for fanfiction about Digimon on AO3, there are a total of 6,616 underneath the general "Digimon- All Media Types" tag. This is not a fair representation of the total numbers of Digimon fanfiction, as there are FIFTEEN Digimon categories an author could label their story under.
Listing from highest number of fics to fewest fics, these other categories include (as of Nov. 5, 2022):
Digimon - All Media Types: 6,619 fics
Digimon Adventure Zero Two: 2,637 fics
Digimon Adventure: 2,037 fics
Digimon Adventure tri: 1,043 fics
Digimon Tamers: 602 fics
Digimon Frontier: 575 fics 
Digimon Xros Wars/ Digimon Fusion: 172 fics
Digimon Savers/ Digimon Data Squad: 150 fics
Digimon Universe - Appli Monsters: 125 fics
Digimon Ghost Game (Anime): 89 fics
Digimon Adventure (Anime 2020): 73 fics
Digimon V Tamer 01: 50 fics
Digital Monsters X-Evolution: 16 fics
Digimon NEXT: 12 fics
Digimon D Cyber: 2 fics
After inputting all of this data (aside from the “Digimon - All Media Types” tag, as this tag can reference all Digimon media) into a graph, it is clear to see which characters the fandom tends to favor:
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(Some of the numbers are really small - I’m so sorry!)
Digimon Adventure Zero Two takes the lead, while Digimon Adventure follows close behind. Between the two, there is only a difference of 600 fics. These numbers are unsurprising, as most Digimon official events revolve around the Adventure and 02 cast!
According to the Fandom Stats website, fanfiction (specifically AO3) in the Digimon Fandom heavily gravitates towards General Audiences, with a total number of 2,551 fics using this tag. Other tags include: 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats) 
While Teen and Up Audiences have 2,214, Mature and Explicitly tagged fics have a combined 1,307 fics. 
Now, onto the pairings! Though 35% of the fics are general, the other 65% of fics include some kind of romance! 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats)
In the lead, we have M/M relationships at 33%. Of these 2,155 fics, 29.7% are Daisuke/Ken! Taichi/Yamato are a close second at 22.5%. (Taichi/Koushiro comes in at 7.5%, and Daisuke/Takeru is last at 6.2%.)
With 1,889 fics, F/M relationships share 29% of the total non-general fics. Of these, 18.6 percent are Takeru/Hikari! Sora/Yamato cover 17.7%, while Taichi/Sora covers 8.6%. Lastly, we have Mimi/Koushiro at 7%.
I couldn’t find any statistics on F/F, Multi, or the Other categories, but I will try to search in the future.
On the Archive of Our Own website, the fandom shows clear favoritism in characters and pairings! Now, I wish there was a way to factor in data from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and FanFiction.net. Let me know if you have any ideas!
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Digimon
Character: Davis Motomiya
Sample Size: 1,034 stories
Source: AO3
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korattata · 1 year
Its so weird acknowledging the parent-child relationships in my rat groups sometimes like. No this rat was a teenage mom and i adopted them BOTH so they are sisters now.
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flamemons · 1 year
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
im just gonna ramble whatever comes to mind lmao. i drew some stuff too!
uuh while i find it hard to care too much about those other kids because well, I don't know much about them, it is really fun thinking about how kouichi would act if he was there from the start. I think he'd be serious, in a similar way to Kouji, bc he's there on a mission, y'know! All he remembers is following his brother around until Kouji gets some weird text message (wait,,, does kouichi have a phone? probably not, huh. poor people gang ftw...) and now hes in this fuckin place! (hes a dead soul in this au too.) I'd imagine he'd be just as driven as Kouji was, if not more so, bc he KNOWS koujis gotta be here somewhere....but instead of initially trying to avoid the other kids (koujis strategy), he'd probably stick around as soon as he realizes that theyre gonna get themselves killed if they keep acting stupid. So, instead of trying to ditch the kids or act distant, he'd nag them and rush them to stay on track, and come off as kind of a bossy stick-in-the-mud at first
Side note, its easy to think of kouji as being a lot more serious and mature compared to the rest of the frontier kids, but honestly, I have to wonder if he wouldve acted differently if ophanimon wasnt calling him all the damn time telling him that he has to find answers! hes gotta get stronger! theres something he Has To Know!!! like damn if ophanimon was that specific with the other kids they'd also probably be just as sullen. anyway, kouichi would be feeling the same kind of pressure.
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in an attempt to make it more interesting for me, chiaki and teruo are now siblings. or close cousins. or something. (what if they were fraternal twins?? that would be so funny actually. there is a statistically improbable amount of twins here!) AND bc i like chiaki the most i think she'd make a cool leader of sorts! like, the lancer to kouichi. kouichi ends up accidentally being the leader bc hes so driven, and chiakis like, a genuinely nice person who really wants to help the digital world as soon as she steps off the first trailmon onto the flame terminal. she also doesnt take shit from anyone. maybe she was a quiet wallflower-type kid at school, but, if its for another's sake, then she'll always speak up! so now, in the digital world, she cant stay quiet!
ah i love just making shit up. this is fun
so together, they make the most chillest leader/lancer duo ever. (hey, if they WERE to be the two Main Ones, wouldnt it be cool if their Susanoomon-type evolution was deep-sea themed? mix darkness and water together, and you get The Fucking Abyss. it could be bioluminescent! a cool way to turn "light into darkness!")
btw, im not drawing any spirit forms here bc I think these kids would have alternative spirit forms as opposed to the evil ones in the show. like, heroic looking ones (basically, no child deserves to have to spirit evolve into grottomon) BUT im no good at character design and that sounds like a lotta work. also, the other spirits (fairymon, chakkmon, agnimon, etc,) would need evil forms too then, right?? that sounds like a REALLY hard thing to try drawing, so nah. just imagine these kids spirit evolving and fighting offscreen. speaking of the other spirits though,
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i want chakkmon/tomoki to try pummeling the shit out of katsuharu and teppei!! karmas a bitch!! tomoki didnt get to have his character development in this AU, bc he (probably) fell off the trailmon train tracks and got Got by cherubimon!
i like the main frontier kids too much to not include them in everything i draw Ever, so imagine that maybe they all came to the digital world alone, and wandered around until they found their respective spirits (in similar circumstances to the show) but since those spirits belongto cherubimon, theyre possessed/convinced to fight on cherubimons side!! like "oh shit i have no friends and i hate my life, yea this big evil bunny has a point lets go fuck shit up". maybe some of them are fully in control of their actions, maybe some arent. maybe some of them remember that theyre human, but maybe some of them dont....?
lastly, i have to apologize bc i got completely sidetracked bc i thought "oh takuya and kouji would be very funny as team rocket-esque villains" so heres flamon and strabimon but Evil™
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i like to imagine that theyre the Most Incompetent of cherubimons Evil Guys but theyre the only two (that cherubimon knows of) that can form susanoomon so THATS why hes trying to collect all the spirits. bc of that, they DEFINITELY dont remember that theyre human. (bc of that, they also kind of dont have anything to care about, so theyre just trying to have fun)
it would be fun if they were initially kind of lame but although they may be idiots, theyre not Dumb, so they slowly become competent at the same rate as the Heroes do, and instead of a sephirothmon arc theres like.......a beowolfmon and aldamon arc??? im not a writer i dont know. watch these five kids (and counting!) get slowly hunted by two fucking Beasts in the darkest forest ever.
or maybe they do Actually manage to collect all the spirits but it goes so horribly wrong and now theres like ten goddamn kids and ten spirits mashed up in the psyche of a very unstable susanoomon and its just some fucked up Twisted psychological nightmare. digimon evangelion.
basically in this AU, there is even MORE wild tone shifts and the plot goes Absolutely Fucking Bonkers. and takuya's cosplaying Jotaro Kujo for some fucking unknown reason.
thank you for asking! this was....probably not what you were going for, but c'est la vie
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antirepurp · 7 months
heyyyy that digimon thing would give a nice explanation for her funny colorswaps in frontiers too, like she's been so exposed to sonic's data that she's unknowingly incorporated some of it to her being as a kind of defense mechanism against The Horrors, bc she has the statistics to show her they're practically impossible to defeat, and yet sonic comes along with his silly little hope and slamdunks those statistics, making her want some of that silliness for herself. like oops the math was making me feel bad im gonna try just believing in things anyway as a coping mechanism bc this one guy did that and it kinda sorta worked for him
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magicaltear · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @ailendolin! ♡ I'm sorry I'm doing this almost two months later, but better late than never!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
19 as of January 2024. I guess I'm a very slow writer, but I'm quite happy with my fics so far ♡
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
193,393. Huh. Sadly, less than I'd hope for.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've only ever written for 1917 and Marvel. I've been toying with some fic ideas for Star Wars, but nothing concrete yet.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. An Outside Chance (1,359 kudos - Marvel MCU)
2. In Every Universe (715 kudos - Marvel MCU)
3. I'm Better When I'm Dancing (161 kudos - Marvel MCU)
4. As Long As We Both Shall Live (74 kudos - 1917 film)
5. Echoes of Grief (57 kudos - Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! To every single one of them. It might take me a while, but I very much enjoy doing it. The fun thing about posting fanfic online is getting to hear people's thoughts and reactions. I'll always be grateful to all of my readers who take a moment to leave a comment on my chapters and stories ♡
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would probably be A Million Is Only a Statistic because of the Major Character Death tag. The story follows Colonel Mackenzie and Major Hepburn from the 1917 film, who sadly do not have a happy ending in the fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mainly try to write Happy Endings because it is what I enjoy the most, so most of my fics are fairly feel-good stories. Maybe...Peace On Earth (Will Come To Stay) because I could have gone for a sadder ending in so many scenes, but I stubbornly stuck to the Everyone Lives happy ending I wanted for the 1917 characters.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I don't! ♡ My readers are all absolutely amazing and very supportive. If anything, they might express their dislike for some characters in the fandom, but they never spew hate toward them or my writing. I appreciate them all so much ♡
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't posted any, no, but I have started to practice that type of writing, too. I'd like to include small bits of it in future stories as another chance for character exploration, so I like the kind that helps the plot in that way. (So you won't be seeing any PWP from me any time soon haha!)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do, but not in the classic sense where characters from two fandoms get to interact in the same world. It's more of an alternate universe take, I think. All of them have been for the 1917 fandom so far, but I think my craziest one so far has to be The Great British Pastry War in which I dumped the 1917 characters into the GBBO competition LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe I have, no. Let's keep it that way, shall we?
12. Does not exist apparently (:o)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! And it's a lot of fun~! Please Don't Go (Rushing By) is the only one I've co-written so far, and I hope my friend and I can complete it one day.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh gosh, there are just too many. I never really fall out of love with a ship because there are days when I will be struck with a craving for their dynamic or world so I'll look up fics about them. I guess I always return to Ironstrange, Johnlock, Frostcup, and Klance.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmm, I really wish to continue my Dwelling Impressions series which is a BBC Ghosts AU for 1917, but it is honestly really low in my WIP list at the moment, to be honest :C
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told it's my dialogue and characterization. The characters really do act and sound like themselves in my stories, and that's something I'm rather grateful to hear. The point of fanfiction is being able to recognize your favorite characters in it, right?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I've been struggling with descriptions as of late. I got too used to writing simple cues for scripts, so flowery narration and interesting vocabulary have constantly eluded me. I've also been terrible at consistency, so I keep my poor readers waiting for longer than I'd like (but life has been busy so there's nothing much I can do about it orz)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it a few times. I can speak three languages myself and know a few words in other languages as well, so I know from experience how your language wires can get all tangled in your head. Recently, I've stuck to simply writing the dialogue in English and simply stating in the dialogue tag that the line was spoken in another language for ease of reading.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Whoa, that would have been Naruto way back when Quizilla was still a thing. Maybe some 18 years ago now??? Hot damn.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh no, there's been a lot haha! One thing I like about my fanfics is that I will often go back and reread them because I write exactly what I like. That said...I really like In Every Universe, which is my Ironstrange rewrite of Multiverse of Madness, and my ongoing long fic An Outside Chance. As an honorary mention, I will add A Million Is Only a Statistic because it actually earned its place as an official part of the series that inspired it.
Tagging: @vannral @kiki-shortsnout @aelaer @stewardofningishzida
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digimonirl · 5 months
what's with the stereotypes of like "these two species are mortal enemies and always hate each other" when i have two of them curled up in a cuddle pile in the other room
You ever know someone who just saw a statistic as a kid and believed it well into adulthood despite it never being 100% accurate? That's basically the reason why people think some Digimon species have inexplicable beef with each other. Sure, species do compete all the time and some may even occupy the same niche in the same ecosystem, leading to more intense conflicts. But more often than not those assumptions are based on researchers witnessing conflict between two individuals and just kinda,,, assuming that the same went for the entire species?? It's kinda presumptuous at best and rude at worst tbh
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soumarhea · 2 years
Idea 3: Pizzaplex is an engineering disaster waiting to happen.
An idea that I don't see brought up at all, is the idea that the Pizzaplex is not constructed well.
Remember in FNAF 6 when the tutorial unit said this?
"There may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality, and we don't blame you. Cutting corners is just good business."
Keep this statement in mind while I bring up my next point. As someone who's taken an engineering class, when you are constructing a building, there are a VERY large number of codes (rules) that you need to follow for every conceivable part of it.
Fazbear Entertainment would probably find it a lot cheaper just to pay off the people inspecting the plex than to actually put money into making sure everything is up to code.
They would also try to construct the building as cheaply as possible, trying to "cut corners" wherever they could. They use substandard materials and contractors that don't double-check their work. They built the mall itself over the subterranean remains of their old restaurant, despite this making the ground very unstable.
This all works in my mind because Fazbear Entertainment has been proven to follow the "be as cheap as possible" and "maximize profits by any means necessary" approaches many times in the past.
Here is just one example of a code being violated, according to Section 1006.2.1.1 of Utah Building Codes, "Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000." We only see 2 public exits in the game, and the Pizzaplex likely holds well over a thousand people at any one time. What's worse is that one of the exits, the only one designated for emergencies, requires a VIP pass in order to be used.
If Fazbear Entertainment is willing to do this to cut costs, who knows what else they have done?
It's why, in my mind, I don't have Gregory live at the pizzaplex after the 3-star ending. Freddy would calculate that it is statistically safer for Gregory to live in his box than at the plex. He instead lives with Vanessa, creating opportunities for them to grow closer.
BTW This has happened in real life, even down to the shoddy construction and profit maximization. It was the Sampoong Department store collapse. Link
We are talking about the one and only Fazbear Entertainment here. Pretty sure anything they made is a disaster waiting to happen.
Innocent-looking VR game for fun? Bam! Child killer ressurected as a literal Digimon taking over people's mind.
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Episode 4: Red Hot! Birdramon
At a whooping nine minutes of total screentime, Sora soars is the first to beat Taichi in the first place, going up to second place overall; interestingly enough, Jou also surpasses him, and Yamato is just four seconds behind him.
The main reason for the latter is that there were a lot of shots of Jou, Yamato and Mimi in the background of the Birdramon vs Meramon fight, so that upped their screentime a ton. Also there was a lot of character screentime in general, especially compared to the previous episode.*
Another interesting thing I’ve noticed of now, is that Mimi and Palmon seem to be the most “tied” together. They have the smallest screentime difference of any kid-Digimon duo by far. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the ones seen together the most - so far I think that’s Takeru and Patamon. That’s just a note - don’t take too much from it cause I’m not gonna make another counting of how much each duo has together, the project is already too complicated, lmao.
I was a little generous with Gomamon in this one. There was a set of scenes where the entire group was on screen but him, and I wonder if that was just an animation goof. His screentime would probably been half what it is here if I didn’t count something extra: during the Birdramon-Meramon fight, Gomamon is barely seen in front of Jou, like, you have to squint and still you can only see a small part of his flipper. It’s small and you can barely even “see” him in those shots, but he is technically on screen and since he got done a little dirty in the other set of scenes I mentioned, I decided to include the screentime his flipper got XD
*For this reason I’m implementing two more screentime statistics for each episode: 1) how much character screentime there is in general (that is, scenes where at least one main character is on screen; environment shots, shots including only minor/recurring characters, and evolution sequences will not count) and 2) the total screentime of the scenes where all the characters are shown on-screen.
Evolution sequences screentime: 13,96 seconds for Piyomon Total character screentime: 14:54,72 Full group screeentime: 02:23,88 (this one is approximate cause I might have messed up in some scenes)
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piracytheorist · 2 years
So I finished Digimon: Last Evolution Kizuna and I’m pretty sure that’s the last instalment in the franchise about the original eight (for now? you never know lol) and... idk? Like when they gave the “25 years later” part in Adventure 02 I’m pretty sure they hadn’t realized the impact the show would have to the world, and how we would want for more.
So they showed us that, where everyone is alive and happy and married with kids lmao and with their partner Digimons, and then they decided you know what fuck the last two shows and 02, a bit we’re gonna keep bringing back the original eight and making them go through seemingly irreversible situations where you think that they might die, or be separated from their Digimon, or the world might end, and with the ending of 02 they just can’t afford that.
Especially because of the LEK ending, it wanted me to feel sad so much (and I did feel a bit sad, to be honest) but the effect is lost what with having seen the “25 years later” part. Before watching it I had read that one of the original creators of the show walked off the production of that film because it was going on a path that clashed with the original concept... and I mean, 02 ending aside, it did clash with it. The fact that Taichi and Yamato were losing their connection with Agumon and Gabumon because they were allowing them to fight for them, when in the show, the Digimon fighting to protect their humans is what made their connection stronger in the first place. It didn’t make any sense at all.
It was also very unbalanced. Our War Game only focused on Taichi, Yamato, Koushiro and a bit on Takeru because it was only 40 minutes long, so I understand why the other kids couldn’t have their moment to shine. Last Evolution Kizuna only focused on Taichi, Yamato, and a little bit on Koushiro and the 02 kids even though it was 90 minutes long, and I’m sure they could have worked out a way to give attention to all of them (which look, I’m a Yamato stan through and through so I appreciate the screentime my edgy boi got but still). I don’t know, maybe they were trying to make up for the complete abscence of the 02 kids in Tri. by giving them some focus on LEK.
Also the fact that Omegamon takes form so easily now... look, when he appeared in Our War Game, it was a MOMENT. It was an wow scene that made the kids who were watching it lose their minds (I know I did, idk about you). Even now, twenty years later, I think about when he appeared in the film and I get chills. It was fucking great and one of the main things from Digimon that have stayed with me through the years. And both Tri. and LEK brought him in like it’s no big deal, and statistically, I understand that the Digimon can get stronger with time and the bonds of the kids and the Digimon can too, so the occurence of Omegamon IN the verse would be more often... but it makes his emergence in Our War Game lose its thunder. So narratively, I vehemently disagree with him appearing more and more often in the universe.
Practically, am I saying they shouldn’t make more media with the original eight, just for older fans’ nostalgia?
No, of course not. But they’d better get used to the fact that we will disagree and it’ll start getting tiring with us, especially when they keep trying to make things ~~dramatic~~ when they know we know the ending of 02, instead of trying to make the stories connect to what the original journey of the eight was; finding themselves and making themselves stronger through learning and believing into their strongest qualities.
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ssj4goku777 · 8 months
Cabernuva dovato pREP statistics sim chart whis hawkman angemon digimon daemon ritus tien dbz tri beam gold 305s cigarettes #titusonetwo 🕯
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snowmuttgetsweird · 1 year
5/2/23, late morning
Been a minute.
I've mostly just been too occupied to really post here- not all bad stuff, some good stuff. Between work and play, I've been too tired to type most evenings, so I'm just taking a little time out of my morning while I sip some coffee to journal a bit.
I've been working really hard to try to catch up on commission stuff. A couple months ago I had like, a two-week long burnout where I BARELY worked at all- and if I did it was like, the absolute bare minimum, at a snail's pace. Since then I've been paying for it- I end up working on the PREVIOUS month's commissions during the time I need to be taking NEW work for the NEXT month's rent, plus Patreon Mini Commissions (I still need to do those for April in fact), and it kinda just keeps snowballing. I AM further along with commissions this time around than last month though, so I AM starting to actually catch up with my workload. It helps that my clients have been very patient with me, I'm so thankful for that. I'm glad they can be so confident that I WILL get their art done given the time to do so, and that they're willing to wait. I guess that's just the fruits of my hard work to ensure that's the truth of things. I ALWAYS finish the piece. I had one slip on that like two years ago and I made a personal vow never to let it happen again. Trello helps with that.
Besides work, I'm trying to still make time for play.
I DID make enough to buy the Digimon cards I wanted- about $45 bucks worth, so that's really cool. Digimon is nice, specifically because it's one of the cheaper TCGs I can play. I've mostly abandoned Yugioh because of the price tag. Initially I started playing Gallantmon because of the structure deck when I was first getting into the game, and since then I've stuck with it and haven't bothered to build anything else. Being a lower-tier/rogue deck, it's on the cheaper side even by Digimon standards as long as I don't invest in alternate art cards. In addition to that, being a popular, main character digimon, Gallantmon will likely, consistently, receive more support throughout the game's lifespan, so I should consistently have opportunities to expand and evolve the deck as long as the game goes on. Even if it's mid now, statistically, it'll likely get enough support to become genuinely strong later. Plus, Guilmon is just an absolute cutie.
That aside, a good friend of mine gave me the money to just straight up buy Resident Evil 4 Remake. He was enjoying it so much, knew I wanted it, and knew I wouldn't be able to afford it myself for quite some time, that he basically just bought it for me, so I've been playing that most evenings after work. It's /really/ good, and really I couldn't imagine a better game to invest in. RE4 has always had really good replay value, and the same can be said for REm4ke. I plan to play the game over and over for a while.
I've also been trying to learn chess on the side. I've always been interested in chess and enjoyed playing, but I'm quite bad and never really put time or effort into studying openings or anything. At this point in my life, with so much going on, I'm not sure I have the time to dedicate to it AND my other hobbies.
My roommate's birthday is coming up. I'd love to buy them something, but that might be out of the question, so I'm thinking of doing some art, getting it printed and framed, and gifting them that. I've got an idea for a three-piece suite I'd like to do maybe that could display well on a wall or atop a shelf- SFW, of course.
Uhh I think that's it for now, I'm not sure what else to say. I don't really have anything else going on, I'm just working and playing games. That never really changes lol.
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Longest Anime Bracket
Round Three Analysis
Hey guys, it’s been a while! Sorry about that, life just gets in the way sometimes, y’know? Anyways, this is how the bracket looks now:
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Statistics for this round:
Most Voted Poll- Digimon vs. Yu-Gi-Oh!- 238 Votes
Least Voted Poll- Dragon Ball vs. One Piece- 83 Votes
Biggest Percentage Gap- Hamtaro vs. Sgt. Frog- 71.3%-28.7%
Smallest Percentage Gap- Pokémon vs. Detective Conan- 52.2%-47.8%
Most Voted Anime- Yu-Gi-Oh!- 154 Votes
Least Voted Anime- Sgt. Frog- 25 Votes
Pokémon vs. Detective Conan was the most contested poll this round, but Pokémon managed to win in the end. As for last round’s big question:
Now that [Precure] is out of the competition, will we continue to see these rising numbers?
The answer is no! Congrats to Precure fandom for being the backbone to poll tournaments, you are still remembered even after death.
That’s it for this week! Semifinals will be posted tomorrow, April 5th, at the usual time. See you then!
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My Steam 2022 Game Statistics
Decided to post it cuz why not.
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And also 11% of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition on my second account (that game was also great) Sorry for Russian text, idk how to change it to English X_X But I will translate it for you: I launched 10 games this year (from Steam, I played a lot of good games outside of it too) got 130 achivements, had 153 play sessions (on main account, secondary account was also used by my mom so I am not taking statistics from there), and got 7 new games (one of them didn’t launch because Windows 7 kill switch, and two other I didn’t play)
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lonestarterri · 2 years
Vanguard wiki lyrical monasterio
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Check that mobile data is turned on and you have a data connection. In addition to being fully automatic, YGOPRO is constantly updated with new cards from both TCG and OCG card sets. Card text, sets and rarities from selecting item in list NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 3 - Personal Favorites Card Lists Then, place this card in your battle area. YGOPRO 2 is fully compatible with Yu-Gi-Oh! Question. After looking for a bit, I've started building one of each of V and Premium formats so I can play with everyone regardless of format- issue is, I have no idea what I'm doing. Vanguard" debuts as a Card Battle RPG on mobile! Vanguard ZERO is a Card game developed by Bushiroad International Pte Ltd_. When you play this card, activate this skill. Add 1 Digimon card among them to your hand. Back with some Cardfight Area, and we have one of my games from Mr Timeleap's streams. For those who don't know what TeamSpeak is, it's basically a chat room with the ability to also talk to others with a mic. Vanguard Asia Circuit: Type: TV Series, 39 episodes Year: until : Tags: game Based on an interactive (even if minimally so) form of entertainment software, generally available for PCs, consoles or arcade machines., proxy battles In our terms, a. SPEC Title Vanguard ZERO Genre Card Battle RPG Price Free-to-play (with in-app purchases) Platform iOS 12.3.1 or later/Android 6.0 or later Release 9th April 2020 Right click on a card - change its state.
Vanguard to Android and iOS platforms as card battle RPG, Vanguard Zero. Gohan was approximately 1,000,000 by the end of the Frieza fight, at the very least. These items are then redeemable through the shop through item exchange. cardfight-area Cardfight Area 4.11 Donations are temporarily not accepted. Then, you can send the selected card to any other slot. The list provided will show you some statistics of the decks, as well as the date of their submission. Cardfight Vanguard Database is completely free. Although Russian, the game is fully in English. So watch out if you start drinking more Vodka and hating the ending of Rocky IV. We have carefully handpicked these versions programs so that you can download them safely. Cardfight!! Vanguard integrates well into existing infrastructures and can be run 'out of the box' or configured to meet your specific company requirements. So far, I've got my two Great Nature decklists here and here.
Choose 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and KO it.
Choose 1 Clone Token in your opponent's Battle Area and remove it from the game : Choose one. Finishing up the V-Premium backlog before we start on Clan Collection 5+6 and we got Pacifica out here vs Zero.
FEATURES - Simple single screen layout - Powerful easy-to-use filters from the Menu button or the 3-dot screen button - Full size card images (requires Internet access) from clicking thumbnail Pinch zoom and panning supported. The super cute lovers' diaries make your every day full of surprise! - Cardfight Area. Cardfight!! Card maker- Cardfight Vanguard will help you customize your own cards !!! Bible Home Rating: 5/5. There is an ongoing anime, which is officially available subtitled with Japanese audio on Crunchyroll, and subtitled with.
This unofficial Cardfight Vanguard Database allows players of the Cardfight Vanguard Trading Card Game (TCG) to access details of all the officially released English cards available, plus English versions of many Japanese cards that have not been released in English.
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phantomstatistician · 3 years
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Fandom: Digimon Adventure (2020)
Sample Size: 67 stories
Source: AO3
63 notes · View notes