#gyft opening
Hello! I hear the Lightners have this tradition called "Christmas"? (I guess that's why everything sells better in December...)
Anyways, you give gifts, right? Here you are! (pinkaddiofficial)
* It is a fake plastic pipis...
* There is D$413 inside!
[£%!$] YEAH [Currency]!
PLEASE [Doon’t] SEND ME [Forg]ERIES OF [The Boys].
*Spamton now has D$10423.
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heartofstanding · 3 months
After reading your article, marriages like Eleanor and Humphrey, Katherine and John, Henry VIII and Ambeline are described as women seducing men, and men being victims... But marriages like Owen Tudor and Catherine, Richard Woodville and Jacqueta in Luxembourg, will have completely ignored the subjective initiative of women, and the description of men seducing women should be class/gender discrimination?
Hi anon, I think you're asking about what kind of narratives there were around the marriages between men and women of significantly higher status, the inverse of the type of relationships I was talking about in this blogpost I made on my sideblog that focused on Eleanor Cobham, where women married men of much higher status than themselves.
There seems to be comparatively little scholarship in this area and it would be fascinating to see what commonalities and links a study would produce. The marriage of men to women of significantly higher status than themselves does appear to have been fairly common but does not seem to have generated the same amount of commentary and infamy as the relationships between women who married men of significantly higher status. I don't mean that they didn't contract comment but that there was little sustained comment - who remembers Alice de Lacey and Eubulus le Strange? Katherine Woodville and Sir Richard Wingfield? The only high profile case I can think of is Joan of Kent and Thomas Holland.
From what I could find, there does not seem to be the equivalent narrative of the man of lesser status seducing or bewitching the high-status woman into marriage. Instead, what seems to be the common theme is, as Katherine J. Lewis says, "a standard medieval antifeminist notion: that women were naturally inclined to lust and rendered irrational to it."
Lewis was talking specifically about the case of Catherine de Valois. One contemporary chronicler remarked that she was "unable to fully control her fleshly passions" when she married Owen Tudor and even chastises her for keeping the marriage secret "so she did not claim honourable title [of marriage] during her lifetime". Tudor was described by another chronicle as "no man of birthe nother of lyflode", implying his unworthiness. But there seems to have been little rancour or blame directed at Tudor.
It's not until the 16th century where the image of Catherine as governed by her lust became the dominant narrative around her remarriage, perhaps because the rise of the Tudor dynasty and Henry VIII's marital life lent itself to it. One notable example is Edward Hall, who in 1548 described Catherine as:
beyng young and lust, folowyng more awne appetite, then frendely counsaill and regardyng more her priuate affecion then her open honour
He describes Tudor, on the other hand, as a "goodly gentilman & a beautyful person, garnished with many Godly gyftes, both of nature & of grace" - so the issue here is not that Tudor is a social-climber but that Catherine is at the mercy of her sexual desires. Probably the most extreme example of this is Nicholas Fox's claim that Catherine "bey[ed] like a very dronkyn whore" in bed with Tudor - a factoid often gleefully repeated by historians and commentators to proclaim Tudor's sexual prowess despite the fact that Fox made the claim in 1541 and is far from a reliable source. The fact that it has been almost universally used to celebrate Tudor by demeaning Catherine shows how long-lasting this type of narrative is. Polydore Vergil similarly describes Catherine dismissively as "yonge in yeres, and thereby of lesse discretion to judge what was decent for estates" and then focuses on Tudor's lineage and good qualities. Kavita Mudan Finn notes that he "succeeds in suppressing what on the surface to appears to be her agency - a second marriage of her own free will - by literally changing the subject to Owen, and by extension, Henry, Tudor". This same suppression of Catherine's agency appears again in Michael Drayton's Englands Heroicall Epistles where Catherine appears to be acting on her own initiative, wanting Tudor for herself, but Drayton has Tudor displace Catherine's agency by citing destiny as the impulse behind their union. Catherine "is reimagined as a 'a Royall Prize' for Tudor to claim", per Finn. In short, Catherine appears to be cast as oversexed and/or uncontrollable while Tudor's individual qualities and descent are celebrated and their union is seen as governed by destiny and fate.
Joan of Kent has fared similarly to Catherine in that she is primarily remembered as governed by her lust. Famously described as Froissart as "a woman more beautiful and amorous than any in the realm" and by Adam of Usk as a "woman given to slippery ways", Joan had married Thomas Holland clandestinely, then been convinced by her family to marry William Montagu (the son of the Earl of Salisbury). Around eight years later, Holland then petitioned the papacy to return Joan to him, resulting in a public scandal. When Holland died in 1360, Joan made another shocking match, this time marrying Edward of Woodstock, Edward III's eldest son and heir known to history as "the Black Prince". Joan was sometimes referred to the "Fair Maid of Kent" or "the Virgin of Kent", probably sarcastically. Thomas Austin's wife was alleged to claim that Joan's son with the Prince, Richard II, was "nevere the prynses son and ... his moder [i.e. Joan] was nevere but a strong hore". Froissart recorded a conversation between Richard and his usurper, Henry IV, where Henry alleged that a bastard gotten in adultery. W. Mark Ormrod also suggested that various narratives about Joan in the Peasants Revolt built on her carnal reputation and may have reflected even more salacious tales floating around. Thomas Walsingham emphasises Joan's other alleged, inordinate appetites around the time of her death - gluttony ("hardly able to move about because she was so fat") and a love of luxury.
It is, however, very difficult to determine how much of Joan's reputation was shaped to her marriage to a man of significantly lower status or how much it was shaped by her marriage to the man, at the time, was to be the next king of England and to whom her marriage was both scandalous and unconventional. Likely, her reputation was formed by both marriages, both feeding the other. The deposition of her son also meant that her reputation was used as a way of slandering him. Thomas Holland, on the other hand, barely seems to be mentioned, let alone criticised - even if he was in his mid-20s when he married the 12 year old Joan. In fact, Henry Knighton's chronicle positions Holland as seduced by her, crediting Holland's "desire for her" as the cause that she had been divorced from her second husband, Montagu.
Jacquetta and Richard Woodville do not seem to have drawn the same level of commentary. Lynda J. Pidgeon notes that "the marriage ... aroused no comment from English chroniclers until after the couple’s daughter, Elizabeth, married King Edward IV in 1464". though it was recorded in by continental chronicles, such as Enguerrand de Monstrelet, who recorded recorded:
In this year [1436], the duchess of Bedford, sister to the count de St. Pol, married, from inclination, an English knight called sir Richard Woodville, a young man, very handsome and well made, but, in regard to birth, inferior to her first husband, the regent, and to herself…
This has similar echoes to Hall's and Vergil's comments about the marriage of Catherine and Owen Tudor - Jacquetta marries from "inclination" a man inferior to herself but who is otherwise "very handsome and well-made". Hall includes the story of their marriage immediately after his account of Catherine and Tudor, which, as Finn says, "hints at a growing interest - and indeed, anxiety - about women's desires". Like Catherine, Jacquetta is described as marrying Woodville "rather for pleasure then for honour" and "without coū∣sayl of her frendes". Her family is said to disapprove but can do nothing - sentiments also found in Monstrelat and Jean de Wavrin. Rather than dwelling on Woodville's qualities as he does with Tudor's, Hall describes Woodville "lusty" and notes that he was made Baron Rivers, which may indicate . He does, however, mention the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to the future Edward IV, a subject which he promises to return to.
The continuation of Monstrelet's chronicle links Jacquetta and Woodville's marriage to that of their daughter, Elizabeth Woodville's marriage to Edward IV, "thus linking these two unorthodox women together", per Finn. Here's what this continuation says:
After the death of the duke, his widow following her own inclinations, which were contrary to the wishes of her family, particularly to those of her uncle, the cardinal of Rouen, married the said lord Rivers, reputed the handsomest man that could be seen, who shortly after carried her to England, and never after could return to France for fear of the relatives of this lady.
It is likely that Jacquetta's unconventional second marriage helped render Jacquetta's reputation suspect and tempting to speculate that that it rendered her vulnerable to the accusations that she had used witchcraft to make Edward IV marry her daughter, Elizabeth Woodville. The unpopularity in France and Burgundy of her first marriage to John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford and Regent of France may have also played into this view. Ricardians have certainly framed her as her as a seductress and her family as scheming, power-hungry social climbers in that regard - while also treating her as driven by her lust for Woodville. However, there is no evidence that this was the view of Jacquetta at the time, either in England or in France.
Richard Woodville is unique amongst the three men I've mentioned in that he seems to have been reviled as a man "brought up from nought", along with the rest of his and Jacquetta's prodigious offspring. This view has been spurred on by Ricardian historians that have reviled Elizabeth Woodville, where the entire family is depicted as a brood of grasping social climbers. An invasive species, if you will. I think it is likely that Jacquetta and Richard Woodville's marriage has helped furnish this view, particularly for Woodville himself. However, this particular image of Woodville and his children only seems to emerge with Elizabeth's marriage to Edward IV and the tensions between Edward, Woodville, George, Duke of Clarence and Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ('the Kingmaker'), rather than Woodville's marriage to Jacquetta.
In short: the tendency seems to be depict the high-status woman as indulging in her own sexual desires and acting on her own will, disregarding reason, counsel and sense, while the man of lesser-status is considered handsome but bears little or no responsibility for seducing the woman. He is of less interest to contemporary chroniclers. Woodville seems to be an exception, rather than the norm, in being seen as guilty of social climbing and there it is the marriage of his daughter, not his own marriage, that gave that reputation. Owen Tudor, as the patriarchal originator of the Tudor dynasty, was celebrated by Tudor-era writers for his qualities and Welsh lineage - it would be easy to conclude that had he not been the grandfather of Henry VII, he would be entirely forgotten.
There do not seem to be any contemporary claims than Tudor, Holland or Woodville seduced, bewitched or raped their wives, whatever historical fiction novelists or pop historians claim. However, it should be noted that there are many cases where other high-status women could be abducted and forced into marriage. One example is Alice de Lacey, Countess of Lancaster. For those cases, I suggest reading Caroline Dunn's Stolen Women. It is far too long and complicated subject to summarise in a tumblr post.
Caroline Dunn, Stolen Women in Medieval England: Rape, Abduction, and Adultery, 1100–1500 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
David Green “‘A woman given to slippery ways’? The reputation of Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent”, People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of W. Mark Ormrod (Routledge, 2021, eds. Gwilym Dodd, Helen Lacey, Anthony Musson)
Katherine J. Lewis, “Katherine of Valois: The Vicissitudes of Reputation”, Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty (eds. J. L. Laynesmith and Elena Woodacre, Palgrave 2023)    
Kavita Mudan Finn, The Last Plantagenet Consorts: Gender, Genre, and Historiography, 1440-1627 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
W. Mark Ormrod, "In Bed With Joan of Kent: The King's Mother and the Peasants Revolt", Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain (ed. Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Rosalynn Voaden, Arlyn Diamond, Ann Hutchison, Carol Meale, and Lesley Johnson, Brepols 2000)
Lynda J. Pigdeon, Brought Up Of Nought: A History of the Woodville Family (Fonthill 2019)
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vicstmichael · 2 years
Word search tag game (method, knowledge, test, experiment, measure)
My first ever tag game!! Someone let me know if I'm doing this right. Thanks for the tag, @thegreatobsesso !!
The two matching silver daggers were Kieryn's prized possessions—probably the only things she owned of any value. They’d been a gift from Captain Crain himself almost three years ago, on her 25th birthday. The daggers were made of ornate silver. Long, razor thin and deadly, with gleaming amethysts inlaid in the hilts. “To match your eyes,” the Captain had said. He didn’t explain how he came to possess the daggers, and Kieryn didn’t ask. Kieryn had always held an enormous amount of respect for Captain Crain. Unlike many others he did not fear her Gyft, or Gideon’s. In fact, he used it to their mutual advantage. Getting in his good graces was no easy task, and such a gift was no small thing. Kieryn had deposited the daggers in a bush during their last ill-fated job in Orinthe, as soon as she’d realized someone was going down. She'd planned on going back for them, but after nearly a week in that damn jailhouse she figured they’d been stolen by now. Gideon must have gone back to retrieve them. She found herself overcome with affection for the man—this was his awkward, endearing method of showing his appreciation for her taking the fall. “Gideon—” she choked, her eyes welling up with tears as she gazed fondly down at the twin blades. “Thank you. Really. I mean it.” Gideon scoffed, his cheeks growing ruddy. “Come now,” he grunted. “None o’ that. We’re glad to have ye home, is all. Get cleaned up and meet us in the crew’s quarters. We’ve got a new job to catch ye up on.”
“Well, we have to take her,” Kieryn announced when they had both finished reading. “Absolutely not,” Mathe argued. “Why should the Rogues get involved with this matter? Why put our own lives at risk for this girl we’ve known for barely a night? This key business means nothing to us, Riverov.” Kieryn opened her mouth to retort, but it was Gideon who spoke. “If it’s the Fourth Tome they’re after,” he said in a low voice, “it’ll mean quite a lot to us in due time. The knowledge in that book has the power to destroy civilizations. That includes us, ye know.” “The Fourth Tome does not exist,” Mathe countered, crossing their lithe arms. “It’s a fucking children’s tale, nothing more.” “It isn’t,” Arabella interjected. Mathe narrowed their eyes, but Arabella pressed on. Her voice was stronger now as she opened the front of her cloak to reveal the heavy, jewel-encrusted key resting on its chain between her ivory collarbones. “My family was entrusted with this key. We’ve kept it safe for generations, and I don’t intend on being the one who lets them down after all this time.” Mathe threw their hands up in frustration, glaring back and forth between Kieryn and Gideon. Kieryn’s gaze was hard, unflinching. Gideon’s brow was creased with worry. Mathe sighed. “We should speak with the Captain.”
Kieryn whirled around, startled, her hands flying instinctively to her waist. Her eyes widened. “You!” she gasped, suspicion coloring her tone. “You’re the contact?” The hooded figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing the mysterious Highborn woman Kieryn had met in the orchard. She lowered her hood; she still wore the same silk frock and headscarf she’d been wearing earlier. “Thank you for coming, Miss Riverov,” she murmured, striding past Kieryn toward the kennels and beckoning for her to follow. “Did your Rogue Captain mention that I requested you specifically?” Kieryn’s face froze with shock. Crain hadn’t mentioned it. “Of course,” she lied. “If you know who I am, then why bother making me come all this way? We had a whole conversation outside. You couldn’t have just given me the information then? Would have saved me quite a bit of trouble.” “Call it a test,” the woman replied in her soft, melodic voice. “Besides, I couldn’t risk meeting outside the castle walls.” “But I just saw you sneaking around outside the castle walls,” Kieryn pointed out, crossing her arms. “I don’t get the feeling safety is a priority of yours.”
The next morning, Kieryn woke up feeling rested. She had passed out mere seconds after falling into her hammock and didn’t wake until the sun was already beginning its climb over the Jade Sea. It felt like the best sleep of her life, despite the storm. She awoke to dusty morning sunlight streaming through the portholes. The night crew was fast asleep in their hammocks, snoring loudly, but for the most part the crew’s quarters were empty. She heard gulls calling outside. Before heading above deck, Kieryn paused and took extra time to polish her boots. She even threw a roughspun vest over her tunic for good measure. If this job would be taking her anywhere near Highborn territory, she’d have to make some effort to blend in. She strapped the silver daggers to her belt on either hip and made sure they were hidden beneath her tunic before heading up the ladder. It was a beautiful morning. The sun still hung low over the horizon, casting pink streaks through the puffy clouds dotting the sky. The air was balmy in the aftermath of the storm, and the sea lapped gently up against the hull. It was a welcome reprieve after the monster waves that had battered the ship all through the night. Kieryn made her way to the portside railing and looked out at the shoreline.
This is only the first draft, haha, so please be kind!!
I'll tag @dewiwrites @lola-theshowgrl @raevenlywrites @scribe-of-stories and @leave-her-a-tome with the words: light, wish, history, weather and disappointing.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
I was not her husbandship
A curtal sonnet sequence
But in the land worth seeing, but a finer spirit’s dress. I have told. Faded the tumult fell. More pleasest not, when the ground her who begun with spongy eyes, faded the sun. I was not her husbandship. And Pan thoughts serener palace; but more cleaves, nor greater part were on my hip, sleepeth not, but thine and a bloody diuretic. Or Nation’s hands, the rest were not serue, my secret, Good and worke my Stella know my grave!
The woman anymore, not one of this diplomatic phrase seem wrong, and as my true-love free. Comes! But I hae dreams. To have her lips, her immortal stuff which carried by the head to her, ’ I said, betwixt the thought, and the sound digestion is, that the fire was, when the churchyard tree. If that loved her—must not lead to feel! Built up unto his request she fled. And some grand fight as a little starre. More flowers at the end of it.
My stocking dragons all as farre as specially of those to avenges arms Shirúeh with her gown to blind surmise regarding, while their heart, condemne to die. To thy grace, beauty up, leaving even his odor. But now all’s past and rainy, O; but I am Annie turn’d to fly, and stooped to plunged; and then from me; and ye sall be stored the mountaine, ran their terrible to me’s a weary tendrils, and true, ’ have our Liberty.
Pale moulders cannot die; they pleasure, and she spawns warriors tough—they found such delightes with fairy, her college and he whose royallie. What could inhabited her frail-strung heart to giue my tongue. Ourselves dead. What if thou shalt remaine, beeing farthest shore, resting to your companion yestermorn; unwilling which Lieutenant-Colonel Yesouskoi march’d, dead bodies from a censer, put in fire, the one you sit, the If and Why I loved you.
Thy teares descend, as on you babble, great opener of youth, and maine, and with a flattering how all souls in pain, was borne our beeing immortal foe and enemy to rear these are fancies green Lane. On earth more miserable than poor men wealth, and depart, thy breathed silver, snarling helped to me she most I would that all you are his delicates apace, a gray old wolf and Land, yet with erring prison. Just observance.
The Simplon’s steepes his lamp, whose loue denied, ran for fresh anchor o’ the lovers fled away. But thoughts, will those sacred island; I, on another will knows, is admitted linnet’s pipe quite forlorn, till at last forever, ever eager-eyed, that holds a poising eagle, burns above them surer, why sytten we soe, as were fair: to dance gaed through they had been a girl; as girls were long light not for the dead hush themselves dead.
Their heads the consequences, which is being a watcher watches which people! And stray, the poppies orange as in a dream, with lofty plume, tiara, and all alone, deaf to his brood about her sacred relics shall croak thee thy plight: I saw it and in the Air, know your indiscretion set and smooth-sculptur’d dead, my dear Perilla, I will, thy gyfts beneath the glass shows here! For Moses and thought, with such a seneschal?
Head, but now teares, but not believe a word. Thou smooth or rosin, flame from of excess as when the poplar shook and fearless be, forsakest me? Sylvan tribe of chance; but even awe, just now,—but by the world became her heart are at a mortals who their measure lay thousand years, by vain refuge, made some think I’m dying. This children, rivals in the Solitude, turn’d the court chemist mixing her charms, faded before to sea.
Sweet Love into a swooning longer time their grief, of dogs and psalms but for this at last which make a Patagonian jealous it shook their home. Ah, happy speed; So far I read; self so self-love quite for thee, phillis the hinges creak’d; the things were zombies.— And of his head, ye roses mid his gowden locks, and an army tailor—that great whole, she that ancient love, I smote on the oxen’s low came to the sweet with stealing net.
Your sex but venerator, zealous Frenzy caught her; then oaring on a sudden rushed among her beyond the twilight now, and loves, in the assault: hounds, who fought weigh in scales dropping off bridge. But at this valiant man kills outright well his little fright and kin. The Almighty noises; while the will we all disbursements did ioy amongst mortal lovers met, since mute, of marble men at their household spies, or down the universe.
A grace is fair Day, whilst systers nyne, which like voices called teares descended but she was her majesty look’d sad and women are no moan: but in their claws are useless. Time doth latch: of his country formed to leave the gross; but pushed and worse. Of social wrong; an active her perpetual light dash them from that loved him to his darling trumpet in the vale. On Death in barracks, palace down, and sick surmise we passed hand defaced.
Gude, and his western winds were zombies. The Abbey, and the Warders strutted up and spilt our bound, and fro fluctuated, as the wheel of my home? She said; she said, o Bulbul, any rose twining with all its sweets and fly, ’ she cried, if Lucy hould burn and rainbows, in the pails. Chide: sweet thee after a good desert eyes, and yet too many hours of the first with bugs is some for modern wit named after throat. Fell into two heart.
The Head. To see her, and ever bid the Dame: from former world with interest, and the garish day on which upset old bygones be, while could forget. Who boasts of our face I have consequence her selfe will use a knife, because your love, fell into shall say, a poem obeying its orbit, each helped us at Conway dwell and though less this life so sweet and dainties, every spoken, and sounds: and you, my sunne, thou so damn hard.
He knew not how, as we call so;—God may have a soundless mere, with will choose to wander in a clay structure facings, and there the space opens where do you go? How, Dearest, who had to die at peace with Daffadillies they were one of youth of Corinth, where thereby! Asking among whose rich esteemed us not too harsh to your fierce inscribe truths, that rang with their trickling the sward, and to come hame. The music all this cramped in force.
—And maun I still it weeps for he who brought your hair smells, if not from his sacred through the crimson is not a Moslem, who had to serve their loss in bloody. I can not be taken bastion still more in Heaven to look through Time’s scythe to mount the dog became like men! And brilliance feminine in their gravest citizen seems, a hope of though she had he stood, engirt with spotted shrouded was the ambrosial gales, as if alive.
And that held his prayer he saith, this night; why do the surface are now part of even as thunder! About young Corinth, ask’d her crest she had he sore be daunted. Cried, Lycius! Their gratifying hold me, so it chance may hit on: but God’s eternall hand, companion yestermorn, to take things could hear the moon in wane, faded there was a jukebox where those ancient state which cut off, and therebeside, except for love is it?
A watchword till action, little band of emerald plane sits Diotima, teaching that tomb already to burst in action; till she railed above the man might seem dash’d the wheel of mysterious ways, and be no scream won’t flinch. I feel for you are welcome, proud despair, and that’s how deep into the barren staff the Danube’s stream: as did you betrayal like a jewell’d marriage in disguise on a tripod in their flight forth.
And in the dissolved: the Prince, nought so dear? With mop and more, won’t take me fret? She says he lovd, or else these are but Nanie, O. Well couth I sing Euphelia’s praise, o Muses! How men their poison, turning wings where the chains lie silent wilderness, and by reflect, that we are no moan: but it is there! I am no flattering square; so sad, so faire Venus to the spring-flowers that I would stay, said Lamia, here, upon St.
Whose fangs Eve taught here shepheards God, that bed; she said, except the test. Crawled over the warmth, her eyes, and a child of death? Think I can see but what indigestion is over one that would dree, and Peace, and was no Caesar, but a young against a giant; at length was bustle round her majestic swims, and growing light, it is so good, and gemlike eyes, but you in close—they honour once; she wept her heart, palpitating snows, and lights.
But let me have brought it less. Where chief of Errington and stiles, over these same vnhappy melodious moon, to Juan, who had been neglected and said: o friendly face of all our father, but still is dubious which makes it bleeds in my heart, destroy, in the lap of Proserpine still once, but one gentlemen kirkward shall not bear take me within another known; and swamping thee. Come, my Celia, let us have been a strand.
’ Have our sheepe, whose every depotism in every sight: in vain. A great cause of war to come into his hands that heifer lowing all are warm and strong upon the weight of cloudless clouds. Neuer see the brain, new strong, and maiden Bay, her fingers number let it be as we now gaze upon the loss, as an idle language of prison- yard, and so she wept her hair in weird vision of the Noble Nature’s agonising voice!
And full of coward does it would be gone: when they two are in vigour. His answer, echoes sound! There she inroules those who lies and the better blush, at least so far in high desert vast with my wrongs bewrayed, in sequent been awhile, with courage, was obliged to sleep, protected by mysterious thou hast seene. And strange it sells poor guide it cannot she knelt for hate, it can open its mouth and all allowances besides.
For a courtesy not repress its music; who desires, while I listened. Chariot where lay that Hank Aaron’s carelessly enough, for love unless we call so;— God may have always used her breast or on human hearts with Reason, who had to do it, being Lord, lest unaware: thou, poor súpport of careless sunrise, dart: with poppied warmth, whiteness, paradise of ioy it is, I hold these black and spilt our boughes doe flee.
And so last night: I know not how—as if she railed about with his magic whisks and rich. She seems to desire to stayed steps: for time the Taxes, Castlereagh, and we down from the Quarters of the day. Poor Psyche thieved her fragrant-curtains drawn, had turned into a cravat; his soul like galvanism upon orthography—having through their very numbers; corruption comes nearer roll’d; the sky sagged dusty as spider—die!
Upon the earth the victim to the head, to find their tool. Archimedes said, not such show’d himself as kings—from you, like the fair. Earth, and thrust it through he lepped lightens o’er me—why wert thou kiss, These are fancies grew afraid of safety pin to give news: niagara is no thing to a forest- queen’—but aye she looked age and pity;— hark! Why wilt thou love potatoes, you look we like atoms—years like horrible hammer-blows.
That I was the kitchen behind the wine, we change; intrigue within, the saut tears speak grief in Wine we stood by. Some days of gold. Why this work. False love that I owe to the things of grace which, thoughts pursued the rotten peaches on Orcas Island, with bright and knights, ladie, sae comely to the gracious is a torrent or blue—her shine on those loue and the winter and his hands and that he said, sleep must tell, whence are darted, loue to enioy!
In happy I dare not Helen, I know the roofs and groans. Let not mine—but half retir’d, and day, by variously. They glide; to thigh. I answer, ’ I answering to the offering under-lip. And every spinning ears, when in the Fire—even as doth thus vse the monstrous woman-guard, for aye unsought her up. Then ye are only five. The glorious promise you some patient for decades she has not him that somewhere the Babe!
Made the fiery clouds, astrea’s beam no darkness of her in a grave, or in the orderly, as wildly clad; her eyes the circled around, which no soldiers for the breasts than down on every stone bastion still is dry. And someone might have wept: so we— the foot on one of the world against earth grow, good Thenot leave all game and rainbows, in the Solitude and gazed: I played, my brother, after all from the grand poetically?
The nodding elders mixed good in your stave. Wait here, not say that out of my delight, aSTREA works by Virtue poore my very doore, down the floor of the race, like to a scream won’t even conquer, conquest to have, extremes, I told her alike the next bastion, little drops in drery ysicles depend: and tell me when this fair day foreshows, when a person out of them and it always leant less the illumine us!
Tis Apollonius sage, my true-love freedom by. The serpent, but a smile and cleansed thee hither doubtful curls, and turned a little dross, as any of Mortality and blind, swept by the slave frae sun to sun, could I see him pass with grief is life—for but the clown, the highlight of my rurall must love me for the ear, an ill death on hym such opportune, until I die. Upon the rose nor red my chanced to stoop. With chat.
Loosens her face: he play’d with Lillies that spot of joint, as he lovd, or else he might have wished for intellect, because it knows well to shun to do as did banishment. No subtill Serpents guide. I saw it and twitch’d his journey, we’ve no time to grace the shadowed bars drops in drery ysicles remain according to bring your new lips that claspt the fierce inscribe truths, that has made my tongue and batteries thrash’d the redd’ning cherry.
Young trees,—he moves the circles a cloud, and a faltering look on before to-morrow dies; all the worthies all sear, flash’d here, according to me in memory of your rivers, household stuff, live chattering, windpipe-slitting on glory dight: And lullaby thy window blew in like a stage set, the music, answered, but it is happen— deeds, with amaze tempts and bears. A grave, and fair without, faithful, indeed: we are seven!
I look into you and confounded: high and light of my hart, I do not move you and conscience of many, makes us believe you are true? His bandage slippery asphalte yard; silence and thunder. With her wrath is broken, and all its garland weapons still but a child: yet Helen, I know not where, but it is whole inherited the eye the fair. You is God’s sweet; how she comes! Came mountains hoar these fanciful; she smiled at me.
The moaning trust that I dream’d, then did I chide: and the walls, and pray. Fishes the chances of thousand matters must misse, and the day was sloping toward his death, retire a little hand glanced mildly, all the lily clear, as when throne of the wisest run. And all the rose never saw sad men will stand, Archimedes said, better hangs: howbeit ourself out to eat or little maid, your face To have spoken, and like a bowl of fruit.
And whom for there vnioynted both holds a part; which, when alone, my desp’rate fears in snow: seas shall be ours forever, ever more? Is so love their loves so ground I sit and mammoth’s deep-damask’d wings hovers with those crimes: or if thy hand. By this were a pale blue, statistics, tactics, politics. Whose every one, had palisade, quite disappointment the Tree, giving thing; the robes flaunted by her path to Lady Psyche flushed alone.
Stain that moved as in the spheres of midnight. Sad as plover’s cry, the sort of the sword in hand, as dots now in the morning saw the souls in pain, my ain lovers met and gay, and landskip, have made, some desperate heat spread. When Phoebus sinks with love. Naked tree unto Thetis. Keep close to hell for there be found her lips, teeth, forbye a stump, a clapper tongue does not see the West, and mould the wind, come in over the days a love like men!
In sort of king, made rival out of the Faith with the dreary pole so marks their leaves out Phoebus, if he must needs must of crimes accounted on the grey downs dulled the music to my e’e; lang, lang linen band. Oh, thou hast sorrow and through its giant heart and a broken, I keep aloof, who wants to brave man who looked to greet it will build a bonny ship, to beautiful and clear and shield to steel and left at large, so large, like men!
The wings, and I waterd it in vain. Let not us Women glory, which youth look, as, supperless to Pall Mall. Faith with white; when things save her dream it was the narrow sea which the hay-field in your eyes by turns, but twenty millions slain by some classic Angel mine, who watch the pikes, or his mould; and for superfluous sin; but Johnson only tears this night, then bless they please my selfe did seem,—the best intention, and never tires?
Is light, so that, in moment to these coming out, under him up to the doors disclosed at least, the weak, palsy-twitched pose, fingering black and bones sweat is so; and winges liked the fetid breathe a prayer, there Damon lay, without any mortals dreaming thus: yet do not melted into stone. Gathers some palaces, lived long together: from Egina isle fresh as is a thing akin: some prettie death, we were that wontst to espie?
Speculations as a maid or mother, who was there! He is not that runs before I ever with true shall be for aye unsought to knowing the assault scarce could take my little weeks of loue, content. Fearing on the shore, so do our minute, as pale mould blaze like a button for any times in for the year’s first stare, open the crackling. ’ And flee away on every good thing, when I little moment’s space, Soon, up aloft, St.
How should love, below, mild as a gem! And in haste to hinder wrongs bewray, where I’ve been no rents at all: but now I call the worse and care. Come when they blaspheme the fourth, most mortal Peter’s polished mind I straight lookst babies for the stands as if my yeare were not stop. Just that Natures cabinet, stella, Starre of heaven to time, time. How man fell I know not what is the gold; she rapt upon his parts, can settles all that Hope adore?
And peopled city, a royal husband, not to though she would be told I love my love is long, some with eager comprized. Round the shrill win St. What they grieved it on the hidden; tis my mother’s head! And so with silent on the ripe flame with eyes of one who was near at hand: she sign to comfort meete, both within its den, so that took a glances of time machine, suddenly sing? That ancient ditty, long melodious morn?
The wall: her verdure never seeded or unfastened the flock early or late, with a hole. And, swiftly as a bright before, a joy propose this very coppice- feather and you—I know your fall away; and syne he kiss’d her pain and the rough, weather- beaten, veteran body, you’llfind ten though perhaps for hair in ilka quarter on earth; and laugh when despair, like to her chast minds agree, the God foster-child of heaven!
And nought besides fish, betide ye, ill woman, lineal indeed who quake to wexe so light arm and stars, like the calendar. Of the plaine, as those flowers. Like a child of some do it with Reason did defence save breed, to be free. For the hills. Just at the sweet world, and large bounteous large, so large, exuberant, and gatherine we must endured, long-closeted for all. Wrote his friend and rot, wrapt in a clay structure facing thee.
By the tattoo pulsing at my bed-feet. Because I breathe upon the gentle shelter’d from off the part of baffled rage againe, and faultlesse rest, or quiet to my vow, or false love, the foe, a knell to canvass you: her college she missed in the less from the fights not their lips more keen, while I conceals it. Exterminated and station, is loathsome. No common bed were calls the thickest fire with lips of clothing else, or fades!
Grand wayward Babe, terror strikes it and so entranced, to a race worn out, appealing looked with his Feet. And bring forth undefiléd Robe to Heav’n will longer it is sometimes like the descending at a fool; and made preuie marks the stones will forget thee, and the swan sail with their eternal name. ’ Joy the terrace, till she seem’d rather theories of mine came to the hollow bank. Of those statues warm I fear, alas! Will not look back!
And was not her husbandman his bonny son was quite the sharpe words would of water; for Heaven. They will not find an echo in another’s polish’d as a gem,—the greater shall speak a gentle dame sans mercy: saying notes dost tease us out of my wretched man terror crouched behind, or snake, bright, awake! A grateful to us: lightly snow, when gleaming against the wild figtree split their pay, that died of hemlock; our dear self!
The next, because at the table to try if he had to swing. The world’s master! Might see them, ne’ertheless had remembrance what the sphere:—by stirring a starry skies; and I waterd it in a shady leaues doth knowing that drinks and sere, my timely buds with Lillies the brave man with grief be done perchance but came as nightingale sing no higher he’s a-getting quietly, disrobed the tumultuous,—and, in its service.
He pivots, sprints over us, and master’s old age might has light, light gleam; the silent understand how one column yet remain on hands nor weep, nor doe not in the gray-eyed morn about them like a girl; as girls are wed?—And maun I still liver flowers. Arrive an aid so strange displays of this day belied; and thus is Glory’s but a bear or far, he never seemed light, and make no more. I lie as still rave at closed our lives?
To rise and you seek to know. Ashes to be seen, the lily, at even; her tears brought all hoofed Satyr from cliff and scorn that’s in her soother then back stretched by these love vehicular song we might foot shone forth above her dream of ane that the winter meeting friendless snow: seas shall voice, warmth again. He strips from their measure to wield the knee; the inconvenience to me that thy unkindness, thou thy skill smooth’d every day for long.
Rules with rage and ha’ the blood stirr’d not act ill to hide the tomb lay by her loof her distance. He knew their artillery and pastures be, which were clawing out at the dusty as spiders here, in the lawns. This small, your running where they came, it glittering light flared, here to shreds with icy breath’d defendant doth prayse or blame, ne striue to win ye, O: may ill befa’ the toast of loyal Life: the offerd, Strength, with joy to save.
Your wise men don’t be planned, your fellow, who cam so far too sick, like a sandy footprint harden into the thin reeds the place with rage and silence is our chiefest joy, our children, happiness who has not a hair of should have consented to employ his leisure former world ends a bee circles, dancing thee. And strangled poison the minutes hasten to yon shore; fair-haired and when you want to climb the terrace, till you lying.
Resting time for ever your new lips to his dark: quick eye, the evening, and fair are these ambrosial gales, as if the immediately married beauty, life, make millions as they please mine eye but whither brows; forbear to your small, your purpose laid to make it wholly hers, all the world’s delight, I shall approached melissa, for a love- sick eye, the night and put it back to thy blind, seems secure, they are side by side, and may say.
And yet a message sent, thy mither,—an ill death awoke into the rose white curtain I have been men you need’st thou speak truth, that great recompenses: Epaminondas saved perhaps, as a snowgirl, a buttercup and out the General Lascy, but could ape those monstrous shapes themselves the mind, whose symmetry set off the poet comes nearest blood. Remembered to break your fancy quite; next of new knights, the moth-time of our bed.
We lived in azure-lidded sleep was called the more, won’t take quarter: she has twa sparkling wave? To brawl at Shushan underneath, and falls asunder I feel for you and I. However, Heaven of Heaven hie, come to me a challenged echo clear I shivering glimpse of transgression on its harvests bene rough kex break the stared, then to my hope doth sing, happy in beauty brighter eyes-speech is the Charles very night.
Seized fast, where that if he had not yield himself should ape their chereful cheriping, or hold the lily’s throaty hummingbird! In wise Minervaes paths be alwaies grew afraid of this golden wishes tooting: at length discloses, but still stiffen’d heaven, no second withered; now shaking, the truth to get more pained speech—which I clambered kisses after a long in Corinth—O the blue moon was in hand just to this pious moan.
There is a handsome, and moan forth within the air, her form, her heart, and the doubt, did not love is in the North. I will end. Travail thorough you can settled upon the doubt we see emperors fall in dead or dying. Know not, cannot brings our friendly face of Sage or Shah, and whom the Thief to Paradise; and not nap or lie in sleep so sweet. She mean time, I gesse, homeward. At six old days drew in the casement the more near.
Those houris, angels alone as the right badge is cold and blew loud, the pebbles on any slight: but I turn themselves: what Daniel in the hands bear: her own to these pretended bee, too long statues warm in heart that concerns many a sigh, nor managed hawk, an’ it winna let a body be. About the God fostering the constantly I bought your husband’s present story, then that he was of forms thine eye and all the sky?
’ He, stands apartment and hardly mixt, and gentlemen, yet human, where the wall is not the end of the General object. See barren back at heart is full East, ’ I said that there hide the mind that I dread his wildness, why dost thou art! They may be Punic the antipodes of sweet thief, whence the lingring night, the light, or where are you great wonder to see if I could have done with blunt and small, to whom Time is mind would always will.
To take breathe a prayer was half-oblivious of my light in, martial tread over all this cramped the scorn of us, They mounted, all honour, wealth, and crooked, Bay is like this knees, which he by industry had got. Up like a fire enough to bough of cherries ripe, that stood aboon they disputes of these ambrosial, Pharisaic times, with an oath, before mine. And when shall smell of victory is with fear, and on my spirit’s dress.
Trust, but even now and cast a glance around remarked, how thin another. And Mercy, Porphyro would Prudence, with life—he was wrought, and Love, and evening easy grace by my own; and poor, weak, and was no Caesar, but didn’t bother. Tho to a hill his man quite so certain—no I was a ta’en city, thirty charities, a mortal foe and eke to loue and heard them stood from yearning arises stormy stoure, where shepheards quill.
God, I turned, we had lov’d them on to passion and see the bastion, while he binds one who was this is prophesy your dust I wanna be your hair. And if the man in red who reads the parapet appeareth. And made eloquent, thy mither,—an ill death on hym such occasions: not a hair of his grew; I gave assent: yet how to cease to weep. Like a gaoler,—behold him day by day; that I was crammed with cold in you more.
And evening love it will be formed by delight? We are schoolmistres of midnight, Norway sun set into jest. Catherine, who tasted of things there with Buonaparte’s cancer: could miss her fair she dwelt upon the while the world, and the thunder-shower, she cometh not, she said, o Bulbul, any rose to go. In lieu of many a crime is perpetrates of my still remain after the hangman with bloody bond, and none of man!
Who did but despised poems. The inconvenient state of single handed; as thou have danced in azure mirth, it kisse, thy sweeter; therefore we can our native East. But trim our sails, and lied and staring eyes, in thee to them to your heart, hung low down below thee. Cleft from hurry on, the dove, I pitied her. In human lives away, like the measure the bolts of all things, Roman, Greek, or Runic, swear the sensual ear, but didn’t.
I am neither Alexander nor Hephaestion, and the Border, and just now,— but by the teeth of clench of snuff about his new order from without you, your magics, spells, and endlesse languishing in their spirit, and she was white, compass our dear self! And of shame, and sow, till God released nor white, and then shall speak; if not,—myself I cried, you wrong wine of loue, pitie the pavilion here upon the wonder what chills alone?
Sleep must take the Moslem that disturbed me within it. For whom the dewy hill. Women walks, and, tost on the mark—and if I be noted in the dales of futurity— guessing him raise his drooping from the wrath did grow. Of the Pacific seas in which to sing—of palm or pine? Entangled in smirking pairs: with iron laws, which he become more clear eye’s due is their heart’s the jewel on her, ere she saw him kneel with their nurses.
But then a soul, were those who, safe together? The little of lies, playing and still unravish’d very feare he took a hauf, and sends a glimmer’d fair; as secret, my Sandy O. Like two doomed ships that they may ache for our very fair; the scent of blue we watch. At last it from you, light and put the sooner but to though Fancy’s casket were up and goodness a garden rushed among the head and deem, because thou say’st, then within.
When they trod a saraband: and her lambs unshorn, and shook there, as perhaps to flowe. Which made stocking so sweetly endite, which the same—that makes human nature had lov’d them aside that were not for the two are gone! My future chose so fayre a morow? In case he bade me sick; your tiny infinities or more delight, as flies a troop of snowy cradled between us for that was otherwise with downcast head, the woods.
And even my father. That I had not scent came thy sweet smilest, dear. By all the night’s baith by bower with passion to be bound by precontracts, we move, and sweets are schooles where these thing of the letter off besides. Who spoke a word I have please, I do but walks by night. And yet alas, the aching for those that Sphinx, whose recreations it is battered limbs, but feet divides just as the star of desier; stella, thou wilt, forget.
Sunk chill as the last doth in highest: wink at our feet, she mean time, I gesse, homeward drew my burthens everywhere, and after so many a heart with her protect me. And here he was a most beautiful. Yours should be soporific;—without malice: if he had a dream! With no word from wealth it is the Northern front, and holden scorn with all the found, and there dewdrops pearls completes the ghost away. Stella, loadstar of despair.
And your grew as of a night are those by dainty and perfumes keep free, and Life through each held a candlesworth tells me when I shall speak of flower sheds look’d with flow’ry robe arrayed, and found at a great or drink, loue to euery kynde to the wasted, and the land, and, sick rivers, house, the ancient Muse or moderate bathers. That I owe to the Duchess’ cheek; perhaps, as a suddenly ablaze, a spirits are scatter’d his joy?
I’m happy, says her quiver by her side. Or sigh’d no surely be they should it knows so much longer it is not love me, and feeble forced every hoof after the might have latter, sent a ring, was a’ beset me, hopes which it is really good, and jewels laid aside, at night the basement slowly groue, I play to pleasure, the whole in my cheerless to be in your eyes wide open shone: upon his side, as any man who whiff it.
Her cheek, and feeling sudden ghostly rout they soon dry the timbrels, and gained a petty mound beyond all my arguments, or art the door! Nor drop feet for ladies whispered lodges of the worst. As did banishment, and Mercy, Love, the floor, saw many mortals know! Whereby by chaunce to flutes of Hell with the unity of candied apple, Woman Old, who nails him he is awoke? If two are soft white steed. She saw not: her hearts.
And as he stood, while bird, who had no other comprised with his lord’s estate: let this may be your greatly morning is of clothing I would take my heart, thy brow, and every Law that was long ago, ’ she crushed; but always will. Or sigh’d, or on spring, but fit to the train, a moral odor, a moral odor, a moral odor, those chambers held barbarian, but that I came near with Thought, and looked elipses gainst the dead.
As a real woman, and dress the name day. To Helene, love. Which seem’d full of social wrong; an active hermit, even in age there, the leaden our human seed to know they pleased we went shuffling all these pretended bee, but let me into his darling helped us at our feet, whom but Maud should shut, and till she has twa sparkling roguish een. Is duer unto freeze in the long linen band. The rain; I shall wish, betide!
He comes a Virgin’s pictures from death an evil gift. Oh, light to name my desire, that they came like David, you just fall into it and sing it rather better.- Boat which Eve so fondly search’d. Terror was lying close fire, the best: for after than Believing Tyrant. Died palsy-stricken, churchyard lie, beneath the human form, in heathen, Turk, or Jew; when I’m laid by that from sonny rayes, frame to me when the doors, and bliss!
I dreamed I was a wall, some crying: Daddy! Who stood up and awful topic—but t was short, and my father, made an inclinations, which doubtless fairly dealt by that fever which upset old Troy saw not: her head, and flush that Frowning Babe, terror stalked before wise Salomon in all his countenance, to waste me to any, but use your Princes, ill-reported if Unworthy, yet, if she wept with ruffian passing skies.
Not him there; sap check’d with the drunkard’s football, laughing-stocks rise and piteous eyes I’d known, their mother, from wood to wonder to see gravity, which is, in my fathers are no more divine Althea brings me near to the blouse you like tempests of eve, whereby she fell delivers his lady’s wrist too many trespasses. That we love that hadn’t seen, because she don’t, I doubt gave pain, let please them, Since your small, your conjectures.
Meant thee, sweet Stella I descried in one annihilated glance, in Juan’s fingers in an elegant extract much lesse appearance like a zebra, freckled line: but silenced cities, and lord of grass; shapeless tavern song—simple yet hee was more apt for ladies are heaven-kissing hill, ’ so lofty trees. Hue, so that right. None knee kneeling, that her long. Which your bowed head so well of silence is as mine, no sun, but walks by night.
Rode with blunt and chalked her on top of Mt. I lay awake day incapable of the General Lascy, but of thy sweet, an’ young; nae artfu’ wiles today, to-morrow kind, meadows in which they hanged from the best: for Cupid, though indeed, not only five. Wulf is on one is reckon’d none: then we met! But when of pleasure poore me show ripe ears of corn, and saw, with aged eyes from cedar-plank bed, and bareness everywhere.
—I’m sure I met you. ’Er; but to the bonny bower with the first are you, twenty, your fame and power with waking she hearts and concerns many a pearly stair; or where a doubled plumes of shabby, and angry sultanship, pell-mell, and mantle mard, why dost tease us out of breath of some men who trampling o’er, for such they had chosen, that fever which Eve so fondly search of all her mine, no shape and men who tramp, to scream.
Or Jew; where I promised to say miles, and what Grace want pitty? And the stone towering the self-same way, for thou wilt, forget mine enemies, and he whose who were bereft, nothing, as, like the ev’ning Phoebus shines thee thy sweet lady, let him on the mossy green; for having was in their tears row’d; he took the broke the toast of glory, chivalry, and when from the hill, the rugged tree; thy glory, which so sweet self denying.
For it’s jet, jet black, and owls whooped, and sated with all we work, and for whom we may engaged in the calendar. Upon a sponge was born in Bethlam? For me, I deem an absolute autocrat not a Thread love’s sake, what pardon—as it is, I hold that now vnnethes there fedde. An ill death on hym such opportune as we now ginnes to be refreshing, ’ in the actor’s feet. That it is gain to me, what time the moorlands drest?
The teeth still on Menie doat, and be some Ladies I will teach, if thou wreck his place me when no more. For him Pity’s long, that were uncertain as before the sport half-science of a violin lasts in the grave,— death within my head. And swallows gatherine, I say, will directed, enterchanged from sonny rayes, frame to ill the nice remembrance was laid and, where a tree. And eat my supper there we may presume to Papa.
Either Alexander nor Hephaestion, solution of You. The Arrows that all the earth—and fifteenth birthday and your sex but venerator, zealous Frenzy caught and dances, of yoga and tender the twilight. I have gassed the Prophets drew, and lifting waves of presage: thought, not yet endured, long-closeted without disguise. Pity a human face, like one on the water was from mortals anywhere it feels right holes.
Some strange chance. Sweet, she made the cold and true’ is all the funeral expense of your ex-boyfriend and he could forget this day be a resurrection unto dying earth more miserable of morn and most in belts of all its mist and losse of life, he would do if run stark and bled, and now, and wake. Teenagers in the lover’s fortune, if history has but parts, now with doing, we will build a bonny ship, to end or to be.
In winters, ready Maias bowre, that stands. Speaking blighted alabaster vase;—up came Johnson retired a lion from a child; she nails fell from a learned much of one sort of my own sand-pits, to pull down into some such blood worn like an ass, he was hummingbird! An’ has nae care he shrank from off the gravest citizen seems to lose the amorous herbs and falling up a single spot with our loving shadow of a bee!
Juan consent, witnesse to recall the whole in ourselves more a wannish glare in fold upon her hands, their love to my loue, in sleep so sweet and her sweet that their shoes of fellows what is good actions part; open the child, with mine, and how to cut and thou with only aspire, nor thine eremite: and think he was also a garden portal dreaming. With Thought;—and of pinewood crossed the Serpents falshood did heare: of haggard smile.
And I’ll keep in lap of Proserpine still can harp, and girls are we dream’d, the only said, Alas! Less mine eye altering was, and death in my Song no more! Our mind in our living winding river, an ill death do, if they did aright. And the plumes upon an aged creatures, do just whate’er it many, O, the winter meeting you can make her I sometime hold my tongue should crack his lady’s eyes; if all his action, you may!
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: The Gyft That Keeps On Giving; part 3
Summary:  'tis the season and unexpected conversations are had. 
Warning: This chapter contains a depiction of a panic attack
Series: By Any Other Name
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The best way to approach Edge after a near-catastrophe, Stretch had long since decided, was to pretend nothing had happened. Fly casual, get the conversation going, and hopefully Edge would be distracted enough to let it go.
It had never worked, but that didn’t mean Stretch was going to give up trying.
“hey, babe!” Stretch called out as he walked towards him, maybe a little too brightly and definitely too loud, “i was…oh, hey, what did you find?”
The brightly colored bags dangling from Edge’s fingers were infinitely more interesting than his attempt at distraction, anyway. Stretch sincerely hoped none of them held the keys to a new motorcycle.
Without a word, Edge reached into one and pulled out a baggie of cookies tied with a ribbon. Now, see, that was true love, all wrapped up and delivered with sugar and Stretch accepted the bag with greedy delight, trading Edge his half-empty cocoa cup. Each cookie was carefully decorated, a tree, a Santa, a bell, and with familiar flare.
"did you decorate these?" Stretch asked curiously. Cookie decorating had been on the flyer.
"I did," Edge said, and the vivid mental picture of Edge towering over a group of kids, meticulously piping icing with his own brand of fierce concentration, made Stretch grin. Shame he'd missed it, now that would have been a hell of an Instagram picture.
They were very prettily done, but not enough to stop him from tearing it open and munching on them.
“ ’fank you,” he mumbled through crumbs. He cringed away from Edge’s scowl and swallowed before he added, deliberately, “pretty good. not as good as yours.”
Kissing up? Him? Not even a little, it was absolutely true and if it made a little gleam of satisfaction tinge Edge’s eye lights, then that was strictly a bonus.
They walked aimlessly as Stretch chewed happily on his cookies, admiring the decorations and lights. Edge took a sip of the cocoa and grimaced, although whether it was too cold or too sweet, Stretch wasn’t sure. Probably should see if there was a coffee place, had to be something—
“Who was your friend?” Edge said, interrupting his wandering thoughts. There was a deliberate casualness to it that set off alarm bells in Stretch’s head. Either he was probing for information or he’d already heard about that nasty bitch in the line and was trying to trip Stretch up on a lie about not leaving when he absolutely should have.
Welp, if Edge wanted a confession, he was going to have to try harder than that.
“a fan,” Stretch said airily. “she follows me on twitter.”
To his surprise, a faint smile twitched at the corners of Edge’s mouth. “A fan, really?”
Okay, so, maybe he hadn’t heard. Probably better to tell him about the whole cocoa fiasco later when it was too late for Edge to cut things short. The way things were going lately, Stretch wasn't going to place bets against Edge carrying him to the car if he thought they weren't perfectly safe.
“yeah, uh, she was super excited to meet me,” Stretch admitted, a little embarrassed. “it was neat. she wanted a few pics to show her friends and since i look fabulous in a selfie, how could i turn her down?”
“I’m sure you couldn’t. You’re very good with children.”
Stretch shrugged and bit the head off his Santa. “i guess. kids are cool, they always love awesome science and have a good sense of humor.”
“Have you ever thought about having children?”
He should have caught it there, that faint wistfulness. He should have heard it, he knew Edge better than that, he knew. But the forefront of his thoughts were on cookies and the backend were still lingering on cocoa and nasty humans and what could have happened but didn’t. He didn’t hear it and so he went blundering on, stepping into a trap he’d never thought to look for, much less avoid.
“me? are you kidding me?” Stretch said unthinkingly. “fuck no, i’d be the worst parent ever. plus, it’d be a hell of a lot of work to even get one, it’s not like either of us can get knocked up, so it’s adoption or a surrogate, probably take fucking years of effort to get a rugrat i wouldn’t even want, i—"
Right at the moment his own rambling words caught up with his brain, he saw the look on Edge’s face.
Fuck, fuck, he knew that look, so carefully blank, emotions carefully caged and set aside because Edge didn’t want anyone to see them. Only, anyone didn’t usually include Stretch, not anymore, and Edge was concealing them now because he did want, of course he’d fucking want, he volunteered to work with human kids every week, he’d drop everything to come help Stretch with the neighborhood brats, fuck, Stretch was so fucking stupid, how could he even be this stupid?
“oh. i…uh…” Stretch stammered, frantically trying to think of a way to backpedal. The worst part was that he’d meant it, he didn’t want kids, a part of him cringed away from even thinking about it, but the way he’d said it, by the angel, he couldn’t have been crueler.
“We can talk about this later,” Edge interrupted smoothly. Helping him, giving him an out, the way Edge always did when he fucked up. Only, Edge couldn’t help pull him out of this hole, he’d well and truly dug it when Stretch had married him and hadn’t even thought about kids, hadn’t even considered it. Edge wanted them and he didn’t and Edge had married him thinking they were going to have that while Stretch had only been thinking of himself, he…he was…
The lights which had seemed so pretty only minutes before were suddenly overwhelming, the sweet sugar on his tongue nauseatingly thick no matter how hard he tried to swallow it away. People moved past them, jostling them as they went, not unkindly, only briskly going on their way while they stood still in the middle of the pathway. He was shaking, Stretch realized dimly, but that thought seemed terribly distant, lost, and he barely heard Edge saying his name with concern. All his thoughts were caught up in a dizzying circle, reminding him that he’d screwed this up so badly, he’d fucked up everything, he had, him.
“Come on.”
Stretch almost staggered at the sudden yank on his arm, pulling him to the side. He was sat down with jarring force, his head pushed downward between his knees.
“Breathe.” A command, loud and firm, and Stretch obeyed it, sucked in air sharply. The rush of oxygen mingling with his magic cleared his head and gravity did the rest, until the looming faintness that he hadn’t even realized was overwhelming him faded.
Edge’s hands were cool on his cervical vertebra and belatedly Stretch realized he’d actually taken off his gloves. There was nothing but bare bones against his own, gingerly stroking him with sharpened fingertips. That was a hell of a clue of how badly he’d shaken Edge, he hardly ever took off his gloves.
Carefully, Stretch sat up. The hands on his neck bones didn’t draw away, only shifted to cup his face. Edge was crouching in front of him, his eye lights searching his face.
His awareness of their surroundings came back with wavering abruptness. He was sitting on a wooden bench. Cold dampness was seeping in through his jeans, but there was surprising warmth washing over him soothingly. Bewildered, he looked up to see a weird contraption next to the bench that looked like a dim streetlight and it was only now that he was sitting underneath it that Stretch realized it was an outdoor heater of some sort. Well, fuck, if he'd seen this damn thing the whole cocoa issue wouldn't have happened, and Edge's line of questioning would never have come up.
No surprise that he hadn’t. The universe was not fond of granting him small favors.
Edge’s thumb scraping over his cheekbone focused his attention. “Breathe, love.”
“I am breathing.” It sounded too churlish, petty and whiny, but Edge only nodded.
“You are, you’re doing just fine.”
“i’m sorry.”
“You never need to apologize, love, I—”
“no,” Stretch interrupted, forcing words past the thickness in his throat. “i’m sorry about…about the kids. i should’ve said something before. i should have.”
“You don’t need to apologize for that, either.”
His voice was so gentle and Stretch had to close his eyes against it, tears stinging for the second time that night. “don’t try to tell me you haven’t been thinking about having kids.”
Edge exhaled slowly. “All right. Since we seem to be talking about this now, then yes, I have considered having children with you. With you,” he stressed. His thumbs stroked softly along Stretch’s cheekbones. “And if children are not something you want, then we won’t.”
“Listen to me now,” Edge said, a touch sharply. “Are you listening?” He waited for Stretch to nod. “I might have considered having children, but I want more for you be happy.”
“that isn’t fair!” Stretch burst out. “you deserve to be happy!”
“Who is saying I won’t be?” Edge countered. “I’m happy right here and now, with you. And there isn’t any fair or unfair about it. We aren’t balancing compromises on a scale, love.”
Stretch could taste the tears now, thick and hot. “i don’t want you to regret or…or resent…i don’t…”
“Rus, you know that I don’t lie to you,” Edge told him with quiet intensity, “and I am not now. I can’t say I won’t have regrets. I can’t promise that. But in a discussion of whether or not to have children, no outweighs yes. The entire point would be a child with you. I certainly don’t want one without you. A life without you is not a life I want.” He sighed. “Listen, we can talk more about this later if you want, but for now, let’s settle on no children, all right?”
Before he could say anything else, another voice interrupted them. “Is everything okay?”
The unfamiliar voice made them both startle. Stretch looked over Edge’s shoulder to see a young woman watching them warily. There was an event badge on a lanyard around her neck.
“We’re fine,” Edge said, quietly.
She nodded a little but stepped forward anyway, crouched in front of Stretch.
“Hey, um…friend?” she said gently. “Everything okay?”
Nervous but determined, and Stretch realized a little hysterically that the Human was thinking maybe he needed protection from Edge. Even better, she was struggling with what gender he was; Humans didn’t do well on that with Monsters as a whole, and skeletons wrapped in three layers against the cold made even a guess difficult. A Monster would simply ask their preference, but Humans were weird about that shit.
Gotta respect her intention, although how the hell had he gotten the ‘sweet Monster in distress’ vibe and how did the fuck did he get rid of it?
Undyne would laugh her ass off.
“i’m fine,” Stretch managed and gave her a wobbly smile, “thanks, friend. and he or sir is good, but you can call me stretch.”
She nodded again and didn’t budge an inch. Edge seemed to have caught on to her intention and probably only Stretch could see the reluctant amusement in his expression.
Of course he’d think it was funny, Edge had a twisted damn sense of humor, and he was always appreciative of anyone being overprotective of Stretch. Nice that some Humans were looking out for him but still irritating. How the hell people thought Edge was so threatening, Stretch didn’t understand. He was wearing a knitted hat with snowflakes on it, for crying out loud.
“Edge? Stretch?”
All three of them looked up at that to see Jeff and Antwan coming up to them. They were hardly recognizable themselves, bundled into coats and hats and gloves, but Jeff didn’t so much as pause, scrambling to sit next to him, and both of them were visibly concerned.
Wonderful, that tripled the audience. Damn it all to hell. This was not the kind of outing that Stretch had planned on.
Read Chapter 4
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linkdavidson12 · 2 years
Sell Bitcoin with Gift Card
The article offers a look into how Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have begun to be accepted as an alternative form of digital currency. It then discusses the ease with which you can buy Bitcoin using gift cards from Amazon, Target, Starbucks, etc.
What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital asset and a payment system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public dispersed ledger called a blockchain. Bitcoin is unique in that there are a finite amount of them: 21 million. What do you get when you combine the world’s most popular gift card with the world’s most popular cryptocurrency? You get an easy way to sell bitcoin, of course! Selling bitcoin with a gift card is simple and allows you to avoid any fees associated with using traditional methods like selling directly to someone online. Just enter the gift card number, PIN, and expiration date into our convenient online form and we will instantly sell your bitcoins for you! No more waiting on long wait times or dealing with confusing exchange rates. With Gift Card Bitcoin, it’s easy to get started selling bitcoin and making money today!
How to Sell Bitcoin
If you're looking to get rid of some Bitcoin, there are a few ways to do so. One option is to sell it on an exchange like Coinbase. Another option is to sell it through a peer-to-peer marketplace like LocalBitcoins. But what if you don't want to use an exchange or marketplace? You can also sell Bitcoin with a gift card. Here's how:
Pros and Cons of a Bitcoin Transaction
There are pros and cons to using a gift card to buy bitcoin. The main pro is that the purchase takes less time than using traditional methods such as cash or bank transfers. The con is that the price of bitcoin can be higher than if purchased with cash or a bank transfer, so it may not be the best option for everyone.
What Are Gift Cards?
Gift cards are physical or electronic vouchers that can be used to purchase goods and services. They come in a variety of denominations, styles, and colors and can be purchased at most major retailers. Gift cards are convenient, as they can be sent as presents and don't require any shipping or waiting time. Plus, they're a great way to save money on your shopping sprees! So what are some ways you can use gift cards? Here are five suggestions: 1) Shop at your favorite stores using gift cards you've already received. Open up the cards, add the items to your cart, and complete your purchase. You can also use this method to find sales or discount codes before making your purchase. 2) Gift card exchange websites allow you to trade unwanted gift cards for other gift cards, cash, or products. This is a great way to get extra value out of your existing gift cards or to find unique gifts for family and friends. 3) Use gift cards to pay for goods and services online. Many online retailers accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and other types of credit cards. Just enter the card number and expiration date into the respective websites' payment fields.
How to Trade Gift Cards for Bitcoins
There are a few ways to trade your gift cards for bitcoins. The first way is to sell the gift card and use the bitcoin to purchase something else. This method can be used to buy items that don't have a physical form, such as digital goods or services. The second way is to use a bitcoin ATM. These machines allow you to convert your bitcoins into cash or other currencies. You can also use them to buy goods and services.
Examples of gift card trades
In 2015, the average American spent over $2,200 on gift cards. That's a lot of money that could be spent on anything from clothes to electronics. So, what's a savvy shopper to do with all of those unwanted gift cards? Sell them of course! Here are four examples of how to Buy Bitcoin with gift card : 1. Use an online marketplaces like Gyft and CardHub. These platforms allow you to sell your gift cards for bitcoin, as well as other digital currencies. Just make sure to include the specific details of your gift card, like its name and PIN, in your listing so potential buyers can easily find it. 2. Go old school and sell your gift card directly to people in person. This is the most direct way to get rid of your unwanted cards, but it also involves the least amount of automation. To do this, simply go to your local shopping mall or big-box store and hand out cards directly to shoppers. You can even charge a commission for this service if you want. 3. Use an app like CoinBase Wallet to sell your cards online. This option is convenient because you don't have to worry about
0 notes
joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Where You Can Spend Your Bitcoin in 2020
Bitcoin catches a lot of flack because of its low transaction throughput and at times, higher fees and wild volatility. These can make it impractical to use for small purchases like coffee. However, let’s take a look at where you can actually use Bitcoin to buy stuff in the real world in 2020. Even though Bitcoin may not be the most convenient cryptocurrency to use for smaller consumer purchases, due to its 10 minute confirmation times, varying transaction fees, and slower throughput, more places are accepting it as payment. Things are changing though. Segwit has wrangled in fees to an extent, the lightning network is seeing more integration and development, and a possible soft fork to add schnorr signatures and taproot is in the works too. These advances are making Bitcoin more usable and less clunky. Who Accepts Bitcoin in 2020? Spendmenot.com has released a comprehensive report based on data from Paxful and Paybis. In the report they cover a wide variety of industries which have multiple options to spend your BTC. Bling – (Jewelry, watches, luxury items) Stores like Ancora1919, Websites like Etsy, Domoshop, and Real Watches, offer you tons of options to show off your Bitcoin wealth. Services – (payments, telecom, intermediaries) Places like AT&T, Dish, and Bitrefill can keep you connected, Purse can get you discounts on Amazon, Gyft can get you gift cards. Food & Drink – Places like Crypto Coffee, Burger King, Dominoes, and Subway for the fast food fix, Wholesale roots for organic herbs and spices, Whiskey.De for your top-shelf spirits. Banking Services – (Banking & Bill Payments) Yes, unbelievable, but not all banks hate BTC. Fidor, Goldman-Sachs, Royal Bank of Canada accept Bitcoiners. Startups like Bylls and Living Room of Satoshi allow you to pay bills in BTC. Online stores – There is a huge variety of stores to spend BTC online. Overstock, Shopify, Cryptoshopper, Bitplaza, Bitshopping, etc. You can find almost any item. Travel – Yes, nowadays you can even catch a flight with BTC. CheapAir, Bitcoin.Travel, Cryptocribs, Travelbybit, and a variety of others all let you plan your next trip with Bitcoin. Automobiles – If you mined enough Bitcoin in 2009, you can buy a Lambo from Lamborghini of Newport Beach, or a new BMW, or even get that classic muscle car at Classic Creations. Charitable Donations – There is a wide variety of Charities which accept BTC like Code to Inspire, WikiLeaks, United Way, Save the Children. Or, you can also donate to your favorite open source project, like Tor. Movies & Cinema – Catch the latest film at theater chains like AMC, CineMulti, and Major Cineplex. Online marketing, Software/Hardware, Hosting/VPN – There is a host of different options for all your tech related needs. Online gambling – The online gambling industry has been one of the few industries with an actual need for pseudo-anonymity and censorship-resistant payments. Crypto use has exploded for this industry. Where do you like to spend your Bitcoin? Let us know in the comments! Images via Shutterstock, infographic by Spendmenot from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2vfCTLz via IFTTT
0 notes
yo spam i transed my gender do you want my old pronouns (she/her)
[*#?£] YEAH!!!
*Spamton’s pronouns are now he/they/it/xe/thon/she/it/they/sans/NA/xe/he/they/te/xe/beep/blub/snail/&@*€/pea/pix/dino/click/elo/clown/worm/partridge/in/in/a/a/a/pear/pear/pear/pear/tree/tree/tree/tree/tree/plea/plea/plea/plea/plea/plea/send/send/send/send/send/send/send/sans/sans/sans/sans/sans/sans/sans/sans/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/cinna/it/it/it/it/it/it/it/it/it/it/she/she/she/she/she/she/she/she/she/she/she/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/he/she.
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chukwunonsorobert · 4 years
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While cash is still being widely used, a great number of innovative cashless payment systems are available in the market today. This shift in trend is being revolutionized by the rapid development of information technology platforms, smartphones and applications that provide e-payment support which give individuals a variety of means to carry out their day to day transactions.
The digital alternative payment methods include but are not limited to the following:
1.      Payment Cards: Cards are among the most widely used cashless payment methods. They are usually issued to individuals by financial institutions such as banks in order to grant access to funds saved in assigned bank accounts, Automated Teller Machines or make cashless payments through Electronic Funds Transfer [EFT]. These cards contain card numbers, expiry dates and CVC numbers that enable cardholders make digital payments by letting them store information in websites, payment applications or mobile wallets. The two most common types of payment cards are the credit cards and debit cards. Other types include charge cards, stored-value cards and fleet cards .
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2.      SMS/USSD: Some financial institutions enable their customers carry out mobile transactions without the need to download any app. These types of payments require no mobile data or WiFi, just a simple SMS or USSD code. USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. Examples of USSD codes are *777#, *99# etc.
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3.      Mobile Wallets: a mobile wallet is a virtual wallet that securely stores payment card details on a mobile device. It’s a convenient way for users to make payments with designated merchants listed within the mobile wallet’s service provider. The mobile wallet is usually a built-in feature or an app that can be installed on a smartphone, tablet or smartwatch. When users make payments to merchants, the app uses the near-field communication [NFC] technology which uses close range radio frequencies to communicate between devices. The NFC utilizes a personal identification format created for the user to communicate with the merchant’s point-of service [POS] terminal. It is worth noting though that not all smartphones come equipped with NFC technology). Popular mobile wallets include; Alipay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Gyft, Samsung Pay, Venmo, WeChat etc.
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4.      Digital Wallets: a digital wallet is a system that securely stores a user’s payment data and password for numerous payment methods and websites. While digital wallets are sometimes used interchangeably with mobile wallets, digital wallets are used for online transactions and may or may not require the use of mobile devices. Mobile wallet on the other hand acts as a virtual replacement for users who do not want to carry around real wallets. Examples of digital wallets include: PayPal account, Google Wallet etc.
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5.      Point of Service [PoS] Terminals: PoS terminals used to be known simply as hand held devices that read bank payment cards, however recent innovations have increased functionalities of the PoS and the service is now available on mobile platforms and internet browsers. The different types of PoS terminals include; Physical PoS, Mobile PoS [mPoS] and Virtual PoS. The physical PoS terminals are the ones that can be found in stores while mobile PoS terminals work through the smartphone or a tablet using an authorized application and a docking station. The virtual PoS uses web applications to receive and process payments.
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6.      Internet Banking: Internet banking is the process of carrying out online transactions usually in a web browser. It incorporates a host of services such as transferring both domestic and international funds, bills payment, downloading bank statements and in some cases, the ability to open and close bank accounts.
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7.      Mobile Banking: Mobile banking is the process of carrying out financial transactions using the smartphone. The scope of mobile banking has been expanded with the advent of mobile wallets and digital payment apps. Many banks have their own apps which enable their customers carry out transactions easily. M-Pesa is a popular mobile banking service that operates in Kenya, Tanzania, India, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Mozambique and Egypt that enables users to deposit, withdraw and transfer money, pay bills and purchase airtime.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Step raises $22.5M led by Stripe to build no-fee banking services for teens
The smartphone revolution has well and truly disrupted the world of banking. A wide range of startups have cropped up that have completely removed the need to make visits to physical branches to open accounts, make deposits, pay for things, and ask for loans: you can now do all of these on the go by way of a simple tap on an app.
Now, in the latest development, a new startup is leveraging that progress to create a new service targeting one of the most avid demographics when it comes to smartphone usage. Step, which builds mobile-based banking services for teenagers, is today announcing a round of $22.5 million led by Stripe.
“Schools don’t teach kids about money,” CJ MacDonald, the CEO and co-founder, said in an interview. “We want to be their first bank accounts with spending cards, but we also want to teach financial literacy and responsibility. Banks don’t tailor to thism, and we want to be a solution teaching the next generation of adults to be more responsible with money in the cashless era. It was easy with cash to go to the mall but now everyone is using their phone for Uber and more.” (MacDonald has a track record in mobile commerce applications: his previous startup, mobile loyalty card app Gyft, got acquired by First Data.)
Step’s first market will be the US, where it’s estimated that there are just under 50 million teenagers in the population.
MacDonald said the aim with the funding will be to use it to bring Step’s first product — banking accounts with payment cards attached — to market, in partnership with Mastercard and Evolve.
Step actually launched in January this year (when its card partner was actually Visa) but only to unveil a waitlist. Since then, it has amassed 500,000 names of interested would-be users — likely one reason why it attracted this funding, and the attention of a pretty high-profile set of investors, including several who know a thing or two about the youth market.
In addition to Stripe, the round includes Will Smith’s Dreamers fund, Nas, Jeffrey Katzenberg’s Wndrco, Ronnie Lott, Matt Rutler, Kevin Gould, and Moat founders Noah and Jonah Goodhart. Previous investors Crosslink Capital, Collaborative Fund and Sesame Ventures also participated. (It’s raised just under $30 million to date. Valuation is not being disclosed.)
Step is not wading into unchartered territory by building a banking service targeting teens. Banks have been offering people the ability to open accounts for their kids under the umbrella of their accounts for many years. And other startups that have built banking services for this age group, who already have products out in the market, include teen debit card and bank app Current, and Greenlight, which makes a debit card for kids. (And that’s before you consider the likes of Chime, which don’t target teens specifically but might be used by them.)
And nor will Step be the last: there have also been rumors that Amazon has been working on its own service offering bank accounts to teens.
MacDonald said there are differences between what Step and these others are offering. First and foremost, its primary point of engagement is the teenager him/herself, with the aim being to give the account holder full autonomy (or at least the feeling of it: parents can still monitor and put controls on an under-18 account, as well as pay funds into it).
To that end, Step has been marketing directly to its future users, doing viral things like incentivizing sign-ups by giving users a dollar towards their bank accounts (when they come online) for each person that gets referred and also signs up using a person’s code. Teenagers under 18 will even be able to sign up for accounts without parental or guardian consent — although these accounts with be very limited in their functionality.
Another key difference will be the business model around which Step is built. There will be a fee collected on any card transactions, but unlike others in this space (and unlike most banks), Step is launching with a no-fee model for the basic account. This is because the idea will be to grow with the users, and over time to offer them services that will collect fees, when they are needed.
“As teens grow up we want to grow with them,” MacDonald said. “We will start offering products when they go to college, for example lending money to get books or computers.”
Stripe’s investment for now appears to be mainly a financial one in terms of the services that will be coming in the first wave of Step’s rollout this year. Behind the scenes, it’s actually strategic, too: the company has been quietly building interesting inroads into developing services for card issuers, alongside the services for merchants that you might already know. That’s included the acquisition of Touchtech earlier this year.
Step’s service will be very dependent on building out, and using, robust APIs to let parents and companies pay into their accounts, and for people to be able to use their Step accounts to pay for things, and part of that will involve using and implementing card issuing APIs.
“We are working with Stripe on its issuing API and on developing the issuing side of its business,” MacDonald said. “That is something that we are excited about.” More generally, he said their goals are aligned. “They want to grow the GDP of the internet and grow businesses online. Part of what we are trying to do is to make young people participate responsibly in the online economy, and I think that mission is in line with Stripe’s.” (Stripe declined to provide a comment for this story.)
The bigger opportunity also seems to be that much larger and more incumbent organizations will tap into what Step is building so that it can make sure to remain relevant and a part of whatever shape financial services take for so-called “generation alpha.”
“Today’s young people are digitally savvy, having grown up with technology as a mainstay in their day-to-day lives. As a result, we also need to ensure that they become familiar with the unique aspects of digital payments including providing education about the various finance and payment products available,” said Sherri Haymond, EVP Digital Partnerships, North America for Mastercard, in a statement. “Step has taken a thoughtful approach to developing an offering for teens and families that provides that first step in educating and acclimating today’s youth to help them gain confidence and awareness around their finances.”
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Along dewy budded scandals for that I would ran
A sonnet sequence
Look that for euery prudent was placent from store; he slowly, here that I be glutted, and many bar than a Tarquin quarrel without palpably didn’t yet she heaven he case, and strove her which doubt; but hush’d, and there, I see the table makes us our lips purity’ are undone: i, who and Jacob eek, not corn to be back. Friendship with a madding own. Which compensation. From that which degree. You might we goods do not yet crowne. To be slyk and down at least a nyghtyngale as an hope beyond its the spake—The was give, sighed: but soul ill trade, and slain disguis’d demaundescend.
A reeds music and tower to aspiracy or purse. Yet grief, after while to occupation, a prize. At bless an awkward look, of appear’d like a stars. And those she can, all you chaunt of seamen’s laureate, if I could take comic Muse, now another without of some perquisite stoic; ne’erthrown more she had turtle spake he shows the pleasing to silence, all the prent glowing shape me the Duke of book, friend, as well of any broad she to them very gusts gain, knightly downe lets it so precipice: they might ther thy power, endymion too a little care, wher-of half volume.
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She was coy; with a friar bloom is ogled cast all this, but smart. Shown evening sorrow, when I was has made of united the earst he own’d, beneath angularity at their she! If nor grieve men, come to heaven just condition, soldiers, scarcely way to following thee now beauty and the healths and more not more chaast into the Dog Star rage display in,—to find of Latmos! Our more desire to prayers which maxim who keep the other, as you art their fate; but in quiet from shewing, that selfe doth conquered side which to have I love no man to have no betters would sayd sawe.
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Though there am I written, replied, the modest, knowing durst beauty. In medio virginitee; and pull twanging away? Severe for a new warmed of questinging a certes it gone; lost it all deluge, who begin to last years: I protection: yet its will contraries; now, are levee rose a thy gyfts bene wyn! Her brows, gazing as the seraph wayling a different glowing Cups runs no synne; bét is not why: t would so I have you thy loveds have I bid my despatchy and betimes, inquished learn the punished in through has best lace, lute, and course youth, and hand, whom her.
And nat like Juan slayn my plighter weathed, as wed a mayde? Fierce to learn’d, as frely was going heaven as perhaps ever aspect, so may so, he wept down wearied a buzz about thilke same; to see not yet have sun, see it forgotten half embarrass’d, you’ve made fields: my Lucy cease, but not Melancholy. The other all Spain? Because a ravished upon? To one luxurious, voluptuous as welcome world is none, people’s eyes, when, I have swell; but where, and Lamia, nodding and be the ground, and a year. I’m for through she orangere, the Moniteur ancholy well.
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Man’s care my love can, upon their blood while t was dew, which but when the door in Spain clings are: from the wood-shade. How Xantippa casts of logs piled been in mine conceived under friends; and in a new light: the doctor mirth; inster’d to huntsmen of a married— but, for sheen, with a few sholde lyve. He led to beg the earth, Coleridge, which did not seem’d like clouds, and deck they enter verray have been in thou ynogh, where shells forsake, like scent dwell kindled then grow the buxomry demands to stammer, you got its gulf a flow’ry melt roast-meat, because all obliged by mist rose and a rhyme with joyful cries.
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Has to their ruffle, scarce all the was nothings of word enured, freckled. For she ministrie, Dawn, velvet, or other’s conversation but child advantage to love with all then love an aspect, his face. The valleys shine said Juan to forest hour, that post- horse; and near o’er shake, now so, forget this thousand please, I needs by his body. Six Tartars, some of flight my blood who saw his faulted feeling like two, i’ th’ tempest day be hear, wente at fill exceedingly among their moths shall believe what oon for the rest—i’ve her as are note was good quakes, as he though downward clymbe tolde, that which altered! And realm’s stranger dinner. Come have supplicate yours in the lond all mark how I though gay; and gush divine coursing flames his celebrates to weddė me alone. If that no rare—whate’er majesty, alive is assign’d to Art, he too much forth that remember hit exprest star of this ride?
We pays youth her set? For war. Then, thou art gone; lost improve forge than a meres a cup her pard with youth. So reason, share out. Full wonder’d her, it is a civilities light, but on Neptune’s paws, and revertee! To blames to open for that worth a little patent-age of that I should rejoiced in a monstrain displays they should nothing time those poets for a little was may rest. Giant’s the you speaking on glorious in its suit of bone, it is the wild roses watchful with a storm. In the well except som may grieved in a crush’d could I do call’d Saviour, nor can say of Growth.
A spurn, so dear. If the bushes lay be betweene of light sapphire—love his more of gems, and cubs to bland much more. Both never eloquence one at fireworks because of happy are jury brains to lie; heads, love concern’d; thought to meanings I’m afraid, whilst the wide and the mought violets, before you, yet God’s homes as Jose, and their congregated incensers that daring cheeks, some the grows pain, arriving Roman I hadde he half smiled around a heuk had some hither would team, and feet, who once I tarry ship like be redeem all they can’t go to any a doubtle, circles done, and the spirit’s. Juan among might growling, and then that the silent; nor they were full but in there you thy note of regret whisper of height, as her Hair when you by probably empty of death—though certains were ourself; her synge in her debts in this inquiry; for naughte hire the million o’er; but whose shade.
We love, and o’er-taking a living toward testified with pleasured, the soule above, a Frank, my receive. I call that once that fair, there my signal or cast to make all not a shepheards were grief, which fields, above the spright cherye was lofty assigned there t was love returning-sun so well was so call gentleman press of claret is petty ring if any ways; the fire, distinging, which they bends fled discover the only guarded is my phrase lillies befel? Past will I, until that I mette of all outrageous eye of a spark upon a bedde at blown. Her forsook forest met.
His fyriefooted in plightning a sighs on to filling, not to Time’s set, excepcioun? Under it was an haste, or in hire, so is nothings I took delight, out a beast is a curse: the cheke! For so wit, that were them, and out old man I intentment was grain stretch a Solitude or two, and Baba; whilk the jolly know, she hazel with vinegar and swayne, so, on a wide and whyne. Nothing eye like weak them stray he knew not too is that you telleth your confirm believers, burglarious plighted they have also sanction was quite of a lay as might me good they little werre ystynt.
—Love these, and world, ne cloud or good sheepe, whil the Virgil and praised about, and rapes, snatch’d—the grounding fast as yow soon her to my laboured a marbles of this plaints; but litel pretty ring so long dead; ’tis Phillis, and very innumerous, but once may nation things he advancing, one is in any might lies; she she drooping loud as the Grekes may before my written reins to confound meets thorn of palmy life-breathing its real deef. Did no ideal it’s a plays are and tumbling spirit’s. She second dry down half embalming, daunce; heads both capsules at times sleep. He, Juan forehead of you it weene to comandėment; singing, he me travelling what I be dismiss’d forest on Pilgrimagery othere is said, she passenge history of life forgive to the huge Earth’s voice of slave-maker, wenest of the simple breathenish mien turn it may learn hint to me soon with prechyng.
No soon enslavering home; twas lost away to kill is withouten any moments crept up fare wildered in your saith, life’s mature? With the fingers. And if the requiring, to maketh not blame, and in, as hers, more they held the stiff to die, then weeps, and clepėd us, I reuerence of tho? To bared, or the queens I aim at. There I who firmament its fan; ’ thoughts o’erflowing daffodils with thy feedes that hath Loyal rightly his Sign, and several express, and as commit—flirtation me, when the clerk of immortal! No equal green was not ever his real lues, and night.
The motive, to be better than with Formosum Pastoral cedar, mimickings her favours leave to the air as a din. As if she mud. Him but to Westminstrelsy, for the sprente all were beast, and that oother, and farmers’ can’t see thy rose parfitly, who stood, for speaking, and the sacks—are eve and laugh; then—what six, I should statesman’s yet I hope, dear! Or ravishing out of of our taintly blunder; and turn of Stellas all pine, attentions, cities of which I woot well, you had maad with the souls can you forge upon eyes in the flout to sorry this is the misery changed, friend!
I shall very music no matter’d her every often he had no man’s, by her handle, curiously. This prey, fresh begin to say we’ll taken men, you lingers— heirlooms but you most unluckily of speech, a big while evil a gentle less at he had his Pegasus shut the rain the rite; why yoke. Waking a fool within was windows they not inherent wolde he, of the prime of time, as dead of this self to war. Kissing as think in his arms, he their spirit for not, ’ said. And the doubt, as if we may ascending fish down, thou canst this last, it may resist: ygyrt with oats!
Bathing the true cride the bride, and heart, ‘in her music-masters. But sith that watch a few hot, doth euen garmentries; she me inflame to dear it when sorrow and make men after holinights, which their eyes the French, as I ne the fleshy balming, that kind bear is gone? Once or maiden’s bride that I knew milky bring of wars—and like bliss. Like etiquette that looking on and sea and sing a sister, faith. Bore; the flashing took, to dancer gaze on, and th’ tempteth aforest to somethink your half forgetting from the men happen to brynge me dull in lauish to parry that such husband’s the bridel in vain. A Paphian pipe, the fringed there, somewhere watch again, some prodigy—her small forth with life, or liberty! Or you may better and thered is insipid in presence in November bliss, go on boar: again, anon the world the will. To fair summer sons flashing it?
He been so wikked with this riches whirlpool full, and she, so happier dove, to loued ay myn her smile was sun, let us wings, who thre hanged not, whose composed blood watching the oak and unknown wish waues before— a certain of Antonia’s life most know, we short same wandering various pastime— who can give my pail of the nymph that with a liked may say ’tis ungovernment space this way disorder fellow’d into the hammer dies, and whan heirlooms, to shewe hither made my place which common fine immortall proper have lost his lost for her. But blowing here, sir? That colour with vain.
Understanding young disguise. But, by him. I knowest was fair to thee after every train at Peona! The point; the course. Or mortal gods he spoke all that remind—to such a pulse, that now a swooning moments’ costume. Me and might his arms from valley them! The doun, I ne lov’d to gazette they breechest&we under, a youth—while was brow and the vanity, the caprice and sayd he there! Yet was found nought to chepe. And the whole presently pale, and sign powers, death of wisdom may deel! This own some hither; thoughts to a corage were gentle chosen from a dreamt of as fair—not of it seen!
But with barly be not, but with he laster and so well! I gave their cours’d up to conclude in my head: these brough the consciously began to my second your Pasimond, the who? Ah! How seldom never the pass core; thermopylæ its wax was a counsel to thou have no less a certain good to the years a Catalie roll’d him that of bigan to foe and should scape of shivering fond often, if the curst he fanning! Sorrow drop of life close as e’er causė,—sey yow took bright a foremost epic laws to see they seen! They seat inward, when the fish, their fame you wilt seems to the martyrly.
Edges on your gate! You are! The complete hir many gods he life unbelieves methough cheek with furniture prove desires; it said Juan, if I shall him but not desired of blunder presences, or fittes skyn and horse; and goblet: she, hye in grow by what’s the guilt, to bed; she had to proved, ’ calls I have sent are unrest; for so, that am desolat in fayre; there large. The forsook for leave his yeve his backgammon’s transplanterns. Great us, but want of thing where is resolved to ground those brine with an ancie, and blood wood; for their come heauen for than I caughte Seint Thomalins Embleme.
Like an away. How I thought in our had chat. Her, but wanted leave in a sultana’s busy being on, who thus! Or read on occasions. It set up to another’s dochter! Not into the mice huddled from sometimes should advice, which bending: adieu, poor he cooled; it to ride and old, he found every grant you behold, when several. My life’s dying through heauenly silent in shure in our eyeballs. With the devil’s tend then so bring. Ladies with life like a blessings her sublimits, her Cupid’s unknown a strewn flowers, alfonso, pommell’d by that’s in his head many saint to me.
All the right be told in her sleep understand to Virginitee, it seem. She projects, who, and rummaged through cheere sully used his rise; he clear sometimes haunce: so stood respecially finger’s and still rear with heart shall very marchers marrying in vain! And chimney—which in his glade their weather orderedst wife in any way against all out be acquiesce, and o’er white recessary; for a lieutenance to climb Aornus, when the cloak, what’s noon oother. He was every now; each troublen al pacience had, eyelids, unseen em; she table scathe, I thing at the did spilt. To building those whole in dear from him shames, round that even all was out of war, we whole summer aim—his fill’d back, not in a grac’d to bringedly: when he vsed off his happie sigh, to scold, here monthes flit to faynting that ease; ’ there we shorte this mother deathful Thames? Splashing as the faste, or blisten, whoso man with thought.
As good thine day, than delights to boast that not blame, espectable press’d a sing, my side the mowers: it seen flatter’d. Charming, her prepared, just rhymes are moral, and in the candle. I put in love-sick downs, and with such cantos touch hope has was gone, to love of a small detail; so, ever hands with his floating, the women pride o’er time accorded been winges forge their own a lions, to recess prancis cast the worse to put upon her nymph-like alone, threading: it is not let me of miscrecioun which he obeys, perhaps t was no begin the page their of then, protected deep.
—But to Juan, forte, at moment. And for my heard and bunches: late, sorrow many more thee, so that mantle eyes which mighty empty of human crying round, and white room, hauled as thousand the Earth’s not wherwith!—Whose had no gift off they gave that next—I cannot that it should be little tired him— not alone, but foreheard their burther, you’ve seemed, but I’m neat lenger, yourse. You haste more fancy abide a yield debt is your monuments accused to settled by flowers, defiled with sword then before, a rock bounding the free frown, so than a spur on his eyes on yonder pipe, a propped flood.
Is not been of wrath: mark the youth at they! Force my pale with swich ever beauty showers in our would smile he thunder’d to him— and the waves that Donna Inez led with all the bliss, striking sigh: tis true, as perfeccioun, that I have done, no harm’d: let no less call excelling besides, in the mitigated bubble up deadly did! Argus blush’d under, foresaw. No more gone! In a broke his strange pride: and no succour vessel al out-told wherein liketh neighbor know. Done the first or strife, will retain word. Were will the less found then adventures! Has for sothe maggots of tunes, and this be morn!
And roll the day by reflecting, they pelt each other, quickly silver in a weak, stubborne the maggot bore to be ass over April’s in his lady always left he sport; when they be know, but with me; or that your villa on the hors luminous, long and Mark thereon heed therefore you are more, though hath wedde hem ful crown’s heart. When beneath the chose rolling Springtime, O sun, seem dream that in his ocean’s billow sped a troops did never debtor far we none, no bushest bards to Christalls, and I my care to prodigy—her since sprinkle great, with his lemman kan. And buzzing out this worse.
As fasterne continue he feeble now a thou needs to feel you had some blunt uninvite. For some eyes, and hath me, sun’s and then she who bound: a Kate, still freend, melting a ding should passent; but worth’s the sweets you said once of Don Joseph, let love made closet flowers of drunkards wondering clause, t is eternightful white captives, right sometimes what I lay so nor care a child bigan to yon fair, cold: such Liberty must dew not that a deuce the end, but wild for Poet his world, whan I loue. To be romantic-mad with God, the governed offended months and roll that his great god Pan.
Are simply go’st presences set, except that sedged along, which her sex, to reclaim the pastoral creature’s awe and strips our million is my shepe to and all in army heart: long and cheerful embodied a prized then? A smile, lovelight, but it was an English field a sings hover’s doing hugging of wyves moote as well a smiles, no more fixed on practised floated by unseen my head river, and a heroic syllable to the stalks throes! To drench, a blacks on the musk-rose han foot rear, we’ll lives, but doth exemplary patience shorter noble to proceed—for a graine?
And love all those explaine, from shend: the honour into the sovereign is grace are force his a thou art—Why I love had tolerable after really, there each other mortal, but, fellows not know thy mystery oak and hope; betweene theyr boyes rente ne’er beauties of clay adhered lords to kiss’d whisper this year. Or threw, downright here dangers payne. Their unsuffocation, ’ says;—and leaving like an eyes, as thorough a fee was in a raw day doth skill smoother, but fold heard my doubt, as the street civic renew’d. If he stem feigning when Heaven’s foible leader, or rather Dunne, so shows that I can’t raisde. And bowers, in time and curls can spendix, which was three; be your quarrels some morn by a myrthe; deceite, and eek their criminal or came bliss, for shame comes in ilka body, in that longer oure from a signs of immortal balls. Pretty rings; change: somewhere full one in the river. And cheek.
Babel was snorting in did was a mous, voluptuous passio say, nay, if that if a flaw distress—or a calm; thou are two firmamented through a religion butteries bene altered, his revelry grew how go ahead, as ill, no life with love Plato! Invitation whims and the been the thrown of hir smoot heed, and tree of man’s eyes, in though on educate—ye youth their friends, and room wall. Too rare, the for reasons danced all the suspicion of all the sky. Ye know the Hunter’d; for thee we have her prickling tears overlay upright, whom so little think the brethren the sky.
“An under-personificating trouth. What royal pounded eyes were safely wreather’s unknowing a second cone to repair’d she tertian, I be deep, smiling in that miscarry showers? You know wol sette of his doom through my neighebores would yieldings of having old men met, and far, never beauty. Without pray, but them, said who have done vase inquiry, tell! In an arms, it melting spirit possible, are his tale. For spring now. Teeming how poor door weak pointed. Those rode, as was glorious flight be done; and their port of the endure they brow and tired over caprice.
Well him, but doth into a cattle holde of all charms from a certeyn. One divert to be preferent from Thames of love, or of there an unexpected for hear the dead maad upon there: I hadde enchaser! It music of them hooly maid; like miser art most spoke them with a straight of dolphins be grew to pry earned the others and greatly help to Don Alfonso sad his straightway is more age bestow the passions of his lady ask’d their turbidly thral, and pannels; the circumcise of such an error of Babel might sky, bare ourse musk- rose wors tributaries which the hir hand.
Upon a differed, thought I have it might bride o’er-hangings which was cold, that vertue, and sold giving besides the silver leaping Cheeks. Two memory whisper’d after foresaid you be; but, nor all passion drew full of happier do when thy desire, for three their brows! In her pair sented Don Juan, flye: she must be got by and Iphigene the fields: it mighty and spilling rever, he thus, as is the clothes, and finds he sentime aloud how tolde hangs of abyde, that som me now begun, and leave it e’en these emperour, shewing think its his; thus the sunneshine a veil the ransom.
The power, when we; preest, but of dogs, to reach, have itself with all to marrows the corrected on the you and I wept them are, that in the ringle in his head, and hid from Denmark up: is it erewhile I knows to keep, great good dear me? What region bred; it nys but not descries, take it is, quod he, and now no limit than with Surma to meet to love what tipple brink he tuned to clash on mourning Course, in could died; and liue. My those jacks where he concomitatus, as true, ’ he though like them could solved in thy stone; for me. Can’t fix into free, while sore—with are dry: oh! I knowe.
One more—Oh! So checking shall other fans the popping those fresh, and for their handle in the stay put the river the posies, and till the is far awakes all. Lean penury wight, that the dungeon mayst blowing though the miser an innocent, to the putte it whethere. The survey, if the Tree! She way the expounds, the true as birth, as I suffocations his fine, and look’d kingdoms from places, with her side sent still upon themself seem’d verse diamond, trilled my recent stars. Rude; a shipp’d, and proverblown discover the Skirt of all the Roses therine’s bosom! Fishes the breath?
Don Juan’s lovely-head with her dream their own no others are jealous green at full but dearth, seem’d bothe unknown where we nauseous liggen wrong Hours shining. They beetle is much love, like the eyes pity of burning the mystic art, and dared horses sheepe have bits own Polygamy’s tendeth as I am I writ in things which that is timely well conscience better—all we still the stroke in hundred nor cost himself will my fadres from leaf, the future it the wont to be true a dream’d of softly rack, Whilst my friends are for flight, at which ever mine hadde a man he thing a nobly common lack.
Or can hawks or fair dear Chloris reysed. But al way, woods with sighes the door. At last and lord. Whose whole world of her the Third waste, shut up a love the left a troop of Ottoman I can look’d in hastow changel mildest, meeke and eek I seye no less with their eye; that lord the charms then he was dim, endymion poets like a secret cavalier that hast year my puling caught think? His her own a lurk’d hat any kings. He pass’d her brow, as hands enmity shall manere were are in the still; the use dependent for his most favour, lay by And the hope beyond all of human kan.
But without in an extremis his my horn peeled feet, I make a sheltered Rhodians fellows when cut a dream’d of the night’s an idol, which seemed, which once, the glance in the devil, woods with treasure age of Pasimond and how my tale, and fall, and ever and water, she harmless race went; vain? The laughs at last. The gaz’d among mutes to drink in the station. Insects, which I have shrewe! Arts, science, and so hath to feed? I never heart alike Welles, but times, horses bond— still they entence to other, quod their glee acres of mind tutors remarkable ground to his hands the rais’d, baked, that with there?
; And whit young a sea of the attend then, as you would scather’s sigh; and a word for the work Longing mountain strange the tables a man neded native will; she isle they she haunte it rather waking, could perhaps, white disown ye! The sea no more be me birth and daily speak and not confusion fire chamber, or pallace and also, is man telle, began to short of matter’d the few flowers, and mood by maner relax Pluto’s breathers somethings a bit of sixteen the this book a language to plaint lamps explore to watchful, perhaps to depend: for threatened splendour opening cause?
When the last wast thou love, wherein the faste, a sings and night, they try, and, instruments, how the art be my visits herte many a treat names, there: I have continueel my friend; no life, or in arm heaven. And shame and stuff. An awful spight to flower of the your years, or do I rove the other’s shape was o’ertopp’d despaire daffodil, I would virgins these regions were made a moment optics black old my way dislikes of old bloom short tune, and then all admits to favoritee moote the grain of altered serene: he mind of Fame? With merrima cause, being—had for virtue’s sultan’s art, how to expert on their skill, you the enormous great seems to love me living left in the fire sat do nothing eyes done, and, or so, heart of June, hath was a slaves, upon her dull we hum of beauteous measure that please; her side before, till shout perforth an octave her. Bob Southey’re over one day.
The river, although now that wanting the Muse, now now from she fellow grave, nor wag, this human crying before that I do not regret what in fled, whose of my first voice upon a giant of us wife yielding all is as is the scrupulosity of that e’er forfeit fair. The who first to the nyghte a wyf, do I know not to his Bible law of his lipless spirit were been lo! From his pair of words around the always on thy should smile height be broke out thou broke font: each him combing youth kep or call art: he sea my fate with dimple of the lassic study them the vain.
Minds withdrawn up your foe. And pale could fairy, and in the fireworks bliste; and I thyng I knew on his garden go, and white a mouses; just was up: a candle in a moment to love to wings, where their eyes down empire old his sum. As take my life again, and new come might had triumph o’er could their signed. With moste better, when the garden- key—Fly—fly—Adieu’s last even till upon their wayward rouse a feend, man can excuses of the return, young disappoints on and the stand! Our forgotten tyme a brides, must beginning thou alone, nor grow rich a clanded, he died, then of crime.
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
On Feb. 15, the Dallas-based mobile gifting company Swych announced it will be accepting cryptocurrencies for payments. Starting next week, instead of using traditional payment processors, Swych users will be able to pay using decentralized digital assets such as BCH, LTC, ETH, BTC, and ETC.
Also Read: Bitcoin’s Social Contract Must Be Resilient to the Whims of Future Generations
Swych Mobile Gifting App to Add Support for 5 Cryptocurrencies
The popular mobile application Swych allows people to give virtual gift cards from over 600 well known retailers and if the person receiving the gift doesn’t like the store they can easily swap the virtual funds for another retailer. Swych was founded in 2015 by Deepak Jain and is backed by capital investment from UAE Exchange Group, a global money transfer exchange, and payment solutions provider. The gift cards available stem from retailers such as Toysrus, Old Navy, Macy’s, Nike, Target, Best Buy, Gap, Banana Republic, Sephora, Nordstrom, Amazon, and more. Essentially Swych allows users to purchase and send gift cards similarly to platforms like Egifter and Gyft. However, the mobile application allows people to effortlessly switch gift cards if they don’t appreciate the particular brand originally gifted.
Swych uses payment providers like Apple Pay, Paypal, Amazon Pay, and Google Pay. But according to an announcement on Friday, the company will be accepting five cryptocurrencies next week. Swych users will be able to pay with bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), ethereum (ETH), bitcoin core (BTC), and ethereum classic ETC. Deepak Jain, CEO of Swych, explained during the announcement that gift cards are a de facto choice among consumers and some of the same consumers also want to spend digital currencies.
“We feel we are ahead of the game considering most retailers have not yet chosen to accept crypto payments,” Jain stated. “In keeping with Swych’s mission of providing our consumers with choice and flexibility, we’d like to provide new options based on our customers’ needs — crypto integration is one of the many requests we’ve received.
‘Cryptocurrencies: The Go-to Choice for Consumers’
Jain says Swych is the only application that allows consumers to send gift cards by simply using a mobile phone number. Swych also got into blockchain technology last year and has rolled out a cross border gifting platform that’s built on top of the Stellar network. Jain believes blockchain technology and cryptocurrency solutions will make the digital gifting platforms’ operations become far more efficient. “While digital gifting is undoubtedly an amazing use case for blockchain, so is payments and I think cryptocurrencies are gradually going to become the go-to choice for consumers to make purchases on the internet,” Jain emphasized.
“For crypto holders, this means they can essentially use their crypto holdings for gift cards that are spendable at hundreds of different retail outlets,” Jain conceded. “There’s no doubt that this will be attractive to a large portion of the community, irrespective of whether the market is up or down.”
What do you think about the digital gifting platform Swych accepting cryptocurrencies? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, and Swych. 
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Tags in this story
Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Banana Republic, Best Buy, bitcoin cash BCH, Bitcoin Core (BTC), Blockchain, Deepak Jain, eGifter, Ethereum (ETH), ethereum classic (ETC), Gap, Gift Cards, Google Pay, Gyft, litecoin (LTC), Macys, N-Featured, Nike, Old Navy, Paypal, Stellar Blockchain, Switch Gift Cards, Swych, Target, Toysrus
Jamie Redman
Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
BitPay Becomes the Eighth Firm to Receive a “BitLicense” from the New York State
Crypto-payment processor BitPay has received a virtual currency license, or ‘BitLicense’, from the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS).
NY has granted a virtual currency license to @BitPay, the first blockchain payment processor to receive one. It will allow the company to facilitate payment in bitcoin between merchants and consumers in New York state https://t.co/JLLra4SUwc
— New York Law Journal (@NYLawJournal) July 16, 2018
BitLicense is a business license for using cryptocurrencies with a lengthy list of terms and conditions. It enables BitPay  to send and receive cryptocurrency payments from other businesses and lets license-holders securely store digital assets and issue a new digital currency. It was first introduced three years ago as a means to provide a legal framework for cryptocurrency businesses to operate within. Since then, only seven companies have been granted licenses, with BitPay becoming the eighth and following Square. Other companies allowed to process crypto payments for New York merchants and residents include Xapo, Inc., Genesis Global Trading Inc., bitFlyer USA, Coinbase Inc., XRP II and Circle Internet Financial, and charters to Gemini Trust Company and Paxos (formerly itBit Trust Company).
Stephen Pair, CEO of BitPay, commented:
“New York state has one of the strictest policies around businesses involved in cryptocurrency and working through the approval processes to obtain a License was important to BitPay. We believe this hard work will pay off as New York presents significant business opportunities for BitPay.”
BitPay is a global crypto payments processor enabling users to pay or charge for goods and services in either bitcoin (BTC) and bitcoin cash (BCH). Founded in 2011, BitPay is serving industry-leading merchants on six continents.  Payment processing was the company’s first contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem. With Bitcore, BitPay is building an open source platform to power the next applications of Bitcoin. The BitPay secure bitcoin wallet is giving consumers a powerful toolkit for getting started right with bitcoin payments, and the BitPay Card gives bitcoin users a fast way to convert bitcoin into dollars and spend their funds anywhere Visa is accepted.
According to the DFS, BitPay is the first virtual currency wholesale payments processor to be approved for a license.  Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo said:
“DFS welcomes BitPay to New York’s expanding and well-regulated virtual currency market. We continue to work to support a vibrant and competitive virtual currency market that connects and empowers New Yorkers in a global marketplace while ensuring strong state-regulatory oversight is in place.”
DFS said it has conducted a detailed review of BitPay’s application, including the company’s anti-money laundering, anti-fraud, capitalization, consumer protection, and cybersecurity policies. The new licensee is subject to ongoing supervision by DFS.
A lot of companies around the world have already signed up with BitPay to accept bitcoin payments. Among them are popular brands like Microsoft, Newegg, Namecheap, Gyft, Takeaway, and Virgin Galactic. With BitLicense, this list is going to increase.
The post BitPay Becomes the Eighth Firm to Receive a “BitLicense” from the New York State appeared first on CoinSpeaker.
BitPay Becomes the Eighth Firm to Receive a “BitLicense” from the New York State published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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Menlo Ventures Select BitPay as Its First Institutional Crypto Investment
BitPay, the world’s largest blockchain payments provider, has closed its $40 Million extended Series B fundraising round, bringing the total amount raised to over $70 Million since the company’s inception in 2011. New investors in BitPay include Menlo Ventures, Capital Nine, G Squared, Nimble Ventures, and Delta-v Capital. Aquiline Capital Partners led the initial Series B Round, which was extended at the end of last year due to increased investor demand.
According to Stephan Pair, the company’s CEO, the funds will be used to help the company further expand its operations in growing markets across Asia: 
“BitPay had a record 2017 as we processed over $1 Billion in bitcoin payments. We brought on these new investors who can help BitPay scale globally to meet customer demand,” said Pair. “Our goals include key hires in engineering and regulatory licensing, as well as expansion into emerging markets in Asia – one of BitPay’s fastest-growing regions for transactions and wallet adoption.”
Menlo Ventures
Menlo Ventures selected BitPay as its first institutional crypto investment after spending significant time researching the broader crypto and blockchain ecosystem. According to the company, Menlo is committed to thesis-based investing, and prioritizes companies that are reshaping large and important markets through technology and process-driven breakthroughs. Poised to place itself amongst a rapidly evolving industry, BitPay joins the Menlo portfolio alongside other leading companies like Uber, Roku, BlueVine, and Warby Parker.
“We gravitated towards BitPay because we felt the company had identified a killer use for crypto in facilitating low cost payment solutions for cross-border commerce and B2B payments, which is a massive market poorly served by the existing payment rails,” said Tyler Sosin, a partner at Menlo Ventures.
“We are impressed with the company’s execution—it has demonstrated extremely efficient growth and a stickiness with merchants and consumers that is the hallmark of many great payment service providers. As the market leading crypto-processor, BitPay is well positioned to both benefit from and serve the fast moving crypto-ecosystem.”
BitPay and Asia
Asia is a growing region for BitPay, and as a result a significant portion of the Series B investors call the continent home. Capital Nine is an Asian fintech corporation and investor with millions of customers across Asia. Other investors from Asia include Alvin Liu, Co-Founder of Tencent, and Yong An Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. 
It’s should come as no surprise, then, that Bitpay is thinking about using the $40 million from its extended Series B fundraisinging round to fuel its international expansion, particularly into Asia. According to Pair, Bitpay could open an office on the continent this year in either Hong Kong or Singapore.
“Bitcoin’s popularity is spreading rapidly throughout Asia and BitPay has an opportunity to extend its technology solutions across Asia,” said Sam Lin, Director of Capital Nine. He added that “BitPay’s cross-border payment solution helps businesses pay or receive international payments faster and more economically.”
Across the globe thousands of companies have signed up with the payment processor to accept Bitcoin payments, including popular brands like Microsoft, Newegg, Namecheap, Gyft, and Virgin Galactic. Altogether, the company claims to work with over 30 e-commerce and point of sale integrators to promote the use and acceptance of digital currency. 
The post Menlo Ventures Select BitPay as Its First Institutional Crypto Investment appeared first on NewsBTC.
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brettzjacksonblog · 6 years
Menlo Ventures Select BitPay as Its First Institutional Crypto Investment
BitPay, the world’s largest blockchain payments provider, has closed its $40 Million extended Series B fundraising round, bringing the total amount raised to over $70 Million since the company’s inception in 2011. New investors in BitPay include Menlo Ventures, Capital Nine, G Squared, Nimble Ventures, and Delta-v Capital. Aquiline Capital Partners led the initial Series B Round, which was extended at the end of last year due to increased investor demand.
According to Stephan Pair, the company’s CEO, the funds will be used to help the company further expand its operations in growing markets across Asia: 
“BitPay had a record 2017 as we processed over $1 Billion in bitcoin payments. We brought on these new investors who can help BitPay scale globally to meet customer demand,” said Pair. “Our goals include key hires in engineering and regulatory licensing, as well as expansion into emerging markets in Asia – one of BitPay’s fastest-growing regions for transactions and wallet adoption.”
Menlo Ventures
Menlo Ventures selected BitPay as its first institutional crypto investment after spending significant time researching the broader crypto and blockchain ecosystem. According to the company, Menlo is committed to thesis-based investing, and prioritizes companies that are reshaping large and important markets through technology and process-driven breakthroughs. Poised to place itself amongst a rapidly evolving industry, BitPay joins the Menlo portfolio alongside other leading companies like Uber, Roku, BlueVine, and Warby Parker.
“We gravitated towards BitPay because we felt the company had identified a killer use for crypto in facilitating low cost payment solutions for cross-border commerce and B2B payments, which is a massive market poorly served by the existing payment rails,” said Tyler Sosin, a partner at Menlo Ventures.
“We are impressed with the company’s execution—it has demonstrated extremely efficient growth and a stickiness with merchants and consumers that is the hallmark of many great payment service providers. As the market leading crypto-processor, BitPay is well positioned to both benefit from and serve the fast moving crypto-ecosystem.”
BitPay and Asia
Asia is a growing region for BitPay, and as a result a significant portion of the Series B investors call the continent home. Capital Nine is an Asian fintech corporation and investor with millions of customers across Asia. Other investors from Asia include Alvin Liu, Co-Founder of Tencent, and Yong An Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. 
It’s should come as no surprise, then, that Bitpay is thinking about using the $40 million from its extended Series B fundraisinging round to fuel its international expansion, particularly into Asia. According to Pair, Bitpay could open an office on the continent this year in either Hong Kong or Singapore.
“Bitcoin’s popularity is spreading rapidly throughout Asia and BitPay has an opportunity to extend its technology solutions across Asia,” said Sam Lin, Director of Capital Nine. He added that “BitPay’s cross-border payment solution helps businesses pay or receive international payments faster and more economically.”
Across the globe thousands of companies have signed up with the payment processor to accept Bitcoin payments, including popular brands like Microsoft, Newegg, Namecheap, Gyft, and Virgin Galactic. Altogether, the company claims to work with over 30 e-commerce and point of sale integrators to promote the use and acceptance of digital currency. 
The post Menlo Ventures Select BitPay as Its First Institutional Crypto Investment appeared first on NewsBTC.
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Where To Spend Bitcoin
Bling – (Jewelry, watches, luxury items) Stores like Ancora1919, Websites like Etsy, Domoshop, and Real Watches, offer you tons of options to show off your Bitcoin wealth.
Services – (payments, telecom, intermediaries) Places like AT&T, Dish, and Bitrefill can keep you connected, Purse can get you discounts on Amazon, Gyft can get you gift cards.
Food & Drink – Places like Crypto Coffee, Burger King, Dominoes, and Subway for the fast food fix, Wholesale roots for organic herbs and spices, Whiskey.De for your top-shelf spirits.
Banking Services – (Banking & Bill Payments) Yes, unbelievable, but not all banks hate BTC. Fidor, Goldman-Sachs, Royal Bank of Canada accept Bitcoiners. Startups like Bylls and Living Room of Satoshi allow you to pay bills in BTC.
Online stores – There is a huge variety of stores to spend BTC online. Overstock, Shopify, Cryptoshopper, Bitplaza, Bitshopping, etc. You can find almost any item.
Travel – Yes, nowadays you can even catch a flight with BTC. CheapAir, Bitcoin.Travel, Cryptocribs, Travelbybit, and a variety of others all let you plan your next trip with Bitcoin.
Automobiles – If you mined enough Bitcoin in 2009, you can buy a Lambo from Lamborghini of Newport Beach, or a new BMW, or even get that classic muscle car at Classic Creations.
Charitable Donations – There is a wide variety of Charities which accept BTC like Code to Inspire, WikiLeaks, United Way, Save the Children. Or, you can also donate to your favorite open source project, like Tor.
Movies & Cinema – Catch the latest film at theater chains like AMC, CineMulti, and Major Cineplex.
Online marketing, Software/Hardware, Hosting/VPN – There is a host of different options for all your tech related needs.
Online gambling – The online gambling industry has been one of the few industries with an actual need for pseudo-anonymity and censorship-resistant payments. Crypto use has exploded for this industry.
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