#gratsu fanfics
uranusgallery · 10 months
「 Fairy Tail 」
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Se usar, favor, creditar @UranusMang
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sun-stricken · 7 months
im so weak for fics where natsu gets called ‘ashes’
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
so everyone loves the feral dragon slayer mating ritual fanfics but i never ever see any feral devil slayer mating ritual fics.
natsu has had his entire life to prepare and normalize the quirks being a dragon slayer has. gray had like a few hours. there should be more fics about gray going aboslutely feral at the drop of a hat one day and not having any idea what to do
bonus points if natsu applies his dragon slayer behavior to grays devil slayer behavior and tries to help him work through the worst of it. literally a "no one else can help you like i can" situation.
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aki-natsuko · 5 months
“Have you seen Natsu?” Gray asked, managing to pause Mira for a second as she whirled between tables, juggling empty glasses with a tray of filled pint glasses.
“Not recently,” Mira replied after a moment, dodging a fist from a wizard who’d already had far too much to drink with practiced ease, turning to drop a fresh drink down in front of Macao. “Happy was with Wendy and Carla, but I don’t think I’ve seen Natsu since Erza clubbed him on the head for starting that brawl with Elfman…”
“Okay, thanks…” Gray released her, and she was immediately swept away into the chaos of a guild that was determined to celebrate New Year in the proper fashion. The Ice Mage couldn’t blame them. Not that long ago it had felt like Fairy Tail was going to disappear forever, and their futures along with it. That they were all still here, and that Fairy Tail was stronger than ever was something more than worth celebrating. And yet his heart wasn’t in it this year. Too much had happened. Too much had been broken and lost. The scars were still bleeding, maybe out of sight, but still there. But Erza had insisted that they all be here for Gramps sake if nothing else when he’d brought up his doubts in a quiet moment, and Natsu had seemed keen enough, although his idiot was happy just to be around the guild.
Or so it had seemed, but the Dragon-slayer had been off since they had got here. Even his brawl with Elfman had been half-hearted – not that Erza’s reaction had been any the less extreme. And now Midnight was only ten minutes away and there was no sign of the Flamebrain, and Gray had no intention of seeing in the New Year without his partner, not after everything they had been through.
Clambering up on the end of a bench he peered over the crowd, finally spotting Happy and the others over near the bar chatting with Gildarts and Cana. Dropping back down, he caught a boot to the chin and staggered backwards, before shaking it off and shoving through the crowd towards his teammates. Lucy was the first to spot him, flushed and a little tipsy as she waved a drink in his direction. “Gray, come and join us!”
“I will, I just need to find the flamebrain, have you seen him?”
“No…” Lucy frowned and looked around as though just noticing the Dragon-slayer was missing. “I assumed he was with you…”
“He was…” And then he had been pulled into a conversation with Lisanna and Juvia, and Natsu had disappeared, and the Ice Mage was growing increasingly concerned.
“I think he went upstairs,” Happy piped up. “ Do you want me to go check?”
“No, it’s fine,” Gray smiled at him, knowing the little Exceed wanted to be with Carla for New Year. “I’ll go and find him, thank you.”
“Hurry back, it’s not long to the bells,” Erza ordered.
“I know.” Gray managed to not roll his eyes…just. Why did she think he was looking for Natsu? It was definitely not safer to ask, and he hurried for the stairs, ducking beneath thrown punches, spilt drinks and more than one tipsy attempt to dance with him.
Reaching the stairs, he bolted up them. As soon as Happy had said Natsu had gone upstairs, he knew where the Dragon-slayer had gone.
Sure enough the window at the end of the infirmary was open, swinging lightly in the breeze. Taking a deep breath, Gray climbed out of the window, swinging himself up onto the roof. Sure enough, there was his missing idiot, huddled up against the ridge between the two levels of the roof, and staring out over Magnolia.
“…Hey,” Natsu managed a wan smile for him, which was all the encouragement Gray needed to move carefully across the roof to join him. Easily settling into what had become one of their favourite quiet spots since the guild had been rebuilt again.
“I missed you,” Gray murmured as he settled next to him, and pressed into the familiar warmth.
“Don’t apologise,” Gray replied. “Is everything all right? You’re going to miss the bells.”
“I can hear them up here,” Natsu pointed out, looking away, ears turning red and betraying him as he added quietly. “And you’re here now.”
“As if I was going to see in the New Year without you,” Gray retorted. “But you love being in the middle of the guild at midnight, you’ve done it…nearly every year.” He faltered as he remembered they had been apart for the last one and felt Natsu flinch at the reminder.
“I know…and I do want to, but…”
“It feels like too much,” Natsu whispered. “To make grand plans for the future, to make resolutions or demands, when so much has happened.”
Gray was quiet for a moment, aware of the time ticking by. It was almost a relief to know Natsu felt the same way he did but hearing the Dragon-slayer put it into words crystalised it for him, and also gave him some clarity and he sighed, wrapping an arm around his partner. “I know. I’ve felt the same way all day… but I’ve just realised something…”
“We don’t need to look forward tonight. We don’t need to make any grand plans, or big promises. It’s just enough to be here tonight, and to celebrate that.”
“We’re here Natsu,” Gray shifted his arm, reaching out to tilt Natsu’s face towards him as he heard the murmuring of noise from downstairs in the courtyard. “We survived. The guild survived. We’re together. For tonight, for now, that’s more than enough. Isn’t it?” He asked softly, meeting Natsu’s gaze just as they heard the countdown beginning beneath them.
Natsu closed his eyes and took a shaky breath.
The Dragon-slayer’s eyes opened, suspiciously moist, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips now.
Gray felt Natsu leaning in towards him.
Warm fingers curled around his, joining their hands between them. Fire and Ice. Warm and Cold.
“Yes,” Natsu whispered, close enough for the words to tickle Gray’s lips. “That’s more than enough.”
As fireworks erupted above them, Natsu kissed him. Sealing the words. The acceptance that this moment, the two of them, was enough.
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legendoftheotherside · 11 months
Out, in the light
Gratsu Week 2023 Day 3: Secret / Day 4: Angst / Day 7: Journey
Rating: G
This is their secret and it will last as much as it can. ... He’s starting to think his purpose is to be by Natsu’s side. ... Gray is weak, but Natsu is there to be strong for him. ... Yes, it’s time to burn down the shackles that bind him. One secret at a time.
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Other times, it’s just a stray thought when he watches Natsu laughing. So bright and so pure, his smile is perfection, and Gray is a stain to Natsu’s everything, dark to his light, winter to his summer. 
Whenever he does think like that, Natsu seems to know, and he stops whatever he’s doing just to approach Gray. 
“You’re thinking too much.” 
Sometimes those words are accompanied by a faint punch to his shoulder. Yet when they’re alone, it’s different. Then it becomes a gentle finger that smooths the frown on his brow, a tender kiss that leaves his lips tingling, or a hug from behind that warms him deep inside. 
He’s starting to think his purpose is to be by Natsu’s side. 
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 3 months
And when you're awake, do you think of me?
I need to know, how do you feel?
'Cause baby, when I sleep, I dream of you
And when I'm awake, that's all I do
Think about every detail you have
Gray shook his head, running his hands through his hair, applying another layer of frost to his burning skin. Grabbing the edge of the stage, Gray pulled himself up, standing up and moving around the altar until he could see Natsu. He was curled against the altar, which was melting against his heat, his whole body shaking. His hands were curled tightly into his hair, little rivers of blood trailing down his fingers, sizzling against his skin. The scent was awful, and Gray lifted his hands, trying to get rid of it. The burst of frost on Natsu's fingers melted away within an instant, but Natsu looked up, green eyes blown wide. The water turned to steam as they stared at each other, and Gray had to add another layer of frost to his skin before Natsu looked away. His cheeks were pink, and Gray couldn't decide if it was from the heat or if he was just embarrassed.
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natsu-scarf · 1 year
me: i just wanna write some wholesome found-family fluff
angst coming in through the backdoor:
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inkperch · 2 years
Y’know, I kinda hate and love the fact that any time there’s a sibling-in-a-family-of-choice-way duo of the same gender, it’s a genuine coin toss whether they’re found family sibs or ‘siblings’ in a ‘we can’t outright say they’re gay, but they live together, would kill for one and other, go berserk if the other is injured, and most likely sleep together’ way-
Like, I almost always end up flip flopping on which read it is depending on the scene, and I can fully write both, and that’s fun! But actually writing both on the same ao3 feels awkward and weird even though it’s two separately completely valid reads on canon-
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miyu-writings · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster Additional Tags: Snippets, Developing Relationship, GratsuWeek2023 Series: Part 1 of Gratsu Week 2023 Summary:
A series of firsts in the evolution of the relationship between Natsu and Gray. Written for Day 1: First of Gratsu Week 2023
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kiirous · 1 year
What is shame? Because I seriously start to think I'm not able to feel it.
I've got a folder (like a real, physical one with paper) and inside I sort my story's. I've got like 30 in there. Maybe more. And still only posted about 10. Probably less. Not all of them are fanfictions, but most are.
Well, anyways. There is one inside, my first famfiction, which my mother read. She was curios about my sorting system and such, so I showed it to her. I sort them by fandom -> ship btw.
Me: [...] And here we have the Gratsu story you have read. It actually got a continuation, but I don't want you to read it.
Mama: Why? Because it's perverted?
Me: Yes, it includes sex scenes. As does this one and this one.
Mama: ......
I don't know what she thought, but she was silent after that.
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gruviasilversblog · 1 year
The Worst Mistake - Chapter 4 - GruviaSilver - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own]
Aquí les dejo el link del capítulo número cuatro de The Worst Mistake que publiquè en AO3.
Es mi capítulo favorito de la historia,espero que a ustedes también les guste.
¡Muchas gracias a quien lee y comenta y hasta la próxima!
GruviaSilver 💞.
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secretkittywolf · 2 months
Fairy Tail ships I ship
(I don't own any of the fanart used. Credit to the original creators)
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They're so cute!!!
I adore these two so much. I hope that they become cannon in the 100yr Quest (if they haven't already since I haven't read it)
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Besties for life!
They have such a cute brother-sister relationship and Natsu was so happy when the Edolas Lisanna was his best friend. Such a cute platonic pairing.
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I love them!!!
I love their relationship so much. At first, Gray couldn't stand Juvia but he soon realised how much she cared and how much he cared for her. The whole Juvia vs Gray fight in the finale made me cry, especially when they killed themselves because they didn't want to kill the other QwQ
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They're ship is so cute and gradual and I love it.
Yes, Gajeel did hurt her and chain her to a tree when they first met, but he's shown and proven to her how much he's changed. Their love is beautiful and I love them.
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I have to admit, I did ship them at first, but it's more platonic than romantic now. Still a cute ship tho.
Romeo & Wendy
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Another platonic pairing. It's cute but I don't ship them romantically.
Sky Sisters
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They have such a cute friendship!
I adore the Sky Sisters friendship and I want to see more of them! I also heard that these two could be cannon, which I'd would love to know if it's true or not. So yeah, ship them platonically and romantically.
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I want more of these two!!!
I want to see more of Elfman and Evergreen so badly. The tsundere and the big strong guy is so cute and the scenes in GMG were so cute.
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I'd love to see more of them since I ship them platonically at the moment.
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I love these two idiots.
Freed adores Laxus and the dragon slayer obviously has a soft spot for Freed.
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Light and dark. Sun and moon. Introvert and extrovert etc. I ship them so much!!!!!!
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He's the reason why she's still a part of Sabertooth!
Sting really cares for Yukino and they're so cute together. He even became guild master so Yukino could stay and it's so sweet!
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Another platonic pairing I love.
They're a couple of sillies and I need more of them being idiots.
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Their whole relationship is both cute and sad.
Mavis cursed herself accidentally and now they're immortal together. I love them
Cancer x Gray (Gracer??? Ig??)
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Why is this the only image of these two together?!
I need more Gracer! (Sounds better than Cray doesn't it?) The whole danceoff was gay af and since I'm a multishipper, I ship them.
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The fandom made me ship them. The fandom made me realise just how cute these two are.
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Rivals to best friends, I love them so much. I also ship them romantically on occasion as well.
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Both platonically and romantically, these two are cute.
Benefits of being a multishipper!
Bisca x Alzack
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They're cute and they're cannon!!!
Seeing them in Edolas together was adorable and I'm glad in the cannon universe they also get together.
Ulter & Meredy
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They have a sister relationship and I love it. I don't see them as anything else but sisters
Meredy & Juvia
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Adorable. They became such good friends and I want more of their friendship. Please gimme more!!!!
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I think these two are quite cute together.
I'd love to see more of their friendship!
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Read a fanfic once of these two and I love them together!
The princess and her knight in shining armour!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I ship them so much!!!!!!
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They always make me laugh. I ship them both platonically and romantically.
Natsu & Erza
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I adore the brother-sister relationship they have.
Erza is the big sister having to keep chaotic younger brother Natsu under control (even tho Natsu is older)
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uzunotegaki · 11 months
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NatsuGray Week (Gratsu Week) 2023 Day 2: Alternate Universe
This artwork is inspired from a certain NatsuGray AU fanfic in FF where Gray is a young CEO in a corporation and Natsu is assigned as Gray's bodyguard. And Gray is not pleased about this.
Dedicated to @gratsuweek2023
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grayseyebrowscar · 1 year
Wh. What is no. 6 about?? Who got Danny Phantom'd??? I'm slightly worried now about someone nearly dying sdkgjbbk—
(Love your work and basically anything you say about Team Shadowgear, they're not my blorbos but I love hearing about other people's blorbos, so your blog is awesome :D)
THANK YOU I LOVE THAT LITTLE COMMENT GONNA PRINT IT OUT AND TAPE IT TO MY WALL /POS i love team shadowgear sm however theyre not my only blorbos for fairy tail
okay so the danny phantom one does involve death,, gray fuckin died and is a ghost (along with refusing to tell anyone how he died, becomes a running gag with cana coming up with silly ways he didnt die) along with natsu can see ghosts. it was a gratsu fic back in the day when i first came up with it - first two chapters from then are still up on ao3 if you can find it lol but i orphaned it, was called shinigami tales and is now under a taylor swift lyric bc i thought it was neat for it (i also have a playlist im making for songs that relate to the fanfic and dead! by mcr is on it lol). any
anyways an excerpt from it bc i think its silly:
He watched Lyon grab his phone out, a text message from Ultear was displayed on the screen. Gray tried to read the texts above the new one that came in, but was stopped by Lyon’s keyboard appearing.
Ultear: sorry, meredy bit jellal and having to deal with it right now. i’ll try to be back in as soon as i can
also context to this: yes ultear n lyon are grays siblings fight me
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aki-natsuko · 1 year
Chapters: 4/50 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Drabble Collection, Devotion, Angst, Love, Friendship/Love, Character Death Summary:
Devotion comes in many forms. A collection of fifty drabbles.
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legendoftheotherside · 11 months
From inside out
Gratsu Week 2023 Day 1: First/Day 4: Angst
Rating: G CW: Anxiety
It is said that the first scale to be shed by a dragon holds an immense amount of luck.
Even though the Dragon Slayer powers aren't kind to Natsu, Gray is always there to help.
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Sweat beads on the back of his neck, as he tries to think of anything to say, half panicking because while no one has ever said anything after they’ve seen him times and times again fighting and ‘scaling up’ as Happy has dubbed it, he’s never done it in front of the guildmembers— humans—without fighting an enemy beforehand. Not even in spars. And he knows it does not look normal.
This is not a completely new development; Dragon Force comes with splotches of scales appearing on his face, arms, and legs. But those were always translucent, hardly visible if one wasn't looking hard. This…This is completely different.
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