#everyone at camp got attacked by bagels that day
classy-disaster · 4 months
[post-heroes of olympus]
Jason & Piper: We know Leo's alive, so why hasn't he come back? :(
Percy, holding a bag: I know just the thing to cheer you up! Octavian is dead!
Percy:*starts throwing bagels at them* Bagel! Bagel! Bagel!
Jason & Piper:
Percy: BAGEL
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wanderingsoul · 3 years
questions to ask yourself before the new year except its february and we’re in a pandemic
what is one small way you can become a better person? for others? for yourself?
i can become a better person by addressing the trauma that i carry, and addressing it, and learning to cope with it better. i can be a better friend, parter, daughter and sister by leaning into the parts of myself that are broken and taking the time to pursue healing in meaningful ways. i can become a better person by taking responsibility for my growth and healing and actively work towards a more healed, wholesome version of myself. 
what are you holding onto currently that is no longer serving you? why are you holding on? what’s one small step you can take towards releasing it?
i am holding on to the idea that i can fix those around me. being in a partnership/friendship with someone that openly expresses brokenness pulls on the need inside of me to fix things, and fix her. except thats not how people work, and thats not how healthy relationships work. i am holding on to this because for a long time, and sometimes i think to this day, i have been the glue for so many people. i am the common denominator, i am the steady, i am the savior. and being with alexa is a challenge because i have to be fully present, and wanting to support, with the very present knowledge that i can do absolutely nothing to make her feel better, and i might get my feelings hurt if i try. 
goal for the new year that excites me? goal that scares me?
the goal that excites me the most this year is buying a house. it feels like another piece in the puzzle of the ever-elusive “perfect life”. having a house, two cats and a garden is a dream that i am so desperately hoping becomes a reality this year. 
a goal that scares me is getting a therapist. i put it on my new years goals and here we are, almost march and i am no closer to reaching that goal. there are lots of things about therapy that are scary, being vulnerable mostly. and also the fear that i am going to open a can of worms that i can’t put back. and at the same time, i am afraid i am going to do the same thing i did last time - convince my therapist i was completely healed and didn’t need her help anymore to make her feel like she did a good job. probably one of the most toxic people pleasing i have ever done.... yikes. so this year, i want to be vulnerable and open with a therapist- and truly learn from them. 
what do you want to be a student of in the new year?
i want to be the student of self-love this year. i feel like i have so much to learn from her, and truly so much to gain. as i am on this journey of ~weight loss~ healthy living i want to learn how to truly love myself- in all the forms that i take. one of the childhood and teen traumas that i carry around is self-loathing for my physical body, and extreme uncomfortableness i feel inside of her. my body was different than i thought it should be, and i never felt thin or pretty enough. even though looking back i could not have been any thinner without blowing away. as i try and lose some weight to get back to a healthy range, its so tempting to chase that skinniness that seems closer than ever now. i don’t ever want to think about my body in a good or bad way again, the same with food. i want it all to be neutral and purposeful. i don’t want body positivity, i just want body neutrality. i want to be comfortable and unbothered. i want to take pictures and look for the joy and not be hyperfocused on the rolls. 
a quote that i am taking with me on this journey - 
“what if you wake up some day, and you’re 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written, or you didn’t go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years because your things were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juice creative life of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? it’s going to break your heart. don’t let this happen.” - author unknown
who in your life deserves the biggest thank you for this year?
i am thankful for karl because of his understanding of me. i am thankful for mikaela for being a rock in my life and a cheerleader. i am thankful for silka because she offers more love than i know what to do with. i am thankful for alexa because she pushes me to be a better person. i am thankful for my mom, and her patience with me as i grow. i am thankful for my dad, and the hands-off role he has taken in my life. i am thankful for the friends that were patient and kind with me this year as i stayed away from most of them. 
what can you thank yourself for this year?
i am thankful for the resiliency and grit it took to get through this year. feeling extremely burnt-out, from the pandemic, from social work and from life. managed to get a new job which is furthering my career in the healthcare field, managing to save a little money to buy a house. making it through the panic attacks and crying in the car at the thought of the losses in my life. thankfulness for the home that i have in myself, and the peace and safety i offer myself to be who i am and to encourage growth. 
what have you outgrown this year?
i have outgrown pointless complaining. life is what you make it (to some degree) and i am choosing joy where i can and peace towards things i cannot affect. 
what is an important boundary to set in the new year?
it is important to me this year to set emotional boundaries this year and create language to protect myself when i find myself trying to fix my partner and getting into old negative habits. 
what’s a memory from this past year that makes you smile just thinking about it?
now this one’s a bit challenging because of the pandemic and social tension of this year, but i am choosing to focus on the personal good that happened in my life. 
january- three way kiss with mariah and alexa. iceskating in CVS field with dalton. getting naked in the woods at taylors falls. 
february - tall heights concert. drinks at cowboys with emily, alexa, sarah and meghan. raincloud and strawberry tattoos. 
march - up/down bar with jaden and silka-getting mexican at 3am. cuddles on the couch with hippo while everyone was gone over spring break. drinking wine and looking at art at bethel. christian living on our couch- hiking afton. our neighbor mark gets his dog ella. 
april- doordashing with knute- danny davito picture. staying with karl and mikaela for 3 weeks. getting drunk with jimu // garage door beer challenge. getting to ride on todd’s motorcycle. 
may- seeing juneau for the first time. knute’s “just friends” instagram post. biking along st. croix with john. fishing with jaden at rapidan dam. lilac bushes blooming at the ranch. alexa’s graduation surprise. rollerblading... canoeing lake iduhapi with callie, sam, alexa and knute and smearing ourselves in charcoal. eating chinese and drinking wine for alexa’s birthday. 
june- watching the dad’s try and fit our couch into the house. GFS- nightwatches, curfews. birthday bagels on the balcony. celebration at camp iduhapi. biking in northfield with jen. adopting juneau! bringing her everywhere with me. fathers day with john eating tacos. breonna taylor march. getting drenched walking around bdemakaska. 
july- bee’s knees tattoo. cabin trip to barnum lake with alexa and jen. celebrating anthony’s birthday with alexa and erin (moving the gravestone). duluth trip with sam, knute and lea - jumping into lake superior. trip to padre island with john-getting way too burnt to function. chic fil a drivethrough with juneau. 
august- camping trip with mikaela -attempt to get into canada and immediatly denied. murder mystery at emily’s house. rain on the patio for emily’s birthday. golden retriever puppies. dinner date with emma downtown minneapolis. annual brule trip- flipped the canoe. 
september - alexa and i take a fake trip to ny. celebrating john’s birthday. visiting jeff’s farm. celebrating jen’s birthday in northfield. shooting pumpkins with jen. another trip up to barnum lake with karl, mikaela and seth. minnehaha trip with emma. jack’s apple farm trip. 
october- camp trip, reffing football. making apple crisp. murder mystery night for sarah’s birthday. thrifting outdoor outlet with emma and lea. hanging with ozzy the cat. photoshoot with alexa and hippo. halloween party at caitlin’s house- being velma and daphne with alexa. 
november - start working at bluestone. dinner at pub in minneapolis with jen where we die laughing. winning monopoly with callie and tyler. hiawatha hike with alexa. thanksgiving at silka’s. 
december - giving the cats a bath. accidentally breaking into a cemetery with alexa. muffin’s christmas photoshoot. christmas at jens. sea world with molly, kody and kids, seth, john, k&m -forcing ourselves to watch blackfish the next day. tattoos! hammocking by the river. almost running into the elementary school on jimu’s dirtbike. 
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amandam228 · 4 years
The Most Beautiful Day of My Life
I want to share the most beautiful day of my life with the world. Let me paint you a picture
It’s Saturday, October 26, 2019! The leaves have been slowing changing to their vibrant colors and the smell of fall all around us. We wake up to a bright morning with the crisp autumn air. The day starts by breaking out the fruit, bagels and spreads. Holy smokes, it’s 8 am already! That means its time for the hair and make up extravaganza to begin. Leah is brought up to the room by my mom and once she is set up the room is buzzing! Wedding preparation music playing, hot curling irons running through our hair. Before we know it she is done with hair and next it’s time for make up! Wow, just as make up starts, in comes Zack! Cameras are ready, he’s introduced to all the ladies  into the bedroom he goes to start getting the small detail shots for our big day! A small knock at the door, in comes James’ mom, she had been sneaking over enemy lines all morning just passing messages back and for between the two of us. The last message was “ he knows you’re going to be beautiful and he wants you to just keep breathing and take in the day”. Wish a slight tear in my eye she slips out the door and back to the other camp. Leah is just about done with me, another knock at the door. Who could that be? It’s not Pat, she was just here. In walks Jeff and Christen, James’ friends from college. They ooh and ahh for a few minutes before they offer a hand and tell us that they’re right down the hall before the head out to hang out with some of the other college friends. All of a sudden I have the realization that we didn’t get the money for the JP. From the make up chair I’m directing someone to call Pat because she will have the envelope because thankfully Kelly came to the rescue and had cash on her! My make up is done, as i wait for Leah to do the make up for my mom and the girls I am able to sit back and start quickly sipping champagne because the nerves are really starting to hit me. While sipping champagne and waiting for all the girls to rotate through the make up chair  we put on my jewelry, which is a sight because I can’t manage to put on my own earrings. Kelly and Andrea put on their dark green dresses with lace tank and peek-a-boo back and as they do a quick look with the jeweled belts, they just look stunning. Reading the letter from James was one of the best parts of the morning, we both had head colds going on and trying to shake it and knowing that he was just as anxious and excited as I was just made everything seem that much better. As we look at the clock, oh no, we’re running late! If you know me at all, running late isn’t an option. Everyone calms me down with “the wedding can’t happen without you, running late itsn’t that big of a deal today.” We get phone calls from the boys and they are chomping at the bit to get out of the hotel so we tell them to head to Maneeleys and we will meet them there. Shortly after the boys leave we are out the door with my wedding dress in hand as we pile into Kelly’s car. 
The ride to Maneeley’s seems to have lasted a lifetime. We get to where we are supposed to be, grab my dress and assorted other things we will need for the night and we head to the bridal suit. To get to the bridal suit we need to walk through the hall and we just are in awe of how beautiful the venue turned out. It was better than I could have dreamed it!  Once we finally get to the bridal suit we are surprised to find my uncle standing in the bridal suit waiting for the staff to put some alcohol on ice for us. We thank him and polity kick him out because i still have to get into my dress. That’s when the girls pulled my dress out of the bag. An A-line champagne lace dress with 1/2 lace sleeves and v neck and v-back accented with small pearls. While the girls got me into it was a realization that this was actually happening.Thankfully the dress zipped without any problem, something I had been worrying about for the weeks prior. Once I was all zipped up we realized that my bouquet wasn’t in the suite and that Leah hadn’t arrived yet to put the finishing touches on me. It felt like eternity for everyone to find my bouquet and for the right flowers to get to the right people. While I’m standing at the door with Leah doing my finishing touches Zack can see that I’m on the verge of a complete melt d own. “This is really is the hardest part of the whole day. The one person that you want to see and that will instantly calm you down, is the one person you’re not aloud to see. It’s almost time though, and it’s going to be great” His words were so perfectly timed and very much needed. 
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It was time to walk out of the bridal suite and really get this day started! My mom was dead set on carrying my train and I told her “if you’re going to carry it, you’re going to have to keep up.” As we started walking toward the bridge where we were going to do our first looks we saw that nobody was there yet. I slightly panicked but Zack was already on it. He called Heather (his wife and the photographer that was with the boys) and told her that James need to get out there, it was time. As James took his place, I hid behind a small tree with my mother and Zack as my look out. We started heading our way over, it was a true speed walk, I told Zack that Pat wasn’t there and she needed to be there it was part of the deal. Without hesitation and within seconds, Pat was out there standing there. I finally told my mother to just drop the train, I needed to get there. Once the moms were united and the photographers where in place it was 
time to finally see my future husband for the first time that day!
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It was truly a magical moment! He looked incredible in his medium dark grey 3 piece suit and dark green tie and he couldn’t stop starring at me! As we worked our way off the bridge James noticed that I had leaves in my train and in true James fashion he slightly mumbled under his breath (still loud enough for me to hear) “you’re just wearing a very expensive rake” as he picked the leaves out my dress because he knew I’d be upset if they stayed in there and nobody said or did anything about it. I saw Pat and hugged her with so much excitement. The next thing I know our entire bridal party is around us and our parents. As James took photos with the guys I kinda of hung around with Carissa and the kids and my girls. Now, it was my turn for group photo, while we’re doing all that I hear James’ mom yelling at her sister to not come over it wasn’t her time. She didnt listen because she needed her Jimmy hug, after she got her hug she was off. We blew through the group pictures like it was nothing. Zack really knew how to get us back on track! While we were doing some our group photos someone noticed I had a ladybug on my veil and being the best photographers, they did their best to get a picture of it because they knew it meant good luck from above and they saw how much it mean to our moms. Once the family and wedding party photos were done Zack and Heather took James and I away to do some our alone photos. It was a good time but you could tell that James was very done with his “camera smile”. Before we knew it were done with our pre- ceremony photos and we were under my veil taking photos. After those few photos James and I had to go our separate ways to hang out for a little bit before the ceremony would start. As Zack and I walked back to the bridal suit, I saw Ryan, a friend from home that I haven’t seen in a while and I just broke into a full on run and just attacked him! We hugged some family members (mostly McKees) on our way to the bridal suite. While we waited for the ceremony to start Leah took some photos for her portfolio and I got to hang out with the kids for a little bit. As I sat there trying to take it all in my phone rang, it was Kevin, he tried to confirm that my wedding was at Mill on the River and when I told him no, he panicked and told me not to worry, “I won’t miss it, i’ll be there.”
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Before we knew it, Gemarco (our personal staff member for the day) told us it was time to line up! It was the fastest and slowest moment of my life! I could hear “Tale As Old As Time” playing as they opened the door for every person that walked out in front of me. It was time for the Titus and Scarlette to make their way out. James and I both told them the night before at the rehearsal dinner to make sure they walked nice and slow and didn’t rush, man did I slightly regret telling them that. Their walk out felt like it took 10 years. My dad standing next to me, holding my arm and telling me to relax, it’ll be my time before we know it. The kids must of made it all the way down because suddenly I heard “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran playing and it was finally my time to walk down the isle to my future. To be honest that entire walk is a blur, I slightly remember seeing my work people in one corner and then rounding the corner to see James standing their with a smile on his face. Dad and I made it to the “finish line” and James silently walked us through all the steps that we knew we would mess up and my hand was passed from my dad’s to my his and it was so memorable. As we joined hands in front of all our friends and family we made our promises and vows. James read his first and they perfect, a million times better than I was expecting them to be. He said “I Do” and placed my ring on. Now it was my turn, I remember slightly fumbling over reading my vows, not standing quite close enough to James for everyone to hear (because he was wearing the mic), repeating after the JP was a little hard for me because I was just so focused on James and every little thing happening between us. I made it through my “I Do” and placing his ring on his finger and the next thing I know I’m hearing “by the law of Connecticut I do pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!” James kissed me with just the right amount of passion for it to be appropriate in front of everyone and the slight sound of “Love Somebody Like You” by Keith Urban playing was our indicator that it was time for us to walk out from the ceremony and get the party started. We made our way to the bridal suite with the rest of the wedding party and we hugged everyone and celebrated with everyone briefly and figured out what the next thing was. James and I went out to the back of the building and met out chariot (a golf cart driven by G) to go to the barn and take a few photos there. James was pretty excited because G had beer and alcohol for James and I and it was time to start partying! After a couple of beautiful photos by the barn, we went back to were the ceremony took place to take “formal” photos with family and friends. Some of those photos were difficult because a lot of family members kept putting their hand on my lower back and pulled on my veil. We did get a lot of good photos with not only James’ college friends, which had basically become tradition for us at this point since everyone of them were mostly married except for now us, but also a few of my college girls were there and it was such a great surprise since I hadn’t seen them since the last wedding! Once all of our photos were done outside we were able to go inside and mingle a little bit during the cocktail hour before we got announced in and the reception would start. It was great to get that time because we were able to get half the room chatted with which would make it easier after dinner. James and I didn’t really hang out together for that half hour or so. I was able to see my work people for a bit and chat with them briefly but I also had the chance to catch up with some of my friends that I hadn’t seen in probably 6 years. James met one of my best friends for the first time since our falling out. 
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It was time! G had found James and I in the crowd and told us that it was time to line up and get ready for the intros. Waiting for the intros to start was a lot of fun. Our DJ, Mike came over and ran through with us what was going to happen and unfortunately our photographers weren’t there because they would have gotten some really good photos of James and I dancing with out dinosaurs! He announced Grammy, my parents, James’ parents, Ryan and Travis, the kids and then he announced Kelly and Andrea who entered the room wearing their dinosaur costumes! It was a hit, nobody knew it was going to happen. Once the crowd had a chance to take in what was happening and enjoy it, they went into the bridal suite to change and then it was our turn. As the music started playing we heard “And now please welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn” and we heard “ baby, i just want to be young, young forever with you” and it was an incredible moment. You could feel all the love from our friends and family! As we made it to the sweet heart table where our parents were lined up, I handed my flowers to my mom and we made our way to the middle of the dance floor and we shared our first dance to “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. When that music started and James pulled me into him, it was just indescribably! it was the perfect moment. We got lost in each other and we just got to dance, we truly felt like we were the only ones in the room. There were a couple of spins involved that we tried to practice but it never really worked out but that’s okay because looking back on the photos from that night, they looked perfect. We finally gave Mike the nod to cut the song because we just couldnt sway anymore. Looking back I wish we took the whole song to really take in the moment but we still had that time to ourselves and it was perfect. 
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We took a few extra minutes to get settled at our table before the speeches started. Ryan was up first! His speech was incredible well done. You could tell he was nervous but it never showed. He did a great job telling a lot stories about his and James’ friendship and then said “I kinda wish I was marrying you”. Shortly after he brings up New Britain and how James didn’t tell him that he was dating this girl and he started to say that it wasn’t long before I became the 4th roommate and preferable roommate. He continued on with a story about me telling he didn’t know what he was doing but turned it into saying that I was perfect for him and that it didn’t take long for me to because an essential part of our lives -James’ life. He finished with “I’m really excited to have opinions on the house you guys will pick out and most importantly give your kids really confusing nicknames” Andrea was up next, her speech was pretty short and sweet. She started with how we met at the Student Union at UConn and it turned into a conversation about the night that James and I met and how James is now the best part of my life and she couldn’t be happier for the two of us.
After the speeches it was finally time for dinner. During our pre wedding meeting with our coordinator James jokingly said he wanted chicken tenders with his dinner so when we were served our dinner, James as presently surprised to find that there were actually chicken tenders on his plate. Dinner was incredible and we couldn’t begin to thank the people responsible for making such a delicious meal. Once, James and I finished eating we went to mingle and thank each table for coming. We started with his work tables which was a poor decision looking back because those were the only table James made it to. Thankfully, I was able to just make quick small talk with everyone I needed to because if I didn’t I’m sure there would have been some people who would have been upset that they never saw us. Slowly as people started finishing their meals they got up and joined the kids on the dance floor, who completely stole the show for a while. It was great to see people enjoying themselves. Around 7 it was time for cake! Of course we did a cake cutting. It was hard to cut into such a beautiful cake though. Alexis did such an incredible job with our cake and cupcakes, they were perfect. Cutting into our cake to find a bright green velvet cake was truly incredible. It got very playful when feeding each other cake. When it was James’ turn to feed me he threatened to smear it all over me but I told him “no, i didn’t pay this much money for you ruin my face”. But we kissed and made a beautiful photo. 
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Soon after we cleaned up from our cake cutting it was time for the parent dances. I was first and it was a moment I was slightly anxious about because I wasnt sure how it was going to go. We danced to “Daddy Dance With Me” by Krystal Keith, which is a beautiful song. Unfortunately, I ended up cutting the dance pretty short because it was just a very uncomfortable and awkward minute or so. My father was not enjoying himself or really engaging with me at all so I signal to Mike to cut it short. A much better dance was to watch the magic with James and his mom. James had picked the song “Then They Do” by Trace Atkins because he knew it would a song that would get his mom to tear up. It ended up backfiring on him because she never shed a single tear, which was surprising! He told her that she was in charge of telling Mike when to cut the dance but she never did. It was a moment in her life that she will remember for the rest of her life.  There was one more parent dance that we needed to have because James’ father would never have a father daughter dance because James is an only child and he’s told me for a long time that I was the daughter he never had so we felt it just needed to happen for him. Our final parent dance was to “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts. It was such an incredible moment in the night. For me it was better than my own father daughter dance so I’m incredibly thankful we were able to make it happen and that it didn’t upset Pat that James had to mother son dances that night. We danced about half the song before we invited everyone else to join us. I remember seeing Titus and Scarlette dancing with my mom and James and thinking about how lucky am to be able to spend the rest of my life with that man and eventually have a family with him. The next thing I know, the kids are grabbing my hand and Mike’s (James’ Dad, not the DJ lol) and the 4 of us are dancing together and I just thought to myself that I am one blessed woman!
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After all the formalities were over it was time to party! It was so great to dance and enjoy our night with so many family and friends that love us. We danced for hours. At one point James and I saw each other from a short distance away and we were able to sneak away for a minute and sit outside on the wall of the outdoor bar and look into the our event and see so many people having fun and it was just an fantastic feeling to see so much love in one room that all came together for us. It was really great to get that moment away just to take it all in. That time away didn’t last long, someone found us and told us that we were needed on the dance floor, so it was back to the party for us. While we took a quick break Zack asked us if we could sneak away so we could take our night time photos and it was perfectly timed. As we walking out we were able to say goodbye to some of our guest and get some photos with them. Our night time photos were fantastic! Our night time photos are just filled with so much romance and sweetness. There was one bit of comic releif from all the love though. Heather needed to stand in the bushes with the flash and thankfully Zack captured that photo because that is one that we will keep with us forever. They were just a wonderful couple to work with and they just got everything right and we couldn’t have asked for a better set of people to help us capture the most important day of our lives.
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James and I were able to sneak back into the party without much of grief. As we came back in DJ Mike was playing a Kenny Rodgers song for the parents and to see my parents and James’ parents dancing was incredibly touching. Shortly after Zack came over and took one last selfie with us and Heather and told us that he thinks he got everything and they were gonna head out unless we could think of anything else. Unfortunately, they left shortly before the group dances which would have been fun for them to capture but its okay, after seeing everything else they got, it made it completely fine for them have had headed out. 
The party started to wind down after we played our last slow song which was “Diamonds or Twine” by Ryan Hurd. Seeing some of my coworkers dancing with each other during that song was kind of weird but it was super sweet. Mike finished the night with “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey and it was perfect. Some how everyone that was left was formed into a circle around James and I and for the life of me, I can’t remember what song was playing but I just remember looking at James and telling him that I was amazed that our DJ somehow was able to combine that song with the Disney opening tune. It was just so enchanting!
As everyone left we finished packing the cars and my girls got me out of my dress and back in to my yoga pants and robe and James’ mom (who never drives) got us back to the hotel safe and sound! You’d think after an insanely full day James and I would be tired, not even a little. We sat up for probably 2 more hours. The first little bit we opened all of our wedding cards and counted it all and then Travis came to hang out with us for a little bit, it was just such a chill evening after that. After Travis left James and I decided it was time for bed so at that point the magic was over. I took my hair down, took all the make off got and it was time to turn into pumpkins. To our surprise though the hotel supplied us 2 small bottles of champagne and left us some chocolates on the bed. We simply could not have asked for a better day, it absolutely the most beautiful day of our lives.
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bitterrants · 7 years
Leopard Bikini Overload
This past weekend, I went to the Jersey Shore with my family, sort of against my will. As my get out of jail free card, I brought a guy friend for the nights I wanted to sneak away. And by sneak away I mean to some trashy bars to get vodka sodas where domestic fights were occurring all around between couples who wore shredded clothes. 
My friend and I left after work Friday night in my car at about 7 PM from his office. It took us almost 4 hours to get to Wildwood, New Jersey. The drive wasn’t too bad since we waited a little bit before leaving, but the motel and yes.. MOTEL with an “M” was pretty bad. If my parents thought this place was decent back then, then they most likely just got their eye prescription corrected. Let’s put it this way, if this motel were a person, it would be Mama June circa early TLC days. Everything was stained. Things you wouldn’t even expect to be stained were stained. The best part about the motel was the location though, right on the water. We were a step away from the sand and super close to North Wildwood where all the bars were. 
We dropped our stuff, quickly got changed and called an uber to go to a bar. We started at Keenan’s, a popular college bar in North Wildwood. They played pretty good music and their drinks were far from weak. My friend and I had a nice night, dancing and catching up, which then followed by a late night dip in the pool, semi interrupted by torrential down pour and thunder, but we stayed put. 
The following day, sunlight had a new meaning. I had never been so hungover and I was pissed because all I wanted to do was veg on the beach, but I could barely keep my eyes open to navigate. We grabbed bagels, fruit and coffee and headed to the beach despite my better judgement and longing for bed and darkness. We set up camp and took out our food only to get attacked by 3 aggressive seagulls. I looked around and it seemed seagulls were attacking people left and right. It was The Birds in real life. So I threw my food down and said, “ What good is a hangover if I cant eat, damn devil birds!” I laid there for about an hour, starving and then realized, I can’t do this. My friend had already left me by then to help my parents who just arrived. So I packed up and went back to Jersey Bates. 
That night we went to a fancy seafood restaurant that was very good called “Jersey Girl.” It was only 8 years old and received high praise for their drinks and food. My sister, her husband, their two kids, my parents, my friend and I all went. I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I have pretty severe food allergies, so granted, to scare the shit out of our waitress in warning her of my allergy I whipped out my epi-pen and put it right on the table. Of course she panicked and went back and forth to the kitchen as if she were being timed on each trip, but she did a good job. After that my sister and her husband walked the pier with my friend and I which was crawling with high schoolers and made me feel like a dinosaur. We quickly wrapped that up and parted ways to do 20-year-old things, like trashy bars round two. So that’s what we did. It was unfortunate because I was tired by then and broke from drinks the previous night, but we went anyway. We started at Westy’s and ended up at Flip Flopz, then back at Keenan’s THEN back at Flip Flopz. Flip Flopz was find up until some drunk girl fell on me causing me to spill my drink. She kept falling over me, pushing me on to other people so I did what any other girl would do in the situation, I pushed back, hard sending her flying into her boyfriend who was equally as drunk and when she tried to turn around I ran. The band that played ended up becoming friends with my guy friend who was so far up their ass he has shit on his sleeves. 
At one point, my friend left me and I was swarmed by dudes (can’t complain about that). I met this one guy Jack, that I hit it off with, who was a special ed teacher in Philly, who surfs and travels. Doesn’t hurt that he looked like a young Matthew McConaughey. Jack introduced me to his best friend, his cousin and his cousin’s friends. When my friend came back, he saw I made friends, introduced himself, yada yada, then got lost. I lied and said my friend was actually my brother, to avoid confusion as to why we aren’t dating, which my friend loved and ended up telling half the bar we’re brother and sister. Spread like wild fire, even in instances not worth noting. So Jack and I hit it off. We danced, laughed, he bought me a couple drinks. At one point, the beers hit me and I really had to go to the bathroom, so I told Jack “I’ll be right back” which was a mistake. I left, came back and Jack was gone. It was so dark in there that I had no energy or night vision goggles to see him so I looked for 2 mins and then gave up. Note to self: when talking to a cute guy DO NOT ABANDON SHIP, STAND YOUR GROUND. At this time, it was 3 AM anyhow and ready to bounce. So we ubered back to Jersey Bates, went swimming, my friend befriended our puerto rican neighbors by bumming a cigarette (gross) as I went up and jumped into bed. 
The next day was the best beach day and I was actually able to enjoy it without being hungover. Note to the young: PACE YOURSELF, no one is going to steal your drinks from you at a bar, so might as well enjoy it (just don’t get drugged whilst milking your drink). The beach is by far the best place to people watch and I have to say the people that were at this beach were far from boring. They were all crazy and there was a wide variety of beach goers. I saw several ladies in leopard print bikinis or cover ups. I saw a couple that actually wore matching American flat bathing suits. Mind you.. July 4th is over and that is the ONLY time it is okay to wear the American flag, ya yankee doodle wack job. I saw one very large woman who practically held her baby upside down while rummaging through a bag for diapers. The most annoying thing about this beach though were also the people because almost everyone smoked. Who wants to go down to the beach and breathe in the misty cigarette smoke? Uh, I sure fucking DON’T! Lung Cancer Activists, you can do whatever you want with your lungs, but I only have this one body and I choose to take care of it. 
Overall, the weekend was good. I always enjoy seeing my sister and her kids. They were adorable and very well behaved the whole trip. My nephew was loving the ocean. My favorite part of the whole trip was when he got pummeled by the waves then quickly came up and the first thing out of his mouth was “WHERE’S PAPA!!!!!!” I was like “Yo dude, relax, he’s behind you.”
0 notes
sapphicsurveys · 6 years
Is popularity a social disease? It depends. With politicians and such, it can become a disease. A disease that costs us all. Would you want to be a hippie? Yes!!! I’m really open-minded and I love reggae and different colours...I’ve thought about retreating into the hippie lifestyle before, not gonna lie... In college, were you ever given exams with extremely broad and deep questions such as, 'Why?' or 'What is truth?' I’m in college right now. I had a philosophy class, but I had to withdraw from it, so...yeah... Have you knowingly destroyed an endangered plant or animal? No. Actually, I don’t know which plants are endangered, so maybe unknowingly for plants... Did your parents bronze your first pair of baby shoes? I have no clue. Do you check for a train when crossing tracks in your car even though the arms aren't down? I don’t drive. Is there gossip going around about you right now? As always, there’s a bunch of fandom tea. I don’t really pay attention to the drama of people IRL, probably because I prefer to keep my circle small anyway. How many comic strips do you read daily: None (and I CANNOT get into manga.) If you were hiding from a burglar, would you hide in the closet or under the bed? Under the bed would be more logical, but I couldn’t fit under there.  What do you most commonly use milk for: drinking or cooking? Drinking. Who should provide the condoms in a relationship: the man or the woman? The man. His dick, his issue. His responsibility if she gets pregnant, not hers. That’s how an ideal world would work. Are you ever afraid that people hate you and they're just acting like they don't? I mean, it’s true, so, LMAO. When you're crossing the street with other people, do you ever feel a need to get to the other side first? No, I take my time, because I don’t wanna get hit by a car. Should people be able to go to college without a high school diploma if they score high enough on entrance tests? No, it would fuck up your life cycle. You learn a lot about yourself through high school. High school was never about learning about subjects anyway. Would you be embarrassed if people could hear you talking to your pets? No, everyone does it. If elephants were bred to a smaller size and sold as house pets, would you want one? Sure! Do you refer to people as 'dude'? When I’m annoyed at someone and trying to make my point. Do you remember the last time you wrote a 'snail mail' letter? Does my voting application count? Do you think beards/mustaches make men look older than they actually are? Depends on the man... Are you usually the one to initiate sex with your significant other? No, I prefer masturbation to sex, TBH. When I’m dating a girl when she wants sex I usually just want to cuddle LOL. I want to fantasize about her and pleasure myself to that but not actually do it with her...??? That wouldn’t make me asexual, IDK WTF it would make me. When you're having trouble burping when you feel like you need to, does patting yourself on the chest seem to help? I don’t have trouble burping. Do you have your wallet with you right now? No, it’s in my bag by my bed. If it ever came down to a final battle between good and evil and you knew that evil was going to win, who would you fight for? Evil, because if I fought for good, it would be pointless since it lost anyway, and evil would have a grudge against me so it might send me to a prison camp or something. But if I fight on evil’s side, maybe I can be pimpin’. Do you feel guilty when you borrow money from your parents? I don’t really borrow money from them. Do you constantly have times where you have no money and then earn a lot of money and you don't know what to do with it? No. Do you always see yourself as the protagonist in the story of your life? Obviously. I’m the protagonist of MY life....of course, not the world’s though... Can you drive by a car accident without staring? I’m not the one driving ever, so I can stare without feeling guilty, I guess. Do you find it a challenge to congratulate your opponent who just beat you in a game or competition? Yes. I’m super competitive and salty. Do you think that no matter how cold or heartless someone seems there is always at least one thing in the world that they love? Yes. Sociopaths may not love people, but they sure can love things. Who is worse: Someone who doesn't repay a loan or someone that steals your CDs? I don’t know all this adulting BS. HELLPPPP. Why do you think so many homosexual men still go without condoms: because they don't know of the dangers, or because they don't care? It’s like a “fuck it” moment, probably. They’re like, “I’m horny, and at least no-one here can get pregnant, I probably won’t catch an STD, anyway.” Which is...wrong, a lot of the time, LOL. When you think about morality, do you think more in terms of good/bad people, or good/bad actions? Actions, 100%. Which of these female comedians is funnier: Ellen Degeneres or Margaret Cho? I’ve only heard of the second girl and not heard her jokes, but I don’t find Ellen really that funny. Are you scared of dying alone? I’m just scared of dying lol [2]. Are you most comfortable being treated by a doctor of the same sex as you? Of course, I don’t ever want to let a male get that intimate with me, LOL. Do you take daily walks? Yes, taking walks and listening to music is one of my favourite pastimes. Are there some slang terms you refuse to use? I don’t like a lot of the Gen Z’rs slang...I usually find myself using it anyway. Do you have a favorite pen that you use all the time? I wish I could have an aesthetic high-quality pen collection, it’s like my dream, but unfortunately I only have average ones. Have you ever changed an adult's diaper? WTF?? Do you think it's dangerous or a good thing when two very depressed people start to date each other? Dangerous. Y’all need to love yourselves before you love each other. Or else it’s just gonna be a constant flow of negativity. Do you know a game that is very stupid, yet very addicting? A lot of those dumb phone app games that make you pay for upgrades. Do you plan on having your children Christened/Baptised? I don’t want kids. Would regularly seeing videos of you interacting with people significantly improve your overall human effectiveness? That would be sooo much fun, but nothing I’d see would really surprise me. Have you ever misspelled 'misspell'? Nope. Have you ever stayed up for more than 24 hours to study for an exam? I’m not sure if I’ve ever even stayed up for that long. Have you ever been in the back of a moving truck? Nope. When you were young, did you know some pop stars were gay? Yeah. Do you have control over how much peace there is in your mind? Sometimes I can zone it out listening to ASMR videos. If you got a backstage pass at a concert, would you feel better than everyone else? Yeah, of course. Not gonna lie. Is your microwave any other color besides white? It’s black. Would you prefer a bagel or an entire breakfast in the morning? Full breakfast, baby. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. You can’t go wrong with it. Do you think that couples that elope have a better chance of staying together? The opposite. Do you know of a frozen dinner that tastes good? TBH, they all suck, but they’re still super convenient. I guess those Delimex Taquitos, if they count.. Will public restrooms no longer be separated by gender in the near future? Perhaps. If you do not eat red meat but eat fish are you a vegetarian? There’s a term. Pescatarian.  When you discard a piece of paper, which of the following are you more likely to do: rip it apart in pieces or crumple it? Rip it apart. Do you wear your pants and shorts above or below your waist line? Above, but I always have to pull them up because none of my clothes fucking fit me right. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a sex change operation? I want one. SOOOO BAD. In an ideal world I could become a man. I have huge dysphoria. But it ain’t gonna happen. Do you call margarine 'butter,' even though you know the difference? They’re very different, and that would be offensive to butter. Do you bathe less when you are depressed? I bathe more. Should the ASPCA and RSPCA ban the practice of kidney transplants in cats, since cats can't give consent for the surgery? ???? Would you ever drink from a bowl or cup made out of human bones? Yeah, why not? Does your car normally smell good? I don’t have a car. Do you think 9/11 will be the worst thing you will see in your life? Nah, crimes and attacks are happening day by day, who knows when the next huge one will be. Do you tend to do more research for school or papers at the library or on the internet? Internet. Don’t think anyone uses the library for that anymore. Do you have an outfit you wear that makes you feel like a star? No, but I have some graphic Tees that I’m pretty proud of. You are working at McDonald's frying meat. Your manager is being a jerk and you are ticked. A customer comes in and orders a 20-piece box of nuggets. Out of anger towards your manager, would you pack 20 or more, or 19 or less in that box? 20 or more. Give the people what they want. Once you've made up your mind about the kind of person someone is, can anything they say or do change it? Probably not. Is there a single person whose whole existence you might be interested in studying? Yeah, a few celebrities would pique my interest. Do you think that cuddling with a member of the opposite sex, with no intention of sexual relations, is cheating? No way. Sometimes we all need a little cuddle. Which would you be willing to give up the internet for: world peace or immortality? Neither. I wouldn’t give up the internet for anything. Are you a redneck? No, the farthest thing from it. Do you think by 2050 there will be flying cars? Yeah. Should politicians be allowed to have a private life? I mean, obviously?? Everyone deserves that. Do you avoid going over to other people's houses because it makes you feel uncomfortable or out of place? Yeah, more like I avoid hanging out with people in general, LOL. If someone you don't know too well puts you in the buddy list of his or her profile, would you be suspicious, or would it be OK that he or she did that? I’d love it. Do you have a trash can in every room of your home? Nope. Who said "I love you" first: you, or your partner? I’m single. Do you ever lay down and watch a movie, only to fall asleep in the very beginning and wake up when the movie is over? No, but this happens with YouTube videos sometimes. Do you say 'thank you' before leaving a store, even though you may not have purchased anything? Yeah. Would you approve if your significant other wanted to have a nude painting done? Sure. Art is art. If there were nine guilty people and one innocent, and they all had to be together, would you put them all in jail or set them all free? What was the crime they were guilty for? Is your pet also your best friend? The best friend I’ll ever have. She loves me absolutely unconditionally. When the toilet backs up, do you call someone to fix it or do you do it yourself? I call my dad to fix it. Have you ever recited a love poem to your significant other? I used to write poems and stories for my ex. It kinda makes me wanna vomit thinking back on it. Would you rather be 'all head and no heart' or 'all heart and no head'? Nope. Nope. This is too hard. I refuse. Are your teeth discolored? A lil’ bit. When you were a child, did you make or buy your Halloween costumes? Buy. Have you ever seen a movie and liked it but upon further viewing come to like it a lot less? Don’t think so. But this happens with a lot of songs. If your father was a minister, would you want him to preside over your wedding ceremony? No. Would you prefer to watch porn or a really good comedy? Depends on the mood I’m in. How long did your longest phone conversation ever last? Maybe 4 hours. Do you put your initials on everything you own? No, that’s lame. Do you like or dislike people based on who else likes or dislikes them? Not at all. Do you have a friend who you hang out with only when there is nothing else to do? No. Which is harder: calculus or trigonometry? Fuck, I can’t do either whatsoever. Do you often find yourself correcting your parents? All the time, correcting my mom. I’m smarter than her in a lot of ways. If you could stop aging at a certain age, do you know what that age would be? I have to experience more ages in order to decide that. Do you more often eat off of real plates or paper plates? Ideally, paper plates. I’m a huge germaphobe. When I move out I’ll only purchase paper and plastic ware. Have you ever had tape over your mouth? Yeah. If you encountered someone you totally didn't know and he or she seemed to tell you the solutions to your uniquely specific problems without having been told what they were, would you be more thankful or freaked out? I’d probably develop feelings for them on the spot. Would you rather eat a raw egg or a scoop of raw hamburger? Raw egg sounds tasty. Do shy kids tend to grow up to be freaks? No. Unless...they’re sociopaths. But maybe sociopaths aren’t freaks either, just another type of person. When you put on a shirt, do you button up or down? I can’t wear shirts with buttons, since I have such a big bust, it completely flops every time. Do you scent your letters when you write to a special someone? Yeah...it’s sexy. Is punk influenced more by music or attitude? Music. Did you ever start a thread that got at least 40 posts? Yeah. Can you recall the ending of the last story you read? No. Have you ever had your head stuck in an unusual place? I don’t recall. Do you have any weird or funny local slang? IDK, does “Boca Bitch” count? People don’t really use it that often but it’s true and it’s a well-known term. When you come online, is there always one person you look for? Yeah...well, a few people. Do lava lamps make you sick looking at them? No, they’re aesthetic af, I want one, I always have. Will Hollywood ever run out of ideas for movies? It’s not that they’ve run out of ideas, they’re just lazy and only care about making money. Does P. Diddy telling everyone that he is the new Frank Sinatra make you want to roll your eyes? He was probably kidding. Do you think the state of the global environment will be better or worse in 50 years? Worse, of course. Global warming..and oil drilling. Endangered species. Do you eat dinner in the dining room or in the living room? In my bedroom. Which Mike Judge cartoon do you prefer: Beavis and Butthead or King of the Hill? King of the Hill. Have you ever fallen off your chair in public? Yeah. When sleeping, do you face the doorway or have your back to it? I sleep on my side. Do you find poetry that expresses pain and suffering to be more intriguing than other types? I don’t find poetry intriguing at all. Do you only pretend looks don't matter because you're ugly yourself? Looks do matter, though. Do you find limericks to be funny and clever or annoying? Again, not a poem fan. Do you think you'd be capable of representing yourself in court rather than hiring an attorney to do it for you? Maybe.. When you flirt with someone, is it obvious or more subtle? Obvious and awkward. Which character do you think weighs more: Jabba the Hutt or Fat Bastard? What? Do you think couples break up mainly because of differences they can't resolve or because they have found someone new? They get tired of each other. Do you reread things that are written well? Yes. What hurts more: getting poked in the eye or biting your tongue? Getting poked in the eye. Do you prefer merry-go-rounds or ferris wheels? Ferris wheels. You get to look at all the scenery, be intimate, and hang in the air. Which do you prefer: original or flavored Tootsie Rolls? Original. Chocolate is better than fruit flavouring. If you had three children, would you rather have two boys and a girl, or two girls and a boy? I don’t want kids. Is having a threesome basically approved cheating? It’s approved polyamory. Is it a turn off to you if the woman has a deep, manly voice or if the man has a high, pre-pubescent voice? No, I love it. Have you copied (or “ripped”) your entire CD collection onto your computer? When I was younger and had an iPod Nano. Do you have buns of steel? No. Did you use floaties on your arms when you were learning to swim? Yeah, and I still have trouble swimming even now. Did your first ever snog involve French kissing? Yes. Do you know a person who is physically unattractive and yet a flirt? Yeah, me. LOL. Are there a lot of programs on your computer that you don't know how to use? Adobe Audition af. I pretty much only use it to make instrumentals and have no idea how to do anything else with it. Do you live in an uncomfortable environment, such as where you feel you cannot be yourself? No, not really. If you had discovered a body on the side of the road would you see if it was still alive? Yes, and then call 911. Does punishing everyone for the actions of the few get us closer to utopia? Of course not. Can you finish an entire 2-liter bottle of soda by yourself in a single sitting? No. Have your parents ever forbidden you to play a certain type of music in their house? No. Since you reached dating age, have you been single for more than three years? Nope, but I suspect that will happen soon. When buying shampoo or soap, do you choose one because of what they put in it, or because you like the smell? What they put in it for shampoo -- I need dandruff control due to my psoriasis. Have you ever had writer's block? All the time. *** Have you given anything up for Lent? I’m not Catholic. Who was the last person you went shopping with? Myself, if you count online shopping. Are you planning on dyeing your hair any time soon? No. Who was the last person you saw that you haven’t seen in a while? Annalisa. Do you sing in front of people or only when you’re alone? Both. What kind of car do you have? I don’t have one. When was the last time you left your cell phone somewhere? Never. I’m super conscientious of where I put it. Are your nails manicured right now? They never are. Do you prefer fake tanning or real tanning? Neither. Are you more of a summer person or a winter person? Neither, I love spring the most. Would you rather go to a rock concert or a rap concert? Rock by FAAARRR. Have you ever dated someone that was a different race than you? Yeah, my ex was black. Do your parents ever tell you weird things you did as a kid? A lot. It interests me. How old is your best friend? What constitutes a best friend? What does your favorite necklace look like? I don’t wear jewelry. Are you keeping a secret from anyone? Yeah. Is there anything with stripes on it in the room you’re in? Probably. Too lazy to check. Can you count how many vacations you’ve been on in your lifetime? No. Would you take a million dollars if it meant you had to die a month later? Of course not. Do you have cold hands or are you generally a warm person? Cold hands. People are always telling me how cold my body is. Do you keep any type of diary or journal? Used to. I can never stick to it, though. What was the last thing that made you really happy? Hmm...don’t remember. Can you remember what you dreamed about last night? I did when I woke up, not anymore. Have you ever gotten kicked out of a class for being disruptive? OMG, all the time. What was the last thing someone bought for you? Something from my mom, don’t remember what. Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex that is not a boy/girlfriend? Yeah. Would you rather read a book or watch the movie? Watch the movie. I need the sensual experience and the visuals. Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner? Auditory x10000. Cover songs or the original song? The original. Are you where you want to be in life at this point in time? I’m on the way. *** Do you put your name on your food coverings? No. What is something you have acquired with age? Maturity, self-knowledge, musical taste, culture. When it comes to clothing, are you the conservative type? Yes and no. I love businesswear, but I also love crazy T-shirts. Would you ever go out in public sporting pajamas? 100%. Would be fun. Do you enjoy eating? Yeah, a little too much. Have you ever ridden in a race car? Go-Karts at Boomers, LOL! Do you enjoy making people laugh? Yeah, I’m a pretty funny person. Do you go out of your way to impress the opposite gender? I’m gay. What is something that would make you happy right now? Sleep. I’m tired af but am determined to finish this survey. Are you a hygiene nut? No, but I am hygienic. Are you open-minded? Completely. Are you mathematically inclined? NOOO, it’s my worst subject. I’m linguistically inclined. What is something for which you have no patience? Technological issues and hypocrisy. Are you too concerned/worried with your appearance? No, I’m way too UNconcerned. Do you tend to be a jealous person? Yeah, but I’ve been getting a bit better about that...I think...OK, not really. Do you enjoy history? Nope, unless I’m learning about a place I’m traveling to and the history of the sites I visit/activities I do. Are you a pajama person or do you stay dressed all day? Pajamas, unless I’m going out and feel funky. Do you value looks or personality more? Both. Have you ever changed religions? Not really. I was raised a culturally Jewish atheist, and I’ve stayed that way. Do you have a high tolerance for people? Yeah, unless they’re hypocrites or homophobes/transphobes. Is there anyone to whom you are afraid to stand up? No. Do people interest you? Totally. *** Category One: Clothing I wear Converse. I wear plain black skate shoes. I really love dresses. I wear a lot of band t-shirts. I wear a lot of black. I like wearing skirts and dresses with Converse. People at my school often copy my style. I love jeans. I dress the way I want to, I don’t care what anyone thinks about my style. Wearing clothes I like gives me a lot more confidence. I don’t really look to anyone else for style ideas. Category Two: General Appearance Something about my appearance is very unique and distinct. I have more than one birth mark. I have very tanned skin. I tan extremely easily in the summer. I am skinny. But I have curves. I wear glasses. I have my father’s eyes. My self-esteem has been getting much better. People have told me straight up that they are jealous of my body - and it feels good to get compliments like that. I don’t spend a lot of time getting ready - I basically look the way I do when I wake up. Category Three: Annoyances I hate when people are overly cocky and arrogant. I hate when people make assumptions - they’re normally totally off. When I’m standing in line at a cash or something, I hate when people stand practically on top of me. It doesn’t make the line move any faster! I strongly dislike when I get excess lotion or water in between my fingers, and I don’t really understand why. If someone pisses me off enough, I’m not shy to tell them off. If someone is asked to stop doing something more than once, I feel it’s okay to start yelling at them. I hate hypocrites - but I can be a hypocrite myself sometimes. I hate people who act like know-it-alls. And I hate it even more when it’s a subject I know more about than them. I absolutely hate when people try to drag me into their pathetic drama. My number one pet peeve is when someone has too many pet peeves. Category Four: Surveys I find it stupid when people take the tags off surveys, but survey makers who go as far as making a “hate list” for all those who do it are just assholes themselves. I think I may have a serious addiction to surveys… Oh well! If you’re going to insult me directly more than once while taking a survey I made, then don’t even bother taking my survey. In a way I’m a hypocrite for saying that, because if there’s no tag on the survey, then I will call the survey maker an idiot and whatnot, if I seriously feel they are and if I’m in that bad of a mood. (*rolls eyes*) I’d be a millionaire if I got paid to do this! Why do survey makers insist on having a certain number of comments and subscribers before they make another survey? This is for fun, it isn’t a business, and you aren’t making money off of it, so why are you being so anal about communication with your survey-takers? I don’t see the point in lying on surveys. Why take them if you aren’t going to tell the truth? Category Five: Things I Seriously Love Coffee, and caffeine in general. The show Pawn Stars. Feeling good about myself. Encouraging other people to stay positive and be strong. Tattoos and piercings. Anthropology, sociology, and psychology. Making and taking surveys. Dreadlocks. Rain and thunderstorms. Music, of course. Random, interesting facts. Category Six: Music I can play piano. I can play bass. I can sort of play guitar. I listen to music every day. I own at least three instruments. I still buy CDs. I really want to learn to play drums. I wouldn’t mind learning to play the violin as well. Practically everyone in my family can play some sort of instrument. I used to take dance lessons. Category Seven: Photography I own a FujiFilm camera. I take walks so I can take pictures. I have a folder on my computer of pictures I’ve taken. I love taking pictures of fireworks. I also love taking pictures of nature. One of my favorite settings on my camera is macro. I have a blink detector on my camera. My camera takes amazing, bright, vivid photos. I want to make a photo album of pictures that I’ve taken. I wouldn’t mind being a photographer. I don’t know what I would do without my (phone) camera.  Category Eight: Relationships & Friendships I have serious trouble keeping lasting friendships. But I have no trouble keeping a lasting romantic relationship. Those two don’t directly relate to each other - I don’t ditch my friends for my partner, ever. I have been in a relationship for almost two and a half years. It is my first relationship. I have only ever kissed one person. My partner and I have been in a band together. In my opinion, friends are for socializing, not relying on for rough times. I love going out with friends. I have been in a band with all my best friends before. I have been verbally and psychologically abused by friends before. I have punched one of my friends in the face.
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flamboyaaaas · 7 years
tags I’ve used starting with each letter of the alphabet
 a - #arson is questionable #Annie played smash mouth too loud and killed everyone or smth like that #anyway fanfiction is scary af #and someone drew fake sideburns on him with blue pen lol #Also hopefully that is a bagel on his Christmas tree #*Annie’s tags get progressively more hipster* #Angel’s a bitch #an-unorthodox-uncritical-pear #after this I attempted to summon satan but that didn’t work #apocalypsebitch #a whole fucking load of hands #also last summer my roommate at camp played Meghan Trainor nonstop for 3 weeks #aww even his hair curl trembles #ah rebellious youth
b - #breathe your own air ;-; #...bee movie yaoi? #buy me an entire garden of succulents #borf and burk to an extent #brang brang #Baaaah’ formaggio prego #bruh that was obviously not in c major #BITCH THAT’S SASUKE
c - #clefairy clefairy clefairy clefairy clefairy clefairy clefairy #*chucks food at beebo* #can I have a castle now #come be pretentious with us #Chicken Nugget the butterfly #CHICKEN HEAD WITH A CHICKEN!!!!
d - #dunno who this is but I can relate #DAVID PUMPKINS
e - #...everyone fucking runs away from me because a salty avocado is talking back at them?? 
f - #for all the confused peasants like tangerineflavored #fall out boiiiii #FRIED KOALA #fuck February #*finger guns out of the room* #*falls over* FUCK #folie is a fucking masterpiece and you cannot convince me otherwise
g - #god dammit there was an avocado in there #good lord I was scrolling really fast and I thought it was an actual burrito #GIVE THIS BOY A PANCAKE #grapes cannot be squishy #grab that fancy octopus #give me the wig
h - #hello my child canon in inversion and augmentation #however I aim to be dark #HIS LONG HAIR IS TOO GLORIOUS FOR THIS WORLD #he ate the fucking laser beam #how much incest is involved in this fucking show oml
i - #is now gentle gay #I guess I’m just going to go watch Drunk History of FOB again #it probably needs a more extravagant title #I chime in with a haven’t you people ever heard of closing yoUR FUCKING MOUTH #is overflowing with cats and christmas trees??? #if any of my followers are petty enough to unfollow me for this... same #I’m not religious but that croc is beautiful #I ATE SHITTY MAC N CHEESE #I had more but Tumblr deleted 2/3 of my tags and I cried because ALL THAT VALUABLE NERD RANT #I once got stuck in airport security in Washington D.C. because the rock has the same density as a bomb #I sat here confused for 2 minutes before I realized that it is indeed a cat #I got attacked by swan the other day #I KNOW I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS IT’S THE ONE WITH THE CHICKEN AND SNOWMEN ISN’T IT #I saw the h and the topic after it so I automatically assumed it said hot topic
j - #Joe Biden does it again #just not the math aspect of it #JOY LOOK IT’S A FUCKING SILKIE CHICKEN
k - #komala is a log
l - #LOOK AT THOSE PENGUINS #LITERAL JOURNEY CAT TRAIN #let me play the violin #...linguistics #’lol so ur like a plant’ ???????? #look at Freed’s antennae things
m - #my brain has been fried to the point that I’m actually scared of a nocturnal tree demon #Mephisto Pheles’ fursona shows up #my old science teacher swing danced with Bill Nye #mint green aesthetic team #MOOM MOOM GOTTA GO FAST #meese cult #my squish is facier than yours #my... country? #ME @EXAMS OH MY FUCKING LORD
n - #(not really though it looks expensive)
o - #oh my god yes 80s glam hair Celestino #oh cactus #OROCHIMARU DOESN’T DESERVE THIS #OKAY THEN #on Tuesdays we eat cheese #oh right all of them but THE GAYS #omg apparently there’s a tornado warning and I didn’t notice #of course he voices someone from Haikyuu #our funky savior disco Jesus
p - #PINEAPPLE CHILD #Pyromancer :))
q - #quite punctual
r - #rotom-mow flies off into the distance #reblogging for that beautiful rooster #ritualistic chicken sacrifice
s - #snake x stapler #so I’ve been listening to AFYSCO because I have a fever (irony amirite) #steampunk funeral #so I’ve seen these giants at Costco #Suffer my dear fish #suave motherfucker and chill savage #Santasaurus #so then he takes over the fucking church of England because it takes too long for Rome to tell him it was okay to divorce her #somebody kiss patrick the wombat #stop him now #sin(420)
t - #the cat lord has been angered #*tunes basketball in corner* #the incompetent one #this is referring to the milk fic isn’t it #Target is a savage #they forgot gay ass #this makes me sound like an interesting person #tim loved tom but tom thought he liked jim because it was prophesied #the fuck is ketchup in mac n cheese #Teru’s pineapple hair is his single most important feature #the nights of the round table aren’t anime enough #then I get to piano class and it’s like oh fuck I failed #this staircase is how you die #that’s not a blaster. that’s a chicken. #to plop a xylophone in the creek #things are shaping up to be pretty fuck
u - #ukobach’s tail looks like a spatula #usually in the middle of the night #uh hello what is wrong with bagels #uh yes 2005 emo music
v - #vicodin on sunday nights #voiced by cats #villanelles give me life #v screwed up Okumura family tree
w - #WHERE ARE YUKIO’S FACE DOTS #we fought hard NOT to make it a Hetalia roleplay #why must we sacrifice suguro’s hair ;-; #whovians in a nutshell
x - 
y - #Yiddish curses #YEH FIGHT ME #yelling goblin child #YEAH SHIMA GO GET EM #yes yes give me twenty of these and I will be happy #yes it’s sasuke oml someone’s actually going to believe this and I will cry #’YAKOV HE WON’T SLEEP WITH ME’
z -
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