minarachelle · 9 months
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Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Galamus, France - 2017
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wintercorrybriea · 6 months
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Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Galamus, France - 2017
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+ ermitage saint-antoine de galamus, france
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cosmicanger · 6 months
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Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Galamus, France - 2017
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
kako jebeno glasno bude tijekom utakmica😧
Ovisi o tome koliko si blizu kafića i definitivno će svi pucati peterde ako pobijedimo. Nadam se da neće biti strašno, mrzim tu galamu.
Ajoj, dakle time to invest in earbuds <- jedno dva-tri kafića u blizini
Ja isto mrzim stvarno </3 a aj drž'mo se
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4l-chemist-blog · 2 years
Voljeti nekog iskreno, previse boli, svaki dan nova pomisao , da voljena osoba vise nije tu, ne osjetis miris , ne cujes korake, ali jos uvjek duboko u meni kada sjedim ovako sam i pusim posljednju cigaretu, zamislim se i odlutam, cujem tvoj glas, cujem tvoje korake po kuci, tvoj smijeh, nasu galamu. Sjedim tako cesto na istom mjestu na nasem krevetu, zapalim tako sam i vratim sve uspomene, suze same svaki put krenu , ma koliko god ja bjezao od realnosti. Isto mjesto na krevetu samo falis ti. Falis vose od svega na ovom svijetu, mjesaju mi se misli , i sve mi se brka u glavi ali jedno ostaje uvek isto, onaj isti osjecaj i moja ljubav prema tebi. Znam da se pravim ponekad hladan pokusavam nadmasiti samog sebe, ali dusa jeca i raspada se, srce kuca ali samo zato sto sam ziv,ono jos uvek voli jednu malu djevojcicu sa najlepsim osmehom i 3 rupice na svojim obrazima, predivnim ovima i posebnim pogledom , sto mozda nikad vise necu videti u nekom drugom, poseban caroban sjaj u noci . Pretesko je ovo sve napisati i iznjeti svaki trenutak i svaki osjecaj, pretesko, sve vise i vise tonem i vise se raspadam, ubijam sebe, ali jos vise boli saznanje da znam i da s druge strane patis i ti isto kao ja. Inat nas tjera da radimo pogresne stvari, da mrzimo jedno drugo, da pravimo ljubomornima jedno drugo, ali nikad mi nece biti jasan kraj. Dali je neko vrsio pritisak na tebe i sta se krije iza svega , puno stvari mi se mota po glavi , ali mozda ce nekad izaci prava istina o svemu, mozda cu nekad dobiti odgovore na postavljena pitanja, mozda ih cak uzalud i trazim, ali ipak znam da ova ljubav nije bila prolazna i zna da nas sudbina nije spojila tek tako, toliko slicnosti, i sve ostalo , ja znam da tu postoji nesto, nesto cega se mozda ti bojis, mozda te neko zastrasio, nezz, ali necu odustati nikad u trazenju odgovora na pitanje. Jednostavno necu , da odustanem od svega, prosli smo mi i gore stvari. Jedina
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poeticlicense12345 · 5 months
- Neobuzdana gomila djevojaka, naguravajući se kako bi se probila što bliže do pozornice, vrištala je. Muškarci pijani poput pustinjskih deva, sa jasno vidljivim zaliscima, poskakivali su i pokušavali pjevati. Redari i policajci su pokušavali obuzdati gomilu u prvim redovima, ali bez većeg uspjeha. Mnogobrojni novinari sa fotoaparatima i kamerama u ruci naguravali su se i svađali za bolju poziciju u uskom prolazu između pozornice i gomile ljudi. Čini se kako ljudi ipak nisu zaboravili …
Polupijani čovjek, iz backstagea, je izašao na pozornicu pokušavajući sakriti svoje nesigurne korake. Primio je mikrofon u ruku i otrcano rekao: “Jedan, dva! Proba! Proba! Lijevi, desni! Proba! Proba!” Nakašljao se i započeo: “Molim vas za trenutak tišine! Upravo su mi javili iz osiguranja da vas zamolim da se smirite te prestanete sa naguravanjem prema pozornici, u protivnom, koncert se neće održati! Molim vas! To je sve!” Čovjek je gotovo pobjegao sa pozornice jer je gomila počela sa još većim naguravanjem i glasnijom bukom.
Uskoro je na pozornicu do mikrofona došao nekakav čovjek koji je izgledao poput penzionera te glasno rekao: “Dame i gospodo, Elvis …!” -
… “Elvis! Elvis! Eeeeelviiiiis!”, glasno reče nekakva spodoba vireći kroz poluotvorena vrata sobe. Iz sna se trgnuo Elvis, sjeo na krevet te se rukama primio za glavu. Bio je mamuran od posljednjeg nastupa i alkohola. “Idemo, idemo! Nastupaš za pola sata!”, reče mu ona buljooka spodoba tankih nogu, velike glave i svjetlozelene kože. “Oh, čovječe! Kada ćete me vratiti kući?”, reče Elvis sa jednim otvorenim okom. Nato spodoba započe galamu: “Čim odradiš 250 godišnji ugovor koji si potpisao prije 124 godine, istog trena ćemo te vratiti na Zemlju!”
text author: Klaun Van Trenda
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aguzziadventure · 11 months
Day 6: Balcony roads, heading east
I woke to the sound of cuckoos, my sleeping gear still a bit damp but bearable. I sat in the heart of the woodland, hoping for a break of sunshine to dry it out. Breakfast was instant noodles, with coffee on the stove.
Stumbling upon a renowned balcony road on my way to this campsite got me curious about other similar routes in the vicinity. To my good fortune, I discovered two more nearby – Gorges de Galamus and Gorges de Padern.
The Gorges de Galamus was an unnervingly narrow path, meaning first gear all the way. The sight of the sandy-colored gorge basin in contrast with a radiant blue river and imposing light grey cliffs was captivating. A 1 foot barrier allowed a clear view but served as a stark reminder of the potential risks - a small error, swerving a cyclist or unexpected gravel could spell disaster.
The ride to Gorges de Padern presented a warm, dusty panorama filled with acacia-covered valleys. I took a break at a quaint place called Sport Padern for a homemade artisanal cola beforehand.
Despite knowing my general direction – east across France – I was somewhat directionless. I disliked the idea of motorways and was in no hurry to rush into another forecasted storm near the French Alps. So, I decided to let the road dictate my journey for the day.
I ride several pleasant routes, eventually reaching the serene village of Termes. A stream ran through it, accompanied by a small, casual cafe restaurant. The friendly locals sent their dogs over for greetings; one Shiba mix decided to make my lap its preferred lounging spot. For lunch, I (and my new canine friend) shared a perfectly cooked Pave du Saumon with an orange and pomegranate sauce.
The remainder of the day unfolded in a relaxed manner as I meandered easterly on the D40 toward the D212, even completing another scenic route through Gorges du Tement. I decided to head towards Parc Naturel du Haut-Languedoc, which sounded like it might promise a naturalistic setting.
I forget the next roads, but my exploration was rewarded with the delightful D907, which offered a first taste of the Mediterranean like atmosphere. Driving through vast stretches of vineyards and olive farms, I could feel the Mediterranean like warmth, quite literally, as the day's temperature peaked at 33 degrees Celsius.
This road was the first on my journey that made me yearn for a sports bike. The road was inviting, with each bend encouraging speed and, if I was more talented, knee-down maneuvers.
Eventually, my Guzzi started overheating, leading me to an unexpected encounter with an old van selling pizza in the middle of nowhere. The owner, a fellow biker, was setting up for the day. As we watched a Panigale V4S scream by, he likened the D907 to a TT circuit. Our shared enthusiasm for biking forged a connection, and we ended up chatting for for around an hour. Excited to share his favourite roads with me, he helped me chart a fantastic route toward my destination in the Alps, a testimony to the unexpected rewards of aimless exploration. Sadly, I never got his name.
My campsite for the night is another municipal bargain at 5 euros, the Camping Le Municipal Le Claps. I’m camped in a private little enclave under the shade of acacia trees. Compared to other days, I arrived earlier, relishing the opportunity to finally peel off my riding gear, especially my Kevlar leggings which hadn't seen the light of day in a while. And let's not forget about my underwear...
Currently sat down to plan my next day, equipped with a new route thanks to the friendly pizza van biker. This once directionless day had turned into a serendipitous adventure, leaving me with some memorable experiences and scenic delights.
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crnagora · 1 year
Maja i Bilal jorgan planinom rešili sve PROBLEME
RED SVAĐE, RED LJUBAVI! Maja i Bilal u krevetu rešili sve PROBLEME, prepustili se STRASTIMA pod jorgan planinom! #Zadruga #Zadruga6 #Rijaliti #Vesti #Srbija #Balkan #Serbia #NarodPita
Dok je u spavaćoj sobi bio opšti haos, jer je Sanja Grujić proboduila zadrugare, ni Maja Marinković i Bilal Brajlović nisu imali mira, pa su galamu iskoristili da se i oni svađaju i njenom krevetu. Međutim, ovo stanje ih nije dugo držalo, pa su se zavukli pod jorgan i počeli da razmenjuju nežnosti TRENDING VIDEO: OVERILI TUŠ KABINU! Miljana i Bebica u žestokoj akciji
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tamic87 · 2 years
Ne treba ni da govorim kako i pivo može da potkopa telo i dušu ako se popije u dovoljnoj količini. Podlegao sam naglom i groznom pojačavanju svih osećaja: hrapava površina čaršava pod mojim golim leđima bila je kao kukuruzovina, cvrkut vrapca napolju ličio je na kreštanje pterodaktila, točak kamiona koji naleće na rupu na kolovozu proizvodio je galamu kao kad se zalupi kapija pakla.
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pennylawler · 2 years
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We had two memorable times together in France. In 2005, we met them at Perpignan and Peter drove us along the Mediterranean coast and then to the Pyrenean hamlet of Caixas. From there, we drove through the Gorges de Galamus (sphincter chilling for Penny who feared drops off the side of narrow roads!) and then on to Roquebrun in the Languedoc to stay in a house called “Les Hirondelles” with a terrace looking out onto the River Orb that was made for sharing the local area’s good food and wine. Peter had researched the wines of the area and our visit to the local co-op was most fruitful!  In 2009, Penny and Peter returned to Les Hirondelles to be with us and other Toronto and UK friends, all celebrating Peter de Tolly’s 70th birthday; another week of great food, wine, fun and companionship.
In 2014, we returned to Toronto for a visit and stayed for a night with Penny and Peter at their Island house, spent an afternoon together at the Art Gallery of Ontario, visited them at Allie’s house where we met Kate, and were introduced to Little Pen, whose first birthday it was.  We also shared a great farewell dinner at Roger and Sheila’s with them and many other Island friends.
By then, Penny’s health travails had started and even though they were taking their toll, she was the proverbial ‘indomitable.’ How lucky that we were able to spend time with Penny and Peter on that visit. Now, we shall have to live off our memories and photographs of so many wonderful times spent with two such beloved friends.  They will be with  us for the rest of our days.
Much love from Peter, Jenny, Katherine and Jeremy
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La lance de Barbezan - Marie Ader et Kisito Quel est le point commun entre le passage du comte de Barbezan à la période médiévale en pays cathare, les gorges de Galamus à la fin du 20e siècle et une affaire de meurtres dans un lycée de Perpignan en 2019 ? Après avoir résolu une difficile enquête dans “Coup de froid en Vallespir” (aux Presses Littéraires), la capitaine Aline Bélars, nouvellement installée à Elne, va devoir trouver le lien entre ces différentes époques. Elle sera épaulée dans ce nouveau défi par le lieutenant Soares, du commissariat de Perpignan.
Après avoir travaillé dans différentes branches professionnelles, Marie Ader a étudié à Nantes, sa ville natale, puis enseigné dans plusieurs collèges et lycées, en Corrèze et dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, à Perpignan, à Céret, ainsi qu’à Elne, où elle réside aujourd’hui.
Né en 1965 à Bangui en Centrafrique, Christophe Migeon alias Kisito, a travaillé principalement dans la presse écrite et le milieu agricole durant ces vingt dernières années. Il a passé une partie de sa jeunesse dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, entre Fenouillet et Perpignan. Il habite actuellement à Elne.
ISBN : 979-10-310-1222-3 n° 128 de la collection "Crimes et châtiments" 11,5 X 17, 244 pages, 12,00 €
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aigle-suisse · 2 years
8267 Gorges de Galamus par Oeil de verre Via Flickr : Ce sont les eaux de l’Agly qui ont creusé ces très spectaculaires gorges dans le calcaire sur plus de 500 mètres de profondeur. Ermitage de Saint-Antoine de Galamus
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minarachelle · 4 years
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Ermitage de Galamus, France - August 2019
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Dans les gorges gigantesques de l'Agly, des religieux arrivent, à pieds, de Privas, ils vont renouer avec une antique tradition érémitique franciscaine et s'installer dans l'ermitage de Galamus en 1843. L'auteur Jacques Rivière nous conte l'aventure de l'apôtre du Roussillon, le Père Marie, dans ses pérégrinations à travers le département des Pyrénées-Orientales, jusqu'à sa mort, en 1852, au Sanctuaire de de Notre-Dame-du Cross, dans l'Aude. #galamus #ermitagedegalamus #ermitesde_catalunya #ermita #stantoine #stantoinelabbaye #stantoinedepadoue #franciscain #franciscains #eglise #notredamedecros #ermitage #bélisane #éditionbélisane #lestentationsdesaintantoine #stfrancoisdassise #stpauldefenouillet #livre #histoire #apôtre #languedocroussillon #roussillon #fenouilledes #fenouilledessudcathare #fenouillèdes #gorgesdegalamus #gorgesdegamalus #aude #audecathare (à Perpignan, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4SiaOl6-y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qid2go46bqln
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windu92 · 4 years
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#gorgesdesgalamus #galamus #pyreneesorientales #huawei #huawei_pic #huaweiphotographers #shotonhuawei (à Les Gorges De Galamus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbhshLhy8u/?igshid=1hr2l656gqetv
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