#geoff campion
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Action Force Mini-Comic No. 2 featuring SAS Force, 1983. Cover and interior art by Geoff Campion. Geoff must have liked that pose on the cover as he used similar ones on the cover of Battle Action Force No. 460 and a cut-out booklet on the SAS that came with No. 493. Treasury of British Comics.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Valiant Book of Mystery and Magic - IPC, 1976. Cover art by Geoff Campion.
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graphicpolicy · 13 days
Battle Action Force Returns in New Treasury Editions!
Battle Action Force Returns in New Treasury Editions! #comics #comicbooks
Battle Action Force was published weekly from October 1983 to November 1986 by IPC Magazines limited, and brought together some of the greatest talents in the British comics industry of that time, both on the editorial and illustrative fronts including names like Gerry Finley-Day, Geoff Campion, and Cam Kennedy. Included within its pages were the adventures of “Action Force”, created by British…
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ginge1962 · 29 days
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Hurricane Annual 1968 - another great car boot bargain!
Published by Fleetway Publications around August/September 1967 (as per the norm with all UK annuals).
Cover by Wilf Hardy with strips by Geoff Champion, Bill Lacey & Joe Colquhoun among others.
Hurricane's most popular strip was Typhoon Tracy and the character is also featured in this annual.
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downthetubes · 6 months
In Review: The Complete Comet Jet Ace Logan
If you're a fan of British comics SF heroes, then the Complete Comet Jet-Ace Logan from Book Palace Books is well worth a look
If you’re a fan of the original Dan Dare of Eagle fame, you’ll know that in the 1950s he wasn’t the only British space hero on the news stands. Others included “Jeff Hawke” in the Daily Express, Captain Condor, appearing in Lion, and Jet-Ace Logan in The Comet. It’s the latter space hero who’s the focus of Fleetway Comics Archives: Complete Comet Jet-Ace Logan, just published by Book Palace…
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giantologist · 11 months
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Fairy Tale Giant by Geoff Campion
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logi1974 · 11 months
Südengland 2023 - Tag 20
Ladies and Gentleman!  
Heute klingelt der Wecker schon um 7.30 Uhr. Wir wollen uns sputen, denn es geht für uns ganz in den West der Insel. Nach etwa einer Stunde erreichen wir den Parkplatz “The Needles” (Kosten 6 £) oberhalb der Alum Bay.
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Noch ist genügend Platz, aber das wird sich im Verlaufe des Vormittags noch drastisch ändern.
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Von dort führt ein ein 1,2 Kilometer langer asphaltierter und ausgeschilderte Klippenweg vom Parkplatz zum Gelände der Batteries. An einem klaren Tag wie heute ist die Aussicht schlichtweg nur grandios.
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Diese historischen Verteidigungsanlagen unterstehen dem National Trust und bestehen aus zwei Teilen: der Needles Old Battery und der Needles New Battery.
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Wir beginnen die Besichtigung mit der Old Battery, einer viktorianischen Kanonenbatterie, die an die äußersten Westspitze der Isle of Wight gebaut wurde.
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Als in den 1860er Jahren die Gefahr eines Krieges mit Frankreich drohte, startete der britische Premierminister Lord Palmerston ein ehrgeiziges Programm zum Ausbau der Seeverteidigung des Landes.
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Einer der Schlüssel zu Palmerstons Plan war die Verteidigung der Marinewerften in Portsmouth auf der Nordseite des Solent-Kanals.
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Die windgepeitschte Landzunge an der äußersten Westspitze der Isle of Wight war ideal positioniert, um die westliche Zufahrt zum Solent zu verteidigen.
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Also wurde auf den Felsen über den Needles Rocks und dem Leuchtturm eine Geschützbatterie und ein Aussichtspunkt errichtet. Die Batterie wurde durch einen tiefen Graben auch vor landseitigen Angriffen verteidigt.
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Innerhalb der Mauern befinden sich zwei Kommandoposten und ein unterirdischer Tunnel, der zu einer vorderen Suchscheinwerferstellung führt, die in die Felswand mit Blick auf die Nadeln gebaut wurde.
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Es gab Unterkünfte für 21 Mann unter dem Kommando von 2 Unteroffizieren und einem Offizier, mit einem Labor, Lagergebäuden und einem Magazin.
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Trinkwasser war aufgrund der abgelegenen Lage eine Herausforderung, daher wurde Wasser in Regentonnen gesammelt. Die Batterie war nur in Notzeiten besetzt. Die restliche Zeit lebte nur ein “Master Gunner” auf dem Gelände, und man kann die Überreste seines Hausfundaments direkt vor dem Batterieeingang sehen.
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Die Batterie war mit 6 7-Zoll Rifled Breech Loader-Kanonen bewaffnet, aber nach nur einem Jahrzehnt wurden diese durch Vorderlader-Kanonen ersetzt.
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Größere 9-Zoll-Mündungsladegeschütze wurden 1893 installiert, diese wurden 1903 ebenfalls wieder außer Dienst gestellt.
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Die französische Invasion, die Palmerston befürchtete, kam allerdings nie zustande, und die Reihe von Forts, die gebaut wurden, um der Bedrohung entgegenzuwirken, wurde als “Palmerston's Follies” verspottet.
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Obwohl die französische Bedrohung nicht zustande kam, blieb die Batterie sowohl im Ersten als auch im Zweiten Weltkrieg im Einsatz. Als sich der Erste Weltkrieg abzeichnete, wurde auf dem Exerzierplatz ein Flugabwehrgeschütz installiert.
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Besucher können dem unterirdischen Tunnel in die Kreidefelsen folgen und finden die Scheinwerferstellung. Die Aussicht hoch über den Needles-Felsen ist spektakulär und an klaren Tagen kann man sogar bis nach Dorset sehen!
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Die vielschichtige Geschichte der Batterie wird in einer Reihe atmosphärischer Räume zum Leben erweckt, die zeigen, wie es war, hier zu arbeiten. Animierte Cartoons des Comiczeichners Geoff Campion veranschaulichen die Rolle, die die Militärbasis auch in der Geschichte des modernen Großbritanniens spielte.
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Auf dem Exerzierplatz stehen zwei originale Geschütze, wenn auch auf nachgebauten Geschützlafetten. Alle Geschütze wurden wieder aus dem Meer geborgen, wo man sie vor Jahrzehnten einfach hinein warf und entsorgte.  
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Hoch oben auf einer Klippe gelegen, bietet der Exerzierplatz spektakuläre Ausblicke auf die Needles Rocks. Mit verschiedenen Ausstellungen, Teestube und zwei Lehrpfaden ist für jeden etwas dabei.  
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Für die Besichtigung sind zur Zeit 7,50 £ pro Person fällig. Mitglieder des National Trust haben natürlich freien Eintritt. Diese Besichtigung ist nicht durch die Engish Heritage Karte abgegolten.
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An bestimmten Tagen gibt es Führungen von Historikern. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Treffpunkt ist für alle Interessierten an dem Hinweisschild im Hof.
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Wie bestellt zieht plötzlich eine historische Spitfire über den Needles ihre Kreise.
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Direkt oberhalb der Old Battery befindet sich die Needles New Battery, die 1895 gebaut wurde. Man befürchtete, dass noch größere Kanonen an der Old Battery die Klippen zum Einsturz bringen könnten. Sie sind fünf stramme Geh-Minuten steil bergauf/bergab voneinander entfernt.
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1918, nach dem 1. Weltkrieg, in den “Dornröschenschlaf” versetzt, wurde die  New Battery für den Zweiten Weltkrieg wieder reaktiviert. Die Batterie war mit 3 9,2-Zoll-Hinterladekanonen bewaffnet, die jeweils massive Granaten mit einem Gewicht von jeweils 380 Pfund abfeuerten.
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Wenig überraschend, dass jede Waffe eine Besatzung von 11 Mann erforderte! Unterirdische Magazine versorgten die Geschützstellungen und ein Gefechtsstand stand höher oben auf dem Abgrund.
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Die Jahre 1956 bis 1971 waren jedoch die aufregendsten Jahre für die New Battery.
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The Needles New Battery beheimatet die wenig bekannte Geschichte von Großbritanniens „Race for Space“ (Wettlauf um den Weltraum) im Kalten Krieg.
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Hier auf der Isle of Wight wurden die Raketen unter strengster Geheimhaltung getestet, bevor man sie zum Start nach Woomera in Südaustralien verschiffte.
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Es wurden zwei unterirdische Räume verwendet, die durch einen Tunnel verbunden waren. In diesem geheimen Komplex arbeiteten Wissenschaftler an Raketen wie Black Knight und Black Arrow sowie dem Weltraumsatelliten Prospero.
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Die Raketen basierten auf den deutschen Raketen des Zweiten Weltkriegs und bildeten die Grundlage für das spätere amerikanische Raketenprogramm.  
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Besucher können mehr über die interessante Geschichte erfahren und das unterirdische Museum besuchen, zusammen mit dem besten Blick auf The Needles am Aussichtspunkt.
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Bis 1975 übernahm der National Trust die Needles Old and New Battery zusammen mit dem umliegenden Downland. Die unterirdischen Räume wurden 2004 der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht - sie sind aber nur an bestimmten Tagen geöffnet.
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Die Kammern wurden renoviert, um zu zeigen, wie die Tests durchgeführt wurden und wie das Leben der Wissenschaftler verlief, die hier an den streng geheimen Projekten beteiligt waren.
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Diese Besichtigung ist erstaunlicherweise kostenfrei.  
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Mehrere Pfade rund um die New und Old Batteries führen zu Aussichtspunkten mit Blick auf die Needles Rocks und den ikonischen rot-weiß gestreiften Leuchtturm an der Westspitze der Klippen.
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Der erste Leuchtturm am westlichen Eingang zum Solent wurde 1786 errichtet. Leider führte die Höhe der Klippen dazu, dass das Licht oft in Dunst und Nebel gehüllt war und somit für die Schifffahrt nicht sichtbar war.
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Das wurde 1859 korrigiert, als der heutige Leuchtturm an der äußersten Westspitze der Needles Rocks gebaut wurde. Der Leuchtturm ist 33,5 Meter hoch. Es war über 100 Jahre lang bemannt und wurde erst 1994 vollständig automatisiert. 1987 wurde ein Hubschrauberlandeplatz darauf gebaut.
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Wir laufen zurück zu unserem Auto und fahren einmal um die Ecke zur Warren Farm. Die Farm bietet einen Tea Garden und einen Hofladen.
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Die Farm liegt etwa 800 m Luftlinie östlich von den Needles. Es ist auch nicht weit zum Küstenpfad und der Tea Garden ist an jedem Eingang zum Weidegebiet gut ausgeschildert.  
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Die Hauptgeschäft ist jedoch die Rinderherde. Das Vieh der Farm weidet auf der Tennyson Down des National Trust.  
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Die Kühe sind eine Kreuzung aus Aberdeen Angus- und Hereford-Kühen. Die Mütter behalten ihre Kälber etwa 9 Monate bei sich, bevor die Kälber abgesetzt werden.
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Die Kälber werden dann etwa 2-3 Jahre lang ausschließlich mit Gras ernährt (kein Getreide,  Mais oder Soja erlaubt!), bevor sie als Rindfleisch verkauft werden.  
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Der Hofladen bietet eine kleine Auswahl an Produkten und Geschenken aus der Region: Fleisch, Käse, Milch und Eier von der Isle of Wight sowie das eigene Farm-Rindfleisch.
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Die Preise für den hauseigenen Steak-Pie empfanden wir mit 4,50 £ als sehr moderat.
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Bei diesem fantastischen Wetter ist natürlich auch im Wasser und an den Stränden jede Menge los.
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Yachten werden vorgeführt, Speedboote ausgefahren und besonders hat uns die holländische Gruppe Oldtimer mit ihren Vauxhall Autos gefallen.
Good Night
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The Benbow Mutiny 1702
Vice Admiral John Benbow (1653-1702) went to sea at a young age and served as a mate and captain in the navy from 1678 to 1681. In 1686, while sailing his own frigate Benbow in the Mediterranean, he repelled an attack by a Babar pirate. After numerous promotions, he was sent to the West Indies in 1701 as commander-in-chief of the fleet, where he was to tackle the problem of piracy. With the peace becoming increasingly uneasy, the English government became concerned over the possible fate of the Spanish silver fleet, due to arrive in European waters from America.They were worried that the French would intercept the ships and use the treasure for war preparations. Benbow was issued secret instructions to find the fleet, and then "to seize and bring them to England, taking care that no embezzlement be made". In August 1702, he was sailing with a squadron of seven ships when he sighted and pursued a French fleet off Santa Marta under the command of Admiral Jean du Casse.
However, Vice Admiral Benbow's captains mutinied and his flagship Breda was supported only by Captain Walton's Ruby, which had to withdraw. Benbow's right leg was shattered by a chain shot, but he remained on the quarterdeck until morning, as Captain Krikby, who had joined him, refused to follow and tried to force him to surrender.
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Benbow continued to direct the fight, by J.R. Skeltin (x)
In the end Benbow had to give up as he received no support and his ship was too damaged to continue. Interestingly, however, he received a letter from du Casse shortly afterwards:
   Sir,    I had little hopes on Monday last but to have supped in your cabin:    but it pleased God to order it otherwise. I am thankful for it. As for    those cowardly captains who deserted you, hang them up, for by God    they deserve it.    Yours,    Du Casse.
Acting Rear Admiral Whetstone learned of this incident and immediately began preparations for a court martial. Before the trial could begin, Captain Thomas Hudson, who had commanded HMS Pendennis, died. The remaining captains appeared before the court martial, which met on Breda between 19 and 23 October 1702. Although Benbow was the senior captain, he was unable to preside due to his injuries, but was present when Captains Kirkby and Wade were found guilty of insubordination and cowardice and shot on HMS Bristol on 16 April 1703, after their return to England. John Constable of HMS Windsor was found guilty of insubordination and drunkenness and cashiered. Whatever fate was to be shared by Captains Samuel Vincent and Christopher Fogg, Benbow stood up for them and declared that they had tried to assist him. They were therefore acquitted.
Admiral Benbow, however, succumbed to his wounds on 4 November 1702.
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The Admiral Benbow: Artist: Geoff Campion (x)
Two warships and a 74-gun liner have borne the name HMS Benbow ever since, and Robert Louis Stevenson commemorated him in Treasure Island. The tavern where Jim Hawkins and his mother stayed was called "The Admiral Benbow".
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daycattocgiare · 2 years
Thảm đỏ Oscar 2022 vẫn chói sáng, lộng lẫy giữa dịch Covid-19
Nước Mỹ vẫn đang chịu ảnh hưởng của đại dịch Covid-19, vì thế đêm trao giải Oscar 2022 vẫn phải diễn ra với nhiều hạn chế. Mặc dù vậy, thảm đỏ của Oscar 2022 vẫn thu hút sự quan tâm của công chúng với sự hiện diện của các gương mặt đình đám hoạt động trong lĩnh vực điện ảnh. 
Cho dù đến từ bất kỳ nơi đâu như Los Angeles, Paris hay London, tất cả những vị khách mời đặc biệt, những ứng cử viên sáng giá đều mang đến những màn trình diễn thời gian và thần thái đỉnh cao, thu hút người xem ngay trước "giờ G".
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Judi Dench tại Oscar 2022. (Ảnh: Vouge).
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Timothée Chalamet, diễn viên chính của bộ phim tranh giải Oscar 2022 DUNE. (Ảnh: Vouge).
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Nữ diễn viên Zendaya lộng lẫy trong chiếc đầm dạ hội tone trắng. (Ảnh: Getty).
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Nữ đạo diễn "The Power of the God" Jane Campion. (Ảnh: Vouge).
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Ngôi sao tick, tick...BOOM!, Andrew Garfield. (Ảnh: Page Six).
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Saniyya Sidney tạo dáng trên thảm đỏ trong lễ trao giải Oscar tại Lễ trao giải Oscar lần thứ 94 ở Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, Mỹ. (Ảnh: REUTERS / Mike Blake).
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Geoff McLean, Nyle DiMarco, Matt Ogens và Amaree McKenstry-Hall đã có mặt từ sớm tại đêm trao giải Oscar 2022. (Ảnh: REUTERS).
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Nữ diễn viên Vanessa Hudgens xuất hiện tại lễ trao giải Oscar 2022. (Ảnh: Getty)
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Tracee Ellis Ross tạo dáng trên thảm đỏ. (Ảnh: REUTERS).
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Kirsten Dunst diện váy đỏ lộng lẫy của Christian LaCroix, đeo nữ trang Fred Leighton dự lễ trao giải Oscar 2022. Cô sánh đôi cùng hôn phu Jesse Plemons. Cặp đôi được đề cử ở hạng mục Nữ diễn viên phụ xuất sắc nhất và Nam diễn viên phụ xuất sắc nhất với vai diễn trong phim The Power of the Dog. (Ảnh: Getty Images)
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Lily James và khách mời bước trên thảm đỏ trong lễ trao giải Oscar tại Lễ trao giải Oscar lần thứ 94 ở Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, Mỹ. (Ảnh: REUTERS / Mike Blake)
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Nữ diễn viên Jessica Chastain diện váy Gucci dự thảm đỏ lễ trao giải Oscar 2022. Cô được đề cử ở hạng mục Nữ diễn viên chính xuất sắc nhất với vai diễn trong phim Dune.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Montreal production designer, Halifax short documentary director win early Oscars
Canadians made a strong showing at the Oscars on Sunday night, with early wins going to director Ben Proudfoot and production designer Patrice Vermette.
Halifax's Proudfoot picked up a win for best documentary short subject with his film "The Queen of Basketball," about Lucy Harris, the only woman to be drafted by the NBA.
"This proves that Lucy Harris' story, after 45 years of being ignored, does indeed mean something profound to America and the world," Proudfoot, who was previously nominated in 2021 for "A Concerto Is a Conversation," told The Canadian Press when reached by text at the bash.
"From a quiet town in Mississippi to the world stage, Lucy Harris, The Queen of Basketball, has always and will always belong at the top. Her's is a record that will never be broken."
Vermette, meanwhile, won for best production design for Montreal director Denis Villeneuve's "Dune," which received the second most nominations with 10. The film won four in the pre-telecast.
He shares his win with Hungarian set decorator Zsuzsanna Sipos, and was previously nominated for 2010's "The Young Victoria" and 2017's "Arrival," also directed by Villeneuve.
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced the early wins on Twitter, but footage of the presentations and acceptance speeches were held for an edited version that was set to air later Sunday as part of the live ABC/CTV telecast.
The new format saw early trophies handed out in eight categories, half of them including Canadians: documentary short, film editing, makeup and hairstyling, original score, production design, animated short, live action short, and sound.
Simu Liu, one of three Canadians set to present on the telecast as well as Elliot Page and Shawn Mendes, shone bright in red on the red carpet, while "Dune" stars Zendaya and Timothee Chalamet wowed fans with their looks -- her in a silk half-shirt and matching silver skirt, and him in a shirtless Louis Vuitton ensemble.
Canadians chasing Oscars at the live event included Villeneuve, who was up for best adapted screenplay and best picture for "Dune."
Montreal-based producer Roger Frappier was also up for best picture alongside director Jane Campion and the team for "The Power of the Dog," which led overall with 12 nominations.
The top race also included Toronto producer J. Miles Dale as part of the team behind "Nightmare Alley," along with Mexican director Guillermo del Toro and actor/producer Bradley Cooper. Toronto's Luis Sequeira was up for best costume design.
Other Canadian contenders who lost out in the pre-telecast included Saskatoon's Tamara Deverell and Halifax's Shane Vieau, who shared a nomination for best production design on "Nightmare Alley" and "Dune" makeup artist Donald Mowat of Montreal. The National Film Board's Canada/U.K. co-production "Affairs of the Art" lost out in the animated short category.
In a statement in the days leading up to the show, the NFB had strong words for the change, predicting it "will serve to further marginalize short films, which already struggle to find large audiences."
The academy has said the change was meant to keep the three-hour broadcast "tighter and more electric" for viewers, but it drew intense criticism from many in the film community, including Proudfoot who has said the move "debases certain categories."
Proudfoot faced off against Toronto producer Geoff McLean in the documentary short category.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 27, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/7QGnik2
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The De Lisle Carbine. Produced between 1942 and 1945 it may have been the quietest of all silenced firearms. It was designed around a Lee-Enfield, used .45cartridges and had an integral silencer.
No prizes for guessing the artwork here is by Geoff Campion as his signature gives that away. Not often you see his signature on his comics work.
This was a back page feature from Battle No. 337, dated 17 October 1981. Treasury of British Comics.
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atomheartmagazine · 2 years
New Post has been published on Atom Heart Magazine
New Post has been published on http://www.atomheartmagazine.com/premi-oscar-2022-ecco-tutte-le-nomination/25717
Premi Oscar 2022: ecco tutte le nomination
Durante la diretta streaming sui canali dell’Academy, sono state rese note tutte le nomination ai Premi Oscar 2022. Eccole di seguito.
MIGLIOR FILM – Premi Oscar 2022
“Belfast” Laura Berwick, Kenneth Branagh, Becca Kovacik and Tamar Thomas, Producers
“CODA” Philippe Rousselet, Fabrice Gianfermi and Patrick Wachsberger, Producers
“Don’t Look Up” Adam McKay and Kevin Messick, Producers
“Drive My Car” Teruhisa Yamamoto, Producer
“Dune” Mary Parent, Denis Villeneuve and Cale Boyter, Producers
“King Richard” Tim White, Trevor White and Will Smith, Producers
“Licorice Pizza” Sara Murphy, Adam Somner and Paul Thomas Anderson, Producers
“Nightmare Alley” Guillermo del Toro, J. Miles Dale and Bradley Cooper, Producers
“The Power of the Dog” Jane Campion, Tanya Seghatchian, Emile Sherman, Iain Canning and Roger Frappier, Producers
“West Side Story” Steven Spielberg and Kristie Macosko Krieger, Producers
“Belfast” Kenneth Branagh
“Drive My Car” Ryusuke Hamaguchi
“Licorice Pizza” Paul Thomas Anderson
“The Power of the Dog” Jane Campion
“West Side Story” Steven Spielberg
Javier Bardem in “Being the Ricardos”
Benedict Cumberbatch in “The Power of the Dog”
Andrew Garfield in “tick, tick…BOOM!”
Will Smith in “King Richard”
Denzel Washington in “The Tragedy of Macbeth”
Jessica Chastain in “The Eyes of Tammy Faye”
Olivia Colman in “The Lost Daughter”
Penélope Cruz in “Parallel Mothers”
Nicole Kidman in “Being the Ricardos”
Kristen Stewart in “Spencer”
Ciarán Hinds in “Belfast”
Troy Kotsur in “CODA”
Jesse Plemons in “The Power of the Dog”
J.K. Simmons in “Being the Ricardos”
Kodi Smit-McPhee in “The Power of the Dog”
Jessie Buckley in “The Lost Daughter”
Ariana DeBose in “West Side Story”
Judi Dench in “Belfast”
Kirsten Dunst in “The Power of the Dog”
Aunjanue Ellis in “King Richard”
“Encanto” Jared Bush, Byron Howard, Yvett Merino and Clark Spencer
“Flee” Jonas Poher Rasmussen, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen and Charlotte De La Gournerie
“Luca” Enrico Casarosa and Andrea Warren
“The Mitchells vs. the Machines” Mike Rianda, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Kurt Albrecht
“Raya and the Last Dragon” Don Hall, Carlos López Estrada, Osnat Shurer and Peter Del Vecho
“Dune” Greig Fraser
“Nightmare Alley” Dan Laustsen
“The Power of the Dog” Ari Wegner
“The Tragedy of Macbeth” Bruno Delbonnel
“West Side Story” Janusz Kaminski
“Cruella” Jenny Beavan
“Cyrano” Massimo Cantini Parrini and Jacqueline Durran
“Dune” Jacqueline West and Robert Morgan
“Nightmare Alley” Luis Sequeira
“West Side Story” Paul Tazewell
“Ascension” Jessica Kingdon, Kira Simon-Kennedy and Nathan Truesdell
“Attica” Stanley Nelson and Traci A. Curry
“Flee” Jonas Poher Rasmussen, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen and Charlotte De La Gournerie
“Summer of Soul (…Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson, Joseph Patel, Robert Fyvolent and David Dinerstein
“Writing with Fire” Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh
“Audible” Matt Ogens and Geoff McLean
“Lead Me Home” Pedro Kos and Jon Shenk
“The Queen of Basketball” Ben Proudfoot
“Three Songs for Benazir” Elizabeth Mirzaei and Gulistan Mirzaei
“When We Were Bullies” Jay Rosenblatt
“Don’t Look Up” Hank Corwin
“Dune” Joe Walker
“King Richard” Pamela Martin
“The Power of the Dog” Peter Sciberras
“tick, tick…BOOM!” Myron Kerstein and Andrew Weisblum
“Drive My Car” Japan
“Flee” Denmark
“The Hand of God” Italy
“Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom” Bhutan
“The Worst Person in the World” Norway
“Coming 2 America” Mike Marino, Stacey Morris and Carla Farmer
“Cruella” Nadia Stacey, Naomi Donne and Julia Vernon
“Dune” Donald Mowat, Love Larson and Eva von Bahr
“The Eyes of Tammy Faye” Linda Dowds, Stephanie Ingram and Justin Raleigh
“House of Gucci” Göran Lundström, Anna Carin Lock and Frederic Aspiras
“Don’t Look Up” Nicholas Britell
“Dune” Hans Zimmer
“Encanto” Germaine Franco
“Parallel Mothers” Alberto Iglesias
“The Power of the Dog” Jonny Greenwood
“Be Alive” from “King Richard” Music and Lyric by DIXSON and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
“Dos Oruguitas” from “Encanto” Music and Lyric by Lin-Manuel Miranda
“Down To Joy” from “Belfast” Music and Lyric by Van Morrison
“No Time To Die” from “No Time to Die” Music and Lyric by Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell
“Somehow You Do” from “Four Good Days” Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
“Dune” Production Design: Patrice Vermette; Set Decoration: Zsuzsanna Sipos
“Nightmare Alley” Production Design: Tamara Deverell; Set Decoration: Shane Vieau
“The Power of the Dog” Production Design: Grant Major; Set Decoration: Amber Richards
“The Tragedy of Macbeth” Production Design: Stefan Dechant; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh
“West Side Story” Production Design: Adam Stockhausen; Set Decoration: Rena DeAngelo
“Affairs of the Art” Joanna Quinn and Les Mills
“Bestia” Hugo Covarrubias and Tevo Díaz
“Boxballet” Anton Dyakov
“Robin Robin” Dan Ojari and Mikey Please
“The Windshield Wiper” Alberto Mielgo and Leo Sanchez
“Ala Kachuu – Take and Run” Maria Brendle and Nadine Lüchinger
“The Dress” Tadeusz Łysiak and Maciej Ślesicki
“The Long Goodbye” Aneil Karia and Riz Ahmed
“On My Mind” Martin Strange-Hansen and Kim Magnusson
“Please Hold” K.D. Dávila and Levin Menekse
“Belfast” Denise Yarde, Simon Chase, James Mather and Niv Adiri
“Dune” Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Theo Green, Doug Hemphill and Ron Bartlett
“No Time to Die” Simon Hayes, Oliver Tarney, James Harrison, Paul Massey and Mark Taylor
“The Power of the Dog” Richard Flynn, Robert Mackenzie and Tara Webb
“West Side Story” Tod A. Maitland, Gary Rydstrom, Brian Chumney, Andy Nelson and Shawn Murphy
“Dune” Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, Brian Connor and Gerd Nefzer
“Free Guy” Swen Gillberg, Bryan Grill, Nikos Kalaitzidis and Dan Sudick
“No Time to Die” Charlie Noble, Joel Green, Jonathan Fawkner and Chris Corbould
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” Christopher Townsend, Joe Farrell, Sean Noel Walker and Dan Oliver
“Spider-Man: No Way Home” Kelly Port, Chris Waegner, Scott Edelstein and Dan Sudick
“CODA” Screenplay by Siân Heder
“Drive My Car” Screenplay by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Takamasa Oe
“Dune” Screenplay by Jon Spaihts and Denis Villeneuve and Eric Roth
“The Lost Daughter” Written by Maggie Gyllenhaal
“The Power of the Dog” Written by Jane Campion
“Belfast” Written by Kenneth Branagh
“Don’t Look Up” Screenplay by Adam McKay; Story by Adam McKay & David Sirota
“King Richard” Written by Zach Baylin
“Licorice Pizza” Written by Paul Thomas Anderson
“The Worst Person in the World” Written by Eskil Vogt, Joachim Trier
Qui tutte le nomination ai Premi Oscar 2022 sul sito dell’Academy.
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f1dimension · 4 years
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#inmemoriam - Il 19 maggio 2014 morì Sir Jack Brabham, uno dei piloti simbolo degli anni cinquanta e sessanta in Formula 1 con la conquista di tre titoli iridati nel 1959, 1960 e 1966. 'Black Jack' fu il primo Campione del Mondo con una vettura con motore posteriore, la Cooper-Climax, con cui si aggiudicó i suoi primi due allori iridati battendo piloti del calibro di Stirling Moss e Bruce Mclaren pur non godendo dell'appoggio ufficiale della casa automobilistica britannica. Nel 1962, sfruttando i suoi studi in ingegneria e l'esperienza accumulata nell'automobilismo, fondó la Motor Racing Developments (comunemente conosciuta con il nome Brabham) dando vita alla sua prima monoposto di F1. Dopo alcune annate poco soddisfacenti dal punto di vista dei risultati, Jack Brabham conquistó il suo terzo titolo nel 1966, diventando il primo e unico pilota capace di laurearsi Campione del Mondo con un team di sua proprietà. L'anno dopo sfioró di nuovo il titolo ma il suo compagno di squadra Denny Hulme lo sconfisse per soli 5 punti, venendo per questo appiedato l'anno successivo. Nei successivi tre anni Brabham raccolse una sola vittoria, nel Gran Premio del Sudafrica 1970, ritirandosi poi al termine della stessa stagione per dedicarsi alla creazione della Judd, fornitrice di propulsori per Williams, Lotus, Tyrrell e Arrows. I suoi figli David, Geoff e Gary tentarono di ripercorrere le sue gesta, senza tuttavia conseguire titoli nella massima formula automobilistica. Geoff e David vinsero una edizione della 24 Ore di Le Mans a testa, rispettivamente nel 1993 e nel 2009. #sirjackbrabham #formula1 #brabham #mrd #jackbrabham #f1 #onthisday #nestedia #formel1 #otd #motorsport https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXvNthIuAu/?igshid=1uvjnipuz4fw8
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downthetubes · 2 years
Comic Spotlight: "Turville's Touchstone", aka "The Spellbinder", from Lion
Check out this clever "Spellbinder" artwork offering a complete story in just one illustration...
Here’s some smashing art featuring British comic character “The Spellbinder”, providing a story told in just one illustration, as you’ll discover reading on, presumably drawn by the series regular artist Geoff Campion. Although “The Spellbinder” ran in Lion for several years, this art featured in The Valiant Book of Mystery and Magic (1976), one of the last appearances by the characters, where…
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nationalssquash · 4 years
2020 Masters Day THREE : Semi-Finalists Decided
Stuart Hardy reports
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Pat Kirton has more National Masters titles than anyone.  18.  And a host of British Opens.  He showed his class today beating current World O80 Champion Lance Kinder in straight games.
Another prolific champion is the Men’s 75s.  Adrian Wright (YKS) is a four-time World Champion and has nine National titles.  He overcame a spirited challenge from John Robertson (DYS) winning in four and will meet Ken Johnson (NLD) who squeezed past Thomas Elves in an all North East clash.  In the other half British Open Champion Mike Clemson (YKS) will meet Scotland No 1 Ken Reid.
Top seed and former Open and National Champion Barry Featherstone (HPH) had a hard time against Jonathan Firth (CHS) in the Over 70s winning in four and now meets Ian Graham (SSX).  They have each won once this season.  The other semi will be between England captain Larry Grover (HPH) and Scotland No 1 Ian Ross, a former European Champion.
The top four seeds came through in the 65s.  Stuart Hardy (MDX) the Masters Chairman had another 3/2 win – this over Terry Belshaw (CBA) and now has the pleasure of a match with top seed and five-time champion Mark Cowley (MDX).  In the other half defending champion Steve Johnson (LNH) removed Geoff Redfern (WKS) in three close games and will play Simon Evenden (NHM) who proved too mobile for Paul Reader (HPH).
The match of the Men’s 60s was between a former champion Jeremy Goulding (AVN) and James Ockwell (MDX) back in his first event for five years.  In a match full of some great squash Goulding saved the fourth and held on for a 12/10 in the fifth for the win.  He meets Neil Harrison (DCL) in one semi while top seed and defending Champion Jon Evan (Wales) awaits.  He overcame Scotland No 1 Robin Ridley and now plays European Champion Allen Barwise (LNH) who got a revenge win over George Kousseff (HPH).
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Hampshire’s Jon Foster continues to impress in the 55s and now meets Ray Burke (LNH) who has been frantically training since Christmas and given up alcohol.  It paid off as he saved match points and won a five-game thriller against Darren Withey (BUX).  In the other half Alex Betts (MDX) tamed the powerful Steve Calvert (NLD) and meets his season’s nemesis in former champion Eamonn Price (HFD).
Four times National Champion Yawar Abbas (DCL) gave another master class in the Mens 50s and sets up a semi with Steve McLoughlin (HPH) who won an all action match against Phil Yerby (BUX) the defending National Champion in five,  There was an upset in the other half as No 2 seed Dave Youngs (NOR) lost in four to Tim Clark (DCL) and he meets County colleague Andy Cross who made it three semi-finals out of four for Durham.
In a battle of the Nicks, the O45 top seed Nick Wall (YKS) survived by a slim 12/10 in the fifth against the talented Nick Staunton (IRE) the 2018 Champion.  He now meets Matt Stephenson (YKS) who stunned Devon’s Jon Gallacher in a power-hitting match.  The other half of the draw saw Ashley Bowling (OFE) book his semi-final with a 3/0 win over Wales No 1 Jonathan Davies and he plays defending champion Paul Boyle (BUX).
Former circuit pro Darren Lewis (LEC) stormed into the semi-finals of the Men’s 40s against Tim Burrell (BRK) and now plays local pro Nick Hargreaves who much to the delight of the home crowd came through against Nick Freer (MDX).  The other half had former champion Matt Marshall (BUX) take on the powerful Mick Biggs (MDX) and Biggs went two games up before Marshall struck back and survived match points in the fourth before taking it 20/18 and then clinched the fifth 11/9 in a thriller of high class squash.
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In the Blue Riband event the Men’s 35s top seeds showed their class.  Top seed and Army Champion Sam Miller (WKS) beat Paul Stroud (LEC) and meets British Open Champion Phil Nightingale (SRY) who had too much for Keith Timms (HFD).  Another Surrey pro Phil Rushworth, the No 2 seed, despatched Norfolk champion Matt Bolt and will meet another Norfolk star in Jamie Goodrich who had too much game for Surrey’s Tony Webb.
The Women’s events moved into full action.  The 60s boasts three World Champions and two of them will meet in one semi as Julie Field (YKS) beat Scotland’s Eunice Bond while Jill Champion (MDX) won through against Lynne Davies of Wales.  Meanwhile Karen Hume (KNT) removed Susan Pynegar (NOT) and will meet the very skilful Sian Johnson (WAL) the No 2 seed.
The defending Champion in the 55s is Mandy Akin (KNT) and she progressed smoothly and will meet Jackie Gregory (ESX) who upset the seedings beating Isobel Smith (HFD) in five.  Meanwhile the woman with the most Regional titles, Fran Wallis (LCN), booked a semi-final against Hilary Kenyon (CHS) defeating Polly Woodward (CHS) while Kenyon beat Surrey’s Tammy Bennett.
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European Champion Andrea Santamaria (YKS) is the one to beat in the Women’s 50s.  Dorset’s Bev Vatcher gave her all and took the first but was then pegged back and overpowered.  She plays Rackethon Champion Izzy Bramhall (NOT) who beat another Dorset player Sharmine Coleman.
The defending Champion in the Women’s over 45s is Rachel Woodward (NOT) and she had too much game for Zoe Shardlow (SSX) and now has a semi-final against Louisa Dalwood (HFD).  The seeds in the other half survived and Sarah Parr (BKS) edged home in four against Linda Pritchard (SPE) and meets England teammate Rachel Calver (LEC) for a place in the final.
The Women’s 35s seeds all meet in the semi-finals.  Sarah Campion (CHS) will meet county colleague Natalie Husdon.  She beat Reka Gay (CBE) in straight games.  Second seed Sarah-Jane Neller (ESX) proved too good for Elaine Radcliffe (SPE) and plays Sophie Beake (BRK) who defeated Gemma Barber (DOR) also in straight games.
The semi-finals will all be at Nottingham Squash Club on Saturday from 11 am.  Spectators are welcome.
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thegeoffshow · 5 years
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The Campion Brothers & Billy Ryan Painted LIVE at 11th St Bar ,Manhattan, by Geoff Rawling ,March 2019
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