rebouks · 15 days
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Matilda: I can’t believe you talked me into this. Mia: C’mon, would it be so terrible to bump into Triss? Matilda: Horrendous. Mia: Psh, you want to see him-.. besides, I need a tan and a fling with a hot Tartosan goddess. Matilda: And Ivan? Mia: Ivan just needs a damn break. [Matilda folded her arms in silent protest, though still nodded in agreement] Mia: You’ve could’ve bloody replied, couldn’t you? Chatted, maybe gotten his number, an email-.. but noooo, you’ve gotta be stubborn n’ make me drag you across the ocean like we’re in some shitty romcom. Matilda: So, you agree it’s gonna be shitty? Mia: Ough-.. if it all goes to shit at least we’ll be on holiday; don’t be scared. Matilda: I’m not scared. Mia: Uh-huh, sure. I brought plenty of factor fifty and there’s a barf bag right there just in case, don’t worry. Matilda: God, you’re annoying. Mia: Yeah, but you love me-.. pot kettle black anyway, bitch! … Pixie: Why isn’t daddy coming? Ivan: Well.. he’s got some stuff t’do, remember? [Pixie shrugged absently, fiddling with Ivan’s sunglasses] Ivan: Y’remember what we talked about, right? [Pixie nodded reluctantly as Ivan poked her cheek] Ivan: It might just be me n’ you for a while, you okay wi’ that? Pixie: I guess-.. Judie too? Ivan: Aye, on weekends. Pixie: Okay…
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vict12r · 4 months
@esc0rted said “   obedience  does  not  come  naturally  to  you ,    does  it ?     ”
 ‍  ‍ defiance is the only thing that lets her feel even a little in control here; this game before the true arena, these puppeteers walking her around on strings for their entertainment before they watch her bleed. a blade - sharp glare meets effie trinket's powdered face, expression pulled into an ugly little scowl -- but inexplicably, katniss feels a pang of guilt instead of the satisfaction of her escort's exasperation. like a child scolded. effie is capitol, tried ﹠ true, and her hairspray has surely choked out some of her brainells, but what has she done, other than play her role? she has been sweet to them both, peeta and her, despite the headaches they ( i.e, katniss ) they have surely given her, though her perception of the world she's in and the games she takes part in are undoubtedly crooked. all she is trying to do is make everything else go as smoothly as possible.
 ‍  ‍ katniss drops her gaze, expels a frustrated breath through her nose as fingernails find and pick at a loose thread in her chair cushion. “ sorry, ” it's less like pulling teeth than she thought. “ what do you need? ”
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fruit-of-infidelity · 8 months
// (I have a few asks in my inbox atm, which I will get to when I can ♡ They have been in there a while. But! Since I'm writing Ryuuto (and Richter's) version of the "Vampire★Juice" drama cd, that made me wanna offer a prompt for anyone that wanted to ask them something:
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“Whoops~ Ryuuto and Richter should have known better than to taste the suspicious syrup left at their doorstep. Now, they must suffer the consequences—”
Truth Serum Ingested! Ask my muse(s) anything, and they HAVE to answer truthfully!
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sweetpop · 2 years
so what if Donovan gets jealous of Eddie flirting with me and sulks while Shay tries to comfort him and I notice and he notices and immediately tries to act normal then what
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altruistic-meme · 16 days
hiii abram
i come baring questions
38. childhood career choice
40. who i wish i could be
41. where i wish i was right now
hope you're enjoying losing your mind over tsc and i'm super excited to read it myself and then scream at you about it
-miels 💜✨
hiii miels!!!
38. childhood career choice
when i was young the only thing i really kind of wanted to be was a veterinarian but i also put in NO actual work towards that happening dskhfsh and i also dropped it the older i got when i realized the realities of it wasn't simply just. Working With Animals.
40. who i wish i could be
someone with so much more confidence :'))) it's something im working on for sure. also someone who could actually,,,, maintain friendships dskdj
41. where i wish i was right now
idk if this is meant Literally in which case i would very much like to be at the beach rn actually, i wanted to go this week bc i was off and then my car DIED SO RIP
but also just like, in life i wish i was in a better place financially for sure. i have less money now than i did when i first moved out and that SUCKS i want my money back :')
also YESSS im going so so insane about TSC i'm so going to be rereading it soon and just going even more crazy. i cannot wait for your screaming about it absolutely feel free to send me anything about it im so serious
[ ask game ]
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dingo-doodles · 1 year
I dunno what to draw sooo..
Send their refs via askbox plspls 👍👍
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crazyboredasians · 10 months
Puede que me maten, pero no soporto el rol poético, ese que te mandan 80 sinónimos de la misma palabra o buscan palabras muy rebuscadas para sonar inteligentes o cultos...// SAME. No suelo rolear +18, pero esto aplica a todos mis roles. Si me toca rolear con alguien que abusa de lo poético en sus narraciones siempre termino saltándome los párrafos y leyendo solo los diálogos para responder esa parte dskdj
Me van a meter presa por rol poetry (?). Ojo, también hago mucho shitpost. There's no inbetween.
✰ pride
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mr D was really on screen merely to serve cunt and then leave with no plot relevance at all. Like, yaas, gaslight him about his own fucking name you go king dskdj
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oh-no-its-elle · 4 years
are you sure zayn and liam are in a relationship? imagine it was a prank on us to sell more records?
Yeah I believe they’re in a relationship! And if they really want to prank me good they’d drop a collab or hold hands in public!!!!!!! I’d buy a record to see that. xx
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smoochesforghost · 4 years
If you’re in a Zelda mood I BEG you for a Sheik
love that guy
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guaxinimraccoon · 4 years
Huge thanks to you all!!
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A few days ago I reached 400 followers and I can’t put in words how thankfull I am to you guys!!
Posting my art here has been meaning a lot to me.
I am a very shy, anxious and insecure person, especially over my art, I barely manage to show it to my close friends without panicking a little! But thanks to the positive feedback you guys have been giving me for the past few years I have manage to encourage myself to practice more and to show it to others with pride, not being ashamed of my g/t OC’s as well!! 
Thanks to you, I improved myself, you guys encourage me to show my art and to keep doing what I truly love!
So, even if you don’t follow, if you ever liked or reposted one of my posts, you were supporting me, helping me get through my anxiety and fears, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that!
Thanks to every single one of you for all the lovely support! 
And be proud of your art! Be proud of what you do! It’s worth it risking and showing what you can do to others, I have done so and I will never regret it.
Stay safe y’all!
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krazse · 4 years
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—— Brooklyn Krause?! Por aqui ela é mais conhecido como The Instant Expert desde que se mudou há quarenta e nove anos. Os turistas costumam confundi-la com Carla Gugino, mas ela não passa de uma Obstetra no Southshore hospital de quarenta e nove anos anos. Quando encontrá-la eu sugiro que tenha paciência porque ela pode ser cabeça dura e materialista em seus dias ruins, mas há quem diga que ela também possa ser dinâmica e empática quando está de bom humor. Espero que tenha sorte na sua procura!
Os pais de Brooklyn, a mãe americana e o pais inglês, vieram morar na cidade quando a filha tinha alguns poucos meses de vida, mas pra qualquer um que perguntar, foi em Malta que a mulher nasceu, e é tudo o que lhe importa.
Crescendo sem muitos luxos, Brooke sempre foi muito apegada ao que tinha, e a intenção de virar médica veio não só do desejo infantil de muitas crianças, mas também da possibilidade de ter uma vida confortável no futuro.
Autodidata e de aprendizado rápido, ganhou uma bolsa numa faculdade estadunidense, sendo assim, em dezoito anos, a primeira vez que Brooklyn deixou a ilha de Malta.
Morar com os avós maternos durante o decorrer do curso não foi uma das experiências mais fáceis, o tratamento que tinha dos pais faziam os avós parecerem ainda mais controladores, e acima de tudo, eles eram quase estranhos. Repetidamente, Brooklyn se via repetindo de que eram mais alguns anos até anos se transforarem em meses, e meses em dias.
Seus planos pra voltarem pra Malta após a graduação eram poucos, quase inexistentes. Queria primeiro terminar a residência cirúrgica pra depois voltar pra a ilha. No entanto, acabou por não concretizar nenhuma das vontades, depois do primeiro ano de residência foi encantar-se pela obstetrícia, e por insistência dos pais, que felizes com a ideia, convenceram-na da vaga no Southshore.
Foi já de volta em Valletta que conheceu Presley, o atual marido. E mesmo o casamento não indo muito bem das pernas agora, ela brinca muito dizendo que se não fosse desistir da antiga residência não teria voltado antes pra a cidade, e que a vida poderia ter sido bem diferente.
Como filha única, a perspectiva de continuar numa família pequena sempre foi muito assustadora. Então, pra quem quiser plot de adoção ou família, pode vir. E também nem precisa ser adoção oficial, ela só é uma mama bear mesmo.
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fogtier · 5 years
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@chemicataclysm bro you just posted cringe!
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softpine · 5 years
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lovelsnotover · 5 years
frogyeom and noojman was really peak stream team huh
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fluttershys-lament · 2 years
relationship with garlic bread ended. now ham bread is my new friend
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