mtg-talk · 11 months
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My friend forgot to secure the latch on his magic card briefcase and all his commander decks are now mixed together. Now he’s playing 1200 card pickup and has to reorganize everything.
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btravager · 4 months
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I came back to Tumblr and immediately deleted almost all of my old posts lmao. But here's a funny custom mtg card.
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incorrect-mtg · 11 months
Oh yeah, should probably post my "biggest tweet of all time" right now too, huh?
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desserteau · 8 months
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Another night of Commander (formerly Elder Dragon Highlander) at the LGS (local game store)
Based on some mspaint comic I saw a while ago.
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mangabookclub · 8 months
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Tales from the Mana Crypt #75 - Strategic Planning
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mun-neet · 2 months
normalize tapping for two blue mana on an opponent's turn for No Reason other than to put the fear of God into them. the mere threat of a counterspell. respond to literally any spell by tapping two islands and looking them dead in the eyes. see who blinks first. then say "mana pool empties" and watch their expression.
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
Gathering: Collected Company
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Authors note: Knock knock bitch! burnout is gone and I finally returned to my first series and no one is safe. @existslikepristin
"Oppa, carry me. I'm tired," Chaewon pleaded, her voice a mix of exhaustion and playfulness. Percival turned to his girlfriend with a knowing smile.
"Ah, but you have two perfectly functional legs," he teased, fully aware he'd give in to her request anyway. He enjoyed the little game they played, her earning his favor with just a touch of effort.
Chaewon pouted, halting their progress with a dramatic slump. "But OPPA, I've been performing all week. I'm utterly exhausted. Can't you please give me a lift?" she implored, weariness evident in her posture.
"Alright, hop on, Chae," Percival relented, unable to resist her puppy-dog eyes. Chaewon's face lit up as she eagerly climbed onto his back, her fatigue momentarily forgotten as he carried her into the Card Shop.
"Hey, Percy!" the cashier greeted them warmly. "Here to pick up your order?" they asked, oblivious to Percival's concealed discomfort. As the cashier fetched their items, Chaewon's eyes landed on her new commander, Loot, Key to the universe, and her excitement was palpable.
Sensing her gaze, Percival turned to her with a smile. "Excited?" he inquired, noting the spark in her eyes. Chaewon nodded enthusiastically. After settling the bill, they found a nearby table to sleeve their new cards and decks.
Percival observed Chaewon's focused demeanor with admiration and affection, finishing his task before her due to years of practice. When she finally looked up, he couldn't help but smile at her.
"What?" she asked, curious at his expression.
"Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend," Percival replied, his affectionate tone not lost on her. Though she rolled her eyes at his sappiness, deep down, she cherished his displays of affection, finding solace in his care.
"Wanna get a quick game in?" Chaewon proposed eagerly.
"Chae, you know we're supposed to wait," Percival reminded her sternly, though he knew she could easily sway him.
Pouting cutely, Chaewon persisted, "I know, but I just want to see how well you pilot this new deck."
"As much as I'd love to dive into games with this commander, our friends might not appreciate it," Percival reasoned.
"Come on, just one quick match. Everyone else got to practice," Chaewon insisted, pulling out her phone to show him proof.
"Those sneaky ones," Percival grumbled, feeling annoyance.
"Yeah, now you know. Let's play," Chaewon said with a grin, and Percival couldn't resist her enthusiasm, setting up his deck to her delight.
The tension between them heightened as they faced each other across their playmats. Chaewon's smile widened as she glanced at the custom playmat featuring her own likeness, a thoughtful gift from Percival. Observing his meticulous setup, she marveled at his methodical movements, admiring the way he arranged his mat, deck, and commander. Her heart fluttered with anticipation as Percival graciously allowed her to take the first turn.
With a confident demeanor, Chaewon laid down an Island and cast Mystic Remora, initiating her strategy. Meanwhile, Percival swiftly established his own board presence, starting with Command Tower, followed by Sol Ring, and culminating in the summoning of Tinybones, the Pickpocket. As she drew three cards from the trade-off, Chaewon couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement, even if she didn't fully grasp the intricacies of the exchange. Undeterred, she continued her turn by playing another land and attempting to cast Three Visits, leveraging her resources to their fullest potential.
Percival acknowledged her play with a thumbs-up, his own strategy unfolding smoothly as he summoned his commander and led an offensive with Tinybones. Chaewon, bracing herself, took the hit and begrudgingly exiled the top two cards of her library, knowing they might come back to haunt her in Percival's hands. With a calculating gaze, he stored the exiled cards beneath his commander, his mind already racing through potential plays.
Glancing at Chaewon, then at his hand of cards, Percival knew he had a decision to make. While he understood the correct path to victory, he also recognized Chaewon was not ready for the following turns. Chaewon's growth was undeniable though and her request to remove the metaphorical training wheels during their matches. With a newfound determination, Percival focused on navigating the game, his senses sharpened as he observed Chaewon's next moves. As she played another land and cast Nature's Lore, fetching an OG Dual Tropical Island, Percival couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. It was the first time Chaewon had demonstrated the strategy of fetching dual lands, a sign of her evolving understanding of the game. This realization emboldened Percival to raise the stakes, ready to test Chaewon's skills further.
"Ah, that's new," Percival remarked, acknowledging Chaewon's innovative play.
"You like it, Civy? I figured it out a few days ago since Tropical Island is both a forest and an Island," Chaewon explained proudly, her confidence evident.
Before they could delve deeper into their match, they were interrupted by the arrival of Yunjin and the rest of their friends (including me), who questioned why they were starting without them. Chaewon swiftly countered, pointing out that they had all begun practicing before receiving their decks. As everyone settled down, they took a moment to assess the state of the game.
"I see you were about to run her over," I commented to Percival, noting the disparity between their board states.
"No, he wasn't," Chaewon retorted, defending her position.
"Hey, Percival, mind showing us your hand since we're starting a new game?" I requested, eager to see the contents of his deck. With a nonchalant gesture, Percival revealed two win conditions and counterspells, while also flipping over Chaewon's cards to reveal a Rhystic Study and an Underworld Breach. Chaewon's eyes widened in realization as Percival simply shrugged.
"Oh yeah, that game was pretty much over," Eunchae chimed in teasingly, her words stoking Chaewon's frustration.
"Yah" Growling in response, Chaewon watched as Percival rose from his seat, taking a moment to stretch before returning. "Game two?" he proposed, unfazed by the previous interruption.
"You mean game one," Yujin corrected, irritation evident in her tone. Percival rolled his eyes. As they all prepared for the next round, anticipation hung in the air, each player eager to prove themselves in this new iteration of the game.
"Hey Civy Oppa, can I sit next to you?" Kazuha's voice broke through the pre-game chatter, drawing Civy's attention. With a thumbs-up, he welcomed her to his side. Watching their interaction was always intriguing to me. Despite Civy's reserved nature, he seemed to open up more around Kazuha and Chaewon.
It wasn't lost on me that Civy, much like myself, was guarded about sharing personal information. Yet, he appeared more at ease with Kazuha, perhaps because of their shared quirks and tendencies. Despite his flamboyant demeanor, Civy maintained a calculated distance, revealing only the bare minimum about himself. It was a curious contrast, especially considering his ostentatious presentation would suggest otherwise. Beyond the surface, all we knew was that he had a family consisting of a dad, a mom, and two sisters. Chaewon might have been privy to more, but she kept it under wraps, leaving me with a lingering sense of curiosity.
"Question before we begin. Can we do a two-headed dragon game? I don't want this game to last 3.5 hours," Civy interjected, addressing the group with a reasonable request. We all agreed, pairing off as usual: Connor with Yunjin, Dexter with Eunbi, Sakura with Siyeon, Chaewon with Civy, and Yujin with myself.
"Are you two together again?" Civy inquired, noticing the proximity between Yujin and me. We both nodded, accustomed to Civy's silent approval before he proceeded to shuffle his deck.
"So, what does this deck do, Oppa?" Kazuha inquired politely, leaning in closer to Percival with genuine curiosity.
"Well, Zuha, this deck capitalizes on the combat damage dealt by my creatures to gather insights and resources from our opponents' decks. I aim to either secure victory later using those acquired cards or force our opponents into a stall," Percival explained, his tone animated with enthusiasm. "Plus, the artwork is super cool," he added, gesturing towards the vibrant illustrations adorning the cards. Kazuha nodded appreciatively, while Chaewon watched pleased to see this side of Percival opening up to the group.
However, after Sakura sternly scolded Percival about his interactions with other members, he noticeably withdrew. Though we all noticed the shift, we understood it would take time for him to regain his comfort level.
"Okay," Kazuha replied, observing as Percival set up his deck.
"Last question, everyone. Are we going hardcore or taking it easy?" Percival inquired, seeking input from the group.
"Hardcore. I'm eager to fine-tune Narset," Connor declared confidently, though met with disapproving glances from the rest of us. He relented with a sigh.
"Hey, Oppa, can I give it a try?" Kazuha asked, prompting knowing laughter from Cival and Chaewon.
"Why are you closing up? I wanted to play," Kazuha expressed confusion as Chaewon groaned, eventually handing over $45-50 to Percival.
"Oh, I just wanted you to experience the deck we got for you," Percival revealed, presenting a blue and white deck box to Kazuha. Opening it, she revealed Dr. Madison Li, eliciting surprise from the rest of us, except for Chaewon, who grumbled about losing the bet. Percival goes to sit outside of our little circle and begins gold fishing his deck
"Hey unnie so how do we decide who goes first," Kazuha asks shyly.
"Usually we roll dice but you can go first. RIGHT GUYS," Chaewon says to the rest of us and we agree.
Kazuha sets herself up comfortably and begins. we all look at starting hands and Kazuha asks Percival, "Hey Oppa What does 0 mean in the mana cost."
Percival sits up and says "Oh dear!"
"Can you believe Civy gave Zuha all those powerful cards in her first deck?" Yunjin questioned Connor as they headed back to his place
"Yes Percival is crazy but that's not what I want to think about," Connor replied finally happy to have some alone time between him and Yunjin.
"So what do you want to talk about," Yunjin asked her voice taking on a deeper and more sultry tone.
"Oh the amazing dinner I am going to prepare for you," Connor replied. Yunjin smiled as they entered the apartment. As they arrived at Connor's place, the atmosphere shifted subtly, charged with anticipation and desire. Connor led Yunjin inside, their hands brushing against each other as they moved through the familiar space. With a shared glance, they both knew that the evening held the promise of intimacy and connection.
In the kitchen, Connor began to gather ingredients for their dinner, his movements deliberate yet infused with a sense of eagerness. Yunjin watched him with admiration, appreciating his culinary skills and the effort he was putting into their evening together.
As Connor started to prepare the meal, Yunjin moved closer, her presence a warm and comforting presence in the kitchen. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, interspersed with laughter and affectionate glances.
As the aroma of the cooking food filled the air, their shared anticipation grew, each moment imbued with a sense of intimacy and connection. And as they sat down to enjoy the delicious meal together, their hearts were full, knowing that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
After dinner, Connor and Yunjin both got calls on their phone
"Come on Pick Up. Come on Pick up." Percival fretted as Chaewon mirrored his call and fretted with hers directed to Yunjin.
Thankfully Connor picks up,
"Oh thank God you two are safe. We have a situation." Percival says worried.
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clarification-sfw · 9 months
I have never seen a card I want to make an edh deck for more in my life 🥺🥺🥺
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cardboard-crack · 4 months
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degusart · 7 months
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Look, it was a 1/1 creature vs. four 1/1 creatures WITH FLYING.
I made the right choice.
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mtg-talk · 10 months
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Source: FlorkofCows
Totally normal Magic: the Gathering interaction
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paintwhenever · 7 months
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Finally got my custom proxies for my Ghoulcaller Gisa EDH Deck. Harrow leads the deck as Gisa, making lots of "skeletons" tokens, and Gideon is in the deck as Champion of the Perished, gaining power while harrow does her thing.
and ultimately getting sacrificed to give harrow more power
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mouth-less · 9 months
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so commander went well today
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Do you remember my Rat Colony proxy card?
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Well, I printed it, and it works! I'm excited!
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Can never have enough rats.
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