#han seojun x oc
hxtwasabi · 1 year
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You - Han Seojun - Parte 1/2
Essa twoshot foi baseada na música You do The Pretty Reckless. Eu tinha acabado de ver True Beauty na época e tava triste que não arranjaram uma namoradinha pro Seojun, dor e tristeza, então decidi consertar isso pro neném. Espero que gostem! Parte 2 aqui.
Baek Hee Jin simplesmente não entendia porque sua vida era tão complicada e tão ferrada? Porque ela simplesmente não podia ter uma vida simples, com uma família menos complicada e que o cara que ela gosta também gostasse dela? Porque ela tinha que ter essa vida tão complicada? Porque ela sempre era a última opção de todos? Porque era o que mais rondava em sua cabeça. Ela não entendia. Parece que ela era invisível e que sua vida foi feita para ferrar ela. Havia uma nova aluna na classe, Lim Ju Kyung, ela era definitivamente diferente. Não que não amasse Soojin ou Sua, suas melhores amigas na escola, mas definitivamente Ju Kyung era diferente. Além de descobrir que ela era sua vizinha. Ela era um bolinho de positividade, como sua avó sempre dizia. Lembrou-se de quando viu o rosto verdadeiro da garota. Viu quando ela estava conversando com Lee Suho no Prince Comics e ela estava sem maquiagem.
— Eu fiquei com medo de que vocês fossem me julgar pela minha aparência. Foi muito complicado pra mim devido a minha antiga escola — a garota de óculos contou e Heejin deu um pequeno sorriso
— Está tudo bem, eu não vou contar seu segredo. Você não é a única que usa maquiagem para esconder algo
— Huh? Mas você é bonita — a garota disse arrancando uma leve risada da Baek
— Eu agradeço, mas não é só a aparência que a maquiagem pode disfarçar — ela respondeu fazendo a Lim ficar mais curiosa
— Desculpa soar intrometida, mas já me intrometendo — ambas deram risadas, Heejin conhecia Ju Kyung muito bem para saber que ela iria perguntar do mesmo jeito — Mas posso perguntar o que você quis dizer com isso?
Era duro falar isso, mas honestamente se ela não constasse ela iria explodir. Soojin era a única que sabia disso, mas de uns tempos pra cá não sabia se devia confiar na garota. Mas Lim Ju Kyung era diferente, como havia dito antes. Ela não conseguia mentir para a garota, porque diabos ficaria com ciúmes com uma garota incrível quanto ela? Não iria odiar a garota só porque o garoto que ela é apaixonada se apaixonou por ela. Dóia, mas ela não podia controlar os sentimentos e nem mesmo a própria Ju Kyung sabia.
— Eu moro com os meus avós e meu irmão mais velho de vez em quando nos visita, mas ele está nos dormitórios da faculdade dele, então não é sempre. Minha mãe faleceu quando eu ainda tinha 7 anos de idade e então meu pai, que costumava ser caloroso e o “melhor pai do mundo” começou a descontar seu luto na bebida. E em nós
— O que? Por acaso ele — ela começou e a garota de cabelos peek-a-boo balançou a cabeça negando
— Não, mas palavras também doem como uma faca. E, bem, hoje eu sei o que é gaslighting e que assédio verbal também existe, mas na época eu não entendia direito e eu também acabei descontando em mim mesma. Psicológico e fisicamente
Ela não precisava deixar nada explícito para que a outra entendesse. Ju Kyung entendia o que ela quis dizer, claro que não no mesmo cenário, mas sabia como era se odiar e como pensar que era tudo culpa dela. Seu coração apertou com o relato de sua amiga e ela mesma estava quase chorando com a história. Era por isso que ela não pensava em contar para Seojun o que sentia, pois ela tinha a sensação de que tudo que ela tocasse estaria fadado ao “fracasso” e Ju Kyung honestamente não sabia como fazer isso, mas tinha que juntar os dois. Ou botar uma sementinha na cabeça de Seojun. Mas, algo ainda pairava no ar.
— Jinny, como você começou a gostar do Seojun? — não aguentou e teve que perguntar então viu um sorriso no rosto da outra coreana
— Ele me salvou. Literalmente
1 ano atrás
Baek Heejin voltava da escola. Quase foi atropelada pelo babaca do Han Seojun, porque ele simplesmente não podia ir andando pra escola ou sei lá? Viviam se bicando, mas claro que nunca chegava suas picuinhas ao nível que chegou ao ponto da amizade dele com Suho acabar após algum motivo específico que Heejin não sabia. Talvez eles eram dois cabeças duras para se darem bem. E nessa parte incluiria ela mesma e o Lee. Resolveu passar para o centro, já que tinha ouvido falar algo sobre um concurso de fotografia, mas o horário era ruim demais e ela teve que deixar de lado. Sempre gostou muito de fotos e fotografia era sua paixão. Desde sua pré-adolescência sabia o que queria fazer. Estava cabisbaixa porque não poderia participar do curso, escutando alguma banda de rock, quando começou a escutar passos atrás dela, passos rápidos. Que ótimo dia para ser assaltada. Seus passos ficaram mais rápidos e a pessoa atrás dela também. Quando tentava escapar de ter sua bolsa ou celular roubados acabou tropeçando e ela fechou os olhos quase implorando para não fazer nada com ela. Até que uma moto apareceu. Ela sabia exatamente de quem era aquela moto e aquele capacete. Ele desceu da moto.
— Ei, querida, desculpa pela demora. Vamos? — ela suspirou aliviada — Você está bem? — ele perguntou oferecendo uma mão a ela e ela aceitou. Por algum motivo sentiu faíscas voarem de suas mãos, um choque elétrico. Bem, pelo menos de sua parte. Se levantou e não viu o ladrão.
— Obrigada por isso — ela agradeceu e ia fazer seu caminho quando uma mão pegou em seu braço e de novo esse formigamento
— Onde você pensa que vai? Vem, eu te dou uma carona — ele disse e entregou o segundo capacete para ela
Ela não esperava que por trás de um badboy com uma gangue fracassada na escola havia um belo coração no fundo. Esconder seus sentimentos com paredes, mas sentir demais no fundo. Sabia como era isso. Apenas colocou o capacete e subiu na garupa.
— Bem, soa mesmo como ele — Ju Kyung comentou depois da história da garota e ambas riram
— Eu sei, é por isso que eu me apaixonei. Nós éramos como cão e gato na classe, mas tudo mudou depois daquilo e cessamos nossas brigas e ficamos mais próximos. E eu devia ter visto isso acontecer. Não é como se ele fosse me escolher de qualquer jeito — podia sentir seus olhos marejar e seu delineador querer estragar
Você não me quer, não Você não precisa de mim Como eu te quero Como eu preciso de você
— Não diga isso, Jinny. Além do que se a garota gosta de outro então porque ele não segue em frente? Talvez ainda há esperança. Ele não pode ser tão tapado assim — a Lim disse tentando ajudar a amiga
— Eu adoraria ter essa esperança. Mas está tudo bem, Ju, é assim que eu sou: invisível e o último lugar
Lee Ju Kyung queria ver a amiga feliz e Han Seojun também era seu amigo. E odiava ver ela tão triste e tão desesperançosa. Precisava juntar os dois.
Han Seojun tinha a chamado para comer algo, disse que precisa dizer algo para a Lim, que ela não fazia ideia do que era, mas era seu momento de tentar fazer o amigo acordar. Tinham parado pra jantar em algum lugar, era apenas um encontro entre amigos e Suho tinha liberado o que era estranho da parte dele, mas ficou feliz que dessa vez ele não fez birra.
— Eu gosto de uma garota, mas ela está namorando outra pessoa — Seojun revelou para ela — O que você acha que eu deva fazer?
— Espera, eu não sabia que ela era comprometida. Não é a Sua não né? — ela perguntou e ele riu
— Não, não é a Sua — ele disse parecendo… aliviado? Lee Jukyung resolveu ignorar isso. Ou apenas não percebeu. Porque ela iria perceber?
— Eu diria para tentar roubá-la, mas quer a verdade? Primeiro, se for a Sua eu vou te dar um tapão. Mas porque não segue em frente? Será que você é tão besta de não ver algo que tá na sua frente? Han Seojun acorda! — ela disse quase que nervosa com ele
— Do que você tá falando? — ele parecia realmente confuso e Jukyung respirou fundo para não sair batendo na cara dele pra ver se ele realmente acordava. Ele sabia que ela não estava falando dela mesma, Jukyung é apaixonada por Suho e estão juntos  
— Seojun-ah você realmente não sabe mesmo? Seu besta. Sinceramente eu desisto  — ela disse a última parte mais para si mesma do que para ele, mas ele conseguiu escutar. Estava ainda mais confuso. Alguém gostava dele como se apaixonar? Não era nenhuma garota que estava atrás dele só pela beleza?
— Bem, eu realmente sou muito bonito, claro, então acaba acontecendo — ele disse fingindo se gabar e ela fez uma careta e ficou séria
— Isso é sério. Ela chorou por você por conta desse seu crush platônico aí. Eu não quero ver mais minha amiga chorar assim. Eu sei que não é fácil tentar esquecer alguém, mas tente. Ela passou por tanta coisa e eu torço pra que algo aconte��a. Vocês dois merecem essa chance — ela disse fazendo o que disse que iria fazer: botar a sementinha em Han Seojun e parece ter funcionado, pois ele ficou pensativo com isso. Quero que ela me rejeite assim eu consiga seguir em frente. Bem, não tinha confessado seus sentimentos e nem iria. Mas Ju Young estava certo. E, se essa pessoa gosta tanto dele, talvez assim ele siga em frente.
Depois voltaram para suas casas. Han Seojun continuava pensando sobre o que Jukyung tinha dito. Ela disse que queria a felicidade dos dois. Então pegou a lista de amigas da Lim: Sua definitivamente não, ela e Taehoon se amavam demais, Soojin não, jamais. Ainda mais que ela parece estar obcecada por Suho. E por último sobrou Baek Hee Jin. E então seus olhos se arregalaram. Droga. Porque nunca havia percebido antes? Se sentia estúpido e se culpou por ter quebrado o coração da garota mesmo que isso não fosse culpa dele por querer. Porque ela não o contou? Porque ela guardou isso por todo esse tempo? Bem, amanhã veria ela e iria perguntar.
No outro dia Heejin fez seu caminho até a escola enquanto os solos de guitarra ecoavam em seus ouvidos. Seojun nunca tinha percebido antes, mas ela parecia muito bonita naquela luz solar e ela brilhava de longe. Ela parecia distraída então decidiu conversar com ela depois. Fez seu caminho para dentro da escola, mas cutucou com seu ombro a garota de cabelos pretos em cima e vermelhos embaixo, que o olhou parecendo assustada.
— Han Seojun! — ela disse tirando um fone de sua orelha, assustada pela aparição abrupta
— Você vai estourar seus tímpanos assim — ele disse a provocando e ela revirou os olhos
— Fala o que você quer — ela parecia fria dizendo isso, mas seu coração parecia bater freneticamente por dentro. E dessa vez ele sabia disso.
— Podemos conversar na hora do intervalo? — ele perguntou e ela estranhou. O que ele queria falar com ela?
— Tudo bem. É importante? — ela perguntou e ele assentiu
— Pode-se dizer que sim — ele respondeu fazendo ela estranhar mais ainda, mas se era importante então iria ver o que ele queria
— Você não andou aprontando não, não é? — ela perguntou e ele riu
— Você me conhece, não é? — ele a olhava diferente e Heejin voltou a sentir seu coração bater. Ou talvez seja só sua mente.
É, ela te conhece sim, Han Seojun.
Bem, era aula do professor Han e a Baek parecia ansiosa pra saber o que ele iria falar para ela de tão importante, esperava que não era nenhum plano "mirabolante" que Seojun tinha tido. Ela fazia anotações no seu caderno sem perceber que os olhos de um certo badboy pairavam nas suas costas. Um leve sorriso imperceptível saiu dos lábios do garoto. Talvez ele se permita se apaixonar por uma pessoa diferente dessa vez.
O sinal finalmente tocou e Heejin se levantou para ir para o refeitório junto com Jukyung, Sua e Soojin, mas Han Seojun apareceu na sua frente e ela engoliu em seco e tentou ignorar seu coração em frenesi e as borboletas no estômago. Jukyung e Sua faziam joinhas para a garota e trocaram sorrisinhos com ela, que simplesmente ignorou.
— Vem, vamos conversar — ele disse a chamando com a cabeça
— Mas eu tô com fome — ela reclamou e não era mentira
— A conversa importante, lembra? Depois eu pago algo pra você — tudo bem, isso era estranho. Ele vai pagar uma comida pra ela? Era tão importante assim mesmo essa conversa?
Heejin perguntou sobre a mãe de Seojun e descobriu que ela estava bem. Descobriu que a garota bonita que foi a cantora principal do coral no festival foi maquiada pela Ju Kyung era irmã dele e ela era mais nova. Não trocaram muitas palavras, ele parecia nervoso e até mesmo sem jeito. Esse era mesmo Han Seojun? Foram para o lado de fora da escola. Heejin recostou-se na parede atrás dela.
— Então, o que foi? — ela perguntou e cruzou os braços como se seus sentimentos não estivessem nenhum pouco animado com essa proximidade deles
— Porque você nunca me contou? — ele perguntou e ela fez uma careta
— Que? — ela disse sem entender
— Porquê você nunca me contou seus sentimentos por mim? — ele perguntou e ela abriu e fechou a boca assustada
— O que? Lee Ju Kyung, ela — ela perguntou sentindo perdida e meio traída pela amiga, mas Han Seojun tentou tranquilizá-la colocando uma mão em se ombro e pode sentir sua pele queimar, mas de um jeito bom
— Não a culpe, ela só estava tentando me ajudar. Eu contei para ela que eu gosto de uma garota comprometida e então eu perguntei pra ela o que eu deveria fazer e ela disse sobre uma amiga dela que tinha sentimentos por mim e que sofria muito porque eu tenho sentimentos por outra pessoa e que não queria vê-la mais triste e que tanto eu quanto ela devíamos ser felizes. Eu não te prometo que irei acabar meu sentimento por ela de um dia para o outro, nós dois temos esses amores secretos e não mútuos, mas eu quero tentar. E se for você então está tudo bem — ele a revelou e ela ficou surpresa com essas palavras não sabendo o que dizer com isso. Não se acabava com sentimentos tão rápidos, mas ele quer tentar esquecer um amor não correspondido com ela. Ela!
— Seojun-ah — ela disse não sabendo como formular as palavras
— Vamos a cinco encontros. Acho que três é pouco, mas cinco está ótimo — ele combinou para ela que parecia que sentia que ia desmaiar a qualquer momento
— Você não está fazendo nenhuma aposta, né? — ela perguntou e ele riu batendo na cabeça dela de leve como se fosse uma criança
— Que aposta eu iria fazer? É tão difícil assim acreditar que eu quero sair com você? Você está intimidada com minha beleza já? — se não houvesse uma piadinha não seria Han Seojun. Ela deu um tapa no braço dele
— Ei, não é porque eu gosto de você que eu tenho que ficar te bajulando — ela disse revirando os olhos, mas ela sentia como se o zoológico estivesse em festa com essa proposta dele — Tudo bem. Cinco encontros
— Eu deixo você me bater caso eu falar ou fazer algo que não deve — ele disse e ela riu enquanto voltavam para dentro da escola
— Então tenho que te bater toda hora? — ela perguntou zombando e viu ele com um leve sorriso e balançou a cabeça. Seojun foi atrás da sua irmã e com isso Heejin foi até Ju Kyung e Sua para contar a novidade.
— Vocês conversaram? O que ele te falou de novidade? — Sua a bombardeou assim que viu ela perto das escadas
— Ele me chamou para alguns encontros — ela revelou com um grande sorriso nos lábios e recebeu gritinhos animados em resposta
— Eu te disse! Caso ele não te trate bem liga para gente e a gente bate nele, mas aí você merece — Ju Kyung disse abraçando a amiga
— Obrigada. Por tudo — ela sussurrou para a garota
— Agora temos que fazer compras — Sua disse puxando a garota de cabelos peek-a-boo pelo braço
— Ei nada de vestido colorido ou extremamente curto — todo mundo sabia que a garota só usava preto e no máximo vermelho escuro
— Sim, sei disso. Hoje vamos ter uma noite de garotas já que a Heejin tem encontros — a outra falou e Heejin riu. Ela finalmente estava feliz. Ah, e Seojun pagou um corn dog pra ela. Ela sorriu involuntariamente e Ju Kyung e Sua sorrindo por ver a amiga tão feliz assim.
No primeiro encontro Heejin decidiu pelo vestido preto florido que Sua e Ju Kyung tinham aprovado, uma bota de cano alto preto e seu cabelo preso e um colar acompanhando. Sentia como se estivesse em um filme da Disney onde iria encontrar seu príncipe encantado. Bem, um badboy disfarçado de príncipe, mas ainda assim fazia seu coração palpitar. Ele não era qualquer badboy. Ele era Han Seojun.
— E esse sorrisão aí? — assustou-se com Lee Ju Kyung entrando em seu quarto
— O que você tá fazendo aqui? — ela perguntou pra amiga
— Vim te maquiar, claro. Você achou mesmo que eu não viria te maquiar no seu primeiro encontro? — ela respondeu e a Baek riu
— Você acha que ele pode sentir o mesmo que eu sinto por ele? Eu tenho medo dele ainda continuar com ela na cabeça e eu estar forçando ele e… — os pensamentos ansiosos de Heejin foram parados depois que Jukyung colocou um dos pincéis nos lábios para calar ela e tentar acalmá-la. Voltou a maquiá-la
— Ele topou, não topou? Pare de duvidar de si mesma. Você é incrível e ele seria um tonto por perder alguém tão incrível quanto você — a outra garota disse para ela e Heejin sorriu de leve com isso
— Queria ter essa confiança que você tem em mim — ela se lamentou com um semblante triste
— Você é mais brilhante do que você pensa, Heejin — voltou a dizer enquanto passava a maquiagem
Conversaram mais um pouco, perguntou para ela sobre seu relacionamento com o Suho e as coisas na sua casa. Ela falou que estava tudo bem, que Suho estava se saindo bem como namorado. Ela parecia feliz e Heejin ficava feliz por isso. Podia perceber que Suho era durão por fora, mas um marshmallow por dentro. Então lembrou-se de algo.
— Quando eles estavam no hospital eu acabei indo lá, mas eles estavam dormindo, então eu deixei um pequeno gatinho de pelúcia do lado da cama dele. Eu não sei se ele descobriu que foi eu ou se ele pegou
— Eu acho que a Gowon pegou, mas não tenho certeza. Você realmente ama ele, né? — a maquiadora disse e Baek Hee Jin sorriu de leve
— Eu amo. Eu realmente amo ele — ela respondeu.
Logo depois Lee Ju Kyung tinha ido embora não demorou muito para Han Seojun aparecer.
— Querida, há um moço bonito te esperando na porta. É seu namorado? — sua avó perguntou e ela corou
— Não, mas eu espero que um dia ele seja. Eu vou sair com ele hoje pela primeira vez — ela respondeu sorrindo
— E vocês vão ser. Você merece ser feliz — sua avó disse sorrindo e ela sorriu de volta agradecida — Bom encontro — a mais velha desejou
Foi até a porta e abriu vendo Han Seojun digitando alguma coisa no celular e então ouviu o barulho e virou-se para ver Heejin. Ela estava deslumbrante. Sempre foi muito bonita, mas parecia que era a primeira vez que o Han via a Baek na vida.
— Você está linda — ele a elogiou e ela corou com essas palavras
— Obrigada. Você não está nada mal também — ela o elogiou enquanto ajustava sua bolsa
— Eu espero que você esteja animada hoje, pois vai ser um encontro meio que cheio de aventuras — ele disse e ela o olhou curiosa
— O que quer dizer com isso? — ela perguntou e ele sorriu de lado
— Você verá quando chegar lá — ele respondeu fazendo a garota ficar mais curiosa
Heejin ficou surpresa assim que chegaram ao Lotte World, não esperava que ele trouxesse ela pra lá, mas isso não é nada ruim, pelo contrário, ela tinha gostado da escolha. Era definitivamente um encontro aventureiro e diferente, mas que eles podiam ficar por um bom tempo lá. Virou-se para Seojun.
— Então, em qual vamos primeiro? — ele perguntou e os olhos da garota parecia olhar para todos os lugares
— Eu nunca vim aqui então eu não sei qual escolher — ela disse e então ele pegou a mão dela e ela virou-se para ele surpresa e seu coração batendo rápido
— Que tal irmos em todos os brinquedos e depois decidirmos qual é o melhor? — ele perguntou e ela arregalou os olhos
— Você viu o tamanho desse lugar? Iremos ficar aqui o dia todo! — Heejin disse para ele que apenas sorriu com aquela cara de que iria aprontar. Conhecia muito bem o Han.
— Esse é o plano — ele disse como se tivesse ganho uma aposta com ela e então ele a puxou pela mão enquanto entravam no lugar — Vamos!
Acabaram indo em tantos brinquedos, alguns até mesmo infantis, recebendo olhares esquisitos dos funcionários, que ela não sabia nem contar nos dedos, foram em quase todos. Acabaram pegando algumas guloseimas na loja de presentes Weeny Beeny, onde vendia alcaçuz e outros doces. Foram comer num restaurante japonês lá dentro do parque temático.
— Eu tenho certeza que você ficou assustada na Casa Mal Assombrada — ele disse provocando a garota
— Aish, Han Seojun! Não é medo, tudo bem? Eu só fui pega desprevenida — ela tentou argumentar e ele riu
— Você quer falar de mim, mas na montanha-russa do faraó você também ficou com medo — ela rebateu
— Eu só estava querendo que você não passasse medo sozinha — ele replicou e ela soltou um “aham” sarcástico e então lembrou-se de algo  — Eu tenho algo pra você — ela franziu o cenho
— Para mim? — ela perguntou e ele assentiu pegando a sacola vermelha e então entregou para ela
Ela logo pegou a sacola e então viu uma raposinha de pelúcia e então ele devia saber sobre o presente que ela deixou para ele no hospital. Ela o olhou com curiosidade e ele sorriu de leve.
— Eu perguntei para minha irmã se o gatinho de pelúcia que ela estava segurando tinha sido o irmão da Lim Ju Kyung que ainda continuava perseguindo ela de novo e ela disse que não, que uma garota tinha deixado pra mim enquanto eu dormia e tinha ido falar com o Suho também — ele explicou e ela estava sem palavras
— Você não precisava ter comprado um pra mim também — ela disse ainda surpresa com aquilo
— Se não quer eu devolvo — ele brincou fingindo que ia pegar a sacola, mas ela bateu na mão dele
— Nem pense nisso — ela disse e ele soltou uma risada
Baek Heejin não esperava por esse encontro ser tão divertido e tão aventureiro, pensava que ia ser esquisito, mas Seojun estava se esforçando. E seu esforço estava fazendo ela ficar mais apaixonada por ele ainda. Como diria Lana del Rey, Han Seojun era o badboy que ela sempre sonhou. Depois que chegou em casa recebeu uma mensagem do garoto dizendo que no próximo final de semana eles iriam para um restaurante. Seu sorriso se alargou e seu coração estava a mil por hora.
Claro que chegando na escola foi bombardeada por Sua e Ju Kyung perguntando como tinha sido e ela contou que ele a levou para o Lotte World, pegou na mão dela e ainda recebeu um bichinho de pelúcia. Elas ficaram animadas com isso e disseram que talvez não demore tanto para que Seojun se apaixone por ela e sinta o mesmo que a garota. E esperava que elas estavam certas. E Seojun também a acompanhava para a casa durante a escola, eles conversavam sobre vários assuntos, ele comentou da época em que era trainee e que até pensa no assunto, o que Heejin o encorajou a ele tentar de novo, já que ele contou que sempre foi apaixonado na música e falou até mesmo do cantor Se Yeon, que sofreu um trágico acidente que todos sabiam. Bem, falou por cima, pois viu que era algo que ainda mexia com ele e resolveu não tocar no assunto. Não queria magoá-lo.
O segundo encontro foi em um restaurante que Seojun conhecia. A comida era boa e a companhia melhor ainda. Parecia que com o segundo encontro eles começaram a ficar mais acostumados com isso e Heejin não queria que isso acabasse. E estava se controlando para não o beijá-lo. Ele era fofo demais e muito doce, era uma missão difícil, mas se controlava. Depois começaram a andar pelos corredores da escola e a irem embora juntos. O terceiro encontro foi em um cinema, clichê, mas sempre funcionava. E está tudo bem, ela adora clichês. O quarto ele a levou para um karaokê, ela o tinha avisado que não sabia cantar, mas ele insistiu. Quando ouviu a voz dela, ele disse que ela tinha sorte de ser bonita e que gostava de fotografias. Aquilo ecoou na sua cabeça a noite toda e ela riu de felicidade. E o último encontro tinha que ser na cafeteria onde Seojun trabalhava, pois agora trabalhava integralmente desde que o antigo funcionário tinha saído e ele também disse que tinha algo para contar.
— Eu conversei com a irmã da Lim Ju Kyung, ela trabalha na Move Entertainment, a empresa reformou depois que o pai do Suho saiu, e ela me ofereceu pra voltar a ser trainee da gravadora. Eu acho que vou aceitar — ele contou e ela o olhou surpresa, porém sorrindo grande enquanto tomava seu suco de laranja
— Isso é ótimo! Eu estou muito feliz por você, Han Seojun! Só não esqueça dos seus amigos de escola — ela disse para ele
— E como eu poderia esquecer vocês? E você? Vai fazer o curso de fotografia? — ele perguntou e ela assentiu
— Eu estou pensando em ver vagas ano que vem. Vovó precisa de cuidados e o horário não é muito bom pra mim porque eu também tenho que trabalhar na lojinha — ela respondeu
Tinha contado para Han Seojun sobre sua família e ele achava incrível como ela cuidava dos avós, ainda mais que seu irmão já estava na faculdade e era só ela. Contou da situação com os pais e ele se compadeceu mais ainda com ela. De alguma forma ele queria protegê-la da maldade do mundo. Ela não merecia passar por tudo isso e prometeu que caso sua banda fizesse sucesso ele iria comprar uma casa para morarem. Espera. Morar juntos? Pois é, Han Seojun estava começando a responder os sentimentos mútuos para a Baek.
— Han Seojun? Ainda está aí? — perguntou assim que percebeu que ele parecia aéreo
— Desculpa por isso. O que aconteceu? — ele perguntou e ela voltou a falar sobre alguns lugares que gostaria de trabalhar como fotógrafa e que gostaria de ser freelancer. Ficava encantado como ela falava com o brilho nos olhos sobre fotografia. Fofa.
Depois voltaram para casa, ela agradeceu a companhia. Era o último encontro e Heejin sentia seu coração apertar. Ela não fazia ideia se ele gostaria de estar com ela depois dos cinco encontros ou voltariam à estaca zero. Ela iria se despedir dele quando uma mão em seu braço a parou, a fazendo ter um déjà vu do dia do assalto. Ela virou-se para encará-lo.
— Han Seojun? — ela perguntou surpresa
— Não vá ainda — ele quase a implora e quando ela ia dizer que se veriam na segunda Seojun acabou o espaço entre eles e selou seus lábios nos lábios dela. Heejin podia sentir os fogos de artifício que parecia estar se formando, claro que não havia nenhum, mas foi um bom tempo esperando por isso e nada poderia se comparar com o beijo dele. Ela esperou tanto por isso, nem acreditava que realmente tinha acontecido. Han Seojun tinha se apaixonado por ela? Seu coração parecia querer explodir de tanta felicidade. Colocou sua mão ao redor do pescoço dele enquanto o beijava de volta. E então Han Seojun a amava, finalmente.
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barbenheimer-core · 2 years
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둘. balenciaga : part one — 3.6k words
Getting used to the new way of things definitely wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. There was no guidebook available to advise her on how to live in a fictional, but very, very real world where the people she knew were reduced to mere caricatures of what they once had been.
She wasn't even kidding. If she thought she had already seen the worst of it when her mother had yelled at her brother, oh boy was she mistaken.
As she had come to find out, no matter if she was in the right or wrong, Ahyeong was no exception when it came to being at the other end of her mother's disappointment.
It became apparent when Hwayoung had arrived at the ER to collect her daughter following a phone call from the receptionist alerting her of Ahyeong's injury.
Drowsy from painkillers and weighed down by the heavy cast on her ankle, Ahyeong gripped the crutch at her side as she walked to her mother's car in the parking lot. The bruising on her foot had looked awful at first, but upon further checking and x-ray scans, her bone was only fractured and the discolouration was the result of the harsh impact on concrete.
Her mother had been eerily quiet ever since she had picked her up at the gate, but as Driver Oh — her parents' designated chauffeur — embarked on the way to their home, Mother finally broke the silence.
Ahyeong didn't know what she was expecting. No, wait, she knew exactly what she expected to hear: the same words her mother had told her when she had scraped her knees on asphalt when she had been a little girl trying to learn how to ride a bike for the first time, asking if she was feeling okay, or if it hurt too much.
Instead, what she got from her mother was: "I wasn't expecting this from you."
Despite the internal heaters of the car that provided respite against the chill of the night, the air around them felt impossibly cold.
"How could you be so careless? Getting injured right before school? If this is your way of rebelling against me, let me tell you, young lady, it will not work," she scoffed.
"Perhaps I've been too ignorant in letting you out of the house so freely. From now on, you're to ask for my permission every time you decide to leave the house. Understand?"
She didn't even wait for her daughter's response and continued on, jaw set in annoyance as she almost spat her next words, "And also, next time you decide to afflict yourself on your escapades, call the housekeeper to get you instead. I had to leave a conference with foreign investors just to pick you up. Honestly, you call yourself my daughter. I wonder what I did wrong in raising you that you ended up like this."
Ahyeong looked on, processing the poisonous words that pricked her skin, and accepted one of the many cruel realities of her situation.
Song Hwayoung, a businesswoman with expectations that were higher than the tallest mountains and a personality as explosive as active volcanoes.
That was the woman sitting across from her at that moment, not her mother.
Her sigh was barely heard over the static hum of the engine and passing vehicles. This was definitely going to take a while.
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If she thought that she would be cut slack with a fractured ankle and be left alone to wallow in her thoughts, she was terribly wrong.
New world meant new info, things that didn't exist before but existed here in this world. Thank whatever entity existed in the cosmos that the Internet was created, because Ahyeong didn't think she would've known half the things she did now if she hadn't seen the news feed on all her SNS accounts — which thankfully were the same — feeding her with all she missed out on.
First order of business was finding more information about whatever may be relevant to the story she was dropped in. For better or for worse, Ahyeong instinctively knew that she was going to be a big part of whatever charade she was thrown into, and if she went into this blind as a bat, she was bound to crash and burn. Even if she could find a way to get out of here, and it really was a dream (her ankle vehemently protested against that fact), she was not counting on false hopes and delusion. So in order of relevancy, it was.
One person that jumped in her SNS feed far more times than she could ignore was Jung Seyeon. She knew the gist of it; a friend of Suho and Seojun, debuted idol with a soulful voice and wonderful personality, ruined by falsities and someone's needless hate.
Upon laborious scrolling and exploration of trending tags, she gathered that it had been his birthday yesterday, the first after his untimely death the previous year, which also explained the memorial she had seen the other day while on the verge of falling.
What disturbed her was that she had stood in the same place as Seyeon, same building, same roof. It put Suho's reaction into perspective when he had found her, and further mounted her guilt in bringing up bad memories.
Digging up things she needed to know about the story — which was more inclined towards the drama than the webtoon; she had just started watching the show when she'd been swept away so her foreknowledge didn't really count for much — also meant that eventually, she would end up finding out something or the other about herself too. Which she did. She found out a lot of things, on the Internet and also in real life from people she was rather horrified to be associated with.
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"Young Miss, you have guests. Shall I send them up?"
Eunjung knocked on her door to get her attention, relaying her message, and waited for her response with all the patience of a saint. She was a godsend and the Song heir couldn't be more grateful for her being present in the family.
Meanwhile, Ahyeong frowned, a confused look passing her features for a second.
People coming over to the Song Mansion was not unheard of, but it was rare, and they were all either her parents' acquaintances or some of her brother's classmates. Ahyeong wasn't big on inviting people to her house or making friends beyond the usual superficial ones. She had a few who she loved having around, but never at her house.
Maybe they heard of her injury and came over to check? Dohwa hadn't texted her in a long while — was his number still in her phone? — so he probably visited?
Ahyeong lit up in excitement and sat up in her desk chair — her ankle had gotten considerably better and the cast would be off in a few days — and nodded at Eunjung, who almost chuckled at her eagerness and went downstairs to lead the guests up to her room.
She needed some semblance of familiarity from before and Dohwa was perfect for it. He even was Ahyeong's partner-in-crime when they read the True Beauty webtoon together in the rare days off that they had in the library, so maybe, just maybe, Dohwa would remember.
They didn't know each other too well, only bonding over trash romance manhwas that he dug up from the deepest corners of Seulli High — her former school; she had transferred to Saebom now, albeit unwillingly — but she liked to think he really did care about her.
Footsteps echoed up on polished stairs, advancing towards her bedroom located at the end of the west wing, and Ahyeong was almost vibrating with nerves at the implications of her train of thought.
She might not be the only one who was self-aware — that's what she had come to call this phenomenon — and quite frankly, she was counting on the fact that she didn't have to suffer through this alone.
Misery loves company and all that.
Well, turns out, the misery part of that statement was going to be more prominent when her guests stepped in through the door and Song Ahyeong recognized a gaggle of faces that definitely did not belong to Dohwa.
"Oh my goodness, Ahyeong-ah! Long time no see! I heard you were back so I came to see you! It's been so lonely without you, years go by so fast. How was New York?"
"Did you get souvenirs?"
"Did you really meet that hotshot makeup artist Selly? I saw your post on SNS. Waah, you're really living the life."
Fragile hope that had bloomed in her chest shattered into a million pieces, being flooded by a wave of horrified realization at the presence of the group of girls in her room.
She had been trying to deny it, pretending that she hadn't seen and read what she had, that the description was just that way because of a trick of light, that her eyes hadn't been working, her mind had been frenzied in panic.
Song Ahyeong, The Bully.
As Park Semi and her gang of tormentors stood in front of her with lips painted crimson and sharp teeth gleaming with an unnatural whiteness, Ahyeong realized just what type of crowd she was supposed to be a part of here.
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The smile was ever-present on her face, cheeks aching from keeping it up for so long. Having moved their long-awaited meeting to the parlour on the first floor (damn that girl was rich), Semi's hands moved in elaborate gestures to demonstrate her encounters with their favourite victim- er, classmate, Im Jugyeong.
After three long years, Ahyeong was back. The queen b, the it-girl, the ideal student, her "best friend": Song fucking Ahyeong.
Honestly, Semi almost forgot the girl existed. Seeing the Song Heir trending on SNS for having landed back in Seoul was a shock for the girl who had been trying to establish herself as the person-in-charge after Ahyeong had left.
Semi had been trying so damn hard to build her reputation from scratch and was finally at the point where everyone in the surrounding neighbourhoods knew her as "Park Semi" instead of "one of Song Ahyeong's lackeys". But of course, the bitch just had to come back and ruin all her hard work.
She had to restrain herself from turning her smile into an ugly scowl.
She wouldn't do it, though. More like she couldn't, couldn't afford to burn the bridge that she had so painstakingly formed in middle school to rise from the rear end of the social ladder, going from an invisible nobody to a person who turned heads wherever she walked.
And when the opportunity presented itself, she seized Ahyeong's reputation in her absence and made it her own.
How could she keep it up now? How could she manage to compare to her when people kissed the very ground Ahyeong walked on?
Her smile wavered, fingers clenching around the handle of the teacup as she looked at the girl sitting in front of her on a chair that looked akin to a throne, calmly listening to one of the others talk about a particularly funny prank on the class pig with an amicable smile on her face.
The years had done her well, she grumbled in her mind. Ahyeong had gotten noticeably taller. Her occasional ventures into the modelling industry were justified. She'd seen those editorials in high-end fashion magazines. Semi wouldn't be surprised if her height counted in the 170's. It was a far cry from her own small stature.
Moreover, her aristocratic features were sharper and finely regal, lips perfectly plump and full of colour, the natural flush on cheeks that complimented her skin, her elegant posture and long dainty fingers that curled around the teacup, nails impeccably manicured, long legs crossed at her ankles.
For shit's sake, Ahyeong had no flaws. She was the epitome of perfection, anywhere she went, she belonged.
Semi scoffed in her mind, cogs already turning in her mind and forging the beginnings of a plan.
Enjoy the time you've got now, bitch. I'm going to make sure you run back to whatever hole you came from.
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Calm. She looked calm. At first glance, that is. People didn't usually try to look deeper into appearances and took everything at face value.
Never had Ahyeong been so grateful for the ignorant nature of human beings.
Her hands looked normal. No, they were shaking with tremors as she tried to control them by clenching them around her cup until her knuckles turned white.
Her face looked passive. Her eyes were dry from not blinking for so long in fear that one of them would do something unsavoury the moment her eyes closed.
She looked fine. No, because she knew for a fact that she was staving off a panic attack.
Bullies. Fucking bullies, tormentors, tyrants, thugs, why the fuck were they in her house and talking to her like she belonged with them?
Her chest was constricting in odd ways, throat clogging up painfully.
When was the last time she breathed?
Was the parlour always this small?
Their mouths were moving, oh, they were talking.
Were there windows in the room? She really wanted to jump off one right now, anything to get away from this mess.
The door slammed open, cutting off the conversation — was it a conversation she was supposed to be a part of? Couldn't remember, she wasn't really talking, too busy trying to get oxygen in her lungs — and snapping the guests' attention to it.
Relieved from the unwavering attention of such unpleasant companions — although they were behaving well and were friendly, too friendly — Ahyeong breathed, taking in as much of the stuffy air as she could before slowly letting it out.
One... two... three...
When she reached ten on her count and everything shifted back into focus, she turned to the person who'd interrupted them and at the same time saved her.
(She hoped to any higher being up there that her guests hadn't witnessed her like that. She'd rather not give them anything to use against her, even if they hadn't shown any hostile intentions.)
Gilyeong stood by the unlit fireplace with a sneer that would've made Severus Snape proud.
"Look what the cat dragged in."
Semi huffed, setting her cup down, and put her nose in the air, flipping her hair back, "A princess, of course."
"I was thinking of something along the lines of a toy rat made of plastic."
Did he just accuse Semi of having her face done?
Bless her brother, she was going to shower him with flowers and gifts for this, because Ahyeong was forever going to treasure the memory of the mortified look on Semi's face.
She barely kept herself from snorting out loud, while Semi's friends held no such reservations, or maybe failed to control themselves, and dissolved into a fit of giggles and hysteria.
"You little-" Semi shook in anger as she rose from her chair, pupils blown wide with rage, "how dare you, you piece of-"
"Careful, Semi."
Said girl froze in her attempt to slap Gilyeong, and all laughter ceased at the sound of Ahyeong's bone-chilling voice that rang loud and clear in the room.
(She was vaguely aware that it was the first words she'd said the entire evening aside from the meekly spoken pleasantries and affirmations.)
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," she warned, eyes narrowed as she pinned a cold glare at the offending hand that was a couple inches away from her brother's face.
As much as Ahyeong liked to playfully gripe with her brother, she never tried to lay a hand on him. And anyone who dared to do so would be spared no excuses by her, much less by a person with such a notorious history.
Semi visibly gulped at that, lowering her hand and letting out a nervous chuckle, "C'mon, Ahyeong, it was just good fun!"
"You and I have very different ideas of 'good fun', Semi," Ahyeong replied, setting her cup of untouched rose tea down and standing up, the other girls exchanging a look and following suit.
"Now, Gilyeong, what were you here for?"
"Umm..." His eyes moved over his sister, the girls and then to the door, "Eunjung said it was getting dark."
She turned to the guests who stood awkwardly in front of her, smiling wide — too many teeth, she later thought, after her brother commented how she looked like a shark — to hide the beginnings of boiling irritation that replaced her prior panic.
"I believe our time has been cut short, and I'm sure we'll have many opportunities to sit and chat again," God, she hoped not, "let's say our goodbyes for now, yes?"
It came off as more of a statement than asking for permission. There was no room for argument.
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Gilyeong was boring holes into his sister's head with how hard he was staring, standing beside Eunjung as Ahyeong waved off her old friends — yeah, right, "friends" — and stepped back inside the foyer.
She had obviously noticed him doing so, because she raised an eyebrow at him, "What?"
"You're fucking terrifying, you know that?"
Eunjung looked affronted and hissed vehemently beside him, immediately launching in a tirade of "where did you learn such language?", "I should put soap in your mouth" and all that jazz. But he tuned her out, focusing solely on his sister who looked at him like he'd grown a second head.
If it was anyone who had grown a second head, it would be her. Because what in the ever-living heck was that back in the parlour?
Admittedly, a weird feeling had been pooling in his gut ever since he had seen a pale-faced Ahyeong entering the first-floor parlour with people who he didn't recognize in the slightest, and upon asking the housemaid, he came to find out they were some friends from middle school.
That immediately sent warning bells tolling in his mind because the grinch having friends? It was unheard of.
Not that he believed Ahyeong couldn't make friends, it was just that she often didn't have enough patience to deal with their bullshit with the workload that their mum often insisted on piling upon her.
When the thread of nerves in his mind had finally snapped in an hour, he all but barged into their conversation — which looked to be one-sided because Ahyeong wasn't speaking at all, only nodding her head at times, and when he looked close enough he could almost see her shaking- no, he wasn't spying on them — and was pretty sure he was the only one who had noticed her struggling to breathe properly.
Seriously, who were these people?
And then he makes a comment that blows one of the pissy girls' wig off and then he's flinching back because the rat's about to slap him and then he's shivering because his sister looks like she's about to commit murder.
Even their father's monthly tennis matches at the country club didn't give him so much whiplash.
He swore the room's temperature had dropped at that moment. He had scrambled to pull up and excuse as to why he had come in the room, roping Eunjung into it, and he thought he'd seen something akin to relief in Ahyeong's eyes.
But of course, that was soon overlooked when she pulled out her baby-eating smile and dear lord, why the fuck did she look like she would rip their heads off if they didn't leave right now?
She looked like a shark out for blood. And now, he told her so.
Ahyeong looked contemplative for a while before she shrugged and walked past him and Eunjung, who was still ranting about his use of such demeaning language — clearly, she hadn't seen him around his online friends when they went on raids in LOLOL — saying a few words that raised a lot of questions about his sister's overall mental well-being.
"Well, better get used to it because that's how the writer wrote my personality."
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It was a mystifying feeling to be in front of a place that was inherently fictional but also real. The school in the drama was located at Yonsei University, but this building's address was further away from the original location that existed in this world.
It was beautiful. The hedges, the undergrowth, the ivy hanging off the old building. Students in Saebom's signature uniform milled around in clusters, either chatting idly or rushing off to their classrooms before the bell would ring.
The sun hit the scene just right, making it seem as though the scene came straight out of a painting. Well, it was supposed to be fictional anyway.
Ahyeong breathed in deep, straightening out her skirt and adjusting the nook of her tie that rested beneath her grey sweater vest. The tailored uniform was fitted snugly on her form.
The cast had come off the previous week after the doctor had given the all-clear, and now her legs were adorned by a pair of ankle-length boots, stockings and thigh-high socks.
She glanced at her watch that peeked out under the sleeve of her plum blazer.
7:43 am.
She needed to be at least fifteen minutes early to get her paperwork sorted out before classes began at eight.
With one last exhale to get rid of her nerves, she nodded at Driver Kwon, grabbed her backpack, and stepped out of the car and right into the eye of the storm: Saebom High.
And so, the plot begins.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
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kpop-s-akura · 3 years
Back to You | Chapter One
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Pairing: Lee Suho x OC
Genre: fluff, angst, romance, comedy
Warning(s): strong language, mentions of violence (nothing too bad since I suck at writing), smoking, slight sexual harassment
Word Count: 6.6k
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(Gif is not mine; credits to rightful owner)
"This is stupid and unnecessary."
"You're stupid and unnecessary!"
"Real mature, Junie."
"You just said that meeting my friends is 'stupid and unnecessary', what did you expect?"
Chaewon rolled her eyes, very well knowing that the boy had a point, but still unable shake to her nerves.
Meeting new people has never really been in the girl's forte; no matter how confident she seemed in a crowd, "properly" meeting new people turned her into an entire new shade of shy and introverted.
And the fact that these specific people were important to one of the most important people in her life, didn't make her or her anxiety fare any better.
Seojun noticed and stopped to turn to her.
"Don't be so nervous. These guys are really nice, you'll be fine."
Chaewon nodded, still unsure, but followed his lead up the staircase that led to Suho's house, one Seojun's friends she was meeting.
Seojun spoke in a soft and comforting voice, "I really think you'll like them, Chaewon-ah."
She smiled.
"You're an idiot!"
"Shut up! You're the idiot!"
"I'm not the one who messed with Yongpa High thugs and got them to chase us right now!"
It would be an understatement to say that Han Chaewon was pissed when her post-noraebong bliss with her brother was very quickly squashed afterwards when the two siblings were approached by delinquents from Yongpa High.
Though to be fair, the siblings themselves were both kind of delinquents themselves; but the girl's anger was more directed towards her twin brother, Han Seojun, rather than their chasers for her current mood.
"Just shut up and get on the damn bike!" Chaewon ordered as she did so herself as well as securing her helmet.
"Yah! I'm older than you, don't tell me what to do." But despite the elder's words, he put on his helmet and sped off alongside his sister on their motorcycles.
With Lee Seongyong right on their tail.
Chaewon led her and her brother through various roads and alleyways, knowing this part of town like the back of her hand; Seojun riding just a couple feet behind her, trusting that the younger would get them out of the mess he created for them. She always did.
It seemed like an endless cycle between the two: Chaewon getting Seojun out of trouble while causing chaos herself and leaving him to clean it up and vice versa.
They were quite the chaotic neutral duo, if you would.
And the majority of the time for them, it was fun. Even the slight life-risking aspect of it; although "life-risking" could be a bit of an exaggeration.
It was fun as long as you weren't alone, and Chaewon always managed to snag a sibling or friend (not that she had many of either) and rope them into being her partner in crime.
But as much as she enjoyed the trouble-maker lifestyle, she thinks of it's disgraces. She thinks of Seyeon.
Seyeon and how much he disapproved of her trouble-making since she was much more frequent in doing so compared to her twin counterpart.
Even when he would (un)willingly take part in his friend's mischievous shenanigans, it was something he loved about her. Something he loved about all of them.
Chaewon was aware of this, but what would he think of the current me? She would constantly ask herself questions like these; though the "he" could be any of the three boys that were constantly on her mind.
The thing is, she already knew the answer. It saddened her to think of it, but what else could she do?
She briefly looked back at her brother, wondering what that was about, before realising what he was warning: a girl was straight ahead, and she was about to hit her.
The unknown girl braced for impact while the twins jerkily swerved to each side of the obstacle.
Avoiding her, but not avoiding falling on the ground along with their bikes.
"Shit..." They cursed simultaneously.
The girl recovered from her shock and went to go apologise to them.
"Excuse me, are you two okay? What should I do?" She muttered the last part to herself. "Are either of you hurt?" Seojun irately pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair out while breathing heavily and glared at the woman who stood behind him.
Hearing a moan of pain from Chaewon, still lying on the ground, he rushed over to her and pulled off her helmet as well.
"Chae-ah, are you okay?" Seojun searched for any injuries, spotting g several messy scratches and gashes on her legs.
"I'm fine." The girl grumbled. Seojun lightly brushed over the bleeding wounds, causing her to wince and smack his hand away.
"Sorry..." He said half-heartedly. Seojun could never handle seeing someone he loved in any sort of pain or hurt in any way.
Still somewhat blinding with anger, Seojun carefully helped his twin up before angrily walking towards the worried and now scared Im Jugyeong.
"Yah!" But before the temperamental boy could chew her out, he spotted the group of motorcycles after them and quickly dropped his and Chaewon's helmets to the ground.
He took his sister's hand as they ran away, not realising that they had left Chaewon's fallen sword hair sticks on the ground.
She was struggling to keep up with him, but her adrenaline was going full force and it soon felt like there was never an injury in the first place.
She wouldn't let him carry her, knowing it would just slow them down even more.
They got to a certain point where they decided to split up, Seojun going left and Chaewon going left. A bit of a last ditch effort.
But as some of Seongyong's boys gained on her, Chaewon realized she couldn't run from them forever with her injured legs. So she stopped, putting her hands up and feigning surrender.
The boys caught up with her and grabbed at her shoulders, only for Chaewon to grab one of their wrists and flip them over her shoulder.
She turned to the other guy and back kicked his chest, causing him to take a tumble backwards and onto the ground. Chaewon started walking over to finish him off, not noticing that the first guy was up again.
He kicked her square in the back, causing her to fall onto her injured knees with a pained yelp.
She squeaked slightly when the second boy stepped on her back to push her fully onto the floor, putting more and more pressure every second.
"Not so tough now huh, princess?" One of them taunted before they both grabbed her arms and did their best to keep her under control. The boys brought her to the rest of the group where Lee Seongyong had Seojun cornered.
"Look what we found, boss."
Seojun's eyes went wide at his sister's slightly beat state as Seongyong turned to his underlings and smugly smirked at the captive girl.
"Well, well, well. I thought it was weird when the Han Twins weren't together."
"She put up a bit of a fight."
"I'd expect nothing less." The head gangster (if you could even call him that) chuckled to himself and lifted Chaewon's chin up with his index and middle finger. Seojun growled lowly as he started towards the two but was almost immediately stopped by two boys "guarding" him.
"Such a pretty thing," the slimy boy said, trailing a finger to a loose strand of hair, "perhaps you can be accepted as payment." He brushed it out of the way, only for Chaewon to savagely bite at his finger, Seongyong only just pulling away in time. Seojun chuckled at his reacted while shaking his head.
"You're a delusional bastard to think for even a second that Seojun would agree and that I would allow that." Chaewon narrowed her eyes and glared at the still slightly shaken boy. But nonetheless he went back to being smug.
He walked back over to the male twin while cracking his knuckled. "Well then I guess I'll have to find another way to get even with your brother." Chaewon gasped as Seongyong punched Seojun in the stomach, causing him to fold over.
"Oppa!" She rarely used the term "hyung" or "oppa", but when she did, it was usually blurted out on accident or during a time of distress.
"Hey, when I think about how, because of you," She screamed again when Seongyong kneed him in his stomach, bringing him to his knees. She could feel the pain of her twin almost vividly, she wanted wanted to throw up at it. "I have no money left, I just..."
He brought the boy back up by his jacket.
"Hey. You didn't come out that day intentionally to backstab us, right?" All Seojun did was scoff with a mocking smile. "Did you think we wouldn't do anything if you ignored and avoided us?" Seongyong went in to land another punch, but only ended up hitting air as his target shifted slightly over.
"Don't hit the face." Chaewon mimicked her brother's reaction from earlier in chuckling while shaking her head.
The teenage bullies just started to scoff in disbelief at the boy's brazenness.
"Yes, you avoided it. Okay, you're dead today." Just as Seongyong placed his hand on Seojun's shoulder with his other fist poised for another punch, the sound of a siren alerted the group: causing Chaewon to stop her struggling.
"Hey, the cops are here."
"Let's go quickly!"
Chaewon shook off the boys that held her hostage before straightening out her clothes.
Lee Seongyong however was hesitant before finally letting go.
"We'll meet again, Han Seojun."
As soon as the boys ran off, Chaewon ran up to her brother and practically jumped into his arms with a hug to the best of her abilities. Seojun returned the affection, whispering sweet nothings into her hair and assuring that they were okay now.
"Are you okay? Does anything seriously hurt?" Seojun smiled at the girl's concern for him and just opted for kissing her forehead.
"I'll survive. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Chaewon smiled back and shook her head.
"I'll survive."
Im Jugyeong, who had turned on the siren, came out of her hiding place and stared in the direction of where the group of boys ran off.
She slowly backed up with Seojun's helmet in one arm and Chaewon's hair sticks in the other hand, gasping when she distractedly bumped into said boy's solid chest with said girl beside him. The two were staring down at the bewildered girl.
She turned around and became even more intimidated by the twins' height. Although Chaewon wasn't much taller than her, Jugyeong being 5'7 and the other girl standing at a strong 5'9, her stare was enough to make her quiver.
"What's with you?" Seojun said with a blank look on his face.
"Uh, about that... Oh, there!" She pointed at a space between the twins who did nothing but turn their heads slightly at her finger in synchronisation before rolling their eyes.
"What are you doing?" Chaewon said with the same bored look on her brother.
Jugyeong bit her lip, realising she was pretty much screwed before turning to run away, almost falling on her face.
Chaewon caught her by her backpack and brought her back up, causing the girl to slam into her surprisingly also firm figure. Jugyeong slowly turned to look at her.
Chaewon tilted her head. "What do you think you're looking at?"
There was a slight silence before Seojun spoke up, "Run."
The girl seemingly snapped back into reality, running away. "Oh, oh, bye!" She ran away screaming.
"Saebom High School?" The twins pondered in unison.
"What an odd girl..." Chaewon wondered as Seojun scoffed at the interaction. She brushed her hair out of her face and ruffled it when she realized something.
"My hair sticks..."
Seojun stopped as well.
"My helmet!" They looked at the fleeing figure of the girl realizing she possessed their personal items.
"Hey!" But she was pretty much long gone.
"Aish..." He cursed.
"Want me to go get them?" Chaewon offered, ready to go sprint for her and her brother's possessions. They were both of fairly high emotional importance.
"No, you're injured. No more running for you." She rolled her eyes, but conceded.
"Let's go home; Gowoon is probably worried about us." Chaewon patted Seojun's shoulder, he looked at his sister and nodded before they started on their way back to where they left their bikes, the girl relenting in letting her brother carry her via piggyback ride.
"Gowoon-ah! We're home!" Chaewon called out into the mostly empty house.
"Hey! How was noraebong?" Gowoon was sitting at their kitchen table with her schoolwork spread out.
"Good! Until Seojun was an idiot..." Said idiot glared at her.
"When is he not an idiot?"
Chaewon laughed and placed her bag on an empty space on the table when Gowoon noticed her wounds.
"What happened to you?!" Chaewon looked down, she nearly forgot about her messed up legs.
"Consequences of Seojun's idiocy and a little bit of my own." She vaguely said before taking a seat next to her younger sister.
"Need help with anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. But you should clean those up and get some sleep."
"Eh. I'll pass." Chaewon winked with a smirk before getting up.
She's gotten into enough trouble and enough accidents that she's gained quite some knowledge about injuries and how to treat them.
"Imma patch myself up a little and then go out."
After cleaning and bandaging her plethora of scratches on both of her legs, wiping off the little makeup she had on, and changing her clothes, she grabbed her bag and made for the door.
"See you later!" She called out to the other two, though Seojun was probably asleep; that being a major reason as to how Chaewon was allowed out of the house at that moment.
Seojun trusts Chaewon to handle herself, but with everything that had happened earlier that night, his big twin brother instincts were skyrocketing; they have him either keep his counterpart in the house after a certain time, or demand he go with her.
"Be safe and don't get into too much trouble!" Gowoon cautioned.
"I make no promises on either of those things!"
Having decided to take a nice walk instead of rising her motorcycle, Chaewon entered Prince Comics; a place that she's called her safe haven since...
Anyways, the atmosphere of the comfy bookstore had helped her more than she though it would.
She'd spend most of her free days there whenever she just needed a break.
She rarely actually ever read the books, only when she was really bored but not tired enough to nap-- so she just took cat naps.
2-3 hour long cat naps.
The Ahjussi didn't mind though, he liked the company and personality of the young girl. He even put a bean bag, pillow, and blanket especially for Chaewon. He was always happy to see her enjoy it.
Like right now, Chaewon nestled her head further into the bean bag; setting aside the blanket and pillow since she had since changed into short sporty shorts, tucking her exposed and bandaged legs into the warmth of her oversized hoodie.
Lee Suho entered the area with couches and chairs that were bathed in the light yellow-orange light, taking in the place he hadn't come to in awhile.
As he was about to go search for his desired book, he noticed a small, curled-up figure to his right-- face covered by their hood.
He turned to the body, studying it for a second. His eyes roamed over the person before spotting sliver of a certain tattoo on their ankle-- a tattoo he knew all too well.
It was of a key.
"Chaewon...?" He whispered in disbelief. The girl opened her eyes at the all too familiar voice.
Though Chaewon has always been a heavy sleeper, there was one voice that always seemed to get her up and moving besides her brother's.
"Suho?" She said in a similar tone to his. He froze.
God how he missed his name coming from her lips, only she could have that effect on him.
They tried to keep their eyes from checking the other out (in a non-sexual way. sort of.), though their voices and facial expressions already gave away their shock.
It's been so long since she's seen Suho. She noticed how he seemed to get even more handsome, if that was even possible.
But there was something else. Something obvious. But at the same time, Chaewon couldn't quite put her finger on it. Or maybe she didn't want to.
Because this new thing about the boy before her wasn't something good.
She wasn't a fan. Then again, she wasn't a fan of Suho in general.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a monotone voice while holding a cold façade, Chaewon decided to do the same.
Her expression hardened and became slightly agitated. "Well I was taking a nap before someone so rudely interrupted me." She began stretching out her limbs like a cat, getting prepared to get the hell out of there.
"This is a comic store to read, not a motel to sleep in." He scolded.
"What's it to you where I sleep?" She snipped getting up. The boy slightly blushed at the double-meaning of her words while the girl hadn't cared to notice.
Her new position had exposed her injuries, Suho's eyes notably widening at the sight before quickly going back to indifference.
"What happened to you?"
Chaewon scoffed.
"Since when do you care about me or my wellbeing?"
"Well it's kind of hard to miss all of that." He gestured to her legs. "It doesn't mean I care about you."
The girl just scoffed again and rolled her eyes for what seemed to be the billionth time that night before going to leave.
She didn't need this, not after the day she had.
But she was suddenly pulled back by her hood and stood in front of a puzzled Suho once again.
"The hell?!" She brushed his hand off her hoodie. There was a jolt of electricity when their skin met, though neither addressed it and settled for just staring (glaring) at each other.
This went on for another minute or two when the Ahjussi came back from his bathroom break and went to see if Suho had gotten his book or not.
"Yah, Lee Suho. Did you get the-" He stopped short, noticing the position of the two and their tension.
"Am I interrupting something?" Suho and Chaewon looked at the owner, stepping apart after noticing how close they had gotten. Chaewon cleared her throat before bowing to the Ahjussi, thanking him for letting her stay as always, and then scurrying out of the store.
"Is Chaewon-ie okay?" Suho couldn't bring himself to answer.
He just stood there as he replayed their interaction in his head; wondering what the hell just happened.
"Motorcycles! Motorcycles!" The friend group turned around to see two motorcycles heading right towards them, jumping away just in time.
The twins continued to clear a path for themselves, parking in the designated area for bikes.
The bustling students continued to stare and chatter amongst themselves in awe and shock.
Chaewon and Seojun took off their helmets, shaking their hair out while doing so.
She tugged and tightened her high ponytail as he brushed his fingers through his hair a couple of times.
When they got off their bikes, Jugyeong froze, recognising the two siblings from the other night.
"They're..." The memories replayed in her head as if they were on tape. "They're from out school?" The girl couldn't believe the unbelievable coincidence.
"The Han Twins are back," Sua remarked.
"Why are they here?" Sujin rhetorically asked, Taehoon echoing her. The group watched as Seojun and Chaewon started to walk to the school's entrance; the elder's arm around the younger's neck.
"The Han Twins?"
"Like how there are the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic and black holes in the universe," Sua began, "there are three charming students at our school, whom if you fall for once, you can never exit and get out: The chic, cold beauty God Lee Suho; the rough, wild horse God Seojun; and the dangerous, seductive Goddess Chaewon. Just like deciding between three of your favourite foods is so mind blowingly hard, they're the three ethereal beings at Saebom High School. They're the three top ones!"
Jugyeong's eyes comically widened upon hearing Chaewon's description.
Dangerous? She wanted to facepalm herself for already making an enemy out of a girl who was known to be not-so-friendly.
Meanwhile, the Han duo and Lee Suho had finally come to a stand-still at the front of the building, the two boys looking at each other intensely.
Although Chaewon was able to keep her poker face upon seeing Suho, she kept looking everywhere but him.
She didn't know if the feeling she was getting in her stomach from seeing him again were butterflies or knives.
"Forget the top three nonsense, I hate them. Though I can't really say too much for Chaewon since she can be more enigmatic than Lee Suho or her brother at times. And yet they're still the heartthrobs of Saebom boys and girls alike."
Despite the tension between the three being completely visible to anybody and everybody, the students kept chattering away, loving how this was going.
"The Han Twins returned!"
"They'll get into a fight again."
"Oo, it's already so loud!"
"I love it!"
But as Jugyeong and the group started getting nearer towards the three, she could see how they didn't really seem like friends.
"What's with them? They don't get along?" She asked, turning her head towards Sua.
"They used to be best friends, but they somehow fell apart. When they meet, the atmosphere gets so cold. It's especially weird since everybody thought that Suho and Chaewon were together during that time since they acted much closer than the other." Jugyeong was shocked, trying to process and imagine the two together.
In her mind, they fit pretty well look-wise and personality-wise.
Suho saw how Chaewon's eyes could never quite meet his own and kept his eyes on her.
Seojun took notice of this and roughly brought her closer into his side and raised an eyebrow at the boy who had since then turned his attention back to him. Chaewon's eyes traveled to the ground while Seojun turned his head and scoffed before eying his nemesis once again.
"So annoying."
Chaewon, wanting to escape from the situation, started tugging at her brother's hand that was still hanging off of her shoulder. "Let's go, Jun." Seojun kept his eyes on Suho for another second or two before complying with his sister's wishes.
The frozen exterior of Suho's heart cracked a bit as Chaewon's expressions burned and lingered in his mind, watching the siblings walk off.
The girl in question fighting the urge to look back at him.
"Hello!" The teacher greeted the class who greeted him back while walking into the room with Seojun and Chaewon in tow.
Suho slightly perked up as they went up to the front of the room, both with their heads held high and looking bored as ever.
This time it seems, Chaewon had no problem in locking gazes with Suho before looking over the class again.
"Alright, Seojun and Chaewon are back now. Good to see them, right?" The class answered back 'yes' before giving a round of applause as instructed by the teacher.
"Bravo!" Cheers kept ringing throughout the classroom, Seojun looking off to the side in faux embarrassment while Chaewon just kept a blank and cold face, intimidating some of the students into silence.
"One of you can sit next to Suho—" The twins looked at each other in alarm, though not particularly showing it.
"What now?"
They looked at the teacher.
All eyes were either on Suho, who just looked straight ahead, or the twins, one sighing before walking to where Jugyeong was sitting.
Chaewon watched him kick the leg of the desk, startling the girl.
"Yah. You go."
Jugyeong was just as bewildered as when they first met, only being able to point at herself and ask, "Me?" in a meek voice.
"This was originally my sister's spot." That alone was almost enough for Jugyeong to jump out of the seat, not wanting to test the girl's 'dangerous' reputation.
"Oh, Jugyeong has weak eyes, so she's sitting there." The teacher explained, causing Chaewon to quietly scoff and mumble to herself, "'Weak eyes' my ass..."
Though the teacher had heard her, he elected to ignore it before asking Taehoon to move.
"Taehoon. Our handsome Taehoon, can you switch spots?" The boy, of course, readily and excitedly accepted; the class laughing from his antics.
But before he could get up and walk to his newly appointed spot, he noticed that Seojun had still not moved from his place near Jugyeong's seat.
Chaewon walked up to Seojun, noticing that he was about to refute his senior and demand that she have her seat back.
But she was tired and didn't feel that it was necessary; even if it meant having to sit next to Lee Suho, it was better her than her twin.
She nudged him, getting his attention before nodding to the seat in the corner of the class, "It's fine, Jun."
The seat she motioned to was perfect for napping and not paying attention, she really knew how he was in school. But that didn't matter to Seojun if his sister had to sit next to his rival. He started mumbling about how her sitting next to said rival wasn't happening, but Chaewon was persistent in her glares, slightly pinching him and making the boy wince as he felt her sharp, ruby-red stiletto nails.
He conceded, but not before throwing a sharp and dangerous look at Suho, though the boy wasn't phased.
The twins split ways; Seojun going to his new seat in the back, Chaewon taking the one next to Suho's with Taehoon two spots behind her.
She felt Suho's gaze burn into the side of her face, but paid no mind and rested her head on the desk as her brother was doing for a nap.
Not even 5 minutes later, the sound of a door slamming open caused Chaewon to wake up, looking to the side instinctively. She didn't quite know how to feel when she didn't see Suho there, but quickly turned her attention back to the source of the sound that disturbed her sleep.
A group of boy entered the room, crowding around Seojun who still had his head on the desk.
"Yah, Han Seojun. If you and your sister returned, at least one of you should've shown your face and said hi." Chaewon suddenly stood up from her desk, the object making a horrible screeching sound that had all eyes on her. Seojun banged his fist on the desk before doing the same, exchanging looks with his sister once he felt her presence beside him.
The siblings had a stare off with the taller boy, causing the students to tense up.
This continued outside the school, Seojun and Chaewon standing a couple feet in front of the group of boys when the big one spoke.
"Hey, brother. Today's such great weather for you to die." Seojun rolled his eyes.
"Are you guys a girl group or something?" He scoffed.
"Seriously. Why are you standing like that?" Chaewon questioned, but the boys just sneered and chuckled mockingly among themselves.
"Why? Are you going to hit us? Okay, come in. Come here!" They all got into fighting stances.
"Yah, Kim Chorong!" Seojun's voice boomed, the two stepping up to the boys intimidatingly before he spoke up in a mock bravado tone.
"Your joke was a bit too much." That's what did it for all of them. Everyone started laughing, Chaewon even turning to her brother and playfully punching him before mocking his words.
"Hey, great acting for a pair of trainees." Chaewon playfully rolled her eyes at the boy while smirking.
"Ex-trainees, thank you very much." Chorong just stuck his tongue out at her to which she did the same.
"This is so childish." Seojun said, feigning irritation, "How much longer do I have to play around?"
"Yah, brother!… it's honestly fun, you know?” Chaewon started to laugh harder at the sound of their joy and the sight of seeing her brother teased further.
“Have you guys been well?” She asked.
“Woah!” Seojun suddenly exclaimed. “Kim Chorong, I think you gained more weight. Did you bulk up?” The victim of the taunting was staring at the taunter with incredulity while the rest started to crack up again. Chaewon rolled her eyes and shoved her brother’s shoulder, going to wrap her arms around the bigger boy.
“Yah! Leave him alone, Junie.” She pouted.
“Thank you, Chaewon! And for your information, I lost 10 kilograms!” Chaewon giggled at the banter as one of the boys commented that he could see the muscles.
Chorong turned to look down at the girl who was still clinging to his side.
“If your mother better?” He asked. She smiled fondly at her friend’s concern and nodded her head.
“She’s a lot better. Thanks, Chocho.” The two exchanged eye-smiles as the rest let out relieved sighs.
“What a relief. I’m sorry I couldn’t make a munsang.” Chorong said, turning back towards the other twin.
“Yah, what do you mean by munsang, you fool?” Seojun scolded. “It should be munbyeong.”
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Chaewon smiled as her brother proudly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around the girl and resting his head on top of her head, both smirking.
It was good to be back.
Chaewon decided to break off from the group to get food from the cafeteria, having forgotten money to go to the snack bar.
While in line, she spotted Lee Suho.
He’s so different... She couldn’t help thinking the obvious, but it felt so unsettling for her to see the boy she once thought she knew so well to be so... cold.
But under the circumstances that occured, it was understandable. And she couldn’t be a hypocrite by saying that he was the only one that changed.
Then all of a sudden—
“That girl...” Im Jugyeong had come to the lonely looking boy and gave him a red ginseng juice.
His favorite.
How did she know it was his favorite?
Why did she give it to him?
Why did I care?
Why am I asking all these questions?
“The hell?” Jugyeong walked away as Chaewon started placing food onto he tray.
Later that day while Chaewon was looking for her brother and friends, she saw Suho sitting on a bench looking at his phone with earbuds in, when the girl came up to him again.
This time, she was holding a large bag and took out one of his earbuds before whispering something to him and quickly running off.
Ah, so she’s another one of his fangirls. I should’ve known. Chaewon rolled her eyes, starting to walk again.
Only to stop again, seeing Lee Suho actually get up and seemingly follow the girl.
Chaewon couldn’t contain her curiosity and decided to quietly follow him, ending up at the rooftop.
She stayed by the door and watched their interaction. She almost felt bad for Im Jugyeong, knowing how harsh Suho could be.
It seemed to be worse this time around though since Jugyeong decided to flee from the rooftop, not even noticing her eavesdropper.
“Wahhh, you’ve really changed, Lee Suho.” Chaewon said walking out from her hiding place.
Suho turned to her and looked irritated, but also somewhat guilty and surprised. He didn’t want her to see that.
“Did you follow me or something?”
“Mm-hm.” He was quite surprised by her honesty, but he should’ve seen it coming. “I was quite curious when that girl was so brazen as to do what she did. I had to see what would happen.”
Silence stood between the two for a moment before Suho sighed and brushed past Chaewon and back into the building. She continued forward to the edge of the ledge and placed her hands on it, observing the view and breathing it in before pulling two things from her pockets.
Suho watched from the entrance as the girl took a cigarette from the box and lit it with her lighter.
“You still do that stuff?” He couldn’t help but to ask. He, Seyeon, and Seojun always hated whenever she smoked, even though it was a pretty rare occurence. But it still came to a point where they organized an intervention and her family had almost sent her to rehab. After that, he thought she was sober, or at least got better at hiding her actions, but things change he supposed.
Chaewon didn’t answer, seemingly unbothered by his still being there and instead blowing another puff of smoke.
“Does Seojun know?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your busine-”
“I’m making it my business because I’m not going to stand here and let you ruin your life doing that shit!”
“Oh please, Lee Suho. I’ve done plenty of other stuff that’ll ruin my life, and I’m not going to start giving a fuck just because you say so.” 
Suho internally cringed at the stuff implied by her words. He knew she was reckless and liked trouble, but he didn’t know how bad it might’ve gotten over the time they’ve been apart. 
Seeing and interacting with her now made him question how close they really were back then.
“Besides, as if me dying wouldn’t make you happy.” Chaewon softly spoke, it almost sounded sorrowful; though it still held some hot resentment.
Suho felt his facial expressions go awry.
I wouldn’t be happy. I’d be devastated.
“Maybe I should do it more often. Speed up the process, put us both out of our misery, finally put a smile on that frustratingly, emotionless face of y-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted. Neither noticed how close Suho had gotten while she was talking.
“Don’t say those things.” He whispered.
Chaewon didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. And all she could hear was her heartbeat about to break out of her chest.
“Why not? It’s not like you care about me, right...?” Chaewon shakily asked with an almost mocking undertone.
He didn’t say anthing and neither did she.
After about a minute of nothing, Chaewon turned back around to face forward. She closed her eyes, trying to reel her emotions in. Bringing the cigarette back up for another hit, Suho took the death stick from between her lips and threw it onto the ground, putting it out aggressively with his shoe.
She was too shocked to even scold the boy and his actions, seeing how he had seemingly gotten even closer.
Suho stared intensely at the girl. His eyes were full of caring and warmth. Yet at the same time, they were full of cold nothingness. But Chaewon could see under that, she always could; that’s one of the things that made them so compatible. 
She just didn’t know if her senses were trust-worthy or not this time around.
They could always tell how the other actually felt. But times have changed.
They changed.
They weren’t Suho and Chaewon anymore.
They weren’t anything anymore.
It was the next day during gym.
The students were outside playing dodgeball while Chaewon had her tracksuit jacket wrapped around her waist, exposing her normal clothes, and sat on the sidelines watching her brother play.
She could feel a certain pair of eyes on her every so often as she felt herself do the same, but nobody else seemed to notice it.
“Yes! Han Seojun, out!” Chaewon laughed at the fact her brother was eliminated, especially with it being by the hands of Lee Suho and Yoo Taehoon.
As he walked off to join his sister who was now standing up, the ball from the girls’ side traveled to where the twins were, Seojun stopping it with his foot before Im Jugyeong could grab it.
“Yah. You’ve seen us before, right?” Jugyeong laughed awkwardly as the twins stared down at her.
“What are you saying?” She tried taking the ball only for Seojun to press harder on it.
“You ran off with my helmet and my sister’s hair sticks.” She looked back up at him.
“Did you not?”
Jugyeong’s eyes went to the space beside him and pointed at something, “Oh! Over there!”
“We didn’t fall for that last time either-“ Before he knew it, Seojun was shoved to the side as a ball collided with the back of Chaewon’s head who although wasn’t in any pain, was pretty pissed.
Several noises of shock and disbelief sounded from the boys’ side.
“Chae-ah!” Seojun rushed back to his sister’s side and held onto her. “Are you okay?” Before she could answer, he turned to the culrptiy and glared at him with flaming death and growled, “Aish!”
“S-S-Sor… T-t-t-the class president! It was the class president.” Ahn Hyungyu tried explaining in extreme fear.
Jugyeong stood up with the now free ball. “I’m sorry. I’ll give them both back tomorrow.”
It felt like déjà vu when the girl turned around again about to fall on her face; only this time, no one was gonna help her.
Lee Suho, who was watching the whole thing in silent anger, stalked off, but not before roughly shouldering the boy who accidentally injured Chaewon and stepped over Jugyeong’s sprawled out body.
The show was over and Seojun went to scold Hyungyu who was still apologizing profusely, but Chaewon stayed where she was, staring at the boy who was walking back into the school’s building who wanted nothing more than to ask if she was okay.
Chaewon, Seojun and the rest of their friends walked down the hallway; some girls and boys passing by whispered in awe and silently fangirled/fanboyed.
The twins walked beside each other and smirked at the attention. It was amusing to say the least.
This continued in an almost slow-motion fashion when all of a sudden—
“Wait.” Seojun dropped down to the floor and started re-tying his shoelaces. Chaewon chuckled and jokingly pushed his shoulder, making him lose his balance and making her laugh even more.
“MOVE!” The group looked forward to see Im Jugyeong running down the hallway with a face full of cake.
Although it was a weird sight, Chaewon stayed where she was and stood in front of the panicked girl.
Jugyeong came to a halt with wide eyes in front of the taller girl who had a questioning look with a perked up eyebrow.
She slightly bowed with a quiet “excuse me, sorry” before running past her and jumping onto Seojun’s back and catapulting herself forward.
“Yah!” Chaewon squatted down onto the floor beside her brother who was now sprawled on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He gritted looking at the direction of the runaway girl.
But it didn’t stop there; the rest of their class following Im Jugyeong, also in a panic.
Chaewon hurriedly brought Seojun back up to his feet and pushed them both to the wall for safety.
“What the hell is going on?!”
They waited for a couple of seconds to see if anymore people would go stampeding down their way, being relieved when it seemed to be over.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Jun?” Chaewon looked over his body for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Chae. Really.” She smiled at him and linked their arms to start walking.
Then Lee Suho came from the other side of the hallway, the side where they had originally come from and where everyone had gone to.
And he wasn’t alone.
Hiding underneath his jacket was Im Jugyeong, still cake-faced.
The twins had to stop and stare at the unusual scene; neither knowing how to feel at the sight before them.
🌸A/N: Yay! I can’t believe I finally published this. I’m going to start working on the second chapter as soon as possible. Also, I realize that Yeji is also 5’7, but I looked at the height of the other characters and decided that 5’9 was good. Besides that, please excuse any typos or mistakes. I hope you enjoyed!
BTW: The picture below is Chaewon’s outfit. The white dress shirt part of the uniform is unbuttoned and tied in a croptop way, showing the bralette. I tried finding a good picture of Saebom’s uniform but it was pretty hard so I just cropped Sujin’s. Sorry for it’s pretty low quality😅
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koishua · 3 years
𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨' 𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚.
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i have written for naruto, hunter x hunter, gakuen alice, bts and true beauty. the anime/manga writings that i have done were catastrophic at best, it's best that we erase those wattpad days from our minds. i wrote for bts once or twice (my first kpop fandom writing) back in 2017/2018, and for true beauty— my most successful attempt at writing by far, not even going to lie— was earlier this year while the drama was still airing.
i am writing for treasure, txt, stray kids, nct, enhypen and haikyuu!! moreso kpop than anime/manga fandoms currently.
i messed around with writing back in 2017, but have taken more interest in pursuing it properly during late 2020/early 2021. it was the time i stumbled upon amazing writers here on tumblr like dawnie (@/blueprint-han), @/decembermoonskz, bar (@/yyxgin), @/chaninfused, @/jeonginks, ie (@/nakamotocore) and many more!
currently, i only post here on tumblr, but i did post some on wattpad and quotev back then.
it really depends. either i am in the mood for some tooth-rottingly sweet and cozy fluff, or i just need to burn some stuff and write aching angst. it's mostly a 40:60 ratio, though, so yeah, maybe angst.
not to brag, but i am kind of infamous for being insanely impulsive around here— many will attest to this, which is a subject of concern, considering that it is proof of how i might need some help with that impulsivity— which makes me far from being a planner. i am a pantser through and through.
definitely a nice and simple one-shot. get it over and done with in one take.
a series should have chapters ranging from 1k-3k, for me. although, this strongly depends on the type of story you are aiming to create. if it is a fast paced one, then definitely go for a shorter word count. if it is slow, take your time with the amount of words.
it was my true beauty fic (han seojun x fem!oc) and i am genuinely still proud of that one. it was a little above 24k and i remember researching so much for it, because my character had a sleep disorder (narcolepsy). it was an amazing experience writing it, because so many people came to my dms and my asks to help me with it— people who actually had the condition— and it was my biggest project! i was happy with it, because later on, people who had the same condition gave a lot of positive feedback. it was probably how i gained the motivation to continue writing.
i had a short 4k story written for lee jeno that was set in during an apocalyptic zombie outbreak and i am still very pleased with how that had turned out. also, another shorter angst story written for qian kun. that was the most fun to write and it was based on the song "hymn for the missing" by RED.
i haven't taken much requests, so i can't really remember :(
the majority of my stories have a common tw for death and hospital themes, so there is that. also, my fluff fics always have a couch in it. i did not realize any of this until i took a good look at my stories haha
about six to eight, not really sure.
i hate taking too long to write certain stuff and like to express emotions with as little words as possible. i am not a conversational writer, meaning that my stories don't really contain a lot of dialogue— absent, i guess.
i recently lost my blog, so i don't have many published stories here, but i do have one quote that has stuck with me from an old fic. (Last Goodbye— a lee heeseung fic)
“Lee Heeseung had disappeared like the last snow of winter. The only difference was that this spring, the flowers had never bloomed again.”
i had been working on a jay fic featuring yeonjun, so this is a quote i find to be very entertaining.
“She didn’t like his haircut— and neither did he— but he was nice enough to let her draw stars on his cheeks with face paint on the first day he met her.”
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tagged by the lovely @imkyunies. tagging @luvvseong @luvdhl @channoticedmeuwu @lebrookestore @floraljae @lyjikyu anyone else who would like to do this! feel free to play <3
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xnotyourdarlingx · 3 years
I'm in search of a True Beauty roleplay!
I'm looking for a Han Seojun x my OC! In return, I will be whoever you want! My only rules are as follows:
Be semi-lit to lit. I'm not asking for a whole novel, but a short paragraph or two is not enough to work off.
You must be 18+! I am 18+, so roleplaying with minors makes me very uncomfortable.
It will be over Discord if we double up. Please know how to use Tupper. Not a requirement, but it would be appreciated!
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gps-a · 3 years
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Agorreca, Gabriela Paola Soledad
Desocupación 0% para todxs, a través del Ministerio Desarrollo Social de la Nación en el año 2020: inclusión para todxs / Gabriela Paola Soledad Agorreca. - 1a ed compendiada. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Gabriela Paola Soledad Agorreca, 2020.
853 p. ; 21 x 29 cm. ISBN 978-987-86-3790-7
1. Desocupación. 2. Búsqueda laboral. 3. Políticas Públicas. I. Título. CDD 331.137
Detalles de producto
Editor: Independiente (9 de marzo de 2020)
Idioma :: español
Tamaño del archivo: 38628 KB
Text-to-Speech: habilitado
Composición tipográfica mejorada: no habilitado
Word Wise: no habilitado
Longitud de impresión: 1442 páginas
illustrator on tumblr #drawin #fanart #illustrator on tumblr #sketchbook #doodleart #doodle #hwang in yeop #true beauty #han seojun #cha eunwood #moon ka young
@writerscreed prompt Under Ice
Short story #writerscreedchallenge #writerscreed #short story #poetry #creative writting #spilled ink #prose #poets on tumbrl #poem #original #poetryriot #poetryportal #poeticstories #twc #twcpoetry
Portraid #art #ilustration #digital art #dark art #fantasy #horror #macabre #portrait #witch
Charter art #lutessa’s regin #supercorp #pirate AU #kara danvers #lena luthor #fan comic #studies #character art #character design #making of #my art #digital art #clip studio paint #digital comic #my artwork
Pencil #perspective #bruminal #mammal #messy room #garfield #conversation #hm #cartoony #silly #simplistic #bruneburg #anita bruneburg #sketch #doodle #bw #pencil #pencils #artist on tumblr
Short story #writeblr #writers on tumblr #writing on tumblr #writing #short story #lgtb short story #lgbt fiction #lgtb writebrl #lgtb writing #lgtb #wlw #lesbian #prose #writebrl community #reedsy #amwrriting #important writing updates #bride and groom #this story even has these adorably specific litlle line edit problems my old works have... aw... #wasn’t this two ears ago’ sure but I was a different vampire then
Installation #legtorn #art #print #drawing #abstract #acrylic #traditional art #watercolor #sculpture #sketch #portrait #installation #mixed media
original charter fuente: #carolgpr #oc #artwork #original character #draw #drawing #ilustration #artist on tumbrl #rough #digital art #character design #art
Sketch #dib membrane #my art #invader zim #pilot dib #iz zim #iz zim fanart #short comic #IZ short comic #iz zadf #zadf #sketch
character design #legend of Zelda #character Design #link #sidon
0 notes
hxtwasabi · 1 year
You - Han Seojun - Parte 2/2 
Última parte da twoshot. Espero que tenham gostado da Two Shot e a música desse capítulo é All About You do McFly. Boa leitura e obrigada por lerem!
Salto temporal
Dois anos depois
Bem, o tempo já havia se passado, Lim Ju Kyung conseguiu um estágio de maquiadora com a Selena, uma maquiadora no qual ela admirava e ficava muito feliz pela amiga, depois do que Soojin fez com Ju Kyung elas nunca mais tiveram contato com ela e enquanto a Heejin ela estava fazendo um curso de fotógrafa freelancer, conseguiu um emprego de meio período ainda no último ano pra conseguir pagar o curso e então ela começou a trabalhar no campo como aluna de fotografia na Universidade Nacional de Seul, considerada uma das mais difíceis sendo apenas 15% conseguindo passar, notas boas, chegando até mesmo ser mais difícil passar na Universidade de Seul do que qualquer universidade americana, mas suas notas e seu esforço foram grandes e a garota foi aceita. Seu irmão estava no penúltimo ano e sempre via ele por lá. Suho tinha voltado para a Coréia do Sul e ele e Ju Kyung tinham retomado o namoro, viu de perto a garota sofrer quando ambos terminaram e ela ficou feliz que ambos conseguiram retomar o namoro, eles se amavam demais e a Baek sabia disso. Han Seojun iria debutar finalmente, faltava uma semana para o seu debute, o professor Han e Lim Heekyung iriam se casar um dia antes do debute de Seojun o que significava que a irmã mais velha de Ju Kyung possivelmente nem dormiria direito. Ela estava animada, pois percebia nos olhos de seu namorado o quanto ele queria voltar na música.
Ah é, Suho voltou a trabalhar como compositor, ele era o tal do compositor “Leo” que Se Yeon trabalhava, ele, Seojun e Suho eram melhores amigos, e segundo Seojun iriam lançar a versão original de Miss You. Ah e ele também conheceu sua família, seu irmão ficou meio ciumento quanto a sua irmã estar namorando e queria dar uma de protetor, mas acabou gostando do mais novo. Gowon e a Sra. Han adoraram a garota e aprovaram ela logo de cara. Gowon ficou mais feliz ainda, pois já adorava a garota. Sabiam que Seojun merecia alguém como Heejin.
Agora estava com Ju Kyung já que iria ajudar seu professor a fotografar a idol Chenny, quem Ju Kyung ajudava a trabalhar devido ser estagiária da Selena, e ouviu dizer que ela era uma entojada e segundo a Lim vivia pedindo o número de celular do namorado da Baek, mesmo Ju dizendo que ele namorava a garota não acreditava e que devia ser apenas uma desculpa, então Heejin tinha dois motivos para ir. Ela era mimada e pensava que era a grande rainha com seus súditos, mas era apenas insuportável.
— Unnie, leva isso pra mim. Aliás, você conseguiu o número do Han Seojun pra mim? — a loira perguntou e Baek Heejin não se aguentou e pigarreou com a garganta os fazendo olha-la
— E porque você quer o celular do meu namorado, huh? — ela perguntou colocando suas mãos ao redor da sua cintura e se aproximando da garota mais nova e seu professor e seu colega de classe correram do lado pra apartar uma possível briga
— Você namora o Han Seojun? — a k-idol perguntou e soltou uma risada sarcástica — Mentira
Heejin soltou um sorriso sarcástico e pegou seu celular e apertou na tela de bloqueio e então mostrou a foto para garota: ela e Han Seojun abraçadinhos na cama de casal e Han Seojun beijava o canto da boca dela. A mais nova ficou pálida e parecia que o ar tinha saído do rosto dela.
— Eu avisei, não avisei? — Lim Ju Kyung disse para ela, quase soltando um sorriso de alívio.
— Então se preocupe mais com o seu ensaio do que meu namorado, entendido? — Heejin soltou enquanto ajustava sua câmera e pode ver a maioria do pessoal no set prender a risada
Depois desse ocorrido o ensaio foi bem, apesar de que Chenny parecia chateada e nervosa, Baek ia falar para o Han que quando ele debutasse era pra deixar claro que ele tinha uma namorada, Han Seojun é muito bonito então Heejin sabia que sempre haveria alguém querendo dar em cima dele. Mas ela sabia que Seojun não se interessava por nenhuma delas, pois ela via nos olhos dele o jeito que ele a olhava, seus doces beijos, carícias, Han Seojun era bem carinhoso e adora atenção, e tudo. No começo mal podia acreditar que finalmente a pessoa que amava e ama tinha retornado seus sentimentos depois de tanto tempo. Lim Ju Kyung contou que o Seojun a contou que tinha sentimentos fortes por ela, mas que isso mudou quando ela contou sobre a pessoa que era apaixonada por ele e que era pra ele tentar, e que a agradeceu por ela ter contado isso ou possivelmente estaria sofrendo por ela ainda e não teria conhecido o verdadeiro amor da sua vida. E assim Han Seojun ainda fazia seu coração bater e ela sorrir que nem uma besta para o nada. Estava voltando do curso quando sentiu mãos ao redor da sua cintura e ela riu já sabendo quem era.
— Ei, eu quase puxei o cabelo da Chenny hoje por sua culpa — ela disse se virando para ele.
— Oh, sério? Ela ainda continua querendo saber meu número? — ele perguntou revirando os olhos. Chenny dava nos nervos de qualquer um.
— Sim. Ai eu mostrei a foto de fundo do meu celular e então ela acreditou em mim — a Baek contou para o namorado
— Sério? Ela não acreditou até você mostrar a foto? Bem, pelo menos ela não vai importunar mais — ele falou e ela assentiu.
— Quando você debutar avise que você já tem uma namorada, ok? — ela disse enquanto brincava com um dos botões do casaco do garoto de mullet. Ouviu uma risada baixa.
— Eu direi a eles que estou namorando a garota mais bonita do mundo — ele disse com aquele sorriso dele e ela corou — Feliz?
— Muito — ela respondeu ele voltou a rir e selou seus lábios no dela fazendo ambos sorrirem entre o beijo.
No outro dia Heejin descobriu que iria ter uma aula em campo para o seu estágio e que iria fotografar um grupo de kpop rookie. Quando escutou o nome do grupo deu uma leve risada internamente. Ela iria gravar o grupo de Seojun e conseguiria ficar com ele de dia, por pelo menos algumas horas, finalmente. Ela sabia que com a vida de trainee estava corrido e sentia falta dele de dia, então era ótimo ter esse tempo com ele. Assim que chegaram a Move Entertainment foram recebidos muito bem e os levaram até onde seria o local do ensaio fotográfico. Abriu a porta junto com mais três colegas a acompanhando também para o estágio, ela estava feliz que a secretária as acompanhou ou estaria perdida dentro daquela gravadora. Lee Hyeekyung as viu e acenou para elas.
— Vocês chegaram! Bem, os maquiadores só estão terminando. Esperem eles aqui, ok? Heejin que bom ver você aqui, estou me sentindo velha vendo você já na faculdade — as duas deram risadas.
— É bom ver você também, unnie. E não fala isso, você ainda é nova — ela falou para a mais velha.
— Oh, eles chegaram — a mais velha apontou e se virou vendo os garotos e Han Seojun um pouco atrás e logo ele arregalou os olhos vendo a garota que agora seus cabelos peek-a-boo estavam pretos e loiros e não pretos e vermelhos mais. Ela logo deu uns últimos ajustes em sua câmera antes de começar a sessão.
— Eu posso pedir um beijo da fotógrafa antes de começar? — ele perguntou quando as fotógrafas iam arruma-los e Heejin o olhou ficando surpresa, não esperava que ele revelasse isso na frente deles tão cedo.
— Não, mas depois do trabalho você ganhará quantos beijos quiser. Agora faça seu trabalho direitinho — ela disse batendo de leve na bochecha dele, que fazia um grande bico nos lábios.
— Ok, vamos começar — ela disse e então assim seguiu as sessões de fotos.
Depois era hora do almoço e Han Seojun a levou para o refeitório da empresa. Ele contou para ela como estavam os ensaios, que ele ficou surpreso ao vê-la lá e que esperava que ela fosse à primeira na fileira, o que a fez rir, mas ela afirmou que estaria lá. Depois de algum tempo juntos ela teve que ir, pois iria ter que revelar as fotos, fazendo o garoto de mullet ficar chateado, mas sabia que veria ela mais tarde então deu um rápido beijo nela já que tinha que voltar para os últimos preparativos do debute.
Havia passado tão rápido, o casamento de Hyee Kyung já tinha chego e no outro dia já seria o debute do namorado. Descobriu que Ju Kyung tinha entrado no concurso para maquiar o grupo de Seojun. Já era o grande dia e Heejin foi com Ju Kyung. Ela ia maquiar ele, mas como ela também queria tirar fotos pessoais então acabou indo junto com a amiga. Su Ho ia mais tarde pra prestigiar o amigo e suas canções, óbvio.
— Já terminaram? Vamos logo, eu quero tirar umas fotinhas — a garota de cabelos peek-a-boo disse na porta do camarim
— Você não iria tirar fotos do show? — Ju Kyung perguntou
— Mas isso é para mim — a estudante de fotografia respondeu
— Eu também quero uma foto — Suho disse ao lado da garota e apontou pra ele, mesmo que seus respectivos pares não pudessem os ver agora.
— Eu acho que o Han Seojun vai desmaiar de nervoso nas fotos — ouviu a amiga falar e os três deram risadas
— Engraçadinha, você, não é Ju Kyung? Vamos, entrem — Seojun disse antes que desistisse e assim os outros dois entraram tirando foto, cada uma com seus namorados. Depois Ju Kyung e Suho saíram e Heejin atrás, mas uma mão a sua cintura a fez virar.
— Obrigado por me apoiar por todos esses anos e por me fazer enxergar o quão incrível você é. Você é única e a única que eu quero. Eu amo você — ele declarou e ela sorriu pra ele e selou seus lábios por alguns instantes e depois se afastou e ambos sorriram um para o outro.
— Eu também amo você. Agora vai ao palco e arrasa. Eu estarei na primeira fileira junto com a sua mãe e a Gowon — ela disse sorrindo pra ele e então saiu rápido já que ele tinha que entrar. Quando chegou à fileira olhou para trás e viu o outro casal, a Lim logo acenou para a Baek que acenou de volta e riu de leve e então logo Seojun apareceu e a familiar batida da versão original de Miss You ecoou no local e Heejin não poderia estar mais orgulhosa dele assim como todos que o conheciam.
Então você sussurrou em meu ouvido
E me disse também:
Você faz minha vida valer à pena
É tudo sobre você
Então me abrace forte
E diga três palavras como você costumava fazer
Dançando nos azulejos da cozinha
É tudo sobre você
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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in which song ahyeong wakes up in the world of 'true beauty' and accidentally changes the plot.
a true beauty x extraordinary you crossover fic !
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Chapter Index —
하나. chanel : part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
둘. balenciaga : part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part five — 2.9k words
Ahyeong scrambled back, head still spinning from the fall.
She had done something. She did not know what, but Suho's scene at this moment was supposed to be with Jugyeong, not her.
Her breathing was erratic, exhales condensing against the frigid air on the roof. She regretted wearing a dress in that weather. Thinking she was gonna die anyway, she had not even bothered with a coat.
And help her, Lord, she was actually about to die just then! What kind of twisted being decided that it was a good idea to make Ahyeong almost kill herself?
She physically winced, cringing at the hypocrisy of her own thought. After all, she had come to the rooftop of her own accord with every intention to jump, the person behind the curtain was just seeing it through to the end.
Her inner ramblings screeched to a halt when Suho shifted on the hard concrete, letting out a muffled groan as he sat up with a dazed face, briefly glancing down at his elbow that had to have been bruised from the harsh drop before aiming a stern look at her figure, eyes piercing through her own like sharp daggers.
Ahyeong gulped in nervousness. This was not going to be a fun conversation.
He stood up from his spot, Ahyeong hesitatingly doing the same, her right foot throbbing in pain. She didn't bother inspecting her source of agony, too caught up in Suho's intense glare and afraid of ruining his already bad mood by looking away and further aggravating his spite in one way or another.
"What were you up to just now?"
Pulse racing, she opened her mouth to say the first flimsy excuse that came to mind, that she was just admiring the view or something when her brain decided it was a good idea to topple over.
"I was—"
But the writer was choosing all the wrong moments to be a pain in the ass.
"Were you going to jump?"
She looked away. That was the same thing she had said to Jugyeong, now those words were being aimed back at her by a person she didn't even know. Hold up, how did this thing know that she said this to Jugyeong?
"Are you insane?" Suho said, pupils dilated in an emotion Ahyeong recognised, because she looked like that too when she had confronted her mother.
Confronted her mother for what? Goodness, why couldn't someone just dump her entire fictional backstory onto her already, she was sick of finding out through contextual clues and word of mouth.
"Have you lost your mind? What could be hard enough to make you want to die?" His eyes were glazed over, his stuttering breath visible in the cold air. Sure, he was seeing her, but Ahyeong felt like he was looking at someone else.
"How could you give up on your life like this!?"
Ahyeong flinched at his furious voice reverberating in the empty space  (she knew it was her genuine reaction). Suho's tone was becoming increasingly desperate in a way, and she didn't know what was bringing that on.
"You should try to overcome the difficulties instead," his voice trembled, "Have you even considered how devastated your loved ones would be?"
His throat choked up, eyes almost desperate in a way, fisted hands trembling by his sides.
"Someone might forever live in guilt for not being able to save you."
At this moment, with a light melody that still rung out through the abandoned headphones, Ahyeong finally understood what was happening.
He was projecting, spilling his thoughts about Seyeon's death right onto her. What he wished he could've said to his best friend before he had taken his own life.
Lee Suho was guilt-ridden, shifting the blame of having killed Jeong Seyeon onto himself.
Ahyeong chose to remain silent, a thought invading her mind.
Was he just a character, or a real person?
"There's nothing you can do for a dead person. So don't die."
Suho seemed to have come to his senses, taking a deep breath to calm himself, and then snatched his headphones to walk out of the roof, no longer in the mood to stay.
The Song heir stood still on her feet.
It was just one existential crisis after the other. She had come to the conclusion that she would try to live in this warped reality when she had been standing on the ledge, to see if it would be better than dying altogether. But now the dilemma arose. Were these people she had seen and read about actual human beings? With feelings and thoughts of their own? Or were they just caricatures made for the sake of a story?
How was she supposed to treat them?
Lee Suho stopped in his tracks when he did not hear her footsteps behind him.
Twisting his head, he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why aren't you coming?" he asked, snapping her out of her thoughts, "is it to jump once I leave?"
"No, that's not it," she shelved her thoughts for later. Exhaustion had already begun creeping into her form after the trying day.
She moved to follow him, struggling to keep her eyes open. But a few steps forward had her realising that the pain from before had become non-existent.
Ahyeong would have been relieved if it were not for the fact that she could not feel anything in her right foot at all.
Looking down, she almost tripped in shock.
The once previously pristine clear skin had turned into ghastly shades of blue and purple, veins pulsing against swelled skin in a way that made bile rise into her throat.
Oh no.
Suho had already started moving ahead, and Ahyeong unsteadily stumbled after him, her heels not helping her case at all.
"H-hey, wait up!" she protested, struggling to keep pace with his long strides as they exited the rooftop and made way to the elevator.
At least she would be able to properly check on her ankle while the giant metal box made its way down.
But when Suho's frustrated sigh and retracting footsteps caught her ears, she halted, spotting the 'Out of Order' sign in front of the elevator.
"You've got to be kidding me," she swore under her breath, belatedly remembering that scene from the drama.
Luck was not on her side in any way nor form.
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Lee Suho's luck that day had been practically non-existent.
The first thing that graced his eyes on the T.V. that morning had been the face of his father, immediately souring his day.
He knew what day it was, but he tried his best to forget to bring some sense of normalcy into his life.
But the world was intent on reminding him at every twist and turn that it was Seyeon's birthday. The radio, in memoriam billboards, posters with little messages on them, and even the conversations between every student at school.
"Poor guy, he had so much potential."
"He was such a sweet person."
"How tragic."
Suho fought back the urge to remind them what brought upon that tragedy.
He set off to Prince Comics in hopes of finding peace and quiet. But the bookstore had been closed, which was odd for the shopkeeper to do since it was always open on business days.
What was even more unusual was the reason for him having closed the shop, which was conveyed through a piece of paper taped below the wooden sign:
"The shop has been closed until further notice because the owner is having a mental breakdown due to a supposedly fictional character's newfound awareness."
Suho thought the man had finally lost his marbles and decided to go to Cloud9 Officetel's terrace, hoping to stew in his thoughts and memories of his best friend on his special day.
Opening the metal door, he always imagined a phantom Seyeon standing on the ledge and on the verge of jumping. It wasn't new. It happened every time. It went away whenever he blinked his eyes.
And so, he blinked.
Someone was still there.
It wasn't until the LED screens lit up with their neon hues reflecting off the person's black dress did Suho realise that no, that wasn't a phantom Seyeon, it was an actual person about to jump and end their lives.
His legs hadn't moved so fast since he ran track in middle school and pushed through in the final sprint, and pulling that person back as soon as they leaned forward had felt the same as running through the finish line and scoring a gold medal.
He felt like he had won.
It was surreal. Doing something he had been fantasizing about in his dreams for months on end. It felt like he had finally saved his friend instead of killing him.
He knew the person lying on top of him wasn't Seyeon, it wasn't a boy altogether, but one thing he did know was that he wanted to relish in the feeling of having saved someone from their demise, Seyeon or not.
He forgot the last time he felt so relieved.
When the weight was off of him, he laid still for a moment, waiting for the adrenaline to wear off before he got up, barely noticing the bruise on his elbow before he registered the person staring at him with disbelief.
Wait- wasn't this the girl from Prince Comics the other day?
Was another person he was familiar with about to kill themselves? Was he cursed? Was everything he came upon doomed to a bitter end?
It was like a fuse blew in his mind, the dam cracking to let a deluge wreak havoc on everything. He tried hard to control it. But it was slipping through.
What he saw wasn't the Song girl from the bookstore, it was all the people that had been taken away from him.
His restraints were close to breaking, and he voiced what he wished he could've to his dead friend to a complete stranger. If only he had picked up damn the call.
The haze eventually passed, so did his anger, and he came back to his senses.
He was too overwhelmed at that moment, so he did what he usually did best. He turned away.
This time though, he made sure that the girl turned away with him.
Now that brought him to the present, going down the almost endless flight of stairs and keeping one ear out to make sure — what was her name? Nahyeon, Gayoung? — was steadily following him.
He stopped.
He couldn't hear the click of her heels behind him.
Was she back on the rooftop?
He snapped his neck to look up so fast he almost got whiplash.
Click. . . . . . .clack. . . . .
He relaxed, trying to calm his palpitating heart. Why was she walking so slowly?
"Uhh. . .y'know, a little help would be appreciated considering the fact that my ankle looks like a sludge of mashed peas, except that it's bluer, painful, and more disgusting?" her voice rang out from more than five flights above.
She sounded out of breath, her words slurring at the end like she was drunk.
Now that he thought about it, he didn't exactly pull her back in the most ceremonious of ways, and she was wincing a bit when he had been telling her off.
A blue ankle? Did she — correction, he — accidentally break something, or was she just trying to deal with the fact that she almost offed herself and was yapping off random things?
A yelp, a series of loud, echoing thuds, and a prolonged groan.
That was all he needed to answer his questions.
Going back up had been a hassle, but the sight of the girl sprawled on the ground had him scrunching his nose, either out of his clean-freak tendencies — because ew, she was face-down on a tiled floor that had been stepped on so many times by various germ-filled soles — or because he sympathised with her.
"Why is life so cruel?!" she cried out.
He had been trying to find the answer to that question for ages.
Inspecting her ankle, it was bad. Suho loathed to think that he had caused that. It must've gone numb for a while before the pain had returned tenfold, rendering her delirious in her agony.
He shrugged his jacket off, wrapping it around the half-passed out girl, and knelt down to put her fumbling arms around his shoulders and pulled her up.
It was going to be a tiring walk down.
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Ahyeong had drunk alcohol only once in her life: when she had chugged on a bottle of Pinot Noir that she stole from her mother's wine cabinet thinking it was grape juice. She was twelve at the time.
She had forgotten what the feeling was like.
But now as the colours blurred in her vision like vibrant paintings and impressive shows of light, she gathered this was how it was. Only now, she was drunk in pain instead of finely aged bottles of wine and she was mad and sad and happy as fuck.
Mad because her ankle was broken and she basically almost died.
Sad because wow, she basically almost died, whatever gave her that idea. Now she had to live in a glorified self-insert fic.
Happy because damn, Cha Eunwoo was carrying her to a cab to get her leg some proper treatment.
He looked kinda off, though. Cha Eunwoo was supposed to be the smiley cute boy, not the brooding cold dude that was currently shoving her into the back of a car and rattling off instructions to the driver.
"The hospital?"
"Yes, to the ER. She has a broken ankle. Please try to call a doctor to help her, she's in a delirious state because of the pain," he explained to the driver.
She tugged the hoodie tighter around herself, playing with the loose strings as she got reminded of the thought she had on the roof.
Character or a real person?
Lee Suho was alive, had skin that could be marred, bones that could be cracked, a mind that could think, and a heart that could feel.
He turned to her, saying something along the lines of calling friends or family to alert them of her condition. Her mind didn't properly register his words but she got the gist of it.
He was miserable. He didn't show it often, or at all for the matter. That's why when he had a chance, the cap on the bottle in which he was stewing his emotions had been loosened to let off some of the pressure.
He was lonely. He had lost his mother, his father was absent from his life, his friend had abandoned him in his own grief, and he didn't let anyone close to him. He had no one.
She found herself comparing her own situation to his. Now that she thought about it, they were similar. She had no one to pour her emotions onto, no one could even begin to understand what was happening to her. There may be someone out there who knew, but it wasn't like she was going to walk up to every person on the street and ask them "hey, did you know, this world is a story and you're technically not real!"
"Hey, do you understand?" his voice brought her back to the present.
She leaned back in her seat, looking at his usually apathetic face that was pinched in hidden concern.
"Yes, Mr. Lee," she mumbled back absent-mindedly, half-lidded eyes blinking rapidly to stay awake. She was too tired.
Suho raised a brow in slight confusion.
Oh, she said his last name.
She could not bring herself to care at the moment.
He ducked out of the car, closing the door shut and signalling the driver to take off.
The man in the front twisted the key, but Ahyeong raised her hand, stopping him.
"Wait a minute, ahjusshhi, I wanna say something to him," she mumbled.
Trying to summon the last ounce of energy left in her, she rolled down the window, calling out to Suho who was already a couple of feet down the pavement.
"Hey, you!"
He stopped, twisting his head to look at her.
Ahyeong sighed. This was her world. She was going to live here. As far as her knowledge went, she was alone in this endeavour.
She saw herself in the boy standing on the street waiting for her to say something. For now, character or not, one thing she did know was that Lee Suho was very, very real.
"Nothing lasts forever, you know? It gets better, eventually."
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The wheels turned. The cab drove off onto the busy highways. Suho stood alone under the flickering lights on a cold night in Seoul.
It gets better.
He couldn't count the number of times he had heard that sentence in his life. He had become numb to it.
How strange, though. The way she said it. It felt more like a certainty rather than an empty wish.
His shoulders felt lighter than they did an hour ago.
Song Ahyeong, was it? She was coming to Saebeom soon.
He started walking the long way up to his flat, dodging overworked employees rushing to their way home, music blasting in his ears.
Suho wondered what kind of person she was.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
83 notes · View notes
barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part one — 1.3k words
Ahyeong stared at the green wormhole outside the restaurant window that looked like it had ripped through the walls of reality itself, tuning out the low hum of the piano and the incessant chatterings of her parents discussing stock prices with the company investors over glasses of fine wine and impeccable dining.
She blinked.
It was gone.
Maybe she shouldn't have pulled an all-nighter binging True Beauty on webtoon as a reward for finishing the end-of-term exams. Lack of sleep was leading her to have vivid hallucinations.
She set her sights on her waiting dish of panna cotta instead, picking up the gold dessert spoon and scooping up an acceptable amount of the cold dish before putting it in her mouth.
"Noona," her brother, Gilyeong nudged her side, briefly scrolling his phone's screen before turning it at her direction under the table, away from the eyes of the adults.
Ahyeong, slightly confused, looked down at his phone screen, only to snap her neck as fast she could the other way.
Aish, that kid, the girl cursed under her breath, always up to ruining her mind.
Gilyeong lowly chuckled at his sister's agitated state and continued reading his horror manhwa on a mobile-reading app.
She couldn't exactly remember when, but it had become a tradition of sorts among the siblings to share the most gruesome stills of creepy images they could find to incite a satisfactory — and sometimes, rather laughable — reaction from the other.
They had a whole rating system where the degree of their flinches would determine the amount of money they had to pay to each other. Though she had to add, Ahyeong was winning in that department.
While Gilyeong found such material more often than not as he was an avid reader of any and every horror comic he could get his hands on, Ahyeong was more partial to the films and movies, only occasionally dipping her toes into physical pages.
Although she found clips and images at a slower pace than he did due to mountains of schoolwork, her contributions were usually the most disturbing (and mentally scarring) of all the others, which three times out of ten resulted in Gilyeong damaging his voice box by the magnitude of his screams.
(The neighbor had to check in once because he had thought it was Ahyeong screaming bloody murder.)
It wasn't like Gilyeong held back either. Despite being twelve, the guy had a lot of nerve in him reading all sorts of body horror. She supposed it was their mum's fault for leaving him unsupervised in the comics section at the library and Ahyeong's own for not stopping the seven-year-old from tainting his eyes. He had looked genuinely fascinated with the grotesque drawings and she had thought that it would have been nice to have someone to discuss her interests with. Her friends were hesitant to delve into "nightmare fodder" as they had called it.
She sighed, blinking away the drowsiness in her eyes as she tried to focus on eating her dessert. She couldn't wait to go back to reading True Beauty.
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The restaurant lobby was as extravagant as it could've been, with rich, dark colors and gold-silver accents on every corner.
Her parents were outside, seeing the investors off while Ahyeong and Gilyeong waited for them to pick her up.
It had been over twenty minutes and they still hadn't returned. She could've rested a bit. Ahyeong tapped her foot impatiently, wincing at the sting in her foot. Standing in her stilettos for so long was doing her no good other than causing pain to her toes.
"Yah, dongsaeng, I'm gonna take a power nap, wake me up when mum and dad arrive."
She got no sign of confirmation other than a slight glance her way, and with that, she finally sunk into the couch and removed her heels.
The couch felt like a cloud, and Ahyeong couldn't help the heavy feeling behind her eyelids as exhaustion finally took over her consciousness and her eyes slowly fluttered shut, unbeknownst to the green hole in reality that formed in front of her as soon as she did.
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Someone was reading a book. That was what she first thought as her sleepiness faded, waking up from her nap but still keeping her eyes closed.
Maybe her brother had sneaked a copy of a comic under their parents' noses and was reading it while they were away.
Why didn't he wake her up yet? They still hadn't returned?
She was feeling more refreshed than ever and that was only possible with a full eight hours of sleep. Had a power nap finally lived up to its name?
It also smelled different. Compared to the faint scent of lavender and roses that glided through the air in the restaurant lobby, the only thing Ahyeong could register now was the steaming smell of convenience store ramen as if it was right in front of her and a rather strange note of musk from someone sitting across from her.
She furrowed her brows.
Gilyeong never put on cologne or perfume, who was it?
Snapping her eyes open, Ahyeong stilled, looking at the Gucci-clad person reading a manhwa in front of her.
She blinked.
Huh? Lee Dongmin?
Looking down at herself, she noticed her obvious change in attire, wearing Chanel trainers instead of stilettos and wide-legged pants and a cream turtleneck in place of her grey chiffon dress.
Where was she?
Awareness flooded her system, and her eyes zoomed over her surroundings to see a place she never thought she would.
Prince Comics.
The haven of horror enthusiasts.
Ahyeong contemplated. So was she in a drama? True Beauty, no less.
. . . wow, she really had been sleep-deprived, hadn't she? So much so that her obsession with True Beauty ended up with her having this extremely realistic fantasy.
Smiling faintly, she got up, alerting Cha Eu— no, Lee Suho, who went back to reading when she went to browse the collections available in the store.
So, a character from the main cast and an almost endless collection of her favorite pastime hobby?
She never thought she'd thank sleep deprivation for giving her such a wonderful lucid dream.
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Suho glanced over his book to look at the girl peering at the various volumes of Uzumaki on the Junji Ito shelves.
Judging by her appearance, which screamed wealthy, she was most definitely not from around here.
He didn't recall seeing her around school or the neighborhood either.
Strange, he thought as she pulled out a copy of Shiver and sifted through it, face completely straight and not flinching in the slightest, rather, an amused smile played on her lips.
"Oh? Ahyeong! Is that you?"
His mental analysis of the new girl broke when the bookstore owner entered the lounge with a face of vague recognition, and Suho hastily returned his eyes back to reading his comic as the girl — Ahyeong, as the owner had called her, turned around with equal startlement.
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What the-?
"Wangja-ssi, it's been a while," Ahyeong smiled at the shop owner, slipping the book back into the shelf.
"Wah, you've gotten even more pretty from the last time I saw you!" Wangja exclaimed, face alight with elation at the sight of one of his favorite customers back at his shop.
She'd never seen him aside from behind a screen, what'd he mean?
Ahyeong looked abashed at the sudden compliment why was she doing that? and smiled awkwardly.
"Well, I'm here now. Our family moved to Gangnam a few days ago." She had been living in Gangnam since she'd been born, what was she saying? Why couldn't she control her actions?
"Daebak, what about your schooling? It's the middle of the year, have you found a place?"
"Oh, yeah, about that," Ahyeong grinned. She looked at Suho, who was gulping down red ginseng and not paying attention to their conversation at all, trying to signal him of the weird situation of paralysis that she was in. Was this what usually happened in a lucid dream? Her gaze locked onto Wangja's.
"I'm transferring to Saebom."
Suho choked on his drink.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
99 notes · View notes
barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part three — 1.2k words
"Where to?"
Startled, Ahyeong looked up to meet Driver Kwon's waiting gaze, blurting out the first thing that came to her mind, "Uhh...same as yesterday."
He nodded in affirmative, pulling the car out of the gates and driving off to their destination, leaving Aheyeong to her thoughts.
Mad. She was going mad. Fatigue was playing with her mind. It had to be.
When Gilyeong had revealed the origins of the book that he'd been reading, Ahyeong had snatched it out of his hands, much to his protests, and all but sprinted out of the house, abandoning her breakfast, and dived into the sleek car waiting outside for her.
She'd asked Driver Kwon to go to the same place as yesterday to confirm it, whether her mind was playing tricks on her or if it really was real.
Surely, it had been nothing but pure coincidence that her brother had said the words she'd uttered herself in a dream, right?
The car started to slow down in speed as it exited the main highway and entered a quaint neighbourhood.
The slowly approaching view of Prince Comics proved her otherwise.
The vehicle, reaching its destination, stopped a little ways away from the entrance of the bookstore.
Driver Kwon looked into the rear-view mirror, only to lay his eyes upon the Song heir staring at the unlit sign of Prince Comics with eyes wide in disbelief, hair askew from when she had shoved herself in the car in a questionable daze.
He frowned. Was she okay? Maybe she wasn't so happy to have moved again so soon.
"Miss," he called out, snapping her out of her trance, "we've arrived."
Yeah, she was aware that they had arrived. She just still couldn't wrap her head around where they had arrived.
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Wangja stared blankly into space, vaguely mustering up enough energy to mutter a "welcome" when he heard someone come in. He was definitely not a morning person. Maybe he should've hit the nearest store to get some snacks.
When the person who came in didn't move from the entrance, he raised his eyes, only to meet the jittery figure of Song Ahyeong standing awkwardly in front of his desk with the book he'd given to her clutched tightly between her hands and eyes darting at million different directions at once.
"You're back!" He exclaimed, energy miraculously restored, and rushed forward to engulf her in a massive hug, making her stiffen immediately.
"Didn't think you'd visit so soon, I was dreading the wait," he grinned, pulling away to lead her further into the shop and towards the couches.
She sat down on the sofa by the wall, spine straight as a rod and lips pursed in a thin line, looking around the shelves and hanging lights like she was here for the first time in her life.
Well, she was back in town after so long, he couldn't blame her. She probably hadn't looked around much the other night and only stopped by to greet him.
Her stomach growled.
The girl flushed in embarrassment, and tried to stutter out an apology, "Oh, I-I'm sorry for such unseemly behaviour. I didn't bother with breakfast and-"
"Say no more, I've got it covered," the store owner raised his hand to stop her, rising from his seat and making his way out, "I've been craving ramyeon all morning, this is the perfect excuse to go get it. Just chill in the lounge while I'm at it. I'll be back soon!"
His voice faded as he exited the store, leaving the Song girl alone.
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Ahyeong observed her surroundings.
Yellow beams of sunlight came through various cracks in the exterior that had been worn with age, illuminating suspended particles of dust in the air and casting their glow upon numerous bookshelves.
With its mismatched colours and rustic furniture, the whole store gave off the vibe of a vintage bookstore straight out of an 80's movie, bringing a small smile on her face despite her state of crisis.
She'd always been a sucker for old things.
Turning her head, she noticed the writings on the wall behind her, various scribbles decorating it in a plethora of colours dulled with age and sloppy handwritings.
However, two lines written next to each other right by the top of the couch caught her eye.
"Song Ahyeong and Im Jugyeong's spot. Sit without permission, and get a hairy butt," she mumbled out loud, immediately getting up from the sofa she was sitting on.
Ahyeong's expression twisted in bewilderment.
She was supposed to know the main character too now!?
Just as the thought crossed her mind, the sound of a book rattling behind her caught her attention.
She turned around, trying to find the source of the noise.
There, in a shelf tucked into a dark corner, where no light nor eyes would find it if they weren't looking, rested a book with a soft peach cover and gold accents.
Curious, she walked towards it, abandoning the now crinkled book in her hands on the small table in front of her.
She stood in front of the shelf, noticing how the book shook left and right on its spot, but didn't move as if it was glued in space.
She took it out of its place, inquisitive gaze finding the title written on the cover.
True Beauty.
Ahyeong hesitated in opening the book. She wasn't sure if she would like what she would see, but the inexplicable thirst for finding out what was happening to her overcame her reluctance.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
She turned the first page, immediately being greeted by a vibrant character introduction page.
Her eyes raked through the familiar faces. She knew these characters, she'd seen about them, read about them. She knew their insecurities, their fears, their trauma, their happiness.
She perused their brief descriptions.
The main lead, Im Jugyeong; The Heroine. Neglected and desperate for validation, as insecure as they come.
The severe case of second lead syndrome (in Ahyeong's own words), Han Seojun; The Rebel. With a heart of gold, grief-stricken by his friend's death and a hidden passion for what once was.
Then finally, the male lead, Lee Suho; The Prince. The epitome of perfection in everyone's eyes, harbouring a dark past and hidden secrets.
Suho had it pretty bad, she thought. No one to talk to after Seyeon's death, going as far as blaming himself for it, living alone in loneliness. Someone needed to hand this guy a warm cup of hot chocolate or something.
She was about to turn the page, but paused as she spotted another character drawn beside the main trio, standing beside Jugyeong.
For a moment she thought it was Sujin, but reeled it back in when she further scrutinized the new persona.
Black hair in loose waves.
Eyes equally as dark with small flecks of colour.
Ahyeong tensed in uneasiness as she noticed the similarity of the outfit that the character wore and her own, dread slowly pooling in her gut and making it clench in alarm.
Her shaky eyes read over the character description.
The second female lead, Song Ahyeong; The Bully-
Her pupils dilated.
The fucking what-
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
56 notes · View notes
barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part two — 1.7k words
The lights in the shop lowered in their intensity, and Ahyeong gasped, drawing in heavy breaths of air as her limbs finally moved of her own accord, bending low to clutch her knees and balance herself when she slightly stumbled.
"Are you okay?" Wangja the Shop Owner asked, concerned about the sudden change in demeanor.
"I,"— Ahyeong found herself at a loss for words, what was happening to her?— "I don't know."
An abnormal lucid dream, she thought, that was what she was experiencing. One in which she was aware of her made-up fantasy world but couldn't control her speech and actions at times.
It was like the dream itself had a script of its own.
Huh. Maybe that was it. She just had to follow the script.
"Umm... I think I should get going," she mumbled, hoping her hunch was right.
Wangja looked a bit disappointed that he couldn't carry on the conversation, but nodded in agreement. The sleek black car outside that he had spotted while coming in was probably her driver waiting on her.
Suho was still coughing on their way out, and upon the two shooting concerned looks at him he merely ignored them, gaining his composure and zooming past them and into the dimly lit night in his mildly flustered state.
As Ahyeong stepped into the cold night air, she saw her family's personal car, finding Driver Kwon sitting in front of the wheel through the tinted windows.
Her family and acquaintances must be the same as before then.
"Well, do come by often," Wangja said, handing her the copy of Shiver that she had been sifting through previously, and when Ahyeong looked at him confusedly, he winked, "as an insurance that you do visit, I'm letting you borrow it. Remember, the shop's policy only lets you borrow items for two weeks. Any more and you'll have to compensate."
The girl tucked the comic under her elbow, amused at his antics as if she'd known him for a long time, and said without thinking, "Does ramyeon work as compensation?"
The shop owner grinned, "Aye, you know me so well. Now go. Your driver is giving me the creeps with his glare."
Ahyeong chuckled at that. Driver Kwon was rather overprotective over the Song siblings and got suspicious of anyone who got within six feet of them, even the people the two kids had explicitly stated were their friends.
Bidding Wangja goodbye, Ahyeong slipped into the leather seats of the car, fastening the seatbelt around herself as was the clearly stated rule by the person in front of her who turned the key as soon as she got in, revving the engine before taking off into the night and to, presumably, her home.
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Ahyeong paused at the front door, looking at the front lawn with puzzled eyes.
Why did it look even more extravagant than it was on a usual day?
The flowers were in full bloom despite spring having passed months ago, the garden lights were still switched on, illuminating the finely-trimmed shrubs and foliage, and the cars were displayed out in the open instead of being in the garage.
It was as if someone was trying to make a drawing of a picturesque rich household, perfect in every aspect with next to no flaws in its design.
The mahogany doors opened abruptly, halting her thoughts, and the housemaid, Eunjung, hurriedly ushered her in, putting slippers in front of the girl's feet as she toed her shoes off.
"Why were you out so late? It's past curfew. Thank goodness Mrs. Song hasn't returned from work yet, or you would've been in trouble," she fussed.
Trouble with her mother? That was odd. That never happened because Ahyeong usually informed Eunjung of where she was going, and her mother didn't really mind if she was out past curfew as long as she had alerted someone of coming in late.
"I'll prepare your dinner while you wash up. Do you want to eat at the table or should I bring it to your room upstairs?"
"My room, if it's not too much trouble."
Eunjung waved her hands, dismissing her, and scurried off to the kitchen while Ahyeong headed up the stairs to the West Wing of the house where her bedroom resided.
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Contrary to what she thought, her room had not been what she expected.
It was littered with cardboard boxes and suitcases, most of them unpacked and organized but there still being enough to do that the floor looked messy.
Ahyeong remembered her involuntary words back at Prince Comics.
So her family moved to Seoul in this dream?
From where though? She's never lived anywhere else other than this city.
Oh well, too bad. There was no use dwelling on it. Her dream would end as soon as she would go to sleep and wake up anyway.
But her nagging mind urged her to clean her room up, and despite knowing that her efforts may be in vain she obliged, and by the end of the hour, her room looked just as it had been in real life.
Setting her towel by the bathroom rack to dry, Ahyeong sat down in front of her desk in her pajamas, where the maid had spread out a variety of steaming dishes on fine china while she had been tidying up.
Leave it to Eunjung to make mouth-watering food for any time of the day.
Just as she raised her spoon to eat the seaweed soup, her door swung open.
Gilyeong stood by the threshold, racing to her and shoving his phone in her face, a rather horrible picture of a mangled body on its screen.
"What the-" Ahyeong dropped her utensils with a clang, pushing the device away from her face with a disgusted expression and glaring at her brother, who giggled mischievously, "I'm trying to eat, you gremlin. Don't make me lose my appetite."
"It's payback for the time you showed me a clip of a gutted person when I was trying to eat pat-bingsu. Now get a taste of your own medicine, grinch," Gilyeong laughed evilly, shoving his phone into Ahyeong's eyesight as she tried to stop him from ruining her eyes in front of her food.
Even in dreams, her brother was as nasty as they came.
"You evil little-" Ahyeong wrestled the phone out of his hands, making the younger Song frown and whine at her to give it back to him, and got an idea as she glanced at the shelf on top of her desk.
"If you promise to behave yourself this week, I'll let you borrow that," she said, pointing at the Junji Ito comic that Wangja had let her borrow.
Gilyeong looked up, and his eyes glimmered in anticipation as he jumped up to grab it from the shelf.
"Woah, where did you get this from?" He exclaimed as he started to peruse the pages, "It was out of stock in every bookstore I dragged you to."
"I got it from a hippie who starred in a drama," she smirked at her brother's puzzled face , "so, do we have a deal?"
She raised her hands as she said so.
Her brother looked up at her suspiciously, eyes narrowed in contemplation, then nodded briefly, "deal."
He raised his palms, meeting Ahyeong's halfway as they did their Handshake of Temporary Truce.
Yes, they had different handshakes for a whole list of situations.
"But you still have to pay up for your flinches from yesterday and now," he drawled while walking out of her room.
Wait, yesterday?
"What do you mean the flinch from yesterday?"
Gilyeong stopped midway and turned around, confused.
"Don't tell me you've been getting amnesia too. We were at the restaurant yesterday with Mum and Dad's investors, remember?"
With that ominous comment, he stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
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Sunlight peeked through the half-open blinds, beaming on Ahyeong's face as she woke up and looked around her room, same as ever.
What a crazy dream.
She remembered it as clear as day.
But it was over and done with, and she was in reality now.
For a moment she pondered how she had gotten into her bed, but then trashed the thought. One of her parents had probably carried her here when she had fallen into a deep sleep in the lobby of the restaurant.
She got up, picking up her phone to look at the day and time.
It was around 8 on a Sunday morning, and Ahyeong yawned, kicking off her blanket to freshen up. She woke up too early for a weekend.
Deciding to explore the city for the day, she changed into a button-up and denim trousers, picking up a set of Doc Martens on her way out for breakfast.
"What's new this mornin', gremlin," she greeted Gilyeong while running down the stairs, who sat by the couch reading something, its cover blocked out of her eyesight.
She slightly tripped on the last two steps and hit her knee on the railing, hissing in pain and lightly hopping towards the dining table.
"Good morning, Eunjung-ssi," Ahyeong smiled through her discomfort at the maid, in complete contrast to the way she greeted her brother, and he scowled at her from his spot but didn't say anything.
Eunjung rolled her eyes in good nature at the sibling's antics, all too used to it, "Good morning to you too."
She set down two servings of rice, soup, and a variety of side dishes for breakfast, and the siblings came to sit at the dining table.
As Ahyeong scooped up a spoonful of rice, she saw Gilyeong putting down his book, finally spotting its cover.
She paused.
"Hey, dongsaeng, how did you get that?" She said as she pointed at the copy of Shiver.
The young Song stopped eating, pointing a fake grin at her.
"From the grinch who got it from a hippie who starred in a drama."
This was not a dream.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part four — 3k words
Wangja crossed the street with a bag of two steaming bowls of ramyeon and red ginseng, speeding up his pace to prevent the noodles from getting too soggy while he walked the path over to his shop where he had left Ahyeong at, sighing as he thought about the new addition to the cast.
When he had walked into his store last night, he was not expecting a stage to commence immediately upon entering the lounge.
Thank the writer (this was the first and last time he was going to say that) that their conversation and actions had already been written out, or else the shop owner would've been gawking at the new girl for the entirety of the stage.
He had been immensely startled back then; it was unusual for him to not know the timing and plot of every stage because he always made sure to check the comic that permanently resided in a small, hidden corner of his shop every single day.
But when he had browsed the comic as soon as Ahyeong had left, he had been bewildered at the sudden shift in the book's contents.
The cast page had been altered to feature four main characters instead of the original trio, and as he had turned the pages, he had noticed the new stages being inked with interactions that had never been present as of before.
To think that an already complicated web of troubling relationships had not been enough for the writer, they had proceeded to add a love square to the mix.
Wangja grimaced at his creator's choices in life. They had definitely been influenced by someone to do so if it had been so last minute.
But one thing was for sure; out of all the stories that the writer had put him in, this was by far the most interesting.
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"Ahyeong-ah! I'm back!" he yelled into the air as he stepped in, his voice echoing in the shop.
The silence was his only response.
Confused, he stepped through the streamers that decorated the lounge's archway, eyes searching for the girl while he set the food down on the coffee table next to the abandoned copy of Shiver.
"Ahyeong, are you here-"
He stopped abruptly, gaze finding the peach cover of True Beauty toppled upside down on the floor in front of a shelf he swore no one would notice.
With dread in his mind, he picked it up, turning it around, only to be faced by the drawn version of the person he was looking for.
Oh no. She'd seen it.
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If Gilyeong had to describe his sister at that moment, he would've said she looked like she'd risen from a grave in a zombie apocalypse movie.
She looked dead. Alive, yes, but dead.
Like someone had told her whole life was a lie.
When Ahyeong had arrived back home from wherever she had dashed off to during the morning, she had looked like she'd gone through the five stages of grief, questioned the meaning of life, and ran a marathon through the streets of Seoul by how hard she was breathing.
He had almost asked her if she was okay, but that would've come off as him being "concerned for his dear sister," as Eunjung had so uselessly put it, and he hated proving people right. And besides, Ahyeong was clearly not okay.
"Oye, grinch," he called out across the table after seeing her actions.
She looked as if she hadn't even heard him. No annoyed flinch, no irritated twitching of her eyebrow; no reaction at all. Just her mindlessly trying to eat soup with chopsticks.
Eunjung looked at her with an extreme amount of concern.
Gilyeong almost puked at the feeling of worry in his gut.
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Ahyeong was functioning on auto-pilot, her consciousness having taken a backseat as the only thing that moved her was sheer muscle memory.
She couldn't even remember how she had come back to her house, however, the stinging in her legs informed her of how she had deserted the shop and ran all the way back home, much to Driver Kwon's horror.
Her head felt empty.
Being in a comic? As a bully? That had to be the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, or read, about herself.
It did not make sense. She was quite literally a model student, with a record as clean as glass. Being reduced to the likes of a bully? Impossible.
And then the derealisation came in.
This probably wasn't real after all. Maybe it was just one big practical joke blown out of proportion.
Yeah, that was it, she concluded as she finally became aware of her surroundings, dropping the chopsticks in her hands with a confused look and picking up a spoon to continue eating her soup, unaware of the small breath of relief from across the table.
That weird paralysis thing hadn't happened since the other day anyway, so she was probably going to be okay.
What a fucking lie, you're kidding—
The doors to the house banged open, harshly knocking against the walls and startling the occupants of the dining room.
Song Hwayoung came inside the house, immediately making Eunjung receive her in a hurry and assist her with taking off her coat and setting her a pair of slippers.
Ahyeong was panicking. Why now? The universe was being unnecessarily cruel. Her body felt like a rock, cemented into the ground. The air got colder, the lights felt different, brighter somehow, as if someone was shining a spotlight down on her family, as if a grim situation was about to ensue.
Ahyeong almost got up to greet her mother, but sat back down after seeing the subtle shake of Gilyeong's head, who hastily looked down at his empty plate after Hwayoung came to sit at the head of the table.
Her mother looked like she had been trying to bottle up her anger the whole day, and the cap was finally about to burst.
Ahyeong felt unsettled at the sudden change in demeanor. Her mother had never gotten this furious before, ever. She attempted to stand, but she was glued to her seat and could only watch as Hwayoung glared daggers at Gilyeong.
She threw a stack of papers in front of Gilyeong, who shrunk into his seat when he saw its contents.
"What is this?" Hwayoung inquired, trying her best to appear calm.
The young boy mumbled a reply in a voice so small that it was barely audible.
Hwayoung flared her nostrils, "Say it louder!"
Both siblings flinched at the volume. "My report card," the youngest said shakily.
Why was her mum flipping over a simple report card? It's not like grades mattered—
"Even I know that it's a fucking report card. What I want to know is why your grades dropped to C's and D's and why the hell you're failing in math?"
Ahyeong's eyes widened, either involuntarily or of her own free will, she didn't know. Hwayoung cursing at her brother and raging over his academic report? That was quite literally the opposite of how her mother was. Hwayoung was supposed to be the sweetest person she'd ever known, understanding and supportive through every endeavor.
For a moment she considered if her mother had been replaced by a clone of a crueler version of her. With the bullshit that was happening to her right now, the theory did not even feel that far-fetched.
At Gilyeong's silence, Hwayoung scoffed, "All of this was happening and you didn't even bother telling me? I was in a phone call with your friend's mother who told me her son had scored first place but when she mentioned how you weren't even in the top ten do you know how humiliated I felt?"
She stood up abruptly, throwing her chair back, which was immediately caught by Eunjung, and scowled at the boy, not a single trace of warmth in her eyes that her daughter was familiar with, "What an embarrassment to the Song name. At least your sister fares better than you."
With that, she stalked away, heels clicking against the marble floors as she retreated to her room.
Ahyeong got up as soon as she could control her movements, rushing over to Gilyeong whose eyes had become red and puffy as he sniffled.
She pulled him in between her arms, and he shook uncontrollably, Eunjung watching the ordeal with downtrodden eyes, wishing she could help.
This was far beyond what she thought would happen. No, that woman could not have been their mother.
As she put her brother to sleep that night, she came to a solution.
Stepping into the elevator to reach Cloud9 Officetel's terrace the next day, her resolve strengthened.
This nightmare was ending, one way or the other.
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Jugyeong was quite possibly living the worst nightmare she'd ever had.
The world was too cruel. Beauty was only on the inside, they said. What a horrible lie.
She had been humiliated beyond measure. All she tried to do was convey her honest feelings to quite possibly the only person who had ever been genuinely kind to her. She would've been fine if Wang Hyunbin had simply rejected her and decided to stay as friends. But for him and Semi to destroy her pride and self-worth like that? Because of how she looked?
She felt her eyes burning with warm tears before they cascaded down her cheeks, the cold wind at the top of the building harshly biting at her skin and rattling her bones.
She shivered.
Cold, it was too cold. What a day to die.
Jugyeong's hands hovered over her phone's screen as she stared at her mother's contact. Would her family even mourn her? Good riddance, they would probably think.
But she had to tell someone, and even if her mother was harsh with her words, she still loved her. She had to tell her the reason why she was about to jump off of a building.
Just as her finger leaned down to press the call button, the door to the rooftop opened, and Jugyeong jumped in shock, turning around to see who had come in.
She did a double-take.
Was God personally consenting to her taking her own life? Because she was pretty sure he had sent down an angel to escort her soul into heaven.
Her glasses had been abandoned on the bench she'd been sitting on from when she had been trying to wipe her tears, so she couldn't really see the person properly, but even with bad eyesight, the stranger looked almost ethereal.
They were dressed in a black dress and heels, as if they had gone to a funeral, or were planning to go to one.
They stopped upon seeing Jugyeong's disheveled self.
Was God finally being kind to her in her final moments?
Mind in a haze and not thinking straight, Jugyeong broke down yet again.
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Ahyeong was startled at the girl crying in front of her. She didn't think there was going to be someone else up there other than herself.
When she looked closer at the girl who was sobbing uncontrollably in front of her, she noticed who it was, immediately taking a few steps back on instinct.
Moon Gayoung? Why was she in a school uniform— oh.
You've got to be kidding me.
What luck she had, walking right into the girl this world literally revolved around.
She felt something pulling away at her in the back of her mind, sending warning bells down her spine, saying she wasn't supposed to be there. But why?
Ahyeong's heart almost burst out of her ribcage when Jugyeong threw herself at her, clutching almost painfully at her waist and sobbing into her dress.
She froze at the sudden contact, arms awkwardly hovering over the girl's shoulders.
Jugyeong had probably not recognized her yet, because there was no way she was hugging her future tormentor just like that.
"Th-thank y-y-you for c-coming," the girl said between choked breaths, "F-for being- for being here in my—" she struggled to say the words, "—my final moments."
Ahyeong stilled at that.
By the time her words had registered, she already knew what was happening.
This was the scene from the drama, she remembered, when Jugyeong had tried to kill herself because of the incident at school.
How ironic. Ahyeong almost laughed at her situation, they were here for the same fate for almost the same reason. Both didn't like the world that they lived in.
But for the Song girl, this was a test, really. A theory she came up with in the dead of the night.
The sensation of falling, that knee-jerk reaction, and the feeling of finally waking up from your dream. That was what she was hoping for. She wasn't here to die, she was here to go back to living her own life.
But the girl who clung to her was dead set on ending things, and frankly, that was a dreadful thought.
Ahyeong had no intention of leaving her as she was, be this a fictional world or not, Im Jugyeong was a human being who deserved a lot more than she got.
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"Were you going to jump?"
Jugyeong's thoughts came to a halt as the Angel asked a question, the oddly familiar lilt of her voice bringing a strange mix of foreboding and warmth in her gut.
Still shaking, she only nodded against her shoulder.
"Because-" she sniffled, tightening her arms around them, "because everyone hates me," her voice faded at the end, and her wobbly knees gave in, making her sink into the hard floor and dragging the person along with her.
This time, the Angel wrapped her arms around her, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
"Jugyeong, things may seem horrible for you at the moment, and you have every right to be upset over what was said and done, but it is impossible to know answers to such questions when you're so overwhelmed."
The words cut through her haziness, her cries slowly stopping as what they said registered in Jugyeong's mind.
"You don't really want to die, do you?"
It felt weird, being told such things by a stranger.
Maybe deep down she had already known, but her despair had overtaken her senses and disregarded her common sense.
"Why were you really about to call your mother?"
Because she was hoping someone would stop her. To make sure someone really did care about her despite appearances.
The Angel patted her back, and slowly pulled away, only to firmly place their hands on Jugyeong's shoulders.
"Your family's waiting."
She didn't need to be told twice.
Maybe God was kinder than she thought.
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It was getting dark now.
The cold evening air nipped at her skin as Ahyeong stood on the edge, heels digging into the concrete as she gazed down below.
What a hypocrite she was, telling all those things to Jugyeong.
She'd sent her home with a taxi after their ordeal, and Jugyeong had not even looked at her once through the whole thing.
She didn't know why.
The road was buzzing with activity, cars zooming past on asphalt, people walking home on the footpaths, vendors selling seasonal goods by the side.
It seemed to be a normal day.
She wondered how the rest of their day would go if her body suddenly flopped down there.
Gooseflesh rose on her arms. All of this was too real.
She slapped herself, the stinging spreading through her numb skin and making her wince in pain.
What was she doing? Was she really about to jump off a building just to test a theory out?
What if it failed? The pain in her cheek would pale in comparison to what would happen should she fall.
And the people waiting for her back home, thinking she was off paying her respects to an old friend. Gilyeong and Eunjung would be destroyed.
Ahyeong stepped back. No, she couldn't do this. She wasn't planning on dying today. Or anytime soon really.
She'd just have to get used to living here—
Song Ahyeong stepped closer to the edge of the building, awaiting her doom.
What the fuck!? She didn't want to die, shit, shit, shit—
The LED screen behind her lit up in hues of pink and purple, colorful shadows falling on her dress that did nothing against the frigid wind.
Jung Seyeon's face graced the billboard in the distance, an ode from the people to celebrate the day he was born, and an apology for being the reason he died.
One more step and she would fall. No, no, one more step and she'd fall—
Ahyeong leaned forward closing her eyes for the last time.
And so, she fell backward.
Wait, backward?
Ahyeong barely registered the iron grip on her wrist before it was tugged hard, her stiletto losing its balance and twisting her foot at an unnatural angle.
She widened her eyes as her vision blurred, surroundings moving too fast, and braced herself for the impact on the rough concrete.
It never came.
Instead, she fell on the person who had taken the liberty of pulling her back, and subsequently saving her. Groaning, she raised her head, squinting against the bright light of the advertisement.
"What a relief," Suho breathed out.
The ColorBeauty commercial cast the glow of its neon colors over their faces, and as the faint melody of Seyeon's voice filled the silence in the air, Song Ahyeong knew that somehow, she had fucked up.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
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kpop-s-akura · 3 years
Back to You | True Beauty
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🌸Summary: Chaewon and Seojun used to be best friends with Lee Suho before tragedy struck and everything changed. They all changed. But now the Han Twins are back at Saebom High and Chaewon must deal with her feelings for her former friend. But will those change as well?
🌸Pairing: Lee Suho x OC
🌸Genre: fluff,angst,romance,comedy
🌸Table Of Contents🌸
❀chapter one❀
A/N: I’m so excited and nervous for this! I have no idea when I’m going to post the first chapter, I’m honestly really giddy to even just post this. But besides all of that, I’m a perfectionist so I’ll probably constantly edit this post to make it more “legit” and “professional” so don’t mind that lol. Even just this note, I’m just really eager to post this so… yeah. I’ll do better tomorrow lol.
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