#heian? maybe
latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
scaramouche’s story is so easily interpreted through the allegorical lense of him being trans btw it was very much not intentionally done to be Read that way i don’t think but it’s still incredibly on the nose
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zuzu-draws · 7 months
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Just a pair of friendly sorcerers out on a stroll~
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galaxynajma · 9 months
Idk if this is just me but it would have been cool if gege changed kenjaku’s design after shibuya
Like maybe a new hair style or outfit
As much as I love the way Getojaku’s monk robes and hair move and looks it would have been a good way to make their characters even more different
Kenny was more open about not being Geto suguru after Shibuya because of the cat being out of the bag
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 months
also (crawls out of bluestacks covered in blood) hi m.......... finally at avalon now
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aakeysmash · 20 days
I need someone to write a ghost au and call it “pss… i see dead people”
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cockaiine · 2 months
made a gojo short now js waiting for tumblr to believe im a real human
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madnessofthespirits · 7 months
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you know you’re out of the loop when you just never noticed that they added a free 5 star servant thing at some point in the last few months. anyway did you know that cu alter is beautiful and also np 5 now
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morsking · 2 years
"douman is irredeemable, douman is ugly" shut up! enough of that nonsense! it doesn't fucking matter if he's literally satan or if his hair looks like a bunch of rabid ferrets curled up on his bald head and died! what matters is he's funny and his pronouns are they/them!
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Hi! I asked a few months back about Muzan's speech and grammatical forms etc and as a big language nerd I've come back to ask if you could explain Kokushibo's? He has a very unique way of talking—I'm so curious about those ellipsises lol—and I've read a few times that his dialect is a very old one and I'm so interested about this. I always try to understand the character's voice as best as I can as a fanfiction writer and it'd help so much to understand his.
I also want to say I have so much respect for you, oh my Goddd. I live and die for nerds. Nerds are the best. They keep the planet going. I love your enthusiasm and your passion and it genuinely makes me smile. People like you are the coolest.
After such exceeding praise, I... am humbled to admit... my nerdery... has limits......... and I may not have super insightful things to say about this speech pattern apart from... yes... He... takes his time.
While he might use uncommon words, his speech is... at least to my knowledge and this isn't my area of expertise... written in a modern grammatical style, so there was no Sengoku-accurate classical Japanese thrown in which would throw off the typical Shounen Jump reader--nor does it feel slightly dated and unusually straightforward like Rengoku's speech patterns, which says more about Rengoku's traditional values and straightforward outlook as opposed to his time period, I think. Likewise, in the flashbacks to Michikatsu's life, their speech is in modern Japanese, just with old family terms and a smack of distanced formality which would be common in samurai households. (Since I brought up Rengoku here, I want to be clear that Rengoku's ancestor was only ever called a "swordsman" and the Tsugikuni brothers were "samurai," there is a big difference). What's of more interest is that Michikatsu didn't speak with such dramatic pauses as Kokushibo.
Kokushibo is very direct with his wording--he uses a lot of plain statements, stating realities and rules without beating around any bushes. He's practical, and uses terms appropriately filled with respect for one who outranks him when speaking of or to Muzan. When addressing anyone of lower rank, demon or not, he doesn't use impolite language, just basic.
Another interesting point is that he has some pretty long statements with no use of ellipses. He's got his whole thought planned out before he says it, and a full breath for it too.
Hmm. Breath??? No, he never gave up his ability to use Breath Technique, I don't think it's for lack of lung power.
But... brain farts?
No, seriously! Besides Tamayo and Muzan, he is the oldest demon we know, if anyone has a right to being senile, it's him! I know, I know, demon bodies don't degrade like human bodies too. But you know what has been shown to suffer? Speaking ability!
Nezuko is an extreme case, having almost entirely neglected regaining the powers of speech in favor of physical developments like faster healing speeds and mastery of the sun. While many demons do fall on the verbose side, we've also seen some demons (especially less powerful demons) with very simplistic speech or slurred voices, like Daddy Spider (who was only powerful having powered Rui's powers). What if Kokushibo, by pouring so much effort into his Breath technique and sword and eyes, has to redirect that focus from his speech?
That's the best... I've got.......
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heian-suggestions · 2 years
Blame the civil war on the samurai but not the handsome ones
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sttoru · 2 months
sukunas fav concubine being bullied by the other concubines?? maybe they push her into the fountain 👀👀👀
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·.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. being bullied because you’re sukuna’s favorite concubine is nothing out of the ordinary. when sukuna finally notices the harassment you’re going through, he doesn’t hold back.
wc. 2.2k-ish
tags. true form!sukuna x concubine! female reader. fluff, angst (hurt to comfort). heian era. bullying. one mention of d.ecapitation. vile language. reader gets called ‘brat’. beta reading? what’s that
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“she’s got nothing going on for her,” “right? i don’t get what he sees in her,” “tch—he’s only using her for her body anyway,” “duhh. he can’t be pleased by her looks. i mean, she’s really ugly. i bet he thinks of her as just ‘nother hole to use. . .”
and the shushed gossips continue. the concubines hanging around the garden have noticed your arrival, though do nothing to stop badmouthing you. they couldn’t care less if you hear what they say.
you’re used to it by now. you’ve adjusted to this life of yours as one of sukuna’s concubines. his favourite at that—which automatically makes you a victim of verbal (and sometimes physical) harassment. the other women in the ruthless sorcerer’s harem can’t stand you.
your eyes are glued to the path you’re walking on. your lady-in-waiting doesn’t utter a single word as well, holding her head low as she follows behind you. you know that the concubines will immediately pick on you if you make eye contact with one of them.
it’s moments like these where you actually miss sukuna. his intimidating presence and (in)direct threats would immediately make the others fall silent. you wouldn’t have to hear them call you nasty names.
though, unlucky you, sukuna’s out on business. uraume is left as a temporary supervisor of the entire estate. to make sure nothing goes wrong. despite all of that, you still find yourself in an unfortunate predicament.
“hey. we’re talking to you,” a female voice rings from behind you. it isn’t your lady-in-waiting, but the brown-haired woman whom you recognise as one of sukuna’s concubines. her name. . . you can’t recall.
she forcefully pushes your shoulder with two fingers. you stumble backwards, nearly tripping over the material of your kimono. you look down at the hem and notice a subtle muddy stain on the cloth now that you’ve accidentally stepped on it.
you curse the woman out under your breath. the kimono is one of your favorites since sukuna had it made and tailored to suit your taste.
“my apologies,” you mumble politely. you do not wish to make a scene as much as you want to defend yourself. not in front of those poor servants who are simply minding their business and tending to the garden.
the lady scoffs. another one joins. soon, four of them surround you, leaving you no place to escape the situation. with every step you take back, they take one forward. it’s intimidating, though you try to make it seem like you’re not afraid of their words.
“tell me,” the blonde one speaks up and her hand trails up your arm. she twirls a strand of your hair around her index finger before harshly tugging at it. you wince, but she doesn’t budge, “tell me what sukuna sees in a worthless slut like you.”
it’s about sukuna every time. you’re getting sick of the way they treat you because of something you can’t control. you don’t know why he favors you out of all the other women at his service. the way you’re treated because of something that you cannot change is getting frustrating.
the brown-haired woman follows the other lady. she pushes you until the back of your shoe bumps against the edge of a fountain. the grande fountain in the yard that you always love to admire.
the tugs at your hair get stronger. your patience is wearing thin. you take some time to reply to the other concubines, hoping to silence them for now.
you look up at the group surrounding you—a grin tugging at your lips as you decide to taunt them. you scoff, “hah. you cannot blame me for satisfying my lord better than all of you could do together.”
audible gasps sound from the group of concubines. they can’t believe you had the audacity to talk back and be disrespectful about it. the comment you made clearly struck a nerve. or in this case multiple.
“oh, you slut!” the blonde one shrieks, clearly more than upset by your doubts about her services as a concubine. in a flash of rage, she gives you a firm push, sending you backwards until you fall into the fountain with a loud splash.
your lady-in-waiting is the one gasping this time. she looks at you with great worry in her eyes, not knowing if she needs to go fetch uraume or not. she doesn’t have much say in the matter either way.
you’re humiliated by this. you can feel the water seep into the robes of your kimono, staining the beloved material. your hair is wet as well, the water droplets falling off the ends of your locks.
“pah, you look pathetic,” one of the lower ranking concubines chimes in—giggling at the unfortunate situation you got yourself in. the others follow with their own high pitched laughs, “serves you right.”
you don’t even know what you should do. your body feels heavy because of the water wetting your clothes. your nails drag along the fountain’s surface, trying to compose yourself before you do anything irrational.
you grit your teeth and take a deep breath. you’re shaking, both because of the cold settling over your body as well as the anger simmering inside of you. you open your mouth to say something, only to be interrupted.
by someone you didn’t expect to see any time soon.
the deep tone sends chills down your spine. the volume of the male voice nearly shakes the ground. it’s powerful, dominant and quite aggressive. as if the owner of the voice is pissed. no, more than that.
the group of concubines freeze, not even daring to turn around and face the unexpected visitor. you notice your lady-in-waiting immediately falling to her knees, bowing at the man whom you know very well.
“my lord,” you stammer out, being the first to speak up and address him. you’re surprised to see sukuna back this early from his business trip. he normally stays away from the estate for days on end.
sukuna’s footsteps are heavy. his strides are menacingly slow. the aura surrounding him makes the others shake—one concubine being smart enough to bow to him. the king of curses is not one to be messed with, especially when he’s angry.
“tsk. have you lost all your respect while i was gone?” sukuna growls, seeing how the group of concubines are frozen in place with fearful expressions on their faces. the fact that they’re not bowing before him worsens his temper, “kneel.”
he raises one hand and they all knew what was going to happen. you squeal and shut your eyes, hearing that familiar and dooming sound of slashes around you. it doesn’t sound like they’ve hit anything, so you peek through your eyelashes.
you see how the group of women have dropped to their knees the instant sukuna raised his hand in that specific manner. everyone knew just what that meant; death to anyone who’s got their head held high in his presence.
you’ve all seen enough people get decapitated by that same action to know that the sorcerer was not playing around.
sukuna scoffs. he walks up towards you, ignoring the pleas of the other concubines that are begging for his forgiveness. his bottom set of eyes look down at them with disdain before focusing on your figure again.
he silently stands still at the edge of the fountain. his large frame looms over you and you find yourself struggling to get up from the water to bow at him as well. you keep your eyes on your lap, “i’m sorry, my lord.”
sukuna hisses at your apology. a warning for you to shut your mouth. you’re apologising when it’s not your fault and that irritates him more than anything. two of his strong arms reach down to pick you up from your vulnerable position.
the king of curses hoists you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing. he’s not bothered by the fact that you’re dripping wet. in fact, both of his left arms wrap around your torso in attempt to warm you up.
“stay. you’ll all be dealt with accordingly when i return,” sukuna harshly orders your aggressors as he turns around and walks away from the group. he carries you in his arms, not sparing a single glance at his concubines.
he doesn’t even care that he stepped on one of the women’s hands as he passed by. the high pitched shriek only serves to annoy him, which you notice by the way he squeezes your waist in response.
it’s silent between you two for a bit. sukuna steps inside of the estate, his ominous aura making you hesistant to speak. you decide to stay quiet for the sake of keeping the peace. for now.
sukuna’s breathing is a little heavy. he’s trying not to lash out or say anything hurtful. he doesn’t like raising his voice at you—but sometimes he feels like he needs to. especially when you land in situations like those.
“how long has this been going on?” sukuna asks through a heavy sigh. his red eyes are focused on the end of the hallway, where his chambers lay. the veins in his neck look like they could pop out any second now, “and don’t you dare fuckin’ lie to me, y’hear?”
you gulp. you’ve never been so nervous to answer him, ever. you attempt to respond, “uhm, for quite a while, my lord.”
sukuna breathes in sharply at the revelation. the fact that you did not specify your answer only made him think that it’s worse than you’re making it out to be. he stops in his tracks, two hands on your waist as he forces you to face him.
your body dangles in the air as sukuna makes you look at him from up close, showing you that dangerous look in his eyes. you do not dare to avert your gaze from his as he speaks.
“you should’ve told me the moment they started disrespecting you like that,” sukuna grunts. another big hand grabs your jaw firmly, squeezing your cheeks together. you whine as it hurt a little. he scoffs and releases your jaw with a light push, “pathetic.”
you feel your body get thrown into your original position once more. your head is upside down and your legs hang limply over his shoulder. you try to defend yourself in a quiet tone, “i thought you were too busy. i didn’t want to bother you with such unimportant matters.”
it’s true. as much as you wanted to tell sukuna about the mistreatment you were receiving, you knew how busy he was attending to more urgent business. you didn’t want to annoy him with your own problems that you could easily solve.
if only you could stand up for yourself.
“nonsense,” sukuna raises his voice in a moment of weakness, though remembers that you’ve probably been through enough for the day. he doesn’t need to add to that by treating you like shit as well.
he simply sighs it off, “unimportant, huh? ‘s that how you think i view you?”
you raise an eyebrow at sukuna’s last sentence. you’re at a loss for words. you know sukuna values you more than any of his other concubines—it’s the main reason you’re getting bullied for—yet you never heard him speak to you in such a surprisingly soft way.
almost like he’s disappointed that you don’t realise the extent of his favoritsm. he cares about you more than you actually think he does.
“i-i’m sorry, my lord,” you stutter. you really do not have a clue about what to say. all you can do is apologise as you’re left overthinking that one little sentence he said.
“what a brat,” sukuna quickly regains his usual stoic and stern composure. he reaches his chambers and enters his personal bathroom before putting you down on your feet. he looks down at your short stature, feeling the warmth of your body leave his skin once you’re separated.
sukuna watches you shiver. he wants to get angry at you for not telling him about anything that’s been going on while he’s not present, though he simply cannot at the moment.
he’ll let you off the hook for now. but, he’s surely going to give you your own special scolding after he’s taken care of the other concubines. the man grabs a large towel from nearby and messily wraps it around your upper body.
sukuna turns around to walk out of his bathroom, looking over his shoulder once more, “get dressed into something else before you catch a cold.”
he calls for a couple servants to tend to you while he’s away to take care of those deviant concubines. sukuna watches the three maids rush to your service, preparing you a new set of clothes as well as trying to dry you off.
his gaze lingers on you for more than is necessary, his jaw clenching at the sight of you trembling from the low temperatures you’re experiencing. sukuna’s going to make sure those other women pay for what they’ve done to you.
he leaves the bathroom after that, though not without leaving you an order to follow;
“you’re staying in my chambers tonight.”
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happyvalkyrieofdoom · 5 months
recently I was reading a little bit of those funny lists that Sei Shōnagon wrote in Makura No Sōshi and today I got kind of inspired to make my own lmao
Unbearable things:
Waking and getting up before sunrise.
The nights when for some reason you can't sleep at all, so instead you just turn over in your bed, feeling increasingly irritated
People who don't even bother with putting the dirty dishes into the sink, instead they put them together with the clean ones
The meat that wasn't tenderised properly so there's this very unpleasant crunchy feeling when you bite down on it
The sound and feel of styrofoam.
The taste of Herbapect cough syrup.
The taste of vodka.
The tea from the primary school cafeteria.
The house that hasn't been cleaned properly so the floors are sticky and there are insects crawling around on the floor (even worse when there are clothes moths flying around)
The car that hasn't been cleaned properly so there are mountains of trash lying around and the car mats are covered in mold.
The feel of chalk.
The sound of fingernails scraping against the chalkboard.
The sound of chalk scraping against the chalkboard.
People desperately trying to involve you in their schemes.
People who desperately want you to lie or hide things from other people (especially from the people you trust).
People who cannot talk about anything except work (yours), especially if they constantly ask you how you're doing financially.
People who constantly repeat the same "good advice" every time you talk to them, to the point when you can tell by heart what exactly they are going to say, word by word.
Prejudiced and bigoted people.
Red pill "Alpha males" and their opinions about women.
Men who claim that women are boring, unfunny and don't have any hobbies (especially when their own hobbies are only watching football and drinking ridiculous amounts of beer).
Video games that require way too much RAM than they should.
Americans from I Love My Polish Heritage Facebook group.
That extremely unpleasant pain in the fingers after exposure to cold (even when wearing gloves)
When it's cold inside the building/room you're in (especially when you can't grab anything that would protect you against the cold, like a blanket)
Cold showers.
When you go to the swimming pool and the water is so cold that you can't get used to it no matter how vigorously you swim.
300 metre run.
When there's nothing but beige, faded blue and faded pink in clothes shops.
When parks and alleys with trees and flowers turn into concrete-filled hellscapes.
That wavy benches that are impossible to sit comfortably on.
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chatsukimi · 17 days
ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
featuring: protective!heian!sukuna, kindhearted!servant!reader. slight angst/hurt -> comfort. synopsis: you're sick. to your surprise, you're rescued by the man second closest to death himself. masterlist
you should've known he wouldn't come. sukuna has never set foot in the servant's headquarters in his life, let alone to chase after a sick servant. you lower your head, trying to ease the headache that has plagued you through the day.
sukuna loves his bloodshed and his gore. him and death would be good friends, you think to yourself. he wouldn't care if your body was burnt or buried, you think to yourself; wouldn't care if you died at all.
the room the others put you in is empty. ash spreads neatly over the cold floor. the scent of kibble haunts the atmosphere. it's where they put the dogs before sukuna killed them.
ever since you took care of the king of curses while he was sick, the other servants had been careful in keeping a distance from you. not in ill of heart; they're simply terrified at what you must've done to survive in your week long stay with the monster. honestly, you don't blame them.
but now when you're laying on the freezing ground, struggling to breathe, it's hard not to.
'this is where you live?'
your eyes look up. shock. then, with all the strength you can muster, you heave yourself one step away from the man at the doorway, which only serves to piss him off more.
sukuna ryomen, in all his glory, looks down at you. bending down to pick you up like a limp doll to be seated against the wall, he seems to revel in his regained strength. you can't help but feel happy for him, to have survived this fatal disease. not many men can attest to that...
then again, he is no ordinary man.
'i asked you a question.'
you nod, a small thing, barely a movement. he seems to clench his teeth.
he takes off his long white coat, flaunting a layer of dried blood, and drapes it over your shoulders.
yet it doesn't end there. he retrieves from his pocket a bottle of what looks to be a golden syrup.
you know exactly what it is.
he takes your hand and wraps it around the flask, making you hold it, sparing, not one, but two of his eyes, to stare at you, making sure you do as he commands.
you shake your head. you know he's asking you to do. this is a medication is so rare for your disease that no sorcerer has found in over a hundred years. he's brought this thing of myth right to your very lips. now he's asking you to drink it, and thus take away any chance of it saving anyone else's life.
you scowl, but the tickling sensation in your throat grows stronger, eventually erupting out of your mouth in a harsh cough. you look away from sukuna.
'leave,' you whisper, weakly. 'don't wanna infect you.'
'i survived the illness already. i've developed an immunity.'
you shake your head again. you couldn't threaten your king's health with your own weakness. you just couldn't.
'i can't take this.'
he growls. without any notice, he swallows your lips in a kiss. in the momentary haze, you could hardly resist, fisting the front of his kimono to ground yourself. then, you feel something sweet, honey-ish, hit your tongue.
with his hand locked on your chin, it forces you to swallow.
you pull back, pushing him away. he groans.
he wipes his mouth, still with two eyes staring.
no... no, why did he do that?
'y-you- how? no... why did you waste it on me?' you whisper, desperately searching his face for an answer. 'i'm just a servant. you could've given it to a princess, or a scholar, or priest-'
he grabs you by the arm and forces you into his arms. its heat astounds you, and you find yourself crawling closer. a vague thumping sound seems to press against your ear-
oh. you calm your breathing.
it's his heartbeat.
'sleep in my room tonight,' he demands.
what did he say? you strain your mind, trying to replay what he said earlier. no... maybe you heard correctly.
'but i'm no concubine,' you respond, instantly.
his arm supports your waist, helping you up effortlessly to your feet. he then directs two of his eyes to the doorway, his cadence low and domineering.
'it doesn't matter.'
he leads you placidly through the servant's quarters. you notice all conversation cease at your entry, bodies dropping into a low bow. a small voice in you whispers that it's where you should be too. you tug at sukuna's arm.
'i'm only a servant, sukuna.'
you know what it looks like, a servant clutching onto a man, more god than human. a man who has slaughtered villages, blood staining the base of his kimono crimson, and turned half a province on its head, just to save you.
'whatever you are in my eyes is what you are to the world,' he states, his expression unchanging. 'if i deem you a queen, that is who you are.'
exiting the servant compound, you know you can't say no- not like you wanted to. the wide expanse of his chest is comforting.
yet however sweet this feeling remains, you can't help but gulp. perhaps this is the closest a human has ever come to courting death.
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crabflowerclub · 10 months
pondering the feasibility of teaching myself classical japanese from the hyakunin isshu 🤔
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craftinghellkite · 11 months
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Oh no
I wasn't expecting this I have no spare embers
I really have to stop procrastinating starting up Heian-kyo to get context do I
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mymelx · 4 months
being pregnant with Sukuna's child in the Heian era
True form Sukuna. Established relationship. They're married, actually. Sukuna is stern, cold, and cruel. Yet insanely in love with you.
No usage of y/n
Currently thinking about how Sukuna would act when you're pregnant with his child.
You're his little girl, always in his private chamber, mostly acting like a brat but always getting pampered by him. At first, you complained about always being held in his private chamber, but gradually, you started finding comfort on his bed, his scent.
You would lay on his bed when he's out of his chamber, taking his scent in. Walking between his clothes in his closet, looking at all the things he owns.
Now you're heavily pregnant with his child, looking absolutely adorable and gorgeous. You ask him for help more often, looking at his stern yet gentle eyes innocently with a cute pout, complaining about how heavy and tired you feel.
He would chuckle softly and gently put two of his four massive arms around your waist, bend down to reach your cute face and fill it with smooches. Your temples, your cheeks, your sensitiv jaw. He would whisper praises into your ear
"Is my little girl tired..? How cute. My little one is carrying my child. I am proud of you."
Then he would help you with whatever you want.
One time, he came back to his chamber, seeing one of the servants next to your bed.
His eye twitches since he doesn't remember allowing any of his servants to come to his private chamber to you, his precious woman.
He thinks maybe you have asked for the servant, so he doesn't say anything and silently towers over you and the servant, inspecting carefully.
You notice him and smile while tilting your head
"My lord, I asked her to come to help me with my hair."
He only replies with "I will do it for you."
Then he turns to the servant, his eyes speaking for him. The servant quickly bows and walks out.
The other time, you were walking with him in his mansion, an excited servant daring to congratulate you on your pregnancy. You giggle, and thank her. She excitingly extends one of her hands to touch your pregnant belly, only for it to be cut off by Sukuna before reaching your belly.
He hates how people look at your belly, obviously wanting to touch it. But to actually attempt to touch it was insane to him.
You were his pretty little pregnant wife. Only he had the right to touch and caress you.
He would cuddle with you every night, caressing your hair and belly, kissing your temples, praising you, and thanking you for carrying his child, for being his wife, and for being his first and last lover.
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