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Post #240: VintageComputing, OPUS, No bad memories, 5 1/4" Floppy Discs, 1985.
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teledyn · 8 months
OMG How did they know?
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Surveillance Capitalism is wily and pernicious
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lucianopagano · 1 year
«Non sapevo, quando da ragazzino delle elementari sfogliavo i libri di informatica, gwbasic, algoritmi, diagrammi di flusso, COBOL, turbopascal, computer graphics, che quelle letture, volente o nolente, avrebbero costituito uno dei bagagli formativi da cui provengo» fr.
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elmasmago · 2 years
A cuantos les trae recuerdos esta amiga? Cuantos dieron sus primeros pasos en GWBasic y Cobol alla mediados los 80?
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metsuke · 4 years
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El emulador GW-Basic en funcionamiento con el listado de 5starZ en pantalla, usar-ne esta captura para ilustrar el post de mañana viernes. Pura nostalgia #alttext #gwbasic #pc #basic https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHmZsDCBEh/?igshid=42vb90d69x30
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der-papero · 4 years
In quali linguaggi sai programmare e quali pensi siano i più utili al giorno d’oggi?
Ciao Anon,
‘mazza, alla prima so rispondere, ma la seconda è la domanda del secolo :)
Il mio primo linguaggio in assoluto è stato GWBasic, anno 1993 (qui @egemon si commuove, me lo sento), poi passai al Turbo Pascal (2 anni? più o meno), poi al Turbo C, e infine al C++, nel ‘95, e da allora non l’ho più abbandonato (a parte in parallelo un annetto di ASM x86 e SHARC DSP), e ho attraversato tutti gli standard (obbligato anche dal lavoro che faccio), infatti adesso mi tocca C++20. Ho lavorato in Delphi, me la cavo abbastanza bene con Java, pure con Python, ho fatto qualcosa in PHP e VB ai tempi dell’Uni per cazzeggio, ho persino toccato il Prolog, pensa un po’.
L’utilità ... questa è tosta. Dipende moltissimo dall’ambito. Premetto che non ti parlo del mondo web, per me rimane sempre una roba molto fumosa, sulla quale non mi esprimo per evitare di dire castronerie.
Parto con una battuta.
Pensa che COBOL, un linguaggio nato fine anni ‘50 per gestire l’ambito finanziario, è ancora usato, non si trovano più programmatori COBOL manco a pagarli oro (io ne conoscevo una, era veramente in gamba), e ci sono sistemi bancari oggi che si reggono su codice legacy che nessuno ha abbastanza palle per portarlo su un linguaggio più moderno:
I programmatori COBOL sono come le api, quando spariranno tutti saremo nella merda quella più totale (ma i poteri forti non ne parlano, ovviamente).
Il mio settore aziendale si occupa di database, quindi la scelta è obbligata, C++ e assembler, non ci sono santi, serve il massimo della performance. Se la tua passione è software orientato all’elettronica o ai sistemi operativi, questo è l’ambito preferito (anche se ha diversi campi di applicazione). Ha una curva di apprendimento non banale, e ti tocca sudare un po’ per capirne la logica, ha diversi punti dove è facile inciampare. Ultimamente sento parlare benissimo di Rust, sono curioso di capire come funziona, sembra sia il futuro e l’unico in grado di minare la supremazia del C++ in questo ambito, ma serve sempre tempo per capire.
Python sta prendendo sempre più piede. Sembra che nell’ambito della Data Science e dell’AI sia ormai un punto fermo. E’ più facile da imparare, se vuoi lavorare negli ambiti della analisi dati/AI, oppure gestione di sistemi, allora ti conviene investire di più su questo linguaggio (mi sta sulle palle da morire, sorry Pythonisti).
Se ti piace il mondo Windows e sviluppare applicazioni desktop, diciamo che per la maggiore va C# (Mamma Microsoft comanda).
In ambito militare si usa ancora Ada, ma credo che non vi siano molti posti disponibili qui.
Java è un bel punto di domanda. Negli anni 2000 ha conquistato il mondo con la sua portabilità e con la sua vastissima libreria, a quanto recita Wikipedia è ancora uno dei linguaggi più usati al mondo, ma non sta godendo di un trend favorevole. Fatto sta che di lavoro qui ancora se ne trova, ma in un futuro non molto lontano non ci giurerei (già Android lo sta mettendo in secondo piano per favorire Kotlin). Diciamo che è un linguaggio per tutte le stagioni, puoi trovare lavoro un po’ dovunque, non c’è un ramo preferenziale (al netto di quelli ad alta performance, dove Java non entra manco dalla finestra).
Altri linguaggi come Erlang, Lisp, Pascal, LUA, Haskell, sì, son belli, ma al netto dello studio, non ci punterei per ora, se vuoi tenere alte le possibilità di accesso al lavoro.
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Gw Basic Download
Gw basic download
Gw basic download is perfect with Microsoft/IBM BASICA, however was circle based and didn't require the ROM BASIC. Microsoft packaged Gw basic download with MS-DOS working frameworks on IBM PC compatibles.
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GW Basic Overview
Gw basic download is an old programming to learn fundamental DOS orders. It is for the apprentice's understudy to gain proficiency with the nuts and bolts before going to comprehend the significant level dialects C++, java and C sharp. It is a decent programming to rehearse and get hold on the language and afterward you would have the option to compose programs. When you began to gain proficiency with the orders it is important to work down to earth so you could make yourself master.
O working this application you would understanding subsequent to composing program and troubleshoot naturally blunder discovering highlight in your program would be fast out. Gives you possibility to comprehend, discover and evacuate it. In this way, it get mistake allowed to run appropriately.
The description of GWBASIC
Gw basic download is a tongue of the BASIC programming language created by Microsoft from BASICA, initially for Compaq. It needn't bother with the ROM BASIC. The language is reasonable for straightforward games, business programs and such. it is likewise an ease path for some hopeful developers to gain proficiency with the basics of PC programming.
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QBasic Tutorial, #45 Type Array ...
Post #293: YouTube, School Freeware, QBasic Tutorial, #45 Type Array, 2024.
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callmeblake · 7 years
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Horse Friend
Apparently I own a “dead” whatever that is, and I can’t forget it.
Seriously @staff, it should be “you’re”.
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alessiomineni · 7 years
Buon compleanno!
Buon compleanno! - Era il 1985 quando ho scritto il mio primo programma. Era una rubrica telefonica, avevo 10 anni ... - http://www.v20.it/?p=301 http://www.v20.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/GW-BASIC_3.23.png #Basic, #Gwbasic
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vinhozito-blog · 7 years
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Quem conhece comenta... Sei que serão pouco... Não os culpo.... 😆😆😆 #dosFriends #VinhoZito ---- #CPM86 #CPM80 #NewDOS #DR-DOS #TFRS80 #CP500 #S700 #Digital #KyoeiFacom #NetCobol #Cobol80 #basic #mumps #assembly #fort #gwbasic #dBaseII #Vulcan #VisiCalc #WordStar #Quattro #Joinner #8" #5.25" #USRobotics #BBS #IRC #IRQchannel ---- #saudades #BonsTempos (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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fatalquiiete · 2 years
Back in 1983, i sorgenti di gwbasic ❤️
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blazehedgehog · 6 years
How did you learn to code?
I ramble for a while, so rather than have people scroll past a novel on their Tumblr dash, I’m hiding the full story behind a “Read More” tag.
The short answer is: I taught myself.
I took some computer science stuff toward the end of middle school where I learned TURTLE or whatever it was called, on the old Mac II’s they had. Then, I can’t remember if a computer science class in my Freshman year did some light programming or if I actually saw another kid doing it (making basically a “Hello World” equivalent) in BASIC, but I understood the rough idea of what was going on there.
From there, my Mom had taken a computer correspondence course back in 1988 or so -- she wanted to become a legal secretary. She got a computer and a bunch of software with it, this big Hyundai PC. No hard disk, not even support for color graphics. But it came with GWBASIC. Around high school I ended up getting a 33mhz Windows 3.11 machine (the first computer that was purely my own) with QBASIC, so I used my Mom’s GWBASIC manuals to goof around in QBASIC, since they were so similar. the first program I tried to write was a Pokedex, but I got stuck trying to figure out how to get it to draw graphics. Displaying text was easy, displaying simple geometric shapes (circles, etc.) was easy, but I wanted to have it draw, like, PokeBalls and stuff, but couldn’t figure it out.
High school meant we had to get graphing calculators, usually of the Texas Instruments variety, many of which come with their own programming language called TIBASIC. Most of my friends had TI-83s, I had a TI-82. So most of their games wouldn’t work on my calculator because the software was incompatible. With what I knew of GWBASIC and QBASIC, I ended up figuring out enough TIBASIC to start making simple text adventures. I called them “MovieGames” and usually it was a choose-your-own-adventure short story based on whatever I was thinking about at the time; Men in Black, Jurassic Park, Independence Day, etc. So you’d get a scene, like
A dinosaur is chasing you! Where do you go?
> Jungle> Plain
Perhaps for teachers doing tests, TIBASIC actually had a whole system built in for these kinds of multiple choice questions, so it was really as simple as making it print text, bringing up a multiple choice, and then branching the story from there. I did 4 or 5 of those.
Finally, I found another kid who had a TI-82, and had games he could share with me over the link cable, so I ended up with INDY500 and DRUGWARS. Both were my first real experiences with game logic. DRUGWARS (sometimes known as “Dope Wars”) was mostly a text-based game, and probably one of the most famous games out there, given how it’s been ported to everything under the sun. It even formed the basis of the drug minigame in GTA Chinatown Wars. The idea is that you buy drugs from one place, resell them at another, and make money by traveling around dealing to the right people and dodging the police.
The second game, INDY500, was a “real” game. It had scrolling and very basic graphics -- it used ASCII text to represent cars on a race track. So you’d drive down the course, going from left to right, avoiding cars down a straightaway as things got faster, and faster, and faster, trying to go as far as you could. Simple stuff, but a TI-82 didn’t have a lot to work with.
The TI-82 came with a massive instruction manual, most of which was a very detailed glossary for all of the TIBASIC programming functions. So basically, what I ended up doing with these two games, is go through them, line by line, looking up every single function in the instruction manual’s glossary. I’d mess with their parameters, see what they did, and basically ended up deconstructing both games and putting them back together again -- that was literally the case with INDY500, where once I understood how the game worked, I essentially re-wrote the entire game from scratch by memory.
With DRUGWARS, I ended up taking what I learned about the multiple choice selector in my “MovieGames” and turned it in to a sprawling text-based RPG based on Final Fantasy. It had a very basic story (loosely based on Final Fantasy VII), you could travel between towns, you’d get in to random battles while traveling, level up, learn spells, fight bosses, and even equip Materia for summons. It was so big and complex, if you played it for too long, the TI-82 would actually crash with an “OUT OF MEMORY” error because I’d used up all the system RAM -- with a text adventure.
At that point, I hit kind of a crossroads. I started making a real, actual, complex game on the TI-82 -- a side scrolling shooter that was based on Star Fox, but held more in common with Gradius. The TI-82 had a “graphing” mode that let you use a smaller font so if you were using ASCII graphics, you could fit more on screen, and using per-pixel precision (as opposed to per-row precision). Around this time, I also discovered Corel Click & Create, aka The Games Factory, aka Multimedia Fusion, aka Clickteam Fusion.
The problem with coding on a TI-82 is this was before the days of rechargeable batteries being in everything, so if the two AA’s inside the thing went dead, you lost all of your programs and everything else on it. Even just changing batteries, if you weren’t fast enough, the memory would eventually be erased. Three or four times over the course of a year or two, I lost everything I’d written on my TI-82, and by that point, I was learning enough about Click & Create that the TI-82 was looking less appealing by the day. CnC was simply more flexible, and faster to work with, and I had access to full-color graphics.
So I almost exclusively switched over to Click & Create from then on.
I did still keep up with programming a little bit here and there; I taught myself mIRC scripting, which at one point, I used to make an IRC-based MUD. That was, and maybe still is, the most complex thing I’ve ever programmed, and couldn’t even really be run because it’d spit out so much text it’d trip the flood protection on most servers.
Something else I started coding with mIRC scripting was a chat bot. For some reason I got it in my head that it’d be funny to prank my friends by writing a bot to detect when I’d been AFK and chat for me like I was still at the keyboard (I was a weird highschooler.) It started by spitting out pre-programmed messages, sort of like Eliza, but eventually I started to think about what would happen if I could record text from the chat, break it down in to individual parts, and then reassemble it back in to a coherent sentence. As it turns out, I had, completely by accident, stumbled upon the concept of a Markov Chain. (For the record, I also had never heard of Eliza, either).
So let’s say you’d submit a message to the chat that was like “Hello, everyone! How are you doing today?”
My mIRC script would break that down in to a bunch of separate pieces:
“Hello, everyone! How”“How are you”“you doing today?”“today?”
The script would take the last word of any given piece and try to match it to the first word of any other piece. In theory, this would correctly reassemble the sentence “Hello, everyone! How are you doing today?” -- but what it actually ended up doing was creating hilarious nonsense like
“Hello, everyone! How is it possible to be like Turtles in Time!”
The code was simple enough that many years later, I figured I could use this chat bot (which I called Gilliam, after the robot in Outlaw Star) and port it over to C++. Friends had been telling me for weeks how easy it was to make games in C++ using Allegro, so I figured it’d be a good way to get back in to “real” programming and get away from Click & Create.
Unfortunately, even just getting text to render in Allegro proved to be massively difficult for me as any given sentence longer than a certain length would cause huge memory overflow errors. I banged my head against it for a week, got nowhere, and eventually got so depressed and frustrated at my inability to grasp C++ and Allegro as easily as I did BASIC that I deleted the whole thing and have never touched “real” coding ever again. I’ve stuck to Clickteam Fusion almost exclusively, because it’s what I’m good at.
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Soal Chat HRS dan FH, Praktisi IT: Tepok Jidat Deh, Awam Boleh, Goblok Jangan
Soal Chat HRS dan FH, Praktisi IT: Tepok Jidat Deh, Awam Boleh, Goblok Jangan
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Soal Chat HRS dan FH, Praktisi IT: Tepok Jidat Deh, Awam Boleh, Goblok Jangan
Harianpublik.com – Salah satu profesi saya diluar yang lain-lain adalah praktisi IT dengan pengalaman lebih dari 17 tahun berkecimpung didalamnya. Baik sebagai seorang programmer, designer, guru, dosen hingga pengamat.
Saya sudah belajar pemrograman komputer sejak masih mode dos prompt ala gwbasic, turbo assembly dengan databasenya Dbase III serta pengolah kata Wordstar 4 dan terus sampai sekarang bermain di visual studio dengan database sql servernya.
Saya pernah 3 tahun di unit kerja pracetak kelompok kompas gramedia dan faham sekali bagaimana cara merekayasa foto secara digital serta membedakan mana foto asli dan mana yang fake.
Saya juga pernah mengajar multimedia terkait pembuatan film dan animasi dengan software-softaware canggih sehingga mengerti how to develope the movie. Serta sampai hari ini saya juga seorang penulis sceneplot sinetron ditelevisi swasta. I know exactly how the story should begin and how to raise the conflict between the heroes.
Saya bukan orang bodoh dibidang IT. Saya insyaAllah siap bila dijadikan saksi ahli untuk kasus Habib Rizieq.
Polemik chat mesum yang dinisbatkan terhadap Habib Rizieq sebagaimana beredar luas dan di blow up para media sekuler anti Islam beserta kelompok bani sampah yang berpihak pada sang penista agama itu sebenarnya tidak lebih dari rekayasa murahan.
Gak usahlah mahasiswa saya…. murid-murid saya yang masih belum lulus sma-pun bisa membuat fake semacam itu. Olehnya Saya katakan, kasus ini terlalu dipaksakan seolah kita semua yang anti mereka ini adalah orang-orang dungu tidak berpendidikan yang cuma bisa memalsukan ijasah serta bikin sampah dimana-mana.
Aplikasi fake whatsapp dimana kita bisa membuat seakan-akan saling kirim pesan dengan seseorang satu sama lainnya dapat dengan mudah ditemukan di playstore. Ambil foto Obama disatu sisi dan tempatkan foto profile Marlyin Monroe disisi lainnya lalu buat percakapan seolah-olah mereka terlibat affair tertentu. Ho ho, piece of cakelah. Gampang. Gak perlu pendidikan tinggi kok. Tapi apa lantas screenshotnya bisa dijadikan barang bukti bila terjadi perselingkuhan antara mereka?
Tepok jidat deh… awam boleh, goblok jangan.
Armansyah, S.Kom, M.Pd
Praktisi IT
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