#happiest of birthdays to anya!
cairaleighexe · 9 months
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Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg 🖤✨
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eir-trixa · 2 years
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You’re telling me that the daughter of Twilight and the Thorn Princess won’t be trained in self-defense? Fools.
Also, bonus panel since of course I couldn’t resist.
TW❗️❗️❗️ Blood, Bruises, Injury, some clown in denial or something
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
Since Anya's birth records don't exist and Loid forged her ID papers, its very likely that Anya doesn't know when her own "birthday" is, so I'm going to need a mini arc in the manga about Loid throwing her the best birthday party ever. For the mission, you know.
Anya knows Loid is working on a very important mission, but she's not sure what is going on. Apparently acquiring a Bondman toy is key towards achieving world peace? Perhaps there's some sort of secret message inside?? And Yor seems extremely busy too, apparently she's been tasked with preparing a killer party?? Must be some kind of party used to lure and gather her targets in one place so she can dispose of then swiftly.
Imagine her surprise when she arrives home one day and is greeted by her family and classmates shouting "SURPRISE" and wishing her a happy birthday. There's presents and balloons and cake and sweets and lots and lots and lots of peanuts and why is she crying if she's the happiest she's ever been.
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catanny · 1 year
@libelle949 , thanks for tagging! I've never done this before, so here we go...
Name: Anya
Age: 28
Pronounce: she/her
When is your birthday? September 29
Where do you call home? Mother Russia.
Do you have any pets? At this moment? Nope. But I had a cat fur bag (she's living her best cat's life with my granny). She's a picky ass but I love her🥰
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Current favourite musical artist: I actually don't know if I have a favourite artist 🤔 but my current favourite song - Wicked game. I'm in love with original song and with covers!
What do you do for work? Safety control of food.
If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Keanu Reeves for sure! He's such a sweetheart. I just want to give him a biggest hug and treat him a homemade cake❤️
What are you wearing right now? My oversized t-shirt and pants.
You're going back to school, what's your major? Oh, good question! Probably something like IT major. Or my childhood dream - veterinary science.
Last fanfic or book you read: shame on me🫣 It's been a long time since I've read a book. But if interactive books count too - it's "Wayhaven chronicles book 3" and "Fallen Hero Retribution".
And finally, share a happy memory with me: One of my happiest memories - when I moved in apartment of my dreams and paid off my mortgage. It was one of the best feelings when I entered MY new home.
Thanks again for tagging, @libelle949 ! It was fun!
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anyakined · 5 months
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to my gothic king on his birthday. @bowerhqs
i'm just going to say that today is one of the greatest days because the love of my life was born and i'm pretty thankful for that. every since you came into my life i've been the happiest that i've ever been, you make me smile and feel things that i've truly never felt before. so i'm happy that i'm getting to celebrate this day with you, happy that i'm getting to spoil you with some gifts because you deserve them and i want to make you smile as much as you make me smile. i never thought i'd find someone that gets me the way you get me, or find someone that i'd connect with so deeply as i've connected with you. you truly are my gothic and spooky king, and i'm so lucky that i've found someone that enjoys all the things that i enjoy, but who i could easily spend every day with for the rest of my life and never be bored. plus i'm happy to get to tell you that you're the sexiest 35 year old alive, and i can't wait to give you a little birthday spice later to show just how sexy i find you. you make 35 look good, darling.
i've spent many weeks trying to find the perfect gifts for you that i know that you would very much enjoy, so i really hope that you like them all and know that every single one of them truly made me think of you. and i truly hope they make you smile and feel appreciated because i appreciate you so much and i can't stress enough how thankful i am for you being in my life, and for you loving me as i love you. so here is me wishing you the happiest of birthdays, my love, and hopefully i can make your day as special as you are.
love you always,
your gothic queen, anya
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this is a custom schecter that's signed by george romero that i thought would be perfect for your guitar collection.
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another custom guitar that i had to buy the moment i saw it because of your love for my movie the vvitch. i just knew it would be perfect for your collection!
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i know your love for all things saint laurent and i'm pretty sure that you don't already have this jacket, all i know is that it'll look gorgeous on you and i can't wait for you to wear it out with me some night.
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this is a custom skull ring with black diamonds that i had made for you, the minute i saw the design i knew it would look perfect on your hand.
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okay, to this is one of those purchases that i couldn't help myself with either. i just thought it would be a cute idea for you to have your own tattoo kit, even though i know it might be asking for trouble with you having access to a tattoo kit at all times. i thought we could get some practice skins as well, and tattoo on those and once we're good we can tattoo something special on each other.
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i know i'm the crystals girl, but i just wanted to get you this black obsidian point crystal to take away any negative energy you might have, especially if i'm not around with my crystals!
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i just thought this lighter was cute and figured a man couldn't have enough zippos, right?
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because out of all of your horror shirts, you're lacking the vvitch one and i had to change that for you!
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i was trying to think of the perfect holiday for the two of us to take at some point, and decided to book a weekend at the lizzie borden house, where we'll be staying in the john v morse suite and i just know it's going to be an amazing weekend for the two of us. i knew i wanted to make sure to include something really spooky for your birthday, and hopefully, you've never been here before so we can experience this for the first time together!
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no-slurprises · 2 years
The Joys for Boy
 (Tho your English is so damn gewd, and mine is not so, I’ll remain to write in Anak Jaksel way, you know, English covers the clumsiness). Hi, dear Boy! It’s exactly a week before your birthday and been 65 days we don’t meet each other, but still connected for WFH kinda stuffs, and through convo in our Whatsapp and Slack group, or the Twitter link we sometimes shared privately. This outbreak sucks, the longing of meeting the others in the office did even more. And, the saddest one is, we did miss a lot of things we usually do in office, having lunch together, monthly closing, and friend’s birthday surprise, and.... also yours.  Aha, someone is turning 30! How does it feel, to be in the age of early “om-om”? Hehehehe (Ga deng, gapapa bentar lagi juga gue ikut menua hehehehe). To the very best friend I firstly had in the office, I wish you the happiest birthday, ya Boy, and since I’ll be good person for the one who’s having birthday, I’ll write all the joys, hopefully you’ll get on your special day :)
You’re the first person helped me a lot during my probation in the office, and you’re well known as “Mas Boy yang senang menolong”, and you always keep asking for anything we probably need, so I pray, hopefully, all helps come along to your life always, may God ease anything you’re doing, and I believe He will.
You often treat us ice cream, or coffee sometimes, and what I cant forget till this very now, you treated me 2 glasses of vodka which didn’t even make me tipsy, till then I got jackpot *double smiles* and a bottle of beer on my birthday *hurray*, so I pray, may God bless you with a lifetime prosperity, tentunya untuk dipakai di jalan kebenaran yaaa, biar bisa melanjutkan liburan yang tertunda, jangan dipake nyewa hotel aneh-aneh, kalau mau ke hotel biar partner yang bayar, orang ganteng gabole susah :)
Since so many people said that you’re a very nice person to them, I sincerely pray, semoga kehidupan lo selalu diliputi kebaikan-kebaikan dari setiap penjuru mata angin, kebaikan yang panjang, apapun bentuk kebaikannya.
You’re generally kind person for all people in the office, meskipun tiap bulan ada aja keluhannya, tapi keluhan lo ngga jadi halangan buat lo bantuin orang, jadi sepenuh hati gue yakin your good deeds will be your good destinies, you’re a smart one, you have integrity (wanjay), you have goal and passion which may your own self does not aware (gue juga baru sadar belakangan sih setelah ngobrol sama lo beberapa waktu lalu), so that’s why, I do believe that success belongs to you as well, may God light your path of life, termasuk untuk karir lo. Jadi gapapa ngeluh, dikit aja, dibagi keluhannya jangan lupa, nomor gue aktif 24/7, kalau ga dibales ya gue lagi tidur ;)
Dari sekian banyak hari yang sudah gue lewati bersama lo, ada pemandangan unik yang kerap gue liat di sisi lain diri lo terhadap orang lain, you’re a very sweet person, sometimes. Gue kadang sampe mikir, kok bisaaa? Hahahaha. This is why, I hardly pray, and wish you are surrounded by the love you dream of. Apapun bentuk cintanya, dari orang tua, keluarga, teman-teman, atau dari siapapun sumbernya yang lo harapkan, semoga kehidupan lo penuh cinta kasih, iya gausah sama Isyana, Anya Geraldine, atau yang terakhir kemarin itu gapapa, lagian, yang nyata bisa diraih aja dong kalau punya mimpi hehehe.
Since you have a bad history of your health, then I beg to the only God, for blessing you the health, mentally and physically. Tolong banget lambung dijaga, asamnya jangan sering-sering naik, palagi naiknya sampe ke muka hehehehe. Dan yang paling mahal, jaga kesehatan jiwa ya, kalau mulai stress, cepet-cepet cari pertolongan ke mall, belanja, kan udah didoain biar prospered :)
So I summarize, may God bless you with the happiness, the timeless happiness. Kebahagiaan yang ngga ada habisnya, yang ngga ada ujungnya. Kebahagiaan yang apapun bentuknya, yang lo mau dan Tuhan kehendaki, bisa hadir dari dan untuk lo sendiri :)
Oh iya, ini sekalian farewell gue karena udah ngga satu Ruma lagi kali ya sama lo hahahaha *padahal aku kraaay*, dan karena ngga akan ada farewell juga sih. Jadi ya here we go, and it’s always began from thank you kinda things, right? hahahaha. I do thank you for soooooo many things you did for me from the very beginning ya Boy. Dari sejak awal gue datang ke kantor, sampai sekarang akhirnya gue harus udahan. Thanks-nya akan banyak banget, Boy, gue ngga bisa list semuanya satu-satu :(
Terima kasih karena mau dengan sabar dan ngga pelit ngajarin dan berbagi banyak hal soal kerjaan. Asem-asem dikit itu air muka gapapa, cause all the details you taught, at the end helped me as a rookie di dunia per-startup-an.
Terima kasih karena selalu bersedia ditanyain apapun, bahkan bantuin ngasi jawaban buat auditor. Bukan cuma buat gue, tapi buat teman-teman yang lain, mungkin semua juga sepakat, kadang-kadang you’re the first door we knocked when the problems poked, hehehe :)
Terima kasih karena selalu offer bantuan apapun ke gue, saat bokap ngga ada, saat kemarin gue dicoret dari Ruma, dan saat-saat gue tampak masi sibuk pas hari terakhir closingan (:
Terima kasih karena mau melibatkan gue di acara team, meskipun ya begitu doang gue bisanya, and sadly, ternyata gue juga cuma bisa andil sampai situ doang *cry*.
Terima kasih karena bersedia pulang bareng meskipun di MRT kita bengong-bengong juga karena capek, bersedia gue recokin nonton film padahal lo udah janjian sama temen, atau justru bersedia diajakin nonton karena gue ngga ada temen, dan bersedia gue intilin ke Starbucks padahal lo lagi pingin me time gegara gue ga jadi nginep di hotel :(
Terima kasih karena mau aja membunuh waktu malam-malam di McD Sarinah, jalan-jalan di Sabang buat sekadar ngopi. Heran gue kadang-kadang, katanya capek, bukannya balik cepet ke kosan, malah sempet-sempetnya cari McD yang sepian dikit, anak muda emang susah diem di rumah. Terus nanti kita nungkrung di McD mana nih?
Terima kasih karena masih belum kapok buat minum bareng sama gue, nganterin sampe kosan, meski gue udah pernah jackpot hahahaha duhhh kalau inget ini gue merasa sial emang, tapi kayaknya juga lo lebih sial deh hari itu. Ebentar......... apa sebenernya juga lo udah kapok? Maap ya :(
Terima kasih karena sudah pernah goblo bersama di saat-saat sulit mencari travel ke Bandung *smile* sumpah gue masi merasa goblo kalau mengingat ini *smile* tapi yauda lah ya gapapa, kapan lagi luntang-lantung dari pusat ke selatan, udahnya naik travel jam 2 pagi ke Bandung, terus makan indomi jam 5 pagi di Ciumbuleuit (oh ini sih gue) khaaaan (:
Terakhir, terima kasih karena ngga sengaja nemenin gue, lagi-lagi membunuh waktu nunggu jadwal kereta dengan ngeteh bareng dan nonton di PP, dan anter gue ke Gambir. Untung bukan airport, dikira adegan AADC ntar hehehehe kan lo udah mirip Rangga, dalam hal mempermainkan perasaan hehehehe. Eh ini jadi hari terakhir kita ketemu ngga sih?
Gilssss *clap-clap* belom juga setahun, tapi kayaknya cerita udah banyak aja. Ya ngga banyak-banyak amat lah, cuma lumayan. Lebih banyak cerita lo dan teman-teman yang lain kayaknya. Masi ada lagi sih tapi bakal kepanjangan. Pantes mantan lo susah move on he he he.
Pesan gue dua sih:
Do many things for your own self. Lo adalah orang yang gue kenal sangat selfless sih. Your self needs rewards. Jangan terlalu keras sama diri sendiri. Jangan lupa minta bantuan orang kalau memang lo udah kewalahan, jangan ditahan, buktinya ngga pernah baik buat kesehatan, kan. Lo sering mikirin orang lain gimana, tapi kadang lo lupa mikirin diri sendiri. Kasih diri lo lebih banyak apresiasi dari hari ini ya. 
Keep hoping, keep praying, keep believing (udah kayak AgnesMo belom gue?). Iya paham kok gue, ke gereja aja setaun sekali kalau niat kan? Wq. Tapi gapapa lah doa kan bukan cuma milik orang-orang yang rajin ibadah. Tetaplah punya harapan apapun bentuknya, ngarep punya tante pun gapapa kok untuk menunjang perekonomian ;) Tetaplah berdoa dan percaya. Ngga ada orang yang sepenuhnya ngga percaya doa gue rasa. Tetaplah berdoa, pada apapun yang lo percaya. Paling ngga, doa bikin lo lebih “hidup” dan menghidupkan harapan-harapan lo.
Satu lagi deng, keep shining, shimmering, splendid, as bright as the first time you got haircut and applied pomade to your hair mwehehehehe. Keep being Mas Ganteng yha!
Bukan apa-apa sih, cause I need a larger platform to write some things to you, so I come here and post this privately, so no worry ini akan dibaca sama banyak orang ya. Aku smart kok *wink* *wink*.
Aaaand, here we are at the stop by, so wherever I will be after this, lets still connected, as a year office mate, and as a friend, as a friend I reach in the mid of night just to share a Twitter link talking about anything, if you dont mind ofc.
I’ll meet you soon ya and let me know what things I should do to treat you, anything, tapi inget, tahu diri :)
Tho the age is only a number, so keep it stuck to the very best version of you!
Hipibidiiiii, dear Boy <3
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qveenknowles · 2 years
Happiest of birthdays, queen! 💜
Thank you Anya!
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greeksorceress · 2 years
today is one of the happiest days of the year! today’s anya’s birthday and i'm 🥺❣️ happy birthday to one of the most talented, successful and beautiful people in the world!!! i love her so much your honor 
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druidgroves · 2 years
2, 14, 17, 33 for zara and yelena 💕
thank u miss anya <33
character questions ask meme
2. What is your character’s happiest memory?
Zara's is one of the last days she had with her parents before they were killed in a demon attack. Obviously they couldn't predict that, so the day is kind of regular in retrospect: helping her mother with the garden, her father taking them to the market with him, a family meal. Just the closeness of being with family. She was nine when they were killed & was sent to the local orphanage until she was twelve & the Hunters recruited her. She'd always been pretty lonely from that point of her life to when the game starts, so it's a memory she keeps close to her heart.
Yelena's happiest memory is probably with her childhood best friend, Zori, before her thirteenth birthday. A good summer day with the perfect amount of heat to make swimming in the nearby river the best feeling in the world, splashing and dunking each other. They spent the rest of the day running around the nearby woods, climbing trees and having fake fights with sticks that make the best swords. When it started getting dark, they trekked back to the place the caravans had set up and had a sleepover in Yelena's bed, sat up half the night under the covers telling spooky stories. It's her happiest memory because that's always been the best way she's remembered Zori & their friendship for years after: young, happy, & spending time with the person who understood her the most.
14. Do they have someone that they consider to be a family member, even if they’re not related to your character by blood? What was one of your character’s favourite moments with them, and what makes them so special to them?
Zara probably doesn't have anyone like that! She was an only child and even though she was in an orphanage for three years, she never really connected with the other kids (which tbh probably made her a good target for Hunter recruitment--didn't really seem to have any emotional connections holding her back). Like, after the events of the game they're obvs close with the group but she doesn't really consider any of them like. a sibling or anything.
Yelena always considered Zori a sister to her when they were growing up (which, rip to Zori who may or may not have had a crush on her?). She was also kinda lonely growing up, especially after losing her entire village, but deep in her chest she always felt that pang of wanting. Within the Shepherds, she considers most of them family, though Caine, Briony, & Red are probably the most sibling-like for her. Her favourite moment with Zori is also her happiest memory, but her favourite moments with the others are any time she's gotten to teach Caine how to fight, shopping with Briony, and learning more advanced magic theorem with Red.
17. How was their childhood? Did their parents treat them fairly? Did they have any really good friends?
Zara had a happy childhood until her parents died. They loved their kid a lot & tried to instill a good work ethic into her, which they did. She played with the kids in their village, but I don't think she was particularly close to any of them tbh. Overall she had a fairly normal childhood until she was nine, & then after being recruited, had a...less normal one. Obviously.
Yelena also had a nice childhood until her thirteenth birthday. She was raised by her adoptive parents after being discovered as an infant. Her adoptive father was kind & obviously loved her, but he just had difficulty showing it, especially after her adoptive mother passed. She remembers her mother being graceful and lively before she got sick & misses her every day. She doesn't know a thing about her bio parents & hasn't ever really felt a strong need to seek them out--she was content with the people who raised her & as far as she's concerned, they'll always be her parents. As for friends, obvs Zori was her closest one.
33. In your character’s opinion, is it okay being content in one place, or are people just wasting their time if they don’t explore?
Zara was so used to moving around a bunch due to Hunter business that she never really tried to make anywhere 'home' until the business in Lunaris. She liked the traveling aspect of the job a lot, & still loves to travel now, but she's reached the point where she does consider Lunaris home & would be content staying there if she didn't get to travel anymore.
Yelena has longed for another home for as long as hers has been gone. She misses the sense of community, the familiarity, & the love. Traveling as much as she did between then & joining the Shepherds was more a matter of making money or trying to find somewhere that could be home. It's safe to say that she's content to stay in Haven with the Shepherds, because no matter where she travels now, she knows the compound & it's people will always be home for her.
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orangeyouglad8 · 4 years
1. Lexa and Clarke start going to random bar trivia on Wednesday nights. It sort of starts as a joke but once Raven and Murphy join the team they start wiping the floor every week. They win so many free beers and people groan when they show up and sit at their favored booth in the back. Even a few drinks in, they lock in answers before most of the other teams.
2. Now that Clarke actually likes her job she has so much more free time. And not that she’s not busy and working less, more than her mind is happier so her downtime can be spent doing the activities she loves instead of hating everything and taking longer to get her shit done. She starts reading for fun again and whenever Lexa finds her with a book, she smiles this cute little smile and Clarke just has to kiss her.
3. For Lexa’s birthday Clarke makes sure she doesn’t get stuck on a trial and rents a nice beach house out of the city. They spend five glorious days soaking up sun, swimming, cooking, drinking, and on a couple rainy afternoons, break out some old board games from one of the closets (some pieces missing of course). Anya and the rest of their friends come out for a couple days and spend the summer holiday at the beach. Raven sneaks out some fireworks and they set them off drinking and laughing. It is one of the best birthdays Lexa has ever had and every time she looks over at Clarke her heart feels like it’s going to jump out of her chest. She has never been so in love.
4. Clarke is always cold. Always. It’s astounding to Lexa, who is always hot. Clarke’s cold feet sneak attack her every night in bed. Clarke’s cold fingers crawl over her stomach. Clarke’s body huddles up in layers and layers and Lexa gets hot just looking at her. But when Clarke snuggles into her for warmth, it’s absolute perfection. As miserable as Clarke is in winter, Lexa is in summer. Somehow it makes sense.
5. The gang gets invited to Gus’ Thanksgiving. It’s as amazing and Lexa has said. There is every kind of food and side dish anyone could imagine for the meal, complete with several cocktails and perfectly paired wines. It’s almost like a tasting menu, except this time when Gus leaves the Polis kitchen to explain each dish he sits at the head of the table adding his booming laughs to the conversation. It is the happiest Thanksgiving Clarke has had in ages, and that’s even before she sees the tables of pies. She curls up into Lexa in the car on the way home and kisses her jaw and feels immensely grateful for this woman and everything she’s brought into Clarke’s life.
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chibifatou · 3 years
ANYA!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE ON THIS SITE!!!! you're absolutelyjglksd one of the sweetest and most supportive and funniest and loveliest people here, and i could not thank YOU FOR THE LEVEL OF SUPPORT AND LOVE YOU SHOW EVERYONE AROUND YOU!!!! you deserve to receive all of that back and more and i hope your day is wonderful and beautiful and full of all your favorite things and people. happiest 18th to yoU!!!! hope you're being treated like the queen you are ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
EMMA ILY SO MUCH🥺🥺🥺 how do u always find such a lovely words, im smiling so much every time when u text me o my godhwah THANK YOU SO SO MUCH LOVE💞✨💓🌙💫❣️💘
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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I hope you have the most amazing day, Anya! You are such a beautiful, talented, funny, and all around wonderful person. I’m so lucky to have gotten the chance to know you! Happiest of Happy Birthdays to you! I hope it is the start of an absolutely incredible year. You deserve all the best! Love ya! xoxo 😘
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mechaseraph · 6 years
HEWWO AGAIN SERAPH !! Here I'm with some IE asks X3 The Break Trio asks + the Fudou one, please! >3
Yeah, hi again, Anya! :,D ... why I’m not surprised to get Break Trio for an ask? XDEndou: Happiest moment in life so far 
Hard to say, there was few I guess:One of them when I played Sonic and MegaMan games for the first time. Tho yeah ther was and age gasp between these two time like in... 4 or 5 years but still. It was Sonic Adventure DX and MegaMan Maveric Hunter X and oh boi, I loved these games, I truly felt happy playing them and meeting with these series in next years of my life, ‘cause.. how do I say it... It was like I encountered something that was just aestheticaly made just for me?  Like that Papyrus’ quote from Undertale “Oh no, you are meeting all of my standarts!” XD 
Also when my parents gifted me telescope on my 11th birthday
And every moment when I realized that person with whom I’m talking to is my friend nowAnd... I bet you all were expecting it, but I feel very happy every time I look at Endou or think about him, so I guess his whole existence counts too :,D
Gouenji: What you want to be when you grow up
I’m 18, am I growen up elready? *thinking emoji* idk.. decent human being at least? someone who doesn’t feel anxious ‘cause of their life and so on
Kidou: Favourite school subject and why
History with no doubts. First of, ‘cause our history teachers was GOLD with good dark jokes and sarcasm (boi, do I love dark sense of humor and sarcasm) and since the subject is very interesting itself. I mean there is so many trash things going on, esp in our Russian history. Feels like you are reading some extreme comedy or smthing.
Fudou: List three fears
1) Being useless for everyone
2) If smthing bad happened to my bro
3) Heart attack??? not sure i’m kinda very afraid of it yet at the same time my inner little masochist wondering how it feels
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anyeas · 3 years
HAPPIEST birthday to you anya!!!! hope its a fantastic one!! 💖💫 have fun <3 and have lots of cakes!!!
alice ! thank you ( ◜‿◝ )♡ yes i will <3
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clexaao3feed · 6 years
The Happiest Place on Earth
by Avenger702008
Clarke and Lexa meet at Disney World on Lexa's seventh birthday. From the second that they meet they are best friends and there families grow close together. Lexa quickly realizes that the vacation has to end and she has to leave Clarke.
This story will span the lives of Lexa and Clarke as they try to deal with growing up without each other. Disney will always be there safe place, but will how they act at Disney affect what goes on in there real lives?
Clarke and Lexa are destined to be together and fate will bring them together time and time again even if its not what they want.
Words: 11626, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Jake Griffin, Abby Griffin, Anya (The 100), Anastasia Woods original character, Alexander Woods original character, Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake, Lincoln Woods, Gustus (The 100), Indra, Aurora Blake, Raven Reyes
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Abby Griffin/Jake Griffin, Anastasia Woods/Alexander Woods
Additional Tags: clexa as kids, Childhood Friends, Disney World, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Family Vacations, Growing Up Together, Friends to Lovers, emotional Clarke, Quiet Lexa, Protective Anya (The 100)
Read Here: http://ift.tt/2psXVQ5 via IFTTT
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jodellejournals · 4 years
wildflower | july 1, 2020 entry
today is a day supposedly to be celebrated with party hats and bags and games enjoyed by children, but we are on quarantine, so let me just write my birthday message here to express my thoughts and sentiments.
happiest and healthiest fourth birthday to a little sweetheart that is my niece. small as she may be, she is mighty with her high-pitched voice and is never without her little bag and makeup kit inside. her every request is everyone’s command, proving she got us in the palm of her hands. she is my niece, four years old today, shares the same birthday with the late diana, princess of wales, and often gets mistaken as my baby sister.
on december 28, 2019, i remember combing her soft, fresh-cut, and silky hair then clipped it daintily at the side. she seemed to enjoy every second of the pampering i gave — it involved hairbrushes and hairclips, after all. we played for a bit and she participated in my snapchat stories, as she always does, while playing with a random straw in one hand. she is fond of mimicking anyone and anything. oh, the delightful, fun, and fundamental stages of being a human. so free, candid, and happy — full of discoveries.
dear little anya, you are a wildflower with your independent mind and wild heart. a free spirit who is sunshine and joy to our family. your kisses on cheek always warm the heart and your tight hugs pleasantly bring a baby scent of sweet vanilla, fresh lemon, and pure honey. just like what i would tell any little girl and my younger self, “stay wild, flower child.” your best days are ahead of you.
with love and best wishes,
“tita dodelle”
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