#happiness really IS in the buneary!!!! I am so happy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
journeystartstoday · 3 years
Story Time
The Adoption - Meeting A New Friend
Words: 4623
Summary: This is the story version of how the adoption process went from start to end with @adventures-on-foster-island ! Thanks again!
It was unsettling to settle back in to say the least.
Going from constantly traveling to sitting at home everyday was a change neither me or my pokemon were very happy about at first. Of course, I had discussed it with them before I made the decision to come home, and of course, it was great to see my family and friends again after that year away, but it was also... slower. More controlled. Less exciting in a way that constantly being surrounded by the unexpected does to you. In my little rented appartment in Rota, there were no wild pokemon that would steal my lunches, no random trainers that would challenge me as soon as our eyes met. There were no mad dashes to outrun rain clouds and no seeking shelter with wild pokemon... everything was peaceful. Everything was safe.
Luckily, it never became boring. In my first couple of days back, just as I was taking a stroll around town to see what had changed and to greet the merchants and shopkeepers I grew up around, Miss Chiba from the bakery offered me a job. The best kind of coincidence, right? During my journey I had garnered many different recipes and tips and tricks to make different pasteries, so of course I happily agreed. Eevee was over the moon when I told them the news and insisted on keeping me company during my working hours... totally not because they had a sweet tooth and were banking on getting all the left-overs and taste tests they would likely be gifted if they hung around the kitchen all day...
Okay, so maybe I had spoiled Eevee too much on our time on the road. Nothing wrong with that.
To my surprise, Riolu declined the invitation to come along with us, even if she was as much a sweets lover as Eevee. Instead, she wanted to keep training and keep honing her powers so she could be ready for when I would inevitably go on another journey again. It was sweet, so I let her, with the promise that she came by during lunch break so we could all eat together and hear about her process.
And that's how my days back home went from then on. Eevee and I would see Riolu to the city wall and wave her goodbye as she headed towards the small forest where she liked to train, and then Eevee and I were off to the bakery. It was a nice change of pace for a while. Homey. Safe. But after a couple of weeks I started to get this weird, empty feeling. Like something was missing. Incomplete.
Whether it was because of my former partner Squirtle, who had left the team at the end of my journey through Kanto to be with a group of wild Squirtle that wanted him to be their leader and protector; or because my apartment was a little small (even if it beat my little tent by a mile) and I felt constricted somehow... I don't know. But the short version of it was that I wanted to change things up a little. I couldn't go on another journey. Not yet. Only a couple more weeks and I had enough money for that. However, a friend recommended me something else. Something better.
Adopt a pokemon.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical of it at first, since I didn't know if I was capable of caring for a pokemon that could possibly have bad memories with people, but I still wanted to give it a chance. I wouldn't be a very good trainer if I wouldn't.
It was on one of my days off, and Eevee and I persuaded Riolu to take a rest day too, so we could all walk towards the closest pokemon centre together. There, I made a call. It was to Ellisa, former pokemon researcher and head caregiver of Foster Island, an island facility dedicated to saving and caring for neglected, abandoned, or abused pokemon. Of course, there were multiple ways to adopt a pokemon, but my friend had been really adamant about this place. I could hardly argue against it, especially when she showed me one of the pokemon she had adopted from the place. It was a little cutie, so precious, but still a bit wary of other trainers. It totally convinced me. It would take a while to travel there once I had chosen a date to look at the pokemon for adoption, but at least this saved me from doing hours of research and chickening out. All in all, it was a great way to adopt a new friend.
Anyway, I called Ellisa and after a short trading of names and giving introductions, I told Ellisa my story and told her a bit about what I did in daily life nowadays. It wasn't much to go on honestly, so I was pleasantly surprised when after about two hours, Ellisa called me back to say she had a few candidates that would like to meet me! I was so excited and immediately scheduled a day I would come by. The days that followed where filled with daydreaming and planning my short trip overseas, but I was so looking forward to it that time flew by in no time!
And now I sit here, on the deck of a ship that is taking me, Riolu and Eevee towards Foster Island. Finally! I'm a little nervous if I have to be honest, but I think the knot in my stomach belongs to the good kind of nerves. The jittery, excited kind.
"Eievui!" Little brown paws clamber across my leg. Eevee smugly sits themselves on my lap and strains their neck to look over the railing of the ship.
"Be careful," I say to them, gently placing a hand against their belly to keep them from falling off. Eevee just wiggles a little on my lap, but keeps watching the water pokemon before us. Seels skirt across the water's surface, while magikarps and tympoles occasionally spring from the water in high arcs before they dissappear under the waves again. Everytime the latter happens, Eevee squals in glee, never failing to point out that there was a water pokemon there, did you see that?!
Or at least, I think they say that. I could be wrong.
I softly pat Eevee's head as they keep watching the waves and I slowly turn to meet Riolu's gaze. She stands next to the door that leads inside the boat. Ever since I received her, she has always been the 'cool' type of pokemon. Crosses her arms, stands slightly back and leans against the wall of the ship so you can't see the happy sparkle in her eyes - the whole deal. It only makes her cuter honestly. I'm carefull not to break her bubble though. She once tried to tell me that she did it because she felt like she was the protector of our little family. So cute.
She believes that for that she always has to stay back and keep watch. Keep us safe.
And she does. She really does keep us safe, both during our journey and now that we are on a trip to find a new friend. I just hope she can let her guard down a little when we meet them so there's no hostility or anything from the start. I've been told Riolu's cold demeaner scares off some pokemon, but I'm sure that won't be the case now. To be sure, I ask with my eyes if she's doing alright. She simply nods back.
Okay, so she is just as nervous as I am, I'm glad.
After a period of watching the waves and listening to the soft chitter from Eevee, the boat finally moors on Foster Island, an assistent already waiting for me there. She gives me a soft smile and brings me along to the care facility further down the coast. I'm no connoiseur on architecture, but the building just screamed safe and open to me as soon as I saw it. A lot of glass, a lot of white, happy paintings of happy pokemon on banners at both sides of the entrance. Just as we enter the building, I let Eevee down from where I kept them against my chest. I saw a small playground just to my left. They always love those.
"Come back when I call, 'kay?" I yell at their retreating form.
...I'll search for them when the time comes.
The assistent leads me and Riolu further into the building untill we arrive at a large room, one wall completely made of glass so everyone can see the small garden on the other side. From where I enter I can already see a couple of Bidoof chasing each other in a friendly game of tag, while a Pachirisu and Buneary are peeking out from behind a bush and watch them with interest. It warms my heart to see them so carefree. Who knows what they have had to endure to come here?
"You may take a seat here," the assistent says and gestures around at the various sofa's and beanbags, "Ellisa will meet you shortly. Please make yourself comfortable."
"Thank you-" The assistent is already gone. Well. Okay.
I sit down on one particularly soft-looking beanbag and almost drown it, before righting myself. Hopefully nobody was watching the security cameras; that was akward. Next to me, Riolu snickers. I have the urge to respond sarcastically, but... well, it was kind of funny. I laugh with her.
The floor of this room is a soft carpet, pastel colored circles spread across it that makes the place look happy and safe. A perfect place to play. I'm almost tempted to throw off my shoes and let my feet rest on the soft carpet, but I decid that it would probably be best not to do that in a public space.
Riolu and I watch the pokemon behind the glass play and relax, untill a door to my right opens.
"Yes, that's me."
Ellisa steps inside the room and holds out her hand. I shake it.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person," Ellisa says.
"Likewise." I smile at her, but soon my eye catches movement behind her. A small Bidoof appears from behind her legs. It's body is smaller than the Bidoof I had seen in the garden and it's teeth are far more white. Like they have been cleaned far more recently. Or are newly grown. I hope it's not the latter.
Ellisa notices my gaze and smiles softly at Bidoof. "This is Bidoof," she introduces it, "This one came to us with overgrown front teeth, as her trainer left her in a crate with nothing to chew most of the time. Her mouth has fully recovered, as you can see, as well as her fighting spirit." She came a little closer to me to whisper, "She does still have claustrophobia however, so avoid putting her in any kind of container or very small room if you choose her."
As soon as I hear that I can feel my heart break a little. That must have been horrible. No wonder even now, Bidoof seems skittish around me. It wouldn't be easy to open yourself up to new people after experiencing something like that.
"It is nice to meet you Bidoof," I say and crouch down in front of her. I want to pet her, but decide against it. Instead I give her my brightest smile. "I'm glad you're doing alright now."
Bidoof cautiously shuffles from behind Ellisa's legs and approaches me. She's just precious. When she's close enough, Bidoof dips her head down a little.
Ah, I understand.
"May I?"
I reach out with my hand and slowly, gently cart my fingers through her fur. It is incredibly soft. Bidoof croons quietly.
"This is going to be impossible..." I murmur to myself. How will I ever choose? I stand up again, to the slight disappointment of Bidoof. Ellisa just smiles and nods at an assistent that just entered the room with a pokemon in their arms. It's a Lotad, but with a small, pale purple water lilly on it's lilly pad. It's so cute!
"This is Lotad," Ellisa says, and thanks the assistent as she takes Lotad in her own arms, "This is the sweetest little guy in our garden pool. We assume that he was abandoned before the flower bloomed, and the trainer thought he was sick when he saw the bud growing... He's pretty cold resistant, and finds it too hot here on the island. He said he'd like to travel again soon."
I smile at Lotad, who shyly turns his gaze away. I can't imagine anyone leaving him just for his looks. It almost makes me mad, but I manage to keep my smile as I nod at Lotad. "You look beautiful Lotad, anyone thinking otherwise cannot see what is right in front of them."
The water type shifts a little in Ellisa's arms, but I can see it preens at the compliment. Good.
A soft knock on the open door alerts me to the next arrival. A Skarmory stands in the doorway, it's expression closed off and cold. Scars litter it's body that resemble the silhouettes of dead trees, as if his body is still in the hold of their branches and never managed to escape them. It saddens my heart. Skarmory must notice my expression, because as he steps further into the room, he grumbles and turns his head away from me.
Ellisa starts with the introduction as if there has not already happened an akward exchange between us.
"This is Skarmory. He was rescued from a poaching operation about a year ago, and had been badly electrocuted multiple times there. Although he is all healed, his scars never disappeared..." Skarmory shifts on his legs, but keeps his eyes on the ground. "I know he may look intimidating-"
May look intimidating? He practically already rejected me after our eyes met for only a second!
"-but I swear that it's quite on the contrary. Skarmory here has the largest heart of any of the pokemon here and will put himself in danger if that means he can help those he cares about."
I swallow through the rejection and tug my lips back up in a smile. "It is nice to meet you, Skarmory." My voice gets stuck in my throat. What else can I say to him? He even refuses to look me in the eye...
No doubt picking up on my unease, Riolu steps forward and quietly growls something at Skarmory. The steel and flying type does look up from that, but his expression is anything but friendly. Before Riolu can get closer and possibly start a fight, I step in between the two hard heads.
"Be nice, you two. This is just an introduction session, no time for a battle." I look at Riolu and raise an eyebrow. Riolu huffs, but stands back. My arms drop back to my sides. "Good."
I turn to Ellisa, who is placing Lotad on the ground. She pulls a spray bottle from... somewhere, and softly sprays his lilly pad. Then as she stands up, she smiles at all three of the adoption pokemon now present.
"These are the pokemon that were the most insistent on meeting with you, Sky," she says. I can't help but be a little surprised by that and try to catch Skarmory's eyes, but he has his head down again. "You have about the next hour or so to get to know them and play a little with them. I will come back when it's time to say goodbye or for you to make a choice. You may choose if you want to stay inside or if you want to go into the garden, that's up to you. I hope you will all have a good time." After saying her goodbyes to the pokemon, she leaves us alone.
It is quiet for a second, but I decide to take the lead and break the silence. I clasp my hands together.
"Alright! What about you three give us a tour of the garden? I would like to see all your favorite spots. Does that sound like a plan?"
"Bi-bi!" Bidoof happily makes his way to the door, and Lotad and a hesitant Skarmory follow her. I take Riolu's paw and follow behind them. Hopefully, all will work out now.
The garden truly is a special place. There's something for every kind of pokemon — a small patch of ice in the corner for pokemon who want to cool down after playing, a sandy part for pokemon to sunbathe in. A small pool is surrounded by low grass hills, and trees and bushes provide cover from the sun that shines down from between the walls of the facility. Patches of flowers are scattered across the grass, and I think I even saw some holes that were no doubt dug out by pokemon to create makeshift tunnels underground.
And really all sorts of pokemon live here. When Bidoof showed me her favorite hiding place between a circle of small, blue berrie bushes, I spotted an Aromatisse and a Goomy hiding there as well. When Lotad showed me how he liked to drift in the pool and play with the other water types, I saw a Helioptile just off the side recharching in the sun, while a Ledian quietly zoomed by. The garden was almost filled to the brim with different kinds of pokemon, but it seemed that everyone had found their own little places and spots. It warmed my heart to see it.
During the tour outside, Riolu had stood back, leaning next to the glass door we entered from with her arms crossed. Skarmory had stayed back as well, but at the other side of the door, still visibly avoiding getting too close to any of us. Secretly, I hoped that they would be able to gain an understanding during their quiet brooding, so I let them to themselves.
Besides, I had already enough to do just following the increasingly enthusiastic Lotad and Bidoof around. Halfway through our walk through the garden, a caregiver brought Eevee to the garden and, instantly, a friendship bloomed between them and the adoption pokemon. From that moment on, I let myself fall down in the grass and told them to go on playing. I needed a break.
Now, I sluggishly blink my eyes open as I feel a soft prodding against my cheek. "Wha-" I yawn. My eyes adjust to the sunlight and begin to focus. Riolu is kneeling beside me, poking my cheek and softly calling my name.
"Rio... Rio."
I wipe away some drool and lift myself from the ground with one arm. "I'm awake, I'm awake."
Riolu sits back on her knees. "Riolu-ri, Rio."
"I know, I know," I say, "but I was too comfortable to resist it." I rub my eyes and look around. I'm still in the garden of the Foster Island's adoption facility, but... there are no pokemon anywhere nearby.
A low growl startles me. I look to my left, where Skarmory is standing. He's looking straight at me, but I can't figure out what his expression means. Is he mad? Irritated?
"Ah, you're awake." The door to the garden opens and Ellisa steps inside. She smiles knowingly. "I was just about to announce that your time is up for today, since we have another appointment in half an hour. I have to say though... this has been the most unusual getting-to-know session I have seen in a while."
I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I hastily push myself from the ground and wipe away some grass blades from my clothes and hair. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, "I hadn't meant to fall asleep! I'm sorry I scared everyone away..." I look around. Was that a Pachirisu I saw ducking behind a bush? Oh no, I really scared them...
Ellisa laughs.
"Oh, quite on the contrary," Ellisa assures me, "the pokemon were all so curious to come closer. Most of them have never seen a human so unguarded around them before. When some of them began to climb on top of you however... Skarmory and Riolu stepped in and chased them away. Together, might I add." A glint in her eye. "They make quite the team."
I look at Riolu, then Skarmory. Skarmory averts his gaze. I still smile at him. "Well, thank you then. For saving me," I say.
Skarmory grunts quietly.
"Lu-rio," Riolu adds. She sounds approving, almost proud.
Guess the choice is already made for one of us.
"And... where is Eevee?" I turn back to Ellisa, who nods at a collection of trees just off the side. I carefully approach the trees and when I hold away a couple of branches, I am pleasantly surprised. There, right between the trees, are Lotad, Eevee and Bidoof, quietly nibbling on some red berries. The leafs russle as I move them and Eevee looks up from her meal at the sound.
"Eievui!" They bounce from their spot, right into my arms. I almost drop them, but quickly adjust.
"Hi there. I see you entertained yourself just fine?"
"I'm glad."
I look at Lotad and Bidoof. "And I'm sorry, but Ellisa told me my time's up for now. I hope you can forgive me for falling asleep when we had only so little time to get to know each other."
They both nod and follow me from inbetween the trees back to where Ellisa, Riolu and Skarmory are waiting for us. I bring Eevee along in my arms.
"In some adoption cases, I advice the trainers to come back for a second time, either when they're still not sure who to choose or if I think the pokemon haven't accepted them yet," Ellisa says.
I nod, already planning another date in my mind I could get free to come over once more.
"...However," Ellisa says and I look up in surprise, "I would say that in this instance a second appointment is not really necessary, is it?" She looks at the adoption pokemon. "I saw the way they interacted with you and I must say they haven't been this expressive and... happy in a while. I am sure any of them would be ecstatic if you were to adopt them."
My mouth is agape, I know it, but I can't help it. All three of them... like me? I let my eyes drift over them and they all look back with the pokemon-equivalent of smiles.
The choice had been hard, but even I cannot deny that I already feel which of them would fit my little family the best. Even if I was not awake to experience it, I know it when I look at them. I know it when I look at Riolu.
They would be the perfect fit.
I slowly breathe in through my nose, out of my mouth. This is it.
"I... I think you're right," I say carefully, paying attention to each of the adoption pokemon responses. Bidoof stares at me with sparkling eyes, Lotad's flower spreads even wider open and even Skarmory chances a glance at me, but quickly looks the other way.
Ellisa nods. "Then please, say your choice and be sure to give your goodbyes to the others. I will be waiting for you inside." Ellisa then turns around and leaves me along with my pokemon and the others. I sigh and crouch in front of the three pokemon anxiously awaiting my words.
"You would all be amazing fits to my team, I can feel that. And this wasn't an easy choice, so please, know that whatever I choose here, some trainer will come by that will pick you too, alright? No feeling down about it, because your time will come. I know it." I swallow before I continue. "...but I think I have chosen already."
I shift a little to look at each of them, my eyes landing and staying on the last of the three, who, for the first time this afternoon, actually looks back.
"I hope I can earn your trust, Skarmory, because you already have mine. Will you accept becoming a part of my team?"
I see the exact moment the implications of the words settle in, because small beads start the form at the corners of Skarmory's eyes. He closes them, then opens them and says, "Skar-skarmory." It sounds unsure, but hopeful.
"I take that as a yes." I smile at him. "I think you will be a perfect fit. Thank you for accepting my offer."
I look at the other two. "You are wonderful, the both of you. As I said, your moment will come, I am sure of it. Please stay safe here untill that time comes, alright?"
I nod at them. "May we meet again then. Goodbye for now." I give one last pat on each of their heads and turn around, heading back inside with Eevee in my arms, Riolu and Skarmory right behind me. It already feels right. It's as if this formation is how it was always supposed to be.
My smile widens.
Ellisa meets me and my pokemon in the lobby. Her eyes turn soft at the sight of Skarmory flanking on my left and Riolu on my right.
"A great choice. Do you believe me now, Skarmory? I always told you someone would see past your scars."
Ellisa leads me and my pokemon to her office and helps me in arranging the adoption. I first have to catch Skarmory to register him to my trainer ID, so Ellisa hands me a great ball. I try to refuse and use one of my own normal balls, but she insists that this comes with every adoption on Foster Island.
As long as Riolu doesn't get jealous that Skarmory gets a great ball, alright then.
I hold the ball in front of me and Skarmory steps formard and touches the button with the tip of his wing. A light engulfes him and shake, shake, shake, I caught him! I quickly release him again so he can watch me sign all the documents and papers in order to make the rest of the adoption official. Because Ellisa needs to explain more than one of the documents to me in detail, my pokemon quickly lose interest and Eevee jumps from my lap to join Riolu and Skarmory in a simple ball game on the other side of the office. I try not to be distracted too much, but... let's just say Ellisa has to explain some forms at least twice before I get it.
When all that is done, Ellisa and I set a date for Skarmory's six-month check-up and yearly physicals. Just before our meeting will come to an end, Ellisa gives me a large list of care tips in how to make sure Skarmory will be alright. It's long, but I know I'll need it. I take multiple pictures of the list, fold it and stuff it into my backpack.
After finishing up the lasts formalities, finally, Ellisa stands from behind her desk and extends her hand to me.
"I hope you and Skarmory will grow closer and closer and become the best of partners!"
I smile at her and then at Skarmory, who briefly stops to look at me too before he kicks the ball to Eevee. There is an understanding there. A promise.
"I think we will," I say, "I'll make sure of it."
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PokéWinx (Those of you who saw the previous post should have seen this cross over coming.) Bloom begins her Pokémon Journey, and runs into someone else's problem. Bloom & Stella Friendship, Bloom & Kiko Friendship Just some Mostly-Fluff with a little bit of Pilot episode style "Oh No!"
Bloom rode along the road, her bike's tires kicking up a small amount of dirt as she went. In her front basket, Kiko looked back and forth, trying to see everything all at once.
As a breeze raced out of the trees and caught her copper hair, she laughed quietly to herself as the exhilaration bubble out of her.
She was on her way, she was finally, finally on her way!
The two of them were just over two hours of steady pedalling out of Gardenia, Bloom's hometown, when Kiko perked up both his ears. Alarmed, Bloom rolled to a stop.
“Kiko?” She said, looking around, “what do you hear?”
Nervously, the oddly blue tinted Buneary turned to her, pointing one paw towards the nearby woods.
Cautiously Bloom dismounted her bike, kicking down the stand before she lifted Kiko from the basket.
“Our first Pokémon?” She asked, checking her Pokéball supply. “You ready Kiko?"
Kiko shook his head rapidly, he was not ready for whatever he'd sensed.
“You'll do great,” Bloom assured him, and stepped into the tree line.
She heard something as she went deeper into the trees, something that sounded like a fight. Kiko trembled in her arms, and looked up at her with concern. Bloom wavered for a moment, deciding her next course of action.
“We'll just take a look,” she told Kiko, moving on. “If it looks like too much for us, we'll leave before they know we're there, okay?”
Kiko's reply was not an agreement, but Bloom went closer to the noise anyway.
Bloom froze as something called out in pain. Something that sounded like a person. Bloom hurried towards the source and came across a clearing, a blonde girl who seemed to be the same age as Bloom was on the ground, a group of hostile Sneasel surrounding her.
But more than just hostile, something about the group struck Bloom as... wrong.
A battered looking Spritzee fluttered over the blonde girl and cast Sunny Day, which did nothing but make a few of the Sneasel uncomfortable. One of the Sneasel darted towards the blonde, and Bloom reacted without thinking about the consequences.
Flinging Kiko into the air with all her might she called “Jump Kick!” and though he screamed as he flew, Kiko twisted midair and kicked. The Sneasel was punted back several feet and Bloom raced forwards to the other girl.
“Can you stand?!”
“I... yeah?” The blonde looked at her confused, but accepted the help as Bloom pulled her to her feet and took some of her weight.
“Kiko!” Bloom called to her Buneary, “Double Team and Quick Attack! Get us some distance!”
Though he distinctly did not want to be there, Kiko let out a cry and attacked as the two girls made there way back to where Bloom had left her bike, the worn out Spritzee in tow.
A roar echoed through the clearing, and everyone turned to look.
Two red eyes shone beneath the shadows of the trees.
“New plan,” Bloom said, “RUN!” She turned and urged the other girl faster, Kiko darting away from the group of Sneasel, leading the way back to the road. Though they could hear the sounds of pursuit behind them, the group somehow managed to make it back to the bike.
“Get on the parcel tray,” Bloom instructed the other girl, who complied as best she could. Kiko and the Spritzee made themselves at home in the basket, and with shaking hands, Bloom righted the bike, kicking back the stand and pedalling hard.
Sluggish under the weight of so many, it took longer than Bloom would have liked to get up to speed. The small army of Sneasel spilled out from the trees behind them, following for several hundred metres before they fell too far behind.
Bloom didn't slow for another few minutes. When she did, she was breathing hard.
Turning to her passenger she asked, “are you okay?”
“Yeah,” the blonde nodded, “thank you so much, I thought I was going to die!”
“I thought you were going to die,” Bloom admitted, slightly hysterical. “Oh wow, if Kiko hadn't heard you... Oh wow... I'm Bloom by the way.”
“Stella,” the blonde said, a slight wobble colouring her words, “and this is Amore.”
“Hi,” Bloom said in response, and both girls sat silently for several seconds before they burst into shaky laughter, adrenaline still cycling through them as they realised they'd survived. “Oh my gosh,” Bloom said as they began to calm down, “what even happened?”
“I don't know,” Stella admitted, “I was just making my way through the woods and suddenly I was under attack! They shouldn't even live there!”
Bloom gasped as she realised Stella was right, “they shouldn't!”
In the basket, Kiko made a noise of worry, which drew their attention to him and Amore.
“Oh no,” Stella said, looking at her Pokémon, “not good.”
“We should be close to the next town, we'll head straight to the Pokémon Centre, get Amore seen to, then we should probably tell someone about the psycho Sneasel horde.”
Stella nodded in agreement, and Bloom pretended not to see the tears in her eyes as her emotions ran themselves through their paces. Stella slipped her arms around Bloom briefly, pressing her face into Bloom's back with a teary “thank you.”
Bloom patted her gently on the thigh before Stella moved into a better position for riding, and the group was off.
“Hey,” Bloom said quietly, setting down a plate of Poké Centre curry. “You should eat something.”
Stella lifted her head slowly from her knees and sniffled, nodding.
She made no further move to uncurl herself from the Poké Centre booth.
“Nurse Ofelia says Amore's going to be okay,” Bloom reminded the blonde, “you have to take care of you now, otherwise, you'll worry Amore, and she needs to focus on getting better, okay?”
It was circuitous logic at best, but Bloom didn't know how else to convince the other girl to take care of herself. Once the adrenaline had finished wearing off, and the thrill of survival turned into the horror of a near miss, Stella had seemed to deflate, all her energy seeping away.
Bloom had been worried the blonde would pass out before they reached the town, but they'd made it to the Poke Centre just fine, and though weary, Stella refused to sleep until Amore was healed.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, Stella reached out and took up the spork Bloom held out for her.
Mechanically she ate several bites.
“'S good,” Stella admitted morosely.
“Yeah,” Bloom agreed and tucked into her own dish. Kiko placed his own bowl on the floor beneath the table and began to eat.
Fed, bathed, a full night sleep under her belt, and a short trip to the human focused medical specialists, and Stella looked a million times better, though still worried. She, Bloom and Kiko sat in the waiting room of the Poke Centre, steadily growing more and more bored.
They'd been told they'd be able to see Amore at 10:30 am, and the clock was ticking over to 11:30, with no nurses in sight to inquire with.
Bloom kept her fingers busy twirling a Pokémon Trainer ID card. Kiko wandered off and came back, slowly getting to know the various corners of the Centre's waiting room. Stella had re-braided her hair almost two dozen times when she noticed something off about the ID card in Bloom's hands.
“That's a really old ID,” she said, leaning closer for a better look.
Bloom startled slightly, having grown used to the near silence of the room.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” hesitantly she handed it to Stella.
The card was worn with age, but parts of it seemed to have suffered more... elemental damage. The image was so faint it was hard to make out more than the most basic features, and most of the information was gone.
“Who's 'Daphne'?” Stella asked, handing the card back.
“I don't really know,” Bloom confessed, “I think she might have been my mother, maybe.”
“You... think?”
Bloom snorted at Stella's confused tone, “yeah, I'm adopted, I was found, seemingly abandoned when I was an infant, I had a blanket and this card. It was like this when I was found.”
“Wow,” Stella said, for lack of anything else to say.
“Yep,” Bloom nodded, “I'm actually hoping someone out there knew her, it's why I'm going on my own Pokémon Journey.” Her shoulders curled in defensively.
“That's a lot of ground to cover, you can't even see her age, Origin Region, or Primary Professor.”
“I know,” Bloom said, with a slight tinge of annoyance. The kind of annoyance that came from hearing the same argument over and over again.
“I...” Stella faltered, nervous. She shifted uncomfortably before forcing herself to ignore her fear. “Amore and I could travel with you, if you like. More people to search?”
Bloom looked back at the blonde, surprised.
“Are, I mean... yeah?” Bloom asked, almost daring not to hope.
Stella shrugged and gave a tentative smile, “yeah, I mean, I wasn't going any where in particular, I was just sort of... travelling. And you helped me out, so the least I can do is help you in return.”
“You don't need to return the favour,” Bloom denied, “I didn't do it to make you indebted to me.”
“I know, but still, if you wouldn't mind the company, you can count us in.”
Bloom looked to Kiko, who wasn't paying them the slightest bit of attention, looking back to Stella she smiled.
“Welcome to the team.”
“Happy to be here.”
The girls giggled for a moment before the sound of the door opening drew their attention. Nurse Ofelia emerged with the freshly healed and rested Amore.
“Please miss Stella, this is a medical-”
Bloom slapped her hand over her mouth to hide her laugh as Stella scooped up her Pokémon and twirled with her in celebratory glee.
Bloom looked to her own partner, who was clambering up the couch to join her.
“I've got a good feeling about this, Kiko.”
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lovepmd · 5 years
first - second
names and events subject to change for any reason or no reason (bit more true for this one lol, debating on one part in particular)
Inverse AU: “Secrets”
It had been three full days since the incident. Not much had changed overall. Hermes figured the best time to do the therapy sessions was at night, where he’d escort Lulu to the cafe and then bring her back home. According to the “water therapist”, it took a bit for the buneary to open up and start talking, so she said they’d need to talk often in order to start making progress. Of course she doesn’t tell Dianne what has been said so far, the milotic is known for keeping secrets well.
And while Dianne knows and respects that, it bothers her at the moment. Lulu hasn’t talked to her too much, only doing small talk now and then. But she knows to not prod either her partner or her therapist too much about it, maybe things will change eventually.
In the meantime, Dianne has been bored. Without being allowed to go on jobs yet, she hasn’t done much. It’s like back when she first came into the pokemon world and moved into town, she didn’t like going outside with her bright scales and she hadn’t been hired into the guild yet. 
Even though nothing is stopping her from walking around outside, she still hears the whispers of the townsfolk. It has lessened a little bit, but she hates the feeling of their eyes looking at her and then hearing their hushed voices.
The shiny had been playing with the puzzle game the apprentice gave her. It reminded her a puzzle she once played as a human, but like all her thoughts and memories about her past, it was hazy and not complete. And it did help time pass by, but she grew bored of that as well.
It was late at night now, and Hermes already picked up Lulu for her therapy session. Dianne tried to stay awake for when they came back, but sleep was quickly winning her over. She closed her eyes and slowly began to drift to sleep.
tap tap tap!
Dianne flinched and raised her head at the sound of knocking. Who would be knocking at this hour? And if they were back already, they would just come inside. She yawned and debated on getting up.
tap tap tap!
She sighed and stood up in bed, arching her back for a moment before hopping off and heading to the front door. Dianne opened it just enough to peer outside and saw a jolteon standing there.
“Rai,” she muttered, trying to stifle another yawn. “What is it?”
The jolteon looked around the area before addressing her. “Sorry for stopping by so late. Can we talk?”
“Can it wait until morning?” Dianne’s eyes were halfway closed.
“I work in the morning like I do every day. There’s something I want to ask you. Can you come with me?”
Dianne sighed and slowly opened the door enough to step outside. “Alright, fine. But if the guildmaster and Lulu come back before I do, that’s your fault.”
Rai huffed and muttered something under his breath, but she didn’t hear it. He looked around the area again before walking away. Dianne closed the door behind her and followed.
The town was so quiet and still at night. The small remaining flames from various lanterns flickered in the wind, the moonlight from above providing the most light. All the store fronts were closed and locked up, and there wasn’t another pokemon in sight.
The jolteon led her across town to the very edge, and went down a small path. Dianne was aware where this led, she had been to this lake before but only during the day. They reached the opening, and Dianne took in the sight of it.
The water reflected the moonlight beautifully, it looked like little lights danced across the surface. She heard odd sounds coming from nearby and looked around to try to find the source.
 “Kricketots and kricketunes,” Rai explained. “They like hanging around the lake at night, but aren’t too fond of strangers. Don’t worry, they’re not hostile.”
Dianne nodded and sat down, looking over at him. “Alright, what did you want to ask me? And why drag me all the way out here?”
“Privacy,” he muttered, sitting down nearby. “And another reason, but less important.” Rai looked at her, almost suspiciously. “Is it true what Lulu said?”
“Is what true?” Dianne asked in return. It had been a little while, but-
“Are you really a human?”
Oh. The jangmo-o almost forgot about the fact her partner spilled her biggest secret. Hermes hadn’t talked to her about it yet, but he had been busy with guild work. And Rai was there, of course he heard it too. She suddenly remembered how other pokemon woke up and peeked into the room at the time. Did anyone else hear it? Not as far as she was aware, all the whispers she heard had been about Lulu, not her. 
She was quiet for a long moment, and then she sat up straight and looked at him in the eyes. “Yes,” she answered. “I don’t remember anything but my name and the fact I was once human. I don’t know why I woke up here or anything.”
Rai stared back at her and she could see the gears turning in his head. He was truly mulling over her words and then he looked out at the water. “Ok.”
Dianne was taken aback and snorted. “’Ok’? That’s all you have to say about that?”
“It’s more common than you would think. You have to ask the right pokemon, but there are various stories bout humans appearing in this world for different reasons.” Rai sighed and for once, Dianne saw some sadness in his eyes. “My partner used to be a human.”
She stared at him in silence as those words slowly processed in her mind. “...What?”
“I came from a different continent. I wasn’t...a very good child back when I was an eevee.” Rai shook his head. “One day I found a pokemon in the middle of the woods. I thought they were dead at first, but then they woke up. We ended up teaming up, and we caused a bunch of trouble together.”
“You sound like quite the duo,” Dianne muttered.
“We didn’t hurt anyone or anything, we were more a couple troublesome kids than actual criminals.” Rai paused and sighed. “We...stole something we shouldn’t have. Some kind of blue orb. We didn’t know what it was and no one else did either. So we just kept it. I did tell him once that I did want to join a guild someday, but I didn’t think anywhere would accept me for who I am.”
“A jerk?” The shiny asked.
Rai glared at her. “Yes, a jerk.” He looked back over at the water. “But he told me that he knew that I had a good heart. And that I would be part of a guild someday. Then...we were going through a dungeon one day, one that was mostly in water. It was a cave we wanted to get through to get to the next town. We got into the deepest part of the dungeon, and there was a huge underground lake there. Strange symbols on the walls. They were faded, and we just didn’t think much of it. Then his bag began to glow and the blue orb came out and floated in the air.” The jolteon took a deep breath. “It shot off into the water and the whole cave started to collapse. We ran as fast as we could, but...something stopped him at one point. We were almost out, and I looked back and he stopped and stared at the water. I yelled at him to keep moving, but he wasn’t listening. The water rushed in and it spat me out of the dungeon, but...I never saw him again.”
The jolteon lowered his head and Dianne saw his whole body shiver. They were both quiet for a minute and then she mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
Rai nodded. “It was years ago at this point. I went into the next town for help. Most of the water somehow vanished, like it just drained out of the dungeon overnight if not sooner. We didn’t find anything, no trace of the orb or my partner. Eventually everyone gave up, and I moved here. Found this town, trained at the guild and started working there. I told Hermes I was better on my own and I didn’t need a partner. But the truth was that no one could replace him.”
“So you never told anyone about this?” Dianne asked.
“No, you’re the first. I doubt anyone else would believe me. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone.” Rai looked at her. “And I won’t tell anyone about how you were a human before.”
Dianne rolled her eyes. “Fair enough. We’re even then.” She thought for a moment before asking. “You said that it’s more common than I think for humans to appear here and how there were stories.”
“Yes, I did some poking around afterwards about humans, but never told them why I was asking. A few pokemon told me of stories they heard where humans came in in order to save the world. Even a couple stories where they ended up living peacefully here without doing anything extraordinary. Maybe there’s a purpose to some humans coming here and maybe it’s sometimes a mistake.” Rai shrugged. “I don’t know anything for sure. But...if you need anything, I got your back.”
Dianne was a bit surprised, but nodded. “Right. Thanks, Rai.”
Rai nodded in return and looked around. “It’s getting late, we should go back.”
Without another word, the two stood up and made their way back into town.
Rai only escorted her back halfway before he left to go into the guild. Dianne went home and stepped inside, looking around. It was quiet and no one was in the front room and she closed the door behind her.
“Where did you go?”
The jangmo-o jumped at the voice and looked back to see Lulu standing in the doorway of her room.
“Out,” Dianne simply answered.
“This late?” The buneary tilted her head at her.
“Yeah, I was bored.” Dianne yawned and headed towards her room. “Sorry if I worried you at all.”
One of Lulu’s ears lowered and she pawed at the fluff on the end of it. “Um...”
Dianne stopped and looked at her, curious. “What?”
The buneary sighed and looked at her. “I uh...I want to talk to you about some things tomorrow.”
Dianne couldn’t help but feel happy at the sound of that. “Sure, that’s fine with me.”
Lulu gave her a small smile and began stepping back into her room. “Right, ok, goodnight.”
“Night,” Dianne went into her room and plopped on her bed, curling up. Tomorrow better be a good day, she thought as she drifted to sleep.
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Legends Arceus: please don't eat me
If I recall, I ran off to D&D when I was waiting for an Alpha Pokemon to turn around. I tried to battle a wild one, it was a level 40 Luxio. no thank you.
i am Ready to explore the wilds
starting to feel like i Have to battle the Alpha to get the satchel, which is likely how the satchel got lost to begin with. maybe we come back later.
night is falling again aaaaaaa
starting to realize why dress like ninjas
ooooh okay i see the pros and cons of the crafting table and portable kit now
cyndaquil can evolve!
oh that parasect sounds like a demon
oh fuck there's paras around here i have hEARD THINGS--
i doooone it
right okay back to camp to put some stuff in a box, every time i THINK im gonna make progress.....
paras ARE scary in this game
i am in a new place at night and this buneary is trying to drown itselfj
Blink says hi
oh no. lian is THAT type. hooboy.
i kind of like that i'm not dignifying this kid with clearing up the misunderstanding
Suddenly Irida
gonna get me a new star sooooon
i can't believe laventon's solution is "start a food fight with a demigod"
ooooh new clothes! am now a fancy ocean lass
nobody gonna let me forget im an isekai huh
btw i have some, um, concerns, that so far the two pokemon explicitly identified as descended from ones who got some divine power straight from almighty Sinnoh....are two of the new species that to the best of my knowledge go extinct between now and mainline pokemon
anyway that is a weird ass way to hold a flute, also where are the holes
he gave me a Mind Plate!
holy fuck psyduck gone psycho
oh now irida wants to fight me. okay.
....glaceon. hm. okay.
okay.......let's see if i can handle kleavor
ooof okay i got chopped a few times but i did it on my first go! And got another plate
eeeeee this game just makes me so happy
volo why do you know things
he has cynthia's passion for old things
tbh volo sounds like a student of Night Raven College
....i'm not 100% sure when new sidequests become available. gamefreak wouldn't put missable ones in, would they? surely not. surely not....
man kamado is so fuckin cool
also it's a treat to meet ancestors of folks. like, cyllene and cyrus, kamado and rowan, volo and cynthia, mai and the one girl from victory road, those are all painfully obvious. but lian was clearly an ancestor of clay and dude that's a whole different generation!
oop suddenly horror movie vibes. who is this child,
vessa has been waiting for me. stranger danger,
girl i already have a mission from god who ARE you
mistakes have been made
someone help meeeeee
....i really hope there are 108 wisps tho....wait, 107? squints...
fuck she's the 108th isn't she
ohhhh that went into my chest like a spirit orb. dislike,
like yeah it SAYS it went into the odd keystone but NO TRUST YOU, CHILD
good morning mars's ancestor
ginter looks familiar....
who is he
and who is Tao Hua
oh no the NPCs say new things....here we go again
i just noticed in a house your shoes disappear the moment you get on the wood, and not just when you enter the house. nice touch.
i should get to go somewhere new soon.....i hope.....
....kneeeew it. beautifred evolved into cascoon.....
people keep tryna tell me i should be in the security corps not the survey corps
to which my brain inevitably goes SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DER JAEGER
ground types.....sir i have several geodude please take one
okay minigame time!!!
that one's fun tbh.....annnd that's all the village wisps
doodedoo sidequests and commentary....
MARLEY that's who mai resembles. discovered when i looked up the name of Mira, who Peselle resembles!
Sanqua looks kinda like Karen doesn't she?
plot time! Ursaluna....... Ursaring evo? Or alternate???
solaceon ruins!!!! ooooh....
i have a great many things to do!
oh....oh honey no.........you can't beat me
back to the fieldlands for some loose ends.....oh. it's raining....
wahaha! lost satchel retrieved!
oh fuck this heracross is level 45......i do not think i can do this
jesus why does everything in this game hit so hard
! Chimchar!
uuuuugh will one of these buizel please just be huge
spacetime rift.....explorable....the music's all dark and spooky but otherwise i don't see anything special happening?
o. oh. i see now.
giratina what the FUCK
i got some shit tho! wish i'd gone in with more space in my satchel...
back to the village to hand in a couple of sidequests and then i think i might check out the new field....
the fuck was with the mirror in Sanqua's room...
oh that's wholesome as fuck
Beauregard and his cascoon are adorable too
i want more space in my satchel but ouch my wallet!
let's check out the new area and pray not to die
on the one hand i love that this game is less menu navigation and more buttons doing things....on the other it's so damn hard to get used to
anyway yes please new base camp please
and now i go back and head into the ruins!
old lady with leaf umbrella. not sure if she's someone's ancestor but i'm pretty sure i've heard of something from Japanese folklore with the leaf umbrella thing? specific to hokkaido? am i remembering wrong?
anyway she called me a bully. kamado already called her closed-minded
volo's togepi's accuracy wasn't reduced at all by two mud slaps so it's time to overwhelm with agile style aqua jets
Miss Fortunes......oh my god
calaba is 99?!
anyway time to hunt down some thieves
ancestors of candice, saturn, and.....someone else?
Coin down. Fragment get. Ladies, you three are lovely and I'd be happy to join you or just, help you out, but I have a mission from god that happens to align with the Galaxy Team so, you know, I'm taking the offer that puts food in my mouth and a roof over my head.
also i need to find cherrim somewhere
old lady learned???? that's how you know this is fiction
okay time to do the next bit, with ursaluna, and hope i'm not underleveled because hooboy EVERYTHING hits like a truck? my level seems to be about right but god my pokemon keep getting hit hard
k yeah that was.....relatively easy but ursaluna still hit like a truck. which i expected, but also regular pokemon have been hitting like trucks.
yaaaay i get ursaluna at my beck and call now!
what's he do
gib earth plate
ohhhh he's like stoutland in alola
....i got followed by an unown,
im good at reading unown script because ive been playing since gen 2 this should be easy and fun
brb taking a break to celebrate my brother's birthday
much indian food later!
hm rezu seems to be up to something.
lady of the ridge....
gets to Arezu the wrong way. let's go thorugh the bog this time,
oh she's NOT up to something
when did he get here
okay lilligant next
seriously at level 25 i don't think i should be getting ohkod by one supereffective move
oh! i found the diamond clan's village!
and a poster of a guy who resembles Alder
he's in every house
getting sleepy but im Investedddd
0 notes
peaches-of-1 · 6 years
Last Chapter
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Before we get started, I just want to thank all of you who have been reading this from beginning to end. This will be a memorable set because of the OTP becoming canon and then mistreated but that’s another story. So thanks and I hope to write more Pentagon soon.
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Competition day was finally here and everyone was busy warming up and doing their makeup even though you didn’t have to perform until later. As the lead, you were nervous. You weren’t the only one, so everyone had done a full run through before breaking for lunch.
Even though you Hyojong different meals, you both ended up sharing most of it, and everyone rolled their eyes when you fed each other. It was two hours until show time for the co-ed groups since the males and females performed tomorrow. You had so much built up entergy, so you wanted to get it all out in order not to overdo it on stage.
E’Dawn gave you a back hug and asked how you were feeling. You weren’t completely sure to be honest.
[3 Days ago]
After checking into the Lotte City Hotel in Jeju, everyone got ready to explore the city until curfew. You and most of your friends went to a nearby park to do some k-pop in public where a decent crowd formed. In the crowd was a guy who was like hella gorgeous who came to talk to you afterwards.
He bowed and greeted you, “I’m Woosung, but you can call me Sammy. You guys were all amazing! I wish I could dance like that.”
What was it with fucking blonde ass Koreans? He was platinum as fuck, and you were digging it.
“(Y/N).” You introduced yourself as Hyojong and the others looked on. “We’re just in town for competition.”
“Oh, really? Me too. Well, my younger bro’s competing, but I’m here to support him.” He removed a leaf from your shoulder. “You’re not from here, are you?”
“Nah, U.S.A.”
He switched to English, “Same here. Where from?”
You told him and you guys spoke a bit. E’Dawn said that you’d all better head to the mall if you wanted time to shop before tomorrow and get some practice in before it got too late. You rolled your eyes since you were still upset with him, but he was right.
“Wanna come with?”
“Yeah, I’m meeting my brother and his friends there anyways.”
Sammy was wearing a shirt covered in white roses that you really liked a lot, and he said that he’d give it to you if you won 1st place. You laughed. He was a really sweet dude and you liked hanging out with him even though you had just met. He got along well with Matthew as well.
Once at the mall, there was a lot of window shopping. You wanted to save your money for food. Hyojong told you to come with him because he wanted to show you something. Not wanting to go alone, you told the others that E’Dawn wanted to go somewhere specific.
“I know we’re not on the best of terms right now, but I still wanted to give you this. I ordered it ahead of time, so that it’d be ready when we got here.”
Half of the group and Sammy went with you to see what Hyojong wanted and you ended up at a Build-a-Bear. He went to the counter and showed a code or something from his phone, and the man smiled. He went to the back, and you were not believing this.
“Dawnie, did you really...make a bear for me?”
He nodded, “Yeah. I wanted something as cute as you but that I sorta made for you to have. It’s silly, I know, but still.”
The man came back out with a light blue bag. You took the plushy out yourself and couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. It was a Pikachu dressed up as Peter Pan.
“It’s Pika Pan.” He said.
“OMG, I love it!” You hugged it and then caught yourself. You still hugged it but loosened your grip, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Thanks, oppa.” You didn’t look at him as you put a receipt on the counter.
“I was pretty sure they were ordered for a couple, but coincidences exist.” The employee laughed and nodded, returning to the back.
Everyone was confused, and your cheeks were on fire. He came back with a green gift bag. Inside of this one was a Buneary in a blue dress with a blue ribbon tied around it’s ear.
“Wendeary.” You said.
“Just fuck each other already, my god!” Kino said, just loud enough for the group to hear.
Everyone laughed and Sammy asked why you guys chose those specific costumes, and you said it was your concept. It’s not like he was competing against you guys.
“Hyung!” A cute smaller boy with brown hair called out to the group. “We gotta get back to the main group now!”
“Ok, I’m coming!”
Sammy said farewell to the group and said the he couldn’t wait to see you guys on stage. You all then went to go eat, and the others were going to make you two air your grievances and finally talk to one another.
You went first. “How come you didn’t say I was your girlfriend when everyone was drooling over you? It had to be obvious what I was feeling especially with all the questions I was asking you.”
He shook his head, “Not really. Well, sort of because I know you, but I was nervous you’d loose interest. I wasn’t sure that you actually wanted to date me since you’re so amazing and--”
Everyone stared at him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jiwoo said. “You weren’t sure if she actually wanted to--” She was fuming.
“Dawnie, I swear to god, you’re adorable but stupid af.” Lisa added.
Matthew nodded, “Dude. Really? You’ve gotta be kidding.”
“But then when everything was done, instead of talking to me, you went to go party with Mr. LA and crew.”
You shrugged, “Well, yeah! You weren’t giving me anything, so I decided to go chill with friends. You didn’t even call me if you were so curious or concerned or whatever about me.”
“Cuz my phone fell onto concrete and the screen shattered!” He didn’t yell, but he was very expressive. “I couldn’t text if I wanted to, which I did by the way.” Hyojong pouted.
You pouted in return and played with your salad, “If your phone was broken, how were you able to call me the next day? Also, why not just get one of your friends to text me or in the group chat that it was broken?”
“I got it fixed the next day and called as soon as I could. I went to go watch your story, and it showed you having a good time. I called you to ask how it went and BM picked up. He said you were sleeping in his bed.”
“You saw my story! It showed all the other ones drunk as fuck! Matthew was the only one sober enough to care for a person. The others just went home and he was worried about me.”
Matthew added, “She doesn’t know Korea as well as the rest of us. It was safest for her to come home with me instead of trying to take a bus home by herself. Her friends were probably already asleep. I was only trying to help.”
“Well, I didn’t know all of that . The last snap didn’t load.”
Hui sighed, “So, is everything out now? Did everyone say what they needed to say?”
“Almost.” E’Dawn said. “I really am sorry that I didn’t try to talk to you properly. My anger and jealousy got the better of me.”
“And I was just being petty cuz you hurt my feelings, so I’m sorry too.” You replied.
Somin nearly jumped out of her seat, “Finally, omg.”
Amber agreed, “Like seriously, holy fuck.”
“So, titles?” You asked as soon as he had put food into his mouth.
“Soon.” He replied. “I want to make it special when we make it official.”
You rolled your eyes and the nine of you finished up eating before returning to your hotel rooms. There was about an hour left before it was time for curfew, so a couple of them decided to head to the pool that had a glass wall that was part of the gym nearby. Matthew went to the gym and pulled BamBam with him.
Hyojong, Amber, Hyuna, Somin, Hui, and you all went to the pool. Somin wore a tank top with her bathing suit as did Amber who was also in orange swim trunks and red flip flops. Hyuna went into the hot tub since she had slept wrong the night before and needed to loosen up some more since it still sort of hurt.
E’dawn jumped into the deep end while doing a cannonball. You had put your hair into a swim cap because you didn’t want it getting wet and taking forever to dry even after you washed it tonight. This way, you didn’t get any sort of water in your hair. You screamed as you were grabbed by the sides by an unknown source. Hyojong came up smiling and laughing.
You splashed him, “Oppa!” You called out, annoyed.
He started splashing you back and everyone got out of the way of the to playful lovebirds. Then everyone piled into the hot tub with Jiwoo. Even the boys came to the tub after washing off their sweat. Other teammates came out and the jacuzzi was able to fit 14 people into it total with nearly everyone sitting comfortably and two people in the middle. Then everyone dried off and went to their rooms before they got into trouble.
[Two Days Ago]
It was competition day. Everyone was doing warm ups and getting their makeup done. You were nervous as the lead, but you knew this was coming for months now. Luckily, even after the holiday season, everything still fit like it was supposed to. Before lunch, everyone performed the whole show real quickly and then the crew went out to eat on a ferry.
Hyojong and you ordered two different meals, but you two ended up sharing most of it. The others rolled their eyes every time you fed each other. Still, they were happy you two were still somewhat officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
Well, to clarify, this was competition day for co-ed groups. The boy and girl teams would perform at different times tomorrow. It was two hours until show time, and you were rocking on the balls of your feet to get out your built up energy. You didn’t want to overdo it on stage.
Hands slid around you waist and you almost jumped. You checked to see that it was E’dawn. He smiled at you and asked how you were feeling.
“Nervous. We’re the first group to go on since the team won last year, but being first is...I feel like my hands are shaking.”
He grabbed them, “I’ll hold your hands still for you then. We’re gonna do great, so don’t worry about it.”
You smiled as he came around and put his forehead to yours. He was such a huge comfort. Then he was called to go behind the small window set that was made for the show. You then got into the bed with Hui and J. Seph before being rolled out onto the stage.
Grown up Wendy and her children were waiting off stage opposite the bed. When the music started, they came on with Wendy holding a book. She was reading and began dancing with her oldest, a girl in a blue onesie. Then they kissed her cheeks and went “off to bed” passing the actual bed. Adult Wendy then looked at her Peter Pan book and slowdanced with it before looking at her bed and then going off stage.
Next song begins and there’s a knock on the window. the main part begins. You’re nervous, but you emote as you open up the window and get surprised by Peter Pan. You really are happy to see him. Hui and J. Seph are woken up by Tinkerbell Jiwoo who laughs at their surprise. The five of them dance together as the setting changes and the bed and window are taken away.
The story plays out with the Lost Boys being rowdy and lifting up the new guests and performing tricks for them to Skrillex. It was a great show that got a lot of gasps from the audience. They ain’t seen nothing yet. The scene soon changed to Hyuna Lily and girls in orange and turquoise hanboks doing their sword dance which allowed a break for the leads.
Lisa and the other girls looked so fierce with smiles on their faces and blades resting in the crook of their arms and somewhat on their forearms.They always had different practices until they got the hang of it. Then they had to perform in front of the others where proper spacing was learned. No once got sliced.
Then it was back on your feet for the battle with Matthew Hook and Somee. It was so much fun, but getting to do stylized capoeira was the best. After winning, more just wild partying and then it was time to go back home. Hyojong Pan helped your Wendy down and the two of you kissed even though it wasn’t part of the choreo.
You blushed and then waved at him as he jumped out the window and then you and your siblings ran off stage and past the bed. You were able to watch E’Dawn knock on the window and Adult Wendy wake up. Blackout. Everyone did a quick bow before running off stage and changing as quickly as possible to watch the other competitors.
It was over before you knew it. Ten groups were in this category, but only five stood on stage. The other ones didn’t make it to the top 3. Third place was given to a group that had done Hansel and Gretal.
A famous actor was calling out the prizes all night. It was finally time for him to announce first place.
“And coming in first, all the way from Seoul is Urban Shine! Applause!”
Everyone clapped and you turned to hug the person nearest you. Thinking it was E’Dawn, you were surprised when it was Vernon. In all the commotion, you had turned the opposite direction you had meant to for a hug. You both sort of shrugged since he had hugged you back. He motioned to Hyojong who you hugged tighter, and he grabbed the mic from the actor.
“I said I was gonna do this if we got first place here, so (Y/N), will you officially be my girlfriend? Titles and all?”
You nodded since this is what you wanted. You were his girlfriend. He was your boyfriend. The two of you were an official couple, and you weren’t going to miss this chance.
Amber leaned over into the microphone, “Fucking finally.”
Everyone laughed and he kissed you deeply. It was the greatest moment of your life other than getting accepted into college. First place and a boyfriend. That night, the whole crew went to go eat. Afterwards, it was straight to bed. You and your oppa were both very tired, and fell asleep texting each other.
After getting a tie for second place with the all girls team and the boys placing second alone, you all headed back to the hotel for the last night to get ready for the Dancer’s Banquet for all of the top five placing groups from every category. It was formal wear this year, but you said that you hadn’t brought anything particularly fancy.
It was more like you were nervous that the two outfits you had worn weren’t good enough despite what your roommies thought. Amber said she had you covered. From her suitcase, she pulled out several pink dresses and rompers since pink was the color picked this year. Everyone and their mother was confused as to why she had those with her.
“I like to be prepared, ok? Pick one.” A small blush was seen in her cheeks.
Her legs were badly chafed, so she wasn’t wearing going to be wearing the black suit she had brought. After you chose the frilly pink romper, she grabbed the longest dress and then realized she had a back up suit that was a lot looser. Then hair and makeup, jewelry and shoes. You undid your twists since you had kept them in so long for performances.
E’Dawn nearly died when he saw you and Amber as Jiwoo and Somin where whisked away by other boys who recognized them from earlier and had formed quick crushes. Hyojong was standing between Hyuna and Hui in the conference room where the banquet was being held. She nudged him and pointed to you. His heart wouldn’t start again but still heard the thumping in his ears.
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A cutie by the name of Jimin got to you first in a pink pinstriped suit. He was in the boy group that got first place. He complimented you and said that he saw your performance yesterday, being a bit nervous.
You smiled and thanked him, smiling even bigger when you recognized E’dawn coming up beside you. He kissed your lips and you introduced Jimin to him. The two boys then started gushing about how talented the other was in the competition earlier.
“I literally do not know how we got first place.” Jimin said.
“Because you’re amazing, that’s how!” Hyojong replied.
“But we messed up so much! I messed up a bunch and you guys were so fucking clean!”
He shook his head, “I won’t have you saying you messed up. You talking about clean, and you guys were spotless.”
Jimin was then grabbed by the wrist from one of the other guys in his group and told about the chocolate fountain on the other side of the room. The two quickly scampered off to go see it.
Even as you two went to meet up with your closest friends in your groups, other people came up to praise your performances as Wendy and Peter. You also complimented them when you remembered who they were. If not, their outfit was the thing given praise.
Once you all got to the others, Hui smiled.
“Looks like everyone wants to be your friends.”
Hyuna smiled, “Or they hate your guts.” She pointed to a group of guys who were seething.
E’dawn had his hand around your waist, “It’s probably because I’m a drama queen. Asking you to be my girlfriend like that was really over the top. I’m sorry if it stressed you out.”
“It’s fine! I promise!” You said. “It was really sweet. A bit extra, but it made me happy.”
You kissed his cheek and he gave your lips a peck, holding you closer. Throughout the night, there were dance contests and fun things to do after eating the main meal. At some point, Hyojong asked if you wanted to go outside on the balcony.
It was getting hot inside, so you said yes. It was a nice view as the sea was right there and the waves were rolling beautifully. They crashed against the sand with a gentle roar. This side of the building didn’t have many lights other than a few lamps here and there.
You laughed.
He looked at you, “What?”
“I remember the first time I truly fell in love with you. It was when we were looking at the stars that night when I found Vernon making out with another girl. You didn’t tell me to just get over it but you comforted me.”
“Of course. We were friends first. Yeah, I had a crush on you ever since the first day I saw you walk into the library, but I still think your feelings should be cherished because they’re real no matter how fleeting.” He smiled softly. “Also, I was hella worried about you, so there’s that.”
You giggled, “I know this is gonna sound stupid, but I was actually thinking about leaving Korea because of that. I was just an emotional wreck but I--”
Hyojong kissed you and held your hand, “I’m really glad you stayed.”
Squeezing his hand, you replied, “Me too.”
Amber groaned behind you, exasperated, “Stop making out and come back inside!”
“Yeah,” Hyuna added. “You have some fans that wanna talk to you.”
She nodded towards the busy room. You and your boyfriend smiled and joined the party. You were glad you stayed, so very glad. It wasn’t the easiest life to have since it was just being made. Still, as you looked around at all the friends you had made you only had one thought.
So far, so good.
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