#foundation fanvid
helenvader · 7 months
My Foundation video is finally done.
This started as an attempt at a song spoof, but grew beyond that idea into... well. You'll see. :-)
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majortomwaits · 2 years
Out Of To(shiro)uch Thursday
Special thanks to @aersidhe for the idea
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 2 months
Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Boys ... You make me feel so good~
Ft so many bad boy wrestlers :3
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femininemenon · 1 year
"i'm struggling to find gifs" "why can't i find gifs of this scene or this show" "why are less people taking requests"
you repost to twitter, to pinterest, to instagram, to tiktok and lord knows what else. on twitter, a single gif taken from a gifset that didn't even receive 1k notes (not 1k likes or even 1k rbs, if that even exists these days) can get 3m views and 30k+ likes. without credit, of course - if you're lucky, you get a mispelled: made by x on tumblr, no link of course.
hell, you repost on this very site and you refuse to listen. your set, stolen from someone else and mixed in with quotes, gets 1k notes meanwhile the original sits at less than 500. you do not credit the person who made it.
we ask you to reblog things instead of liking them and you go on rants about how it's unnecessary and how we should do it for fun. we explain a hundred times that tumblr doesn't work the way other social media platforms work, but you refuse. you wonder why there are less gifmakers.
gifs don't take 10 seconds like on ezgif or imgflip or whatever the hell you're using. it takes hours sometimes to even download footage, but you don't care. it's a moving image that we "stole" (?) from the original work but the labour? you don't care. depending on our process, it can take from half an hour (the downloading and the editing part) to hours upon hours. but who cares.
you credit text posts, fanvids, and you go after those who steal written work (as you should). we cannot even get other gifmakers to care when our stuff is stolen. staff took away our only tool to fight reposters on this site, and we never had any to fight reposting to other sites.
we know what the staff is aiming at with the changes they make and the changes they refuse to make - we explain that why disabling likes would help, they say they will not do it. they cannot slap an @ onto gifs when saved to prevent stealing but boy, look at the shiny new editor that adds an additional least 5 minutes to upload your gifs! again, intention is very clear.
we know you don't steal gifs under a certain quality and we know you ask us for requests for scenes/parallels that have been done because you do not like the quality of those. we see you stealing quality sets.
there is no point to this i just needed to vent. staff is disregarding the very foundation of this site, gifmakers are given less and less respect and you wonder why scenes aren't giffed.
i don't know. add your perspective if you want
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elfwreck · 1 year
Looking through the notes on the ao3 post got me kinda confused. What does ao3 spend there legal budget on? Do you know? (This isn’t supposed to be a gotcha about ao3 I like an support ao3 I’m just to tired to try and comb through their budget and figure it out) also somebody in the notes posted that if you want to actually fight against copy right to donate to archive.org not ao3 and I agree that ppl should donate archive.org epicially right now. If someone had to choose between ao3 and the archive I would say the archive is much more important…. But that isn’t what your response was about. Ur response (I think) was against the argument that u shouldn’t donate to ao3 because they aren’t actually fighting for anything/their lawyer budget is useless. That’s not true. They are fighting for stuff and from what I can tell their budget isn’t useless. Also also archive.org and ao3 have 2 very different goals and aren’t fighting for the same thing. Ao3 is specifically about transformative works and archive.org is not. I’m sure it will end up being 2 different legal battles.
The legal budget is for expenses related to legal work: Filing fees, printing, sometimes travel costs (they have sent the legal team to the Library of Congress to argue for our right to remove DRM from DVDs in order to make fanvids) (and they won), and so on. It's a very small amount.
There are no lawyer fees. All the work is donated, and it's covered in a different spot on the budget. (Lawyers have to track records of how much pro bono work they do, and report it.) If I understand it, they got about $185,000 worth of free lawyer work last year - not their whole operating budget, but that'd be a huge cost if they had to cover it instead of server maintenance!
What they actually do:
They file amicus statements in copyright cases. A lot of them.
They argue for DRM exemptions, every three years, because those have to be renewed. (After the first two times, the media companies seem to have basically given up. But we still have to re-file & argue for it every three years.)
They research cases, both in the US and around the world, that are related to fair use/fair dealing and similar copyright situations.
They provide advice to fans who are caught in copyright cases over fanworks. They stand ready to let the OTW be sued instead of individual fans, if a copyright owner files a DMCA takedown of fanfic at AO3.
They are fighting "fandom.com's" attempt to trademark the word "fandom."
They file comments with various governments about legal issues related to copyright or fanworks or both.
(Various other stuff; see links below; I am not part of the Legal Advocacy team and don't know any details beyond what they publish.)
Archive.org has a lot more money than AO3 does. It's been around longer, and it has sponsors with deep pockets - academic orgs and so on. But yeah, they're facing a tough lawsuit right now, and they need money.
If you can only donate to one this year, I'd recommend archive.org. The OTW has enough to operate and it's not facing big threats at the moment.
HOWEVER: In 2019, Archive.org had an operating budget of $36 Million. Your $10 or even $150 is not what makes the difference to them. (Not telling anyone not to donate. But don't do it if it's a hardship.) Wikimedia Foundation - the Wikipedia people - have annual operating expense of over $100 million.
The OTW's annual budget is a bit over $500,000 per year right now. The OTW operates on pennies and broken shoelaces compared to other nonprofit archives. $10 fan donations are meaningful to the OTW in a way they are not to archive.org or wikipedia.
Part of how they can do that, is that the OTW does not pay legal fees. Effectively none of the donations go toward the "Legal Advocacy" team - just a tiny amount ($2,500 to $5000) that covers ancillary expenses.
Most nonprofits don't have a team of free lawyers on tap, because most were not founded by a pack of academics and lawyers who were desperately trying to protect their community from puritans and capitalists.
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jtl07 · 10 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s1 e3 (pt 2)
First off, thanks to everyone who's been following along, especially reblogs - it's nice to know I'm not talking (too) crazy lol
Now onto the hug™ and the hallway scene! The more I look into these scenes, the more I love them and the more intrigued I am with the characters (especially Beatrice, of course).
For the hug™ scene, the thing that stood out to me was this idea of instincts in the body, and how sometimes our consciousness gets in the way. There's an interesting parallel between Ava stuck in the wall and the embrace: Ava gets stuck in the wall when her consciousness catches up with her, Bea pauses in the embrace when her consciousness catches up with her. Both were running (Ava literally) on instinct until those moments hit.
What I didn't know going into this episode - again because I've only seen clips and fanvids prior to this - was how Ava was Beatrice's singular focus in this scene. From the moment we see Beatrice and Vincent enter, she's locked onto Ava:
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She glances once at Mother Superion but it's very quick; she sees nothing but Ava. Then as soon they have some semblance of privacy, she reaches out to Ava - and actually initiates contact. Additionally, it looks like she was ready for the embrace - when Ava turns towards her, her left arm comes up to receive her:
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These actions all make me think that Beatrice was running on instinct here. Curious as to what made her brain catch up (or rather, her subconscious conditioning of shame et al to catch up) - maybe it was how completely trusting Ava was? How it wasn't just a lean but a full embrace? Or maybe it was that her touch was reciprocated in general? Huh maybe that's it - for someone who's been taught to hate herself, to have someone who not only accepts but trusts so completely, that definitely would have been a brain-glitching experience.
Also, can we talk about how Ava just completely trusts Beatrice here? Just moments before this, Mother Superion was rebuking Ava about her lack of trust. And yet here in this moment of pain and vulnerability, she allows herself to break down, not just in front of Beatrice but in her arms. I just - that's mindblowing to me.
This also reinforces to me the importance of the cafeteria scene - I don't think this would have been possible without it. This moment builds on top of that foundation (and then the hallway scene cements it or whatever the term is - why did I choose this analogy lol) and the fact that it's non-verbal is deeply meaningful as well, for both of them as they've not experienced a lot of gentleness.
Okay finally made it to the hallway scene - though side note: Does anyone else wonder how they separated from that embrace? Like, did Ava run, embarrassed? Did Bea try to comfort her? Maybe it was the former because Bea is the one who comes looking for her, and gosh how tentative she was in approaching, giving space literally and physically. And then when Ava speaks, immediately freezing, one foot on that step.
But what I really love here is how Bea's response is belief, trust. "Okay," she says, then goes into a sort of investigative mode, which is both a sign of "hey I'm on your side" and also Beatrice legitimately wanting to know, to help. As in, she doesn't ask, "what makes you think that" or try to convince Ava to think differently. "I believe you" is the subtext throughout this whole scene, and it feels like this whole scene is Beatrice trying so hard to make Ava believe that - this time in words.
And what's one of the ways she tries to get Ava to believe that she believes her? Through humor. Bea knows that Ava uses humor as a way to cope, but hasn't actually witnessed much of Ava's jokes. The only instance was, again, that scene in the cafeteria. (I wonder though if Lilith talked about Ava’s irreverence. In the cafeteria scene, you can see that there's conversation taking place all around Beatrice but she's not actually part in any of it - but I'm willing to bet she's someone who is listening to everything)
The thing with humor though, is that it's risky. Especially with someone new. From what we've seen of her so far, Beatrice doesn't seem like someone who takes risks unnecessarily (I say "seem" because my thoughts on that started to change in the next episode, which I'll talk about in the next post), so my thought here is that she's letting herself run on instinct here. And really, it's an extension again of the cafeteria scene. Yes, she started out cold there but when Ava got down on herself and says “I’m not her, you know,” Bea's immediate reaction was to reassure. The same here: She reassures with Ava with that initial "okay," again with her quiet, "perhaps the medical report was wrong" - and then that gentle, "don't let her get to you." She then follows that up with not only the sharing of Cruella DeJesus but also "I may have started it."
It's the last admission that really gets me. She didn't have to share that, and yet she did - as a moment of levity, of solidarity, and dare I say, pride. And I feel like it also is binds them with another connection: being able to find some bit of joy in a shitty situation, and through something not exactly appropriate. We see here a sort of hint of Beatrice's ability to be mean, to be angry, which I feel like the next episodes start to tap into more.
Also can I say just how young Beatrice seems here? Not just the giving of a mean nickname, but the way she smiles and leans in - like a little kid who's too eager to tell you a secret.
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And then we get the reward of Ava laughing despite herself - but not only that, we get Ava who feels safe enough to be vulnerable, to ask, "Do you believe me?" And gosh, again this is just after Mother Superion was admonishing Ava about trust, here we have Ava trusting Beatrice again, trusting her enough to ask that question. I've always thought this was a lovely scene but it's incredibly gentle in context with everything else.
Can we also take a moment to appreciate how entranced Beatrice is by Ava's small smile? I found myself smiling alongside Beatrice while also being entranced by her at the same time:
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(First: Ava's "thank you," Second: Bea noticing her expression, Third: Bea's "what?")
The thing with Beatrice here, she didn't have to go into any of her past with Ava. She could've dropped it. In fact, she takes a breath and holds it for a brief moment before talking about her parents (2:04 here) - it's different from the breath she takes before talking about how she took her vows young (1:55 here). There's a definite moment of hesitance, as if she started to speak then was going to take it back, then continues on. Again very small but a very nice touch, brilliantly acted by KTY.
The next moment that I love is the "I guess it kind of stuck" line - for me, this reminds me of the "I had a feeling she’d be a handful" line in ep 2. In that write up, I noted that line because of her making light of a shitty situation while also subtly kinda putting her own self down. She does the exact same thing here. And in her own way, she's also being vulnerable - and Ava, observant, smart Ava, notices. And yknow, I think it's because they have that similar joking coping mechanism that Ava knew to look closely, to be ... not "suspicious" because there's no danger, but rather to care, because she knows that kind of humor is there to hide pain.
(Ooh, maybe that's also part of why Bea chided her in the cafeteria scene? Because she recognized it in her own self?? Man, everything just goes back to that cafeteria scene)
I'll close this rambling post with a note about the small smiles Beatrice has - I mentioned it in the part 1 write up but KTY seems to have this habit of giving this little small pursed lips sort of smile when Ava seems to lose faith in herself. We saw it in the cafeteria when Ava says "It just isn't me," then in the hallway when she says "no one believes me anyway." Oh and actually, she does one before Ava speaks too (very hard to capture but it's there):
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A part of me thinks that last one was just a tick, not a conscious choice on KTY's part, but it's interesting to note nonetheless - something of sympathy, of wanting to reassure.
Oh I lied I have one more thing - Bea's last line of "There's always more." I've always loved it because of the inherent truth in it and how it sounds like not just an admission but also a promise - a promise that she'll explain it eventually, if Ava gives her time. But what's added an extra layer is again the context of this scene with the cafeteria scene. Bea says in the cafeteria, "We all have a past, Ava; secrets that are ours alone." This line, "There's always more," is both an extension of it and yet a prophetic contradiction: Bea will eventually share her secret with Ava, and she won't be alone.
Alright this is a good enough place to stop - lots to think about for the next couple episodes, plus an attempt to "rewrite" 5 and 6, similar to my rewrite ponderings for episode 3. Let me know what you think if you'd like, otherwise, stay tuned for more rambling lol
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Tagged by @boxboxlewis!
Musical tag game. Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first ten songs, then tag some people.
Full disclosure, these are all from my You Are The One Thing In My Way playlist, which has a 100 songs only limit (one in, one out) and I listened to so much when I was working that we are currently On A Break because my Spotify Unwrapped for 2+ years was just this playlist in a different order, and because I couldn't pick a song I was tired of to keep it at 100. So, we're a little old, don't think there's anything newly added on it from the last year, lollllll. They've all got a 'sing along while remote working' vibe. I'll link them at the end.
Nice To Meet You - Niall Horan - not my favourite Niall song but a singalong banger on this particular playlist, good opener for this list
Marchin' On - OneRepublic - this was the soundtrack to a fanvid a million years ago, and as such, imprinted upon my soul attached to very specific fandom clips. Absolutely not the only fanvid soundtrack on this playlist.
Night Changes - One Direction - like, this is a VERY SPECIFIC kind of One Direction singalong song. I'd say you have to be in a particular mood but I listened to bits of this playlist nearly every day for years so that particular mood was very much my life, WHAT DOES THAT SAY, let's not think about it too hard
Vossi Bop - Stormzy - Fuck the government and fuck Boris (YEAH).
Dynamite - Taio Cruz - I DARE you not to sing along, imagine managing a database with this on the go (I can't not imagine it, it's indelibly linked in my brain, this is why me and this playlist are On A Break)
Take Me To Church - Hozier - are you having a bad day? Are you having a GOOD DAY? (I am the first one today) Anyway it DOES NOT MATTER, belt out this chorus, things will be IMMEDIATELY BETTER (i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife)
Wake Me Up - Avicii - look, I keep a work notebook and every day I write the song I'm listening to as I'm building my work to-do list, and this has been on that list so many times, it's seen me through more than I care to mention
Girl From Mars - Ash - this was my favourite song aged 14, and I kind of think that any song that is your favourite song aged 14 is part of the foundational building blocks of your life and that's how these things go. I still have a friend who texts me every time she hears it because it reminds her of me.
Nobody To Love - Sigma - this reminds me of Nick Grimshaw and the Breakfast Show. It's also on my I Had Rather Hear My Dog Bark At A Crow writing playlist so quite frankly I've listened to it a MILLION times. Also, I had a total mental block on the end of the quote (love you, brain fog, bestest pal) so I just googled it, and it's fucking SHAKESPEARE, and on the front page of google next to this Shakespeare quote is the fanlore page for MY FIC. It used to be the actual fic so this is better, but, like, soz students studying Much Ado About Nothing, here's a second foundational text, how do you feel about watersports as a topic
Closer - Tegan and Sara - SPEAKING OF FIC. Two things, this is the second fanvid soundtrack song on this list, this being a Nick/Harry fanvid from about... 2013 and it is FOUNDATIONAL to my being. Also this (and a line from it) is the title of the fic I'm currently writing so we're transcending fandoms with this one, baby. HERE COME THE DREAMS OF YOU AND ME.
BONUS TRACK: Parce Mihi Domine, which is a classical track I heard on the radio one night when I couldn't sleep and had SUCH a huge fucking visceral reaction to because I KNEW it accompanied a scene on TV that I'd seen once, but had absolutely ZERO idea what it was. I had to find the PLAYLIST for the radio station, and figure out what the song was by listening to everything from the time it went out to figure out what it was, and then I had to google the piece to find out what it was used as a soundtrack for, and it TURNS OUT it's the end of series one of Queer as Folk US, for that whole bit after Justin is hurt and Brian is in the hospital wearing that fucking blood-covered scarf and fucking CRYING so yes, let's close with THAT FUCKER.
All these 10 (11) songs are on this playlist btw. Oh good, now it's skipped to Fireproof, a song I love so much I have it tattooed, this is fine, let's move on
Tagging @junkshop-disco (because their playlists are always the best), @stolemyhheart, and @imaginarygiraffe
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jules-has-notes · 1 month
Cinderswift (Unexpected Musical) — PattyCake Productions music video
When the PattyCake fellas set out to retell the classic rags-to-riches fairy tale of Cinderella, they turned to the music of Taylor Swift. Her songs' themes of overcoming detractors and self-doubt, learning from painful situations, and striving for a better life were a perfect fit for the story's narrative.
title: Unexpected Musicals – Cinderswift
performers: Leah Lowman (Cinderella); Matthew "Bucky" Buckner (Prince Charming / additional vocals); Andrea Stack (Lady Tremaine / additional vocals); Olivia Adkins (Anastasia Tremaine); Melanie Stringer (Drizella Tremaine); Rachel Copeland (fairy godmother); Michael Navarro (royal crier / coachman); Hannah Laird, Hannah Juliano, Layne Stein, & Tony Wakim (additional vocals)
original songs / performer: all songs by Taylor Swift — "Mean"; [0:32] "Style"; [0:55] "Shake It Off"; [1:30] "Bad Blood", feat. Kendrick Lamar; [1:50] "22"; [2:47] "Wildest Dreams"; [3:40] "I Knew You Were Trouble"; [3:55] "Love Story"
written by: "Mean" by Taylor Swift; "Style" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Ali Payami; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Kendrick Lamar; "22" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "Wildest Dreams" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "Love Story" by Taylor Swift
arranged by: Layne Stein & Tony Wakim
release date: 14 January 2017
My favorite bits:
Leah singing ♫ "You can take me do-o-own" ♫ on a descending run as she crouches to reach the tea set
Andrea's absolute poise and stillness as Lady Tremaine
the tiny mouse chorus 🐁 (Ah, so those are the additional vocals.)
all the ladies' 90s-tastic ballgowns
those crunchy minor chords during "Bad Blood"
Rachel's bouncy, trilling vibratto throughout "22"
combining the 1950 animated dance sequence with some of the Regency-era steps from Taylor's "Love Story" video during "Wildest Dreams"
transforming "I Knew You Were Trouble" from a rueful reflection into a sinister threat
Bucky and Leah's lovely harmonies in the final song
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The opening dedication "For Dori" refers to Layne's youngest daughter, Doris, who was about six months old at the time of this video's publication.
This video was filmed at the Luxemore Grande Estate in Winter Park, which is primarily used for weddings and other large events. The venue coordination was handled by Jaimz Dillman, who had played Sarah Sanderson in PattyCake's "Hocus Heathens" Halloween video, and has continued to feature in their projects.
Leah has reprised her role as Cinderella in several episodes of PattyCake's "Princess Academy" series, as well as their "Disney Girls Like You" video in 2019, and their original piece "If the Shoe Fits" in 2023.
According to Bucky, there were many outtakes during the dance sequence because "the boots were big on me and that dress was ginormous".
The guys had known Bucky for many years prior to casting him in this project. He'd played the Wolfman opposite Tony's Dracula in the "Beetlejuice Revue" show at Universal Studios, and joined 4:2:Five as their new baritone when Layne switched over to vocal percussion in 2004.
A fan combined the audio from this project with footage from the 1950 Disney animated film to create a fantastic fanvid.
Many of the songs in this video were also later included in PattyCake's villainous Halloween offering for the year, "Look What You Made Me Brew".
Layne and Tony had previously sung a portion of "Bad Blood" in VoicePlay's "Aca Top 10 — Summer Hits 2015" countdown.
"I Knew You Were Trouble" was the foundation for VoicePlay's 2013 "Trouble" mashup music video with Rachel Potter, which led to them competing on The Sing-Off.
The dancers in the original "Shake It Off" music video include several of their fellow reality show veterans from So You Think You Can Dance — Phillip "PacMan" Chbeeb (s.5), Du-Shaunt "Fik-Shun" Stegall (s.10 winner), Jonathan "Legacy" Perez (s.6), & Melissa Sandvig (s.5).
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incandescentflower · 9 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves in the bbs fandom by @fiercynn
note: "fanworks" are defined here as pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
I'm MJ. I love writing fic and talking about shows with people. I write mostly BL. I am in a few fandoms, but bbs is definitely one I'm still writing (albeit slower lately).
this is crazy long so here's a cut -
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I started watching after episode 2 aired. The name first turned me off. I didn't actually know who Ohm or Nanon was, lol I know right? I enjoyed some Thai BLs but none had hit for me. I saw a gif set of when Pat and Pran were looking at that empty dorm and Pat grabbed Pran right by the thigh and I was like, what the hell, I have to know what is happening there. Except, they were fooling me that this was just a light, silly, flirty show and hit me with such emotional resonance that I haven't freed myself yet. I wrote my first fic at the end of November 2021 and have been writing for them ever since.
favorite ship(s)
I am Pat/Pran through and through. I like other ships too but they are the reason I'm here.
favorite character(s)
I love both Pat and Pran. I like writing more from Pat pov because honestly Pran hits a little too close to home for me. :) All the side characters are fun and that is one of the reasons I love this show - Ink/Pa especially.
favorite episode(s) - these kinds of choices are just cruel but I would say episode 11. The raw emotions throughout it just killed me.
favorite scene (s) - rooftop aside, I recently mentioned the "thanks for trying to make this silly guy happy" scene from 11 as one of my favorites of all Thai bl (it's true), besides that, the scene when Pran brings Pat the drink, Pat tries to offer to say they aren't together anymore, the way Pran initiates them holding hands under the table and the way Pran knows Pat liked his drink less sweet. My heart tugs just thinking about it. <3
one thing you would change about the show if you could
more Ink/Pa would have been so nice and also, stop teasing us P'Aof and give us Wai/Korn
what are some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
This is absolutely impossible. This fandom has so many wonderful creators in so many ways - art, fic, meta, edits. I think some things just stuck in the brain either because they were given to me because that's what I love about fandom most - the giving - or I was struck by them as they really hit my feels about the show at the time. but this is by no means an exhaustive list and I don't even know how I'd do that.
@geonbaeeee makes all kinds of amazing art, but I loved this one because they are some of my favorite scenes.
when I think of bbs art, I always think of this series. I don't even care about weddings tbh, but I just love how all their personalities are displayed here and I do think this is exactly what Pat and Pran would want haha
@funyasm made me this wonderful mood board for bbs as gift that was a big heart hug
@creativityobsessed wrote the coolest music meta about episode 5 and I still think about it sometimes.
I've been fortunate enough to be given two really wonderful gift fics. @galauvant gifted me Family Ties with some good Jindapat siblings content and triplelovescore gifted me a crack in the foundation with some excellent Pat hurt/comfort. Both were so good at giving the heart a little twist.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
I would say if you've only read one work in the fandom by me it's probably Up the Ante. And I do love it, but I think honestly, my favorite might be one of my least read - "I'm here, if you want me," which I wrote in the week between episode 11 and 12 in that "you had to be there" time in the fandom. It was a "if they really did break up let's fix-it" fic. I think it could have actually been a longer AU if I had any patience at all, but I needed soothing in the moment lol. Pat's love for Pran shown in the way we all know he would give it - as self-sacrificing as possible, and Pran's love of Pat shown through his music. It just felt right.
Anyway, I have others too. Honestly, it's like trying to pick a favorite child. Fanworks are works of love and each have their reasons for why I wanted to write them and why I love them.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) ha ha, look, this show has a theme song with multiple versions, a secondary song, another song that is now an in canon Pran-written song, Pat's ourskyy song, the og trailer song, the when we were younger instrumental, when the lyrical version is also amazing, and one of my faves is Keep Coming Back to the Start which we only hear for a tiny bit at the end of episode 6, but is an awesome song. but okay, yeah, beyond that and the instrumentals, I have a whole playlist that includes these and others. many songs come from some of the amazing edits out there. anyway, that's a long answer to mention "If our Love is Wrong" by Calum Scott, which I got from this edit (yes this is a cheat to link another fanwork)
idk anything else you want us to know?
I've met some really kind people through the bbs fandom and I really appreciate them very much. <3
I know that there are definitely people who used to be in bbs fandom not tagged in someone else's posts but I am not sure who still considers themselves in it. so this is a chance to say so. :)
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helenvader · 2 months
A pointless post of my hyperfixation history on Tumblr.
The reason why I set up my account (I think 11 years ago): Once Upon a Time (Rumbelle shipper). No longer applicable; it wasn't really that good from season 2.
The (long) lurking years: A Song of Ice and Fire. Still valid.
Fandom that took me out of lurker mode and inspired me to start writing fanfic in 2021: Shadow and Bone (Aleksander stan). No longer applicable.
Fandom that made my creativity explode (fanfic, stills, gifs, fanvids): Rings of Power. As expected, a Halbrand/Sauron fan. Still very much in my heart. Season 2 better be good! I have been enjoying myself too much to lose this.
Joined in 2023 by Foundation and The Terror (gifs, stills and one fanvid for both). Favourite characters: Hari Seldon and Francis Crozier, respectively. Still alive and well.
Joined in 2024 by Discworld. Just sharing quotes, since my usual fanworks are for visual media. It's hard to do a video without footage when you can't draw. :-) Favourite character: Havelock Vetinari.
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diminuel · 10 months
I’m watching Destiel fanvids again, you know how I get about them. And while I love Castiel’s confession speech to Dean, I’m a biiiit on the fence whether his assessment of Dean was correct. Now, I’m as Dean obsesses as a Cas girl probably gets, and I love the idea that the foundation of Dean’s action was love, but... eh... I’m pretty sure that there are plenty of things that Dean did and that Cas has experienced Dean do, even in just the last year, that were not motivated by love.
A lot of Dean’s behavior is influenced by fear and anger and frustration that cannot easily be justified by love. I get however, that Cas was not going to unravel all of Dean, the good and the bad, in a weaponized love declaration that is aimed to make him happy and protect Dean.
And Cas is not as critical of Dean as I can be (for fun! I love being critical of characters. It’s entertaining to examine flaws, whether you attribute them to bad writing or in built character flaws that can be worked on and dug into in fan work) and he’s far more forgiving than I am. ;3
(Also, I’m the kind of person who will get flustered if I read a fic or a discussion post where Cas is blamed for everything. A popular one seems to be Dean’s fear of being abandoned, which is used to justify why he lashed out at Cas and I’ve also seen it argued many time that if Cas had not kept abandoning Dean then Dean would not be behaving this way. That’s not how I read things... And then there’s the argument that Dean was justified in everything he did from blaming Cas to wanting to kill Jack because it was Cas’ fault that Mary died and that this ended in a temporary divorce. Noooooo. *lol*)
Anyway, I should really continue my SPN rewatch because sometimes my recollection of things are biased (which is fine!) and then I cannot just let my feelings be hurt by a fanvid in peace and instead need to ramble about fanvid adjacent stuff.
But sadly I’m still stuck in S12 on an odious Buckleming episode that will feature Ketch/Mary sex (why??????) and I’m just not feeling it X’D Help.
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scottappreciation · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone that participated in Scott McCall Week 2022!! We received over 50 entries this year and have been so delighted to see the amazing works you’ve created to celebrate Scott. 😁 Below is a round up of all of the contributions—days 3-7 and alt prompts are under the cut! You can also find all the fics posted for the event in the Scott McCall Week 2022 collection on ao3, which is part of scottappreciation’s collection of Scott-centric works. 
If we’ve missed a post by you, feel free to send us an ask, and we’ll add it.
Thank you again for helping make this event so successful, and we look forward to hosting more events in the future!
Day One - A Teenage Boy/Emotion
Leviathan - fic by @princeescaluswords
You’re a Child - gifset by @momentofmemory
pass/fail - fic by @lpwrites
if you could die and come back to life - gifset by @bericas
cum monachum faciat habitus - fic by @rhyslahey
Reassurance - fic by @dahliia04
The reflection - fic by bel_e_muir
Day Two - You’re a Werewolf/Poetry
You’re a Werewolf - notfic by @lpwrites
you’ve something that I wanna keep - edit by @metagalacticx
can i breathe? - gifset by @ava-colemans
good and evil - gifset by @momentofmemory
i’m sorry about the blood in your mouth - gifset by @scintalla
The Frame and Huge Foundation of the Earth - fic by @princeescaluswords
but there is no grammar - gifset by @bericas
Stiles' Guide to His Werewolf Best Friend - fic by @sees-writes
A rite of passage - fic by bel_e_muir
Day Three - Number One College Pick/Relationships
greta farrell - gifset by @clotpolesonly
Number One College Pick - meta by @lpwrites
you fall in love more than once - gifset by @bericas
sceo - edit by @allyjostan
just be with me - gifset by @momentofmemory
people come and go - gifset by @ava-colemans
sceo - fanart by @allyjostan
the archer - gifset by @achingly-shy
if you want, i could tell you the truth (that this life takes a toll on you) - fic by @vivitalks
i’ll always have you - edit by @metagalacticx
Day Four - I Think it’s My Fault/Light&Dark
scott & melissa in 1x11, formality - gifset by @momentofmemory
why are they trying - gifset by @bericas
ephemeral - gifset by @letthestorieslive
Day Five - The Hottest Girl/Hands
Manos - gifset by @silent-snake7
holding hands with you is like a promise - gifset by @ava-colemans
gold rush - gifset by @bericas 
hands - gifset by @momentofmemory
hands - moodboard by @scribeoffate
A blind date - fic by bel_e_muir
Day Six - You’re Still Only Human/Best Looks
Best Looks - gifset by @ava-colemans
fanvid by @domesticated-feral
Day Seven - Dealer’s Choice
guidance - fic by @daughterofluthien
blood in the water - fic by @momentofmemory
A Teacher’s Salary - fic by @letthestorieslive
3B AU - Scott as Nogitsune by @momentofmemory
guardian - fic by @momentofmemory
Scott McCall in Wolf Moon - gifset by @achingly-shy
telling - fic by @spikeface
An Authority Figure - fic by @g-taire
Divide - fic by @slice-of-magenta
and the spirit - fic by @spikeface
Progression - fic by @scribeoffate
Fresh Start - fic by @scribeoffate
The Silver Link - fic by @princeescaluswords
Alt 1 - Good Dreams, or Bad?
I was Trapped - gifset by @letthestorieslive
Alt 2 - You’re the One He Wants
Nemeses - fic by @scribeoffate
i’ll tell ‘em - gifset by @momentofmemory
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alessandriana · 2 years
From the OTW May-June 2022 Newsletter, Volume 168:
In addition to dealing with the attack and responding to user queries, Legal did quite a bit of advocacy in May and June. In May, Legal submitted comments in response to a U.S. Copyright Office inquiry regarding “technical measures” or detecting and preventing copyright infringements under section 512 of the DMCA. In June, Legal chair Betsy and committee member Stacey attended a series of roundtable meetings with the U.S. Copyright Office, also regarding technical measures. In both proceedings, they provided input from the point of view of fans, Internet creators, and small Internet providers. They urged the Copyright Office to remember that many service providers, like AO3, do not receive many copyright-related complaints, and they opposed any suggestion that the Copyright Office endorse or impose technical filtering measures on online service providers. They explained that there is no one-size-fits-all way of applying technology to questions of copyright infringement, that current technologies do not exist that would allow service providers (like the OTW) to distinguish between infringing and non-infringing material, and that there is no existing technology that could replace human evaluation of copyright fair use.
Legal also joined its ally Electronic Frontier Foundation in filing an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Warhol v. Goldsmith, arguing that a broad and flexible fair use test is essential and relying on fanvids as examples to urge the Supreme Court to reaffirm its prior fair use holdings. Here’s what EFF wrote about it.
OTW does some important stuff.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, October 12th
ANGEL: So... how was your summer? Mine was fun. Saw some fish. Went mad with hunger. Hallucinated a whole bunch.
~~Deep Down~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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What Matters Most by badly_knitted (Joyce, Buffy, PG-13)
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Spook Worthless by apachefirecat (Spike, PG/K+)
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covert operations by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, T)
Well, That's Different by Mydestielbabies_67 (Buffy/Spike, Supernatural crossover, T)
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“Promise you’ll remember me when I’m gone” by locke-writes (Buffy, not rated)
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Glass by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A tale of Vampires and Slayers, Chapter 5 by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen (Scoobies, The Originals and Vampire Diaries crossover, T)
The Beast Within, Chapter 11 by Squeewockle (Buffy/Faith, M)
A Mother Reincarnated, Chapter 22 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Sam Wilder, Faith/Dawn, Charmed crossover, T)
Once Upon A Slayer, Chapter 15 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Mulan, Once Upon A Time crossover, T)
Where Will I Meet My Fate, Chapter 7 by FanFreak611 (Angel/Cordelia, T)
The Gift of Baldur's Gate 2: The Search for Dawn, Chapter 10 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Jaheira, Willow/Dawn, Baldur's Gate crossover, T)
Christy, Chapter 3 by BrennaLynn (Buffy, Charmed crossover, T)
Southern California Pharmaceuticals, Chapter 1 by Derbil_McDillet (SCP Foundation crossover, T)
Makalaurë, Interrupted, Chapter 1 by Luna_delCielo (Buffy, The Silmarillion crossover, G)
Needs Must, Chapter 1 by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Millennial,Chapter 38 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Dawn, Star Trek crossover, T)
Wrong Memory 2: Wizarding Memories, Chapter 22 by BrennaLynn (Willow/Dawn, Harry Potter crossover, T)
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Kaddara Hade, Chapter 10 by hostile17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Colonial Bride, Chapter 7 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Her Mission, Chapter 12 by BewitchedXx (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bound, Chapter 14 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Fighting the Darkness, Chapter 25 by Buffyworldbuilder (Buffy, Smallville crossover, FR15)
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Not A Monster, Chapter 16 by Grief Counseling and Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Come Back to Me, Chapter 28 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Colonial Bride, Chapter 7 by Feanix88 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Consequences of Bargaining, Chapter 7 by All4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
When Spike Knew, Chapter 3 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Spike by glizdoart (worksafe)
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Manip: the best love is the kind that awakens the soul by loveisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Artwork process video: Let's Draw! Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Art by Minerva Fox (worksafe)
Fanvid: Angel and Spike - I'm Breathing by T
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel No Fear by Calisto Pendragon
Video: BTVS Analysis: Anya Jenkins the woman we aspire to be by Twisted View
[Reviews & Recaps]
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5.8 Shadow by handsofabitterman
Buffy season 6 is insane by lovely-v
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First time watcher: part 3! [BtVS season 2] by EllidaIsabella
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Podcast: Tough Love S5 E19 Buffy and the Art of Story by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: VAMPIRES: Pt 16 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel (1992 - 2004) by Evolution of Horror
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Podcast: 0.44 Curtain Call by Buffering the Vampire Slayer
[Fandom Discussions]
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I'm confused by Sineya's backstory by juniperhillpatient
it would’ve been so cool if we could’ve gotten an episode or even just some flashbacks dedicated to Sineya & her life by juniperhillpatient
I know not everybody loves Angel as much as I do but by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Whenever Buffy tries to do her homework around Angel by oveliagirlhaditright
I don’t think Angel has a soul… by redbone135
Buffy and Robin Wood by softbrah
fyarl giles getting spike to pull over by sspoike
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Your favorite moments of Angel Season 4 by garlington41
Dru predicts being ''mummy'' by Substantial-Visit-40
Angel doesn't touch the greatness of Buffy by danny7112
Buffy makes a prominent appearance in this magnificent music video by atavus68
Clear scenes of misogyny in Buffy? by jigoflife
"If that's what I wanted, then I'd be dating Spike" by AstridDante
BtVS text animations by LessTrack6622
Sandy by Tuxedo_Mark
Is anyone else is disappointed in where Willow's character seems to be heading in S6? by --Wander--
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1: Accepting Responsibility by Andrew Heard
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jtl07 · 10 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s1 e3 (pt 1)
Y'all didn't even warn me that this was gonna be that episode?! I near fell out of my chair when I realized this episode had not only the cafeteria/meal scene but also the hug and the hallway scene. Again, strange to know the scenes from fanvids and clips and only now see them in context lol
Anyway it should come to no surprise that I have SO MANY THOUGHTS. So many that I'm going to have to split this episode into either 2 or 3 posts just to talk about Avatrice because the cafeteria scene alone has me feral. Why? Because I'm convinced that it's this scene that builds the foundation for Avatrice.
Everyone points to s1 ep8 as being formative - and rightly so, what with all the face touching lol - but that wasn't the cause, it was an effect, a "symptom" of something that had been building before that. I think s1 ep8 is when they start being aware of their connection, their attraction - I think the cafeteria scene is when that connection begins.
By itself, the cafeteria scene isn't much - tbh, the only thing I'd taken from it before sitting down to watch the series properly was the "not everything is about you" line because of the callback in s2 finale. But taken in context, it's quite a vulnerable scene.
Side note: Many years ago, when I was seriously preparing to go into acting, I was recommended the book "Audition" by Michael Shurtleff. One of the things that stuck with me - in both writing fiction and life in general - is this idea that you have to constantly answer this question: "Why is your character here?" Like, even if the script has them being mean to the other character on stage with them or even outright saying that they want to leave, there's got to be a reason that they're still there - why else would they even be there in the first place? (and it's the actor's job to develop what that reason is, even if it’s never said outright)
So if we look at the cafeteria scene, it very well could not have happened. Ava could have noped out of that room the moment she'd laid eyes on Lilith or when the sisters started leaving. Beatrice herself could have also left. At any point in the conversation, one or both of them could have ended it.
But they didn't. They wanted to believe in people's kindness, wanted a bit of kindness, period. What's beautiful is the arc of the interaction: It starts out rough but slowly they both bend, just a little, give just a little bit of themselves - it's a seed planted, this scene, and I love so much of it.
Okay let's take it from the top. The thing is, most clips (e.g. this one) I've found start with Ava already sitting down next to Beatrice with that infamous voiceover - but I want to actually start before that. Remember: The scene directly before this was Mother Superion and Lilith's first "test" (let's be real, that wasn't a test, it was bullying), and while Ava laughs it off, we know that that's her way of coping - which she says outright during this scene. Coming into the cafeteria at all is incredibly brave after having been faced with such meanness, and then have to face even more meanness in the form of "middle school" style shunning. But she still keeps going, she still chooses to try again, with Beatrice.
Speaking of Beatrice: Her first choice is to stay. Look here - she takes note of Ava setting down her tray and the others whispering and leaving. Sure, she puts her head down and it kinda looks like she's just trying to ignore Ava but still - she doesn't leave.
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When Ava makes that middle school comment, Beatrice starts out cold, a bit scolding when she advises Ava to "not treat everything like a joke" and how the halo wasn't just hanging around. But the delivery here is brilliant - KTY could've gone harsher here, tapped into the anger that seems to always be just under the surface with Bea (more on that when I write up my thoughts on s1 ep4), but there's a softness, a grief that she allows to come through. And see, it's that moment of vulnerability, that bending, that hope for kindness that allows Ava also to bend and actually apologize.
And then we have Ava trying again to connect - either because of guilt or because she's desperate for a friend or just to understand in general - and she gives Beatrice the space to share.
Beatrice could have refused. She could have rebuffed her, could have walked away. KTY's choices here are fantastic, how she pauses, how she takes this little breath (00:50 here). The question has unsettled Bea, taken her surprise maybe, but she pushes through, answers Ava honestly. She starts off so matter-of-fact, then slowly starts to thaw. There's beautiful support musically by the bgm piano: a repeated note, akin to the monotone of Beatrice's voice. Then Bea's face changes - and there's a quiet arpeggio that's timed perfectly with it (1:00 here). It's a beautiful touch.
I couldn't help but get this sense of this being cathartic for Beatrice, as if she'd been waiting for a chance to share this, I mean, look at how her face brightens in memory.
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What's interesting with Ava is that we don't get a voice over for the rest of this scene - the only sense we get of her discomfort is when she says, "I'm not her, you know." It's the closest we get to her admitting that she's scared shitless - and visually, it's symbolized with her pushing back the hood and allows herself to be seen, to be vulnerable.
And what does Bea do? She immediately comforts, reassures, with such wide eyes and steadiness: "No one expects you to be."
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It's a very brief moment, but so, so important: whereas everyone else has been pressuring Ava, trying to get her to do something they want, here is someone who is telling her it's okay to just be who she is.
And yknow, now that I think about it, a lot of this is probably Bea seeing some of herself in Ava. She directly says it with that "It was wasn't me either" line, but I wonder if it's also in the "no one expects you to be" line too - how her parents had expected her to be a certain way, to "fall in line" etc. And probably why she has that small smile when Ava says "It just isn't me"
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I don't know if this was a conscious choice by KTY but there's also a moment in the hallway scene where she does a similar small smile - idk I feel like it tends to be moments when she's reassuring Ava. In any case, it's a nice touch.
And then Bea's famous lines, "We all have a past, Ava..." What's interesting here is that in the beginning of the interaction, Bea was hardly meeting Ava's eyes. When she starts talking about Shannon, there are some brief moments when she meets Ava's gaze, but she mostly shies away from Ava's stare. Once she moves into a more reassuring mode, she starts to hold Ava's gaze longer, trying to convince, trying to give comfort.
Can we just talk about how Bea delivers that last line? Taken at face value, "Not everything is about you" can come off really harsh. But Beatrice says it so gently, as if it's not meant as an admonition - part apology maybe (that everyone has their own pain to deal with), part plea (echoing maybe Vincent's direct ask for patience later on), and part encouragement (something like "you'll get through this").
And we end with Ava thoughtful but we're not privy to her thoughts, we're without voice over and just Alba's incredible ability to express so many emotions with just her face.
idk the majority of this is probably just nonsense but whatever, I'm having fun with this lol - I'll write up thoughts about the hug and the hallway scene probably next week, unless I get a lull during my travels this weekend.
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I’m pretty sure one of y’all’s responsible for posting pics and gifs of this man and piquing my interest only for me to watch the series and find out he barely gets 10 minutes of screentime. But oooooh boy!!!! I could barely find any fanvid of him so.... *rolls up sleeve* I did it.
[Foundation] Jerril - P.I.M.P
📺 • Foundation [2021- ]
🎵 • 50 Cent - P.I.M.P.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iUsCoHhC0AM
IG Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbkwwXcA4dx/
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