#grigor x George
The Great (Hulu) season 3 just came out and we haven't finished watching it YET, but we need to talk about how incredible Catherine and Peter's love is.
Like come on, Peter is an indefensibly horrible man who has done some incredibly unforgivable things (we are still crying over Leo, plus fucking Catherine's mom to dead is batshit), but.....we just can't stop rooting for him and Catherine to somehow get their happily ever after. Is it insane? Yes. Are we planning on changing? No
It's wonderful that Catherine went through with stabbing Peter at the end of season 2 (she thought it was him which is what counts), because even though she lives him with all her heart, she's still trying to make rational decisions
(Season 3 spoilers in this paragraph) Even things like him refusing to kill the man who assaulted him as a child because Catherine didn't want to (he only slipped up after Simitz taunted Grigor), and the fact that he doesn't want to sleep with anyone other than Catherine anymore is so much evidence of his growth!!!
Anyway, the point is that their chemistry is incredible and I am rooting for them till my dying breath! What do you think? Watch out video and let us know!!
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likesomekindofcheese · 6 months
Hey! Just recently finished The Great and frankly I’m also upset about Grigor’s relationship between Georgina and Marial, of which I haven’t liked her character since the beginning of the show and can’t seem to fathom why he loves her. Anyways, I can’t seem to find the post where you explain why you don’t like it, and if you haven’t written/posted it, I’d love to see why!
*cracks knuckles*
Hi there! I don't think I made a whole official post about why I don't like it outside of jokes. So let me explain why here. To get one thing over with, it was a personal thing. Gwilym Lee was my celebrity number one husband-boyfriend crush for ages. I began watching The Great for him. And of course I wrote lots of Grigor x reader fics to channel my imagination and lust. So when he became a cheater in season 2, out of nowhere, without any warning...it was a shock. I tried to think through it, justify it, but it never did. It felt like even in my fantasies, I wasn't safe. I wasn't good enough. The minute I slipped up in a romantic relationship, I would be cheated on as punishment. I had panic attacks and couldn't sleep and cried for days. I couldn't even look at the show or images or of Grigor for without crying. It was as if...I was the one cheated on. I literally had to get therapy because it bothered me so much.
Okay, now that this is done, here is my personal take of why Grigor/Marial is bad as a pairing. Also, this is just me being biased and my personal take, so if you ship the pairing...eh, good for you, all the more power to ya. This post isn't for you.
Let's move onto the foundation. I've discussed it a lot with the Queen and legend @ladystrallan but here it is for all y'all. The Big reasons why. Starting with the most important one.
Reason #1) Marial does not actually give a shit about Grigor's well-being and happiness.
Often in fanfics, when Grigor cheats on George, it's because he is sad about George and the OC or Reader or whoever is worried about him. They want him to be happy, wanted, loved, and valued, and chosen. Marial does none of those things. It's never about "how can I help this poor little meow meow feel better?" It's about "what can he do for me" like she's the damn rat from Charlotte's Web.
Reason #2) Marial does not respect Grigor
If Marial did respect Grigor, she would listen to what he says. She would not blab to Catherine about Peter having sex with and accidentally killing her mother. In season 3, when Peter dies- Grigor is sobbing and in a grieving state for his best friend. Marial on the other hand is celebrating his death like the munchkins celebrating a house dropping on the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. Let's put it this way- if someone who you loved, someone you were very close to dropped dead out of nowhere, would you want to date someone who celebrated the death as good thing? No. If she did respect him, she would support him in his grief. She would keep her trap shut. Even if she personally didn't like Peter...she would still be there for Grigor's struggle of losing his friend. At the end of the day...Marial will betray her bestie to become a lady again. She is only on her own side and no one else's. She gets some Pet The Dog moments with the serfs...but not with anyone else she has interpersonal connections with at court.
Reason #3) The Affair is selfish.
Marial does none of these things. She starts the affair not because she is worried about his well-being, or happiness, or respect or selflessly genuinely loves him...she starts it because 1) he was a former fling, 2) she is rich again and she can, and 3) to spite Georgiana. Grigor kind of wants to feel happy and alive again- but it's bc George is away from him!
I understand that fiction is not reality. We can use fiction to discuss taboo things. Or even admit that we fantasize about things we know are ethically wrong. It says nothing about us. Just because we fantasize it or like it in fiction doesn't mean we like it in real life. But...
Reason #4) The Writers paint Georgiana's affair as bad and Grigor's affair as good.
We have all of season one to see how much it hurts Grigor to see his wife be Peter's mistress. And I'm not going to pretend it is entirely good. But Georgiana does get a few lines in season 1 after the poisoning that she kind of...HAS to be Peter's mistress. That their high social standing and wealth comes from their close friendship with Peter that in no ways should be tampered with. And this includes the complete lack of boundaries with Georgiana, because he is the absolute ruler emperor. Like that line in Six The Musical- If Peter says it's you, it's you. As far as I know, Peter and Georgiana is consensual other than the implied power balance and she's lucky she likes Peter and he's a good lover. In fact, back in the day, men WOULD offer their wives as missteress to the king because you could get a huge castle and lots of lands and money from it! That's what Mary Boleyn's husband thought when Henry VIII made her his mistress. You don't technically have a choice- might as well make the most out of it.
Yet the writer(s) paint Georgiana as bad and frame Marial as good, as something that Grigor needs to heal (it ain't), that she is his true love (blech) all without taking a big look in the mirror. They don't know how to handle a complex woman as Georgiana but they think framing Marial as a girlboss makes it better (yuck).
On a related note...imagine if we switched the genders? If Grigor was Georgette and Marial was Mark, we have Georgette being lonely and swept up in her exes charms. Giving everything to Mark, even when he crosses her personal boundaries. Despite this, she keeps running back to him, swearing she'll marry him even though he hates her recently dead bestie and doesn't comfort or support her mourning.
If that was the case, there would be riots! People would be all "omg you deserve better! My poor baby! Dump his ass, queen!" But...no. Since we have Miss GirlBoss (tm) Marial, this toxicity is apparently okay.
Reason #5) Grigor's love and loyalty to his wife was part of what made his character so endearing in the first place.
It's like if Peter said "fudge" instead of "fuck," but we all fell in love with Count Dymov because he loved his wife so much. That is why there are so many Grigor fics out there. Becuase the depth of love he has not only for Peter...but for Georgiana. It's not the issue that his honor as a man is insulted to have his wife sleep around...it's because he is genuinely heartbroken and sad about it. That he loves her that much. And that he loves Peter that much too. He's crying when he tries to put a pillow over Peter's face to suffocate him. In fact, Georgiana does care about his well being despite the whole mistress stuff. When he gets scruff out of rebellion, she knocks him out and tenderly gives him a shave. They tease and flirt with each other. She sits on his lap. Who wouldn't want a relationship where you are that wanted, adored, and unconditionally loved? In fact, their only conflict was Peter. If it wasn't for Peter, they would have an idyllic, wonderful marriage. Look up The Great on TV Tropes- they are listed as "Happily Married."
So him having an affair on Georgiana, to where he is given an option to KILL GEORGIANA and abandon her for Marial felt egregiously out of character.
This is not why i signed up. I wanted him and Georgiana to heal and grow and triumph in their love, especially as the series went on and Peter focused more on his romantic relationship with Catherine to where that WAS the show.
So yeah...those are my two cents.
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feralgodmothers · 9 months
This might be too straightforward for a show like The Great, but me and my sentimental behind can’t help but root for Catherine x Grigor going forward.
People have brought up before how no one feels the loss of Peter like the two of them do, and… yeah…
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(Unspoken and strong shared emotion my beloved 💖)
Anyway, I feel like they may be heading down that road, because when you look at the way the two of them worked together for Paul’s best interests, it comes off like the beginning stages of a new dynamic. They have common goals now because (imo) they’ve been bound together by Peter’s death.
Now, my knowledge of Catherine the Great is limited to the quick scan of her Wikipedia article I did a few months ago, but if I remember right - she never remarried, and her and Grigor were lovers in real life? I know there are some significant differences over how their relationship played out, but still - the show DOES like to pepper in some historical accuracies from time to time. Plus, I think it would serve to make Catherine an interesting mirror to Peter if Catherine were to become best friends with George, and take Grigor as her lover.
I also find it interesting the way things have shifted around when you involve Marial in the mix. Grigor and Marial came together and had the shared experience of supporting/loving their best friends who they thought were making terrible choices by being in love, and now that Peter has died, Marial has put herself on the opposite side of both Grigor AND Catherine by staunchly standing by her hatred of Peter despite their grief over him. What was once just a point of contention now feels like a squaring off. I could see that pushing her further away from Grigor emotionally, to the point where she’s almost like a second George to him (like ‘I love you, but at what cost?’), and we already witnessed it driving a wedge between her and Catherine - opening up the way for George to slip in and become her new best friend.
One more thing I want to touch on, is when Catherine slept with comet guy. She was conflicted because it felt like it was taking her a step further away from Peter, and she said “I don’t want to” (Rip, my heart 💔). I think becoming involved with Grigor would be the most gentle and natural option for her going forward. Comet guy may have scratched an itch, but talking with Grigor about Peter soothed her tired, grieving soul. Grigor’s telling Catherine a story about Peter was the thing that brought the first genuine smile to both of their faces since the loss that broke them.
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macperalta · 11 months
I just finished the show. This is such a good fucking show!
Even though i am HEARTBROKEN, through Elisabeth, Grigor and Catherine the show really gave the room to sort of process it and by giving that last kick, really got us out of the pain and invested in how she will keep her reign. Truly smart writing. Like with just 10 episodes, they wrote a love story, a heartbreak and a riveting political play, like only The Great can.
I am still definitely broken about Peter's death. I don't know how the show will do whole seasons without him, and very very selfishly wish they don't make another love for Catherine.
When Elisabeth said basically fuck off to Peter the Great, i was in pain, wishing Peter had also said the same. And elisabeths fate of losing two children to water, my god.
Paul will never know how much Peter loved him. Catherine always humming Their Song. Wearing his clothes. Grigor, the true himbo. So Torn by grief he thinks a box is a good place to keep a child. Immersing himself in bath fully clothed? He is i think the most affected because i don't he truly knows how to live without Peter. Also what's up with Marial? I understand but also dude!!!
Charit Wakefield is so good. Her actual pain in losing Peter, sewn with George's intrinsic manipulation, she is good. Amazing. So is Phoebe Fox as Marial and every single person in this cast because otherwise the insanity of this show could never deliver the emotional impact.
I always liked Nicholas Hoult, but after this show i am completely and Fully obsessed with him. I only hope he'll be back as a ghost next season. (But i like that they didn't bring him back this season, it would've hurt too much). Because as you said his and elles chemistry needs to shine more.
Okay as of now, this is all i have for thoughts. Might have more once I start giffing, but until then you are released from the grips of my 1k words long asks.
i agree with you wholeheartedly!! despite the great loss (lol), the show has proven its ability to still excel w/o peter. the last episode is riveting and freeing. it shows precisely why peter needs to be gone for catherine to be great (of course the show will be great focusing on catherine and peter's love story but the great is never about that) people who are mad that they get rid of peter or say that catherine x peter is the whole point of the show don't understand the show at all. i feel like all of the characters (not just catherine) have a chance to develop in a new direction due to peter's death and that gives the show a fresh air/start🫶 and please do keep sending me your thoughts haha <3
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thegreatmadness · 2 years
the great’s s3 in a nutshell probably
Peter: You once called me a fool for love, Grigor, and now George refuses to save you because you love another. The ironie  is strong here, Catherine would appreciate it.
Also Peter: I can't believe Catherine really wants to kill me.
Grigor: Well, to be fair, she's been trying to all along.
Peter: I see that now. Mhm. She terrifies me and delights me in the same breath. A bit like my mother. Marvelous. A great love affair, indeed.
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crazychicke · 2 years
THEY RENTED A BABY, so Peter could find their actual son, and GRIGOR IS ON 'PARENTING DUTY' - someone please gif this
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floralfloyd · 2 years
Started: 8th April 2020
Last Updated: 01/03/2022
Works: 25
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Band of Sisters - The OFC's of Easy Company Masterlist
Band of Brothers
George Luz
Sentimental Journey (George Luz x OFC)
Chuck Grant
Get Well Soon (Chuck Grant x OFC)
Joe Liebgott 
A Seargent's Sorrow (Joe Liebgott x OFC Platonic)
Edward ‘Babe’ Heffron
Dick Winters
Floyd Talbert
Frostbite and Kisses (Floyd Talbert x OFC)
Bill Guarnere
Lewis Nixon
Cold Ice, Warm Hearts (Lewis Nixon x OFC)
The Pacific
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith
Robert Leckie
War is Over (Robert Leckie x Reader)
Lew ‘Chuckler’ Jurgens  
Eugene Sledge 
Andrew ‘Ack Ack’ Haldane
Nolan Hemmings
Jamie Finn (Heartbeat)
Young Love (Jamie Finn x OFC)
Jacob Pitts (Coming Soon)
Deputy Marshall Tim Gutterson (Justified)
Cooper Harris (Eurotrip)
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith (The Pacific)
Gwilym Lee
A Field of Flowers (Samuel Castell):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Epilogue (Coming Soon)
Since I’ve Been Loving You (Gwilym Lee)
A Winter’s Tale (Gwilym Lee)
Confidence (Brian May x Reader)
Dreamers Ball Part 1 (Brian May x Reader)
Pink Floyd
Tears Like Raindrops (David Gilmour x Reader)
 If there’s someone not on the list above that you would like a one-shot, series, or even blurb about, feel free to ask my inbox and I’ll happily include them if I can. I’m always expanding my genres and characters so keep an eye out.
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queensdivas · 3 years
Peonies Chapter 6
Finally getting to the good stuff because I have been waiting for these chapters!!! Like waiting for Chiara to get to this point and for the record. This chapter is very long. Freakin’ 15 pages on my google docs so just be ready for a long read. 
+18 and older in this chapter!!! Smut alert (cause it’s spicy)!!!!!!! Once again +18 and older in this chapter!!! 
Other than that here we go!!! 
Next chapter 
Previous Chapter 
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My fingers were yanking on his hair as I was riding him to oblivion! His nails dug into my back for the tempo to pick up even more. I could feel his teeth biting hard into my neck which made me squeeze even harder. I never thought that being bitten was such a wonderful feeling in my life! His teeth just clenching into my skin just made it so much better!
“Holy fuck Chiara!” He took in a huge breath of air as I pushed him down onto the ground.
“Scream my name!” I yelled as we were getting closer and closer to that sweet edge!
“GRIGOR AH FUCK!” My nails digging into his chest!
“Choke me.” I stopped to then looked directly into his eyes.
“Do you want me to say it in italian? Ti prego soffocami Chiara.” Holy hell. If that’s what he wants then who am to say no. Picking up my rhythm again as my hand reached down to his throat.
“That’s it...holy shit that’s it!” God I could feel him..Holy hell. My toes were curling from the pleasure as me choking him would fuck me harder! The way he’s moaning is just absolutely stunning and making it so much better! It’s so..fucking..beautiful! His moaning just sends shivers up and down my entire core!
Grigor's hands traveled up to squeeze my breast tightly for then his left hand to travel up to my neck. Oh god he’s going faster! Yes yes yes yes! I could see flowers blooming! Stars exploding before my eyes. I had to let go of my grip to collapse on his chest as he pounded into me.
God I want to stick my tongue down his throat fuck! Turning my head for me to start kissing the fuck out of him. Our tongues slithered around with one another till he basically took over for a few moments. Stopping the tangliging as he began diving into my neck to mark the shit out of me.
“Stick your tongue down my throat.” Pulling his head from my neck to start slamming my lips against him for our tongues to start twirling around with one another. God his tongue can make me come just from this Jesus. He stopped as the final penetration was arriving and it was so beautiful! Each thrust was hitting exactly where it needed to be!
“Grigor! Grigor..” My eyes rolled in the back of my head as we looked at one another. Just watching his facial expression change was just intoxicating!
“Cumming..CUMMING!” Grigors neck leaned back as I laughed since I’ve never seen him in such selief. After a moment he looked up to see that I..I..
“Did you not?” It cued for him as he pushed me onto the ground and got on top of me.
“I may not be able to finish you with my cock. But I know your pussy loves other things besides cock. Ride my face.” My entire body turned dark red for me to slide down and positioned myself on his face.
Dear...Ah...God...I can’t even describe on how. Ahhhhh. My hands began to touch my own breast for my head to lean back to almost fall backwards onto his body. His tongue was going round and round constantly.
My hand went down to start rubbing my own clit to make the sensation feel even more exquisite. Yes..YES! While my right hand was continuing on my clit my left hand began to pull his air. His two bare hands travelled up my sides to then give my ass a wonderful smack.
“Gri..Grigor..almost..almost..” He kept smacking which was the final push over the edge. A wave of electricity streaked through my body in the final moment. Yanking his hair as hard as I could for him to moan underneath my body.
This Russian coldness couldn’t even bother us at the moment from the large amount of body heat radiating off one another. Climbing off of him to then lay down on the cool grass. My chest was rising and falling as we both were staring up into the tree. The leaves are swaying in the wind that was allowing a cool breeze to rest on our naked bodies.
“Holy fuck.” I smiled as we turned our heads to face one another.
“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced something like that…” He commented as I smiled.
“Our love making would’ve been the type you would see in great halls. The greek gods I believed experienced something like that before.” Grigor sat up to grab a glass of water. He took a large sip then for me to sit up and take a sip after him.
“Tell me my dearest do you always enjoy..” Motioning to his neck as he sighed.
“The Emperor told me once that it helps make this more pleasurable. Guess that’s the only time that he’s been right because holy fuck.” I guess so. He wasn’t wrong about that because that was fantastic. Wait..those are hand prints.
“Grigor..I left..” Oh shit. I left markings and more specifically my hand marks from too hard of choking.
“I’m so sorry oh my…” I feel horrible! My eyes drifted over to my shoulder where I had bite marks from what I could see.
“Barbarians we are.” He commented as he scooted closer to me and kissed his own bite marks. I leaned over to see that we still had some fresh bread and I am starving. Leaning over to grab a slice then spread a little jam.
“So when were you going to tell me you’ve been learning italian.” Taking a bite as he snuck in to take the next bite.
“Figured you would be more impressed. A tutor for the children was teaching them French and since French and Italian are very similar, it worked out perfectly.” He had a little jam on the corner of his mouth. Leaning in to lick it off he left a soft kiss on his lips.
“Thieves should be punished.” Laughing as I was extremely close to his face.
“Should I be?” My hand snuck up his chest
“Yes. But not at this moment.” Raising my piece of my bread to then scoot away from him. Grabbing a grape to put into my mouth to slow eat in front of him.
“You should try these grapes Grigor. They taste devine.” Taunting him with another grape as I could tell he wanted to get on top of me and ravish. But ah ah ah. He’s being punished for being such a thief. He took a grape from the vine scoot over towards me with it in his mouth.
“No reward for your Grigor. You’ve stolen from me.” Tapping the grape for him to chew it then kissing my finger.
“You’re too much for me Chiara.” Falling back onto the ground as I laughed at him for a minute. I enjoy a little torture in my life.
“When am I going to see those sketches on Grigor? You promised me.” Looking down at him as he smirked at me. Forming my puppy eyes to have him get up from the grass and onto the blanket.
Joining him on the blanket as he opened his sketching bag. He pulled out the first sketch as it..oh..why am I not surprised that it’s a naked woman. But the details are remarkable. To the smallest details on the naked bodies to small beauty marks.
“Grigor..Grigor this is scandalous.” Chuckling as I went to the next is that Svenska? Now the cold was catching up as I felt him place his coat around my shoulder. This is one of the most comfortable coats I’ve worn.
“How on earth did you persuade Svenska to get naked for you?” Asking him as he started to rub the back of his head.
“Costed a gold necklace.” Mhmmm.
“So you’ve slept with other people besides George?”
“Of course not! Before George yes but as I told you, all it costed was a gold necklace.” Well normally I’m not one for degrading fellow women in this world. But at least my nipples aren’t bigger than apples. I kept going through his artwork to see more than naked women, there was one of a wild elk with such gigantic antlers! I’ve never seen one with such large antlers and a tiger?
“That was my old tiger. His name was Maxim and was a wonderful cat till he ripped the arm off my old nanny. Other than that he was a wonderful pet.”
“You would enjoy Africa and all the wildlife there Grigor. You would be able see a herd of zebras and the elephants. Watch those wonderful Lions attack these prey and even better. Witness a cheetah running full speed at an ostrich!” Then reality kicked in. He wouldn’t come to Africa to sketch some wild animals. Truth be told I have been beginning to enjoy our time together. Even before the wild sex.
“Tell me more about Trento.” He asked for me to raise my eyebrow. It’s not like he’s ever going to visit there in his life.
“Why must I always talk about myself. I feel as if it’s all about myself without even knowing much about you. I know you obviously but I get old talking about myself.” Telling him as I handed him back his sketches.
“Rijn Van Rembrandt. My father took me to St. Petersburg for some business. When I was there I snuck off from the boring meeting to see an exhibition happening. His work Bathseba at her bath was on display and I just stood there. My father eventually found me and that is when he bought me my first sketching papers and pencils.” Kissing him softly to show a little gratitude
“Thank you for sharing with me Grigor.” Another kiss for him to place his hands on my cheeks.
“My mother surprisingly did not enjoy the idea of me drawing. Said it would lead to bad habits and wanting to seek out what is bad for me.” He took the sketches from my hands for his hands to travel up my left leg.
“You’re not imagining your mother are you? Catherine told me that the Emperor thinks about his mother when he does the deed.” I started laughing because Grigor fell back onto the blanket and laughed.
“My mother sadly loved me and always looked out for me in the end. Not to mention she treated me like a human being instead of a diseased child.” My eyes widened at his statement to pop another grape into his mouth.
“You really don’t enjoy him do you?” At this point this is starting to lay the seeds of the coup into the mind of Peter's most trustworthy associate. I’m not saying that all this time has been going towards the coup. Because I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve been spending together with one another. Trust me. But I also came here to help Catherine with the coup. Just took a little break because someone’s cock is marvelous. Oh that was too much.
“He’s a good friend to say the most. We do enjoy hunting together, drinking, and partying.” Not going to bring up George of course since it’s not my place.
“Hmmm. Must be interesting to see someone like Peter rule a country when he’s such a loose canon.”
“Well that’s where I come in my dear. I’m sort of that force that blocks those too mad for the country ideas. He’s tried to establish that the ladies of the court walk around in only robes and their hats. I then told him about the mysert that women hold and that they need to stay mysterious.” Wow. Who’d know that Grigor had such an important role. I’m not saying that he’s not important but he’s the barrier from all the bad ideas. Not all of them but tries his best I’m assuming.
Though reality striked that Grigor will be staying in Russia once I finally head back to Italy. I think that if we continue this sort of love relationship that he would want to come to Italy but I highly doubt it’s going to happen. He has grown significantly a part of my life in such an intimate way that it’s a little hard to imagine that possibly within a few weeks I’ll be going home and leaving this troublesome country.
Yet deep down in that hardened soul he wouldn’t leave his wife for some foreign Duchess because his home his here, his future children will be here, and I will be Italy. Eventually there will be a time that I will have to get married to some other Duke or Prince who the hell knows at this point. Eventually I’ll have to get married and bring some sort of child into this world and continue on the cycle of life. At Least I’m completely aware of this fact and if he wants to come to Italy he can if not then all I lose is a lover.
“Grigor I am so sorry but I completely forgot Catherine and I are supposed to have tea very soon!” Grabbing my shirt to stand up and slip it onto my body. I then grabbed my pants to practically jump into them. I finished getting dressed to see Grigor and watched me from the blanket the entire time.
“My darling. Come to my chambers tonight and we shall finish this sketch, with a lot of wine and cheese.” Ordering him but in a very seductive matter. Though this may not last forever, I might as well enjoy the time in the present.
“Add some oranges please, and peaches.” My hands moved around to then place my hand right underneath his neck.
“And make sure those peaches are extremely juicy.” Telling him as my lips hovered over his but didn’t kiss.
“Is that understood?”
“Yes m’lady.” He shivered and gave him one extremely long kis to the point I gave his bottom lip a quick suck and bite. He moaned for a moment as I got up from the ground and my boot knife since I forgot to put it in my boot.
“Ciao Grigor!” Swaying my hips a little more to know that he was staring directly at my ass. He is starting to grow on me and these unknown feelings that have entered my core are rather nice. Though this will not be a cliche story of where I just ignore my feelings and take months on them. I’m a little smarter than that.
Making it inside the palace to see Count Orlo walking up the stairs with rolled up maps tucked in his arms. Catching up to him as he turned his head to shake it at me.
“You missed the meeting.” He commented as I sighed.
“My apologies. You going to slap me on the wrist for missing?”
“No. Just you’re here to help, not sleep with the enemy.”
“Think of it as a way for me to help get closer to the enemy. What did I miss?”
“Catherine is going with Elizabeth to the front in order to bring up the moral with the soldiers. It’s a good tactic to get the military on our side and then the church afterwards.” They looked up maps underneath his arm?
“Are those maps Orlo?” He motioned me into the empty room.
We walked over to the big table for him to plop down all the rolled up papers he had tucked underneath his arms. Going through them till he found the one he was looking for. Opening it up to then place random tabletop places. The entire war map was displayed before me as I noticed that a lot of the Sweds were winning this war.
“The Swedish have taken control of Sosnovyy Bor. An important port but not as important as Vyborg where we’re keeping them completely out of.” Taking a look to see how close Sosnovyy Bor was to St. Petersburg and it’s closer than I could’ve imagined. At any time they could easily invade St. Petersburg and we lose the war. Though it would be a good way so that Peter can be bethrowned but now can head into Moscow then to us. I’m going to avoid bloodshed in this battle.
“Orlo. How much has Catherine learned from this map?”
“She told me that she would get all the information she needed when arriving at the front.” Great.
“Orlo. Let me have this map and I’ll go through my studies to see if I can find a solution.” I think I have an idea.
“What are you planning?” Rolling up the map for myself then smiling.
“Making Catherine look like a genius.” Walking away from Orlo to then head to my chambers.
This..this might work.
*The Next Morning*
Since I missed the meeting because of lust and sketches. Catherine came up with a brilliant idea (not sarcastic at all I promise) that we would go to the front to see the soldiers and how the war is going. This is a good learning chance on my military tactics that I was more than happy to accompany her to the front.
Now I understand what she’s trying to do and I’m here to help with bringing up the soldiers moral! But at such Godless hours in the morning. And macaroons? Bring them a feast with warm meat and vegetables! Not sugary sweets! Who knows maybe it will. Catherine does know what she’s doing...most of the time. Not that she isn’t smart but soldiers prefer victories over sweets, but we won’t know till we get there.
My hand was resting on Grigor's bare chest for me to open my eyes. I’m meant to go with Catherine and Elizabeth to the front for some moral and aid. On our way there I plan on slipping a little advice under Catherines greatness. Sort of passing a note in order to get the War moving on.
Scooting over to place a soft kiss on his cheek for him to still be asleep. Fernanda came into the bedroom with my clothes for the ride. She looked at Grigor then making sure that she wasn’t too loud.
“Heavy sleeper. We’ll be fine.” Telling her as I lifted the nightgown off for her to hand me my white shirt. The corset was next for me as I looked over at Grigor who was still asleep. Hopefully this doesn’t wake him up. Placing the corset on my body as I stood straight up to wait for her to start tightening it.
“Holy shit!” Whispering as she pulled a little to the tight. I think my lungs are coming out of my throat! Another quick tight pull for her to tie it up for Grigor to still be asleep. I finished getting dressed and he was still asleep.
“I’ll be going to the front of Fernanda. Let him know whenever he wakes up that I’m not sure when I’ll get back.” Telling her as she nodded. She handed me my belt and sword for me to tighten it. Then finally my boot dagger for safety measures. If I’m going to be with a bunch of men then I’m going to stay safe. I do need something to do on the ride so why not a book. The Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu, seems fitting.
Walking back over to Grigor's bed side to place a soft kiss on his forehead. This must’ve woken him since he grabbed my arm softly. Opening his eyes slightly for him to get up from the bed and rub his eyes.
“Good morning.” Telling him as he yawned.
“Good morning. Where are you off to?”
“I’m going to the front with Catherine and Elizabeth for the day.” Kissing his lips for him to nod then widened his eyes.
“To the front? You’re not even Russian! So why do you care about the war?” Though he does have a point since they’re not my men, not even my country.
“You do remember that I’m here for Catherine. Where she goes I must go, and if she is to go to the front then I must go to the front.” Telling him yet he was still confused about my reasoning.
“I’ll be just fine. You know that I’m more than capable of handling myself.”
“Let me kiss you for a few more minutes please.” He begged to pull me on top of him and smashed his lips against mine. Sitting in his lap for him to place kisses all over my neck and face. His lips are wonderful and extremely intoxicating. But as much as I would love him to undress me and ravish me, I have to get going for our trip.
“Grigor..Grigor stop…” Laughing for him to stop and look at me.
“Must you go?”
“Yes. I promise I’ll be back this evening and you can tell me about that new trick you’ve learned.”
“Which one?”
“The seated wheelbarrow I think is what you called it.” Climbing off him to stand up next to him.
“Ciao Grigor.” He took my hand to place a soft kiss for me to walk away. I could hear Catherine coming towards the door from the other side. Opening it to see her all dolled up in her appropriate attire.
“Good morning Chiara.” Bubbly and excited in a sense for the front.
“Good morning Catherine. You are more ready than ever I see.” Telling her as we began walking down the hall.
“I’m very excited to see the front. It should be a very important learning experience for me and should help with the coup tremendously.” She told me as I nodded.
“Have you been keeping up with the war?” Asking her for us to start walking down the stairs to the carriages.
“Not really. Velementov can give me an update on arrival.” He won’t have time. He’s too busy trying to win the war!
“But you have to go in with some sort of plan Catherine. Even you would have something like that of the sorts going into it.” Telling her as she stopped walking down the stairs to turn to face me.
“This isn’t a tactic. And I imagine you are unaware of what’s going on in the war just as much as I am.” I love her confidence but this sort of idea that he’ll just tell her his plans. I think Catherine needs to understand the true situation.
“The Sweds have taken control of Sosnovyy Bor and will make their way up the coast to invade St. Petersburg. If they keep Bor they’ll use it as a city to regather supplies, the man power, and then they head to Saint Petersburg. If Velementov gets his head together he can invade Bor easily and push them all the way back to Hanko. Then from Hanko to Mariehamm, take over that group of islands and then the Sweds are back into their country. The war is over and we win. Only problem is that the Sweds have an extremely strong hold Hanko which will require even..”
“Catherine! Oh and Chiara I am delighted that both of you will be joining me on this trip. It’s quite lonely when I make this journey. Come come.” Motioning for us to follow her.
We stood next to the carriage as two servants placed two boxes inside the carriage. I’m assuming those are the macaroons. Elizabeth was first to climb in, followed by me then finally Catherine. What a weird way to bring morale up but if the boots fit then the boot fits.
“Chiara you have such a unique way of living.” Elizabeth commented for the carriage to start moving.
“Thank you?”
“I’ve heard stories like you Chiara. Women who go above the normal parts of society, always leads to such tragic deaths in the end. Poor Joan of Arc was burned at the steak, Artemisia of Caria who jumped from a tall rock in Leucas Greece.” I ummm. I don’t plan on leaping from a rock for the love of my life, and The Catholic church won’t burn me for heresy.
“No matter. Just know that it’s an exciting time to get to know you. For someone who only fucks one person you’re stronger than most.” Oh my god what is happening!?
I must say that Aunt Elizabeth is an interesting sort of woman who I think is as mad as a dog but smarter than most people realize. I believe that she uses her own sexuality to her advantage and sort of does what’s best for Peter. Which is understandable for she is his aunt. But there’s more to her than she’s letting on.
But to the front!
“It is nivering.” Elizabeth was messing with her cape as I was looking outside into the forest. Even though the Emperor is a sack of shit the landscape is gorgeous.
“A bit. But I’m glad you’ve allowed us to come with you on this experience.” I’m glad but I’m just exhausted.
“Oh I enjoy both of your company. You Catherine laugh at my jokes and you Chiara with your wit and spiteful tongue.” I wouldn’t call it spiteful. Maybe?
“Not to mention Catherines tales of German childhood are whimsical, and make me wish I knew what a kugelhopf was.” It’s a cake. Right?
“It is just a cake.” That’s what I thought. It’s a sort of cake that has raisins, fresh oranges, or lemons, and almonds. Mostly served at breakfast time if I remember correctly. They talked for a few moments till the mood changed within the carriage. Elizabeth sighed as she looked out the window.
“You should prepare yourself for a little unpleasantness on arrival.” It’s the front. I’m not exactly expecting a picnic on arrival.
“Yes. Of course.”
“So tell me then Elizabeth. What exactly is the attitude of the Russian army?” She looked at me with a small devilish smile.
“That we will not stop until every last Swedish soldier is dead. That is the attitude of the Russian army.” Leaning in closer to her as I was doubting that answer. On paper yes that would be the attitude, in the history books yes.
“Elizabeth. What is the..” The carriage stopped before I could finish asking her my question. I get that she understood what I was asking in the first place yet she has to put on a brave face to get ready for the front.
The carriage door opened for the smell of blood, vomit, gunpowder, and so much more to come swerling into the carriage. This is what war smells of. Blood and powder. I’m for certain that my great great Grandfather Sir Fabrizio would be proud of me finally experiencing some war. Even if it is just chatting with the Generals. Maybe throw in a few strategies I’ve studied through my entire life.
Catherine was the first one out as I noticed she was in a little star struck and blocking the door. Quickly moving for Elizabeth to come out and then followed by me. My boots sunk into the mud a little as it looked like a horrid place. War is horrid just remember this Chiara.
So many injured..so many dead. How can The Emperor who has been losing non stop allow this much carnage? The amount of lost lives alone, though war is war but you have to be aware when you’re on the losing side! Even I know that much! Wait Chiara. This is war and these men know that they might do for their country, for war is unavoidable.
“Ladies!” We turned our heads to see Velementov and his aids coming out of his tents.
“Empresses and Duchess. How wonderful that you’ve come. You are an inspiration to us all.” Diamonds in the rough are exactly what I would call us at this moment.
“Would you care for a macaroon? We’ve brought 300 for the men.” Ah yes. The Macaroons in order to bring up the moral of war.
“Do you mind if I take a couple?” He shoved two into his mouth and then a few into his pockets. Even I must say when I get back I’m going to stuff my face with panettones and delicious pastas.
“Please. Follow me.” Velementov instructed with his mouth full of food. Catherine looked absolutely disgusted and almost green before my eyes.
“What is that smell?”
“Bodies, mud, horse shit, smoke of cannons. It is not a place for women.” I feel offended. Joan of Arc and Khutulun were on the battlefield fighting alongside the men. Maybe not as much of the gunpowder and cannons but definitely the smell of blood and horse shit.
“If it is a place where Russian men die, then it is a place for us.” Elizabeth responded to Velementov’s statement.
“How is the war progressing General?” Asking Velementov for him to sigh a little.
“We have received some setbacks.” Some?
“But what the peevish Swede entirely lacks is our ferocious Russian fighting spirit. That in the end, always guarantees victory.” I think the Mangolians thought of that once but they successfully invaded Russia.
“So we’re losing?” Catherine and I asked and could immediately tell Elizabeth was burnt.
“Catherine! Chiara! Focus on the men. And only victory. They need hope.” Not my men. My men are in their warm beds with their family not fighting some war in order to prove that you’re just as good as your own father. Too soon? I watched as Catherine and Elizabeth began to pass around Macaroons to the men and put on a brave face. Bread and meat would be much better than macaroons but I understand the reasoning behind it.
“I’m told you’re prepared to pose for a battle painting.” A battle painting?
“Yes indeed General. Whatever will help fire the men’s morale.” A painting? Really?
“A grand victorious painting of the two of you is sure to do just that.” A painting!? So that the men could have a little time for themselves? Never!
“Tell me Velementov. What is your strategy exactly? From what I’ve read it’s been nothing but full head on attacks.” Stating as he took a macaroon from his pocket.
“The Emperor has ordered us to keep full on head attacks to the Sweds.” Catherine and Elizabeth were getting themselves ready for the war painting for me to start thinking about the strategies that have been taught to me from past Knights of my family.
“Velementov. I assume you’re away from the Norman Conquest of England in 1066?” Asking as I motioned for his aid to pull out a map.
“Williams' army contained 2,000 cavalrymen and 5,000 infantrymen with crossbows, bows, and swords. Williams only option was for a frontal assault in order to invade. After a no so frontal assault, William personally led a cavalry charge but was turned back by the Saxon defenses and the horrible weather of England. He was then defeated. Not to mention rumors of Williams death began going around, which we all know was a lie because he was seen alive, rallied his troops and renewed the assault. He ordered his soldiers to fire at a much higher angle instead of directly into the army in order to break their defense.” He looked annoyed as the map was opened for me to look at where exactly the war was going on.
“I don’t need a lecture on past military tactics. I might be a dishonorable general but not a moron.” That’s not what I’m trying to do exactly.
“That’s not what I’m trying to do Velementov. I know that the Sweds are held up in Sosnovyy Bor and from a reliable source that they might head into St. Petersburg.” Looking at a much bigger map to see that the Sweds had locked down Sosnovyy Bor.
“If you do not take Sosnovyy Bor back from the Sweds then you loose Saint Petersburg and then you might as well wave the white flag of war.” He knows and is aware of this. I think that the Emporer is too busy making stupid ideas and jokes that he doesn’t know that the Sweds are literally at his doorstep.
“What I’m saying is that you rain in from all different angles. You block them by the sea and by land to rain down on very different angles. There is only one road that the Sweds can use in order to escape and that’s an easy blockade to form as well. Attacking your own city may not be the best idea, but you save St. Petersburg from those damn Sweds. You then push them back to Hanko to surround them there.”
“You are a rare flower..a flower that blooms in the middle of a battlefield full of dead soldiers.” Velementov commented for me nod.
“One must have an understanding of war if one is to lead. Atleast I get the chance to actually understand tactics.”
“Whenever I am back at the palace. I might call upon you for more advice on war.” Picking my hand up to kiss it. Yeah this won’t be happening in a lifetime and even if he was the last man on earth I still wouldn’t sleep with him.
The carriage ride was dead silent before me. I could tell both Catherine and Elizabeth were beside themselves on having to stand on top of dead soldiers for a portrait. While I on the other hand feel extremely successful for sort of conducting my own first military tactic. Hopefully they can take back Bor and all will be settled.
“Stop!” Elizabeth ordered to bang her cane on the top of the carriage. We stopped as I looked up from my book.
Elizabeth climbed out of the carriage to stand in the middle of the forest. She began to hollar, kick, and looking like she was going to rip her own hair out of her body. That’s one way to deal with your problems and no wonder she’s kept herself sane. We looked at each other for me to wonder what that was about. Then back out to the window for a little more screaming. Only seconds later she gathered herself back together as Catherine and I watched her climb back into the carriage and place her poker face on to us. Catherine’s mood changed from tears into anger.
“Are you alright?” Asking both of them but definitely towards Elizabeth.
“Of course. Whatever it was is floating on the wind now. Do you need to? Both of you? We can stop.” Though I do feel the pain of these men. This is not my country and hasn’t affected my day to day life when I return home to Italy. This was only meant to wager Catherine in good favor.
“I need to scream. But not into the air, but at the world for allowing this to happen.”
“War is inevitable, since cavemen smashed each other’s faces in for control of the fire stick.”
“It cannot be. It is a choice.”
“Things that are built in our nature are not choices.”
“Such as our human need to seek companionship.” Commenting to look back down into my book. A macaroon sounds delicious. If a bunch of soldiers can have a macaroon then don’t mind if I do. Opening the box to grab a pink and blue macaroon to pop the pink one in my mouth.
I’m hungry. There’s no need to think that I’m some heartless woman because that is not the case. War is inevitable such as Elizabeth stated and there is no such thing as a permanent peaceful society. Eventually that society must go through blood in order to keep that peace. Both Elizabeth and Catherine watched me eat the blue one as if it was a crime.
“Can’t decide if I can stomach a macaroon or not.” Catherine took the blue box from the ground to then chuck it directly out of the carriage into the forest. There’s no need to waste macaroons, and these were delicious.
“FUCK!” She screamed for me to close my book and place it next to me.
“There you go. Let it out.”
“We have to object to this. We cannot subject men to this nightmare, their lives and hopes extinguished. Russia cannot continue on this path.”
“We will prevail.”
“At what cost?”
“Well, that is the trick to it. Knowing when the cost is still bearable and when it has tipped too far.” Though it is a certain matter that is meant to happen, eventually there is a time to call it quits. Unless you’re the Christians and Muslims and think it’s a great idea to have a war that lasts 780 years.
“That seemed too far.”
“I’ve seen worse. But I admire your heart and fire.”
“I am scorched by that, certainly and will not forget it.”
“I hoped it would happen. You are becoming a Russian.”
I think Catherine and I need to have a long talk on ruling an Empire. War is inevitable, war is not a one time deal that goes away after a few days. It is only the continuance of politics but not solved in the halls until it’s too late.
@mirkwoodshewolf @bonafiderocketqueen @johndeaconshands
@jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @amethyst-serenade @radio-ha-ha @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too @deck-heart @actuallyanita  @the-baby-bookworm @ewanmcgregors​ @panagiasikelia​
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longtimewish · 2 years
Continuing my rewatch of The Great s2, here are some of my thoughts about episodes 3, 4 and 5
- I remembered episode three as being the one that I liked the least out of all episodes but on rewatch I enjoyed it way more? Like there were many important things going on plot wise
- For instance Archie gets the idea of the omen in that episode after talking with Father Basil. This is also important bc from that conversation we the audience should have seen coming that he wasn't the progressive priest that Catherine thought he was
- Actually the only reason for Catherine to like Basil it's that he's Leo's cousin. She just trusted him blindly solely because of that (and ofc it ended up firing back)
- Speaking of Leo I legit could not care less about him, I get that having Catherine mourning him was important for her development + her moving on from him it's actually what made Catherine x Peter being an actual thing possible, I get it! But still I only wanted that arc to be over already lol sorry Leo
- SO many interesting things going on with Peter in ep 3, we see him being vulnerable like never before and it's actually kinda heartbreaking. I absolutely love the talk he has with Velementov, the "fuck them" was really endearing
- Also can we talk about this scene right here? The first time I watched it kinda went over my head but now I realized that Peter actually implied something very interesting: that deep down Catherine didn't really want to save Leo because she already loved Peter. I don't think he is entirely right, but I do think that Catherine did love Peter even back then (the "you're my husband" while she tenderly holds his hand scene from s1 lives rent free in my mind). But since after this ep everyone collectively forgets about Leo we never really see I follow up to this idea lol
- I never liked how in s1 Orlo's lack of interest in sex was a running joke, so when in ep 3 we have him openly talk about how he really just can't enjoy it and for the first time it isn't treated like a joke I was SO happy! In s1 I already thought that Orlo was likely ace, so I loved that the show actually explored this. HOWEVER saddly they just never adress it again. Later on he does have sex that seems not to hate but it is also implied that it's not the act itself what he's enjoying but doing it with someone that he likes while she reads him lol. Maybe they didn't knew how to adress that he's ace without using modern language? Weird given that this it's the least historically accurate thing ever nothing was stopping them from having Orlo invent the word "asexual" in the alternative universe the show it's set
- Was the actress that plays George working on something else while they shot this season? Because the way they wrote her off the rest of the season it's kinda weird to me. She wants to be exiled because... of some reason? Like she looses faith in Peter getting back the throne so she just decides to abandone him to go to Paris on vacation? And Catherine's like "sure go have fun in Paris just don't be a slut" and let's her go as if nothing?? ALSO how is she even affording being in Paris anyway? Is Catherine paying? Did she went pennyless? Idk it felt lazy to me
- Or maybe the reason for the way the wrote her off it's that the writers just had no idea what to do with George this season given that she would've gotten in the way of our fav disfuntional marriage getting together. And Grigor and Marial becoming a thing also ended up being super important for the plot, which could not have happened with George around. Still lazy writing tho
- Also are we going to keep pretending that they didn't retcon Catherine's nationality and now she's German? Or am I the only one that remembers that she was Austrian in s1?
- Ep 4 it's just really funny, it's the first episode that's just shenanigans at court and nothing too heavy happens (ok so I guy did ended up with his head off his shoulders by the end of the ep but in this show that's just a monday)
- Catherine my dear WHY on earth you refuse to listen to EVERYONE'S ADVICE?? What is the point on having advisers if you'll ignore them?? It absolutely drove me insane, like yeah I'm all out for female empowerment but Orlo should have been the one the led the negotiations, or at least he should've worked closely with Catherine. She was lucky that the ambassador liked her (tho pointless anyway since he got killed before he could report back anything)
- Grigor and Marial was so random, did they mention in s1 the thing about them loosing their virginities together? Because I can't remember if they ever even shared a scene back then. That being said I think their storyline surprisingly works pretty well! I never liked Marial but I did found her more bearable this season and I think her being with Grigor, a character that I do like a lot, was one of the reasons for it
- We need to stop sleeping on Tatyana and Arkady, they are the actual murder couple of the show AND they are hilarious, I love them
- EPISODE FIVE MY BELOVED. From this episode onwards the season dives full into ao3 territory. This is the moment I realized that they were going to give us enemies to lovers, there was no going back
- Peter being extremely good at eating pussy becoming a key plot point it's the funniest thing ever and one of the many reasons why I love this insane show
- As I said Catherine's reluctance to actually work with the people that are helping her to stay in power drove me insane the previous ep so when she agrees to work with Archie I was like FINALLY!!
- The POWER that a good hand holding scene has... the scene in which Peter and Catherine stroll around the palace holding hands it's more intimate that the scene in which he goes down on her like !!!!
- The dance scene????? the dance scene. THE DANCE SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-No but for real I actually never watched the full trailer of s2 so I had not even the slightest idea that there was going to be a dance scene heavily charged with romantic and sexual tension aka one of my favorite period drama tropes ever when I realized what was happening I ASCENDED. THE WAY THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER. THE CHEMISTRY. THE INTIMACY OF IT ALL!!! Catherine's face at the end!! The confusion in her expression!!! She acted like her coming back to Peter it's just convenient and a physical thing but the truth it's that one look from him and she comes undone
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i have an idea for a george x peter x catherine x grigor fic now, so would anyone like to read that too?
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nastasyafilippovnas · 4 years
Georgina x Grigor :)
OMG, YES. Thank you, Ella!!
Who is a night owl: They both like to stay up late, but Grigor usually goes to bed first while Georgina goes to Peter.
Who is a morning person: Honestly, neither of them? They tend change days for nights. But Grigor does wake up first most of the times.
Are they cuddlers: Not so much? They like cuddling sometimes, but aren't that big on PDA.
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Georgina is the big spoon. Mostly because she tends to go to bed later (after spending some time with Peter), and likes to hold Grigor from behind and reassure herself that, no matter what, he will still be there.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Grigor like sleeping with his head on Georgina's chest, making sure she is still there with him.
Who steals all the blankets: Georgina! She is always so cold, no matter how many blankets they have.
What they wear to bed: George wears something very feminine, like a silk babydoll or a lace white gown. Grigor wears pj pants. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Georgina. Granted, it's an old t-shirt that looks huge on her and she doesn't even remember getting it, but seeing Grigor wears her clothes strikes her possessive behaviour.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Grigor. Georgina tends to go on rants about Russian society and politics, and Grigor wants to listen (really!), but sometimes he is just so tired that he can't help falling asleep.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: I know we tend to see Grigor as the soft™ between the two of them, but Georgina. She dreams of cold Russian winters when her father had gambled away all their money and she didn't know if they would survive the night. Grigor tries to reassure her it's all in the past and they are okay.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Grigor, lol. He moves a lot while sleeping and ends up punching Georgina.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Georgina, actually. Grigor learned to control himself longtime ago. But sometimes he looks so hot, George can't help herself.
send me a ship and i will tell you
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sclfmastery · 4 years
watching the great and my ot2 is grigor x peter x george. I dislike all of them but they are hilarious together. peter just fucking storms into their bedroom and sleeps in their bed and everyone is chill-
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lolol my inability to stand all three of them impedes my ability to laugh at scenes like that, but they ARE full of dark humor. 
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One day, to get it all out of my chest, I will make a long post about what I don’t like about Grigor’s arc in The Great Season 2 and why I don’t like or really support this…new development.
“I could go into heavy detail…and I will! I WILL go into heavy detail”
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melissagarcia8 · 6 years
Man in race row with woman on train is Tory councillor in charge of transport
A commuter captured up in a race row with a woman he accused of putting her muddy shoes on his train seat, is the Conservative chairman of the London Assembly transportation committee.
Keith Prince was branded a "white idiot" by an unnamed woman while he was sitting opposite her on a jam-packed carriage throughout rush hour, a video shows.Witnesses declared the
stand-off on morning Dartford to London Southeastern service ensued after the Conservative councillor took a seat in the seat where the woman had actually had her feet."She took her feet off of the chair and after that brushed
them versus his match -he wasn't pleased anyway and this pressed him overboard", a witness told the Daily Mail. Footage of the exchange was published on the Dartford Rail Travellers Association's Facebook page.At the start, the female can be heard stating:"Touch me once again and I'll slap you"The stand-off peaked when the female accused Mr Prince of touching her and then threatened
to slap him before she put her feet near his groin, saying:"I'm actually grabbing you by your balls."UK news in images reveal all UK news in images 8 December 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa May (L) and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker address an interview at the European Commission
in Brussels AFP/Getty
Images 7 December 2017 Nick
Dunn, among the so-called Chennai Six is welcomed by his sister Lisa as he gets to Newcastle Airport after being launched from India after serving four years in prison on weapons charges.PA 6 December 2017 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (L)greets Nigeria's ambassador to the UK, George Adesola
Oguntade(C ), and his wife, Modupe Oguntade, during a personal audience at Buckingham Palace in main London AFP/Getty 5 December 2017 800 abandoned containers appear at Potters Field Park, London, in a moving homage
the 800 kids who pass away every day, usually, due to a lack of clean water and sanitation. Just one container in the setup, part of WaterAid's #Untapped appeal, could hold practically enough safe drinking water for one child for a week. Every ₤ 1 donated to the #Untapped appeal up until 31st January 2018 will be matched
by the UK Government.WaterAid/ Ollie Dixon 4 December 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa May smiles to European Union President Donald Tusk as she participates in Brexit settlements 'meetings AFP/Getty 3 December 2017 The last Supermoon of 2017 sets over Whitley Bay, Northumberland PA 2 December 2017 The crowd reacts as England's Dawid Malan cannot stop a boundary throughout the very first day of the second Ashes test match REUTERS 1 December 2017 England supervisor, Gareth Southgate, jokes with Belgium supervisor, Roberto Martinez
, after their sides were
attracted the exact same group throughout the Last Draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia Getty Images 30 November 2017 A fan of Lauri Love,
who is accused of hacking into U.S. federal government computers, wears a Donald Trump mask as he opposes in front of the Royal Courts of Justice in London AP 29 November 2017 A sign reading 'We desire our future back'is shown in front of Westminster during an Anti-Brexit Presentation Rex Features 28 November 2017 This year's innovative V&A Christmas Tree, The Singing Tree, is shaped from a cloud of drifting words, contributed by visitors
, and is created by
leading stage and efficiency designer Es Devlin.Rex Features 27 November 2017 David Jones and Margaret Tyler wait outside Kensington Palace after hearing about the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Rex 26 November 2017 Sailors from the Royal Navy carry out the Altering of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace for the very first time in its 357-year history PA 25 November 2017 Arlene Foster offers her leader's speech throughout the annual DUP party conference at La Mon House Getty Images 24 November 2017 Ex-England footballer Michael Owen prior to riding in a charity race at Ascot racecourse Rex 23
November 2017 Shoppers pass an advertising indication for' Black Friday'sales discount rates on Oxford Street AFP/Getty 22 November 2017 Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Hammond poses with the spending plan
box at 11 Downing Street EPA 21 November 2017 Protestors hold up a banner throughout a demonstration kept in solidarity with the University of London cleaners'strike Petros Elia 20 November 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa Might welcomes Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo outside number 10 Downing Street Getty 19 November 2017 Grigor Dimitrov reacts to winning the Men's Songs Final with the prize, during day eight of the NITTO ATP World Tour Finals at the O2 Arena in London PA
18 November 2017
Central Scotland MSP Richard Leonard is praised by Glasgow MSP Anas Sarwar at the Glasgow Science Centre after he was announced as the new leader
Scottish Labour Jane Barlow/PA 17 November 2017 British Military Working Canine Mali poses for a photograph with his handler, Cpl. Daniel Hatley
, after receiving the PDSA Dickin Medal, the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross, for his heroic action in Afghanistan Reuters 16 November 2017 Theresa May chats with resident Val Lay throughout a check out to a housing estate in London
AFP/Getty 15 November 2017 Richard Radcliffe leaves the Foreign Office with his local MP Tulip Siddiq, following a meeting with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Marc Ward/REX 14 November 2017
Four-time Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah after being awarded a Knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II PA 13 November 2017
Repair work continues on the Palace of Westminster Pictures
by Reuters/Getty/iStock 12 November 2017 A veteran takes his hat off throughout the Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph wreathe laying event REUTERS 11
November 2017
Members of the Western Front Association throughout a service at the Cenotaph to mark the Armistice Day EPA 10 November 2017 David Davis and Michel
Barnier REUTERS 9 November 2017 Britain's newly selected Secretary of State for International Advancement, Cent Mordaunt, leaves Downing Street AP 8 November 2017 Priti Patel leaves number 10 Downing
through the back door
EPA 32/42 7 November 2017 School children and their teacher from Thomas Tallis School take a look at photos on screen at the Red Star Over Russia exhibition at the Tate Modern in London Philip Toscano/PA 33/42 6 November
A cast of The Wrestlers, 2 males taking part in the Greek sport pankration, is decreased into place at Natural Trust's Stowe Landscape Garden near Buckingham PA 34/42 5 November 2017 Protesters in Trafalgar Square, London, throughout the Million Mask March bonfire night protest PA 35/42 4 November 2017 Protestors participate in
the'Justice Now: Make it Right for Palestine'march, arranged by the Palestine Uniformity Project, in central
London PA 36/42 3 November
2017 People queue outside an Apple shop in London to buy the new iPhone X upon its release in the U.K. The iPhone X is placed as a high-end, model intended to display advanced innovations such as wireless charging
, OLED display, double cams and a face acknowledgment unlock system Getty 37/42 2 November 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outside 10 Downing Street in London. The set are today commemorating the centenary of a British declaration that ultimately caused the structure of the state
of Israel Getty 38/42 1 November 2017 Mammatus clouds over St Mary's Lighthouse in Whitley Bay, Northumberland Owen Humphreys/PA 39/42 31 October 2017 Women protest outside Downing Street as
they join a presentation
requiring rights for working moms Getty Images 40/42 30 October 2017 England's under 17's pose with the World Cup trophy as they show up
back to the UK PA 41/42 29 October 2017 Leicester City remembrance
day component between Leicester City and Everton at King Power Arena Plumb Images/Leicester City FC by means of Getty Images 42/42 27 October 2017 Spiderman steals a seat on the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones at MCM London Comic Con's opening day Rex Includes
"You're a moron,"she said, adding:"That's why you're not married you idiot since no one
can stand you. "However Mr Prince said:"No
, you're the idiot", prior to he mentioned that he is wed to Nigerian Temitayo and reveals the woman his finger where there is obviously a wedding event ring. "Your partner is where I'm from. Touch me
again and I will slap you
, the same way your wife beats you up,"the female replied.She then moved one of her shoes near Mr Prince's groin area and threatened:" You understand you can't do anything. Listen
, my feet is actually by your balls. I'm literallygrabbing you by your balls. "< p data-nid=/ news/uk/home-news/ pope-francis-racism-violence-immigration-donald-trump-a8078766. html >
Read more Pope condemns political leaders who spread racism over migration "No you're not, no you're not,"Mr Prince responds then chuckled."You're actually a moron. You're a total fool."The female then gets on her phone and, while apparently tape-recording a video of Mr Prince, stated:"So I get on the train and this white moron. ""Oh, you're racist also now," stated Mr Prince
I enjoy it.""I are sorry for getting associated with such a petty dispute. This is among those situations in which it is much better to simply leave," Mr Prince said told The Independent."By the end of the journey we were joking with each other and having an enjoyable conversation. That said,
I 'd like to
apologise to my fellow commuters
for the disruption our initial disagreement caused." More about: Reuse material
source http://taxi.nearme.host/man-in-race-row-with-woman-on-train-is-tory-councillor-in-charge-of-transport/
from NOVACAB http://novacabtaxi.blogspot.com/2018/03/man-in-race-row-with-woman-on-train-is.html
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nnn-res-blog · 6 years
HiPIMS deposition of silicon nitride for solar cell application
Publication date: 25 June 2018 Source:Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 344 Author(s): Vasile Tiron, Ioana-Laura Velicu, Iulian Pana, Daniel Cristea, Bogdan George Rusu, Paul Dinca, Corneliu Porosnicu, Eduard Grigore, Daniel Munteanu, Sorin Tascu Silicon nitride (SiNx) and hydrogenated silicon nitride (SiN:H) thin films were deposited by reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS), at room temperature, in argon, nitrogen and hydrogen gas mixture. The long-term aim of our research is to obtain coatings for solar cell application, with improved optical properties, in a wide range of wavelength radiation. Anti-reflection, passivation and wear resistance properties are also considered for space mission application. Optical, compositional, structural, mechanical and tribological properties of the deposited films were characterized by UV–Vis–NIR spectroscopy, Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GDOES), thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), nanoscratch and nanoindentation. The obtained coatings show dense amorphous and amorphous to nanocrystalline structure, high packing density, very low surface roughness and very good adhesion to substrate and wear properties. Optical properties were optimized to obtain films of low effective reflectivity in a broad-band wavelength range, with good passivation properties and enhanced mechanical and tribological properties. The average reflectance measured in the range of 200–1800 nm is less than 5%, while the average transmittance is up to 93%. GDOES and TDS measurements of SiN:H coatings revealed a diffusion process of atomic H into the Si substrate. FTIR analysis of SiN:H films indicated the presence of numerous hydrogen bonds (Si − H and N − H) which could passivate structural defects and reduce the number of recombination centers in silicon bulk. Read more from Journal of Safety Research http://rss.sciencedirect.com/action/redirectFile?&zone=main&currentActivity=feed&usageType=outward&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2Fscience%3F_ob%3DGatewayURL%26_origin%3DIRSSSEARCH%26_method%3DcitationSearch%26_piikey%3DS0257897218302767%26_version%3D1%26md5%3D02e0c3b7cc740789aba60f179368331f
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rudyroth79 · 7 years
Editura Ars Longa prezintă sâmbătă, 20 mai 2017, începând cu ora 16.00, în cadrul celei de-a X-a ediții a Târgului de carte ”Alba Transilvana” (ediția a X-a), desfășurat în perioada 19–21 mai 2017 la Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor din Alba Iulia, câteva din cele mai recente apariții ale sale:
”D’argile et de souffle / Despre lut și suflare” de Hélène Dorion (ediție bilingvă franceză-română). Traducere: Flavia Cosma. Prefață: Louis-Phillippe Hébert. Colecția ”Perseide”
”Valses tristes / Valsuri triste” de Denis Emorine (ediție bilingvă franceză-română). Traducere și prefață: Christian Tămaș. Colecția ”Perseide”
”Umbrele curcubeului / Les ombres de l’arc-en-ciel” de Sonia Elvireanu (ediție bilingvă română-franceză). Prefață: Isabelle Poncet-Rimaud. Postfață: Denis Emorine. Colecția ”Perseide”.
”Crossing the Walt Whitman bridge / Traversând podul Walt Whitman” de Alan Britt (ediție bilingvă engleză-română). Traducere: Flavia Cosma. Prefață: Anthony Seidman. Colecția ”Leda”
”Epifanie ugaritică” de Ghalia Khoja. Traducere din limba arabă: George Grigore. Prefață: Pușa Roth. Colecția ”Alif”
”Copaci cu chef” de Hussein Habasch. Traducere din limba arabă: Ștefan Ionete. Prefață: Laura Sitaru. Colecția ”Alif”. 
Prezintă: Rodica Chira, Sonia Elvireanu, Aurel Pantea, Ieronim Muntean, Christian Tămaș. Recită: Felicia Colda. Moderator: Brândușa Tămaș.
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Denis Emorine
Sonia Elvireanu
Ghalia Khoja
Alan Britt
Hélène Dorion
Hussein Habasch
Știri: Lansări de carte ale Editurii Ars Longa la Târgul de carte ”Alba Transilvana” (20 mai 2017, Alba Iulia) Editura Ars Longa prezintă sâmbătă, 20 mai 2017, începând cu ora 16.00, în cadrul celei de-a X-a ediții a…
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