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obotzcanada · 7 days
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In times when conventional boundaries are constantly being pushed, the concept of Edupreneurship has emerged as a promising force of innovation and societal impact. Gone are the days when education was confined to the perception of academics and when entrepreneurship was just for business-minded people. The gradual fusion of education and entrepreneurship has blurred this boundary and has given rise to a set of trailblazers - The Edupreneurs.
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Good things come to those who wait... 🤨because all the great things are taken by those who hustle💯‼️#elearning #udemy #onlinelearning #onlinecourse #onlinecourses #education #educationmatters #educationispower #courses #course #mindset #mindsetiseverything #mindsetmatters #edupreneur #edupreneurship #infopreneur #skillshare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #ecommerce #ecommercebusiness #ecom (at Toronto C•A•N•A•D•A) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Xw-K1DMKJ/?igshid=1c07kcnrtsnqv
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orangeslates-blog · 4 years
Franchise v/s Owned Preschools?
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niakurniatiginting · 2 years
Mohon izin berbagi
Alhamdulillah dapat ilmu banyak dari Bimtek PAUD Institude
Motorik Kasar itu dominan di Kaki
1. Berdiri
2. Berjalan
3. Berlari
4. Melompat
5. Mundur
6. Maju
7. merangkak
8. memanjat
9. Berjinjit
11. Dll
Aspek Bahasa itu dominan di Mulut
1. Menirukan
2. Mengulang kalimat
3. Menjawab
4. Menceritakan
5. Menyanyi
6. Menyebutkan
Aspek Kognitif itu dominan di Pikiran atau Kecerdasan
1. Menyamakan
2. Membedakan
3. Sebab akibat
4. Mengelompokkan
5. Mengurutkan
6. Mengamati
Motorik Halus itu dominan di Tangan
1. Memegang
2. Menyusun
3. Menjiplak
4. Menggunting
5. Meronce
6. Mencocokkan
7. Menganyam
8. Menebalkan
9. Melipat
10. Meronce
11 Menyusun
12 Melempar
13. Menangkap
Aspek Agama dominan di Hati
1. Menyayangi
2. Berdoa
3. Menolong
4. Salam
5. Membagi
6. Sopan
7. Rapih
8. Bersyukur
Aspek Seni dominan
- ditelinga (Seni musik)
- ditangan (Seni lukis, seni musik, seni tari)
- dimulut (seni suara)
Saat kita mampu memilah dan memilih,maka kita mudah memasukkan ke dalam Tema maupun Sentra
Asyiknya Belajar dan Bermain dengan Anak adalah Mendalami
Seandainya kita dapat mendalami satu gerakan saja,maka kita akan mendapatkan Ilmu Permainan yang banyak
Contohnya :
Permainannya adalah :
Berdiri satu kaki,berdiri berjinjit,berdiri di bambu,berdiri di tempat yang kecil,berdiri di lingkaran,berdiri bersama teman dll
Contohnya :
Permainannya adalah :
Menyamakan huruf,angka,bentuk,benda,warna, jari,kaki dll
Selamat mencoba
Hendaknya setelah memberi anak tugas menulis atau apa saja kita harus moving(berpindah) untuk melihat apakah siswa nulisnya sudah benar atau belum
Nulisnya dari arah kiri ke kanan atau dari dari kanan ke kiri atau dari atas ke bawah atau sebaliknya dari bawah ke atas.
Kita sebagai guru hendaknya mendampingi siswa dalam hal apapun.guru tidak hanya duduk manis di kursi meja nya.Guru jaman now peduli terhadap siswanya,guru harus moving/berpindah tempat untuk melihat kondisi siswa lebih dekat,baik itu siswa kelompok A atau siswa Kelompok B dan hal ini akan menghindari siswa dari perselisihan, bertengkar atau memukul ketika preoses belajar, guru harus tersenyum, ramah dan lembut
Itulah Guru PAUD yang pahalanya segudang karena memang tanggung jawabnya yang sangat besar terhadap siswa/anak nya
Maka tidak salah kalau terkadang wali murid memberi kita hadiah(ucapan terima kasih)
Semoga kita bisamengamalkan ilmu ini sehingga lembaga kita jadi lebih baik dan terbaik
Guru itu harus punya jiwa kewirausahaan(kreatif dan mandiri)
Guru itu seperti pamong,artinya momong,yang momong harus punya kasih sayang terhadap yang di mong dalam hal ini anak/siswa
Guru kita tidak boleh memiliki wajah yang menakutkan
Tersenyumlah supaya anak-anak tidak takut
Jangan bangga jadi orang yang di takuti
Tapi banggalah karena di segani dan berwibawa
Sesuaikanlah suara ketika mengajar,jangan terlalu keras/ berteriak arena nanti di kira tetangga sebelah kita marah-marah...padahal kita mengajar
Dan jangan terlalu lembek yg membuat anak tidak termotivasi/tidak greget(semangat)
Hendaknya kita Memotivasi diri kita dan team kita supaya lebih baik dan lebih pintar supaya terus belajar
Guru harus tersenyum Tersenyumlah seperti kalau kita masuk di BANK
Masuk kelas di sambut dengan senyuman guru dan di sapa "selamat pagi,ada yang bisa saya bantu?"silahkan duduk dan minum dulu." pasti orang tua dan akan makin cinta dan percaya kepada kita
Kalau lembaga kita seperti itu..InshaAllah akan sukses selamanya..jangan menyepelekan hal kecil ini..kalau guru memasang wajah senyum,giat untuk mengadakan perbaikan,punya wajah sayang dan ramah terhadap anak pasti akan lebih maju dan lebih baik
Guru harus selalu mengadakan perbaikan,kreatif,mengajar *#edupreneurship *#entrepreneurship
Guru juga perlu di supervisi di pantau bagaimana cara mengajarnya,sikapnya,cara bicaranya (supervisi akademik dan klinis) maka perlu diadakan sharing dan bimbingan untuk guru agar lebih baik
kalau belum baik ya kita perbaiki bersama,bila sudah baik semoga lebih baik dan bertambah baik
Karena guru PAUD(RA/BA/TA/TK/PPT/TPA) itu pertama kali yang akan masuk surga dg catatan ngajar nya yg baik..tapi kalau sebaliknya,ya yang akan pertama kali masuk neraka
- Kreatif
- Konsisten
- Menghasilkan dengan cepat
Semoga kita bisa menjadi tim hebat yang terus bersemangat mencerdaskan dan membimbing generasi spesial kita..
Kerja cerdas, kerja keras, kerja ikhlas, kerja tuntas
Salam guru PAUD
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dudeinthestacks · 4 years
*Upon seeing my 50th Edupreneurship master class ad*
First Thought: This edupreneur thing is out of control. Grind/Hustle culture is insane.
Second Thought: Educators can either capitalize on their experience, or go work at JC Penney to supplement the low salary they earn for doing a job they love.
Third Thought: Capitalism is a destructive force.
(My mental process is the enlightenment meme)
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youshaam · 7 years
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There is no time like the present. #today #skills #decide #strategy #successquotes #edupreneurship #DigitalMarketing #capetownlife #socialbusiness #southafrica
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miteshsw · 4 years
How Covid-19 Pandemic is affecting Education System?
A must read Blog by Mohit Mundra (Meraki Labs)
#blog #covid19 #mohitmundra #merakilabs #education #edupreneurship #jodhpur
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What is a Career in NGO Management?
I find a Career in NGO Management very interesting. Almost everyone seems to be talking about How to start a Career in NGO Management, while I want to first develop an understanding of What is a Career in NGO Management. I was Googling about a Career in NGO Management and was lucky to find: https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170103-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-NGO-Management/english
Harry Sethi's take!
With 24 years & 2 months of professional experience, Harry Sethi understands NGO Management. Harry Sethi has worked in NGO Management as Director in CARE. In Harry Sethi's own words, this is how Harry Sethi got into NGO Management:
"I have had the opportunity to work with Govt., Non-Govt. and Corporate Sector.Currently I am involved in promoting a wonderful organization called the Toastmasters."
This link showed on the first page of search results for Harry Sethi: https://www.lifepage.in/page/harrysethi
Career Video on NGO Management
In a video, Harry Sethi has talked about various aspects of a Career in NGO Management. Harry Sethi started by explaining NGO Management as:
"NGO is a not-for-profit organization that is independent from states and international governmental organizations.To achieve success, NGOs have to continually improve and professionalize their work, which puts more and more demands on the management and leadership of an organisation."
The video was an engaging disposition.
It is easy to Google information about what Qualifications are needed to enter NGO Management, this video went a step ahead to talk about the body of knowledge one needs to develop to excel at NGO Management. Harry Sethi touches upon these in the Education section of the Video:
Human Resource Mgnt.
General Management
Social Development
Project Management
Harry Sethi then explains why these Skills are essential for a Career in NGO Management:
Communication Skills
Harry Sethi believes that the following are some of the Positives of a Career in NGO Management:
Societal Impact
Respect & Recognition
Challenging Work Profile
And, Harry Sethi believes that one needs to prepare for following Challenges of a Career in NGO Management:
Building Trust
Fund Raising
Difficult to measure impact
In the final section of the video Harry Sethi talks about How a day goes in a Career in NGO Management. This video is by far the best video on a Career in NGO Management, that I have ever come across. To see the full Talk, one needs to install the LifePage Career Talks App. Here is a direct deep link of the Video: https://lifepage.app.link/20170103-0001
Similar Career Talks on LifePage
I continued with my research on LifePage and thoroughly studied these links to gain more perspective:
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170426-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20161128-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170224-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Activism/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20161116-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Narcotics-Control/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170202-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170408-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Rural-Development/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20160726-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170523-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170613-0003/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170217-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171228-0003/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171022-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20161013-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171013-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171212-0009/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171027-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170913-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170211-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-RTI-Activism/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171110-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-NGO-Management/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20180712-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171005-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171204-0004/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171205-0004/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/spanish
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20180714-0006/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170915-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Gender-Specialist/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171128-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20170808-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Enterprise/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20180524-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Human-Rights-Protection/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20171108-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20181225-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20181212-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Entrepreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20181001-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Animal-Welfare/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20190308-0003/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Development/hindi
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20181002-0002/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Work/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20190211-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Social-Edupreneurship/english
https://www.lifepage.in/career/20180424-0001/Arts/Social Work/Career-in-Activism/english
Career Counseling 2.0
After having learnt about a Career in NGO Management I was curious about LifePage. I think LifePage is doing an amazing job of connecting real professionals with Career seekers. It is truly an amazing innovation in the area of Career Counseling. You can learn more about LifePage on: https://www.lifepage.in
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edivupage · 6 years
Why Edupreneurship May Be Perfect for You
Do you have a background in education and a desire to run your own business? Many people are interested in a new category of business, commonly referred to as edupreneurship. It’s a play on words and combines two of the most important terms: education and entrepreneurship. This creates a unique category and content for potential candidates who are interested in a new way of teaching.
You may be wondering if this path is the right one for you to pursue, and it very well might be. To make a decision, here are a few reasons why edupreneurship may be perfect for you.
Edupreneurship is extremely flexible.
The concept of edupreneurship is extremely flexible, and that doesn’t simply refer to your office hours. The definition of edupreneurship is highly subjective depending on who you may be talking with and the subject matter at hand. However, there are a few basic elements that are the same all the time. A good edupreneur strives to:
Effect change in the education system
Develop new products or programs to deepen or improve the learning experience
Produce measurable results for academic standards
The methods you can use to approach these standards vary wildly. Your creativity and a unique approach to business are highly encouraged. While teachers may feel stifled by the classroom experience, edupreneurship gives them an opportunity to teach and design tools for doing so creatively.
You have a genuine passion for learning and teaching.
Can you think of anything better than teaching an important concept to a large crowd? Edupreneurship gives teachers an opportunity to expand their business and follow their greatest passion. If teaching has always been your dream job but you don’t love the classroom, edupreneurship could be a viable alternative.
Entrepreneurship, in general, requires a lot of dedicated hard work to make a business successful. Your passion and drive to create the perfect program or product are clearly seen in the final results. When passion tends to wane, you may come up with a less effective or less successful final product. In edupreneurship, a lack of passion could determine the efficiency of your teaching and learning platform.
You are very motivated to succeed.
One of the biggest indicators of success in edupreneurship is the drive to succeed. If you have a strong and overwhelming desire to achieve a certain success, this is likely to result in a brighter future. Motivation is a key factor for all entrepreneurs, as you will be required to work extremely hard to make your program or product work for your target audience. A motivation to succeed, alongside a business mindset and a stable business model, is said to be one of the most significant aspects of this sector.
Common teaching techniques are becoming a thing of the past as online and blended learning become more popular. Education is far from being a major business, but there are definitely some business opportunities for passionate educators who are motivated to succeed. Edupreneurship may be the ideal profession for you if you have what it takes.
        The post Why Edupreneurship May Be Perfect for You appeared first on The Edvocate.
Why Edupreneurship May Be Perfect for You published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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📈Math that can change your life 💯‼️ Ideas 🧠 are completely worthless without Action, Action is worthless without Persistence and Persistence isn’t worth a damn thing without Happiness! #happiness #hardworkpaysoffs #hardwork #blackboard #elearning #hustle #hustlers #businesswoman #businesswomenlife #entrepreneurlife #edupreneur #edupreneurship #edupreneurschool #coaching #crisis #mindset #learn #learnmagic #canada #toronto #garyvee #tonyrobbins #jayshetty #tombilyeu #lewishowes #sidehustle #sidehustles #sidehustler (at Toronto C•A•N•A•D•A) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6RQqRFjTuX/?igshid=xfojve93t5zv
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Why Edupreneurship May Be Perfect for You
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ruthwrightusa · 7 years
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 https://t.co/pH9HeeDVa7
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 pic.twitter.com/pH9HeeDVa7
— Targeted Laser SEO (@laserseopros) September 17, 2017
//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/laserseopros
from Targeted Laser SEO https://laserseopros.wordpress.com/2017/09/17/edupreneurship-a-new-dimension-of-entrepreneurship-via-tathan-httpst-cow5oh65caf6-httpst-coph9heedva7/
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daniellerover · 7 years
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 https://t.co/pH9HeeDVa7
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 pic.twitter.com/pH9HeeDVa7
— Targeted Laser SEO (@laserseopros) September 17, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/laserseopros from Targeted Laser SEO https://targetedseo1.tumblr.com/post/165446990963
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youshaam · 7 years
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One step at a time...A little becomes a lot. #thursdaymotivation #encouragement #quotestoliveby #successquotes #digitalbranding #DigitalMarketing #edupreneurship #socialbusiness
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targetedseo1 · 7 years
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 https://t.co/pH9HeeDVa7
Edupreneurship: A New Dimension Of #Entrepreneurship via @tathan https://t.co/w5oH65CAf6 pic.twitter.com/pH9HeeDVa7
— Targeted Laser SEO (@laserseopros) September 17, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/laserseopros
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