#harold chasen
nothing--good · 5 months
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bro they just like me fr
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undeadbetareads · 3 months
So I had to watch Harold and Maude (1971) for my Film and Lit class on Monday. I was expecting it to be okay, but nothing extraordinary, since I normally don't like Rom-coms.
Oh boy was I wrong, it is easily going into my top 10 favorite movies. From the opening scene, I knew I would love it. I relate to Harold so much, and his growth through the movie is just amazing. And Maude is also amazing, and if someone like her came into my life at my lowest moment, I would also fall head over heels in love with her.
If you do choose to watch it, TW for Suicide.
Also, if you love Harold and Maude please interact, I need to see other's takes of this movie.
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Added Mueller because I watched Die Laughing 1980 last night.
So now I got Harold (Harold and Maude 1971), Brewster (Brewster McCloud 1970), Bernard (Brave New World 1980), and Mueller (Die Laughing 1980) as far as Bud Cort characters I’ve drawn!
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
I have something in common with Jeff Winger, Evan Hansen and Harold Chasen and if you guessed what it was, you too need to consult a therapist
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idasessions · 6 months
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Dominic Sessa in Alexander Payne’s The Holdovers
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jukeboxjunk · 2 months
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landlordevil · 8 months
I hate it when I see hearses out and about and it's clear it's a personal vehicle. I get so jealous I could cry
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Uh... sure, I guess... But why do you care anyway? What's the point of such a question? It feels like you expect me to keep an itemized list in my head of Media I Have Loved and to bump characters down a rung as I find a new favorite. This really isn't how I think about media.
Off the top of my head, here are ten characters I've liked a lot:
Ricardo Tubbs from Miami Vice
Lee Dongsik from Beyond Evil
Saitou Hajime from Rurouni Kenshin
Julia Larwood from the Hilary Tamar series
Harold Chasen from Harold and Maude
Tintin from... well... Tintin
Wen Ning from The Untamed
Wang Zhi from The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
Napoleon Solo from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (either)
Vesper Holly from the Vesper Holly series
Is this an icebreaker question where the answer is supposed to let you get to know me? Is it a meta question about what draws me to a character? Is it a secret test of what media I like? I find this kind of ask very confusing, to be honest.
Most of these characters I like because they're funny and competent. Julia, I like because she's a pervert, a disaster, and unkempt.
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watcursart · 9 months
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Trying to get into drawing again. Here are some recent portraits that I did for fun. In order:
Nancy Thompson (Nightmare On Elmstreet)
Sally Hardesty (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Harold Chasen (Harold And Maude)
Tom Finnan (The Old Guys)
Sully (The Warriors)
Danny Kendall (Grange Hill)
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vonnegutcunt · 10 months
need to be harold chasened so bad
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Harold and Maude (1971)
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I’m not shocked that Harold and Maude was not well received upon release. When this comedy gets dark, it’s really dark. Its subject material still has some edge today so you can imagine what it was like in 1971. Time’s been (mostly) kind to this black romantic comedy. There are plenty of laughs and moments of sweetness to be found here.
18-yeard-old Harold Chasen (Bud Cort) is obsessed with death. His spare time is dedicated to faking elaborate suicides so he can shock those who discover his “body” when he isn't attending funerals. After being recognized at several funerals by Maude (Ruth Gordon), a free-spirited, live-for-the-moment 79-year-old, she approaches him. From there, an odd relationship blossoms.
There are points where Maude turns into what can only be described as a manic pixie dream girl (despite the term being coined in 2005). She’s a woman whose quirks never seem to end, whose enthusiasm knows no bounds. She steals cars on a whim and defies police officers without ever facing consequences. It’s jarring to see her get away with so much but if you find that it’s rubbing you the wrong way, hold on. As the picture develops, we learn more about her. No big speeches, just little things you pick up here and there. By the time we get to the end, you’ll see. She isn’t simply a construct made to give Harold a new outlook on life, she’s a fully-realized person on her own.
The bond that grows between the leads is what makes the picture so effective. Initially, it looks like that old cliché that opposites attract. He’s young, she’s old. He comes from a rich, affluent family and she’s down to earth. He’s obsessed with death, she’s determined to feel alive. Once we see them sit down and talk, we learn that actually, they're not that different. They're both overcompensating for something. Harold’s obsession with death is used to remind him of what it would be like if he wasn’t there, and of what he’d miss. Similarly, Maude frequently comments on her upcoming 80th birthday; that beyond it, she doesn’t foresee anything. Deep down, they're both sad characters but in different ways. It’s not some fetish or desperation that brings them together. Had they both been in their 20s, you’d get excited to see them kiss. As is, you may still hope for that but you'll need a bit to get used to the idea.
There are many big surprises in Harold and Maude. They make for the kind of laughs that will have anyone with a morbid sense of humor in stitches. I won't dare to spoil any. Instead, I want to discuss the soundtrack. Cat Stevens's Don’t Be Shy and If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out (both composed for the film) perfectly condense all of the picture’s emotions within their melody and lyrics. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear many weeping messes leaving the film because of the latter.
Some elements of Harold and Maude are jarring even to those who will be cheering for a septuagenarian to date an 18-year-old. The humor won’t be for everyone. Even so, the picture has a deep emotional impact. The performances are strong and they’re made even better by a believable relationship and the perfect soundtrack. (July 7, 2018)
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electraheart2012 · 2 years
Omgggg the report of the week reminds me sooo much of harold chasen. like there's just something about him
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Look at my son!!! I added his jacket :)
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POV Introduction #1
Kmar Moadh. Kmar is the first story-world protagonist we follow in the town of Hogenroe. He's surrounded by strangers who seem to already know so much about him...
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Character Inspiration for Kmar:
Charlie Brown - Peanuts (since 1950)
Batman - DC Comics (since 1939)
John Constantine - DC Comics (since 1985)
Chunky Rice - Goodbye, Chunky Rice (1999 Graphic Novel)
Harold Chasen - Harold & Maude (1971 Film)
Bob Belcher - Bob's Burgers (2011- TV Show)
Nicholas Angel - Hot Fuzz (2007 Film)
Eeyore - Winnie the Pooh (since 1926)
Kmar is living a privileged yet predictable life. One bizarre telephone conversation leads to another, and very soon he's left his home country of Pimmgrin and arrived in a Ubormokten town called Hogenroe. He'll do what ever these so-called professors (who don't even teach!) say to have this nonsense settled and done with, and provided people aren't completely out of bounds, he'll remain polite.
So begins Kmar's immersion into this peculiar place; where a lonely woman of means confuses him for a professor, an annoyingly charming professor confuses him for an applicant, and a beautiful vampire princess simply confuses him.
Everyone insisting he's the spitting image of various dead men is a touch perplexing as well.
Kmar's Color Is Green. Here is his playlist.
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maymortoproductions · 16 days
Dicas de 5 filmes sobre a temática do suicídio
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Em suas lutas contra a ansiedade, a tristeza e a solidão, as pessoas que tentam cometer suicídio podem se sentir isoladas. Quando a ideação suicida, a sobrevivência ao suicídio e outros temas relacionados são retratados com precisão nos filmes, as pessoas encontram consolo ao ver sua luta representada na tela. Pode ajudar a aliviar a sensação de solidão que vem da crença de que ninguém mais pode fazer algo.
O suicídio é frequentemente abordado de forma inadequada ou evitado nos filmes. Quando um filme funciona corretamente, ele dá àqueles que normalmente estão em silêncio uma oportunidade de falar.
Gente como a Gente (1980) Para alugar ou comprar no Prime Video ou Apple TV Ao assistir à morte de seu irmão mais velho em um acidente de barco, Conrad, um jovem de 18 anos, sofre internamente neste drama de 1980. As coisas pioram quando sua mãe deixa claro que preferia Conrad ao filho mais velho e falecido. Conrad luta contra o desejo de acabar com a vida à medida que a pressão aumenta. Esse filme mostra claramente os detalhes discretos do suicídio. Ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm uma aparência relativamente "normal" para o mundo exterior, os personagens sofrem de interior. Isso leva os espectadores a entender a gravidade de quebrar o silêncio da dor, pois pode ser paralisante sem suporte.
Para Garotas de Cor (2010) Para assistir no Youtube O suicídio é frequentemente tratado como tabu nas comunidades negras, dando às pessoas que lidam com ele pouco consolo e poucos recursos. Para meninas de cor que consideraram o suicídio quando o arco-íris não é suficiente foi originalmente uma peça teatral premiada de Ntozake Shange que recebeu elogios da crítica quando abordou o assunto do suicídio para mulheres negras com franqueza poética e emocional em 1975.
Ensina-me a Viver (1971) Para alugar ou comprar no Prime Video Com alguma controvérsia em torno da diferença de idade entre os dois personagens principais, esta comédia de humor negro segue um jovem rico, Harold Chasen, obcecado por todos os tópicos relacionados à morte através de seu relacionamento com uma mulher mais velha, excêntrica e rebelde chamada Maude. Eles se encontram em um funeral, um dos muitos que Harold comparece, apenas para se sentirem mais próximos da morte. Harold não sabe que Maude planejou seu suicídio para seu aniversário de 80 anos. Sua morte final deixa Harold lidando com seus sentimentos em relação ao suicídio dela, mas também com um novo sopro de vida. Um ótimo filme abre uma conversa sobre adolescentes que lidam com a depressão, a dor de perder um ente querido por suicídio e como manter vivo o bem da vida que a pessoa viveu.
Documentário - Suicídio: Precisamos Falar Sobre Isso (2020) Para assistir no Youtube Nesta quinta-feira (5/11), a TV Cultura leva ao ar o documentário inédito Suicídio - Precisamos Falar Sobre Isso. De autoria da jornalista Maria Manso, a produção ouviu jovens e crianças para buscar entender as causas do sofrimento e angústias da geração. Ainda há histórias de famílias enlutadas por casos de suicídio, jovens que venceram a vontade de cometer suicídio e especialistas que apontam caminhos e soluções para essa realidade.
Para os que Ficam (2021) Para assistir no Globoplay O documentário “Para os que ficam” aborda o suicídio sob a ótica daqueles que diante desta perda traumática, precisam reconstruir a vida, os chamados “sobreviventes enlutados”.
Para aqueles que conseguem assistir por VPN, já que só está disponível nos Estados Unidos, recomendamos o filme "The S Word", é um documentário de um sobrevivente de tentativa de suicídio que dá voz a sobreviventes de tentativas de suicídio multiculturais, multirraciais, de várias idades, de vários gêneros e multifacetados. O título do filme destaca o quão grande e estigmatizado é o silêncio em torno do tema do suicídio. Este corajoso documentário compartilha em alto e bom som as histórias não contadas de sobreviventes para quebrar o silêncio.
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lilnasxvevo · 2 months
Need to make a lot of money so I can continue my quest of acquiring clothing for my closet that at least looks like it’s from the late 60s or early 70s. I WILL look like Harold Chasen. The alternative is to learn how to sew but trust me when I say that some of the fabrics these vintage shirts come in cannot be found anywhere else
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