#genius billionaire asshole misogynist
never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
if steve was a woman in the mcu that fucker (you know who im talking about) would probably treat them even worse. im still appalled they expect us to root for someone as sexist as tony oh my god
you know what? you're right. tony has sexualised women and passed comments on their appearances several times. if steve was a woman, i'm sure tony would say something about how the uniform looks on them, or some shitty joke about wearing the american flag, or something. and then expect everyone to just laugh it off. and i just know that some of his stans actually would laugh
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never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
ok i’ve been super inactive on here but. fuck tony stark, all my homies hate tony stark
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
I still don’t understand how people think Steve was rude to Tony in Avengers 1. Like, I’ll admit--Tony did have PTSD. But so did Steve. Steve had woken up in a whole new century, with new rules and new people and everyone he used to know dead.
Perhaps just barely a month ago he was having lunch with the Howlies; now there aren’t any left to do anything with.
Tony (a grown man around 42 years of age) was literally mocking Steve (a young man of around 27 years of age) and making fun of his trauma (“Capsicle” ring any bells? Or rolling his eyes at Steve finally understanding something in this new century? He did the same to Bruce by deliberately trying to bait him into turning into the Hulk). 
They are literally 15 years apart. Tony Stark was (from his point of view) being terrible to someone who should’ve been in college, university, at work-not saving the world. Tony Stark is a horrible, horrible person and I’m so glad he’s finally gone.
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never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
hypothetically, if i made a list of favourite anti-tony fic recs, would anyone like it?
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
tony, regularly: *tries to bring out the hulk although he would endanger everyone's lives* *calls steve "capsicle," making fun of his trauma* *insinuates that natasha's a double agent & always has been, making fun at her trauma* *makes multiple rape jokes* *calls a child a "pussy" for missing his father* *makes transphobic/homophobic jokes* *tries to kiss pepper even though she doesn't want to be* *refuses to take accountability for ultron until he realises an american died due to his actions* *constantly sexualizes women* *insults people on the daily* *is the cause of 80% of marvel's villains* *tries to kill bucky* *makes fun of bucky's trauma* *tries to kill sam although he was only trying to help rhodey* *a LOT more*
tony stans, daily: my little beloved baby
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
there’s not a single enhanced being on team iron man (except for peter, who didn’t know what was going on when he went to germany). now, if you think very hard about why this might be...
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never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
friendly reminder: tony stark is a douchebag!!
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never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
i haven’t watched spn but from what i can gather from mutuals is that tony stark and dean winchester are the same person, so
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
Steve was bullied for literally his whole life. He was chronically ill and only people who cared for him were bucky and his mom. I know his dad isn't mentioned in the MCU but if I'm not wrong his dad abused him and his mother in the comics. He was born during the biggest financial crisis. Then when his life was starting to get a bit better but not really because it was in the middle of the fucking war, his only friend dies in front of him. Then he proceeds to kill himself (or so he thought) to save people from getting the hydra technology. Wakes up in the 21st century with everything he knew gone only to find out shield dug up the shit he sacrificed for. Then to find out woman he trusted was buddies with n*zi scientists(especially the man who tortured his best friend) and let them infiltrate for decades in the agency (idk why endgame writers ignored this and why fandom ignores this). But yeah Steve had no reason to be traumatised whatsoever... He then had to fix that mess. I'm not going to even talk about CW and how wrong it is to even have team iron man
I have nothing more to add; I think you're very right. How people can still say "But T0ny..." and add in some ridiculous accusation about [Team Cap member] is beyond me.
Steve literally died to save the world from HYDRA and when he woke up he found out it had all been for nothing. That's bound to have some effects; I'm amazed at how much the MCU/fandom ignores it.
Actually, Steve's line - "When I died, the world was at war. I woke up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost." - really sums it up. (Also, forgive any inaccuracies in the quote, I saw the movie quite a while ago.)
Also, I wasn't aware about the bit about the comics and Steve's dad! That's interesting...
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never-trust-a-stark · 2 years
petition to add lego batman to the anti-tony legion
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
What I hate about Avengers1 is Tony's line "everything special about you came from the bottle" when that simply isn't the case. Only thing that came from the bottle was the physical strength but his mind and heart is what got him the bottle in the 1st place. On the other hand everything special about tony came from his dad's money. Yes he is intelligent but that doesn't always guarantee wealth and opportunities. People act like Steve in the 1st Avengers didn't live through biggest fucking trauma you can live through and act like he also didn't have traumatic childhood. Like all of the Avengers are traumatised 😭😭😭 tony isn't special for it.
go off bestie!! tony stans keep saying "but he had PTSD!!" to excuse his actions but they very conveniently ignore the fact that the rest of the avengers do too!!
steve woke up in a world where all his friends were dead, what, two weeks after he was dead?
natasha was raised as a soldier, an assassin, and her ledger was “dripping, gushing red” with the blood of her past mistakes.
bruce was a science experiment, a mstake, and couldn’t get angry otherwise he’d be endangering the safety and lives of everyone on the ship (which steve pointed out when tony tried to bring out the hulk).
clint had a family and a whole life, he’d die at any point and he too was an assassin.
but sure, tony had PTSD and all his actions can be excused because of it.
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
Poor Erik Killmonger. He's the latest character turned into Tony's bulldog. And the author still lies in the story. They pretend Tony was gasping for air in Age of Ultron after Thor picked him up, when Tony showed no signs of distress during or after. (And they ignore that Tony showed no remorse for lying to Thor and creating a murderbot.)
while i haven't seen black panther yet (i'm gonna watch it either this friday or next monday), i've seen posts about this, and yeah- although i do hope you saw the whole episode. i can't believe we get to live in a timeline where tony has canonically died four (4) times in the mcu!!
while i'm not sure who the "author" is, i wholeheartedly agree. tony lied to everyone when making a murderbot, and thor responded appropriately-tony'd lied to his face. tony hadn't shown any distress, and was just annoyed by the avengers thinking he'd made a mistake.
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never-trust-a-stark · 3 years
new t0ny anti blog here! went and followed all the ones i could find! feel free to interact (if you’re not a t0ny stan ofc!!! don’t you even try)
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