silver-embersss · 3 days
the ghostbusters r gay btw. i know this dan aykroyd told me himself
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ember-knights · 4 months
Fuck the us for its involvement in the Red Sea. Fuck the uk for its fucking greed. Fuck the us and the uk for bombing Yemen because 1 government dared to say no to funding of the most brutal bloody genocide in history .
Ansarallah’s demands were simple: stop the damn genocide in Gaza.
And today the uk and us dropped 10 air strikes on Yemeni cities for daring to not accept the annihilation of the Palestinians without a fight.
I want to wake up one day and hear the US & the UK be put in their fucking damn place.
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man, I love leafeons. just perfection on four legs
if you are thinking about disagreeing with me I need you to do one simple thing, take a look at her....
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squidbeak-asktoon · 1 year
what are your favorite bands?
(jay) i'm a pretty big bottom feeders fan!!! i've got most of their cds and i've gone to a couple concerts ^^ i like em a lot
(four) my favourite band is probably hightide era!!! i don't listen to a ton of music like jay or amber, but their stuff is my favourite to battle to and it's usually what i turn on when i'm studying!!!
(amber) hmmm... that is a hard question? i don't think pearl and marina count as a band, so i guess my favourite band would be diss pair! i am also very partial to chirpy chips, though.
(neo) ehhhh....turquoise october is pretty good, but since i got to the surface i've gotta say that i really like wet socks (especially the songs featuring off the hook). i've started doing lots of turf war lately and their music is real fun to battle to... c-side is pretty good too though
(ember) to be honest i'm not sure!!! splatlandian and inkadian music is so much different than the salmonid music i'm used to!! it's all pretty cool..... if we're not counting omega-3, i'm a really big fan of whoever composed all the songs that played during the places in alterna!! it's really cool..
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lesbianont · 2 years
changes on T after 1 month
• sore throat (from voice deepening) • very slight adam's apple protrusion • i'm stinkier and need to apply deodorant more often • my skin is very slightly rougher than usual • my voice is capable of being deeper, but my talking voice isn't deeper • i sweat more (more tmi stuff below)
• my pee smells • happy trail has longer hair, not thicker • bottom hair growth is faster
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dragonheirs · 5 months
the only thing between me and that blade plushie is my own self control and. god I do not have any
he looks so soft... so huggable... he probably wouldn't arrive before my birthday, but it could still be a birthday present....
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godlessvera · 8 months
good morning! why are we All fronting!
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close-to-grey · 2 years
I’m gonna rb kanaena and act like I’m not specific to the salamander MV I hold her hand
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trainer---red · 2 years
Anyway, my boyfriend who ignores me to play Cuphead.
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ganq1ng · 3 years
scaramona but theyre that "just a tumblr girl and her skater boy" lyric from that tramp stamps song
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neon-vocalist · 2 years
10 and 13 ❣
10- what’s something you’re excited for?
high school!! we get our acceptance letters next friday >:D
13- what’s your comfort food?
probably a cookie dough blizzard from dairy queen. mac&cheese w tuna fish is good too, and grilled cheese w tomato soup is good with the littles :]
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silver-embersss · 3 months
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Ray and Egon VS Peter 'if I dont laugh i'll cry' Venkman
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ember-knights · 4 months
There is nothing left to say. All that needs to be said has been said. The pictures of burned children are there for the world to see.
The suffering has been documented. The horrors have been documented.
Day after day minute after minute. We have it all time stamped, categorized, and analyzed. What is left? All I see now is people getting used to the suffering of Palestinians. Moving on with their lives. Laughing smiling eating drinking .. living.. without a care in the world. Legit without a care in the world.
What is left to fucking do? People in Gaza are dying. People in the West Bank are dying.
What is to be done with this anger this rage so they get the help they need. Gaza has been completely destroyed. Enough is enough.
This has went on for far too damn long. We are approaching a 100 days of constant slaughter of Palestinians.
No one here can even comprehend the constant pain they have been living under. Of watching your loved ones die by the hundreds, no food or water, no medicine, neighborhoods flattened in seconds, constant fear and knowing you can not protect anyone you care about, your city your heart being so destroyed you can not even recognize it anymore, children dying of thirst and hunger, having their limbs amputated without anesthesia. Mothers burning the babies before naming them. Families decaying in the streets. Families decaying under the rubble.
I can keep listing the horrors of their every second for a fucking lifetime and it won’t be sufficient.
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Alright, since I can be spreading my knowledge I might as well
To all those that received an Applin yesterday and have decided that they will be a decent human being and keep it, aka not abandoning it. Here's some advice for taking care of them.
Something to keep in mind as well is that Applins are in fact dragon types, while they are perhaps one of the easiest ones to take care of, I recommend looking into standard dragon type care and needs. I won't be going over those cause this post is for Applin specific needs.
Alright first off, since not everyone might know this, but the actual pokemon is the inside of the apple rather than them being the whole thing. They burrow into apples as a form of protection when they hatch to hide from larger pokemon that could prey by pretending to be simply fruit.
Now while the apple an Applin is in does not rot, over the course of it's life it is going to need to change what apple it is inhabiting, due to both using it as protection as well as a food source for it.
Now it is important to have keep a fresh apples so they can quickly move to a new one once it is done with it's old one. Now you can do a variety of things with these discarded apples, but that's a different post. Also it is important to not use apples that were grown with pesticides or other harmful chemicals as those can potentially make your Applin sick. And they are quite small and weak when out of their apple, and start to lose moisture and become dehydrated so it's important to transfer them over as soon as you safely can.
And while Applins will burrow into a variety of fruit, they have a preference for apples, so that is important to keep in mind, so don't be surprise that if in your attempt of transferring your Applin into a more unique fruit fails cause it doesn't like it. And please, do not try and force your Applin to transfer to a new apple/fruit before it is time for it to do so naturally. As you can end up harming it in the process of getting it out of it's apple.
Now for some talk about their evolutions. Depending on the types of apples it eats, as well as the one it currently is inhabiting, it'll evolve into either a Frapple of Appletun. Now you no longer have transfer it over to a new apple regularly, as it's apple has now fused to them as a part of them. To be clear this means that those pieces of apple you see on them are part of their actual body now.
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squidbeak-asktoon · 1 year
comfort objects?
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jay's comfort item is their cape!! it was a gift from callie and marie shortly before they went on their recon mission around inkopolis bay (right before octo expansion), and they've kept it with them ever since! there's rarely a day where they don't wear it
four's is a zapfish plushie that marie handmade for them during hero mode 2!! this was right around when they were getting closer w/ her so it meant a lot to them!!
amber's comfort item is a squid pillow she got shortly after arriving on the surface! they needed something to hold at night bc sleeping was. not easy. so they picked up the pillow! they carry it around a lot
neo's item is the splatana they've owned since they were able to shift forms!! it's not in the best shape anymore so it can't be used in battles, but neo still really likes it so they keep it around
ember's is his pan!! it was passed down from someone else in his school, and he holds onto it to make sure it stays safe. he loves it a lot
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lesbianont · 2 years
how i started hrt in texas
i looked at multiple clinics from a trans friend for months, and they weren't accepting new patients at the time. i put in my information for them to contact me for when they do accept new patients.
even now, that i'm on hrt, i still haven't been contacted by these clinics. i'd also been looking at possible appointments for planned parenthood.
there were a couple planned parenthoods by me, but only one of them had LGBTQ+ care. i repeatedly looked at the website for possible appointments for months as well. i tried to call them, but the line could only handle one person talking at a time. luckily, i was able to schedule an appointment online without having to speak to anyone. this appointment was made in early may, for a virtual meeting with a nurse practitioner! think zoom for how it went, but through a secure calling platform.
my nurse practitioner was incredibly nice, albeit late for 45 minutes. this was okay with me as i'd waited months actively and years mentally for this appointment, making 45 minutes feel like nothing. she was incredibly nice, smiling the entire time, and incredibly careful with her words. she asked me what i identify as and what my pronouns are and never slipped up once with it.
the questions that were asked were similar to: how long have you been wanting to do hrt? do you have gender dysphoria? (and for how long and what about?) why do you want to do hrt? what do you want to get out of hrt?
she was incredibly thorough and made sure to ask if i had questions throughout the entire appointment.
i was most worried about how my IUD would affect my HRT, due to the hormones. my NP told me that a lot of her patients have IUDs similar to mine!
after my appointment with her, another person called me to set up my appointment for bloodwork. they were able to get a bloodwork appointment for the same day, but i went for the next day.
there was a couple of mix-ups with the time for the appointment, but nonetheless they were able to take my blood. less than 30 minutes after drawing blood, my NP called me telling me about the results of my bloodwork.
she sent me an e-mail of the effects of testosterone and how to apply it, and i was able to pick up my prescription the same day! unfortunately, i went out of town immediately after getting my bloodwork done, so i had to pick up my prescription the next day.
i was extremely lucky to just be "m'am'ed" at the pharmacy, as i was really worried they were going to give me trouble after misgendering me.
i've only been on testosterone for a little over a month, but the process was easier than a lot of people get. going the route of informed consent rather than needing to get an okay from a psychiatrist seems to be the best option, in my opinion!
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