#for Minecraft speed runners the dragon is the end all be all
cactusprisms · 4 months
I dearly love how Hermitcraft interacts with the End. Gems episode three had chorus plants in the overworld, which means someone beat the dragon at some point, but it’s not even a focus! I don’t know who! That’s not the point here!
And in comparison when I cautiously look over at what I know of DSMP and the QSMP to some extent, it’s like y’all are being Real Weird about the End, and in qsmp they’re being weird about the nether.
I suppose that’s the difference between builders and lore oriented folks. Sometimes people just want purple block, and they have to go kill a dragon to get it. Just what it is.
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yeastinfectionvale · 1 year
Shaw Pack Minecraft Play Styles.
David: Dirt House connoisseur, the man built a three story dirt mansion once and use acacia wood for detailing. Doesn't mind mining but has a secret love for creating efficient wood farms and goes around planting sapling like Johnny Appleseed.
Asher: Speed Runner (dodododo) Supreme, he loves finding new ways to beat the ender dragon and boasts a 10 minute PB (He would be a lot quicker but he keeps getting distracted by baby cows and he has to spend a minute apolagising to the adult cows for making their children orphans.)
Milo: The Fighter™ he can kill anything and has defeated the warden in iron armor. The only thing he can't defeat? Building, Milo lives in a 2 x 2 hole that has a staircase going straight down to the ancient city. He only lives on steak that he gets by lighting a cow on fire and killing it. Asher has tried to get his to use less brutal methods.
Sam: The poor man is a hobo who only has a bed and two apples in his inventory at any time. He does get better supplies but accidentally leaves them in a chest 1000 blocks from spawn. Somehow he ends up in the nether and gets the first blaze rods.
Angel: Architect Supreme. Give them any block pallette and they'll make a building so good you think it was naturally spawned in. They are in love with the new Cherry Blossom biome because of the little petals that fall on the floor.
Babe: The Potionmaster, Babe has all potion recipes memorised and always has suspicious stews in their inventory that actually regenerate their hearts. They also have given Milo a suspicious stew of blindness and now he never takes food from them.
Darlin': The naked wanderer, Darlin is actually the first person on the server to get full netherite armor and weapons (hoe included) but never uses them so it is assumed that they are still using wooden tools. Angel has made a base for Darlin' and Sam but it is used more as storage for all the cool things the two find when looking for Sam's tools.
Sweetheart: The gatherer, Sweetheart is able to get anything , and I mean anything. They once got Christian and Babe elytra wings so they could recreate flappy birds. Once Sweetheart was on the look for cacti for a build Angel was doing and ended up over 10000 blocks away from spawn.
Christian: The one that always has what you need. Christian is the type of guy you can ask to see if he has a certain item and he always will have it, half the time he forgets why he has said thing in his inventory.
Amanda: Mapmaker, Amanda is a wizard when it comes to maps and buried treasure. Amanda is always dropping gifts in everyones house, or into their inventory when they are AFK.
Gabe: He's a wither skeleton, the man died before he could touch Minecraft. But he would be a hardcore player with a 6 month world.
Marie: Mama bear, Marie has only played Minecraft twice. but both times she played she is saving all the villagers and animals from harm.
Colm: He has only played minecraft oce and that was when visiting Milo and Sweetheart's new house. The game was open and he grabbed the controller while he waited for Milo to get out of the shower when Sweetheart was at work. He made a villager-zombie converter to get cheaper trades. He never played after that.
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cescacespit · 3 years
Divine/Patron AU that has been living in my head rent free for literal months
consider an au where Wilbur, Techno, and Dream are all blessed by the personifications of the 3 minecraft dimensions (overworld, nether and end respectively)
they arent children of these gods, they arent vessels to be possessed either
they are vassals instead
they serve their patron gods and do their bidding
ill say this right of the bat, these are not benevolent dieties in fact quite the opposite (we will get to that later)
these 3 dieties are the creators of their respective dimensions, they are the ones who spawn the mobs, generate the terrain etc etc
the problem is that minecraft is an infinite sandbox right? so they in turn must spend infinite amounts of their energy maintaining the existing worlds as well as creating new ones
its no problem cos they are gods right? but heres the catch
these dieties are not all powerful, they DONT have infinite energy
these dieties are powered by entropy, their power of creation is rooted in destruction
thats where the vassals come in
the vassals are agents of chaos and destruction (which is exactly why team chaos aka techno, wilbur and dream are the vassals)
they cause death and destruction because the resulting entropy is what feeds their respective Patron's powers
vassals arent chosen, they arent born, instead they are created
they are blessed by the gods and have certain abilities but thats a whole other post so lets just continue on to my explainations on whos patron is whos.
Technoblade's patron is the Nether God aka THE BLOOD GOD!!! This one is fairly obvious with the popular hc that Techno is either part or fully piglin as well as his famous catch phrase blood for the blood god. Well what place is as red and as bloody as the Nether!
Dream's patron is the End God (I don't actually have another name for the end god but ill think of something). The reason why I assigned Dream the End Diety is because as a speed runner he's been in the end more often than a lot of people and he's killed more ender dragons than most. Also I love the hc that Dream wears a mask because hes part enderman that way he can avoid getting aggro'd by peoples eye contact)
last but not the least mr Wilbur Soot's patron is the Overworld Diety aka the Sky God (wink wink nudge nudge not so subtle reference to Wil's sky blovk series) This is largely because of his 100 player videos where hes just a terrifying god who causes so much destruction (Funfact this entire au spawned from me trying to connect Wil's 100 player vids to DSMP!Wilbur's corruption arc) I think the Overworld is very fitting for Wilbur just like how the Overworld has tons of biomes, is very diversed and very varied, Wilbur is also a man of many personas (argbur, incelbur, etc), many skills and many ideas.
This au was made to provide an alternative motivation to Wil, Techno and Dream (aka team Chaos) on why they were on Chaos' side during the war and why they wanted to blow up L'Manberg but this works outside dsmp canon too! (Also because i really really like the concept of team chaos and wanted to see more of their dynamic)
Hopefully this was coherent lol. If any of you somehow found this brainrot interesting, dont be afraid to ask me questions!! Im more than willing to provide more info!! (like seriously i would love love love to tell yall more about this au, i have a lot of pages filled with worldbuilding, plot bunnies and idea dumps)
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strawbkiwi · 4 years
Anyone else feel kinda nostalgic when it comes to mcyt and today’s Minecraft players? I got into minecraft at a very young age—it’s been my special interest for years. I haven’t gone more than 2 ½ weeks without playing it since 2015. It is one of my favorite things ever. I can always come to minecraft to calm down if I’ve had a rough day. Minecraft feels like home to me, and no matter what video games I get into, I’ll always come back to Minecraft. Hell, I even played it before the whole Tumblr-Minecraft-Renaissance happened and it was considered a “cringey” interest.
I saw the rise and fall of Stampy, and was crushed when PopularMMOs and his partner broke up. I remember the hype of Bedwars and the original minigames like Cowboys and Indians and maps like Herobrine’s mansion. Speaking of Herobrine, remember the original craze with him, older people reading this post? Everyone was making videos on YouTube claiming they saw him and theories—maybe he was a bug in the game, maybe he was a developer messing with individual worlds and their players. Outside of that, I remember grass in the game being a total eyesore.
To put it shortly, I grew up with Minecraft, but it seems like the game has grown up with me, too.
I was so hesitant to get into the new age of Minecraft youtubers, and I know I can’t be the only one who thought this way. And I was nervous to play the new updates of the game too. I still find myself going back to 1.12.2 and prior versions to get the true experience I had when I was younger. I still go back and watch the videos on my favorite old channels before they went and did bigger and better things.
Maybe it’s just me and my autistic brain, but I can’t seem to really let go of past Minecraft. I think it’s because we have a tendency to find comfort in familiarity, us humans. We’re very interesting when it comes to things like that. Or maybe it’s just because I like the old versions and youtubers better, I don’t know.
Either way, it fills me with such a feeling of warmth to see kids growing up today’s Minecraft. Sure, I sometimes feel bad that they will never experience the memories that so many veteran players and I have, but hey, they’re getting the same experience. They’re making the same friends and staying up all night to play their favorite minigames. Today’s players are sending fan art to players like Dream and Technoblade and there’s still the familiar drama of who is the better speed runner and who is better at PVP within the community.
Even if there’s new features like new Nether biomes and dolphins and shipwrecks, I think it’s still the same. You log into the same game, and see the familiar horizon of blocks. You still start by punching the same tree. That’s the beauty of it. The game is timeless and undated. It’s a sandbox. Theres no end goal, sure you can kill a dragon, but as said in the game’s poem, it isn’t truly the end. It’s a timeless sandbox where you can be whoever and build anything you want. I hope kids continue to play it until the end of time.
Or maybe I’m just getting old, who knows. It’s been amazing to see the game evolve since I first logged into that pixelated world on my Dad’s Xbox in 2012.
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