#she ASKED for the 6:00 am shift like?????
jelly-o630 · 2 months
Coming into work today and one of my coworkers caught me as I was heading in and was like ‘oh my god you’re late too, I came in an HOUR after my shift started 😁’
And I was standing there thinking, honey 5 minutes is NOT in the same order of magnitude as an hour
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camilaxmartin · 7 months
hello good!!Could you do something about Vanessa x reader.the reader where the reader is a security guard and has a relationship with vanessa.One day while walking home, a group of drunks harass the reader and Vanny's personality comes to light?
unwanted touch
hi dear, sorry for the wait!! i need to get back to my writing habits skshdk anyway, i love the idea of vanny coming to light when ‘we’ are in danger and doing stuff vanessa wouldn’t normally do but oh my- she wants to. also, the whole way of switching personalities was inspired by @foxcantswim fics about vanessa/vanny:)
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summary: (request)
warnings: old gross men, harassment, unwanted touch, a bit of gore, pet names (one use of ‘bunny’)
notes: i actually loved writing this one and i’m so happy with how it turned out:) let me know what you think!!
requests: open!!
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i looked at the cameras checking every room for the last time on this shift. everything was perfectly still, there wasn’t any mess anywhere, all the machines were turned off and the animatronics stood right where they needed to. perfect. i looked at the time showing 5:58 am and i comfortably sat in my chair turning off all the cameras and throwing my head slightly back letting out a deep sigh. night shifts were a pain in the ass but at least i could even in the slightest help vanessa with paying the rent. oh, and my parents finally stopped thinking of me as a failure, even though they haven’t really said it straight to my face. i took a deep breathe and blinked a few times trying my best to at least stay awake until i get home. i looked at the time again, seeing 6:00 am finally came along. i smiled to myself and got up from my seat, grabbing my bag and my phone. i closed the doors to ‘my’ office and waved to the animatronics while walking past them to the main entrance. i locked the door and tried opening it, to see if anyone will be able to break in. when the doors didn’t even move, i smiled to myself once more and began walking home, daydreaming of finally laying in my bed and going to sleep.
i walked the small sidewalk lighted up by high beams, even though it was already 6:00 am the sun was not yet awake so it was still pretty dark. i watched as the lights make circles on the ground and smiled at the sight just admiring the way it looked. i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket so i immediately took it out and checked the message i apparently got.
are you coming home already? or should i pick you up?
i smiled seeing the message and quickly sent a reply, that i’m already walking home. not waiting for another text from my girlfriend i slipped my phone into my pocket once again and continued on walking by the sidewalk hopping over the broken tiles, not even paying special attention on doing so. when i jumped over the last cracked one i realised that the lights end here and i have to walk through a total darkness for a while. i rolled my eyes not liking this idea in the slightest but not having any other option. i started walking the dark path trying not to think about all the horrible things that could happen and just simply focusing on my surroundings in case something actually happens. i slowly walked past an abandoned church and scrunched my nose at the sight of it. i turned my head around and noticed some other strangely looking building not being able to define what was it purpose before becoming abandoned. i shook my head slightly and looked down at the ground trying to just get over this dark path as quickly as i could. after many of my steps i’ve noticed a light in the distance and immediately smiled knowing i won’t be so scared in just a few more steps. focusing only on the light i haven’t noticed some people started to slowly walk behind me. i took a notice of their presence when they started talking to me.
“what a pretty lady like you does alone in the streets at night?” one of them asked, from his voice i could easily tell that he was drunk. i rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him, quickening my steps.
“there’s no need for rush” another man spoke up and i felt my heartbeat rising. maybe i should’ve asked vanesssa to pick me up.
“so? where are you going?” the first of them asked again. i tried to walk straight in my direction but knew they wouldn’t leave me alone if i just ignored them.
“i’m going back from work” i said not looking back at them but feeling their presence there still. and their smell.
“at this hour? it can be dangerous, let us help you out” the first one spoke up again, i could feel the smirk in his voice. i had to physically hold myself not to roll my eyes again. i tried ignoring them once more.
“yeah, we can definitely help you” the other one chuckled and i felt goosebumps cover my body in disgust.
“thank you a lot, but i can manage” i said and started walking even faster, feeling that they also picked up their pace. shit.
“oh, don’t be like that” the first one spoke up again. “we just want to help you, nothing more” he chuckled knowing exactly what he really meant by those words. i smiled sarcastically not even being sure if they can see my full face.
“thanks, again but i can take care of myself” i said seeing the light move closer and closer as i went into its direction. i felt my phone buzz again and i prayed it was another of vanessa’s messages. i moved my hand into my pocket trying to get it out but then they spoke up again.
“hey hey-“ one of them started and grabbed my hand that tried to take out my phone. i felt my heartbeat rise up again as i was completely terrified. “tell your boyfriend he can wait while we show you how real men act” he said and laughed the other ones along with him. there were at least four of them so it was obvious i didn’t stand a chance against them. i tried to wiggle my hand out but it did nothing as he hold me in place not even letting me walk.
“i don’t have a boyfriend” i said my brain going completely numb in that situation. the one holding my hand laughed again gripping my wrist a bit tighter, i groaned at the touch.
“then it’s even easier” he chuckled and tried to pull me closer to them but then i remembered one thing vanessa has taught me recently. i should always pull my hand in the direction of somebody’s thumb. i quickly looked at his hand around my wrist, the darkness not helping in the slightest and noticed that his thumb was pointing to the right. i immediately moved my arm right snatching out of his grab as my eyes widened not believing it actually worked. all of them looked at me in shock and my brain started to work again as i began running towards the light at the end of this dark alley.
i didn’t turn my head until i reached the light and noticed a lot of homes and buildings around me. i started to breathe deeply and finally turn around not noticing anyone behind me or even further in the dark. i shook my head at the whole situation and continued walking home, doing it quicker that usual. i took out my phone finally and looked at the notification, noticing it was actually a message from vanessa.
it’s taking you a while, are you okay? are you sure you don’t need me to pick you up?
i smiled at the message and sent her a quick one back saying that i’ll be home in less than five. i shoved my phone back into my pocket again, trying to focus on anything else rather than that situation.
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when i opened the doors to our shared apartment my eyes have met with the blonde’s ones and i immediately smiled at that. i closed the door and locked it behind me throwing the keys on the kitchen counter.
“finally you’re back” she said coming up to me and locking me into a hug. “i was starting to worry”
i chuckled and hugged her back, hugging her even tighter than usually. “nothing to worry about” i said and laughed a bit too fake for her not to notice.
vanessa leaned away and raised one of her eyebrows at me, looking adorably considering that she was still in her pyjama. “what’s with the fake laugh? did something happen to you?” she asked visibly concerned, worry spread out on her face.
“no no!” i said throwing my hands around “just a bunch of guys wanted to probably rape me, but nothing happened” i said visibly exaggerating the situation but vanessa didn’t laugh. oh boy.
“did they touch you?” she asked her voice stern. i swallowed the saliva i had in my mouth wondering how to get out of this conversation.
“nothing happened, i’m okay, that’s what matters” i said while shaking my head and walking away to put my bag on the ground.
vanessa walked behind me almost immediately and grabbed my chin with one of her hands making me look at her. “did. they. touch. you?” she asked putting a more annoyed tone on every of the words. i let out a deep sigh.
“yes.” i said and looked down at her lips not wanting to keep the eye-contact with her. “one of them grabbed my wrist but, thanks to your practice, i got away” i explained and looked up into her eyes again, seeing a somehow crazy look slowly entering them. oh no.
“where was it?” she asked her gaze still on my eyes. “tell me” she said trying to sound more softly but making it come out as even more annoyed.
“in the dark path i had to walk from my work.” i said not knowing how to fully explain it. “close to the abandoned church if you know what i’m talking about” i added and she simply nodded her head letting go of my face.
“from this day on i’ll always drive you off the work” she said and walked to the kitchen making herself a cup of coffee to start the day. i bit the inside of my cheek not knowing what to respond still not being sure if i’m talking to vanessa or maybe vanny just now.
“i’m going to sleep” i said and yawned. vanessa looked at me with a smile on her lips while sipping her coffee.
“sleep tight, i’ll be back before you go to work today” she said starting to get ready for her day shift. i just nodded my head with a smile.
i went to our bedroom, laying down on the bed not even caring about taking off my clothes. just as i was about to fall asleep i heard the doors creak and slowly opened one of my eyes. i saw vanessa quickly walking over to me and giving my forehead a kiss. i smiled sleepily and immediately fell asleep.
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i groaned looking at the time sitting in my chair. five minutes left till the end of my shift. i grabbed my phone looking for messages from vanessa to see if she was still coming to pick me up but nothing came. i burrowed my eyebrows not understanding why she hasn’t wrote anything yet. i rolled my eyes shoving the phone into my pocket and taking a last look at the cameras. everything was pretty still so i turned them off, gathering my things to finally leave this place. i threw the bag over my shoulder and took out headphones from it preparing myself for the walk home again. i checked the phone for the last time - nothing. i sighed and closed the door to my office, saying my goodbyes to the animatronics as i was leaving. i locked the mane entrance and began walking home still hoping somewhere deep, vanessa would come pick me up. i played one of my playlists trying to make this walk at least a bit more enjoyable.
i was walking the path with high beams and smiled again at the sight of circles appearing on the ground. as usual, i started jumping over the cracked tiles trying my best not to step over a broken one. after many steps i’ve noticed that the dark part of my walk was approaching and i immediately felt goosebumps covering my skin. i rolled my eyes forgetting about jumping over the tiles and tried my best not to freak out at the thought alone of meeting those guys from yesterday.
i passed the last light and my dark path started. i kept my eyes at the ground not even looking around at the church or that old building, concentrating only on the task of getting out of this dark alley. a slow song suddenly started playing in my headphones making me more aware of my surroundings than i wanted. great. i still tired to just focus on my steps not caring about anything else, but of course it couldn’t go that smoothly.
“long time no see huh?” a man said suddenly appearing behind my back. from his voice i concluded it was the same one from yesterday. i tried ignoring him at my best.
“you probably couldn’t wait to see us again right?” another one of them spoke up and my heartbeat rose up again. i glanced at them seeing there were five man behind me. i was horrified.
“let us show you how real men treat women” different one of them laughed and immediately grabbed my wrist, this time holding with both of his hand so i couldn’t shove out. i felt tears coming to my eyes.
“take off those headphones” one of them said and with my free hand i did as he told me not wanting to be in even more trouble than i already was. they pulled me with them to an even darker corner of the alley, probably behind that church. my brain went numb again i literally didn’t know what to do.
the one holding me shoved me into the wall still holding my wrist waiting for the others to start their actions. i closed my eyes not wanting to see anything and just hoping for the end to come.
one of them grabbed my neck and squeezed it so harshly i thought they wanted to just kill me at the spot. another one started to unbutton my pants and the tears from my eyes started to run down my cheeks. when he finally stopped unzipping my pants i heard a noise at the end of the alley from where they previously took me. i gently opened my eyes and saw a pair of red ones in the distance. oh god.
when that man wanted to pull my pants down another one of them started screaming in pain and my eyes immediately opened wide. i saw vanny’s costume slit his throat with one swift motion of her hand. i looked in disbelief at this situation thanking in my soul for her rescue.
vanny didn’t stop there, when the rest of them looked at her terrified i almost saw her smile widen even more but maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. she shoved the lifeless body of that man into the wall running up to the next one and pushing her knife into his stomach, the man yelled in pain and fear, while his shirt started to become red from his blood. vanny twisted her knife repeatedly in his body trying to make it as painful for him as it was humanly possible. when that man stopped yelling from all the tiredness she took her knife out and shoved him into the ground with one kick, letting him bleed out. she looked back at the three that were still left. one of them started screaming and running away vanny only following him with her glowing eyes, definitely letting him get away… at least for now. she then moved her red glowing eyes to the two standing the closest to me. if that was what she did for the ones who didn’t even touch me, i definitely wouldn’t want to be in the skin of those two.
she tilted her head while looking at them and waved her knife from side to side, obviously debating on what to do about them. i felt that one of them took their hands off of my wrist while the other let go of my neck. i smiled to her not being sure if she saw my face. one of the men suddenly started to run towards her which was the stupidest decision he has ever made in his life. vanny swiftly grabbed his neck, just like he did to me a moment ago, and shoved him into the wall keeping him there and looking straight into his eyes. then, she moved her knife to his face and harshly pushed it into one of his eyes. he started to scream but then she pushed the knife even deeper not liking that he was making a noise, or wanting him to make even more of them. she hardly pulled the knife out along with his eye and dropped the knife to the ground. with her free hand, she pushed two fingers inside the hole in his head and tried to crush his bones. he screamed unbelievably louder and she definitely had enough of it cause then she pulled her fingers out and shoved her whole hand so deep into his throat i didn’t even know it was possible. she somehow managed to grab his vocal cords and rip them out making him bleed also from his mouth. she let go of him and let him slide down the wall not even being able to scream anymore.
the next thing she did was quickly run up to the man who was previously holding my wrist and just shove him to the ground sitting down on his hips keeping him there. he started screaming so she slapped him on the face with her fluffy paw. she then looked back to where her knife was laying and quickly turned around to him. knowing she wanted to use her knife again i walked over to it and picked it up moving to give it to her. but when i came over, she was already playing with not one, but both of his eyeballs using them like rubber balls. i looked at that situation a bit horrified by it all but also feeling a strange satisfaction that they got what they deserved. she then turned her head around and noticed me holding her knife. she shoved it out of my hand and started slowly cutting his face. the knife went in like into a cake and again i swore her smile widened. when his whole face was cut up and i was pretty sure he already passed away she stood up and shoved her knife right into his manhood. the man screamed for the last time and then life left his body for good. vanny dropped the knife and laughed out loud, looking around and seeing everything she did.
i looked at her still a bit terrified by all of this but a small smile creeped up to my face at the thought that she did all this for me. she finally moved her head to look at me and walked over to me staring my face down with titled head. then she moved closer and connected my nose with her fluffy big one. i chuckled slightly as my hands gently stroked her mask. vanny then moved her hands and took of the mask showing me her beautiful face, with messed up hair and a maniac look in her eyes. i tried to keep my calm but my pulse sped up uncontrollably. she laughed still looking at my face and threw her mask on the ground grabbing my waist with her one blooded paw while the other she put on my cheek gently stroking it.
“you’re mine” she said, her voice sounding maniacally, i still wonder how she manages do to that.
“only yours” i whispered and smiled to her trying my best not to be scared. she laughed feeling my heartbeat rise and rolled her eyes.
she moved her head closer to me and connected our lips in a passionate kiss, showing me how deeply she cares and that she would literally do anything to keep me safe. i smiled into the kiss and wrapped my hands around her hair, keeping her in place for as long as she lets me. vanny sighed into the kiss and slowly leaned away still gripping my waist. she opened her eyes and the maniac look was still present. i smiled to her taking my hands out of her hair.
“i would do anything for you. we would” she said and laughed again this time it sounded more like a chuckle.
“i know” i said and smiled to her. “and i really appreciate it” i added and gave her lips a quick peck.
vanny smiled at me and let go of my waist as well as my cheek to grab my hand while her other one picked up her mask. she led me out of that dark corner as i looked back at all the bodies and then turned to her not knowing if it’s safe to just leave them like that. she laughed seeing my sight and gently shook her head putting the mask back on.
“don’t worry about it, bunny” she said and pulled me closer to her once again now standing almost in the light of the street lights. “vanessa will take care of it, i discussed it with her earlier” she said and my eyes went wild at the mention of vanessa realising she knew exactly what vanny did. i smiled to her and uncontrollably giggled at everything that happened. vanny laughed with me as well and pulled me in for the tightest hug i’ve ever received from her.
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somehow-a-human · 3 months
The Ineffable Timeline of Season 2
Friday on Whickber street & The Final Fifteen.
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
We've done it besties! We've reached the day of reckoning! Sadly! Okay, We only see a small piece of Friday, but let's still take a look at the timeline that we're shown.
Crowley's sideburns are long for the entirety of Friday so we won't be denoting them in the individual scenes. The illustrated bible is also closed for the entirety of Friday/Episode 6.
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Friday aka Episode 6 aka Everyday
8:00 (Estimated time) - Crowley Muriel and the Archangels arrive back to the bookshop from Heaven. It is the next morning on Whickber Street.
Heaven and Hell Confront the duo in the bookshop and Gabriels memories are returned. When they realize Maggie and Nina are present, Crowley takes them out of the bookshop. This is the first time we get a good sense of what time it might be.
8: 30 (Estimated time) - Nina says "I was supposed to be open half an hour ago." We've previously seen her arrive at 6:47 to prepare open the coffee shop. Let's guess maybe she opens at 7-8 ish am. So maybe it's, what, 8:30?
9:00 (Estimated time) - The Ineffable Bureaucracy is revealed, Michael makes their threats against Aziraphale, and meanwhile The Metatron orders a coffee from Nina. It's now maybe 9am. The metatron reveals himself and sends away the Archangels, then invites Aziraphale for a chinwag to discuss returning to Heaven.
9:15 (Estimated time) - Nina and Maggie emotionally compromise disaster puppy Anthony J Crowley by convincing him he should confess his feelings to Aziraphale.
9:25 (Bookshop clock) - We FINALLY get a clear time shot of the clock! Aziraphale relays The Metatrons offer (veiled threat), Crowley's confession, no nightingales, and yes the kiss.
Crowley leaves the bookshop.
Small time jump here. Did time jump or did the final 15 start at 9:25 and end at 9:40 and the bookshop clock is not a functional clock so the hands didn't move throughout the scene, and were just positioned to reflect the time passed after the scene was through? Because I think the second thing may be something people don't consider enough.
9:40 (Bookshop clock) - The Metatron comes back, and Aziraphale follows him to the elevator. Crowley is waiting at the Bentley, and watches as Aziraphale leaves. Then Crowley drives off. Gonna-fuck-shit-up smile Aziraphale, resolute Crowley.
-end episode, and season 2-
well. well. well.
Shall we talk conclusions?
I think in summation, I pretty much disagree with the idea that what is shown is "out of order" or not continuous. Look maybe I'm just so wrong but everything seems to me to follow a very clear path and story line. Are there some weird bits where the very prominently featured clock shifts hours at a time? yes. Do Crowley's sideburns inexplicably change length between scenes, when they were perfectly capable of being kept to a consistent length during season 1? yes. Are there large gaps of time where a lot could be happening that we simply are not shown? yep.
I think if I've read any theories I liked, the time-loop ones are most interesting to me. I think there is definitely an angle to consider given we know Crowley has the power to manipulate time and we see him use it this season on Mr. Dalrymple. We can then assume some other powerful angels/demons must have a similar ability? Coupled with the fact that season 2 insanely closely mirrors The Tales of Hoffmann, and I highly encourage you read this post by @noneorother to see all of their magnificent details. But to VERY briefly summarize, the big baddie Lindorf, who mirrors The Metatron, traps Stella, the character who mirrors our sweet Aziraphale, in a time-loop in one of the minisodes to separate her from Hoffmann, who mirrors Crowley, and eventually gets her to return to Heaven. I mean...
Do I have to even say it?
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s0lam33y · 6 months
Chapter 4: Worth it
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Summary: You and Shuri finally begin to intensify your situationship. But all good things must come to an end. A pause? You still can’t figure out which one.
@xchoxix @6-noir @goldqueen12 @likemick @pocketsizedpanther @h34rtsformilli @jordisblogg @imnotb @desswright29 @thtgirlllmona @euph0ricx0
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6:00 AM
You’ve never been a texter. Never been a fan and to this day you wouldn’t consider yourself one but you’ve made an exception. You’ve been trying to convince yourself that Shuri has been trying to be friendly. But after having Riri evaluate your texts, She told you she would never text a friend the way Shuri texts you. It’s filled with gentle reminders of things she’s lectured about, and tips about how to become a better surgeon but your favorite texts are the ones where she’s asking you questions about yourself. She somehow eases it into conversation and for once you can teach her something.
“Get any closer you gon’ crack the phone screen.” Riri kids as she slides a bowl of soup your way. You look up from my series of texts with Shuri and find Riri ladling some soup into her bowl.
“She really got you bad, huh?” Riri chuckles. She’s not wrong, the mere sound of Shuri’s name makes you smile and you don’t even try to stop it. You take a sip of the hot soup and the vibrating of Riri’s phone has you looking at the counter. She swipes it quickly before you can see the caller and presses it to her ear.
“Hello.” She says, her voice quieter than usual. She eventually walks out the door. She’s never done that before, walking out when she’s on the phone. Granted, she’s quiet but she’s never that private. You don’t question it though, not once your phone buzzes with a text.
‘Call me later.’
- Shuri
You’ve been receiving texts for weeks. Five to be exact. She’s doing much more than texting. She calls you into her office to go over cases instead of doing so in a conference room. She stands behind you, so close you can smell the body wash she's worn that morning. Or she brushes a hand up your thigh while you speak, forcing your sentences to come out fragmented.
You’ve been on an all-time high, to say the least.
11: 25 AM
“I love my job.” You grin from ear to ear. You’ve seen Shuri maybe once today and she was speaking to a patient with her lab coat rolled up to reveal her tatted forearms. She wasn’t smiling at first but she looked up to see your face and smirked before putting her eyes back on her patient.
“I fuckin’ bet.” Riri murmurs. She’s in a good mood as she settles next to you. She’s normally over work by the fifth hour of your shift but it seems that today is different.
“How’s the trauma department?” You question. She’s already one bite into her sandwich and you wait for her to chew before she answers.
“Fine. Why?” She asks, swallowing louder than necessary.
“Just askin’.” You shrug and for someone who’s usually so calm and collected, she seems like she’s almost hiding something from you. Maybe it’s something going on with her mom or sister.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” You ask, watching her lean back in her seat.
“Nah, I’m cool.” She shrugs, looking down to avoid looking at you. You scan the room and figure that her pager will go off any second now. There’s no resting in the trauma center and everyone in the hospital knows it. Before her pager can beep for a second time she’s already up and gone.
You quietly scroll through your phone, anticipating some sort of text from Shuri. You smell vanilla and sandalwood before a hand softly presses against your free one on the table.
“You’re distracted.” Shuri’s accented voice speaks from behind you. You look up to find her gazing lowly at you. She’s dressed in her navy scrubs and this time with her lab coat that you always see her in.
“I have a good reason to be.” You reply, trying to stop yourself from smiling. Your faces are so close and it’s just like that elevator. Her eyes scan the people around you so you don’t have to. She inches closer, too close for a colleague. You nearly let out a sound when you feel her hand on your knee.
“There’s no one in this cafeteria but people outside of our departments and I guarantee you that no one is looking underneath this table.” She says, chuckling a little once the tips of her fingers graze your thigh. She squeezes firmly and you feel warmth where her fingers have yet to reach.
Before she can squeeze the rest of you, her pager goes off suddenly and the smirk wipes off her face. She returns to her Doctor-self and rushes away like she was never touching you in the first place.
You have no idea what to do with yourself.
6:39 PM
You wait outside for Riri, stuffing your hands in the pocket of your skinny jeans. You’ve been waiting for nearly twenty minutes now and you watch her finally step out of the hospital but she’s not in her streetwear. She’s still in her scrubs, her edges sweated out, and out of breath.
“Y/N, I can’t go for another hour, I’ll explain later but listen the trauma department is backed up. I can give you my keys, you can drive home-“ She begins to explain, the words coming out so fast you can barely process them. But you can’t be angry. This is what she wanted, she’s worked towards being a surgeon just like everyone, and in the future, she’ll have more moments like these.
So all you do is smile at her.
“It’s cool, Ri, text me when you're done, and I’ll call an Uber.” You assure her. She says nothing but you know she appreciates it. You get it. While scrolling through your phone and swiping past your messages to get to the Uber app, you receive a text.
‘I leave in five. Meet me outside.’
- Shuri
So you wait. And she’s punctual, walking out exactly five minutes after that text. She dresses comfortably which you don’t expect after seeing her sport silk tops and dress pants all day. She’s wearing a thick wool sweater and sweats. Small eye bags drag her eyes and she smiles once she sees you.
“Where’s Williams?” She questions as she adjusts her leather messenger bag. The veins along her hand flex as she squeezes the strap.
“Working overtime in the Pit.” You reply, holding your hand out for her to grab. She interlocks your fingers and lets you pull her forward so she can lead you to her car.
7: 26 PM
Just like you’ve never been a texter, you’ve also never been one for one-night stands. Not since college at least. But tonight you desperately hope that one happens especially with Shuri.
She sits next to you on the couch where Riri usually sits. She was pleasantly surprised by the Dog upon her arrival. She seemed almost kid-like which was heart-warming to watch.
“Beer?” She offers after having been through your fridge. You politely grab the one in her hand, feeling your heart race once your fingers accidentally touch. She takes a sip out of her bottle and leans back with her eyes trained on the TV.
You don’t even know what’s playing right now but you do notice the single drop of beer that gracefully spills from the corner of her mouth. It trails down her jaw and her hand comes to obscure the view as she wipes it from her skin.
Her eyes trail to you. You don’t know if it’s because of the moonlight shining on her face or if it’s the warmth of the lights but her gaze is low. And darker than it’s ever been.
“You still have a staring issue.” She grins, as she leans forward to set her bottle down. She still feels your stare on her so she decides to turn her face to the side, staring right back at you.
“What’s your issue, Y/N?” She wonders. She’s not being genuine and you feel heat radiating off of your skin. You feel her hand on your thigh and you have no idea how long it’s been there but she finally moves it where she wants which happens to be your ass.
She gives it a good squeeze before leaning in and pressing a soaring kiss to your lips. It shocks you, it feels better than being in that O.R. room and it feels so much better than that fucking dream. Her hands are everywhere, fumbling with your blouse and popping the buttons off. You didn’t realize your own hands were doing the same, feeling soft skin and hard muscle beneath her sweater. Her skin is hot to the touch, just like her mouth is.
She pulls away suddenly, forcing you to feel the absence of her lips.
“Are you sure-“
You kiss her again as reassurance and let her hands roam anywhere on your body. She reaches behind your back with a single hand, eager to see your entire body but her phone buzzes.
“You.” “Should.” “Pick.” “Up.” You smile in between her eager kisses. She’s straddling you by now, her hair is a mess from your constant gripping of it and her sweater is stretched every which way.
She grips her phone from the back pocket of her sweatpants with a clench to her jaw.
“What!” She groans. You hear a feminine voice on the line along with laughter but for the first time since you’ve laid your eyes on her, Shuri looks absolutely petrified.
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A/N: i know I’ve been gone for a minute but I have my reasons. I’m not a fan of this chapter however I don’t have it in me to rewrite it.
I toldddd YALLL shuri was gon play in Y/N’s face. Just wait for that fifth chapter. 😋
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caffeinemachine · 11 months
The Girl Next Door - Part 1
A/N: Part 1! This part is really just to give you a clue into their relationship right now, as the following parts will be about the shifting in their dynamic! Hehe, I'm so excited for this series! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Series Chapter:
Prologue | Part 1
Jeremiah Fisher x OC! Isabella Sullivan
Ella Sully <3
8:03 AM
J: You guys on your way?
E: 👍
just left Cambridge and stopped for coffee quick
J: 😊 See you soon then Sully
E: see you soon Fisher
I was sat on their front porch by 9:30. Realistically they shouldn’t be getting here until 9:45-10:00 but with the way the Sullivans drive, I knew they could be arriving any minute. At 9:38 I watched as the Range Rover pulled into their rocky driveway. My face instantly lit up. The car was barely in park when she opened the door and ran to me. Her arms flew around my neck as I grabbed her in my arms and spun her around. 
We held onto each other tightly before I put her down, truly staring into her eyes for the first time this season. She looked a little different than when I last saw her, although that was just around winter break. In the past 6 months, she had lost a little baby fat from her cheeks, gained some new freckles, had grown her hair out and got it freshly highlighted, and her hazel eyes looked extra green today. 
“Well hello, Isabella.” I grinned down at her, arms still looped around her.
Her eyes glistened, “Well hello, Jeremiah.” If possible my smile grew, as I picked her back up into the air making her squeal. 
“I'm so happy you're here, I can’t wait for this summer!” I placed her feet back on the ground, and this time when I looked at her something shifted, our stare intense, the air between us thick. Suddenly I became aware of just how close I was holding her. I scanned her face, unable to help myself when my eyes lingered on her lips a beat extra. I could always read my Ella, but the look on her face right now was new, and it stumped me. 
“Jeremiah!” Spell broken. Begrudgingly I let Ella go to hug her mother. The older woman squeezed me tightly. My arms dropped as she moved back from me, her hand going to cup my cheeks.
“Wow, I think you’ve actually gotten taller since I last saw you! My my what a handsome young man you’ve turned into, don’t you agree Ella?” I smirked as Ella blushed from her mom's comment.
 Her eyes went wide as she laughed, “Mom!”
I gave my best puppy dog's eyes, teasing her,” What you don't agree I’m handsome Ella?” She just scoffed as she grinned back at me playfully. 
“That’s not important, but I know you well enough to know it's important I don't add any more fuel to your ego.” We all chuckled, and I saw her mom giving us a loving look out of the corner of my eye. 
“Let me help you guys carry in your bags!”
After bringing all their bags inside, Ella and I went to her room. I plopped on her bed while she put her things away. 
“So where's your dad?” I asked curiously. 
She glanced over her shoulder at me before continuing to put her clothes in her drawers, “He’s driving out next weekend, he has a conference in Boston this week.”
“Cool,” A comfortable silence stretched between us, “So, surfing?” She paused what she was doing, turning around to me as she leaned against her dresser. A smile graced her beautiful features, what a sight to see. I wondered if she smiled like this for other people or maybe just maybe her smile was something I got just for myself. Maybe I was the only one with the privilege of sharing a moment of such pure happiness with her. I could only wish. 
“Oh yeah.” 
Post-ocean was my favorite time to see her. Her hair was gorgeously curly from the salt water, her cheeks tinged pink from the sun, and her freckles glowed across her face. We laid down on a towel, catching our breath from surfing before we trekked back up to the house. I turned to my side to face her, prompting her to do the same. I pushed the hair that fell while she did so behind her ear. 
“I'm so happy it's summertime, I missed you, Elle.” Her expression stayed at a relaxed state but the corners of her eyes creased a little extra.
“I missed you too J.” I smiled. Only she ever called me that, and even she did it only once and a while. 
I lay back flat and she scurried over to put her head on my chest. I could stay here forever- “Should we head back to your house, I still need to say hello to everyone.” It seemed she didn't have the same idea though. 
If I’m being honest, I'm growing tired of having to hide my love for her, tired of not being able to pull her that couple inches closer to me, tired of her not being mine.
After a hello filled with a lot of hugs, Ella went home to shower before her mom and her came over for dinner like always. We all sat around the table, catching up on the past few months as we ate my moms cooking. After dinner Ella came upstairs to my room while I got ready for the bonfire. She came over ready, and was now just waiting for me, Steven and Conrad. She scrolled on her phone before flicking her eyes up to me. I held two shirts up to her, “Blue or Gray?”
She took a moment to truly consider it, her expression serious. “Blue, makes your eyes sparkle, it’ll boost you up with the ladies.” She gave me animated wink, giggling a bit.
I scoffed lightly trying my best to fake a smile, but nodded curtly following her word without question, blue shirt it was. Then I put my hands on the edge of the bed beside each of her legs, leaning in grinning, “You like my eyes?”
She fueled the fire, grabbing the sides of my face and staring straight at me with a smile, “Yes you were blessed with gorgeous baby blues Jere.” I laughed and backed away to strip off my current shirt to slip on the one she chose. I smiled to myself when I caught her lingering on my abs for a moment. Heat blossomed in my chest. I can’t blame her, I looked different than last summer but based on the sight of her in her bikini earlier, so did she. 
Just then Steven came running through my doorway, “You guys ready?” Ella perked up jumping off my bed and out the door. I huffed, should be a fun night.
Who the hell was that?
I stood with some guys I've known from over the years, a can of soda in hand, DD for the night. But while I stood there, Ella sat on a towel in the sand near the fire with some guy. Some guy. Not me. 
“-Jeremiah? Ello, earth to Jeremiah?” I regained focus looking at my buddies who laughed at my distracted state. 
I glanced back at Ella, my Ella, I couldn't take it anymore, "I’ll be back.” I walked straight to her, paying no mind to the annoyed grunts and protests coming from behind me. The guy she was sitting with spotted me coming toward them first. I took Ella by surprise when I plopped down next to her in the sand, my arm immediately going around her shoulders.
“Wha- Oh hey J!” She melted into my side once she realized it was me. My eyes looked at her briefly, flashing a smile, before my face went straight and I stared down this random ass boy. 
“Hello Sunshine, and who are you?”
The guy seemed displeased by the situation unfolding in front of him, “I’m Finn, if you don't mind Ella and I were-”
I stopped him before he could even start, because I frankly didn’t give a fuck what he was going to say, “Alright Finn, thanks for keeping my girl company for me, see you around, maybe, probably not.”  He looked at Ella for a moment but when she made no objection he got up and walked away huffing as he went. 
I stayed silent, the reality that Ella might be super pissed for the stunt I just pulled dawning on me. Then she grabbed my face repositioning our spots on the towel so that we were face to face instead of side to side. Our eyes connected, and she pulled me towards her quickly, eyes sparkling in the moonlight. I had no time to process..is Ella about to kiss me? What should I do- well kiss her back obviously- but wait where is this coming from-
My cheek. Oh. She kissed my cheek.
“Thank you! Oh my gosh, he was such a douche! You know when we were little I hated how easily you could read me, but now it's like my own secret weapon to save me from situations I don’t wanna be in. Oh, and faking the ‘my girl’ card? Genius! Nothing seems to shut a guy up quicker than finding out she has a boyfriend. You put on a good act. Where were you even that you saw me? I couldn't see you?”
Her arms had dropped to rest on my shoulders. I didn’t know what to say. I should just tell her the real reason I came over.
“Elle I-”
Blue and red lights flashed in my vision.
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slippinmickeys · 1 month
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite writers!! I hope it was a good one. If you’re still doing drabbles my one word prompt to you is “funfetti” because that is synonymous with birthday imo 🥳
Thank you so much!
Between them, William sleeps fitfully, his scrawny colt-like leg poking out of the covers and twitching into Scully’s ankle. He is almost as tall as she is. Mulder had moved a nightlight into the bedroom when the boy had come in at 2 am, complaining of a sore throat. In the weak light, Scully can see a sheen of fever-sweat over his brow. It’s almost time for Ibuprofen.
He’d shown no tell-tale signs of impending illness earlier in the day, was full of the boundless energy of 9, and had spent the morning holed up with Mulder in the garage tinkering with the old lawnmower. He’d asked for a triple-decker PB&J for lunch and then begged Scully to help him make funfetti cupcakes even though he still had grease under his fingernails. He’d somehow convinced Mulder to let him eat four. If anything she’d have guessed an upset stomach, but here they are with what is likely strep.
From William’s other side Mulder sighs in his sleep, shifting on the narrow bit of mattress not taken over by his son. A moment later, Scully hears the same gentle sigh from William. Then it’s a sniff, then a cough, and then a feeble “Mom?”
“Shh, it’s okay.” She reaches out to feel his forehead, then the soft, taut skin of his back. The fever is still there, but low grade. “It’s time for Ibuprofen,” she says softly, unable to keep herself from sliding her hand up his back to finger the ducktail of hair at the base of his skull.
“Okay,” the boy says. He’s old enough to take pills but still prefers the cherry stuff.
“I’ll get it,” Mulder rumbles, and slides out of bed, coming back a minute later holding the little cup. He clicks on his bedside light then throws a tee shirt over the top of it when Will squints uncomfortably at the brightness.
In the hazy, muted light, the boy sits up and throws back the medicine.
“I have Little League tomorrow.”
Scully glances at the clock. 5:45. He has Little League today.
“I’ll call your coach,” she says, already cataloging the other things she needs to do: schedule an appointment with the pediatrician, call the school, see if Barr can take her 9:00 am autopsy.
“But we’re playing the Blue Jays,” the boy whines. “They need my bat.” His last word is cut off by a short burst of coughing.
“It’s still spring ball, bud,” Mulder says gently. “You guys aren’t going to miss the playoffs if you miss one game.”
“They'll lose without me,” he says sullenly.
The boy is probably right, but arguing the statistical probability of a win or loss of the Farr’s Corner U-10 Tigers without William Mulder’s bat is not something she’s willing to get into before 6:00 am.
“You need to try to get some more sleep,” she says.
The boy settles back into the pillows unhappily.
Mulder turns off the light and pulls on the tee shirt that was covering it and Scully thinks about the bulb-warmed fabric sliding over his skin.
He comes around to her side of the bed and squeezes her elbow with a smile and then shuffles down the dusty hallway toward the kitchen.
Beside her, William turns over and sighs into her arm, his body going gradually limp with sleep. The clock beside her flicks another minute higher, then another.
She smells the warm tang of coffee and the boy beside her shifts and the sky turns the barest pink and the Earth spins, spins, spins.
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sisterspooky1013 · 7 months
Gaslight, Chapter 13/48
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
He knocks again, then stands back to wait. What the hell are they doing in there? he wonders, shifting the six pack of beer he brought to the other arm. Poker night is every Thursday—it’s not like they aren’t expecting him. 
The night is cool and crisp, the clear indigo sky speckled with pinpricks of starlight. Trillions of miles traveled across the universe over thousands of years, just to be overpowered by skyscrapers and streetlights and the haze of the industrial revolution. He tips his face up and locates the Big Dipper, the North Star, Cassiopeia. It makes him at once feel insignificant—a speck on a rock in a pile in a quarry—and extraordinary. How many events throughout the history of time had to happen in precisely the way they did in order to bring him to this moment? It feels like destiny, which is both a comfort and a burden. 
Finally, the door pops open and he’s greeted by a tall blond man with thick glasses. 
“The party has arrived!” the man says jovially, standing aside to allow him entry. “Jeff’s here!” he hollers, and voices of the other two call out greetings from a nearby room. 
“I’ve been standing out there for ten minutes,” Jeff chides gently. “I thought you’d kicked me out of the coven.”
They enter a small dining room with a circular table surrounded by four chairs, two of them occupied.
“We were out back smoking a cigar,” the blond man explains as he takes his seat. “Cuban, the real deal.”
“And you didn’t wait for me?” Jeff asks, exaggerating his level of offense as he sits in the remaining chair. 
“Come on, man, we know Diana would have your balls if she smelled cigar smoke on you,” one of the other men says. He’s older than the other two, with wiry salt and pepper hair. 
“You’re not wrong,” Jeff agrees, cracking open a bottle of beer. “Let’s get this show on the road; who’s dealing?”
The third man, mahogany-skinned and handsome, shuffles the cards artfully, making a show of bridges and cascades as he smirks to himself. 
“Mike thinks he’s hot shit with his little card tricks,” the blond man says bitingly. “Just deal the things already, Mike. Jeff has a curfew.”
“Fuck off, Simon,” Mike shoots back. “I’m perfecting my craft.”
“Women are attracted to money, not junior high magic tricks,” Simon says, nudging the third man with his elbow. 
“I like magic tricks,” the third man comments self-consciously, and the other three laugh. 
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” Mike says, shaking his head. “You always gotta be the weird one, don’t you, Frank?”
“Yeah, well, you won’t be laughing when I clean house,” Frank grumbles, and Mike finally deals out the deck. 
Frank does, in fact, clean house. They don’t play with real money, just chips, but that doesn’t hamper each man’s desire to win, nor his disappointment when Frank scoops up the lion’s share of the pile and begins stacking them enthusiastically. 
Simon checks his watch, then sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “I gotta head out in a half hour or so,” he says. “Marcy didn’t want me to stay too late.”
“Well, I guess Jeff isn’t the only one with a curfew,” Mike teases, and Simon shakes his head with a smile. 
“It’s not that, it’s just hard for her to get up with the baby at night right now, so I’ve been taking all that on.”
“Is she okay?” Jeff asks, his mind immediately going to the kinds of things that can cost you a sister. 
“Yeah, she’s fine, just tired. She’s, uh—she’s pregnant again, actually,” Simon offers, and all the eyebrows at the table shoot up to their hairlines. 
“No shit,” Frank says carefully. “Is that good news or bad news?”
“Surprising news,” Simon says. “But ultimately good. We didn’t really plan to have two this close together, but I guess fate had other ideas.”
“Congratulations,” Jeff offers, extending his hand. “That’s great.”
“Can’t say I miss those days,” Frank remarks, still stacking his chips. “Up at 3:00 am trying to get a baby back to sleep when you have to be up for work at 6:00? No thank you. I’m glad mine are all grown.”
“Thanks, Frank, that’s really kind of you to say,” Simon says, rolling his eyes. 
“I always miss my kids when they’re at Jenny’s,” Mike says sadly. “Being a dad is the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“Hey now, I love my kids,” Frank defends. “I’m just saying, waking up in the middle of the night fucking sucks.”
Jeff watches the exchange, unable to take part. He can relate to overbearing spouses and the perils of the working world, but he has nothing to offer on the subject of fatherhood. 
“I actually need to head out too,” he says as he stands and retrieves what remains of his beer. “Wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to happen to my balls.”
“Send our best to the warden,” Frank quips, earning him a warning look. 
He leaves them, a peel of laughter fading as he pulls the door closed behind himself and makes his way to his car. 
It does bother him a little, the way they talk about Diana. At the same time, what they say about her isn’t untrue. She is a little bit controlling, but not without due cause. He’s made mistakes in the past, ones he can never fully set right, and ones that justify Diana’s desire to know where he is and with whom. He promised her that he would do whatever it takes to make it up to her, and that has included checking in regularly and being home by midnight. Of course, his friends don’t know that, because he’s never told them. He’s too ashamed. So he accepts their cheap shots at his wife, and then drives home to her so he can prove again and again that she is the only one he wants to come home to. 
He slinks into the house quietly, shushing Frenchie’s barks as he enters through the laundry room. He walks towards the back of the house to let her outside, and is startled by Diana’s voice as he passes through the kitchen. 
“You’re late.”
He jumps a little, bringing his hand to his chest as he pulls the sliding glass door open and Frenchie slips out. 
“Jesus, you scared me,” he admits, though that was fairly obvious by his reaction. 
Diana is perched at the kitchen island wearing a silk nightgown, a glass of water on the counter before her. He looks at the time on the microwave display and then back to her pinched expression. 
“By four minutes, Diana,” he defends, indignant. 
She pulls in a deep breath, straightening her posture. 
“Where were you?” she asks. 
“At Frank’s, for poker night. Same as every Thursday. There was an accident on the turnpike,” he tells her, and his gut twists at the disbelieving look on her face. He steps closer, laying his hand over the top of hers on the countertop. “Diana—”
She pulls her hand out from under his and stands, walking to the sliding glass door to let Frenchie back in. 
“I believe you, Jeff. But call next time, okay?” she says tersely, and he nods. 
He lies awake in bed, and by Diana’s breathing, he can tell she is awake too. He feels guilty, but also angry that he feels guilty when he didn’t do anything wrong. He knows that he deserves this, knows he’s lying in a bed of his own making, but he still hates knowing that it will never go away. Six years later and she’s still watching him like a hawk. He thought it would get better over time, but it hasn’t. 
And then there’s Simon and his new baby. He was surprised by the pang of jealousy that lit up in his chest upon hearing the news, a sensation he’s never experienced before. He’s always considered he and Diana to be childfree by choice, but looking back, he doesn’t really recall weighing in on that decision. Diana never wanted to be a mother, and he wanted to be with Diana, and so it was simply part of the deal. Now, at nearly 39 years old, he suddenly wonders if being a father would suit him.
“Did you always know that you didn’t want children?” he asks out loud, and Diana’s breathing pauses briefly. 
“Where did that come from?” she questions.
“Marcy is pregnant again, and I was just thinking—”
A blustering sigh. 
“Jeff, are we really going to do this right now?” she asks, annoyed. 
“Do what?” he counters, equally irritated by her dismissiveness. 
Diana rolls to her side to face him, propping her head up on a fist. 
“Can you really see yourself giving up poker night, and sleeping in, and playing basketball on the weekend?” she asks, her tone shifting to something lighter. 
“I mean…I don’t think I’d have to give up all those things. Not forever, anyway,” he says. 
“Imagine walking into the office to find your rare book collection in tatters on the floor, covered in drool,” she teases, and he smiles. 
“That would be less than ideal,” he agrees. 
“Imagine having to stay quiet when we make love,” she continues, sliding her hand across his belly. 
“I’m not even sure that’s possible,” he says, now grinning. 
She hitches her leg up over his hip, straddling him, then peels the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, revealing her breasts. 
“These are, and always will be, exclusively for you,” she says in a syrupy voice, then leans forward and brushes her lips over his. “Help me fall asleep, Jeff,” she whispers. 
Her nightgown finds its way to the floor, as do his boxers. She sits astride him, grinding with her eyes locked on his. She’s possessive, maybe a little desperate, though he’s not sure why. 
“That’s it,” she encourages him, her hands planted on his chest. Her eyes slide closed, her mouth falling open. “Yes, Fox,” she murmurs. 
When she collapses against his chest he rubs wide circles over her back, and his mind instantly returns to its wandering state. 
“What did you say about a fox?” he asks, and she stiffens. 
“What?” she asks breathlessly, her face tucked against his neck. 
“You said something about a fox, during—”
“I’m relatively certain I said ‘fuck.’ Sorry to offend your delicate senses,” she says somewhat defensively, rolling off of him. 
He turns toward her, laying a reassuring hand on her bare hip. 
“I’m not offended, Diana, I was just wondering—”
“Goodnight, Jeff. I have work in the morning, I need to get to sleep, if you don’t mind,” she says in a clipped tone. 
“Okay,” he acquiesces. “Goodnight.”
He waits for her to turn her face towards his so he can kiss her goodnight, but she keeps her back to him. He presses his lips to the curve of her shoulder, lingering there as a confusing mix of emotions swirl around in his chest. 
The life he has. The life he sometimes thinks he might want. The discrepancy between the two. He wonders why now, all of a sudden, he’s peeking over the fence at possibly greener grasses. Why the life he’s been content with for years suddenly doesn’t feel like enough. 
The rush of the waves fills his ears, calming him. A gull calls out, its shriek carried away on the wind as his toes sink into the sun-warm sand. He spies a child further down the shore, a boy with dirty blond hair building something with a shovel and a bucket. There is a feeling of recognition, a sense of knowing, though he cannot recall the child’s name, nor their relationship to one another. 
A strong wave pushes up beyond the waterline, sweeping across the child’s half-finished project and washing it into an indecipherable mound. The child’s shoulders slump, defeated, so he approaches and calls out to him.
“Oh, hey, buddy. That’s okay, you can build it again.”
He kneels down beside the boy and touches the child’s cheek, brushing an errant grain of sand from his downy skin. There’s something in the child’s eyes, something familiar that makes him feel a swell of affection and protectiveness. 
“Just start again,” he tells the child, reassuringly. 
He jolts awake, his heart racing. Frenchie stands from her bed on the floor, alerted by his sudden movement, and watches him for an indication of what’s next. 
“It’s okay, Frenchie,” he murmurs, rubbing his hands over his face. 
The night is still in full swing, only inky darkness peeking in around the blinds. He looks over at Diana’s sleeping form, her back still turned to him and her breathing even. It feels like only minutes have passed since he fell asleep. 
Wired from adrenaline, he stares at the ceiling and waits for the potential of sleep to return to him. His dream has mostly faded, and he grasps at snippets. The beach, he remembers the beach. 
Just start again.
Tagging @today-in-fic
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“Hard Boot” - Dean x Reader
Part of the “Control Panel” Series
Rating Mature
Dean x Reader (Newly Established Intimate Relationship)
Tags: Dean Angst and Self-Loathing, Inability to Word, Adult Language, Dean POV
Word Count: 2500
After one night of sexual exploration, a case lured you both back into hunting mode. There was hardly time to breathe, let alone figure out how you were collectively supposed to handle this new aspect of your relationship. Is it any wonder Dean had to go and mess it up? That’s his expertise.
Note: You don’t have to read the first part, Factory Reset, to get the gist of this “What the heck are we supposed to do now? Friends to lovers” trope. But if you’re intrigued by these two, please try it.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Admit it." square.
Image created in Canva (credit for photo used:  Supernatural/Warner Bros.)
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The shot glass tinks atop the counter. It’s barely audible. Dean glances up and the bartender appears, summoned by the tell tale call of a drunk.
Not just any drunk. The Fuck It Up Seven Ways To Sunday kind of drunk. Also known as Dean Winchester.
The bar is deserted. It’s 1:00 pm on a Wednesday outside the touristy parts of New Orleans.
The bartender tips the whiskey bottle in her hand. Dean nods. She pours.
“So, what exactly are you tryna drown, cher? Cause it might be easier to head a little north and walk into Lake Pontchartrain.”
Dean snorts. “Trust me, that’s crossed my mind.”
All the wrinkles in the older woman’s face droop along with her frown. “It can’t be that bad. Unless you’re broke… or your heart is.” 
Dean shifts atop the stool. “My wallet’s full, thanks. Leave the bottle.”
Dean grunts at his inability to put one foot in front of the other trekking down the hallway to the hotel room. The air is spinning around him in a vortex, forcing his body to lean to the right even though his brain tries to rationally push forward. He’s in an anti-funhouse of his own creation. 
He doesn’t remember how he finally gets into the room. Just that he is. He flops on the bed. Breathes in deep and holds it. Staving off the nausea that he deserves.
You should be here. Beside him. Celebrating a win.
He closes his eyes and lets the pain and loss keep him company instead in the late afternoon.
Sleep eludes him. He tosses. Turns. Spends time with his head hanging over the toilet bowl.
He stares at the alarm clock on the nightstand as it ticks over into 10 PM territory. When his eyes peel open again, it’s sometime after 1 AM.
He sniffs the air.
He smells you.
Before he can realize it’s a mistake, he springs to sitting. The hammer nailing together a house in his head takes a back seat to the elation seeing you sat at the foot of the bed.
You look demure in your side saddle position. The patient stare has Dean wondering how long you’ve been watching him sleep.
He wants to ask. But he’s afraid anything he says is going to be wrong. So he just stares back.
Your face is void of any discernible emotion.
And that freaks Dean out more than anything. Because even when he couldn’t read you like a book, he could at least hazard a guess. Even if it was wrong, it was something.
But all he sees now is a shield. A wall that he’s caused.
“I’m gonna head out.” You state in a curt tone that leaves no room for debate.
“You already were out.” The head pounding irritation preoccupies him enough that the sass spills out, uncontrolled. Your lids slit for a second. Well, he got some reaction.
“I-” You straighten up. A sorry attempt at a laugh huffs out. “Forget it.” You’re up off the bed and snagging items dropped around the room. Things are stuffed into your bag with haste.
Dean wants the elation to return to the room. Twenty-four hours prior, you were smiling. Eager to track down the Djinn. It had been a day’s drive from Lebanon to New Orleans, with a 6-hour stop in between at the Cradle Rock Motel.
Dean would have done whatever you wanted in that motel room. All that possibility and you had him flying high on adrenaline. You’d handled him with kid gloves and given him an experience he’d cherish, even if he was still sore. He would have let you strap on Marvin again and fold him like Origami. He wanted that again. He wanted it all with you.
But all you had wanted in the end as you laid in bed was to curl up and sleep in his arms. You wanted to rest before getting back on the road in your separate rides. 
And the simple act of being with you. Static. Stationary. Silent. That was wonderful, too.
There was the promise of staying in bed for days after you took care of the monster together. Lingering lips. Suggestive smirks. Greedy gropes.
All of that was a distant memory now.
You throw the duffle over your shoulder. “Bye, Dean.”
He bungees off the bed. Rushes to the door to wedge between you and the exit. “That’s it?” His stomach roils at the exertion but he pushes it down.
Your voice doesn’t waver. “For now. Yeah.”
Dean holds his ground for another second. Two. Three. Four.
“Don’t make it worse.” You plead.
That reminds him the ownness of this whole mess is in fact on him. And he relinquishes.
And watches you walk out the door.
Dean clinks down the iron bunker stairs. Three weeks of hunting non-stop has joints creaking, muscles aching. He plans to beeline it to the showers and let the glorious water pressure ease some of the pain. There’s also an 80-year old bottle of Macallan in his bedroom that will ease everything else.
Sam’s out at Eileen’s. The texts back and forth earlier were short and mainly for informational purposes. Sam gave up trying to find out what was going on with Dean two weeks back. As long as he checked in and provided proof of life, Sam didn’t pester for details.
Dean marches through the war room, into the library, weaves the labyrinth of halls to get to his room.
He keeps his head down when he rounds the final corner. He doesn’t want to glimpse the door marked number 16 at the end of the hallway. It’s your bedroom. Well, whenever you crash at the bunker it’s yours.
There’s a twist in his gut when he realizes you might never sleep in that bed or cross the threshold into the Men of Letters homebase again.
He’s been avoiding returning because of all the reminders of you. The wound is as fresh and festering as it was when you left him in New Orleans. He can distract from the pain during moments occupied with cases and bad guys. This, not so much.
He opens his door, good ole number 11. 
When he left this room last, you were here with him. 
And goddammit. You’re all he can see no matter where his gaze lands.
The duffle drops onto the mattress. Another musty bed in another room in another hallway might be a better alternative tonight.
He considers it. He’ll decide for sure after his shower.
Dean grumbles when he gets back to the room.
It shouldn’t be possible and his mind must be playing tricks on him, but he thinks he catches the scent of you. 
Yeah, he can’t sleep in here tonight.
He runs a hand through his towel dried hair and peels off Tad’s robe. He toes out of the slippers and tugs on a pair of sweats and a well-worn henley. The realization he’s donned the shirt inside out takes a backseat to the more important matter of grabbing the bottle of Macallan.
He shuffles over in bare feet and squats by the cabinet under his desk. His mouth is watering in anticipation of that smooth amber-colored nectar coating his throat.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles in confusion.
The bottle is gone.
“Looking for this?”
Dean stills at the question floating over his shoulder.
The voice isn’t something he expected to hear back at the bunker anytime soon. Maybe ever.
He rises, inhales through his nose. Mentally prepares for when he turns and faces you.
When he does rotate on his heels, he purses his lips into a tight line. He can’t let the impulse to smile win out.
You're wearing one of his flannels. It’s the black, white and gray one he hasn’t worn in ages. And the way the sweatpants hang loose and baggy and obscure your feet; well, he’s pretty sure those are his, too. Leaning against the doorsill, you look as if you’re trying way too hard to appear casual about any of this. The bottle of Macallan in your grip is displayed as a peace offering.
There’s the tiniest grin quirking up your lips. You look at the bottle, then to Dean. “I was keeping an eye on it.”
Dean inspects the liquid level of the scotch as a distraction. If he stares at that mouth of yours a second longer, he’ll forgive you for anything.  “That’s about four fingers lighter than when I left.”
Your brows raise. Mouth opens. Dean knows you're ready to dispute his measurements. But something else clicks in Dean’s head and he doesn’t give you a chance.
“How long have you been staying here?”
You sigh and enter the bedroom. The bottle rests on the tiny corner table. You collapse into the chair beside it. “This’ll be my third night.”
Dean stands there. Blinks. You settling in is hopefully a good sign.
“Sam gave me a heads up that you were coming back some time tonight.”
“Why didn’t you high tail it out of here when you got wind of me?” Dean asks.
Your mouth tilts into a frown. “I came here to wait for your slow ass to return, Winchester.” You thumb at the bottle. “I may have needed some liquid courage during my stay to, you know, stick around.”
Dean crosses his arms, determined not to give an inch. Doesn’t matter how goddamn sexy you look. How your hair’s mussed from laying in bed. How his oversized shirt is unbuttoned enough at the collar to display the lovely expanse of skin from the column of your neck to the round of your shoulder. He prepares for the flailing you must have been wanting to give him so badly that you camped here for days. He tries not to think about how much he’d love to bend over so you can give him a spanking.
You stare up at him from the chair. “Oookaayyy.” Palms run over cloth-covered thighs. “I wanted to explain myself. Back in New Orleans.”
Dean shrugs, his crossed arms lifting up with the movement.
“We were a mess on that hunt.” You start. “All sorts of wrong. Second guessing. Getting in each other’s way. That Djinn got the upperhand on us because we were sloppy.”
Dean scoffs. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“You tackled it while I was about to kill the fucking thing.” You counter.
“You were getting choked out WHILE it was lighting up like an electric smurf.” Dean’s voice rises.
“I had the silver knife to its throat UNTIL you hip checked and then rolled around with Mr. Sandman doing the horizontal mambo.”
“Who was trying to pull it off me only to get a nasty throat punch?”
You raise both hands. “Look, my point is we were off our game. And I’ve never, ever had to worry about you having my back. Until that hunt.”
Dean rolls his shoulders like he’s ready to take flight. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Do you think I’m a good hunter?” you ask.
“What the hell kind of question is that?”
“A simple one.” A tap on the table precedes your rise. You stroll with purpose towards him. “Do you think I’m a good hunter?” you repeat.
“Of course I do. You might even be the third best hunter on the planet.”
You smile and, dammit, Dean melts a little. You clear your throat and the smile fades. “Then why didn’t you let me do my job?”
Dean stills. He watches your frame relax. The bravado seeps from your posture.
“Things are different between us now.” You sigh. “I hoped that what we did would bring us closer. More in sync on a hunt. But it did the exact opposite.” Another step brings you right up into Dean’s space. You latch onto a forearm. “Your head wasn’t in that hunt with me.”
“It was.”
You shake your head. “No. Your heart was. And so was mine.” Your voice breaks a little. “All I could think about was how I needed to protect you.”
“When do we not think about protecting a hunting partner?”
“That’s gotta go hand in hand with the mission, though; not take over.” The warm fingers drop from Dean’s arm. “I told Sam what happened.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “And what did Mr. Know It All have to say?”
Your shoulder lifts and almost touches your ear. “He said ‘welcome to the club.’”
“Sam said you must care about me an awful lot if you were constantly undermining my ability to actually get the fucking job done. That sacrificing yourself is part of your DNA.” A full-watt smile - the one that makes Dean’s insides warm up - graces your face. “That you’ll die a hundred times over to prevent the recipient of all that care and concern from even getting a splinter in their thumb.” The snark in your tone is sharp and cutting. “Admit it.”
“Well, that’s just a flat out exaggeration.”
Suddenly, all of the playfulness in your expression is gone. You frown. “You don’t care about me like that?”
“What? No. I mean, yes, of course I care about you like that.”
“Good.” The smile returns. “Because I know for a fact that none of that is an exaggeration where Sam is concerned. You’ve figured out how to make it work with Sam. You and I are going to have to make that happen, too.”
Dean’s grinning back. “Any suggestions?”
“You could follow my lead and do what I say at all times.” You offer.
“I’m all about that in almost every scenario. Except when we’re hunting.”
You nod. “We’re not hunting now.” Dainty fingers clasp over his hand. “I’m sorry I ran away.” You whisper, staring into his eyes.
Your small frame belies your strength and formidable capability when it comes to a hunt. And though Dean’s only had one taste of your dominance in bed, you handled him with care and exerted contained control. But now Dean needs you to know how much he intends on proving his worth to you. He’s more than a deft hand wielding a machete. More than reliable backup. More than a decades long friend who can keep up with the tequila shots. He wants to be more than all of that for you. 
He wriggles from under the grip to clutch your face with both hands. “I wanna tough it out with you.”
Your head tilts up and down in his hold. “Me too.”
You raise on tiptoes as he dips his head. Your lips meet in a gentle brush of skin. Dean’s skin tingles all over.
It’s only a peck. Dean pulls back so he can witness the bliss on your face. Eyes closed, mouth parted. You release a sigh. “Can we…” you start to ask.
“Anything,” Dean murmurs.
“Can we go to sleep? Start fresh in the morning? I missed you.”
Dean thinks his face will crack at the force of his smile. “Absolutely.”
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harlowarchives · 10 months
❝ a 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐖 story!
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HI! omg ok, so this was originally published on wattpad because it wasn't getting any getting reads i gave up on it & left wattpad completely but... out of boredom i re-read it this weekend and was honestly in 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐞 so i decided to upload it here if u like this i'll do some more but i love you, enjoy! ⁀➷
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↳ listen to THIS PLAYLIST.
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𝐍𝐎 warning today, all fluff & language!
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Dawn was simply exhausted. She had been working all day at her job as a daycare worker with mostly 3-6-year-old kids from around 8:00 am to 1:50 pm. She walked down the street from her job towards the deli, picking up her usual chop cheese and pineapple Fanta with a pack of golden Oreos. Dawn waited for her food and had her usual conversation with her favorite deli guy, Max, who had been working there since she was seven. They had grown a tight bond and he called her "bestie" every time she walked in the deli to put a smile on her face when she'd had a rough day or wasn't in a good mood. Dawn shifted a bit, feeling a figure behind her as a person entered the store. She posted against the fridge waiting for her food to be ready as she glanced over at a tall Caucasian man with fluffy curly hair and deep blue eyes. She stopped herself for a second when he turned around to look back at her, releasing his hand from his pocket to give her a calm wave. After a second or two, it had finally registered that the man was someone familiar, Jack Harlow. "Nina! One chop cheese," Max called out, pointing towards Dawn.
“How much, bestie?" Dawn smiled. "15.98," he replied, returning the expression. "I'll pay for her," Jack called. Dawn began to blush. "Thank yo—" as Jack stopped her. "Least I could do when you look that gahdamn fine." Dawn was completely flustered, interrupting her daze. "You want anything else?" he asked, looking down at her small curvy figure, pulling $500 from his pocket. "I'm good," she said nervously. Jack then nodded, placing a $100 bill on the counter, then grabbing her bag and his bag across from it, smiling at Max as Dawn waved and they walked out of the store together. "Thank you, I really appreciate it," the short, curvy girl said, gifting Jack a warm smile. "No problem, I'm Jack," he replied, laughing as she peered at him.
“TRUST ME, I know.”
The two of them laughed for a bit while walking aimlessly down the street before Jack asked, "You tryna hit the park with me?" Dawn teased, furrowing her brow. "I don't know, stranger. Am I?" "Handsome stranger," Jack added as she rolled her eyes. "Hm, it wouldn't hurt. But if anything, I'm showing you around," Dawn said, pulling his wrists while grinning.
Dawn was a BIG talker the entire way to all of her favorite spots in the city, but Jack wasn't even short of entertained. There was a glimmer in her eye whenever Dawn started talking about Queens. She told Jack pretty much everything about herself, and he shared stories of him and his rugrat little brother Clay. Dawn made him feel extremely vulnerable because he'd never see her again. His secrets would never be used against him in a petty argument. Regardless, Dawn wasn't even the type - she was so warm.
The city streets were boiling. The children played outside - little girls playing double dutch, making dance routines while the boys raced each other down the streets and tripped the girls jumping rope. One of the little girls began shoving her friend, screaming to look across the street, running across the street towards Jack as others followed behind asking for pictures. As he laughed, scratching his head, embracing the kids, handing all of them 5 dollar bills, the kids were smiling and thanking him.
"Do you make that popping song?" a little girl questioned, as Jack nodded. "Yes, I do make the popping song," he smiled. "Momma said that's the devil's music," the girl responded, scrunching her nose, looking slightly disgusted. "Where's your mom?" he questioned while the girl pointed towards her mother sitting on the step, yelling at the kids who were misbehaving. "Give her this, tell her I make the popping song," he laughed, turning slightly red, passing the child an uncounted wad of cash as the little girl beamed running towards her mother handing her the money as the woman broke into tears, smiling. The boys and girls crowded around the mother and her children as Jack grabbed Dawn before the woman had a chance to see where the money had come from.
Dawn smiled, pulling Jack into a tight squeeze that was quickly returned she didn't have any idea what to say to him she let her actions speak instead, Jack walked towards a stand nicely located under a gazebo where three or four boys who all looked to be no older than 18 sold teddy bears, bouquets & fruit arrangements. He bought the largest bear available while Dawn just stood watching with a smile plastered across her face. Jack bought a card, standing in the corner writing a letter to Dawn for about 5 minutes before unzipping the bear and stuffing the letter inside. "You are so extra," Dawn added while cheesing, unzipping the bear reaching inside before Jack quickly popped her hand. "Read it later, Dawn!" he said placing his hand on his hip as she burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "Ok, Mr. Sassy, I'll wait," she sighed as he looked at her completely unamused.
Dawn and Jack had just roamed around the neighborhood for a while aimlessly talking about absolutely everything, things they wouldn't dare tell anyone else.
Dawn told Jack about every memory she'd made on the streets they walked, and he'd always had a similar memory of his hometown to share. After Dawn had complained about needing to rest her legs, he'd thrown her over his shoulder. Her body adjusted, resting her legs on his shoulders, her arms around his neck, gently stroking his chin, playing in his hair while he walked towards the park nearest to her house.
Dawn and Jack sat on the park bench feeding the birds the leftover bread from Dawn's sandwich. They'd laugh at the ducks who fought for food, pushing the others over. As the sky began to grey, Dawn rested her head on Jack's lap as he stroked her hair while she played with his loose yet tight moisturized coils. They had yet to break eye contact. Jack was entranced in her deep expanding brown eyes. 'Do you have a staring problem?' Jack scowled, rolling his eyes as Dawn laughed and pushed him. 'Bitch, da fuck you were looking at me first!' she snapped back, causing them to break out into even harder laughter.
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⁀➷ shortly 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑!
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Jack's fingers intertwined with Dawn's his varsity jack draped over her shoulders as the two walked up to her building. Jack licked his lips sucking his bottom stuck in her eyes like a tangled shoe lace.
Dawn began grinning at Jack opening her arms wrapping her arms around his chest placing his arms around her small waist, time sat still. They just hugged & hugged and hugged, until Jack layed a kiss on her forehead both of them cheesing "Thank you, Jack." Dawn said as he wrapped his hand around hers, "Thank you more, beautiful." clearing her hair out her face as the midnight breeze ran through her hair, he ran down the steps of the building before the girl blew a kiss at Jack that he quickly caught placing it in his pocket running off.
🏷️ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ⁱ : @lexxlovesjack @iknowdatsrightbih @iheartharlow @livsters @honeyharlows @killatravtramp @jackmanduh
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
Accents Pt. 2 | Robin Buckley x Female Reader
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Masterlist | R.B Masterlist
Part 1 Here-
Words: 2k
A part 2 was requested and so I have delivered :D
Summary: A cute lil' movie date with Robin &lt;3
Robin proceeded to spend the next couple of hours talking Steve's ear off about the upcoming movie date. She kept going on about your accent. God, she loved your accent, and Steve had to agree that it was a nice one. The fact that she was going on a date with someone from England made it all the more exciting. In her eyes, as someone from a small town in rural Indiana, it was a big deal.
She could barely concentrate towards the end of the work day. When people asked her for help she couldn't stay in the zone during a conversation and ended up just randomly picking movies for people without really knowing what she was handing over. Steve had to take over even though it was his turn to do inventory, so Robin took that task on instead. It kept her out of the way.
By the time 6:00 rolled around and it was time for her shift to end, she stood behind the counter and began rocking backwards and forwards excitedly on the balls of her feet. Her bottom lip was tugged in by her teeth, and she was anxiously twisting her rings over and over and over.
When 6:05 hit, disappointment also hit. She pushed her lips to the side in thought, had it been too good to be true? Had you forgotten as it didn't mean as much to you? Steve sent a sympathetic look her way as he entered the counter area as well, and gave her a hearty pat on the back, "Hey, she said she was walking right?". Robin half-heartedly nodded in response as Steve sent another smile her way. "Well maybe she got held up by something. She'll show".
"Yeah", Robin breathed out, unconvinced, "She'll show".
Another minute passed, which for Robin felt like thirty so she was ready to call it quits. But just before she could turn around to grab her backpack, you barrelled through the door, almost face planting and sprinted to the counter. Your chest was heaving and your face was bright red. Robin looked at you wide-eyed as she took in your appearance and smiled softly when she realised that you hadn't stood her up.
"I am so sorry!", you started in a louder register than you normally talk in, "I left earlier than I needed so that I wouldn't be late, but then there was this cute dog that passed me on her walk, God she was cute, and I spent way too long giving her attention, and the owner was this sweet old woman who didn't have anywhere to be so she let me, and- yeah I'm sorry", you ended by awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck.
Robin laughed, relieved and amused by your story, "It's okay! I was just keeping myself busy with some restocking!", she lied.
Steve gave her a knowing look from behind which she could feel, so turned around to grab her bag whilst shooting a glare at him before turning back to you with a shit-eating grin. "You ready?". She nodded at you in response as you both started walking to the door.
"Use protection!", Steve yelled from across the shop as he continued closing down, you giggled at the joke and Robin stuck her middle finger up at him, another glare being held by her eyes.
"Sorry about him", Robin rolled her eyes as you both started the journey to your house. "Oh it's not a problem", you laughed, "He seems sweet".
She shook her head and laughed at your statement, "Yeah, sweet is one word for it I suppose". Again you chuckled and there was a brief silence, though not an uncomfortable one. But it gave her time to think. This was the first date that she had been on, and with a girl, so she wanted to know what the boundaries would be like in your home. Would she have to introduce herself as a friend? Would you have to sit apart in case your Mum walked in? She doubted that you were ashamed of who you were because you asked her out, so it wasn't like you completely hid it and lived in the closet. But, the world wasn't accepting, so she had to make sure.
"Um- so does your Mom know?", she broke the silence and gestured towards you with her head. You pursed your lips and shook your head, "No... she doesn't, but she's a nurse on night shift so we won't have to worry about running into her".
"Oh okay!", she was pleasantly surprised with that answer, though didn't miss the solemn tone you started with, but she didn't want to pry, knowing that it was a touchy subject, even for her. "My Mom doesn't know either, so I get it". You offered each other shy smiles, and her cheeks tinged pink when you brushed your pinky finger against hers. The only form of affection you would really be able to show her in public.
"Okay, so, welcome to my humble abode!", you opened the door in a grand gesture, opening an arm to signal for her to walk in. "Why thank you", she put on the best English accent that she could muster, but failed miserably. You were both in heaps of laughter as you closed the door and started walking through the hall.
"God, I don't sound like that, do I?", you turned to her genuinely worried that you sounded like Queen Elizabeth on drugs. "No, no", she reassured whilst taking her shoes off, "You sound hot, I don't even know what that was". You pretended to wipe sweat away from your forehead dramatically and decided to give her a tour of the place, trying to divert from the major gay panic that she had just given you.
Robin had a smile on her face the entire way around, it looked really nice. It was slightly different to what she was used to when she visited a new house, but it made sense. Different countries tended to have different styles of decoration. "It looks good!", she made sure to compliment after you had spoken about all of the time you and your Mum put into the place during the walk over.
"Thanks!", you sounded thrilled, "But this...", you pointed to a door with a serious face, making her frown, "Is the grand castle". You opened the door and her eyes lit up as she took in the view. Clearly, this was your bedroom, but it was very obviously not in the state that it usually would be.
On the floor next to your bed was a hoard of pillows to both sit on and lean back on, and on the floor itself as the main part was a big fluffy blanket. There were multiple bowls of snacks with cling film over them so that they didn't go stale, and the TV had been brought down from your cabinet and placed on a chair at eye level. You had also turned on some fairy lights instead of the main light to give it a nice vibe.
Robin felt like she could cry. For the longest time she had believed that she would never get a date, the world just wasn't accommodating. But here you were, pulling out all of the stops, and you hadn't even met her until today. She let out a shaky breath when she had finished examining everything, which prompted your head to snap back to her, "You okay?".
"Yeah, uh- yeah", she cleared her throat, "It's just all... it's so lovely, thank you". You smiled warmly and reached your hand out for her to take, her breath hitched as she smiled and took it. Both of you froze slightly at the warm touch but shook it off as you walked to sit down on the blanket. "Right, so, I got some nerd packs, some cheese balls, salted pretzels, crisps, or 'chips'", you put on your American accent, making her laugh. "Well you can mimic better than I can, I'll give you that one".
You grinned and continued your list, "There's also some cake slices and��of course popcorn".
"Of course".
"So um- take whatever snacks you want, because if we leave any of it I will shamelessly inhale all of it when you leave", you deadpanned whilst unwrapping all of the goods. "Oh trust me, there will definitely be no leftovers", she challenged and scooped up a handful of pretzels.
You smiled and pressed play on the TV before settling back next to Robin with your own handful of crisps. All that could be heard was the munching of snacks, the two of you fangirling when Kelly McGillis walked on screen and making fun of the movie whenever something inherently 'masculine' happened.
It was a lot of fun, the two of you were thoroughly enjoying yourselves and getting closer. Both in terms of knowing each other and physically, your bodies now almost touching. When you noticed this you panicked. In a good way.
You pursed your lips as blush went up your neck whilst peering down at Robin's hand resting on the floor next to your leg in your peripheral. After much internal debate, you decided to test the waters by using your pinky like on the walk. You brushed yours against hers, and when her hand edged ever so slightly closer to yours in response, you gingerly placed the palm of your hand on the back of hers and interlocked your fingers.
Both of your focuses were now far, far away from the movie as your eyes met and small smiles rested on your faces. You were both as red as beets, and your nerves got the better of you so you looked back at the TV, but gave Robin's hand a squeeze which she appreciated, having never properly held someone's hand before. This was great.
"This was awesome, thank you for asking me out, it was really- it was really brave", Robin smiled as she stood on your porch, looking at you leaning on the doorframe. For the millionth time that night, you were a blushing mess, "Thank you for living up to your word about eating the snacks", you teased and she dryly chuckled before a silence overcame the two of you.
"Do you um, do you wanna do this again some time? I can plan it, though it'll be hard to live up to what you had set up".
"I'd love to", you blurted out far too quickly for your liking, making you wince slightly. "Okay!", she breathed out and immediately started planning something out in her head whilst keeping her focus on you, your face beautifully illuminated by the porch light. Though the moment was interrupted by Steve honking his horn from his place at the end of your drive. Robin had said that she was going to walk home, but there was no way in hell you were going to let her walk home alone in the dark.
She huffed and turned around, shooing him with her hand even though he was nowhere near. "I should probably-", she started and turned back to you, but was startled by your face being close to hers, and her body froze when you placed a kiss on her cheek, bashfully smiling as you moved back.
"Goodnight, Buckley", you spoke smoothly and walked backwards into your house, slowly closing the door, and letting out a small squeal once you made sure it was shut.
Robin stood staring at your front door, the pads of her fingers resting on the place where your lips had just been. Her face had remained blank for a few moments but then broke out into an uncontrollable grin.
Once she had given herself a mental slap to get a grip again, she practically strutted over to Steve's car. He looked over at her with his eyebrows raised as she clambered into the passenger seat. "So... how did it go?".
She turned to him with a smirk, "I got myself a second date". He cheered as he reversed the car and congratulated her, "See, I knew from the start that she liked boobies, you shoulda listened to me".
"God, Steve. Stop saying boobies!". 
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 1 month
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day twenty eight - rescue
notes: here we are, the penultimate chapter! Crazy that there's only one chapter left! Even crazier that I only have 4 days to get it done lol
read on AO3 or below
When Stella arrived at the firehouse with Violet, Trudy was waiting for her with the rest of the team. She was in full Sergeant mode and had her notepad out, ready to write down any information Stella could give her.
Stella told her all the basic information about Kelly’s car and his license plate and confirmed that he left the loft at 6:00 am to take Katie to the airport.
“And are you sure his sister made her flight?” Trudy asked.
Stella nodded. “She texted me about an hour and a half ago and said she landed.”
“What about any of his cards? Can you access the accounts and see if any of his cards were used?”
Pulling out her phone, Stella looked through their accounts for anything that could help them find Kelly. “The only thing I see is a charge for Starbucks. It’s not enough for two coffees so I’m assuming he went after he dropped Katie off.”
“There’s a Starbucks close to O’Hare so that’s a safe bet.”Trudy nodded and wrote the information down. “I’ve got a few friends in the 16th district, I’ll reach out and see if they can track him down on pod footage.”
Trudy stood up and grabbed her stuff to leave. “I’ll file a missing person report, just so it’s official, and get all this information sent over to the 16th. Then I’ll light a fire under all of their asses and keep it there until we figure this out and find that husband of yours.”
“Thanks Trudy.”
Trudy gave Stella a rare smile and squeezed her shoulder in silent support as she passed. As Trudy headed out of the firehouse, she left an entire shift of confused and worried firefighters in her wake.
Stella knew Trudy was good at her job and would give them updates as she got them, but that wasn’t going to make the wait for answers any easier.
… … …
Muffled voices calling out, some close by and others further in the distance.
The whirring of rescue equipment soon coupled with the cutting and groaning of metal.
More buzzing of equipment and the groaning and popping of plastic and the pressure was off of Kelly’s legs.
Hands began touching him, something stiff and plastic was secured around his neck and he was carefully moved out of the mangled car.
Kelly was hovering just below consciousness and despite how badly he wanted to wake up and answer the calls and questions being thrown at him, he couldn’t push through the last of the darkness.
The fresh waves of pain crashing through his body with each movement certainly didn’t help. His head hurt, his ribs ached, and the feeling returning to his legs were like electric shocks.
It was all intense and overwhelming and easily plunged Kelly back into deep unconsciousness.
… … …
It was barely an hour after Trudy left that Stella’s phone rang, an unknown number scrolling across her screen. She’d been all but clutching the phone in her hands since Trudy left, willing a call to come through with information on where her husband was.
The others turned to look at Stella
expectantly as she quickly answered the call. “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Stella Kidd?”
“This is…”
“Hi Stella, my name is Sarah and I’m a nurse at Lakeshore Hospital. We have a patient who was just brought into our Emergency Department and you’re listed as his emergency contact in his records. A Kelly Severide?”
“He’s my husband,” Stella perked up instantly and the rest of the team did as well. “Is he okay?!”
“The doctors are examining him now.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Stella said, standing from her seat. “Thank you so much.”
Stella turned to face the anxious group of firefighters. “That was a nurse from Lakeshore. Kelly was just brought into the ED.”
“Is he okay?” Violet asked.
“All the nurse said was that the doctors were with him.” Stella started collecting her things. “I need to get to Lakeshore.”
Before anyone could say anything or remind Stella that Violet had driven her to the firehouse, the alarm rang out.
“Go,” Boden ordered. “I’ll take Stella to Lakeshore. Meet us there when you can.”
“Yes, Chief!”
As the trucks rolled out to head to their call, Boden and Stella headed across town to Lakeshore.
When they arrived at the ED, Stella went straight to the nurse behind the desk and asked for information on Kelly. The nurse couldn’t tell her much, only that he was still with the doctors and she’d be updated when they had more information.
The cops who found her a few minutes later were much more helpful.
“Excuse me, Stella Kidd?” At Stella’s nod, the officer continued. “I’m Office Jacobs, this is Officer Winter. We’ve been assigned to your husband’s case.”
Stella nodded again and she and Boden shook their hands. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“We can’t tell you everything because there is an open investigation, but your husband was involved in what we believe is a road rage incident. His car was run off the road where it crashed into a tree.” Officer Winters explained. “When Sergeant Platt sent over the missing persons information, we were able to find him on the cameras around O’Hare and followed his car. After leaving Starbucks, he drove for about 10 minutes before the incident occurred.”
“That was what? Around 6:30 this morning?” Stella asked, concern and irritation filling her voice. “We didn’t know anything was wrong until almost 9:00 and it was after 10:00 am when I got the call that he was here.”
“The road he was on when the incident occurred was a more scenic road,” Officer Jacobs explained. “Lots of trees and not a lot of traffic, especially that early in the morning.”
“Was he trapped in his car that entire time?” Fear crept into Stella’s voice. The officers in front of her didn’t even need to answer; their faces told her all she needed to know. “Oh god.”
Boden wrapped an arm around Stella comfortingly.
“A couple of runners spotted his car and called 911.” Office Winters shared.
“What about the car that hit Severide?” Boden asked the officers.
“We got the make, model, and license plate from the camera footage and there’s an APB out for the car and the driver. We’ll get him.”
The opening of the ED doors and the arrival of one of Lakeshore’s doctors effectively stopped any additional questions. He walked over to the group and introduced himself as Dr. Morgen.
“You all here for Kelly Severide?” Dr. Morgen asked.
“He’s my husband,” Stella answered. “How is he?”
“Given the circumstances, he got lucky. He’s got a grade 3 concussion, whiplash, a few badly bruised ribs from the impact of the crash, and some severe bruising on his legs from the dashboard.” Dr. Morgen explained. “He’s regained consciousness and apart from the typical nausea, headache, and sensitivities associated with concussions, there are no deficits we’ve observed so far. There was some confusion when he initially woke up but his memory seems to be intact now.”
“So he’s going to be okay?”
“He’ll be off work for a few weeks and he’ll be dealing with the headache and nausea for a while, especially since his records indicate that this isn’t his first concussion, but I have no doubts he’ll make a full recovery.” Dr. Morgen shared.
“Can I see him?” The news from the doctor had calmed some of the anxiety and fear that had been threatening to crush her the past few hours, but she needed to see her husband.
Dr. Morgen nodded. “Of course. We’re going to keep him for observation for a few hours but unless something happens or his symptoms worsen, I don’t see us keeping him overnight.”
Stella moved to follow the doctor and so did Officers Winter and Jacobs but Boden stopped them. Stella could Boden tell the officers to give Stella a minute with Kelly alone and she, once again, found herself more than thankful for the older man’s support.
When they got to the treatment bay Kelly was in, Dr. Morgen left Stella to go check on another patient. When Stella pulled aside the curtain and saw Kelly reclined on the stretcher looking miserable but alive, all of her remaining fear melted away.
Tears flooded her eyes and Stella all but ran to his side. “God, Kelly!”
Kelly, despite the soreness and dizziness and nausea, sat up immediately and pulled Stella into his arms as soon as she was close enough. “I’m okay.”
“I was so scared. I didn’t even know anything had happened until Violet called and said you hadn’t shown up at work.”Stella sniffled, leaning back in Kelly’s arms so she could look him in the eyes. “I had to file a missing persons report so Trudy could get police at the 16th district to start looking for you and all I could think about was losing you and having to raise this baby on my own.”
“I’m sorry,” Kelly apologized and moved his hands to cup Stella’s belly. “Ever since we found out you were pregnant I’ve been trying to be more careful because there’s nothing more in the world I want than to raise a baby with you. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m just so glad you’re okay.” One of Stella’s hands joined Kelly’s on her belly and the other went to cup his cheek. “I am sorry about your car though.”
Kelly shrugged. He did love his car but if he had to choose between his car and his life and future, the car would lose every time. “It wasn’t the most practical car with a baby coming anyway.”
Before Stella could say anything else, there was a knock on the window of Kelly’s treatment room. After a moment, Boden entered with Officer Winter and Officer Jacobs. The officers introduced themselves to Kelly and took his statement on the events. It didn’t take long and the officers left soon after.
Boden didn’t stay long either. Now that Kelly had been found and was relatively okay, the District Chief needed to get back to work. He promised Kelly that he’d let the team know how he was doing and that they’d come up with a plan to get Stella’s car to the hospital for them to take home later before leaving.
It had been a long, hard day for the Severides but even the longest days eventually came to an end. Kelly was released to go home that evening. The few days after the crash had been the hardest of his recovery but after a painfully long week, he was feeling back to normal.
Just in time for baby Severide to make her grand entrance into the world.
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lovesosweeet · 6 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter thirty five
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
october 17, 2018 london, england calum
My sister insists that I spend our short break after the American leg in London. We made up our San Diego and San Jose shows yesterday and the day before, and I immediately went to the airport after the show to head to England. I got here around 12:00 local time, and Mali greeted me at the airport very happily. I wasn’t in the mood, but it is always nice to see her. 
She took me back to her flat where I took a nap after not sleeping at all on the plane, but she woke me up promptly at 6 pm, saying she has dinner reservations for us.
I’m still not in the mood.
Today should have been my two year ‘official’ anniversary with Orion. In my eyes, I was entirely hers and hers alone since we met at Space Monkey, but I know that’s not how she viewed it. I should be spending the day with her, but instead we’re on opposite sides of the world, both miserable. I assume she’s miserable. If how much misery I’m in is any indication of how she’s doing, I can’t imagine she’s doing well.
And I don’t have cancer.
Mali and I are tucked into a corner booth at her favorite restaurant. It’s dark in here, with soft ambient lighting and candles at each table. It would feel romantic if I were here with Orion. 
“Alright, I know you’re kinda down today,” Mali starts, and that’s where I stop her.
“Kinda down?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at her.
She sighs and rolls her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“No, Mali, I understand exactly what you mean, and you’re wrong. You are belittling everything that I’m going through right now.”
Mali moves her head back, her eyes going wide and she looks away from me. She mutters, ‘wow’ under her breath before she speaks again at a normal volume. “Calum, please. Can I finish what I wanted to say?”
I purse my lips. “Sure, what did you want to say?”
I watch my sister take a few breaths in and out. “I know you’re dealing with a really shitty breakup, but that doesn’t mean we can’t just have a nice dinner together.”
My new signature bitter laugh comes out of my mouth without a second thought. I fold my hands on the table and shake my head, my eyes focused on the cloth napkin rolled around silverware in front of me. 
“First, do you know what today is?” I ask, breaking my eye contact with my napkin to look at her.
Her immediate shift to a confused expression answers the question for me.
“It’s supposed to be our anniversary.”
Mali’s face softens and she reaches across the table for my hand, but I pull mine into my lap. She frowns. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was today.”
“Second, Mal, it’s more than just a ‘really shitty breakup.’”
She raises her eyebrows, inviting me to elaborate. 
“I am not only getting used to not having the love of my fucking life in my life anymore, the reason she’s not in my life is because she wanted to spare me the shitty experience of watching her die of terminal cancer. She’s dying, and I can’t even be with her through it. Oh, and my best friend—actually, no, my brother knew that my girlfriend was dying and lied about it. Do you know what that feels like?”
Dramatically, I pause, but I know Mali isn’t going to answer.
“No, you don’t, because nobody else can even fathom that it would happen. It’s not shit anyone else, probably ever, has gone through. Shitty is just one word out of hundreds that I could to describe how absolutely soul-crushing, mind-fucking, and heartbreaking it is to experience this.”
My sister is rendered practically speechless and she doesn’t seem to know what to say. I’m upset now, and am even more annoyed by being dragged to dinner. It would be a great time to leave right now, when I’m already being dramatic, but I can’t bring myself to stand up.
“Calum, I’m sorry,” she says with a gentle voice. “Truly, so sorry. I know how much you love her. She loves you too, and we all know it. If I know Orion, or anything about any of the other people close to her, this is temporary.” 
My eyes are watering now and I look back down to my napkin. “But what if it isn’t?” I whisper.
Mali sighs, and the next thing I know, she’s on my side of the booth with me, hugging me with her healing big sister hug. “Have some faith, C. Love as strong as yours isn’t going away. It’ll pull you back together again. I’m sure of it.” 
We manage to have a somewhat enjoyable dinner together. We split a bottle of cabernet, Orion’s favorite, and I’m able to stomach some of the creamy pasta I ordered. Mali tells me all about her latest music projects and promises to play me snippets of her favorite pieces when we go back to her place. She shares that she’s thinking about getting a cat and has started looking at a few rescues to see if any of them call out to her but she hasn’t found the right one yet. 
She also offers to come on the Europe leg with us if it would help me to have an extra support person around right now. I can’t ask her to give up her life just to be there for me, so I tell her it’s fine, but if she wants to join for just the UK section that would be fun.
And now, as we walk back to her flat, warm inside from the wine, I realize that I just did what Orion did. 
I pushed my sister away and didn’t want her to join me on tour because I didn’t want her to put her life on hold. I don’t want her to be there for me, not because it wouldn’t be nice, but because I love her and she has a life to live, friends to see, songs to write and record. 
Somehow, on opposite sides of the world, the realization makes me feel closer to her.
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Chapter 1: The villain from hell
Series Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, Dick in pussy, quirk play from both parties, hurt/comfort, mentions of substance abuse, mentions of death and near-death experiences, creampie, facials, nasty talk, pet names, extreme trauma, OC is bilingual so she will be speaking Spanish, English, and some Japanese.
“Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), (ATL Jacob, he a fuckin' millionaire) Yeah” the alarm blasted loud by Nicki Minaj. Iman turned over to turn off her alarm.
“Fuck I don’t want to go to work,” Iman said as she rolled out of bed and turned off her alarm. Iman was a sidekick for Pro-Hero Endeavor. She graduated from UA and works as a sidekick at the Endeavor agency for about 2 years. It was a typical day. Iman had the day shift. Her shift was a long 6:30 AM to 4:00 PM. That’s a fucking long time if you ask me. Iman did her hygiene routine. That consisted of a long shower, skincare, and doing her hair. Iman was a black woman who was Afro-Latina. She had thick 4B curly hair with a sprinkle of grey hair, an hourglass shape, a face created by the heavens above, and the might of a samurai. She also had the mouth to back it up. Iman was the finest thing that God created, and she knew it but she was humbled. Iman grabbed her car keys and headed straight for the door.
In the car, she blasted Wu-Tang Clan C.R.E.A.M to help get her mind right for the day ahead. Who the fuck drives their car listening to Wu Tang Clan at 6:30 in the morning? Iman does that’s who. Pulling into the parking lot, she got out of the car, scanned her badge to enter the building, and then proceeded to go to her desk to do paperwork until it was time for her to do her patrol. At her desk, she responded to inquiries, made outbound calls to other heroes and sidekicks, and helped with training the recruits. As the late morning approached, Iman went to go and change into her hero costume and meet the recruits for training. Her hero costume was a sapphire-colored leotard, leg holsters for her fans with a knife (like Kitana from Mortal Kombat), a foldable sword that she keeps in one of her leg holsters, sapphire-colored combat boots, hair in a high messy curly bun, with her sapphire-colored mask that covers the lower half of her face. Hero name: Sapphire.
“Alright motherfuckers. Welcome to the hero biz. This is your training. Keep in mind that where we are about to enter is the training ground, which is not the gym. Everyone, please look over to the left.” Everyone looked to the left. “This is recovery girl. You might hear some people address her as Ms. Emma. If there are any serious injuries, please see her when training is finished. DO NOT USE YOUR QUIRKS TO THEIR FULL POTENTIAL. Do we understand the rules?”
A collective “yes Ma’am” was heard.
“Alright everyone, please follow me.” As Iman led them into the training facility.
“What area is this?” a recruit named Hellfire questioned.
“This is a training facility.”
Hellfire rolled his eyes. “If we are supposed to be training with no quirks, how come we are in an area of a replicated town that has been burned and destroyed?” he asked with a slight attitude. Iman replied.
“Because in hero biz, you will end up having to save people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE WHO DEPEND ON YOU TO SAVE THEM. Most of all, TEAMWORK dude. There will be times when you are called to help other Pro-heroes in different areas who have different quirks to save lives. HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT IS NECESSARY. Sometimes the villains that you fight are in different areas and DO NOT have quirks and you need to face them.” Iman stated. Hellfire and the other recruits just looked at you shook because they had just graduated from hero school and had probably never trained in hand-to-hand combat. “Any more questions?” Everyone was looking around. The silence was loud as fuck. People don’t always understand what they’re getting into with hero biz. It has its perks, and it also has its downside, but it is rewarding, nonetheless.
“Alright motherfuckers! Hellfire and Phantom please step forward.” They stepped forward. “Alright. I want a clean fight. Dig it? No funny shit. OK.”
“OK,” they said in unison.
“Alright. Fight!”
The match started and it instantly became bloody. Hellfire’s quirk is like Endeavor’s, but his flames are hotter. " Phantom’s quirk allows her to float in the air. The Phantom threw a blue ring of air out her fist at him and he dodged it. As he dodged, he activated his flames and threw a fireball at her, which hit her shoulder and ripped her costume. Iman interjected "HEY NO FUCKING QUIRKS" As she got up to block his net attack, he knocked her in her stomach with a fire fist, causing her to break down to her knees. Iman and the other sidekicks were looking at them crazy because this match was supposed to be hand to hand combat not quirk training. As she was kneeling in pain, he went to attack, and she disappeared. Everyone was shocked because they didn’t know what had just happened. She hit him with her special move, which allowed her to briefly go invisible. She kicked him in his back, and he went flying into the debris. She picked him up by the neck and threw him to the other side and debris flew everywhere. She stopped, kneeled to his level, and thumped him on his forehead.
“Cocksucker,” she said and walked off.
“And the winner is Phantom. I thought I said no quirks?”
Hellfire and Phantom looked at you. And turned their heads in shame.
"If you cannot listen, then yawl will have a horrible fucking time as sidekicks attempting to become heroes. These are people who are going to need us in a time of distress, and we have to listen to them. You cannot do a rescue mission and not listen to what the victim is telling you hurts. They could be telling you that the villain is still there but they're using you to draw em out. Fuckin pay attention. Got me?"
They looked at each other and uttered a collective " Yes Ma'am"
""Next two fighters. Step in the ring please. This time. Don't use any quirks. ok?"
The next contestants stepped forward. Soon as they were about to take their fighting stances the alarm rang. The alarm that went off is to let the agency know that there is a villain attack.
"Sapphire and Recovery Girl immediately report to Shibuya. Demon level threat"
Iman and Ms. Emma immediately sprang into action. Sapphire was already in her hero suit. On the way out the agency, she ran into her friend, Karly, who has a teleportation quirk.
"Hey Karly, can you teleport us to Shibuya?"
"Sure thing" And she teleported us to Shibuya. Soon as we got there it was a fucking train wreck. Debris everywhere, crumbling building, hurt civilians. A fucking mess. Sapphire ran straight to Endeavor when she saw him. He wasted no time in telling her what the Villain's quirk was. His quirk was mud making. Anything he touched would turn to mud. Heroes and police were struggling to get him to because everything he made turned to mud and they sank in the mud. Sapphire immediate activated her telekinesis and her foldable sword. She used her Telekinesis to throw her sword towards the villain and he threw mud and knocked her sword into a wall and caused it to dent. She wondered if she could get close enough for him to stop wreaking havoc. She used her fan to propel her towards the villain and again, he threw mud at her, and she flew. She flew so hard that it knocked her into the same building that her sword flew into and knocked the building down. Thankfully, there were no civilians inside because police and heroes had evacuated. Sapphire was having a hard time trying to bring this villain to justice when all of a sudden there was a loud explosion.
AN: Hey Lovelies. Finally got the first chapter out of this series. Don't know how long this series will last. Hope you enjoy.
Series Masterlist
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ghostussy · 2 years
Times You Fell Asleep in the Ministry
Pt. 3.5
. . .
sorry for another short part! I wanted to keep this even so that next time I could put two together again :)
Also, this will use some prompts from the writing prompt list (37 and 39)! If there are any specific ones you would like to see, feel free to drop an ask in my inbox! 
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. . .
6. At the kitchen table 
     It was the early hours of the morning when you finally pulled your car into the parking lot of the Ministry. The sun wouldn’t rise for a few more hours, and it was cold outside. You shut the car off and walked to the front gate, opening it and walking through to the front door. Knowing that it would be locked, you pulled out your key and let yourself in as quietly as possible. After all, you knew there would be Hell to pay if you happened to wake Nihil up this early in the morning.
     As soon as you stepped through the front door, it felt as though all the exhaustion you managed to avoid throughout the day caught up with you. Barely able to focus, you removed your shoes and crept through the halls as quietly as you could manage. You were the only one at the ministry with a job outside, working full time to earn money to pay for your college courses. Sister Imperator allows you to do so, to both work outside the Ministry and take college courses as well as complete your duties to the Clergy. It was difficult sometimes, having spent much of your energy towards work and what little was left went towards homework. It didn’t help that today’s eight hour shift somehow turned into twelve, then sixteen. You weren’t even sure if that was legal; it didn’t matter anyway, you would have been required by your boss to do it anyhow. 
     Now that you were home, you realized how hungry you were. You had last eaten around eight hours ago, when you were supposed to be leaving work. You made your way to the kitchen, quietly still, though your movements were clumsy with exhaustion. As you walked through the wide doorway, you caught a glimpse of the digital clock on the stove, which read 5:43 a.m. Then you dug through the refrigerator until you found some leftover soup. Not the best dinner in the world, but hey, food is food at the end of the day. You just wanted to eat and go to bed. After all, you had to wake up in a few hours to work in the Ministry.  You dumped the soup into a mug and set it in the microwave, setting it for a couple of minutes. 
     While you waited, you sat at the kitchen table and took a deep breath, resulting in an involuntary yawn. Having been on your feet for several hours, you could now feel the pain radiating through your legs, your joints the worst of all. With a sigh, you lay your arms down on the table, folded, and rested your head on top. You closed your eyelids, feeling the familiar burn of exhaustion burning behind them. 
. . .
     “Y/n? Is this where you slept all night?” 
     You lifted your head quickly. “Hm? Oh, shit.” 
     Sister imperator stood over you, looking worried. “I must admit you gave me quite the scare. May I ask why you were asleep at my table?” 
     You lifted your head and buried your face in your hands, trying to think clearly enough to respond. She took notice of this and placed a hand on your back. “Child, I think that you should get to bed.” 
     “Ngh,” you were finally beginning to piece a thought together. “What time is it?” 
     “7:00 a.m., y/n.” 
     “Oh. Sister, I am so sorry. I arrived home from work around an hour ago.” 
     “Oh, child,” she looked even more worried now, “have you eaten yet? I noticed that there was a mug of soup in the microwave.”
     You removed your hands from your face and looked up at her. “yes, ma’am. That’s mine, I’m sorry.” 
     “Oh dear, it’s quite alright. I did toss it, but I can make you something to eat. Give me just a moment.” She walked over to the stove, which you noticed now had a pan that appeared to have something cooking in it. You weren’t sure what she was making, and you didn’t care. You just needed something to eat so you could sleep. 
     You lay your head on the table again, and didn’t look up until she placed a plate in front of you. 
     “Please, try to eat something. Then off to bed with you.” 
     “Thank you very much, Sister.” 
      “Of course.” She walked over to the doorway, watching you carefully as you took the first few bites. Though they were slow, it was enough to convince her that you could be left alone for a moment, and she walked out of the kitchen. You continued eating. 
     You had just finished eating and placed your plate in the sink when Sister returned with Swiss, who was still dressed in his night wear. “Good morning, Swiss.” 
     “Good morning.” 
     Sister walked over to you and placed her hand on your shoulder. “”Y/n, I have relieved you of your duties for the day. You may treat today as a rest day.” 
     “Oh, thank you Sister, truly. Thank you.” You could feel the exhaustion return once again, and you nearly buckled. “I will take you up on that offer.”
     “Good. Now, off to bed with you, child.”
     “Yes, sister.” You began to make your way to the doorway. Swiss stopped you. 
     “Here, let me carry you.” 
     You chuckled. “That’s very kind of you, but I will be alright. Thank you, though.” You tried to make you way past him, but barely made to the door frame before your knees buckled again, and you stumbled. 
     “I wasn’t asking.” He walked over to you and swept you off of your feet, somewhat effortlessly. Sister walked up behind you two. 
     “Thank you, Swiss. Sleep well, child.” He responded with a nod. 
     “Ngh,” you laid your head on his chest, and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Sorry.” 
     “Don’t be. Come on, let’s get you to bed. Mine is closer, if you’d like to share.” 
     He hummed in your ear as you made your way through the halls, sending chills down your spine. You were already beginning to drift off in his arms; by the time he made it to the ghouls’ wing, your eyes were barely open. He pushed his bedroom door open, and gently laid you down on the bed. The covers were unmade, and warm, indicating that Sister had woken him up to carry you to bed. 
     He walked around to the other side of the bed and laid down next to you, pulling the covers up over the two of you. You scooted closer to him, trying to absorb more of his warmth. Sleepily, you wrapped your arms around him, prompting a chuckle from him. “You know, if I had known you were going to be like this, I would have come to get you much more quickly.” 
     “Hgh. Maybe this should become a permanent arrangement.” You mumbled into his chest, unaware of the words coming from your mouth. 
     He smiled. “Maybe so.” He reached up and turned out his bedside lamp. “Alright, enough talking. Go to sleep.”
    When he looked down at your face, he realized you were way ahead of him. 
. . . 
Prompts used:
37: “Try to eat something.” 
39: "Here, let me carry you.”
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enchantedquill-40 · 4 months
Chapter 1: Endless Echoes
The morning sun hung low over Sunnydale, casting long shadows that whispered of the secrets hidden within its quaint streets. Fox Mulder, FBI agent and paranormal investigator, awoke with a sense of déjà vu that sent a shiver down his spine. He glanced at the clock – 6:00 AM. It was the same time as yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that.
Mulder's mind raced as he retraced the events of the previous days, realizing he was trapped in a time loop. The supernatural tendrils of Sunnydale seemed to have ensnared him in a relentless repetition. Determined to uncover the truth, he headed to the local coffee shop, where the day always seemed to begin.
As he entered, he noticed a familiar face – Buffy Summers, the Slayer. Her expression mirrored Mulder's confusion, and recognition flickered in their eyes. Unbeknownst to both, their paths were entwined by a force beyond their understanding.
"Mulder, right?" Buffy questioned, sensing a kindred spirit in this strange loop.
Mulder nodded, "Yeah, and you're Buffy. Looks like we're stuck in the same time warp."
The duo decided to join forces, combining Mulder's expertise in the unexplained with Buffy's combat skills. Days blurred together as they investigated the eerie happenings in Sunnydale. Supernatural creatures, cryptic messages, and a pervasive darkness surrounded them, leaving Mulder and Buffy to decipher the puzzle that bound them to this perpetual day.
Little did they know, the key to breaking the cycle lay hidden in the convergence of their shared experiences, as the town of Sunnydale held secrets that transcended the boundaries of time. As Mulder and Buffy delved deeper into their investigation, they found themselves taking a brief respite at the local diner. The atmosphere was charged with an unspoken understanding of their shared predicament. Seated across from each other in a dimly lit booth, Buffy couldn't help but notice Mulder's intensity.
"Why do you believe in UFOs?" Buffy asked, a playful smirk dancing on her lips as she observed the earnestness in Mulder's eyes.
Mulder leaned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "I've seen things, Buffy. Unexplained phenomena that defy conventional logic. There's a truth out there, hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered. UFOs are just a small part of a much larger mystery."
Buffy raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Mulder's conviction. "So, you're saying you've had close encounters of the third kind?"
Mulder chuckled, "More like close encounters of various kinds. From abductions to sightings, the truth is out there, and it's not always friendly."
Buffy leaned in, her tone shifting to a more serious note. "I've faced my fair share of supernatural threats, but UFOs and extraterrestrial stuff? That's a whole new level, Mulder."
Mulder nodded, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "Sunnydale isn't just a hotspot for vampires and demons. There's something deeper, something interdimensional. I've seen patterns in the occurrences here, like the town itself is a convergence point for the unexplained."
Buffy's curiosity grew as Mulder shared his experiences, each word revealing the weight of his convictions. "You really think breaking this time loop involves something otherworldly?"
Mulder met her eyes, his gaze unwavering. "I do. There's a connection between the loop and the supernatural forces at play in Sunnydale. We just need to figure out how to disrupt it."
Buffy's playful demeanor softened as she considered Mulder's words. "Well, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the supernatural tends to leave its fingerprints all over the place. Let's follow the breadcrumbs and find the source of this loop."
Their alliance deepened as they continued their investigation, combing through Sunnydale's dark corners. Mulder's unwavering belief in the unexplained resonated with Buffy, creating a camaraderie born out of a shared pursuit of the truth. Together, they faced each day with newfound determination, determined to break free from the temporal chains that bound them.
As they navigated through the town's mysteries, Mulder and Buffy found themselves entangled not only in the supernatural web of Sunnydale but also in the enigma of their own connection. The chemistry between them sparked like static in the air, a subtle tension that neither of them fully acknowledged.
Amidst the cryptic symbols and unearthly occurrences, Mulder and Buffy discovered a hidden chamber beneath Sunnydale, a nexus of mystical energy that seemed to be the epicenter of the time loop. Together, they faced a formidable adversary, a being that reveled in the manipulation of time and reveled in the chaos it sowed.
In the climactic confrontation, Mulder and Buffy combined their strengths. Mulder's knowledge of the unknown complemented Buffy's formidable combat skills. As the battle unfolded, the temporal disturbance began to unravel, reality itself warping and shifting.
In the aftermath, as they stood on the precipice of breaking free, Mulder and Buffy shared a lingering look. The echoes of their shared experiences lingered, leaving an indelible mark on both. The time loop shattered, releasing them from the repetitive grasp of Sunnydale.
As the sun set over the town, Mulder and Buffy faced an uncertain future, forever bound by the strange tapestry of their encounter. The truth may have set them free, but the mysteries of Sunnydale continued to whisper in the shadows, leaving the door open for new adventures and unexplored realms beyond the ordinary.
Buffy and Mulder, standing amidst the remnants of the temporal disruption, exchanged determined glances. Buffy, always ready for action, took charge. "We need to trace our paths, figure out the origin of this loop. Maybe there's a clue we missed."
Mulder nodded, his analytical mind already in motion. "Agreed. Let's revisit the places where the loop started each day. There must be a common thread or source tying this all together."
They retraced their steps through Sunnydale, revisiting the coffee shop, the diner, and the mysterious chamber beneath the town. Along the way, they encountered remnants of their previous loops – fragments of conversations, subtle changes in the environment, and lingering traces of the supernatural.
As they approached the hidden chamber, a surge of energy pulsed through the air. Buffy's instincts kicked in, sensing the residual power that still lingered. "This is where it all began. Whatever's causing the loop, it has to be linked to this place."
Mulder examined the symbols etched into the chamber walls, recognizing patterns from his own experiences. "These symbols are a key to the disturbance. They hold the secrets of the loop, and breaking them might release us from this temporal grip."
Together, they deciphered the symbols, their collaboration blending Mulder's expertise with Buffy's instinctual understanding of mystical forces. A revelation struck Mulder as he connected the dots. "Buffy, the loop is fueled by a malevolent entity drawn to the convergence of supernatural energies in Sunnydale. It's feeding off the distortions it creates."
Buffy clenched her fists, ready for the final showdown. "So, if we take down this entity, we break the loop and free Sunnydale from its grip. Let's do this, Mulder."
The duo faced the entity, a swirling mass of dark energy that seemed to defy the laws of reality. Mulder, armed with knowledge, and Buffy, with her Slayer strength, launched a coordinated assault. The battle was intense, each blow striking at the very fabric of the temporal disturbance.
As they fought, the symbols on the chamber walls flickered and waned. The entity, weakened by their combined efforts, lashed out in a final desperate attempt to maintain control. But Mulder and Buffy stood strong, united in purpose.
With a final surge of power, they overcame the entity, shattering the remaining fragments of the time loop. The chamber trembled as reality itself stabilized, returning to its natural course. Sunnydale, once ensnared in a perpetual day, now breathed with newfound freedom.
As Mulder and Buffy caught their breath, the weight of their shared experience lingered. The town may have been liberated, but the enigma of their connection remained. With a glance, they acknowledged the unspoken bond forged through the crucible of the time loop.
Sunnydale, bathed in the glow of a setting sun, stood silent witness to the duo's triumph. Mulder and Buffy, having unraveled the mysteries of the supernatural, now faced an uncertain horizon, their destinies forever entwined by the echoes of a time loop that had tested the limits of their beliefs and abilities.
Supernatural Investigations
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there you'll be || day6 [psj]
Warnings: major character death, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: Park Sungjin/(F) Reader, implied past Yoon Dowoon/(F) Reader
Plot: What if you only have today to say goodbye?
Genre: Established Relationship
I keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am, there you'll be
This was written 8-9ish years ago, and re-written and posted on ao3 3 years ago.
This concept came from my sister's dream, and she asked me to write it, and probably the main reason why i decided to have an ao3 account lmao
This was originally written with a different fandom and pairing and was supposed to be a part of this fic universe i wrote (but didn't finish). Re-written so it can be better, I guess (hope)??? but the concept is still the same with some major changes tho
Reposted here because there is a tragic lack of day6/reader fics uwu
anyway, all readers are appreciated! luvluv
6:00 – 7:00 a.m.
Y/N woke up to an irritating sound. It was this shrill beeping sound that made her want to hurl the object at the wall.
When she opened her eyes, she reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. "Shut up," she said, exhausted, and looked at the time. 6:00 am.
For an ordinary Saturday morning, six am is way too early. After dropping out of the university from her second course and running away with Sungjin, Y/N's life has changed; from the simplest things like her sleeping pattern to the biggest ones like missing her family. She wouldn't say she regrets it, she just wishes the situation was different.
Her usual weekends start at nine, and she always wakes up before Sungjin does. She would often be the one to go down to make breakfast for the two of them.
Sometimes though, when struck with an ahem inspiration, she would wake him with a lazy hand job—or a blowie, whichever she prefers—until he slightly shifts position and fist the bed covers. Slowly peppering his hips with kisses until Sungjin groans in annoyance to whichever is rousing him from his beloved, peaceful sleep. Y/N has to stifle her laughter because she knows just how grumpy he is when woken up 'too early', but how he won't be able to stay mad at her. He'd smile down at her and say in that sexy just-woke-up voice of his that he'd go back to sleep so Y/N can go ahead with what shennanigans she was trying to do.
Today though, that was not the case. She has to get up early because the local high school she volunteers at made a weekend program for writing and music. Every second Saturday, she would be facilitating two classes; a writing workshop in the morning, and the music sessions in the afternoon. Sometimes, she would take Sungjin with her, and he would teach the students how to play the guitar.
After switching the alarm off, Y/N got up and stretched her legs and arms, loving the way her joints popped as sleep from her muscles fade.
It's also during this time of the day, however, that she can't help but think of her life before this.
It has been five years. Y/N is sure her children doesn't recognize her anymore. After running away with the boyfriend of her ex-husband's twin brother, she's sure Dowoon would never let her be a part of their children's lives anymore, no matter how much he used to love her. Betrayal would definitely kill people.
Y/N padded sleepily to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
After getting ready for the day, she went down to cook some breakfast for them. Before leaving the house, she decides to check on Sungjin and wake him up early for his doctor's appointment. He sleeps through the alarm, and might miss his appointment.
She opens the door to their room quietly and see Sungjin's still sleeping form on the bed. She gently shakes him, just enough to wake him up.
"Sungjin?" She shakes him again when he doesn't respond. "Babe? Wake up."
Sungjin hums, cracking an eye open. "I'd be going," she says with a soft smile.
"Hmf... don't you want me to go with you?" He asks sleepily as he rubs his eyes. Y/N shakes her head, running her fingers through his hair.
"It's fine. You have your appointment today with Dr. Park, remember? Wouldn't wanna miss that." Sungjin pouts, and she smiles. "I'll bring home that Kimchi stew you like."
"Yeah?" He smiles at her hopefully through bleary eyes.
"Yes. So get your lazy ass up now, or you'll have to rush again." She slaps his bum and kisses his lips before she stands up. "I'll be home early. Get up now, 'kay? Love you." She shuts the door to the bedroom just in time to hear the faint and almost muffled love you too from Sungjin.
She leaves the house minutes later, not helping the smile on her face. She thinks that at the end of the day, after all the heartbreaks and challenges they had to face, running away with him is always worth it.
9:40 am
Y/N gives the students their second writing exercise for the day. She walks around the room and smiles down at Charlie, one of her favorite students in the writing program. The kid is really talented in writing.
Y/N wonders fleetingly about her twins. She wonders if they will inherit their father's love for music books, or her love for long novels? She puts her arm around the other and smiles to herself. She wants to see her children badly and maybe, just maybe, have some with Sungjin in the future.
10:30 am
Y/N was just about to tell her students to take a 15-minute break when she heard a commotion outside. One of the teachers ran up to her classroom with panic in her eyes. Y/N immediately knew something was wrong.
"What is it?" she asked.
"There's someone with a gun!" It took Y/N a minute to fully get that. "He's in the building. Send your students out."
She didn't need to be told twice. "Class, I need you to leave everything behind and quickly exit the room." She tried to keep her voice even so as not to alarm them. She didn't want them panicking, even though she felt like throwing up.
"Now!" She hoped her students can forgive her for raising her voice (she never does), but now's not the right time to think about that. Both teachers looked out while the students filed out of the room hurriedly.
"Did someone call 911?" she asked as the last student got out of the room. The other teacher's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire, followed by screaming.
"Go, go, go!" Y/N yelled at the students as they all ran towards the direction of the stairs.
Y/N was nearing the stairs when pain blooms in her shoulder. She didn't dare look back as a second one hits her back, then her leg. That's when she lost her balance, and crumple to the ground face down. She heard more screaming as students ran for their lives before she felt the bullet to her neck, and she's—
12:00 pm
Y/N raises her head from the table with a gasp.
Disoriented, she looks around and blinks. She doesn't know she had been snoozing. Had she been snoozing? It feels like she had only blinked.
She looks at the clock; 12:00 pm.
She hears the chatter of the students outside as she sees the essay exercises on her table. When she looks up, however, the classroom is a mess. The students' things are everywhere, and the chairs are all askew.
She remembers the panic and running, but nothing else. What happened after that?
She tries to recall as she flexes her head, pressing lightly at the pain in her neck. Not being able to come up with anything from her bizarre dream(?), she starts to clean up the mess.
1:08 pm
Y/N had successfully cleaned up the messy classroom by herself. She didn't notice that there were no students on the floor anymore. She slung her bag to her back and locked up the classroom.
It wasn't until she reached the second floor that she saw another soul. It was, however, a police officer.
What the...?
She walked towards the man, and called out to him.
"Excuse me?" He didn't seem to notice her. She called out to him again to no avail, the police turning his back on her.
"What the fuck?" Bothered, she continued down to the ground floor, where she saw more police officers.
She tried to talk to another police officer, but she was still ignored. She was getting frustrated and weirded out with each passing second. It's like they cannot see her. She didn't understand what's happening and felt her head spin, eyes prickling with tears of confusion.
She looked around, and finally, one person seemed to see her. The lady was looking straight at her. Relieved, Y/N walked towards her; she didn't know why, but she felt compelled to talk to her.
When she was close to the lady, she tripped a little on her own feet. She looked down and when she looked back up, the lady vanished.
"Looking for me?"
Y/N spun around to reveal the lady that had been staring at her.
"Yes..." Y/N said, torn between feeling embarrassed and confused. "But, you're there before. How...?"
The lady smiled at her. "You have more important questions to be answered, don't you think?" Y/N, who was dumbfounded, had just managed to nod.
"Come with me," the lady said. She turned around and started walking away, not waiting for Y/N to respond.
1:45 pm
Y/N cannot believe her eyes. She, or more accurately, her body, has been lying on a body bag in the quadrangle.
"B-but... h-how...?" She can only stammer in confusion.
This is just not possible. Y/N tries to breathe in and out to stop the spinning of her head, clutching her hands in each other.
She finally turns to the lady beside her, who is still staring at her lifeless body.
"You got killed," she answers Y/N's unspoken obvious question. "You're one of the last people he'd managed to kill before he was taken down by the police."
When the lady points at the bullet hole on her neck, a picture flashes through her mind.
Y/N remembers the pain through her shoulder, then her back and leg. Lastly, she remembers the blinding pain on her neck after falling to the ground.
After long minutes of disbelief, Y/N finds it in her to finally speak, her voice hoarse from the brimming emotions in her eyes. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
She badly wants to believe that maybe she was really just dreaming. Maybe this is all just a practical joke. By whom, she doesn't know.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Her companion just shakes her head. "I'm so sorry."
That was the last straw for Y/N. Tears pour from her eyes as her world comes crashing down and her dreams shatter. She falls to her knees as she sobs her heart out.
She isn't ready to die yet.
Maybe this is payback for everything she did, for everyone she killed.
How is he supposed to move on? How is she supposed to move on?
"Sungjin." She sniffs. "Don't I even have the chance to say goodbye? I wanna say goodbye to him."
"You only have until before midnight," the lady says.
"Thank you," Y/N replies.
The lady just smiles at her sadly, her eyes telling her that she understands how she feels. She wonders briefly if they had been in the same situation. The lady vanishes right before her eyes, leaving Y/N with a broken heart.
2:50 pm
She looks for Sungjin at the clinic, but he was not there. She goes home and he was there, sleeping soundly on the sofa. His arm has a band-aid, for his tetanus jab.
Sungjin hates getting shots the most. Y/N knows he hates hospitals and injections, and has a big mistrust with the institution, and it makes her chest swell with love for him.
It makes her heart shatter, though. It's so hard to leave and say goodbye to someone you had forsaken your world for, especially when you're starting to think that everything is turning out fine. She was just starting to build her world with him, planning their future and thinking of having kids.
Sungjin looks so peaceful and beautiful, having no care in the world that Y/N just wants to frame this moment. She knows she can't, so she'll just watch over him for as long as she can. Maybe it will last longer than taking a picture, or maybe it can stop the time. If not, then she can at least keep this picture embedded in her mind before she disappears forever.
3:38 pm
Sungjin shifts from his position, rubbing his eyes and yawning on his hands. Y/N wipes her eyes with the back of her hand so he won't see the tears that had been steadily streaming down her face for the past hour. His eyes find her, and smiles that beautiful smile she fell in love with.
It sends her heart skidding on the floor, and to splinter a little more at the thought of leaving him. She bites her lip to keep the tears from falling further, and smiles back at him.
"Hey," she says, barely keeping her voice steady.
"Hey," Sungjin smiles at hear again, but his smile crumples when he takes in her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. He shoots up and engulfs her in a tight hug.
It was the wrong thing to do as Y/N loses it again, tears escaping down her cheeks. He rubs her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Are you okay?"
"I love you. Please never ever forget that," is all she can say.
"And I love you more." Sungjin pulls away and cups her face into his hands. "Now tell me what's wrong—and don't you try to lie. I know you so well."
She debates telling him because he deserves the truth, but she can't find the right words to say. "I'm fine," she sniffs and shakes her head. "I'm okay."
"You're definitely not okay." He pulls away and holds her arms. He frowns when he notices her body's dropped temperature. "Where have you been? You're awfully cold!"
"I'm fine. School's let out early." Y/N sits up straight and smiles, wiping at her tears. "Did you—have you seen the news?"
Y/N is nervous to ask that, but she has to know. She knows he would be shattered when he knows that he's talking to a ghost. Technically, Sungjin can still touch her, but she's already a ghost.
She also can't forgive herself for breaking their promise of forever.
"Not yet," Sungjin says. "I was so tired and sleepy so I had to go straight home. But we can turn on the TV anyw—"
"No!" Y/N grips his hand, cutting him short of turning on the TV. She looks close to tears again that he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"No." Y/N composes herself with a fake smile to appease the surprised features on his face. "I'm just asking. I'm sorry for yelling."
"You're acting weird," Sungjin says.
Y/N puts on her best I'm-okay face and smiles at him. "I'm okay. I just had a snooze at work and I had a bad dream."
I wish this was all just a bad dream.
"I just want to make sure you don't forget I love you, you know? Despite everything that happened to us." She looks down and smiles sadly. "I'm sorry I made you worry for nothing."
Sungjin pouts, but pulls her into another hug. "It's fine, babe. I just love you more and more every second because you're the only person who loved me truly, and never left me."
Y/N's heart can't get any more broken.
5:55 pm
For the past few hours, Y/N and Sungjin were just curled up on the loveseat. They were watching a sappy romcom that seemed to mock her in the face as it was about leaving a loved one behind and coming back for them. On the other hand, it's a good reason for her to cry her eyes out without raising suspicion, safe and snug under Sungjin's arms.
Too bad, the peace doesn't last forever.
7:40 pm
Y/N is currently waiting for Sungjin to come back. She originally opposed to the idea because she has a bad feeling about it, but he said that he needs to get some food (since Y/N forgot to bring home some). It has already been an hour since he went out, and the store was only a 15-minute walk—five if you use a car.
What is taking him so long?
8:20 pm - 9:45 pm
Y/N was just about to go looking for Sungjin when the front door opens and shuts with a slam. Next came the heavy footsteps that sounded urgent and almost running.
Y/N stands up and was about to see if it was him (who else would it be?), when he comes running into the living room. He was panting and has a disheveled appearance, eyes puffy with the evident tear-stained tracks in his face.
"Sungjin...?" Y/N steps forward, but Sungjin steps backwards. "Babe...?"
"Who are you?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side, an incredulous, almost crazed look in his eyes.
"What?" she asks, knowing fully well what is going on. "It's me, Y/N! What kind of stupid sh—"
"You're NOT Y/N!" Sungjin almost yells. He walks towards her and shakes her by her shoulders. "Who are you? What did you do to her?"
"Babe, it's me!"
"No!" He lets go of her and walks to the other side of the room, his back against her. He turns around, and he has tears in his eyes. "You're not her."
"I am!" she cries out, but he refuses to listen. His mouth is curled in an angry sneer. "I know it sounds absurd, but I came back for you... to say goodbye."
"How can I believe that, huh?" he laughs, but there is no humor in his voice. "Ghosts are not real, whoever you are."
"How can you expect me to believe what you were saying?" he asks, but she can't give him an answer. "Answer me!" he screams when she stays silent.
Y/N suddenly feels tired. Heartbroken.
"I love you," she says instead. She looks down at her hands, and see that she is starting to fade as time passes by.
Sungjin laughs a ruthless laugh, not noticing the change in her, and it breaks her heart even more. She can't find it in herself to cry, mainly because she's already cried out as heck, and it's not like it will change anything.
"Just stay away from me," Sungjin says, face taut with anger. "Get the fuck out of my house."
Y/N can only nod. She debates reaching out to touch him, but backs out at the last second. She leaves her coat by the door, and gets out into the cold night.
She's already cold, anyway.
11:15 pm
Y/N begins to think about how her life has been and thinks how far she'd come. She's pretty proud of herself for coming this far.
She would want to say goodbye to her kids and to Dowoon as well, but it's not like that's in the cards right now.
She looks at her wristwatch, the one Sungjin gifted her for her birthday.
11:15 pm.
Right, 45 minutes left.
It's funny how she can't cry anymore, probably because she's past the sixth stage of grief. She thinks she had already accepted that she will be gone by midnight, and crying makes no sense at this point. It's not like it'll bring her back, or bring Sungjin back.
Speaking of which, she looks to her left and there Sungjin is at the other side of the park. She's pretty sure he hasn't seen her yet, so she stands up and keep her head down.
She walks toward a more secluded part of the park, not risking a glance back at him. She doesn't want to fight with him again. She'd rather go quietly without an affair, than have a big blow up with Sungjin. After all, this what she's good at; running away.
Ah, shit.
Y/N tries to walk faster without seeming like she was running away from him. If she runs away, he'll know she heard him. Y/N walks on, chanting a nopenopenope in her head.
Nope, indeed.
Nearly there.
"Y/N, please," Sungjin says, sounding out of breath and too near. "Wait."
Just keep yourself together.
"Y/N!" Sungjin grabs her wrist, spinning her around.
Her gaze lands on her wrist, and she sees that she was fading away fast. She pulls her hand back to her fast, careful not to draw attention to it. Too late though, because Sungjin's eyes are drawn to it.
She pulls the sweater's sleeve to cover her wrist and clear her throat. "Yeah." She laughs awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that."
"It's true, then." Sungjin's face crumple. He looks younger, almost like a kid. "I was hoping it was just delirium from the shots."
She laughs quietly. "You don't get delirious from shots."
Y/N takes a deep breath, and smiles like her heart's not on fire. "I'll be going."
"Where?" he asks in a small voice.
She shrugs. "Hell, maybe?"
That turns out to be the wrong thing to say, because Sungjin bursts into tears a few moments later.
No, no, no.
"I'm sorry," she says as she takes a step towards him. She suddenly stops, him asking her to stay away still ringing in her ears.
"I'm sorry," even though she doesn't know if she's saying sorry for the joke or for ruining his life. "Sorry."
"I was hoping—" he says as he hiccups, wiping at his tears. "I was hoping this was all just a practical joke."
Y/N smiles sadly, still keeping her distance. She badly wants to pull him into a hug, but she can't.
"Do you regret it?" she asks him after a minute of silence. He looks at her and it breaks her heart, but she just can't bear not knowing before leaving. "Do you regret choosing me?"
"No," he insists, shaking his head. "Never."
She nods with a small smile. Me, too.
"Thank you," she says. "That's all I need to know."
She turns toward the other side of the park, but he walks in front of her and blocks her way.
"Don't go," he begs almost desperately. He kneels in front of her and hugs her legs, still crying like a kid. "Please just take me with you."
"Please," he cries harder. "Please please please."
Y/N unwraps his arms around her legs, and kneels with him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Please don't leave me," he cries on her sweater. "You're all I have."
11:55 pm
Five minutes.
They spent the last almost-hour talking and crying. They reminisced about everything, and Y/N apologized, mostly. Everything she failed to say, and failed to make him feel. She spared nothing.
She looks at her wristwatch. 11:55 pm.
Her hands are almost transparent at this point.
"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to keep my promise" she says, taking Sungjin's hand in hers. "I mean it when I said I love you, and I want you to be happy—"
"—I can't be," Sungjin replies. At least he had stopped crying, but it looks like he was about to again.
Three minutes.
"Close your eyes, babe." He does, and she kisses his lips one last time.
"I'm gonna miss you," she says. "I'll wait for you, okay?"
"I won't take long." Sungjin's voice is quivering.
One minute.
"I love you." Her skin starts to glow while she was speaking, her body flowing like ashes in the wind and drifting upwards.
"I love you, too," Sungjin says.
When he opens his eyes, he was alone on the park bench.
He stays there for a long time, wishing she heard him.
She did, and she carried his love with her to the dark skies.
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