#esp in my 'what if aus' oooooh
cosmic-walkers · 24 days
I love Risley as a problematic character who is aloof but is also like awful in his own right. LIKE aside from Thomas, Gregory and Rafe I can tell he's gonna be my favorite. Especially wrt to his relationship with Thomas...
The HCs i have for these two....
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alma-amentet · 11 months
Hey!!! The last time I checked, you liked Varre and Mohg? And you said Mohg needed to pay way more attention to people that really love him (like Varre....), rather than some ephemeral (and problematic) *idea* of a loving partner? Could you elaborate your thoughts on the matter if that's okay?
oooooh... now there will be manywords 😏 so manymanyletters... TYSM for a fresher topic to ponder about (for a change, from my usual Haligtree fluff). I really enjoyed putting this post together.
Well, not that I'm really a fan of them... Sometimes I'm curious abt other people's ideas and attachements, esp when they are way too different than mine. Trying to comprehend them is a good thing. Truthfully, I'm more a fan of Morgott fluff, it's often very sweet, not that problematic. Mohg and Varre are too problematic. Thinking further, I 'm only more convinced.
What I really enjoy is a more humorous cartoonish take on these two.
Like this and this. (Oh, I wanted to bring these two funny arts together, IMO they complement each other perfectly 😊)
This way, they make a fun couple. Mohg has a touch of a cartoonish villain (we spoke abt it), Varre is a devoted sidekick... who is getting less attention than he deserves (a trope detected).
Speaking more seriously and lore-wise, Varre talks about love too much. But is he sincere to himself, or is it just Stokholm syndrome, his mind being too twisted? Possibly the second.
And now I'm thinking Mohg really loved no one, he just served his Formless Mother to gain strenght. He needed an Empyrean as his consort, Miquella was easy to take. So no idea of loving partner (taking it back I guess) but greed for power.
Somewhere inside of him, there was a poor abandoned omen boy, but... unlike Morgott, that one was buried too deep, maybe long since dead, so not worthy to talk abt.
And this may be the reason Mohgwyn dynasty couldn't succeed: too much selfishness, even for a villain. Was he less arrogant and more clever, he'd start valuing others more, even if for purposes... Including Varre (and then he wouldn't leave him to die, came to help), or, say, other omens?
If Mohg didn't despise other omens (thinking only himself superior), he could get them as his allies, convinced to serve the upcoming Mohgwyn dynasty, promised them some better future. Then... who knows... he'd have a bigger army to aid his cause.
But no, it's not our Mohg. Luckily for my own Age of Abundance AU.
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ravenkinnie · 2 years
Hello little armrest monkey baby
What are your 3 top jinx headcanons?
*me and nur talked about it but jinx even in her powder era was the Weird Girl, the cookie monster pjs girl, like modern au jinx would love homestuck and warrior cats sjjsnsjs powder would hiss at other kids in the streets but she was too shy probs
*this is more interpretation than hc ig but who cares but I'm honestly somewhat astounded by how consistent jinxs characterization is with bpd experience jsjsjsn like apart from. the obvious jsjsjsj like the anger, mood swings, abandonment trauma, dissociation blabla but the way she can split on people and the reactive psychosis symptoms are so raw and real and not necessarily something people who don't experience it would describe well
also, I have a problem with the way concept of a favorite person is used in bpd communities, but if we applied it here then vi is consistently her favorite person, the person who she defines herself by and who she puts all her worth on (and then when she's gone silco becomes that person) - I think it's really cool that this craving for attachment focuses on being taken care of outside romantic relationships and more platonic familial bonds because it's something that isn't necessarily spoken about when it comes to adults but we carry craving for parental figures regardless of age
obv I'm not diagnosing a fictional character with a real life ruining mental disorder, esp since bestie is a mass murderer who's heading towards her own demise jsjsjsjsj but it's my own feelings plus the fact that I've seen other people with bpd comment on the same here and there and I think that's fascinating, the way it kind of cements how themes of attachment and identity are implemented and explored in very deliberate way
*since I'm talking about her mental state, I'm not gonna hc about literal psychotic symptoms but in my understanding the way those like, scribbles and doodles could fit into her dissociative episodes is the way yayoi kusama describes her own hallucinations:
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which like. I think something like installation art that combines tech and art would be a very healing outlet for my meow meow yk
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Anymore thoughts on the Irina Civil War AU? I feel like there's a lot of angst involved for Isogai since his best friend and fellow class rep are on the opposing side, as well as the Terasaka gang being broken up, and to a lesser extent the Artist Trio.
Oooooh a Civil War AU ask!!!!! Yes I have a lot more thoughts!
And oh yeah, Isogai is definitely having a hard time through all of this. They’re his biggest supports, and he’s fighting against them...he lowkey feels betrayed.
Just a recap: this is why Isogai is on the “leave” side
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As much as he values class harmony and giving people second chances, his family is his first and more important priority. And the thing is, Maehara and Kataoka respect that. They understand. But just because they do, doesn’t mean that they’ll lose their own personal values to follow Isogai. I think these three, esp Maeiso, will learn a really important lesson of boundaries in their friendships thanks to the civil war.
Ah...the Art Trio...this is kind of interesting because it’s basically Okajima alone on his side, and Mimura and Sugaya on the other...
But, he’s already sort of a third wheel to them anyways. Like in general, he’s left out more often than he’d like to admit.
I definitely think seeing his friends on the other side would amplify that sense of loneliness...poor Okajima...this arc would be so angsty for him omg. To the point where I can see him lowkey wanting to change his mind just before it starts or something...
I’d like to say there’s a bright side where he can rely on his other classmates...but it’s kind of hard when most of the class doesn’t really take him seriously. He’s the pervert, the comedy, the moodmaker...If he actually were upset about being left out, would anyone notice?
Maybe that can be his positive aspect of the arc. He finally opens up about how he feels, and why being alone without his two other friend feels so shitty... And then his team changes up how they act towards him, and Okajima is not alone anymore UwU
As for the Terasaka gang...
It’s kind of simple, I guess. Terasaka, Itona, and Takebayashi are on the “stay” side because they themselves have betrayed the class in some way, and so they want to give Irina a proper new chance. To share the compassion that was given to them.
Hazama, Muramatsu, Hara, and Yoshida are on the “leave” side for overlapping reasons. Hara is overprotective of her classmates, and considers their safety most important. Muramatsu is really panicked ever since that night against Reaper...like I’m thinking bad anxiety. Yoshida and Hazama are supporting them, but also thinking more logically. There’s more pros than cons to Irina leaving.
So yeah...the squad is pretty divided. But I imagine Terasaka, Itona, and Takebayashi to be the types who are steadfast in their values. They’ll respect what their friends think, but they’re not changing their personal stance. They feel like they owe it to everyone to be open-minded, and have a new perspective.
Has some angst potential given their strong bond. But not too bad in my opinion, because of that reason. The squad are a family. They’ll always be there for each other. They’ve stood by each other for so long. One disagreement won’t change that at all. They’ll get through this and be stronger in the end.
Hope this explained ok! Thanks for asking! <3
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ackerfics · 3 years
i'm both from visayas and mindanao !! 👀 however, i grew up in luzon skfnskfke. aaaa yes ! levi and his bisaya curses. if he had an s/o who doesn't speak the dialect, they'd slowly learn profanities from him due to his excessive use of those words. sometimes he'd slip up and say habol instead of kumot (blanket) and his s/o would go ??? you want to chase me ???
oooooh i see i see 👀 omg this is making me excited aaaahskdjej oh lorde, levi, in whichever universe he is in, can curse like there's no tomorrow, but omfg if this is an au and levi lives or knows philippine dialects esp hiligaynon or bisaya, expect to hear yudipota (son of a bitch) all day long — no matter what he's doing or what mood he's in, you'll hear this jfkejdk omg the language barriers !!! this is making me wheeze 😭 habol in filipino is chase in english but if it's in hiligaynon, it's blanket. this reminds me of my classmates today in uni since all of us are from different parts of the philippines, our mother tongues don't align with each other so sometimes i will unknowingly use english or our national language to communicate with some of them AHHSIDJEJSK
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gothamincarnate · 4 years
doomsday cults make the best vigilantes and here’s why:
got a LITERAL martyr complex built right in! an incredibly black and white view of good & evil, justice and injustice, you have to save everyone! the world might end and people will suffer and it’s YOUR FAULT, all your fault!!!
and depending on how hardcore they were w prepping, they could already good at fighting and generally figuring out creative ways to get out situations robin absolutely has a corner of the cave that’s just like, a bunker with a ton of canned goods and gas masks and stuff and bruce is just, well that’s basically what i do so who am i to stop this. (oops bruce)
and being in a cult like fucks you up esp w/r/t violence (growing up hearing about crucifixions in great detail (no like seriously we watched vidoes about ‘the science behind the crucifixion it was straight up torture porn but presented as a documentary with ‘look it’s real these doctors are talking about how suffocation via crucifixion works NOT TO MENTION THE WHOLE EYE GOUGING THING) (also those incredibly formative childhood memories are like half the reason my aus are so violent) 
so there's already a reason that samuel (or any other non jewish robin) would be more aggressive specifically with  regards to perceived injustices. and he’d especially struggle to notice when he's being too violent. OOOOOH BOY does being in a cult make you basically immune to recognizing abuse because it’s not only normalized in your family but also with your peers so instead of seeing it as abuse, you just see it as like? “well that’s just how parents work!”
and he like. loves being a sidekick because oh??? following orders??? not having to think for yourself??? feels so safe and comfy. at first he relies on bruce almost too much, to a codependent degree. he sometimes struggles in the field because he’ll freeze up if batman’s not giving him a direct or strongly implied order.
and later on as he starts to develop more independence and learns to think for himself, it leads to him being more rebellious/defiant. because he doesn't really know how to respond to authority figures in a way that like. isn't all or nothing!
FUCK but Robin almost starts proselytizing to a random victim they just saved (haha saved) and then halfway through the blank stare and confused blinking from the victim, he realizes that's messed up and/or Batman is like HEY I HEAR SOMEONE WHO NEEDS HELP LETS GO. and after patrol he gently explains why that’s upsetting/uncomfortable to random strangers
ALSO LIKE bruce! teaching Robin that it's okay and even GOOD and NORMAL to question/argue with g-d!!!!!! Robin is like. NOT into organized religion after everything so he's probs?? not going to convert BUT he loves debating w bruce and being around jewish culture. GRANTED i haven't like. been around jewish culture much so im not going to expand on that at this point in time but ? maybe later  
ALSO THE REASON ROBIN LOVES BEING ROBIN AND STUDYING ALL THIS COOL STUFF UNDER BATMAN IS THAT LIKE. he wasn't allowed to learn about anatomy or general science/evolution bc he was homeschooled and now there's a WHOLE LIBRARY??? just in their house??? and bruce buys him so many science textbooks
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irisvseyelash · 4 years
[Part 1] B-But my thingsss is just either sleep, eat, having existensial crisis while doing nothing (esp during this lockdown), staring at my ceiling for hours, checking any Batarou content for hours too, or making super random hcs. So yeah, I'll do it anyway! It's already halfway done, btw✌ Also good chance to try how that submit button will work I'm honestly curious, too 😗 Lmao the teachers had already fed up for these 2 rascal kids, they're so done with all shoujo love drama between them 😂
[Part 2] I believe Bang will pester Garou by asking anything about Badd EVERYTIME like a nagging father. Bang: "When will you make Badd my son-in-law?", Garou: "I'M NOT EVEN GRADUATED FROM HIGHSCHOOL PLZ CHILL, OLDMAN!!". Zenko: "Ma, bigbro has a new bf. That's why he insisted to make extra lunchbox every morning", Badd: "Zenko NO-", Mom: "WHA-, BADD WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL MA, HUH?! NOW CALL YOUR BF HE MUST GOING TO DINNER WITH US TOMORROW". They adore Garou very much in the end. Good! 😆
[Part 3] It's OK to write our emotion out! Sometimes I also write comfortfic/sickfic when I'm depressed, depended my mood atm. But happy end always there, even it's in "twisted" way, huehehehe~ *suspicious evil laugh* 😈 When I make my OTP die: "oh no poor soul.. let me do it in a quick merciful way 😢😇". When I make my disliked charas die: "YASS SWEET PAINFUL DEATH TASTED SO GOOD, MMHMM.. NO MERCY FOR YOU OHOHOHO-- 💀😈" (and yesss plz talk more about your Batarou Hanahaki!AU 👀✨)
[Part 4] Aww THANK YOU, IRIS! I'm glad that you think I'm one of the best anon or I've provided good Batarou hcs this year, I feel honoured too tysm I LOVE YOU TOO aaaa-- 😭🙏💖💗💘💕💞💝🌸 (wha? I never joined any discord, only lurking around on tumblr as anon or ao3 as Little1993lamb lol 😜). Also, I'm glad that I could meet you in this fandom. Because what? TWOSET GANG!! SOUTH-EAST ASIAN GANG!! FELLOW BATAROU FANS!! YOOO~ WE (and the rest of fandom members) ARE AWESOME!! 🙌🙌
[Part 5] OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION, Temperans-sama made another DemonAngel Monster!Batarou again it's so magnificent I'm fangirling at it rn I'M CRYING I'M MELTIN-- *incoherence babling mess*. Lol sorry for that, but seriously plz checked on her newest art! Despite labeled as nsfw, there's no actual explicit content in it. Only implication, the rest is our imagination.. 😏 Badd's wings in the art, bro.. I can't stop looking at his soft fluffy wings. The lighting made him looked like HOLY BEING 😳✨
Me: Hm... Wonder if Dyan's replied yet
This 5-Part ask: hELLO THERE
Me: *literally startled enough to drop my phone*
Ah yes anyway, your things is indeed a big mood but don't you have like... Work, to do? I mean mine's just a mountain of assignments and schoolwork ( ;- ;)
wEll I guEsS NOt ¯\(°_o)/¯
It's halfway done? 👀👀👀👀👀 can't wait to reaaaad ugghhhdhdhdh and looks like the mystery of a post submission is gonna be solved soon wheeEEEEE
Okay but the teachers being So Done™ with the two of them is a big mood like who wouldn't be if they were probably the type to literally skip class just to escape school and hang out at the arcade or the manga store or sumn (*cough* Date *Corona*)
Also, your little convo of the typical teen and their s/o is PERFECT I CAN SEE IT HAPPENING 😂😂😂😂👌👌👌 Bang's just going "I want to see grandchildren before I die" and Garou just going "dAD NO—" AND BADD'S MOM GOING ALL "LET ME SEE MY FUTURE SON-IN-LAW *SCREECH*" and Badd just looking around at the shopping centre like "Mom.. Mom stop... Mom people are looking sTOP" because they would be at the grocery store looking for the ingredients to buy and his mom dragging him because she wants to know ALL about this charming young man that successfully charmed her hard-head of a son
And when they meet one another they just. CHARMED. CHARRRRMMMMEEDDDDDD YOU HEAR MEEEE
Garou's arrival would be like *steps into Badd's mom's view* *imaginary roses start appearing out of nowhere because he REALLY DRESSED UP for this* and his mom turning to Badd like "If you're not gonna marry him I will" and then Badd just proceeds to choke because this old woman wants to marry an 18 year old like no bro nooooo
And Badd would be just. Baby. He's baby enough that Bang would fuss over him so much that Badd accidentally snaps at him and Bang goes all "Oooooh feisty. You chose a great one, Sonny" and Badd has his back almost folded in half by how hard Bang smacked him and Garou just flusters and stutters amd is just overall Embarassed™ not for himself but for his 'Dad' whose making Badd a little overwhelmed at how he's acting
Idk man my teacher said writing with the ink called emotion's not good. Like the readers can see that you utterly despise or adore that character or situation. Which in my opinion is great, but I guess not
But yess killing off that one character you hate the most just gives you so much satisfaction that you just... Can't help but grin when you write out their death.
And Imma write up the Hanahaki AU in the reblog of this post... Soon. Cause I needa finish reading Azfa Hanani (my literature book) for tomorrow's quiz D': AND YES DYAN YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE FOR WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW I LOVE YOUUUUUU
*squints suspiciously* that wink looks very sus and even if you ARE in the discord gang, Fiji is the twosetter there and YES TWOSET GANG (wait a damn minute) ASEAN GANG AND BATAROU GANG WE COOL (EVERYONE TOO)
Temperans-sama's art is ✨magnifique✨ and is just simply on a whole other level. SO I TOTALLY GETCHU.
*clears throat* Excuse me. Anyways, since I'm a little restless today, my mind made another au but Azfa Hanani style and I can't wait to finish the story so I can just write a whole AU for my boys :')
So anyways when I've seen the art I will simply simp harder for them I see 👀 I am unprepared but then again just when are we, amirite?
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lovelahela · 4 years
❛ i know it's today ❜ ─ lily spencer.
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⇢ requested by @windswiftcupid !
⇢ pairing: lily spencer x mc (jade)
⇢ genre: fluff, highschool!au
⇢ song: i know it’s today ; shrek, the musical
⇢ description: in which lily spencer, just another tech crew kid, likes the out-of-her-league female lead.
⇢ word count: 1399
⇢ notes: i’m sorry for the long wait esp if it didn’t end up being worth it skjfasf if u want a part two i’d love to write it!
Theatre was the bright bubble in Lily Spencer’s stressful world,  a place the inner life of the human soul comes to dance, sing and exclaim of all that really matters. High school was not an easy stage in life, at least for people like Lily, who are kicked to the side as outcasts who don’t fit in with the social norm. Maybe it was her weird love for video games, or her impeccable skill of spilling word vomit and ultimately embarrassing herself; either way, Lily made peace with being an outcast, no matter what the reason for her exclusion was.
There were people like Lily; cast aside, viewed as peculiar and “uncool.” And then there were people like Jade; popular, loved, adored by all. Jade was out of her league, of course; when you’re a hyperactive nerd crushing on a lead actor that is - defying all laws of physics and the universe - also the captain of a varsity team and the president of several clubs with outstanding grades, you realize your chances are quite slim.
She did like girls, though, so Lily never truly surrendered her dream of snatching a gorgeous, rare specimen like her.
“Spencer! Were you paying attention?” Mr. Castellanos, the school’s economics teacher, snapped impatiently at the daydreaming girl sitting at the back of her class. She had paced her cheek on her fist and was gazing dreamily at the wall behind him, igniting a spark of exasperation for what seemed like the thousandth time since he had begun teaching her.
She jumped in her seat at the abrupt yell, earning snickers from her classmates. Jax Matsuo, a fellow outcast (although he was definitely loved by the female population more than his peers, considering he was quite handsome and gave off “bad boy” vibes) nudged her playfully from behind and whispered, “Oooooh, busted.”
“Uh - I - Of course I was!” Lily lied straight through her teeth while looking the teacher straight in his angered eyes. Her heart could run whole marathons at the rate it had been beating, and her hands began to sweat. At that point, all pairs of eyes present in the room had been on her, including her raging crush.
“Oh? Then tell me what the financial gain made in transactions is.”
She gulped nervously. Shit, crap, damn it all to every hell, she swore profusely in her mind. Mr. Castellanos raised his eyebrows at her expectantly. Out of the corner of her slightly widened eyes, she spotted - to her shock - Jade waving to grab her attention. Once they locked eyes, her heart skipped a beat and a fuzzy feeling warmed her stomach. Shut up, stomach, now isn’t the time, hissed Lily mentally. Jade gestured to her lips, and mouthed clearly: PROFIT.
Lily immediately made eye contact with the economics teacher once again and blurted out the answer that her classmate gave her so quickly and panickedly that it made him slightly suspicious. He narrowed his eyes at her, but nonetheless congratulated her for answering correctly.
“Good to know you’re not completely useless in my class, Spencer. Don’t let me catch you like this again.”
Lily let out a long breath in relief and a grin resembling that of a maniac stretched across her lips. With reddened cheeks and pinkish ears, she mouthed a thank you to Jade, who returned it with the warmest smile she had ever been given.
You had better believe that particular moment was the only thing Lily thought of until the end of the school day. On her way to lunch, through Eng. Lit., during her mathematics class - the single topic on her mind was Jade. She couldn’t believe how childish she had been acting and felt as though she was back in elementary school with the biggest schoolgirl crush.
Eventually, rehearsal rolled around. All the theatre kids gathered in the theatre, discussing their plans for upcoming rehearsals before the big day. The play they were preparing for was, to Lily’s delight, Shrek: The Musical. She remembered laughing like a madwoman with the Costume and Makeup crew, who adored the idea of making the most pompous boy in their school look like a large, green ogre. It was beautiful, really.
Lily positioned herself next to the tech crew’s equipment as Jade, who played the eldest version of Fiona (she had been glad they didn’t rob her of the part for not being light-skinned), readied herself to begin singing one of Lily’s favourite parts of the musical - I Know It’s Today.
She watched as the child and teenage Fiona sang their parts beautifully and adjusted the lighting accordingly. The youngest had quite the magnificent voice, Lily knew she would go far in life. She could barely prepare herself when she realized Jade’s verse was approaching, knowing she would be just as affected by it as she always was.
“Here come the waterworks,” whispered the person in charge of the music, Nicole, jokingly. Lily poked her in the ribs with a childish huff.
Jade finally appeared, wearing a long ginger wig and a green dress that fit her like a glove. Her powerful, melodious voice rang throughout the theatre loudly and clearly, striking a chord within every occupant of the room - even their jaded and strict director, Kamilah Sayeed. Lily’s eyes glazed over with a glossy coat of tears threatening to spill over her cheeks. Her voice was beauty, music, grace. It was the promise of tomorrow, and Lily never wanted it to end.
“Lil, are you crying?” chuckled Nicole quietly, careful not to disrupt the rehearsal.
“No, I just have a tree in my eye.” Her voice quivered when she answered, and when she saw Nicole eyeing her with a single quirked eyebrow and a smirk, she huffed out again. “Both eyes.”
The blonde next to her shook her head with a knowing smile, but Lily completely ignored her and centred her focus on the singing beauty on the marvellously decorated stage.
Once rehearsal was over, Lily waited at the bus stop nearest her school to finally go home and unwind from such a long and tiring day. She stared at the blue sky above, adorned with pure clouds and the occasional soaring bird. She sensed someone take a seat next to her, but took no notice of them.
“Wow, no thank you, Jade, for the heroic save during Econ?”
A shriek unwillingly barreled out of her lips as she jumped yet again in her seat, startled by the sudden appearance of Jade. She sat next to her, the uncoolest person in the world, of all people? Eyes wide and cheeks flushed, Lily avoided Jade’s gaze and stammered the worst apology in the universe, earning a hearty laugh from the latter.
“Relax, Lils, I was just joking!” Her pearly whites almost blinded her when she showcased her megawatt smile. Lily squeaked pathetically at the sound of that nickname, unaware that Jade even knew her name. “You do a great job with the tech crew, by the way. You’re a pretty cool gal.”
“I… Pretty… Gal? Cool?” The gay panic is too much for me to handle, cried the mortified teenager in her anxious mind.
She chuckled nervously. I’m in danger.
“I’m sorry we never got the chance to hang out before, I usually try to get to know everyone in the club. How about I make it up to you?” Her gaze was soft and friendly, making her feel weak in the knees despite being seated. Her stomach did somersaults.
“You - I - Yeah. Cool. Cool. SURE!” She cringed at the way her voice cracked when she all but screamed the last word.
Jade smiled warmly. “You don’t have to be nervous around me, you know!”
“Easier said than done,” muttered Lily, but it was loud enough for her companion to catch it.
“Come on, there’s an ice cream parlour just down the road! Ditch the bus, I’ll give you a ride home when we’re done.” Jade grabbed her hand firmly and yanked her onto her feet, excitedly dashing down the asphalt with a very confused but very ecstatic Lily Spencer attempting to catch up without tripping over her own two feet. A grin crept and the air grew thick with a tenderness that couldn’t help but make her breathe faster, happier.
Maybe Jade wasn’t as unreachable as the glittering stars in a night sky like she thought she was.
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sofhyuck · 5 years
Greasy Baby
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Genre: fluff, greaser!hyuck
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N this au stems from some enlightening conversations with @cinanamon who is graciously allowing me to use some of her ideas, this one’s for you bb ;))))
greaser!hyuck is...a lil shit to say the least
like ye he’s a handsome boi i mean,,,imagine him in a leather jacket,,,hair gelled back,,,yes pls
but he knows him and his group of bois (dreamies hello) are hot shit and he’s not afraid to show that he knows it
him and the dreamies are always seen cruising around town,,, harassing hollerin at the ladies from the inside of hyuck’s beat up mustang (is that a time period correct car??? idk and idc to look it up lol)
he never actually physically harasses anyone, it’s all fun and games (for them at least don’t accept cat calling kids men ain’t shit)
there’s just...nothing else really for them to do around town
the only forms of entertainment come from the drive in theater and the soda shop that all the kids hang out at after school
he attends his local university since him and the gang come from a small town and didn’t really care to leave or have the grades to go to a better school
and you...well you don’t really know why you decided to attend a university in such a dinky little town
maybe it’s because you wanted a change of pace from the city, and maybe it’s because it’s your mother’s alma mater and you spent a few of your summers there
but somehow you find yourself at the school
the only problem is,,,everyone who attends the school grew up in the dumb town,,,meaning everyone already knows each other and has their friend groups and cliques
leaving you to fend for yourself and kind of live as an outsider
sure you make acquaintances in your classes but,,,it’s hard for you to make solid friends when everyone else already knows everything about everyone else 
so you’ve been living your life on campus, smiling at the acquaintances you’ve made when you pass by them on the street, but you never really hang out with anyone after school
your sophomore year you got a job at the soda shop bc college ain’t cheap and they were hiring
surprisingly enough you made close friends through the job, your coworkers went to the same uni as you and the clientele were also in some of your classes
so you began to actually go out more (when you weren’t working obvi)
on day you were on campus walking to your next class and you saw one of said new friends
but while you were distracted with waving to them you bumped into someone and woop guess who????
you guessed it our boy hyuck with the rest of 00 line walking past
he was bouta pop off but then he sees it’s you the cute lil waitress from the soda shop that he’s lowkey seen around and been crushing on for a few months now
so when he sees you stuttering out an apology bc boi is brighter than the damn son and took your breath away
he just smirks and lets out a lil chuckle and just says ‘don’t worry about it sweetcheeks’ with a wink and then he’s off
you stand there for a moment in shock bc like obvi you know who he is even if you’ve only been around a few years who tf doesn’t know hyuck and co
and ofc your friends all saw and were like...b don’t even worry about it he just be like that sometimes ya know
and you’re like yea u right and forget about the whole encounter
but guess who doesn’t ohohoho it’s mister lee donghyuck himself he be thinking about it the rest of the day bc wow you’re even prettier up close huh
and the rest of dream are like...mmhmm ok mr. lee not sus at all we’re on. to. you.
so guess where hyuck ever so casually zooms off to after his classes are over????
oh boy you guessed it right off to the soda shop but oomph poor bb you’re not actually working that day and bb is sad :(((( meanwhile his boys are just laughing at him bc omg hyuck is so w hi p pe d
so now bb is going to the shop every moment he can until!!! finally!!! you’re working again god bless!!!
as soon as he sees you’re working baby sits bolt up right and starts fixing his slicked back hair that he had totally not been running his hands through out of nerves
the other boys weren’t there bc??? they have better places to be than at the soda shop for the 50000 time that day even though chenle and jisung had been there earlier just to laugh at him
but now holy shit you’re coming over and you look so cute in the dumb poodle skirt they make you wear as a uniform with your hair placed in a high ponytail
meanwhile you’re sw e a t i n g bc shit it’s hyuck and he’s still a handsome ass boy and you have to serve his table n ow f u c k
so you sidle on over and give him your usual spiel asking what he’d like to order n shit
and this boy omf remember when i said he was annoying?
well yea he fucking goes ‘are you on the menu bc I’d certainly like to have a piece of you’
and you’re like...boy tf oh my god i want to SLAP him 
but you grin through it like ha ha...funny ok...our specials for today are...
hyuck ain’t listening anymore bc he’s busy mentally kicking himself bc??? really hyuck??? you’re trying to make her like you wtf were you t h in k i ng
so he just points at some random thing on the menu, his head hanging in shame
and yea you’d think it was cute if he hadn’t just gotten on your damn nerves
but, alas, you have to continue serving the boy who had ordered literally just a fried egg but you know who were you to judge
he eats the egg rather quickly and then just...sits there...not doing anything...and you don’t know what to do like you can’t kick him out he did order something and it’s not particularly busy
meanwhile hyuck’s head is spinning trying to think of how to woo you after completely embarrassing himself earlier
after like an hour passes you head over to him, ready to ask him again if he wants anything else to eat 
but as soon as you get to him he jolts upright scaring the shit out of you and he’s like fuck sorry i didn’t mean to scare you 
and you’re like it’s fine now seriously do you want anything else-
but he cuts you off and suddenly...lee donghyuck?? is grabbing onto your hand??? and rapidly apologizing to you for being so Gross earlier
you gotta shake the boy off of you and honestly,,,he’s really endearing like aw he’s so embarrassed what a bb
when you get out of his grip you’re like bro it’s ok tbh i get much worse all the time
suddenlt hyuck is ready to f i g ht like who tf??? i will square up 
in your head you’re like,,,bitch ik you catcall don’t even try...but in reality you’re like mmmhmm sure ok you couldn’t hurt a damn fly
hyuck is angery now like wdym im tough >:( don’t you see my leather jacket and cool hair and car???
and you,,,oh you little reader pat lee donghyuck’s fUCkiNg head and now he is blushing oooooh
in a smol voice he asks for his check and leaves you a v generous tip despite your protests
and by that time his confidence seems to come back bc he winks and tells you he’ll be back
you giggle and give him a lil wave bc...wow lee donghyuck is just a cute shy lil bb hehe
and now hyuck is coming in every day,,,sometimes with his boys,,,sometimes alone but no matter what he’s always sure to, in a respectful manner, flirt with you and chat you up while dream just look on in amusement bc, again, hyuck is wh i p p e d
y’all just kinda...live like that for a few weeks but it’s v clear to e v er y body that there is shit going down between the two of you
like at this point hyuck’s hanging around campus with you too so like,,,everyone and their mother knows at this point bc,,,like i said earlier,,,everyone in this damn town knows everything about everyone
so ya’ll are stagnant, hyuck flirting, you laughing and sometimes flirting back
until one day ohhh boy there’s a new boul in town and he is not ashamed at all
and by that i mean he’s the biggest fucking asshole to ever step foot in the town, thinking he’s hot shit and everybody wants him when everyone hates his g u t s
and this boy has been hanging around the shop, livin his life, waiting for his moment to strike
but uh oh he made a mistake bc the first person he attempts to come on to...is you
and hyuck has been there bc he knows this guy has been hanging around and he wants to keep an eye on you his girl
it was a good thing too bc... this boul is going all out
tugging lightly at your skirt when you come to take his order while he uses the same cringy line hyuck used on you that first day
and hyuck knows you’re a big girl who can handle herself which you make very clear by firmly rejecting him with a smile plastered across your face
but...boy does not and will not let up
and you’re getting more and more frustrated and hyuck can tell esp when you keep throwing exasperated looks in his direction w the occasional eye roll
he would laugh but he’s too busy trying not to flip his shit
until boy fuckin just goes to grab your ass and you immediately move back, ready to reprimand him
but all thoughts are brushed aside when a loud crash sounds followed by heavy footsteps
hyucky had stood up so harshly that his chair had fallen over but he hadn’t even bothered to fix it bc he immediately stormed over to you, loosely wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side 
he is m a d like you thought he couldn’t fight before but now he looks like he could rip a guys head off and you lowkey find it hot but that’s not what’s important right now
the guy is like oh woops sorry bro didn’t know she was taken but hyuck is not having it going off about how you shouldn’t treat anyone like that period no matter if they’re in a relationship or not
and yes hyuck and his friends had been the same way a few months before but meeting you changed his way of thinking and his friends as well
bc the idiots had never had any female acquaintances before but now they have you and you’re like a sister to them except for hyuck obvi bc he’s in looove
anyway back to the matter at hand i swear i keep going on tangents soz
you have to calm hyuck down before he actually punches this guy in the nose and the guy throws some money on the table before booking it out of there bc he’s high key scared rn lol puddy
your boss comes out and is like...y’all good? and you’re like uhhh yea mind if i talk to him for a minute? n he’s like ya sure whatever
so you pull hyuck over to a back room and you’re like,,,bro,,,wtf you good now??
but hyuck is on a roll now and just flat out says ‘i’ve liked you for a while now so will you do me the honor of being my gf?’
you ??? for a second before snapping himself out of it and you’re like ??? hell yea boi tf???
so now y’all are dating woo!!!
he makes sure to come to the shop whenever you’re working
at first he even would miss classes but you were not gonna have that oh no education comes first kids >:(((
and he was like ugh ok fine but he always managed to get other dreamies to be there when he couldn’t just so he knows you’re ok :(((
you get really close with the other dreamies tho so now you’re all one happy family
even when hyuck isn’t at your shift he makes sure to pick you up afterwards
waiting outside, leaning against his beat up mustang …leather jacket on…waiting for you to come out…and when you walk up to him he grabs you by the waist…pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead…before opening the door for you…driving off to who knows where…but neither of you care as long as you’re together…
sometimes you go to the drive in and cuddle up in the backseat making out for the duration of the movie hehe
you climb onto his lap and sometimes you can hear the people in the next car wooping and hyuck just gives them the finger before bringing his hand back to settle on the back of your thigh
ahem anyways enough of that
other times you just,,, drive around,,, windows down,,, blasting music and laughing,,, just living your life as two college students should hyuck’s hand resting on your thigh shhhh
you always stop at the same dingy diner that’s hidden away on some side road
(shout out to steph for this next part love you bb uwu)
and hyuck always rummages through his pockets  for change to buy you a drink, even when you say he doesn’t have to and you know he doesn’t always have the most money he says he wants to
trips to the diner are always followed by sunset drives where you have to remind him to watch the road bc  he finds it so much fun to smiles t you and try to kiss you while driving and you scold him that he’s going to die one day, him saying it’s better to live hard, die young
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dumouwin · 7 years
idk what kind of ask to send you (esp bc i'm not that into irl hockey just yet) but i guess, uh, what's your favorite au? one you've seen or read, or one you've written or would like to write?
oooooh boy i think my favorite au atm has to be @fatlardo ‘s 1950′s Strange Lovers au. i’m usually not one for anything that’s not super-upbeat-happy-ending, but i’ve read it over like 5 times and i’m just obsessed with it.
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ginaloveszero · 7 years
soumako for the 50 OTP thingssss
AAA SOUMAKOS!! And omfg anon you sent this so long ago and I’m getting to it now i’M SORRY!!! I think you were supposed to send me a number too but I love these two so much so I’ll just do them all LOL I’ll put it under a read-more
Pls don’t kill me if the shit I say doesn’t line up with how you (you in general, not you anon specifically LOL) hc them. Okay go!
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl? - Hmm... I can honestly imagine them both staying up late but then in the mornings, it fluctuates between Sousuke getting up early and bugging Makoto to wake up and Makoto waking up early and like, cuddling Sousuke until he wakes up. 
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon? - I’M LITERALLY GOING TO ANSWER THAT I SEE THEM BOTH DOING EVERYTHING FOR ALL OF THESE LMFAO. I can see them both being little spoons and big spoons. Sousuke as a little spoon makes my heart warm. (Esp since people think that just because he’s the “bigger” one, he should be on top/dominant for everything. Fuck that.) 
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle? - Makoto totally hogs the cover and they both like to cuddle! 
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? - MAKOTO WAKING SOUSUKE UP WITH KISSES THO. One one of those days where they slept in a bit and have time to goof around, Makoto will softy pepper Sousuke’s face with sleepy kisses hehe
5. Who usually has nightmares? - Both. Makoto I can see dreaming about the ocean and maybe about that time at camp when everyone nearly drowned and Sousuke I can see having nightmares about his shoulder or just thinking that he failed. (Or maybe he has one of those dreams where he’s a successful swimmer and he wakes up happy but then it comes crashing down.) 
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? - I can see Sousuke having thoughts in the middle of the night. And maybe sometimes he’ll wake up Makoto to ask him stupid shit LOL I can see Makoto just zoning out during the day and stopping whatever he’s doing to think of things. 
7. Who sweats the small stuff? - Makoto for sure.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? - Hmm.... Both? Depending on the weather? But overall I can kind of see Sousuke sleeping in his boxers and Makoto in pjs.
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? - Sousuke likes his coffee and Makoto likes his tea.
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? - Makoto for sure likes sweet!! I don’t think both of them would like sour things. 
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies? - Well we know Makoto probably wouldn’t like horror LOL And since Sousuke knows this, he makes sure to avoid it when they watch movies together even though Sousuke doesn’t really mind horror. (Imagine the googly eyes the first time they watch a romance movie oh my gOD)
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol? - They’re both tol and that’s what I love about this ship. Kind of honestly really getting annoyed at the over exaggerated height/size differences between ships in general tbh
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat? - MAKOTO HAHAHHAHA But once Makoto scared Sousuke so good and he still laughs about it.
14. Who kills the spiders? - Sousuke
15. Who is scared of the dark? - Makoto obv
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? - Makoto. Sousuke holds him tighter during really bad ones. 
17. Who works/ Who stays at home? - They both work! Honestly, I live for the “they both become coaches for kids” au 
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person? - Omg Makoto is a cat person for sure but he loves dogs too! Sousuke loves dogs and is a bit wary towards cats but that’s because he doesn’t really know how to approach them or handle them. (Dude, imagine Makoto coaxing Sousuke to hold a tiny kitty and Sousuke does and the kitty meows softly and starts purring and nuzzling Sousuke and Sousuke doesn’t know what to do with himself because god daMN that’s fucking cute!)
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? - They both do! I can see them calling each other sweetheart and Sousuke calls Makoto babe or baby because he knows it makes him turn so red. 
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive? - They switch. Because why should they have to limit themselves towards one role? :   )))))
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)? - Makoto likes cute things and Sousuke? Hmm.... I can see him being obsessed over fitness and muscles and stuff.
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day? - Can I say Sousuke? I really like the idea of Sousuke doing all this mushy shit for his bab.
23. Who asks who out on the first date? - Oooooh. I’m gonna go with Sousuke!
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? - Both???? They both have conversations where they talk and listen to each other?
25. Who wears the other ones clothes? - Since they’re both pretty much the same size, they can share a wardrobe LOL Makoto likes to steal Sousuke’s shirts.
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? - I’d say they go in cycles but Sousuke is the one that tries to eat healthy when he can. 
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower? - Both have the tendency to do both! Imagine shower duets omfg
28. Who is the book worm? - Makoto
29. Who is the better cook? - Omg Sousuke for sure.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach? - Both! And when they do, Sousuke is walks on the side closest to the ocean.
31. Who is more affectionate? - They both are! At least, in private I think they would be. In public, they’d probably tone it down a little but they probably let little things slip to annoy their friends.
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? - Both!
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt? - Oh my god.... Sousuke in a sin t-shirt omg. Makoto and his angelic face in a not guilty shirt. (Although I can imagine Makoto in a sin shirt too lmao)
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt? - HOLY FUCK THIS IS PERFECT FOR THEM LMFAO! SOUSUKE TOTALLY WEARS THE IF LOST SHIRT AND MAKOTO WOULD WEAR THE “I AM MAKOTO” SHIRT!
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays? - Makoto for sure!
36. Who is the social media addict? - I can see Makoto getting into all that. He makes himself an instagram account and just follows all the cat pages.
37. Height difference or age difference? - It’s funny cause their birthdays are kind of close and they’re also close in height. I’m gonna say neither. I like them the way they are. 
38. Who likes to star gaze? - Makoto.
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside? - SOUSUKE HAHHAHAHA
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent? - I think it would depend on the situation but I can totally see Makoto being responsible and Sousuke being the “”fun” one.
41. Who cries during sad movies? - Makoto (and Sousuke too but he’s better at hiding it)
42. Who is the neat freak? - Sousuke omf
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one? - AAAA THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! I would say Sousuke but the thought of Makoto giving a giant stuffed animal to a blushing Sousuke is too cute of a thought to pass up!
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy? - They’re both active but they can both be lazy as well? Idk, I can see both of them being either. 
45. Who is more likely to get drunk? - Makoto since he rarely drinks.
46. Who has the longer food order? - Sousuke on his cheat days LOL
47. Who has the more complex coffee order? - I can see Sousuke drinking a really simple coffee but I can also see him having a long af order too so idk.
48. Who loses stuff? - Makoto LOL
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger? - Both depending on who’s up for it at the time.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic? - Both for sure!! I think Makoto would be more vocal about it?
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