#fire emblem rom hack
alexissara · 5 months
What A Year For Games! Top 10 Games of 2023 For Little Lesbians Like me!
I am on and off again with video games often switching between years where I am really into games and years where I am snoozing but I started to dedicate myself to finding and sharing more sapphic art so people can stop saying it doesn't exist lead me to playing tons more games and wow I played so many fucking amazing games this year it was an extremally hard year to pick a top 10 games. Now these aren't a top 10 sapphic games, it's just the best 10 games of the year, on an objective scale because I am the goddess of this world and there for right. Not all of these games will have come out in 2023, it's games I played in 2023 why limit ones self?
These games are roughly in order by how confident I am to put them on this list but each of these games did something different than me so I wouldn't say that a game is "better" rather than what I got out of it at the end of playing felt biggest.
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Stray Gods
It's a musical, it's a video game, it's Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical. This game is a really fun little Greek myth story telling experience with an neat interoperation of myth and the characters to provide a fun experience to people with or without attachment to the stories. The dynamic music changing to your choices is a really cool concept although I wish more of the songs were a bop. I also wish the game explored the idea of polyamory like the Greek gods were not monogamous and I see no reason I can't kiss Freddie and Persephone in the same playthrough. What is there though is still compelling, fun, and engaging with a great set of characters across the board romanceable and not.
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Pokémon Emerald Rouge
Pokabbie's amazing Pokemon Rom Hack that shows the utterly wild shit possible for Pokemon experiences we could get. It's amazingly fun to do runs of Pokemon where you catch new pokemon, fight trainers and get to then recatch that species to use in later runs. It's a really great gameplay loop that really just uses what's fun about pokemon and allows for a lot of different run customization which leads to the loop not getting stale and makes it easier to find particular pokemon you want. This was my favorite Pokémon experience this year.
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Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6 has some of the worst monetization to date in fighting games. However, despite that it provided a lot of fun to me this year playing the base game's amazing World Tour mode and in enjoying the greatly designed new characters who I hope become Street Fighter staples. All while making my favorite SF character Juri even better with new interactions, a little bit of progress to her story and more. I hope that World Tour mode encourages a lot of other fighting game devs to step up the single player experiences in Fighting games and I also hope [as seems to be the industry trend] that "modern" controls take over. It was so nice to be able to do all the special moves consistently and more easily feel like I was in control of the game rather than feeling light I was fighting my hands to move out an input.
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Drums Of War
I sure do wish a Fire Emblem game came out in 2023, it's been so long since Three Houses and Hopes is amazing but not the SRPG gameplay I came to love. Well if there was a Fire Emblem game I am sure it would have ENGAGED me, wait, there was the amazing Fire Emblem rom hack Drums Of War. Parrhesia utterly killed it with this take on Fire Emblem. The heart of the story being an emotionally damaged lesbian and the dancer with a big secret who fell for her makes for an utterly captivating romance paired with a real "war is hell" story that really does it's best to show you how fucked all sides of this conflict are until the player finally gets to forge their own path forward. Roxelana and Calista would be among my most favorite Fire Emblem lords if I was ranking them alongside all the lords of the series with both characters being utterly delightful and some charming side characters too like Estrelle. The gameplay itself aired a bit on the harder side to what I like but regardless I had a great time with the majority of maps and by the end of it I think I finally managed to get with the curve of the difficulty even if I wish there was an easier mode.
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Cassette Beasts
The soundtrack alone would put this game on this list but luckily it has even more than a soundtrack. The whole cast are really charming, I totally fell for Viola and the other characters all have their own special charms. The game has plenty of faults I talked about in my review of it but despite the flaws of the game basically right until the very end where it massively declined for me this was one of the best games in all of monster tamers for me. The DLC was sadly not so great that came out later in the year but I didn't mind giving the extra money to the devs when the core game was so good. The monster taming is fun, the gameplay feels flexible enough for you to find the niche you like to play in and become really good at that niche, it allows for a lot of flexibility from folks who wanna swap partners all the time to people who will find their favorite characters and monsters and stick with them. I really hope the developers keep moving forward with Cassette Beasts and making new strives forward with their concepts because of all the indie monster tamers I've played this is leaps and strides above the rest.
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En Garde!
This extremally short little romp is a compelling experience that is just a little bit longer than your average modern block buster. It's a simple and sweet swash buckling game where you play as a bisexual vigilante woman with a big crush on a sexy pirate woman trying to stop the oppressor of the people's evil schemes. Each chapter is like another adventure of Zoro short and puppy, fun and with ever so slight tension but you know the hero will come up on top. It's a really good experience and it has some great accessibility features for folks with reflex issues like me to still be able to enjoy it. The music is staller, the voice acting is fantastic, it's a great package that instead of padding itself out fills every second with greatness.
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Luxaren Allure
I am a massive fan of turn based RPGs, I love getting to look at menus and think about my actions, being able to multitask while I play, enjoy a big juicy narrative and so I was very happy to play a JRPG style experience that's all about lesbians. An amazingly fun concept for a JRPG plot where one woman's beloved whom she chickened out of confessing too gets corrupted by an evil power and she is tasked with being the hero to take her out. This gives the interactions and the end goal a sense of uncertainty, will this be a sad case of tragic yuri, will she find joy with someone else, will she be able to save the woman she loves from this evil power, will she submit to the evil herself to be by her side? Everything feels uncertain with just this little angle added to a fairly typical JRPG formula. All while on the side having an adorable romance between a naga and a human girl giving us the good good lesbian sweetness between the dramatic tension.
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Baldur's Gate 3
I am so often the contain, the noted hater but not on this day, nay I say, it was pretty fucking fun. The game is flawed, pretty flawed, like it's got a lot or fantasy racism shit I hate, it's tied to an IP I hate, it's got so many bugs that happened on my own run but if there is one game from this list I will probably think of the most and play the most in 2024 and beyond from this year it's probably this game. The games depth of interactivity, the wide breath of options, and the mods, oh the mods, the many many many mods, this game has so much to do and will for a very long time. It's rare to get a truly great multiplayer game and this game also provides that, this is a fantastic experience for playing online with others and makes for really great runs. Then there is the romances, oh the romances are really great, the girls are all fantastic and the side queers are super brilliant too. It's just a really fun video game and it does a good job exploring trauma and different takes on abusive relationships and overcoming [or succumbing] to them.
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Thirsty Suitors
What a fucking great game, while the gameplay is mostly quick time events it does an amazing job of making each aspect of the game feel distinct from each other. While skateboarding in general kinda sucks in this game the combat and cooking all feels really great. Then there is the vocal performances and writing which are all fucking stellar. It's really great to see a fully fleshed out and fully real feeling queer woman who has had messy exes of all genders and has done a lot of fucked up things in her time. Jala's road to redemption with her family and exes all feels really great and this is a special story and I realized sometime after there is some level of variance too that I could have seen if I made some different choices. It's really great and even if it's not a dating sim like I thought it might be it's still a really great little thing. Then you factor in all the cool queer brown people in this game and wow, like I felt so scene by this game like the angry mess Tyler is speaks to my little transbian heart, the high fem lesbian struggle with family that Diya has I could feel echoed in my own life, I just, wow, it was great. I am so happy this game exists and I will likely always see this among the best narratives in all video games.
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The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood
My game of the year, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood fucking blew me away. In a shocking twist of fate while I complained about a lot of endings this year I didn't like my original ending for The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood either but then that drove me to go from liking the game to loving it as I ran the game again in spite of it, fueled by spite alone I felt a sense of determination, I would change my fate! This thematic fortune telling game where you make your own cards, help people or end up seeing a fate that only hurts them, I knew how to play it, I knew the systems now, I understood how the cards worked, the truth of my powers and the price I agreed to pay and I'd use all of that to make the happiest fucking story possible for Fortuna aka ME. So I dart through the game, I help the trans woman be herself and happy, I get my hot butch girlfriend, I help everyone out with their life problems crafting only the best cards possible to make sure I can give the best fates possible and then I hit the end point, the time to pay the price. I say no, the game says, you have to, I keep saying no, and then I draw my cards again and shape fate and in that I defied fate, made an ending I could be happy with, a better world for all my fellow witches, and so my story ends with my friends back by my side [probably gonna be a polycule] and a whole lot to look forward to. What a fucking experience, what a cool fucking game.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi .and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you.
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
I've been playing FE8 and something is a little different...
Well this is my boy Jasper, I put my OC into FE8 for fun and Because I wanted to try ROM hacking :3!
Rom hacking is HARD. but with FE builder it was pretty simple, once I understood everything lmao
Also here are his stats (I accidentally gave him base 16 speed whoops...)
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Not really a take but a general disclaimer to all FE fans to please please download and store any ROMs you can long-term because Nintendo just got a ton of FE ROMs taken off of Vimm's Lair and the list of reputable ROM distributors for FE is quickly shrinking.
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sacredechoes · 8 months
Sacred Echoes - v1.1 Release
The Valentia demake returns, with new features, a host of bugfixes, and a full Spanish translation!
Added in this update are:
All 46 fully playable chapters, 8 dungeons, and 1 side chapter in both English and Spanish patches
Options to customize your playstyle with growths configuration and RNG settings
Pitchforks to customize your team and max out your favorite units
New CG graphics
Better UX for equipping and unequipping rings, shields, and accessories
Several new music tracks
Turn count tracking across your entire run
The game is now available on FEUniverse!
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marlowedobbeart · 2 years
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Mods are asleep time to share my videogame: ✨FIRE EMBLEM: GILMORE GIRLS EDITION.✨ That's right. I made a 1-hour FE8 mod about Gilmore Girls for the literal millions of people who are fans of both franchises. (👇🏻Play it now!👇🏻) https://marlowedobbe.itch.io/fegilmoregirls
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space-spring-art · 11 months
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Fire Emblem GBA-style portraits for the Triangle Strategy protags!
Inspired by this neat post, I went and found this GBA Fire Emblem portrait generator to make these (plus added some changes by hand).
Part 2 (Other main cast)
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
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Unofficial Gay Fates 1.9 is out! It adds in 23 new supports, as well as dozens of fixes to older supports to bring them up to par.
The videos of these supports have already been up today since this morning, and some of you may have noticed only some of them feature our added voice lines. The mod team decided for the sake of speed and ease on us, that we're dropping the voice lines in our supports, as adding those alone doubles the time it takes to work on each support. In the future once most—if not all—the supports have been added we may go back and add them to the supports that lack them.
As for the added supports themselves:
ROMANTIC: Hinoka x Nyx, Arthur x Ryoma, Arthur x Reina, M!Corrin x Gunter S, M!Corrin x Percy S, Saizo x Shura, Hana x Kagero, Scarlet x Subaki, Felicia x Hinoka, Kaze x Laslow, Oboro x Reina, Corrin(F) x Anna S, Odin x Takumi
PLATONIC: Selena/Elise, Azura/Gunter
PARENT CHILD: Ryoma/Percy PC, Arthur/Shiro PC, Scarlet/Caeldori PC, Takumi/Ophelia PC , Odin/Kiragi PC
SIBLING: Ophelia/Kiragi SIB, Soleil/Caeldori SIB, Shiro/Percy SIB
As per usual it can be found at the Gamebanana page here
Happy pride, everyone!
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trustywusty · 7 months
A little self-promo never hurt
Also graphics design is my passion
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Just released a palette swap for Caeldori as part of my Fire Emblem Fates mod, Face-Lift. It's based on Subaki with minor differences, so now they'll match more. Caeldori's potential hair colours also clash way less with this palette (at least in my opinion).
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sharpeylogic · 11 months
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May or may not have been playing a lot of Triangle Strategy lately
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alexissara · 4 months
Drums Of War Review
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Drums Of War is a Fire Emblem romhack Roxelana, Calista and their band of soliders as they are pulled between toxic powers and try to just live in the complex landscape that is being at war. This game doesn't have as many of the elaborate features of some other rom hacks but it does have a lot going on for it with a refined fire emblem formula.
Drums Of War is a hard game, a little too hard even for me who has played FE since the first game released but this is a problem across Fire Emblem romhacks. The base level is kinda made for people who play these games on their hardest difficulty and find that too easy so they look for ways to make that harder. They aren't typically made that hard but they are what that kind of player thinks is a fair challenge which can lead to a struggle to play. This game does had a nice feature where you can rewind to the start of a turn rather than the last action which is great but ultimately I suggest if you are like me to use save states, they will take you further. Eventually I hit a stride with the game, I had enough units I liked and learned to save state hard enough where I felt like I as going through maps at a good pace and the too hard turned into fine for me. It may just be a bit of a bump in the road until you hit I'd say about act 2 of the game.
Note since I wrote this review an easy mode has been added you can play, I haven't tested it but if your looking for an easier time but like the sound of the game there is an option.
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Despite the difficulty the gameplay does add a lot of interesting little things to the classic GBA Fire Emblem formula without ever radically changing it from what you might have expected as a follow up to Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. After clearing most maps until fairly late game your given a chance to recruit a character or ransom them for money. Some people want to be sent back home, some want to join the army, some are gonna be thrown into a cell, you get a diverse set of situations to make a moral call but also a gameplay call. Would this unit do something for you that the money wouldn't, what's more valuable, do you like the character more than you like the money? This little tweak to recruitment makes it where maps are extra exciting when you see a boss you like the look of cuz your gonna get access to that character most likely.
It makes other tweaks that your millage may vary on, classes are remixed to have different weapon lay outs, archers got a massive expansion to their stats and an additional range for non mounted archers. This makes Archers probably the best class in the game, the whole game archers are this extremally annoying threat, I hated it, I hated dealing with enemy archers but the maps were at least designed clearly with these buffs and changes considered even if I think the game was way too hard on flying units for the FE community's perceived sin of them being too good.
Narratively, this game presents a complicated political war situation and for a long time I wasn't sure what the game wanted to say or where it was going with the politics but ultimately it landed in a fairly decent place. You end up leaving behind all the toxic powers your tossed between and leading your own front for your own ideals. Roxelana and Calista don't have wild ambition but even in earlier parts of the game it's clear that above everything the priority is to the lives of the people Roxelana has sworn herself to lead.
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What the game does more impressively is have extremally captivating leading women and a lesbian romance at it's center. These sapphics are constantly flirting but Roxelana is living with the death of a previous girlfriend and so she pushes the romance away. We have other side sapphics including a blonde swords woman who falls for Roxelana as well and is as ride of die as Calista. This games take on queerness doesn't present us in a world with no homophobia or heteronormativity, no this shitty world full of shitty leaders of course is full of terrible bigots. However, it doesn't linger on it, like a real queers life they deal with it if it comes up which it rarely does because straight people mostly aren't very smart anyway.
The approach to characters and this slow burn romance are really what kept me hooked even if it was using a fairly limited support system where you can get unlimited B ranks with characters from a characters extremally small support pools and one A rank. I wanted to see what sweet little things were hidden in the games surprisingly solid writing. It was a captivating war story, it didn't present an anarchist utopia or how to build that but it did present hope for a better future by rejecting the idea of serving the lesser of two evils and fighting a hard fight even if it is so much harder then standing by a powerful persons side. This game is really fun and special and I think if you like hard SRPGs or just think the story or characters sound interesting you should check it out.
If you enjoy these reviews you can read more, I write lots of them and if you really enjoy them I can always use support over on Patreon and Ko-fi.
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Not a take but if you’re like me and love Fates’ gameplay but hate its writing, PLEASE check out Fire Emblem Fates: Shadow Dragon! It’s a complete remake of Shadow Dragon in the Fates engine and is, in my opinion, the definitive way to enjoy FE1/11. The graphics are kinda goofy in some places but it’s one of my all time favorite FE mods.
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thefememesarehere · 2 years
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mageknight404 · 9 months
OC Lore ~ Julie Eilert
Well I did say I'd try and do these on this site again, but I haven't really felt like it. But I'm up for it now!
Now would be a good time as any to lead on with my premiere OC, Julie. Anyone who knows me at least slightly will have seen her somewhere. She is my favorite and means very much to me in general.
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Pretty much most of what I covered on my Twitter thread will be done likewise here. A lot of it will be rambly, but that's just how I am.
I had just gotten interested in Fire Emblem after FE7's North American release and began working my way backwards in the series, very quickly endearing me to the franchise. Instinctively I wanted to tell my own story with an FE framework and got to work making a bunch of characters.
Julie and her older brother Josh were the first, styled after Eirika and Ephraim a little bit as Sacred Stones just released in Japan. I was a burgeoning spriter and made some of my first splices into their likeness. Julie's future as an eventual spellblade began here as well.
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(FE4 and 5 had a pretty tight grip on me in 2005)
I wrote a number of drafts of the story I wanted to tell, with Julie comfortably sitting as one of three central protagonists, each having a separate route until they all converged midway. This was the first draft of what eventually became my FE8 reskin ROM Hack: FE A Sacred Dawn. Julie and Josh slid into the protagonist roles there.
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I wanted to have a Dancer Lord for one of the three protagonists and Julie was the perfect choice. She was set as a young, cheerful and adventurous, but naïve everygirl. Her core look started taking shape as I drew and sprited her more in various different looks. She was a common drawing subject for me back in high school and one of the first subjects I wanted to try and draw when I made the jump to using GIMP as my art program of choice.
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During A Sacred Dawn's third draft, a theme I wanted to explore with Julie and her character development were her insecurities. Being thrown into a conflict at an early age, she has trouble coping and has nightmares involving being badgered by her darker emotions given form - "Nega Julie". Unfortunately, the draft never made it past the first few maps due to me getting seriously burnt out and demotivated, so this facet of her character was only minorly explored. I did keep the idea for further refinement of Julie's character though, to the point where her darker half can be considered a separate character. But I still need to draw her on day...
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Julie and Josh were originally written as my self-insert character's children with FE5's Linoan (long story) during the early days of my ROM hacking (even sharing my surname) but eventually she would end up having a new mother character, an old standby of mine name Megan. She was initially written to have been killed off during Julie's youth, with the Eilert kids being orphans, but I eventually hated that trope being used in Fire Emblem all the time, so I brought Megan back and gave her a new father character as well - Blythe Eilert, who inherited my artistic traits and a few other bits.
Julie's looks kept getting refined over time. She lost her "Myrmidon" headband, but otherwise her design remained steadily consistent between iterations. Her magical sword Thunderblade was renamed to "Fulminus".
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Though I never ended up finishing ASD (not even close!) I still wanted to tell that story and lore one day, so I refined it into an original setting with the help of my best friend. I insisted that Julie become the center protagonist of said story we were writing, due to my attachment to her and wanting to draw out her potential. She'd share the role with Josh and their mutual best friend, Ruby Emina, as they bond over the troubles provided by the world at large.
Julie continues to deal with nightmares from all of the fighting she has to do and develops plenty of fears, but halfway through this story she ends up overcoming "Nega Julie" and the fears that plague her mindscape and heart, attaining a renewed perspective on life. To boost her self-confidence, Ruby gives her a new "Dancemaiden" outfit, which is basically a fancy dancer's dress meant for performance.
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As this essentially serves as a Fire Emblem-style class change, I wanted to contrast this look with her normal green and yellow outfit. I eventually settled on black (to signify her accepting her darker self) and sky blue (to signify her purity). The hairband she used to wear returns as a normal hairband to give the look a bit more girliness. As this is primarily a performance outfit, she has kneepads to help ensure they're not scuffed during a fight or a botched performance. Even comes complete with a dancing ribbon, later affixed to her arm!
I'm still writing this story and it's a very slow process but I would love to be able to share this other people one day as a game and tell Julie's story for real. I have not lost that passion, and I would do anything to make that dream a reality one day. Drawing and refining her over these past few years has been wonderful, to the point where I've finally hit the point where I feel she's fully realized from what I envisioned her as years ago.
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Here's Julie in her casual clothes, what she wears at the very start of her story and what reflects her at her core - a typical downtown farmgirl who wants to smile and make friends. The first one of these was done when I just got a feel for drawing realistic proportions. These last two I just finished!
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
i haven’t touched any fire emblem rom hacks at all (feel like i should focus on getting through the actual series first idk) but the sacred echoes hack of sacred stones is one that’s really caught my eye, especially as a resident echoes hater who specifically dislikes that game for its gameplay. i know the hack alters the gba formula to have a lot of the gaiden game mechanics introduced, but i find the gba gameplay 1000x more tolerable than the echoes gameplay and i really wonder if that hack would be worth checking out just to see the end of echoes’ story
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caliburnabsolute · 1 year
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please play Souls of the Forest it's so good (and gay)
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myfridgebutnot69 · 1 year
Engage-style Sage Animation Update
Dodge complete!
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