torssi · 5 days
Za moje pojme en boljsih setov oceta #loveparade, Dr.Motte, ki dokazujejo, kako prefinjen okus ima in koliko steje osebna zakladnica znanja, da lahko mesas stare dragulje z novitetami, ki jih ne gre spregledati. Kot clovek je srcno prizemljen in dostopen za ptice istega perja, da lahko skupaj letimo. Redno nam dokazuje, da leta in izkusnje res stejejo in da so sivi paneterji se kako privlacni, ce znas gledati s srcem <3
Brez kulure, ni naroda!
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janezplatise · 2 years
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signoraviolettavalery · 3 months
you know that joke about how the BBC has 3 sets and 6 actors
being into Slovenian music is a little like that, because it feels like they have 6 singers, one violin player, two music video actors, three backup singers, and they all know each other, and also the singers are all writing each other's songs
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poletje-s-teboj · 1 year
In honour of Joker Out representing Slovenia at this years Eurovision, here are my Top 5 songs:
1. Gola (Umazane misli)
2. Novi Val (Demoni)
3. Ona (Demoni)
4. Omamljeno telo (Umazane misli)
5. Ne bi smel (Demoni)
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[ENG SUB] Joker Out talking about their life in London.
The original was published on the 20th of February 2024, the video can be found at www.24ur.com/popin/glasba/joker-out-o-zivljenju-v-londonu-vsako-jutro-najprej-vidis-stiri-moske.htm
Full video translation available on our YouTube channel ➡️: https://youtu.be/zyexJJGoYew
Transcript, translation and subtitles by a member of Joker Out Subs, proofread by @klámstrákur (Twitter).
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musicalislife · 9 months
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They f***ing need to rest!!!
Bojan had preformed concerts while:
Having a full blown panic attack
Just having an IV
I don’t know how the others do but I don’t think they do much better (I’m hoping I’m just overthink it but I’m just scared from them).
Screenshot from @jokeroutsubs they are making translations of Joker Out interviews and much more. I put their translated interview below.
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rosetta-j-stone · 5 months
Dispatches from 19th Slovenian Class incoming : D
Today we learned how to invite ONE OTHER PERSON to coffee/dinner/a concert/etc.
Yes, today we have finally reached the most important lesson of all: How to chat up a Slovenian.
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Or five.
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Also hilariously, the other student (AKA the Normal One(TM)) was all "OK but how do you say ABSOLUTELY NOT to such an invitation" and I was all "This perfectly illustrates the difference between the Polish and the English because I would simply say 'Yes we should do that sometime' (or not answer at all) and then NEVER SPEAK TO THE PERSON AGAIN"
(In case you're wondering, you'd say nikakor. Ni za kaj.)
Anyway, other phrases learned today (we were talking about hobbies again) that reminded me of a certain person (mislim, da vsi vemo, kdo je):
nimam časa kuhati/za kuhanje
zanimata ga glasba in šport
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protoindoeuropean · 8 months
Tista glasba od plešočih tumblrin, ki postaneta mjučualki, je Haunted od Laure Les, kar sicer čisto mogoče že veš (potem me komot ignoriraj), ampak samo omenim, ker je ena mojih najljubših pesmi in jo takoj prepoznam 😅. Lep dan želim in prijeten september!
Sm mogu takoj pobrskat po zaznamkih, tak da sm našu, ampak hvala!! Znak dobrega okusa 👌 Če poznaš še kej na podobno vižo, se priporočam 😌
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matejzeleznik · 2 years
Kaj prinesel bo čas.
Matej Železnik
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fl0werrss · 2 years
“ali politika ali glasba” OMG FAKING NE??
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torssi · 5 days
Danes se v techno vracajo elementi acida izpred tridesetih let, ko je acid glasba definirala smernice za razvoj post-hipijevske, P.L.U.R. svobodomiselne revolucije generacije X in Y, ki jo se danes imenujemo pod skupnim imenom #RAVE. Veverice, kot smo se radi poimenovali pobesnele skokice na plesiscih po vsem svetu, obleceni v zivahne barve, oprijetih elasticnih materialov, da se je pot sproti susil smo bili glasni podporniki LGBT+ in ostalih pravic vseh źivih bitij po svetu. Berlinska miljonska zabava na ulicah imenovana #loveparade pa je seveda zgodba zase in kapo dol legendarnemu #drmotte in njegovi organizaciji #ravetheplanet za ozivitev dogodka sicer pod drugimi imeni, a glavno je sporocilo.
Make love not war! PLUR
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signoraviolettavalery · 3 months
Okay so at this point I truly don't know which line to choose, nonnie, so here's what you get instead: Slovenian music propaganda! Which is related, I promise!
I've become obsessed with Slovenia's 1997 entry
Somewhere at the town's end, an old house sleeps Behind the ninth window, a girl is awake The golden moon is counting her tears The night hides them, just like they're stars
"Wake up, good prince I would like to give you all My dreams and my youth"
Anyway, assuming Eurovision exists in this world, imagine lonely, young vampire bride Jan, looking at the stars and dreaming, thinking maybe he'll have a fairytale prince for a husband. Someone kind. And he knows he'll be married young, so he wants someone who will be his good prince, to whom he'll give his youth, his best years, and who will fulfill all his dreams.
And then....Gaspar.
Anyway Slovenia keeps singing utter masterpieces to Eurovision and getting robbed and if they decided to say "fuck it' and stop participating I wouldn't blame them
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sonicchill · 12 days
(David Singletary) https://on.soundcloud.com/THrPspPxo8qakMHu9                      NOVA GLASBA ~ z ljubeznijo ~ za mir ~ sprostitev  UŽIVAJTE V TEDNU S HLADILNIKI SONIC  Najlepša HVALA za POSLUŠANJE in PODPORO NEODVISNIM umetnikom, glasbenikom in DJ-jem :)
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
Henlo Henlo, i’ve just found out another cool interview to translate! The newest Val 202 interview, where Bojan and Jan talk about Eurovision experience, third album, Gregorgate and changes within the band (listened to the whole already as a lang resource, but it’s so worth translating): https://val202.rtvslo.si/podkast/glasba-202/173251598/174977488
Hi, yes, we're already on it, it's our top priority and coming asap ;))
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rosetta-j-stone · 7 months
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I...I have several misli about this picture
( Image source: https://www.24ur.com/popin/glasba/joker-out-vrhunsko-nadvladali-stozice.html )
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