#genuinely time sensitive xDD
ooh-its-simp · 2 years
I'm having an awful week.... So here's random facts about me and this beautiful fucking hoe of mine 😩😩:
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Shorter and I would get so high or drunk off our faces, we end up slow dancing to upbeat club music at a rave party
Learnt to get around New York City because of him
Shorter does the cooking coz he can't stand bland boiled vegetables and meat... not my fault it's good for you SHEESH =3=
He likes my baking at least.. and he's suprised that it ain't bland XD
During art school, I couldn't stop drawing him. (Also true irl, I will admit. Except art school being in America. I never left this oversized island before XD) And honestly still can't stop.
We argue over which consoles better. He prefers Playstation while I prefer Xbox.... then Ash slam dunks us with PC having mods, 4K and more games. Like bruh.
I call his motorcycle Red Steed
Shorter chose the gamer tag "The BFG" Which I've mistaken for as "The Big Friendly Giant"... but he was referring to the weapon in DOOM 4/ Eternal "The Big Fucking Gun" And of course he changed it after that convo XDD
Out of all of Shorter's friends, I can't get along with Ash. Simply because every game he touches beats my high score and I have to spend all day and night trying to reclaim the dozens of high scores =-=
Shorter would definitely hate my dad, especially while my dad's drunk and wouldn't hesitate to beat his ass. And he doesn't need my permission to either. Someone needs to knock some sense into that fool when he gets like that.
I swear Shorter teaching me Chinese and making me say it after him is his plan to kill me with embarrassment. But he convinced me he's being genuine by letting me teach him Te Reo... now I understand why he likes making me nervous XDD
Ngl I love it when he's emotional or sensitive, its so fucking sweet
I've met Nadia and she's so fucking cool, I love it when she talks about every single embarrassing story she has of her brother.. but Shorter hates it. Probably why he doesn't like hanging around his sister while I'm there, if he had to stay then he's probably thinking "Wow, they're bitches from different witches alright."
He never admitted that he was in a gang yet and I haven't admitted that I have PCOS, Diabetes type 2 or Hypertension... coz I have no idea what he'd do if he finds out this whole time we can't have a kid so easily or at all if it was ever decided ^^;... then again, what would I be thinking if he told me he leads a whole mafia and killed people before? o3o;
I play Fortnite and he hates seeing it on the TV almost every... Fortnite 👀 (bad pun ik XD)
Between me and Shorter, I'm mostly terrible to sleep with. I kneed him hard in the butt once in our sleep and now we have a pillow barrier between us.. still gotta get use to sharing a bed XD
I hate it when he watches me draw coz he knows I'm always drawing him
It was a surprise to me that he could do graffiti art and shamelessly flawless at it, but he has no idea why I'm making such a big deal out of it
I appreciate how he likes to talk about his culture, means he's closer to home than we think. Me? I rather be far from my home as possible tbh XD
If I had to explain how I fell for him, it was like a honey bee to a sweetpea... meaning his purple hair caught my attention like a colorful flower to a bee. And the flower turning out to be the sweetest of them all
Oh I love the manga version just as much, but he won't get my attention as easily no doubt, unless he approaches first, then hell yeah.
I never believed Shorter's his real name and he believes Nature isn't my name either XD
I can't remember (or haven't decided o3o) where our first kiss was but it was either at a party or at the old Freedom Tunnel
Speaking of first, we didn't know each others exsistance until we glance across the road
Okay, I'm finally done and was actually a lot of fun. But I think I can nap. Happy sailing, Shippers!
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blipblorpsnork · 4 years
Hey Duel Monsters peeps, I have a time sensitive, important question:
In Mario Kart 8, which character do you think Weevil would main??
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aleenya · 7 years
18, 22 and 24 for the author questions?
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
I will forever and always cite Richard Adams as my biggest inspiration. I was seven years old when I first read Watership Down; initially, I was lured in by its beautifully crafted prose, and how the author treated his young audience with a respect so rare for that age. During the next two years, I would go on to read ‘the murderous rabbit book’ a total of six times. So captivated was I by its simple narrative, yet complex language, that I sought to recreate similar works. My writing began as awkward and stiltedly phrased as a child’s could be, but as time passed and I drowned in more and more of the written word, so did I absorb and learn from the novels I grew to treasure and adore.
Those novels were too many to count, but the ones I remember most fondly are Jane Eyre, Call of the Wild, Stephen King’s various horror anthologies, Kingdom by the Sea, The Book Thief, Warriors…and any Victorian novel I could get my grimy little hands on. I credit all these and more for the style I’ve developed today, which is essentially fast paced, and action orientated text with a strong focus on emotion and characterization.
I still go weak at the knees for purple prose though, so expect me to constantly be slipping that in there too xDD
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
I’m not a believer in shocking for the sake of shocking, or gratuitous for the sake of controversy. Having said that, I do think that sometimes writing should make you uncomfortable and deal with sensitive issues. Me personally, I write what resonates most strongly with me. Turning my experiences and philosophies into words and metaphors is my favorite part of putting pen to paper (…finger to keys is apter actually). So, if it’s in service of a scene and does have a purpose, and it’s something I’ve personal experience on, I won’t hesitate to write it in.
The only topic that makes me genuinely uncomfortable, reading or otherwise, is sex. I’m not a prude, but it’s something I personally have no interest in and find gross. So yeah, you’ll never see me writing that.
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
BIRDS. God, just…birds. I’ve always been interested in ornithology, but it was my childhood novel Northern Wind that sent me into the spiraling pit of fascination. More specifically, house sparrows. What started as brief research turned into information that is crammed into my brain to this very day. Seriously, I know way too much about these tiny creatures. So yeah. If you have any questions about house sparrows, I’m your girl 😐
(Fun fact! To differentiate between genders, you’ll notice that male house sparrows have darker shades of brown in their plumage, alongside a black breast that serves two purposes: one, to indicate age, and two, to indicate social status within the hierarchy of a flock. Sparrows are also known to mate for life. You’re welcome.)
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