#globo aerostático
wgm-beautiful-world · 10 months
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
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Igualada (Penedès, Catalonia) during the European Balloon Festival.
They celebrate it ever summer since 1997 and gather about 50 balloons for 4 days. The city also gets decorated with "wind igloos" that host concerts, poetry recitals, storytelling for children, and workshops.
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Photos from ebf.cat.
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jukeboxofjellycat · 3 months
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Owner/artist on Instagram: pusheenmc
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joelsanradar · 1 year
#Hidalgo DETIENEN AL OPERADOR DEL #GLOBO AEROSTÁTICO ACCIDENTADO EN #TEOTIHUACÁN *Ahora buscan a Zaid “N”, dueño de la empresa operadora de globos.
*Ahora buscan a Zaid “N”, dueño de la empresa operadora de globos. Tulancingo de Bravo, Hgo.-  Víctor “N”, operador del globo aerostático accidentado la mañana del sábado en las inmediaciones de la zona arqueológica de Teotihuacán, fue asegurado por elementos de la policía de investigación del Estado de México y puesto bajo custodia por su probable responsabilidad en la muerte de dos personas y…
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sintagma11 · 1 year
Noticias más importantes de hoy lunes 6 de febrero de 2023
China protesta a Estados Unidos por dar de baja globo aerostático🪂
Empleos que serán sustituidos por IA próximos 10 años🤖
El Negocio de los Incendios Forestales🔥
Apareció Esturión en playas del Atlántico🦈
Italia sufre un apagón de internet masivo y ciberataque❗️
Toda la Información: https://bit.ly/3HXjGAU
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blackpointgame · 1 month
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canci0nes · 11 months
Prehistöricos - Globos Aerostáticos
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englobomexico · 1 year
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✅ Volar en #Teotihuacán es toda una Aventura 😃😱 😎 Atrévete a vivir está increíble experiencia... Pregunta por nuestros Vuelos y Promociones 🎁🤩 Escríbenos un para información 👍🏼📲 (+52) 55 4496 2609 https://wa.me/message/5BSUSHAKJC2MK1 #vuelaydescubre #teotihuacanmexico #globos #travelphotography #mexico #travel #vuelaconclaseyseguridad . . #PuebloMágicos #GlobosAerostáticos #Aventura #VuelosEnGlobo #TeotihuacanMéxico #PiramideDelSol #piramides #Teotihuacan #aerostáticos #globo #vueloengloboaerostatico #globosaerostaticos #vueloenmexico⁣⁣⁣ #globosaerostaticoteotihuacan #lugarromantico #lugarconencanto #conocemexico #descubremexico #paisajes #findesemanaincreible #saldecasaviajando #cumpleaños https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5c9CPJcsd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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labrecha · 2 months
Exhibición de Globos Aerostáticos en el Pueblo Mágico, General Cepeda
Invitan a la Exhibición de #GlobosAerostáticos en el #PuebloMágico, #GeneralCepeda y el #FestivaldelaDiscada
** Invitan a 4to Festival de la Discada, tendrán una bolsa de premiación de 21 mil pesos. General Cepeda, Coahuila de Zaragoza / Febrero 23 de 2024.- Por primera vez General Cepeda tendrá una exhibición de globos aerostáticos, exhibición de drones y el 4to Festival de la Discada, los tres eventos serán el 16 y 17 de marzo en la Unidad Deportiva Fernando Villegas Rico, a un costado de la…
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Viajes deseados “Viajes en globo aerostático en Capadocia, Turquía 🇹🇷”
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wgm-beautiful-world · 10 months
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leventisikli · 2 years
Globos Aerostáticos
Los globos aerostáticos están todos fabricados con materiales de primera calidad, revisados ​​diariamente antes de cada vuelo, la seguridad es la consigna de la empresa con la que estamos trabajando. La canasta de cada globo aerostático puede acomodar 12 personas. Vuelo en Globo Aerostático Capadocia
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secretpostsposts · 2 months
¡Hola!✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ Casi llegando al final de la segunda película, Obsessive!JD va al territorio de los trolls del Rock, solamente por curiosidad por todo ese asunto de la gira de Barb. Llegando en el momento justo en dónde aparece Branch en el globo aerostático y precencia el momento en el que convierten a Branch en un RockZombie. ¿Cómo reaccionaria?
well this would be a bit chaotic; and I mean totally crazy. If John Dory were there to see how his little brother sacrificed himself for a troll that John does not know, he saw him renounce his free will, become a shadow of himself, he saw him 'reborn', for a queen of Rock who blindly believed what to do that was good.
John was at the top of the stands, he arrived there because he heard that all the trolls were taken there by the Rock Trolls, John just wanted to know if Branch was alive, if he would be there, and if so, get his brother out of there. and take him away from the Rock Trolls madness.
So he arrived, there was just a big hot air balloon with what he recognized as Reggueton and K-Pop Trolls, and just there, he easily recognized that little troll, he knows him.
It's his brother's baby, his Branch.
So when he saw him jump and that lightning hit him, he felt like the air had been knocked out of him, his little brother.
He shouted as loud as he could, which surprised him since he had no more air in his lungs, but this came from his heart, his brother was there right there, and he couldn't keep her safe; another failure to his list.
That crazy queen had turned him into a zombie, she wasn't his brother, his baby would never look like that.
He could feel the gaze of many trolls on him but he didn't care, if someone tried to stop him, John would hit him and get him out of his way, he heard many bones crunch, he didn't care who he hurt, he just needed to get to Branch.
and so he did, he jumped on stage and tackled that Queen of Rock, he threw the guitar away from her, and he had no mercy,
He hit her and hit her, she could feel the hot liquid stain her knuckles and her face, John was growling and yelling at her, insults, threats, how he would kill her for messing with his brother, she only stopped when she heard Branch growl, it was a warning growl. John knows them and he's done a lot like that before, but having his brother do something against him shocked him a little, so he growled in response, this made Branch moan and start to shake when John approached him and hugged him. John didn't care about the blood that stained him and the bloody and traumatic scene that he made the other tribes see. He only cared that his baby brother was okay, and now he just had to get him out of this trance that the Rock Queen put him in.
He moved away from Branch but took his arm to keep him from moving away. He could now see the Queen. She certainly did a number on his face. She would get up and order him to be caught. She would order Branch. That only made John Dory. he will get more angry.
"How do I free him?" John looked into her eyes, or well into her eye that wasn't covered in blood and swelling, she moved away from her when John took a step towards her.
“Get away!” she yelled at him.
John Dory just smiled at him, a smile that he used sometimes when someone tried to mess with his brothers, he could see how other trolls got as far away from the stage as they could; He looked askance at the guitar, he didn't need the 'queen' to tell him how to free his brother, he could do it.
He dragged Branch with hers, her brother couldn't resist, the girl Branch tried to protect yelled at him to let him go, John ignored her, he has more important things to do than deal with a brat.
"DON'T TOUCH THAT" the rock troll tried to take the guitar from her when John picked it up, still holding Branch's arm, when he saw that the 'queen' got close enough, he turned quickly and hit her with the body of the guitar on the back. Face, a wet and metallic CRACK was heard; The girl fell to the floor complaining of pain, and the guitar in John's hand broke, he threw it at the rock queen watching the strings on it fade away.
John just scoffed watching the brat get devastated, she didn't care about being gray, as long as she had Branch.
"What happened?" John turned, he heard his neck creak because of that but he didn't care, Branch was right next to him, gray, but free from Rock's control.
"Baby Branch!" John shouted with joy, and hugged his brother, he sobbed a little, finally he had his baby brother in his arms again, and no one would ever take him away from him.
(in the end Cooper and Prince D do what they did in the movie and everyone sings and so on, except Barb and Branch, because Barb has a broken jaw and John Dory doesn't let Branch get close to anyone and vice versa, Branch doesn't know why. everyone seems so scared of John and John is all smiles and silly things; but cold stares when Branch isn't looking; and Branch is more worried about the blood on John, because he thinks John is the one who's hurt) it's hilarious
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viejospellejos · 3 months
Un tipo intenta saltar de un globo aerostático en pleno vuelo:
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Sabias QUE?
El deportista Chris Randall se encontraba en Red Pike (Wasdale, Reino Unido) en un día nublado cuando algo le estremeció. Una sombra parecía seguirle por detrás. Pero en realidad no era ni una persona, ni un fantasma, ni ningún suceso paranormal. Se trata del espectro de Brocken, un efecto que se produce cuando la sombra de alguien se ve proyectada en las nubes o en la niebla. Es algo habitual de ver cuando se viaja en avión y la sombra de la aeronave se intuye entre las nubes.
Para poder comprender bien este fenómeno hay que remontarse al año 1780 en las montañas Hartz de Alemania. En esta zona de bosques se encuentra el pico Brocken, el monte más alto de esta sierra con 1.142 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar. Este sitio siempre ha estado sujeto a leyendas y fue precisamente allí donde el naturista y biólogo alemán Johann Esaias Silberschlag descubrió lo que hasta entonces la gente del lugar conocía como “el espectro de la montaña”. Este fenómeno le impresionó tanto que, no dejándose llevar por la leyenda popular, decidió investigarlo y bautizarlo con el nombre de la zona donde solía observarse.
Pero la explicación al espectro de Brocken no es nada complicada. Se produce normalmente en zonas de montaña con niebla y siempre que el sol brilla detrás de nosotros. La luz del astro rey proyecta la sombra del espectador sobre el banco de niebla que se encuentre por delante. Por la difracción de la luz, alrededor de dicha sombra aparece una especie de aura de color arcoíris al reflejarse la luz solar sobre las gotitas de agua suspendidas y que forman la niebla.
Sin embargo, no sólo observaremos formas humanoides ya que también se han avistado con la sombra de un avión o globo aerostático.
Además, en ocasiones si el banco de niebla no es estático y se mueve, puede dar la sensación de que la sombra humana lo hace con ella, intentando hacer creer al espectador que algo sobrenatural lo persigue.
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ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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ignacionovo · 1 month
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¡Hola, buenos días, humanidad! 🌍 ¡Feliz domingo! 💪🌟🚀🏆🌈📈🌱🌞🎯🌺 Hoy os dejo una postal de Cappadocia, una región histórica de Anatolia Central en Turquía, conocida por su paisaje único y su rica historia. La zona es famosa por sus formaciones geológicas distintivas, conocidas como "chimeneas de hadas", y por sus ciudades subterráneas, que fueron utilizadas como refugios por los habitantes locales a lo largo de los siglos. En 1985, la UNESCO incluyó a Cappadocia en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad, protegiendo así una zona de 9576 hectáreas. La región ha sido un cruce de caminos de rutas comerciales y ha sufrido invasiones continuas, lo que ha llevado a sus habitantes a construir estas impresionantes ciudades subterráneas con múltiples niveles, algunas de las cuales pueden albergar hasta 20,000 personas. Además, Cappadocia es un destino popular para los viajes en globo aerostático, ofreciendo vistas espectaculares de su paisaje lunar.
Para tener en cuenta...
Las conexiones no pueden medirse en tiempo, sino en cuánto te ayudan a verte a ti mismo. Puedes amar a alguien durante años y aun así perderte. Pero en una semana puedes conocer a alguien y ver tu alma entera en esa persona. No hay reglas para el corazón ni para sentirse seguro. No hay límites de tiempo para esa profundidad. Solo tienes que confiar en ello, verlo y entender que a veces el universo lucha para que las almas se encuentren. No se cuestiona ni se compara, simplemente se siente. Ten el coraje de sentirlo.
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