#hands ppl! with rings! and big soft brown eyes?
percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
Hope y'all like some smut with your edssy 😁
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ladykissingfish · 2 years
modern AU idea where Obito is having a bad day, like everything’s going to shit and he’s stressed out, so he decides to do something that always relaxes him: get his hair cut. 
there’s this one place he goes to in particular because it’s gimmick is kind of a “manly-man’s” hair cut place as in all of the hairdressers are really hot women. 
what better way to de-stress than to tell his problems to a sympathetic soft female, to smell her perfume as she leans over him, washing his hair, maybe get an accidental boob-brush … so he goes after work and they assign him to Chair 2, which is unusual they say it like that because for everyone else they say the girl’s name, like “You’ll be with Monica”, etc. but whatever he goes to chair 2 and the girls back is to him, setting up the shampoo and stuff at the sink, and Obito sees long, silky blonde hair, skinny jeans and a fishnet shirt and he’s smiling but then the girl turns around and speaks and holy crap it’s a guy. 
introduces himself as Deidara and Obito doesn’t mean to be rude but makes a comment about how he thought only women worked at this place and Deidara kinda huffs and says that’s discriminatory and Obito kinda sighs but you know what? it’s whatever at this point his day is already shot anyway and this is like the icing on the cake. 
Deidara is washing Obito’s hair and trying to make conversation but Obito isn’t really feeling it until Deidara says something about having a tough day and Obito kinda says like YOU had a tough day?? and proceeds to tell Deidara about his shit day, expecting sympathy or soothing or something but instead Deidara actually laughs, he laughs and he tells Obito how lucky he is to have such a high paying job and says that what he considers shit, other ppl would be grateful to have. 
and he’s drying Obito’s hair and Obito’s sitting there suddenly ashamed of his expensive clothes and jewelry and complaining about minor inconveniences like an asshole. Deidara … is different. his practical, toughened worldview isn’t something that Obito is used to with his spoiled friends or his elitist family, but … he likes it.
Deidara’s chatting more now as he’s cutting Obito’s hair and Obito is noticing little things, like how good Deidara smells; an odd but pleasant mixture of citrus, and cardamom, with a faint tinge of smoky ash. the chest tattoo he can see peaking out of the mesh shirt. the matching ringed scars circling his upper arms.  the way his bright blue eyes (with longer lashes than seems necessary for a man) literally *sparkle* as he tells Obito about an art museum he recently visited. his enviable, flawless peaches and cream complexion, highlighted by an almost indistinguishable scatter of golden-brown freckles across the bridge of his nose. Obito has never thought of men in a romantic sense. he’s dated women his entire life. Deidara doesn’t have curves, or boobs, his voice isn’t low and sweet it’s loud and deep and the haircut is finished and Obito looks at this man and asks him if he wants to go out for coffee after his shift ends and Deidara scrunches up his face and Obito panics because uh oh that face must mean Obito overstepped and Deidara himself doesn’t like men but then Deidara says he’s hated “the evil bean juice”  his entire life and Obito says well what about pizza? and Deidara’s like throw in some extra spicy wings and you’ve got a deal and his small soft hand takes Obito’s large callused one and he writes his number on the palm with a pen and tells Obito to call him at 7 and Obito leaves the shop with a big smile on his face and yeah.
bonus if it’s raining when he walks out and Obito doesn’t have a coat or umbrella or anything so he’s frantically trying to protect his hand so that Deidara’s number doesn’t wash away.
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saint-patrice · 5 years
Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD
oh my godddd you are my favourite person anon - ask and ye shall receive 😎 i should maybe warn that while this doesn’t have actual nsfw content you probably wouldn’t want to read this to your kids as a bedtime story. anyway, here we go: 
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this was very close to making the original list. i like the soft lighting and the kind of floofy hair, yet he still looks like he could absolutely fuck me up (both like in a fight and various other ways). this photo gets me thinking some thoughts ™ if i am being honest
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a literal saint and god amongst men right here. his brown eyes are so soft and his little smile puts me at ease. this is a man who would treat me right (fact). this photo is also from quite deep into the playoffs so the beard is going a little wild, and whilst i’m glad it isn’t like this all of the time, i very much appreciate it when it’s around.
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O CAP’N MY CAP’N (sorry zee). nah for real this exudes some real sexy alternate energy. if i were on the opposing team and i saw this formidable man just skating around looking like that i think i’d just go back down the tunnel and hide in the locker room. this man will fucking kneecap you for the sake of a goal if that’s what it takes. and then i remember that it’s patrice and he’s the nicest man alive and he would literally never, but that’s still the energy this image has. and i ain’t saying i don’t like it.
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okay this is just cute. they look like 2 dads who aren’t entirely sure how to take a selfie but are willing to try. the outfits lend this a slightly chaotic energy - i can’t commend zee’s colour combo if i’m honest, and when juxtaposed with the plaid shirt it kind of hurts my head. but it adds to the dad energy so i still love it. also this is from chara’s ig and the caption is super sweet.
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DADS WITH THEIR KIDS ALWAYS GETS ME. i don’t even want kids, nor do i particularly like them, but seeing a man with his child is the cutest thing in the world and this, predictably, is no exception. patrice’s son 100% has his eyes which is really cute. speaking of patrice’s eyes, he may be smiling here but if you look into his eyes all you will see is fear - that child does not appear too bothered about remaining upright on the ice, and i suspect thay bergy is concerned about this. it would be criminal for me to not comment on the jeans. bergy has some exceptional thighs as these jeans do an excellent job of highlighting that.
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this is Hot, and i’m not accepting criticism on that opinion. the crisp white shirt w no jacket or tie, and the top buttons undone???? i need a lie down. the hands are also making a nice appearance which i can always appreciate. basically what i’m saying is that i’m jealous of that snake this is an excellent photo and i owe the bruins instagram person a drink for posting it.
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do you remember when i said bergy had marvellous thighs? well take a fucking sip babes - they’re like tree trunks carved out of carrara marble. if i have to die i want it to be because they crushed my skull. this is also one of the clearest photos i’ve seen of his tattoo, so it has that going for it too ( sidenote if anyone has an image with literally a pixel of his tattoo pls send it my way, i’m getting desperate at this point). i also think men in jewellery is a good look so i’m digging his beaded bracelets and silver chain. fantastic picture all round.
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yeah okay there’s no escaping that the main reason this one made the list is 🍑. it’s exquisite. those pants also do a great job on the thighs too. the hair, socked feet (no i dont have a fetish i just think ppl in their socks with no shoes is kind of funny), and hands get an honourable mention
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is this the only picture that has ever mattered? i’d believe it. patrice just lovingly gazing down at his son giving his hockey husband a handshake? you just can’t beat it. i have also been emotionally ruined by that tiny #37 jersey oh my
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in the interest of being polite, i will describe this look as rugged. he has probably objectively looked better but i just like this photo and awful lot.
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i don’t think i can give any commentary on this without saying something genuinely not suitable for public eyes. the 2 things i will say are: the only thing keeping me going completely feral horny looking at this is those pants,, if they were black or navy i’d be dead; and patrice i am begging you to do up a few more buttons on your shirt or remove it completely or i’m not going to live much longer.
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oh man i just love this??? i can’t even explain why. the lack of much beard and the expression in his eyes just makes him look massively soft - i would give him a kiss on the nose and a cuddle in this photo
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(gif via @gaudreau) i am slightly loathe to admit this bc it sounds weird but cuts and bruises can sometimes be a real look so this checks that box for me. his smile when he talks truly is one of the finer things in life too. also the lil shrug. i love you mr pikachu
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a** fantastic **angle. this is just prime beautiful bergy.  excellent level of beard imo, the lighting shows off his v nice bone structure, and the nose is looking fab as always. weird observation of the day is that his neck looks nice in this
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i mean obviously this had to go in - lord knows it’s fucking iconic. i have so many questions about how this situation came to be (aside from the fact that alcohol was involved. did brad initiate it? or patrice? why are they spinning? what the fuck? how the fuck? why was i not invited?) but anyway, this photo increased my thirst for a shirtless bergy photo at least two-hundredfold. at this point it’s a need not a want. i don’t think i can continue to comment on this without straying into nsfw territory so we’ll leave it at that. oh the things i would do
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classic humble patrice making an appearance here, reminding us that he is not only the most handsome bastard to ever walk planet earth, but he’s a great guy too. just can’t hate him. and boy is he handsome in this gif. excellent stubble (im really invested in his facial hair if you hadn’t noticed), and the smile that could melt even my cold heart on display here. also bonus points for the previously mentioned thing about cuts/bruises. (sorry). i love this one 
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in contrast to some of the prior ones, this picture is so cute that i can make nothing but pg comments about it. this is exactly the same face we all make when someone points a camera at us and says “cheese!” and i love that. the man looks good in white. good, wholesome content right here.
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(gif via @weekendatbergysblog) okay the baby is cute but the fucking headband is what gets me in this. i’m able to make no further comment because this short circuits my brain.
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(gif via @davidpastrnut)when i first saw this gif i had to go find the source video because i didn’t believe he actually said that but i’m here to tell you: he did. i love these hockey husbands so much. also i saw this tagged as “# hot waiter” one time and i still haven’t got over how accurate that is. someone more talented than me, i’m begging you for that fucking au 
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(gif via @gaudreau) can patrice please stop looking up ??? it’s unfair that someone can look so good just looking in a direction what the fucK. he’s so stunning.
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i love this one. brad pulling his hoodie down like that looks like he’s... soliciting and honestly who could blame him. bergy looks very cute, if a bit edgy in the all black. the hand is a treat in this one hooooooooooooooooo yes
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this one show’s off patrice’s dark features very well. it’s amazing how he has such dark hair, dark eyes, big dark eyebrows, and dark facial hair, yet it doesn’t overcrowd or shadow his face ( except occasionally in awful lighting) ??? does anyone actually know how that works?? he’s looking very pensive here, and that hoodie looks oh-so-cosy. absolutely would cuddle.
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**how cute is this y’all. **in case you thought you were just missing something, no, patrice is not sitting on a chair. he’s just maintaining that deep squat like a champ. maybe that’s the secret to his sublime thighs... the navy/deep red is an excellent look on him, and we get a rare glimpse of bergy with his wedding ring, which i find to be oddly cute. bonus points for him being beside a very cute kid too :)
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(gif via @jakedebrask) this, i, ummmmm. i- uhh. just. um. yeah. so like. uhhhh... swiftly moving on
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) this motherfucker and his handsome fucking face even looks good in that god-awful wooly patriots hat. honestly it looks like he’s about to go out and have a snowball fight (presumably with brad). decidedly rather domestic and i love it
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) intense media patrice is intense. this is such a classic bergy face though, i love it. every time some media person asks him some big long question he puts on this exact very-invested-and-slightly-concerned face, its iconic. looking cosy in a hoodie once again. stop it. 
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nice polo, dude
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) that tshirt looks like its fighting for its life to contain those biceps. a dark, brooding patrice that has some sort of slow burn au stirring deep in my mind. from other angles in this interview the tattoo is fairly visible also.
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this has such a strong energy it almost knocked me off my feet. again, i can see this being some sort of business or maybe criminal masterminds au. but fuck me, does that man looking something beautiful in a suit. the one hand in the pocket is quite frankly BDE too. i’m glad i’m not into dadkes or esle i think this whole picture would be too much for me.
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he is literally the kind of man you’d want to bring home to your parents. i’m glad he seems to have cashed in on the navy/deep red combo because it really does suit him. he looks so fucking dapper here i may be very much in love
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another excellent on-ice shot of him, albeit his slightly concerned expression. the beard is looking fucking crisp here hello sir. not much else to say on this, just a handsome, handsome boy.
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(gif via @jeffsamardzija) another one that gives me Thoughts. he’s literally so beautiful. hair is cut a little shorter than usual on the sides and on anyone else it would scream fuckboy but i’m kind of digging it on bergy, at least on this one occasion. if i say anything else we’ll go down the rabbit hole
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oof this is_ intense. _bergy aside, this is just an incredible shot tbh. rare that we get to see mr perfect not completely level-headed and playing it cool so it feels like a treat when we do. lowkey hot ngl
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last but very certainly not least, mr patrice bergeron, four-time bergeron award winner, holding the award itself. this photo honestly just makes my heart swell a little with pride - it’s what he deserves!!!! just absolutely dapper in a beautiful suit as always, and a smile that could topple a nation to round it all off.
thank you so much for this anon!!! it was rather self-indulgent but i hope you like it :) also i will absolutely do another one with marchy, although my nails have been dry for about 2 hours now so i’ll probably do it tomorrow or friday, but it’s on its way :)
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impalaanddemons · 7 years
Summary: Reader’s a young security officer (Lieutanent Junior Grade) who happened to be on an away mission and fall hard for a certain Chief Engineer. Both of them aren’t the most outgoing regarding their feelings and tend to just watch each other from a distance, which is going to change.
Wordcount: 985
A/N: I haven’t written a real fanfiction in a very long time and it is the first time after a very short attempt last year to write in english. If there are any big errors, pls let me know so I can fix them.
I love feedback, so I’d greatly appreciate it - I’ll tag a few ppl I gathered might be interested in this.
I am also no 200% Star Trek Nerd yet - I tried to get information on security training schedules and stuff, and if there’s anything glaringly wrong pls just tell me while I continue watching TOS ;)
This fiction is set in AOS
Warnings: Reader has something of a low self esteem at the beginning, otherwise none
She was beautiful in zero gravity.
Security did train in zero gravity and the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise had made it a habit to occasionally, just now and then, take a glimpse at the training sessions. There was always something that needed some checking up and welding done and so there had always been a reason to stick around a few training sessions. Today Chief of Security had ordered them all outside - real zero grav for a change - and she had just floated around a monitor. „You’re an old fool, Montgomery Scott“, mumbled the Scotsman to himself and turned around, checking his PADD for messages. He had work to do.
„Y/N, we’re done!“ you’re senior officer waved you back inside and you saluted, turning around, gliding through the vacuum of space, back into the Enterprise. You were in orbit around a planet that was „Fascinating“ according to some well known vulcan - and while you weren’t stuck in WARP, your senior took the opportunity for some real Zero Grav training. You liked those sessions, they were good training in three dimensional navigation. And there was another thing: You loved the thrill of only fabric between you and space. It was a trance - effortless, and silent apart from the soft buzzing of your life support systems. There was a certain beauty to it only you seemed to grasp, as your mates seemed to groan about those drills more than anything else. You halted at the airlock, took another good look at the Enterprise - few inside the ship ever saw her like that, despite when in port - and marveled at her beauty. Yes, you loved what you did.
Airlock shut behind you, pressure equalization whizzed and you could finally take your helmet off. Cassandra was already grinning, small wrinkles around her nose and a twinkle in her eyes. „I was beginning to think you’d never come, took a good look at the lady, huh?“ she laughed, grabbing a towel to rub her face. She threw you another towel. „She’s one beautiful ship,“ you replied, catching the towel with one hand and putting your helmet on a pile of clothes next to you. „Heard we’re off on shore leave?“ „I think the exact words the captain used were ‚camping‘“, replied Cassandra and shook her head, although not all too dismissive. As far as you gathered, exploring was going on well and Captain thought it would be a nice break from your 5 year mission to get a few days off. Do something relaxing. „As long as we’re still airborne, how about breakfast?“ - you nodded to the door, grabbing your pile of clothes. She grinned. „Yeah, I’m starving.“
You went for a steak and some kind of fruit salad, glancing around the room. The sound of chatter and laughter around you filled your head with a pleasant buzz. Cassandra chatted away with some guy from the MedBay she met a few weeks ago. What was his name? Andrew…Andrej…? Something starting with an A. You couldn’t remember, as you didn’t make an effort to remember her companions name until they stuck around for longer then three weeks. As long as she was happy and content and didn’t want you to remember any birthdays, you were fine. She had always had the attention of the guys, and girls, around you. She was tall, at least 6,2 feet. Long hair in a tight knot. Ever sparkling brown eyes. Andrej .. or was it Andrew? .. was smitten. You could see it in his face and had to fight back a grin. Good thing you didn’t share bunks with her anymore, the sleep deprivation would have probably killed you by now.
There was another familiar sound on the enterprise. It was like a different tune in all familiar music. Something that always caught your attention - the sound of a scotsman, laughing. He was sitting there with Bones and the Captain, and their conversation seemed to shift between heated argument and joking around. He shook his head at the captain with what looked like a moan about yet another stunt and as he lifted his head your yes met for a moment. All sound seemed to vanish, as if a hull breach had created a vacuum right here, right now. You smiled and hoped you did not look too sheepishly, nor too .. well.. what? „Well, have you got your eye set on one big fish or what?“ Cassandra’s voice broke through the moment, a moment that couldn’t have lasted more then a second. Maybe two. You hoped. Your cheeks flushed red.
„Shut up.“ - you focused on your steak again. „You know, Y/N, I have seen Scotty hanging around lately.“ „Hmph.“ She always wanted you to get a guy, or girl, or whatever. Someone to relax with. „You were on Solfar 6 with him, weren’t you? That away mission where you caught that nasty burn?“ „Yeah“ - and he had been a pleasure to work with. „It’s Scotty, lass.“ you could still hear his voice ringing in your ears. He had even checked on you in the MedBay afterwards. Cassandra was still looking at you and you let out a small sigh, pushing the rest of the food away from you. „What could a man like that want from a simple security brute like me?“, you lifted your eyebrows. If you had her looks, well, that would be one thing. „He’s smart, he’s nearly a living legend.“ „You’re being unfair to yourself, as usual“ Cassandra shook her head once more. You laughed at her remark „You know it’s true. You do. It’s always you bringing in the fish.“ - „That, my friend, is because I dare to throw my bait out in the ocean, while you’re not even going near water.“ Groaning you got up with her, brought your stuff away and left the mess. A pair of blue eyes followed your every movement out.
Thanks for sticking with me until here
Maybe you are interested in reading this? It’s a one time tag, I’ll not tag you in the second part until you ask me too, as I don’t want to bother anyone!
@youre-on-a-starship @kaitymccoy123 @trekken81
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