#don’t be acting like we’re the same
jelly-o630 · 2 months
Coming into work today and one of my coworkers caught me as I was heading in and was like ‘oh my god you’re late too, I came in an HOUR after my shift started 😁’
And I was standing there thinking, honey 5 minutes is NOT in the same order of magnitude as an hour
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gayvampyr · 2 years
“queer spaces should be inclusive of people who don’t enjoy sex and who have “strange”, negative or repulsed relationships with sex” and “sex is an important aspect of lgbt community, history, and activism and queer people should be allowed and able to talk freely about sex without stigma or shame” are ideas that can and should coexist.
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indelicateink · 22 days
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
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timothylawrence · 4 months
Current method of playing ace attorney is to have fil and Jordan voice phoenix and miles while I voice the judge and the witnesses. Adds an element to the game tbh
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sweetandglovelyart · 3 months
You know what I think would be a fun concept for a Kirby game? Kirby being able to travel to different planets on the Halberd to go explore with Meta Knight and his crew. I know that he can just fly different places by himself on his warp star, but I thought it’d be cool if he got to go on a little adventure with all of them.
The Halberd could be the hub world, I could see it acting sort of like Waddle Dee Town in Forgotten Land in that you’d be inside the Halberd when starting the game and from there you could select stages to play, play mini games, buy healing items and buffs, and other things like that. It would be nice if you could interact with Meta Knight and his crew outside of battle for once and see the inside of the Halberd without having to destroy it. What do you guys think of this? Would this be a cool concept for a game?
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cupiare · 1 month
this school really deserves its impending doom bcs management is soooo tone deaf “but why do our students choose to go to uni in their own city and out of the 2 they choose the non russell group one why aren’t we doing something to support them to aim higher 🤔” could it possibly be that this school is in one of the most deprived areas of the city/nationwide and thats a significant factor affecting academic achievement so students default to the uni w lower entry requirements theyre likely to get into? or maybe that our predominantly immigrant students and their families don’t share the culture of moving out and living independently at 18? that their immigration status and overseas qualifications affect their entry requirements ? that many of them are responsible for their families and don’t want to leave them? that its more affordable to stay home and not be in even more debt by taking out a maintenance loan to stay alive? the girls who aren’t allowed to leave home before marriage? what a truly confounding phenomenon that our students don’t go to a russell group uni it must be a very bad look that we get 90% students in higher education or formal training after college but not the ‘best’ choice. But what do i know i guess !
#p#theres no institutional racism and no racial and ethnic segregation here guys don’t worry. our students have equal opportunities!#unreal how tone deaf that whole email was#asking what we’re doing wrong where we’re going wrong#as if its no achievement to consistently send off students to uni regardless of status or rank#and like we have loads of students who Do move out and go to very good unis and even oxbridge#loads of students going into medicine and engineering and law#and loads of students whom we had to fight and advocate for to their families to even allow them to go to uni!!!!!!#you’re looking at one of the shittest areas and one of the shittest schools and acting like we’re getting disappointing results#shove your british values up your ass fix your country#on the same note as shitting themselves over ofsted and getting less than a good rating My brothers ofsted is comparing our school to#schools in the posh neighborhoods (some of the most middle upper class areas nationwide also)#and instead of seeing this as an opportunity to challenge standards and place value on everything we do right by our students#they’re trying to get the stats equal to those other schools and its having tangibly adverse effects on achievement engagement and attendanc#i’m sick from frustration with this damn schools leadership u are all shit#they should maybe possibly potentially look at what has actually improved student achievement and whose ideas they were#hint. not the white british leadership team’s#but i digress .
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area51-escapee · 2 months
I guess what I’d really like to understand is how come when Trump is in office, the president is an all powerful overlord who can overturn laws with a wave of his hand and anyone who questions him will be executed on sight, but when Biden is in office then the president is just a little guy, he doesn’t actually have any power, he can’t do anything, we’re all asking too much of him and being too critical just because he’s not perfect (he is committing war crimes)
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notmygrave · 7 months
best friend decided to move abroad next year for uni i cried so much i’m going to kill him and then kill myself
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phoeeling · 1 year
I don't even know where people are getting the totally-canon "implied bisexuality" from.... like maybe I'm dumb but I didn't catch any of that in the show???? Like I'm not against either of them being bi but everyone acts like it was confirmed in canon and I feel so lost lol. It just feels like they're grasping at straws to justify their ship being "queer" (as if that has anything to do with why most people don't like it....) and so they can call anti-huntlows biphobic or whatever.
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It’s from this, I believe. Hunter sewed a sweater with a rainbow that has what looks like toned down colours of the Bi flag? And Willow being pan comes from the star by her head having the same colours as the pan flag, despite different shades.
Which I think is reading a little into it, because they use like the exact shades and colours for the Bi flag (and the Lesbian flag which I think appears as a sticker?) in that episode. And again, the people who do the design for things like the sweater Hunter sewed, who would’ve put the rainbow there, don’t necessarily pick out the colours used for those designs. Colour design is a separate job.
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fcb-mv33 · 11 months
All the posts on f1s Instagram and Twitter are obviously a bit much, but I don’t think Natalie’s comment about Daniel has anything to do with PR. He’s the godfather to her son and they’re very close, of course she’s going to be happy he’s back on the grid.
Yes ofc naturally but I that comment she used was the same one or around the same lines that Martin used last season to say without Daniel on the grid there is v littler personality, the same with people commenting about how DTS is going to boring without him cause he’s funny. These two platforms are the same ones that reduce down the personality of other drivers (including Max and Lando).
Some people seem to have taken my post ott. I understand Daniel getting the hype but it’s too much for a driver who lost his seat because he wasn’t good enough. the same people posting and commenting were the same ones who never spoke about the abuse Oscar or Lando got due to it and are happy it seems with the way Red Bull done it.
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githvyrik · 2 years
maybe it’s just because I spend a lot of time looking at fantasy character design and this might be an incredibly mean thing to say but I am NOT impressed by the galadriel design in the new lotr show. like yeah she’s wearing mostly appropriate armor?? good for her???? it’s pretty boring idk
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lesbiansanemi · 10 months
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These two days are going to be actual hell on earth
#I’m actually so fucking anxious about going to see my family#like it’s always nerve wracking and over stimulating and miserable#but I haven’t seen them since January#and they’re all acting super excited and like it’s gonna be fun but ik it’s gonna be the same it always is#which is tense and weird and awkward because we don’t talk to each other and know we don’t like each other#and I’m even MORE nervous than usual this time because I got a tattoo on my forearm since I last saw them#it’s a tattoo I can’t cover up that none of them know about#and I’m like what if this is it? what if this is the last straw for them?#and this is what finally leads to it all boiling over and them going ‘we KNOW you’re a lesbian and we KNOW you don’t go to church and we’re#NOT going to ignore it anymore because you did this PERMANENT THING that goes against our beliefs’#and then I will have a reaction to that. I’m not even sure what reaction but there will Be one#or will my mother and grandmother’s intense denial and desire for everything to be like it was when I was kid win out?#will they sweep it under the rug and not acknowledge it like everything else and pretend it’s all fine and we’re a big happy family#and I’m not going to hell and living a sinful life?#and my fucking sister is messaging me about meeting her bf#as if this matters. as if we’re close. as if it has any bearing on anything#as if I will still be an actual part of this family by the time she’s old enough to get married#uuugggghhhhhhhh#part of me wants it to go great and be nice and actually have a decent relationship#but I just know that’s not what is going to happen#and it’s so. blech. gross. ugh#I hate family stuff I wish they’d just hurry up and disown me so at least I know where we all stand#I’ve got t minus four days to finish mentally preparing#kaz rambles
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mollificen · 2 years
I feel like self-care culture is super unhealthy sometimes tbh. But especially with people my age
Sure doing your skincare routine is fun, but when 18 year olds are panicking because they didn’t start using sun cream and retinol everyday when they were younger, it’s just unbelievably fucked up.
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bnyrbt · 2 years
homestuck AU where vriska goes to therapy
#sasha#i recently reread the scene where terezi meets aranea and wow vriska has mental health issues#reading that scene again was just like ‘wow this kid genuinely thinks that horrific violence is a normal part of relating to other people’#she literally blinds her best friend and then is like ‘now we’re even & can go back to normal! ::::)’#she clearly enjoys being friends with terezi but she blinds her anyway because she doesn’t know any other way to interact with people#vriska serket my poor little meow meow with untreated NPD and ASPD#like it’s not just that she expects terezi to forgive her for that it’s that she is ready to forgive terezi#(not that i remember every detail of that whole revenge cycle so i’m not actually sure why she was mad at terezi)#like she just. very much thinks that violence is normal and doesn’t understand why other people don’t accept it the same way she does#all of alternian society is structured to encourage this but because she’s a highblood she relates to it differently than say sollux#the lower bloods have a sense of solidarity. they recognize that the system they live in isn’t fair because it disadvantages them#and terezi is just 1 tier lower than vriska but she has closer relationships with karkat and nepeta and iirc tavros and aradia#and probably has a better understanding of alternia’s legal system & therefore is in a better position to notice its flaws#vriska has a ‘friendship’ with tavros characterized by her tormenting him because she thinks that’s how life works#she thinks people need to toughen up and that she’s doing him a favor by being so rough#and i think tavros buys into that too to some degree#but like. she seriously thinks she’s being kind to him! she seriously thinks that she’s naturally better than him and her abuse is an act#of charity
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castielmacleod · 2 years
S/amwena stans will act like CW SupernaturaI intentionally kept a heterosexual romance plot in subtext and it’s honestly really funny
#I genuinely don’t care if people ship them but they were canonically just friends 😭#Anything else is just frankly heteronormative I’m sorry#You are the exact people who can’t let male and female characters just vibe#I mean just think about what Rowena was put through with GabrieI and Ketch. This is the calibre of m/f we’re dealing with lol#Think about all the random women Sam has kissed at the end of an episode#If they were meant to be canonically so in love with each other I can’t stress this enough.. they would have been#He was like her little protege and she was very fond of him and cared for him deeply but it’s so categorically not romantic to me#Every scene I see S*mwena shippers lose their minds about is just literally not evidence of anything more than friendship#Even the scene where Sam hallucinates her bleeding him to death which is supposed to be “sexual” apparently? Is just#I mean 1. that is not Rowena it’s a figment of Sam’s imagination and 2. said figment is literally killing him#Maybe people are just joking about that one though lmfao idk#Then again these are usually the same people who think Dean beating Cas within an inch of his life was “sexually charged” so 😐#Anyway I’m aware how shipping works and evidence of friendship is very much fuel for that which is why as I said it’s not the#fact that people ship them itself that bothers me. Just people who act like it’s canon and furthermore that it was “hetbaited”#Or intentionally relegated to subtext. Because that is just silly#And I can’t help but be annoyed that the notion that Rowena was in love with Sam is just so automatically accepted#Let her live. Let ME live#My posts#And that I’ll get anons being like “oh but wasn’t Rowena in love with Sam” like it’s canon#and not a matter of someone’s personal shipping preferences#Imagine if I went to random blogs and said “oh but wasn’t Cas in love with Crowley” like people would laugh so hard at that#Because he wasn’t! It’s not canon it’s a headcanon it’s a shipping thing#And I know that. I wish more people knew that
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