#however i am Upset
bambi-slxt · 28 days
when i made this account i decided i wasn't going to allow negativity on my page in any form, regardless of what shape it took.
i've now decided to amend that for one reason and one reason only.
making fun of my moots, or even just other sturniolo writers on tumblr, is pretty shitty behavior, ngl.
imagine having nothing better to talk about, so you feel the need to go to a brand new app (as if tiktok, instagram, youtube, snapchat, and reddit aren't enough), look up triplet content, and grasp your pearls in horror because we have the audacity to write about chris selling drugs (oh the humanity, someone kill me now).
or, rather, let me use your words: "like, the reader was dating one of them [the triplets] and they all had covid, so she came over and made them all soup-"
leave us alone 🥰
"ok but like what happened to just like normal boyfriend, like why are they all drug dealers-" omg girlie lemme show u how much sweet fluff fanfiction we have on here! oh, what's that? ur not interested? ohhhh is that bc it won't make good content for your knockoff podcast? weird.
"it's always such a 180 from their real personality, like what do you mean, you watch them all the time and you don't know them?" omg girlie! it's almost like it's called fanfiction for a reason!
"lemme write this shit!" go ahead, you'll probably like it, just like the rest of us! writing about the triplets is really fun, and having your moots reblog and comment and like your shit is so super cool. this is a more supposrtive community within the fandom than any i've found on any of the other platforms, and we got that way because we don't judge each other!
i need to go lay down jesus christ
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mi-spark · 24 days
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actual image of me graduating <3
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sysig · 4 months
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Twin skeletons need twin carriers (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Sans#Papyrus#Asgore#Also hey Edgar is here! What the heck! Lol#Vargas#Edgar#Ugh I am so weak to baby silliness jfdslafjdjsahfds#I quite literally asked for it and it was still an OHKO lol ♪#Just! The idea of Gaster getting a baby carrier was too cute not to explore heck and a heck#He'd need a twin carrier! :D Or one of those ones that can attach one to another criss-cross style however it works - he'd need two#But the classic twin setup would have some interesting logistical problems haha#For one Sans is very upset at being separated from his brother especially - Papyrus would also fuss but Sans is much louder ironically haha#There are carrier styles that allow both babies to sit sideways so they can see each other tho :D A decent solution#Also me realizing in real time just how old Gaster is to be a single father all of a sudden lol#There'd still probably be situations where he'd need to be a bit more balanced I imagine that'd get fairly front-heavy#Even if they are skeletons so is he haha#The other problem would be - I imagine Sans would basically always take Gaster's chest and Papyrus at his back#Even tho he sleeps more - maybe even partially because of that - Gaster would always want to be able to check on him#He's quieter and moves around less and if he Needs-to needs-to he can protect Sans with his arms#Hopefully that would never need to happen! But Parent Brain haha#He accidentally bonks Papyrus into something and goes into near-hysterics of What If That Was Sans I Can Never Set This Baby Down Again#I have another small silly idea related to that as well hopefully I can get to it soon haha#Anyway - obviously he trusts Asgore with Sans! Happy medium!#Papyrus finally getting some chest-to-chest snuggles hehe ♪ Gaster isn't baby talking him he's just being dryly silly haha#The translations are ''NOW NOW'' ''ISN'T THAT QUITE ENOUGH'' ''DON'T YOU KNOW BETTER''#Asgore just enjoying watching him talk to the boys in his own font - privately but openly bonding with them! ♥ A thing only skeletons can do
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
People in other fandom are criticising the 1st gentlebeard kiss again, and I think we need to discuss how this is the result of oversexualation in queer media
I’m assuming that other fandom refers to the Canyon? I’ve mostly either blocked or been blocked by them, it seems, which is perfectly fine by me. They don’t want to see me and I don’t want to see them.
I’ve written, as have others, about how there’s a clear progression to those kisses, from the very tentative sweetness of the first and the absolute confidence of the last. In that beach scene, Ed can barely get out what he wants to say, and Stede doesn't immediately clock what it means (because he's dealing with that initial emotion of "I make...you...happy?"). I’m not sure what was wanted with the first kiss? Like, full-on snog? How would that make sense to either of those characters at that point? It might even have looked like assault, since Stede is obviously surprised and not quite expecting it. The fact that it is gentle and unsure is part of their relationship - they’re figuring out who they are to each other, and Ed especially is being so careful about how he does it.
In terms of oversexualization generally...I'm not a queer media scholar or critic, though I've done work with queer theory and I know a lot of Hollywood history. So much of mainstream queer media was initially about subtext and suffering - characters that were typed as queer without being made explicitly so (because they literally couldn't), stories that treated queerness as a mental illness or that ended in death and destruction. So there's been a natural pushback against all that, often outside the mainstream and then more into the mainstream now. I think there was also a desire to shock the straight world, hence things like John Waters's films, Rocky Horror, etc. (not knocking these - I fuckin' love 'em), which are also in conversation with pornography.
With Our Flag Means Death and a handful of other shows and films (Good Omens, A League of Their Own, Heartstopper, etc.) there's been major movement forward, in part because there are more queer writers/artists/creators getting a say in mainstream texts. But there's still that fear of assimilation - because mainstream. So there's a cadre that will demand that if it's queer, it's gotta be explicit. It's gotta shock the straights. Which leads, eventually, to a sanding away of complicated emotions and nuance and not allowing characters or plots to progress in an organic way. There has to be space for sexualization if it's natural to the story, but it can't be forced.
I would absolutely have been upset if all we ever got was that beach kiss, and all we ever saw was Ed and Stede barely kissing each other. That wouldn't have made sense to the story that was being told. I even remember messaging my friend after "Curse of the Seafaring Life" that I was glad they "finally got a proper kiss." And looking back, even then, I was pretty much thinking that that's all we were gonna get, because I've been so conditioned to just expect crumbs in mainstream media. (Also, like, I remember very well how Ellen lost her sitcom when she came out, how people had an absolute fit about Will & Grace featuring a nonromantic same-sex kiss, and how all the interviews around Brokeback Mountain were along the lines of "how terribly uncomfortable was it to kiss a dude?!" So the idea of two straight actors maybe possibly not being grossed out by kissing each other is relatively new, in terms of media history.)
I think some of this is a desire for all queer media to be all things. That if any show doesn’t do ALL THE THINGS, then it is bad and problematic. And that’s just not the nature of art. It would be awful if they tried to do all the things. It wouldn’t work. But that's also a result of having so little explicitly queer stuff, especially from mainstream shows/films, that when something like OFMD or Good Omens comes along, it gets picked apart and people are upset that it didn't do all the things. The more queer stories there are, the less we'll have to depend on single works and the less infighting there will be.
Well, there, I wrote way too much. This is all very complicated and I'm not trying to pretend that it's easy to distill down or that I'm 100% right here. I'd be happy to hear other opinions or caveats (that are not "no, I love Izzy, therefore you're wrong").
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cuntstable · 5 days
just saw a video on twitter of someone taking their csm manga off of their shelf and putting them in a trashbin because the latest chapter of said story contains a scene of sa. in a story thats largely about abuse and intimacy and has tackled said topic before too. whatever. but then they replaced it with a fucking jojo book so i started laughing
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lunaicfantastic · 1 year
gotta say out of all the punk steve content i've seen, i've yet to see someone make eddie seethe because he can't fall for a punk they're a metalhead's natural enemy. enemies to lovers where eddie disses the sex pistols and steve calls dio pretentious and then they have hatesex in eddie's van
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casey-complains · 6 months
Thomas cannot handle criticism and it's so funny to see
he's been doing this for like... 10 years... he should know how to take it by now
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lynxfrost13 · 6 months
Man for some reason the “not living up to my potential” in terms of my art is really hitting today which is stupid.
Hey brain you know that art is a forever journey and that it’s okay to grow and learn and not be perfect right???
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lunapegasus · 1 year
This was a terrible idea. Really, it was. With how many times she’d been rejected it was practically ridiculous that she thought this would go over well. And Amy was well aware of how low her chances were. But she just couldn’t help it. Besides, he was far too reserved to ever ask her out. She had to be the one to do it.
Amy sighed and looked at her dress in the mirror again. It was a medium length white dress covered in a leafy pattern in various green hues and even had a ribbon to match. It was brand new. Which she may or may not have bought for this specific occasion. An arguably unnecessary expense but Amy justified it by telling herself she needed something nice to boost her confidence. 
But… what if it was too nice? If she got rejected then it would have all been a waste and every time she saw the dress again she’d be filled with disappointment and heartache and loneliness and-
She panicked and darted over to her wardrobe and began to frantically look for a possible alternative. How foolish she was to buy such a dress. What if he didn’t even like green!
Amy startled suddenly at the knock on her bedroom door and a young rabbit poked her head inside.
“Amy, aren’t you supposed to be on your date?”
“It’s not a date, Cream. Well, at least not yet. But hopefully, it will be.”
“I’m sure he’ll say yes! I have a feeling this one's gonna work out. And I don’t need any fancy tarot cards to know that!”
“That’s right! I should do a reading and then I’ll-”
“Amy!” Cream shouted, cheeks slightly puffed up in frustration, “You already said you were gonna ask him. You promised me you wouldn’t back out again.”
“I know, I know. You’re right,” Amy sighed and wandered over to her drawer and pulled out her old deck of cards, “These cards have just really helped me out a lot, you know? I’ve had them nearly my whole life. If I hadn’t listened to them and left home then I never would have even met him, or anyone else, or even you.”
Cream quietly wandered over and sat down on the bed next to her friend and waited for her to continue.
“I’d been alone for a really long time, which was why I was traveling the world. I wanted to find a new home, somewhere I belonged… I’d read about Little Planet before, they used to call it Miracle Planet. It sounded like a beautiful place, “a world that defies time itself”, relics that create miracles, I couldn't ask for a more perfect place to call home… But just like everything else, it was temporary.”
Cream frowned as Amy sat down on the bed beside her. The little girl watched as Amy shuffled through her deck before finally pulling out a single card and handing it to her. The image depicted a brave looking knight valiantly standing upright with a single sword in his hands.
“But then I pulled this card,” Amy said, continuing her story, “The Knight of Swords. It represents action and says that if you propel yourself through ambition you’ll be rewarded. That’s when I knew that if I continued to trust my instincts, the same one that brought me there in the first place, then I would finally get to meet my knight in shining armor!”
Cream giggled, “And you did! Even if it was a little messy at first.”
“Heh, a little, but you gotta admit, he really knew how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
The two giggled some more before Cream suddenly sprung up from her feet, “Amy! You’re gonna be late! You need to hurry!”
“Oh Chaos you’re right!” Amy jumped up from the bed and hurried out the door, but when she reached the doorway she paused and looked back towards her friend again. “So, you really think he’s gonna say yes?”
Cream walked over to her and gave her a big smile, “Of course I do, Amy! Things are changing now and so are you. You’ve been the princess in the tower already, now it’s time for you and your knight, your real knight, to have your happily ever after!”
Amy returned the smile, gave her friend a big hug, and fought off the tears she felt forming behind her eyes, “Thanks Cream, you always know just what to say.”
The two waved each other away and Amy took off, and as she closed the front door behind her she couldn’t help but smile.
This was it. She was finally going to ask out the blue hedgehog of her dreams. It was finally time to ask out Metal Sonic.
[idea by @khalewren]
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runawaymarbles · 8 months
I do not understand Chimney haters. (Nobody attempt to explain Chimney haters to me, I don't want to understand them.)
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lovelbear · 2 days
I love when I just jump on Tumblr and just see everyone fighting over who should win the polls.
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Christian Culture is never really understanding why Christians, Muslims and Jews hate each other so much as if Jesus *wouldn't* be vibing with Muhammad and Abraham (who is already involved in all three religions anyway if im not mistaken).
bold of you to assume he’s not already hanging out with Abraham and Moses
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abnerkrill · 1 year
so i saw hadestown yesterday. very good performance, musicians & vocalists top-notch. but i can't help but mourn (and be very angry about!!) how diluted the lyrics are from the concept album/nytw version. the fuck did you do with orpheus's song in all the epics & persephone's first meeting with hades in chant ii?? feels like some higher-up told anais and rachel they needed to make the whole thing more accessible so they just gutted the best lyrics and replaced it with basic-ass greek mythology 101. very condescending to the audience, very watered-down from the original gut punch of a show at nytw, absolutely devastating to me, a musician & poet, who actually needed to hear
Love was when he came to me Begging on his bended knees To please have pity on his heart And let him lay me in the dirt
also playing the first "hey" from hades in hey little songbird for eyebrow-waggling laughs should get someone dragged out back and shot lmao. this is not a funny moment!!!!!!!!!
also damon daunno is better than every other orpheus byeeeeee
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squeakyclamart · 1 year
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ok hold on. Ok guys hang on wait listen hear me out. Ok listen guys hang on, wait, wait -- guys wait listen to me
actually I don't really have a way to explain myself here . Yes I turned the pizza guys into animals I'm sorry. You don't understand i'm having a moment here, this has been driving me insane for days
I CAN explain my design choices however
Pizzahead - fox - I think "triangle head," my brain goes immediately to fox. Foxes just got that Shape, yknow? I almost went for a hyena for funny laugh, but outside of hyenas having a bit too stocky of a build (and not quite the tail I wanted), I figured foxes also make silly little noises so hey. Whatever
Peppino - tasmanian devil - You already know why .I mean come on. But also the color scheme worked out rather nice, with the white patch being his 'shirt'
Gustavo - little owl - I wanted him to be small and relatively round but also some creachure that has a natural rivalry with rats/mice. I could have gone with cat, but decided Nahhh and went with funny little owl instead. Brick meanwhile is still a rat because I think that's funny
Pepperman - capybara - Ok listen. He looks awful here. He looks downright terrible. But also I want to keep him that way. The stem does not help but without it he looked bald . Anyway I had a rodent theme going for the tower gang initially, and even if that changed as Noise became a rabbit, I still liked Pepperman being a big fucking capybara because I think it's Silly. Also because capys are one of the few rodents that come in a reddish color in certain lights. So
Vigilante - guinea pig - He is small. He can tuck his legs in under himself and look like he's got none. He's not threatening in the slightest. The most he can do is squeak really loudly at you. And I think he should stay that way. He is a leftover from the tower gang having a rodent theme Also look up guinea pigs wearing cowboy hats. you will not be disappointed
Noise (and Noisette) - rabbit - Ok everyone listen. I know it's a popular thing to turn this man into a rat, and I'm totally on board and I agree, and I originally had him as a rat, however. It created a sorta Pluto and Goofy thing between him and Brick, which would be funny and fitting, but I just didn't vibe with it. Plus that one comic with Pepperman calling Noisette's hats "rabbit ears" has stuck in my head like some sort of parasite and I can't get rid of it
Fake Peppino - he is just peppino but his anatomy is fucked up and he's goopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerome - cat - there is no intrinsic value or reason for this I just wanted to turn him into a small cat
Mr. Stick - heron - It was beamed into my mind like a prophecy. Tall lanky ass bird (to fit with Gustavo also being a bird) with big long beak. what else could you ask for
anyway. um. Yes. Sorry . I can't really explain myself for this one outside of that . yea. ok. bye
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wigglys-dikrats · 9 months
hi there!! friendly reminder to keep tagging your npmd spoilers!!
a lot of us are awaiting october 13th for the youtube show to get to see it!!
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ransomdemands · 2 years
For the record, many of the posts on this blog are about trans people. When I refer to 'girlcock', I am speaking about a woman with a penis, not a 'crossdressing man'. Women can have penises, men can have vaginas, when say 'girlcock' or 'boycunt' I am explicitly indicating that the post is about trans people. Not a cis person who enjoys gender nonconforming fashion and especially not someone who fetishizes trans people and sexualizes their misogyny. terfs fuck off.
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