#hwang sinb
moonnightrph · 1 year
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how can someone be so pretty while doing nothing?
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karmaasstuff · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀꒰๑˘♡˘๑ ꒱ ᳣   𝘀𝗮𝗹𝘁 𝗮𝗶𝗿 </3
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aiissic · 2 years
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fairiejunn · 2 years
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👒🗯 green viviz layout ! ♡
— pics aren’t mine, creds to the original owner 🌱
(( like / reblog if saved!)
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buntterflies · 1 year
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viviz's seasons greetings;
don’t repost anything, like/reblog! ✧♡  
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sf9official · 2 years
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07-09-2022 sinb at synnara fansign
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skyswancygnus · 2 years
Better Than Me
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Starring: Hwang Eunbi/SinB (Viviz & ex Gfriend) as Shilla and Ji Changmin/Q(The Boyz) as Dimas
Cameo: Son Juyeon/Eunseo (WJSN) as Tiara
Aku tersenyum memandang sosok lelaki yang tengah berjalan tertawa bersama temannya. Aku menghela napas lega melihatnya bisa sebahagia itu.
"Aw!" seruku sambil mengelus kepalaku yang baru saja ditimpa sebuah buku.
Aku mendengus sebal melihat sang pelaku yang bukannya meminta maaf justru memasang wajah tanpa dosa sambil berdiri dengan santai di sebelahku.
"Diliatin terus. Kalau suka kejar dong," celetuknya.
Aku terdiam mendengarnya. Bukannya membalas, aku kembali menolehkan pandanganku ke arah lelaki tadi. Aku menghela napas.
Dia Dimas. Teman terdekatku dulu saat kami duduk di kelas X. Iya, dulu. Karena di kelas XII ini kami justru seperti orang asing. Saling sapa saja tidak. Tunggu jangan berpikir yang tidak tidak tentangnya. Justru yang salah di sini adalah aku.
Semua ini berawal dari kebiasaan teman teman sekelas kami yang selalu menceng-cengi ketika sepasang perempuan dan laki-laki dekat. Ya, itu terjadi pada aku dan Dimas. Padahal saat itu kami hanyalah sepasang sahabat dekat yang selalu berbagi kisah alias saling curhat saja.
Kelakuan teman teman kami membuatku sangat risih sehingga aku menjadi canggung kepada Dimas. Aku pun merasakan hal yang sama dalam diri Dimas. Teman kami semakin menjadi jadi hingga membuatku berubah menjadi cuek dan judes padanya. Padahal saat itu Dimas masih mencoba mengajakku untuk berbicara walau saat tidak dilihat teman teman kami.
"Kenapa kamu berubah?" tanyanya saat itu.
"Perasaan kamu aja kali, udah ya," balasku singkat dan langsung pergi menjauhinya.
Dan pada akhirnya perlahan kami pun saling menjauh dan persahabatan kami menjadi renggang.
Namun, kerenggangan itu membuatku tersadar akan satu hal. Bahwa hatiku telah tertambat pada sosok Dimas itu. Sosok yang selalu siap mendengarkan kisahku, sosok yang selalu memberikan semangat padaku, sosok yang siap membantuku kapan pun aku butuh pertolongan, sosok yang selalu memberikan ketenangan padaku di saat aku merasa tidak enak akan segala hal.
Astaga. Aku merindukannya.
Tapi aku sudah terlambat. Aku rasa Dimas terlalu sakit hati dengan perubahanku dulu sehingga ia pun memutuskan untuk menghargai keinginanku untuk menjauh darinya dan ia mulai menutup diri padaku. Sesungguhnya di penghujung kelas X, aku sudah meminta maaf padanya. Berharap hubungan kami, setidaknya hubungan persahabatan kami, bisa kembali seperti dulu.
Tapi seperti yang aku bilang. Dia sudah memutuskan untuk menutup dirinya.
Menyesal? Tentu saja. Bagaimana pun Dimas adalah sosok sahabat terbaik yang pernah aku punya. Kehilangan sosok sahabat seperti itu sungguh menyakitkan.
Selain itu, beberapa fakta membuatku semakin menyesali perbuatanku. Saat kami memasuki kelas XI, aku dan Dimas tidak lagi sekelas. Saat itu aku diberitahukan oleh Tiara, temanku, bahwa sikap Dimas berubah total. Ia menjadi pendiam dan sedikit mudah kesal.
Hal itu membuatku bingung. Dimas yang aku kenal tidak seperti itu. Ia adalah sosok yang ramah dan mudah bergaul. Dia bukan pribadi yang mudah tersulut emosinya.
Pada akhirnya aku mengetahui bahwa saat hubungan kami renggang dulu Dimas tengah berada di titik terbawahnya. Ia stress dengan kondisi keluarganya yang sedang tidak baik - baik saja. Ditambah sang Ayah, orang terdekat di keluarganya, mengidap penyakit kanker.
Aku tertegun saat mengetahui fakta itu. Saat itu aku benar benar menyesal. Bagaimana bisa aku menjauhinya di saat dia justru butuh orang yang menguatkannya. Bagaimana bisa aku justru menambah bebannya di saat dia justru selalu membantuku untuk mengangkat bebanku. Sungguh aku benar benar merasa bersalah padanya.
Bukankah aku sahabat yang tidak baik? Dan aku justru dengan kurang ajarnya mengaku kalau menyukainya di saat aku justru menambahkan beban lain di saat itu berada di titik terendahnya?
"Shilla???" panggil Tiara, sang pelaku yang memukul kepalaku, sambil menggoyangkan pundakku.
Aku tersadar dari lamunanku. Pandanganku kembali menangkap wajah Dimas yang sudah kembali cerah di penghujung kelas XII ini. Walaupun sedikit berbeda rasanya Dimas yang dulu sudah kembali sekarang. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana, tapi yang pasti, bukan aku penyebabnya.
Bukankah untuk saat ini seharusnya aku tidak muncul lagi dan merusak kebahagiaan yang sudah ia temui kembali?
Aku menoleh kepada Tiara dan tersenyum miris.
"Dimas ga mungkin aku kejar, Ra. He deserves someone better," ucapku sambil melangkah pergi menjauh.
xoxo, 🦢
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k-germsworld · 7 months
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Sinb x M! Reader
Hate sex! Humiliation!
2.6k words
Sinb and I attend the same university. Although one year apart, she and I study the same subject and semester. She was famous in college for her pretty face and sexy figure. Sinb has always been the school beauty in college, and many boys like her. However, she is a whore. She usually regards sex as her hobby, and it can also be said that she is a professional.
Sinb usually randomly picks some boys she is interested in to have sex with. It is not a problem for her to seduce a boy to have sex. Besides, if that boy is also interested in Sinb, then she is more likely to succeed.  So far, she has not failed once.  There is a rumor stating that Sinb had sex with a professor to get high credit for it.  Although it's just a rumor, many people already think that she had sex with a professor to get high grades.  However, she didn't take the rumor seriously. She also regards sex as her college entertainment.
I'm just a nerd without friends. I was bullied by my classmates every time. Because of my nerdy appearance, they disliked me and even bullied me. She is the main reason why I get bullied. I have good grades, so Sinb sometimes comes to ask me questions. It was because she came to ask me questions that aroused their jealousy, so they bullied me. I thought she would be different from others, but I was overthinking it. Not only did she not dissuade them, but she offered herself as a condition of exchange, she asked them to bully me more severely. She was enjoying and laughing at my embarrassed look. My cowardice prevents me from resisting, so I have always been submissive. However, this matter soon turned around in the second semester.
Second Semester
Everyone is very busy during the beginning of school, so busy that they almost forget to eat or sleep. I was also so busy that I couldn't go home until almost evening every day. On the contrary, my classmates left as soon as the class ended.
As usual, I was busy with my assignment and couldn't leave until evening. Just when I was about to walk out of the campus, I suddenly heard a fierce collision from the old building. I mustered up my courage and headed to the old building. I chased the sound until I found the place where it came from.
"Ah....ah..... harder, please !!! " A voice came from a girl. I stood aside to watch what was going on. When I looked carefully, I saw that it was our professor and a girl. I watched my professor fucking a girl, but I couldn't tell who the girl was. Just when I was confused, the professor pulled the girl's ponytail and let me see clearly that the girl being fucked was Sinb. It reminded me that the rumors were actually true when I saw her being fucked by a professor. She really had sex as an exchange with the professor to get high marks.
The more I look at her orgasmic expression while being fucked, the more it reminds me of her arrogant face when she ordered others to bully me. I couldn't hold back my anger, but I didn't want to leave like this. So, I recorded their sex clip in exchange for her not ordering people to bully me. After I recorded for a while, I realized they weren't done yet, so I left the area and went home.
I can't finish my assignment, because all I can think about is Sinb's lustful expression during sex. I opened the video I recorded and masturbated while listening to her lustful moans. This is my first time masturbating. I usually don't even watch porn, but this time I actually jerked off to my classmate. This video made me find out that her body is so fucking hot and she is so sexy. She made me cum quickly for the first time in my life. I watch the cum on my hands and realize how to get the most out of this video.
The next day, I still stayed on campus until evening. But today is a little different because Sinb also stayed until evening like me. I was a little confused but I quickly dismissed it. Suddenly, she came over and asked me a question. I was also happy to answer it for her. While I was answering, I looked at her beautiful face and couldn't help but kiss her. She wiped her face in disgust and scold me: " How dare you kiss me, you fucking loser? So disgusting!! Ew....." I wanted to forgive her for everything she did to me, but her insults made me very angry. Then, I took out the video and showed her how slutty she was being fucked by the professor. She didn't take the video seriously because every student in school knew that sex was her hobby. However, when I said that I would upload this video on the Internet so that the whole world could know how you got high marks in school, her expression instantly changed from arrogance to fear. She begged me not to upload it on the Internet, as she didn’t want her family or principal to know about it.
I had no response to her pleas and she was furious. "If you dare to be angry once again, I will make this video viral on the Internet." Upon hearing this, Sinb had to say to me calmly: "What do you want then, or I'll let you fuck me once and you delete this video, please." I was very shocked to death about the offer she offering me. She saw that I didn't respond, so she took me to one of the classrooms in that old building.
"Come on, faster fuck me and delete the video after you cum." Sinb said in a classroom. The original intention was to use this video to threaten Sinb for having sex with me, but when it actually happened, I really didn't dare to do it. I was wondering and my hands kept moving back and forth in front of her, not daring to touch her. "What are you waiting for? There is such a beautiful and sexy woman here waiting for you to fuck her. Are you only bluffing but can't do it?" She said to me who was still hesitant. " How? If you don't do anything, I'll leave. " I'm still hesitating even though she's urging me. " You don't even dare to fuck me if I ask you to, you are such a fucking coward. Maybe you are just an impotent man so you don't dare to. You're just fucking wasting my time. Bye fucking loser."
What she said totally pissed me off. I grabbed her hair as she left and bent her over the table. "Fucking bitch, I'm going to prove to you right now that I'm not impotent." I quickly took out my cock, then took off only her panties and fucked her. Since this was my first time having sex, I didn’t know which one is vagina and which one is an ass hole. So I randomly fucked a hole. The moment I thrust into it, she didn't moan but shouted.
"Ah.... ah..... Fucking loser, you fuck the wrong hole. That is not pussy, that is my ass. You fuck my ass without getting it wet, it's fucking pain."
"Shut up, bitch! I don't care which hole I am fucking, I just want you to experience the pain."
Her ass is so fucking tight, her ass took my dick so tight. I pushed my cock deeper, making Sinb scream louder. All she could do now was beg me not to go so deep in her ass. I laughed at the originally arrogant Sinb, but now she could only pathetically beg me not to fuck her ass. It didn't take long for me to cum in her ass because the tightness of her ass made me want to cum within a few thrusts. This was my first time fucking a woman and I am even fucking her ass.
I was satisfied and unloaded a big load into her ass. After she knew I had cum inside her, she got up and asked me, " Are you satisfied now? Can you please delete the video? " I'm very dissatisfied with her attitude in speaking so I rejected her request. "No, unless you let me fuck you one more time." Sinb laughed and her expression was like she already knew what I were going to do. "Men are all the same, only want to fuck me no matter what." She looked at my cock while she spoke and she was very surprised by the size of my cock. She felt a little happy, but she didn't want me to see it. So she pretended to lie down on the table reluctantly, and open her legs wider showing me where her pussy. However, her expression totally said different because her expression right now was like she was saying come and fuck me.
Her pussy was very beautiful in my eyes, so I slowly approached her and stuffed my dick into her pussy. At first, I thrust slowly but Sinb hates my foreplay very much. " Stop teasing me, just fuck me deep! " After hearing her words, I became particularly sensitive. "Stop ordering me, you slutty bitch! I'm the one who fucking you, stop acting like you are the one who controlled this , fucking cunt! " After saying that, I liberated my animal nature. I grabbed her waist and fucked her quickly. I had lost my mind at this time. I saw that she was still wearing clothes, so I tear her clothes off hard. The buttons of her clothes fell to the ground as I tear them violently. Then, I unbuttoned her bra and grabbed her tits very hard. Sinb moaned and begged me not to be so rough. "Where has your arrogant attitude gone? Now you're like a bitch who only begs for mercy. Where did the happiness you felt when you ordered people to bully me go?" At this point I was vented all my anger on her for what she had done to me in the first semester. My strength made her unable to even apologize, what she could do was keep moaning.
"Ah.....ah.... fucking... loser...." she still has a hard mouth, but I can know she was so enjoyed the way I fuck her because I can felt warm liquid was starting to squirt out from her pussy. As soon as I took my cock out, her juices started to spurt out. Her juices squirted onto me and wet my clothes. After she squirted, her body twitched very hard. As I looked at her twitching body, I realized how wonderful she is. So I ignored her twitching and I pushed her against the wall with her back to me. I quickly put my cock into her sensitive pussy. She was so sensitive right now, she moaned as soon as I thrusted in.
"Ah......ah.... fuck me more deep, please.... Master!"
"Mas....Mas.....Master !? " I was shocked by her sudden call.
"Yes.... Master! Please use me like your sex doll. Fuck me roughly and deeply, Master !"
Although it was strange to be called master, her lewd talk excited me even more. I grabbed Sinb's hand pressed it against the wall and start fucking her deep. She is just a moan mess now. No matter how I fuck her, she will only moan lustfully. Her horny moan made me more aroused. Since her hands were against the wall, so her ass became more raised. I grabbed her ass with both hands so I could fuck her harder.
"Spank me, Master!" I also responded to her request and spanked her. She was not satisfied with only one spanking, so she asked me to spank her again. I kept spanking her causing her pussy to get tighter and tighter, making me want to cum. I shot all my semen into her pussy. It was too tired for me as a nerd , I use too much power to fuck Sinb. I sat on a chair to rest while she knelt on the ground panting. I felt my eyes closing, but suddenly I felt a warm sensation coming from my cock. It turned out to be Sinb giving me a blowjob. She stopped in her movements when she noticed me looking at her but my dick was still in her mouth. Then she motioned for me to face fuck her. I saw such a slutty Sinb that I couldn't help but want to fuck her again. So, I grabbed her ponytail and started face fuck her. When I got to her throat, I stopped there. I want to see her struggle when I fuck her face. After a while she patted my leg and asked me to let her breathe. I immediately took my cock out and watched her get her breath back.
There was Sinb's saliva on my dick. I used the saliva as a lubricant to moisten my dick. However, her tongue was still dripping with saliva and she was begging me to let her take my cock again. "Master..... please.....give me more...." I kissed her greedily and touched her boobs. My cock also got bigger while kissing her. So I picked her up and fucked her in a stand-and-carry position. I can use this position to fuck her deeper. The sound of flesh colliding with Sinb's moans filled the classroom. This position took too much energy, so I fucked her for a while in this position and put her on the ground. Then, I fucked her in missionary. I can grope her tits and sucked her nipples while fucking her in this position. It didn't take long before I came inside her again.
"Cum inside me Master! Make me your cumdump. " She also had her second orgasm.
We were both very tired, but she was still horny. So we had sex again. We fucked from the chair to the table, to the podium, and then to the hallway. We fucked from dusk to night. We didn't stop until I finally creampied her again in the hallway. Sinb's whole body was covered in sweat, all my semen leaked out of her vagina, and her whole body was twitching. She was too tired to move, so she lay down in the hallway until she got enough rest.
Since that time, Sinb has completely become my sex slave. We had sex secretly while we were in class and we had sex on the back stairs. We would have sex whenever we could. I am no longer bullied by my classmates because now I am their great benefactor. I'm tired of having sex all the time with Sinb. So as her master, I use her body to make money. When someone wants to fuck Sinb, just give me a sum of money and she can fuck Sinb once. Of course, if you want to fuck her as many times as you want, you have to pay me the corresponding amount. Sinb also enjoys being fucked by different people, even the teacher will come to fuck Sinb also. Sometimes they fuck in class, sometimes right on my desk letting me watch her being fucked by others. If she gets a complaint, I'll punish her with my cock so she can serve others better. I made a lot of money using her body. I was happily counting the money while she was happily being fucked.
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bscenez · 6 months
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sinb – maniac 💫
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moonnightrph · 1 year
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sinb's cute facial expressions while discussing transit love 2 finale
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vampyrlig · 4 months
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A melodrama that can’t be explained by other words than love It’s maniac maniac maniac
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aiissic · 2 years
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dazzlingkai · 1 year
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– pull up / sinb ♡ 230202.
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hwchaey · 5 months
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖻 : simple ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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sinbstuff · 8 months
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yeonjune · 1 year
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230210 viviz tiktok update: PULL UP Challenge with Yeonjun 🐈‍⬛
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