#i also thught this would be kind of funny
muffinsandpages · 2 years
I'm finally reading I was born for this, and I thought I'd write down my reactions because I wish I had done that with the other Osemanverse books. So... Here's goes nothing!
P 26 "I think he's attractive. Sort of averagely spsced out features [...] Bit like he was designed in a lab. I don't know, really. He looks like the sort of person I should think is attractive" wait wait wai, big aroace mood? I literally thought this thing about boys too many times!! Is Angel aspec?? (Eta: unconfirmed but she is)
The discomfort of your bff having another "best" bff is something I relate too much to.
Parasocial relationship here we go 👀
P43 "I don't really ever get crushes on anyone" and the whole thing about why she cares about Jimmy? She is me, I am her and she is ace :)
They. Left. The. Pub. Without. Angel??? What kind of people do that? (also, sadly relatable lol)
I know it's a dramatic moment, but Angel meeting Jimmy in the bathroom is so funny because the same thing happened to me at my first ever concert! It was a small venue, and I when I went to the bathroom after the meet and greet, on my way out I met one of the singers. I later learnt that she was having a very bad day, and maybe a fangirl screaming "Oh my Gosh" at her wasn't the highlight of her evening. It's been six and a half years and I'm still very sorry @lisacim :)
Ok, these boys have so much trauma. Like, so much. Someone please get them a therapist or three asap
Poor Piero is having to deal with six heavily traumatized teens screaming at each other... Underrated hero of the story
Unrelated to the plot but I love how "Jimmy Kaga-Ricci" sounds. idk why
P343: "Posh Girl. Did you dump the fuckboy?" (Thank goodness she did)
Thaaat's it! I thught there would be more, but it's alright. I loved it, probably one of the best written Oseman books. Also, it's very different from her other school-centered book. And it is my last Alice Oseman book for now, unless (until) she writes another (I still have the novellas and the short stories tho) (and the Heartstopper series!!)
Actual review coming soon (or not, probably not soon).
September edit: hi, my review is here! ✨✨
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
the way i loved you
Summary: you regret leaving spencer after everything you've been through.
TW: angst?, fluff, kissing, breakup, mild argument. *let me know if i missed anything*
WC: 2,843
A/N: taylor's version of of that's the way i loved you has stolen my heart and i felt like making a short lil fic about this song. it’s also a second fic in celebration of hitting 700 followers! happy reading!
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he was great.
he really was.
he was kind, and smart, and endearing. he was the perfect gentleman. he opened the door for you when you got into and out of his car. he tells you what you need to hear. he's incredible.
tonight when he held your hand as you stepped into his car, he made sure to whisper to you how beautiful you looked in your dress. spencer's favorite dress.
which is why you felt guilty about thinking of spencer.
you were going on a date with him and you couldn't stop thinking about your ex. spencer inhabited your mind when you did nearly everything. it was as if he had never left. the memories of him were always fresh in your mind... even the bad ones.
the arguments. the screaming.
but then there was the passion. the heat that never cooled off between you two. the spark that never dimmed. the light that seemed solar powered, never going out. you wondered if it was still there.
"what were you thinking about getting?" he asked, entirely mesmerized by your presence across the table.
"not sure," you smiled. "maybe just a salad, i'm not very hungry," you shrugged with a smile.
"whatever you'd like," he reached across the table to hold you hand, you obliged.
but there weren't any butterflies from his touch. no electricity that lit up your insides. nothing that made you feel crazy about him as you had with spencer.
it had been 9 months since you ended things with spencer. you were dating for over a year. the two of you had never slowed down since you began. working with him made it that much more intoxicating. a forbidden workplace romance felt dangerous. at first that's why you thought you couldn't get him out of your mind. and then you realized it wasn't that. it was that it was spencer.
this was your fifth date with him. you'd been dating for three months. it had been getting more 'serious' as time went on. but your feelings for him never compared to the rollercoaster of emotions you felt for spencer.
"what're you thinking about, darling?" he asked, stroking his thumb on your hand slowly.
"nothing," you faked yet another smile.
he didn't notice.
he never did.
spencer would've.
you had ended things after getting an offer in the fugitive task force. the pay was better (not that that's why you left), and they needed you more than the team did - even though they told you otherwise. you knew you were valuable, but you also knew that they'd be fine without you - even though they told you otherwise. they told you you'd always have place with the team. so, you left. and along with leaving, spencer had claimed you took his heart with you. but you had left yours with him in return.
you couldn't feel anything for the charming man in front of you whenever spencer still had your heart.
"look, i know it's a bit early to say this," he began speaking, " i mean, we've only been together for three months. but..." you retraced your hand so he fiddled with his own. "i never knew how amazing i could feel with someone in my life romantically. i think... i think i'm in love with you."
*22 months ago*
you had been reckless. you had gone into the house without any backup yet you came out unscathed. spencer was still burning hot despite the fact that you were unharmed. he appeared at your house late the night you had returned, around 2 am.
"y/n!" he pounded on your door. "i know you're in there! open up!" he demanded. you trudged into your living room and opened the door quickly.
"what, spencer?" you spat out. "why are you here? because i know it's not to check up on me," rolling your eyes, you stepped outside with him and shut the door behind you.
"why wouldn't it be? you could've gotten killed, y/n!" he yelled, not at you but at the situation. "maybe i'm worried about you! maybe i care about your well-being! maybe i just don't want you to die!" he shouted.
he had never truly been close to you. ever since you joined 7 months ago he had maybe one conversation with you during each case, only about the case. he wasn't necessarily rude, but mostly deflective. he wouldn't carry the conversation. he replied with simple answers that prevented further conversation. he never wanted to talk with you or hang out with you unless others were there. he just... didn't like you.
but you had been so excited to meet him. penelope, one of the reasons you got the spot on the team in the first place because you'd met her in her hacker days, had talked him up quite a lot. she had also said you were a match made in heaven. you thught she was mistaken until you saw him standing in the bullpen, talking to none other than pg. imagine your disappointment when he barely spoke to you.
and since you had gotten hurt he hadn't just been dismissive. he had been rude. he had rolled his eyes at you when you were sitting across from him in the plane. he had scoffed when morgan said how tough you were for taking the unsub down alone.
and now he was outside your door as rain began pouring down.
"if you do care about me then you have a funny way of showing it," now it was your turn to scoff.
"you were reckless. how could be so foolish?" he asked in a softer tone, walking closer to you to connect his skin to yours, needing to reassure himself that you were alright.
"i wasn't foolish," you snatched your arm away from his grasp, he backed away slowly. "i had to save that little girl's life, reid. you know that i had no other choice."
"you could've gotten killed," he stated once more, holding his hands together in front of him.
"that little girl could've been killed, too," you shook your head, sighing as you pressed your fingers into your temples. "i... reid, i couldn't let that happen."
"well i couldn't... i don't know what i'd do if you had actually been hurt or-or died," he bit his lip, trying to keep himself from saying much more.
"you barely talk to me at all. this is the longest conversation we've had in all the months i've known you," you chuckled humorlessly. "you're ridiculous."
"i'm sorry," he apologized softly, almost whispering. "it's... it's complicated."
"what's complicated?" you stepped forward to get closer to him. "what's so complicated that you couldn't stand to have a real conversation with me?"
"you wouldn't understand," he shook his head, stepping back once more into the rain, turning around as if he were going to leave.
"don't-" you grabbed his bare arm. smoke. "don't walk away. not again," you shook your head. "please tell me why you couldn't stand me?"
"it's not that i couldn't stand you," he said with a sigh, turning around to meet your eyes. "it's that... well i couldn't stand how you made me feel," he admitted, grabbing your hands instead of his own. "i couldn't stand how the first time i saw you i thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world and i couldn't stand how perfect your voice is - even when you're about to cry. i couldn't stand how you're the first woman i've loved since i watched my girlfriend die in front of me."
you felt fire all over.
maybe it was because the heat you felt as your gears turned, trying to figure out how he could love you. the friction from the thoughts running through your head caused the smoke that lit the flame that burned between the two of you. a match made from heaven, the universe, whatever you believed in, in that moment.
"spencer..." the first time you'd ever called him that, his eyes bore into yours with the same fire you felt. "how could you... how could you love me when you don't even know me?"
"i know you, y/n," he smiled, tears streaming down his face being masked by the rain pouring on the two of you. "i-i know that when you get frustrated or angry you just stay quiet. i know that when you're focused you rub your fingers together. i know that when you're incredibly happy you tear up because you wonder how you deserved to be so joyful. i know that when you're feeling insecure you like to read pride and prejudice and imagine yourself living in another world... and i know that i love you."
"kiss me," you asked, trailing your hands up his arms to the back of his neck. "please... kiss me?" you asked again before he filled your request.
one of his hands grasped the hair at the back of your head, pulling you against him with a groan. you felt the passion penny had said you would've had from the beginning through his kiss. the way his tongue traveled into your mouth and wandered as if he wanted to use his eidetic memory to memorize what you tasted and felt like.
and you knew that the fire you both felt would never burn out because even in the rain, it burned brighter than ever before.
"spencer," you broke the kiss. "i love you."
"so," he had smiled. "you don't have to say it back, i completely understand if you need more time."
you felt terrible. you missed spencer. you wanted spencer. you needed spencer. not more time. you had already given him time. you gave yourself time. but no amount of time could ever diminish what you felt for spencer.
"i'm sorry," you whispered, preparing to break things off softly. "you're such an amazing guy, a total gentleman. but... but i still-"
"love the other guy," he chuckled, looking down a bit upset. "that's alright. you can't force feelings."
"i really tried," you smiled, reaching for his hand once again. "with him it was just so... passionate, and crazy, and... i'm so sorry. i wasn't trying to lead you on i just figured that over time those feelings for hi would just disappear but... they never did."
"i know, thank you for trying to feel things out with me," he smiled, knowing you could see how forced it was. "if you wouldn't mind, could we still be friends?"
"oh, of course," you squeezed his hand. "you're one of the kindest men i've ever met," you chuckled. "thank you for being so understanding, luke."
"oh, it's no problem," he shrugged off the compliment.
you finished dinner with him and he dropped you off at your apartment. you ran to your room and decided to call someone.
"hello?" the voice rang over the phone into your ear.
"hey," you sighed happily. "can i ask you for a favor?"
next thing you knew you were packing up your apartment that never felt like home. you got onto a plane and moved back home, right back into the same place. the same night you got there, you knew you had to make a stop at a certain someone's house.
you ran up the stairs of the apartment complex, up to the apartment you found to be your second home. you banged on the familiar door rapidly, anticipating his answer. when he did answer, you were already teary-eyed.
"hi," you sniffled.
"y/n?" spencer questioned. "what are you...? you moved away why are you...?"
"i missed you," you wiped the tears that were flowing down your face, pointlessly so as they continued flowing.
"you left me, y/n," he felt the water in his eyes welling up to mirror your own, stepping aside to let you inside and shutting the door behind you. "you left. not me."
"i know, spencer. i know," you sighed. "but we were- we were toxic. and we argued all the time and we screamed at each other a lot."
"so why are you here?" he spat out.
"because i miss it. i miss the screaming and fighting. i miss kissing you in the rain. i miss cursing your name at 2 am because you would beat me at chess," you cried a laugh. "i miss the way you made me feel. i miss your touch and the way-" you tried to choke back a sob. "i miss the way you held me when i'm sad and the way- the way you loved me. because that's the way i loved you."
"y/n it's been 9 months," he huffed. "why would you... i don't know how to trust you again."
"please, spencer. i'm so sorry. i'll make it up to you," you reached for his arm, rubbing your hands up and down them to ground yourself. "i'll do anything, please. i-i'll buy you a new bookshelf. i'll do your files for eight months. i'll-i'll... tell me what to do, please. i want to make it up to you if you'd let me."
"y/n..." he trailed off. "i don't know. why're you even here? you accepted a job with the fugitive task force."
"i came back to the bau," you shrugged.
"was that for me?" he asked as if you'd never do such a thing.
"i mean... partially, yea," you chuckled humorlessly, an awkward silence enveloping the room.
"you shouldn't have," he looked down at his hands.
"oh," you analyzed his body language, dropping your hands from his skin. he missed the touch already.
his arms and hands were limp, detached. his eyes held emotion, hurt, tears. his shoulders were slouched and made to look slim, small.
"i'm sorry," you bit your lip. "i-i'll just..." you motioned towards the door as you maneuvered around his body to open it yourself.
you got it halfway open before he shoved your back against it, pressing your lips against his fervently. his hands flew to your waist and pulled you closer to him, his chest still pushing against yours. it was as if he had never let that flame die down either. maybe you were on his mind 24/7 as he was yours. maybe he couldn't stop loving you either, even though he hasn't said it yet. the taste of tears on both of your tongues reminded you of the situation at hand.
"i do, too," he whispered against your lips. "love you," he read your mind. "as if i'd ever be able to stop," he sarcastically admitted. "but... how would this work? you said it yourself, we fought and argued all the time."
"we could work on communication. i've worked on bettering myself while i was away. i even did yoga," you brought your hands up to his face, pressing another peck on his lips.
"i missed you too," another kiss. "and i've tried to improve myself. i guess i just wondered why you had left so abruptly. why i never really got much of an explanation."
"and you deserved one, spencer," you ran your thumbs along his cheekbones. "you deserve the best and that's why i left. because i knew i would never really be best for you. i knew that if i had come to you and told you how i had been feeling that you'd talk me down and then i'd stay. and i know it's selfish of me to be with you right now but i couldn't stay away from you any longer. i tried to forget about you but i couldn't."
"i'm glad you couldn't forget me," he smiled against your lips as you pushed him forward onto his couch, you straddled his hips as he sat down.
"i could never," you kissed his forehead. "no matter who i met," his nose. "i couldn't get you out of my head," his cheek. "you've driven me insane," his other cheek. "because that's the way i loved you," his lips.
"i love you," he mumbled against your lips, his hands finding your waist and gripping it tightly as if he never wanted to let go. "so much."
in the words of the beloved mr. darcy, he has bewitched you body and soul and you love, love, love him. he made you completely and perfectly and incandescently happy. you were consumed by fire because of how much you loved him. you loved him in a way that possessed your soul completely, utterly blissed at the thought of him. in a way that lit your very essence to flames and transformed it - not into a phoenix rising from the ashes - but transformed it into pure, unadulterated adoration and desire.
and that's the way he loved you.
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Hi! Can I have a ship for HP, marauders & golden trio Era (w/ a boy)? I like to paint and draw, but I also LOVE to read, like a hella lot. Introvert&Ravenclaw, not shy, I don't fear people, I'm just really selective; people who I spent time with needs to be intelligent or useful (or dogs, I love them). I don't open up easily and but I do have a few friends and family which I love deeply & don't doubt to help or defend. Alone time it's vital for me but I love to cuddle if it's someone I trust.
Okay before I start this … *cracks knuckles and neck*… It’s gonna be a long ass ship so get ready
Harry Potter/ Golden trio: Ron Weasley 
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You noticed Ron for the first time, when he got a Howler from his mom in 2nd year. Your friends made fun of him later, and you did also because it was funny but you did feel sorry for the guy. 
You always thought of him as another Weasley, not anything like Bill, Charlie or Percy, not that intelligent as you have a big standard for but for some weird reason you liked him. You couldn’t put it why excatly you like him, but something about him just felt attractive. So you developed a tiny crush on Ron Weasley in your third year.
As you thught the crush was completly gone, fourth year changed it all. Before you started going to the fourth year, your dad/mom had some bussiness to do with the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and he/she didn’t trust you being home alone for the next week. So you travelled to the Buro, where you met the WHOLE Weasley family. 
You loved there. The first impression of the house was so cute. You felt like home already. When you entered you completly fell in love with house. It was adorable tiny old house with extra bedrooms and muggle stuff all around, books laying on the ground, drawings from every single Weasley and photos everywhere. It was just too adorable. 
Meeting Arthur firs, he liked you already. You weren’t  afraid of meeting the others, but Ron was someone that made this weird feeling in your stomach. So when Molly came back home with the twins, Ron and Ginny you tried to relax as much as you could, but Ron was making it a bit harder to relax. Because there it was again. You haven’t talked to the guy, heavens you didn’t even like him like that, but something SOMETHING about him felt attractive on him and you hated not knowing what it was.
The whole trip to the Buro was amazing. You laughed with the twins and helped them with their plans for pranking other people, Ginny and you became really close with all the books the two of you have incommon and Ron, well you could talk to Ron about anything. And at first you didn’t notice it but you completly opened up to him, which you don’t usually do. With him, it felt like you could trust him completly. 
Fourth year was amazing, you passed all your exams, there was the Triwizard Tournament and it really interested you. Hearing that Harry was chosen by the Goblet of Fire too, haven’t shocked you at all, because since he came to Hogwarts, every year was all the attentnion to the Gryffindor house and the Boy who lived. It kind of annoyed you to be honest. 
What you really hoped to happen in the fourth year was that Ron would ask you out, but he asked someone else and you got stuck with a Durmstag boy named Tito. Honestly, what kind of name is Tito.
Fitfh year changed it all. You slowly felt your crush disapper, falling for one Ravenclaw. He was smart, hot and totally your type. But what you didn’t know he was a player and Ron noticed that. When he saw him flirting with you, he immediatelly walked over, trying to protect you from getting your heart broken. “I would walk away if I was you. (y/n) is way to good for you.” and the Ravenclaw would glance at you and the angry Weasley, noticing him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth and walking away. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked him. -”I just don’t like him playing with peoples hearts. He’s a player (y/n). Don’t let you his looks fool you. You don’t deserve him.” and with that he walked away, leaving you completly in shock. Ron Weasley? Kind-wise-cute Ron Weasley making you smile while walking back to your dorm.
This was proof you never got over your crush.
Sixth year you noticed how he has grown even taller, his big shoulder and deeper voice. It made you swoon everytime the two of you talked or walked by. There was this attraction and not knowing what it was made you want to ripp your own head off. So you finally decided to do something.
Even though the war was approaching, there were exams and you needed to tell him how you feel. You needed to find out what this feeling is. So as you heard he was struggling with History of Magic, you decided to offer your help. “Hey Weasley. I heard youu were having some troubles with History of Magic. I can totally prepare you for the exam. I know all the cheats with Proffesor Binns.” -”I would love to, but Hermoine is aready helping me and I kind of promised her..” -”Come on. I bet I’m not as stuck-up as her when it comes to details and all that stuff.” -”Yeah. You’re probably right. “ 
Damn that was a close one
The two of you decided to study in the Gryffindor Common room. Being the introvert that you are, you never saw what Gryffindor house looks like. And it was so gorgeous. The fireplace, the sofas everywhere and people were so much louder than in Ravenclaw. The two of you studied for about two to three hors and as he actually did study for it, you felt this weird rush as you need to tell him this now or you’re just going about to expload. His hair was messy ginger color, his eyes fixed on the book, and scanning the pages and his slim body was so well shaped and all you wanted to do was to be in his arms. It just felt so inviting. “(y/n)? You’re staring at me.” he smirked and glanced up to you. You shook your head, coming back to reality. “What?! No I wasn’t!” you denied, your voice cracking a bit. “I’m pretty sure I felt and saw you staring at me. I think you might have been drooling a bit too.” he grinned, closing the book, sitting in the criss-cross position and coming closer to you. “I was not drooling. Staring, yes. But that’s only because I find you really attractive and I don’t know why.” you blurted out, shutting him up immediately. 
And so the panicking started. You started to blush, sweat and you had no idea where to look. Left? Right? Diagonally? That stopped once you felt his big hand grab you by the neck, pulling you closer and placing his lips onto yours. It was like fire at first. It hit you out of nowhere and spreading all over your body. All of those feelings you felt towards him for the past 5 years all explained in one kiss: You were bloody hell in love with him the whole time. 
When he pulled away, a big grinn spreading across his face. “I like you too.” he said before pulling you into another kiss.
The relationship the two of you had was something that couldn’t be explained. The both of you were completly honest with eachother, telling eachother everything, him visiting you and sneaking into the Ravenclaw tower just to sneak into your dorm and watch you paint and draw peacfully on the bay window. It was the most beautiful view he ever saw. And withouth you arguing about it, he came over and sat, moving you into his arms and watching you continuing with the drawing / painting.
After the war was over, the two of you got married pretty soon. Moving in together and getting yourself a dog was like a dream come true. He helped you decorate your own art studio and you helped him with all the joke shop business he had with George. 
But there was also times where he would wake up sweaty and scared. His memory of his dead brother Fred kept him awake most of the nights. You loved Fred just as much as he was your own brother and seeing Ron go through that was terrible to watch, especially if you were grieving too. So the two of you sat on the balkony/porch and just sit there in silence and later talk about it.
Ginny and Harry would come to visit almost every weekend with Hermoine and her boyfriend/housband and all three of you would usually get into a drinking game or just talking about your time in Hogwarts.
You guys would only fight for your dogs attention which was actually adorable. “(y/d/n). Come here boy/girl.” -”Come here (y/d/n). You love me more right.” -”Bloody hell (y/n). Are you trying our son/daughter to chose between us” - “Yes.” you said and grabbed the dog and ran. 
Life with Ron is something you can’t rreally explain, because he would be a loving husband and a great father. 
For the Marauders era: Regulus Black
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You and Regulus never got along. Ever. He was like the definition of I’m-rich-spoiled-best of the Black family- Slytherin, that made you want to trip him when he walks by, punch him when he gives you that smirk of his or hex him when he says soething inappropriate. He on the other side, liked you hella a lot. 
He loves to go to the library only to see you sitting in the corner, curled up in a ball with a book in your hand . Or sometimes outside Hogwarts he sees you sitting on the light green grass and watch you sketch into your sketchbook. But what was the point of doing all of that when he acts like an idiot around you. He knew that, but he just panics when you are around. (Basically James Potter as a Slytherin).
Every day he would just appear out of nowhere and start flirting with you. Like you didn’t get that enough from the other Black. “Hello my Sunshine. I feel like today is going to be a great day.” - “Oh and why is that?” -”Because I get to see your gorgeous face matching that stunning body of yours.” he grinned, checking you our from head to toe. And you could’t do anything but to blush a little. Yes he was a self-righteous arse but without him, your six years of Hogwarts would be boring.
Him suddenly turning into the cutest fluffball around you made you want to melt where you stood. “There’s a girl with (y/h/c) hair, young and beautiful. it’s really hard not to stare. But what’s the point of this poem of mine, if all I get back is a cold decline.” he sang in a beautiful deep and husky voice. 
The poem he wrote touched your heart, even though he could have written it a bit better, but it was beautiful, especially read in his voice. So you turned around and grabbed him by his green and silver tie. “Okay, this is how its going to be now Black. I am going on one date with you. One! And if I don’t like it, you’ll leave me alone okay?” you ordered him, making the hugest smile appear on his lips and the brightest sparkle in his eyes. 
He made your first date the biggest mission in his life. It was more important than his own life, since he almost blew himself up practicing the spell for fireworks. He took you on a picninc. (original..i know) but it was amazing. The food that you tasted was something completly new. “Oh my god. I have no clue what this is but its so delicious.” you said, barely catching your breath from all the stuffin it all in your mouth. “I’m glad you like it. I cooked it myself.” You laughed to his response in disbelief. “Yeah right.” you continued to laugh but saw the seriousness in his eyes. “Wait. Are you serious?” - “It was always my little secret. Never told anybody, not even Sirius and he’ll probably never find out.” -”Regulus Black. A masterchef? Who are you?” -”It’s true. I used to sneak into the kitchen and prepare some meals instead of Kreacher. I also told him to keep his mouth shut about it.” he smiled and winked at you. “This is a whole new side I’m discovering of you.” -”Well that’s why first dates exist.” 
And soon there was a second and a third and a whole bunch of dates coming. The two of you would be simply found in the Greenhouses, library or broomcloset snogging. He was a passionate kisser always leaving few marks on your neck, which you tried to hide them later. Greenhouse was your favorite snogging place. Maybe it was the plants or the smell of herb, but the two of you simply loved it. It was also the last place where the two of you would get cought. 
Untill one day as the two of you were enjoying yourselves in privacy, the door swung open. “Okay kids. Everybody has their own pot with their own Mandarakes. It’s really important for First years to know this. It will also be mentioned in your Newts.” said Proffesor Sprout as they were struggling with finding their own seats. You and Regulus immediately stopped and tried not to laugh to this situation. It was really funny to be hones. Your shirt was off, as was his. His hair was in a complete mess, as was yours, but his was extra. He started chuckling and you quickly put your hand on his, hiding in a corner of leafy plant. You gave him glares to stop laughing but he couldn’t help himself. Untill you finally realized. “Mandarakes’ scream Regulus. We don’t have the earmuffs.” and his smile imediatelly dropped. You could feel him curse under your hand. -”Okay. Calm down. I got an idea. Put your shirt on.” he whispered as you tried to put you shirt back on. “Follow me..”he said before throwing himself out of the shadows and making all the firs years look at him. “Mr. Black?” said Proffesor Sprout, staring at the half-naked boy. He picked himself up and acted like he is completly lost. “Did you just apparate me here!?!” he yelled at you angrly. You suddenly realized what he was planning and you followed him. “YES! YES I DID! You want to know why! Because its the only way I can get your attention!” -”My attention! All I give you is attention!” -”Okay! Take this outside!” yeled Proffesor Sprout who totally bought it. 
After the two of you left far from the Greenhouse, you two burst out of laughing. “You were amazing my love.” -”As were you.” 
After Hogwarts the two of you rented a small apartment. It was his choice because he wanted something that he didn’t buy with his parents money. PLus they never agreed for him to date a Ravenclaw. They prefered a Slytherin. So the two of you argued, mostly because he was more of a cat guy and you a dog person. So after two months of fighting the two of you finally moved on and compromised, buying yourself a cat and a dog. 
You wanted to paint your bedroom in your favorite color and he wanted to paint it green. “Green is ugly!” you yelled at him. “No it’s not. Its the color of nature, the color of ambition and lust.” -”Stop with that crap. Its ugly. I want (y/f/c). “
A lot of arguments that on the end of the day were solved by sex. Always.
Some days the two of you would be enjoying some quet time. You drawing or painting or him doing whatever Regulus does in his free time.
Morning cuddles, afternoon cuddles, a lot of talking during cuddles, nigh cuddles and talking about a lot of deep stuff.
Your mission would be gettin Regulus and Sirius back together because you really like Sirius as a person and you know how much Regulus misses him and at the end you would succeed.
Okay that’s all I got for this ship I really hope you like it. I know you said Harry Potter AND Golden trio but the ships I write are really long and I just thing its better for just to simply do Harry Potter or Marauders. But I prefer doing one era at the time. I fell in love with Ron while I was writing it because he is just the best. Anyways I hope you like it :) Also sorry if it took me so long.
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cbmification · 4 years
Big Brother Sims: S01E03 - The Man Behind the Curtain
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Padma: Good evening and welcome back to Big Brother Sims. Last week the big alliance of seven started to show some sings of fracture. For how long will they stay strong? Let’s find out.
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Jared: Man, it couldn’t have worked out better. As soon as the votes were announced, everyone’s faces were like “Uuuh... What?” and there’s no way there’s trust between the girls anymore.
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Cass: You can probably imagine what felt like when Padma announced the vote was 6-3. I said to myself “There, blindsided”. But thank God that didn’t happen. Now I hope Danielle can help me out, because I feel like Esme and Pratyush tried to get me out and I’m feeling very at risk.
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Danielle: Girl, did anyone tell you to vote that way to make a move against Cass?
Kalani: No, Dani. I swear, no one did-
Danielle: Sorry, right now I just can’t with you. You have to realize that this game is serious.
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Danielle: Where the hell did those votes come from? Kalani is telling me she decided to throw a vote by her own accord, but damn... She has to get her shit together or else just walk out that door to save our time.
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Kalani: I feel like I messed up big time, man. But I swear, from now on there’s a new Kalani playing this game. And I’m gonna give it my all.
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Jazz: Just what the hell was that? I have my deal with Esme and I decided to check with her to see if for some weird reason they decided to go against us but I’m certain that’s not the case. Someone’s working on the shadows and I just know it for a fact.
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Jazz: Why didn’t you vote like I told you to?
Esme: I swear on my life, Jazz. Both me and Pratyush voted for Genevieve. Someone’s trying to frame us or something.
Jazz: You know, that’s pretty hard to believe, but my gut still tells me to trust you.
Esme: Oh, thank you so much. I swear, if I hear anything, I’ll come tell you right away.
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Tameka: I knew we could not trust that chick. She’s only trying to use this female bond but I can see right through her. As long as I’m concerned, she’s next to go.
While the scramble to find out where the votes come from dwindles, people are beginning to find problems in each other’s mannerisms.
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Danielle: Lately I’ve been realizing the weirdest thing about Pratyush. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to or where you are, he just shows up in there and doesn’t say a thing. He’s just creeping me out but it’s also kind of funny? I don’t know, man...
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Danielle: Yes, I love those dancing games!
Cass: OMG, we have to play them together as soon as we get out.
Pratyush: ...
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Danielle: What do you mean by burgers being better than pizza?
Jazz: Sorry not sorry.
Pratyush: ...
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Pratyush: I just feel so out of my element in here. I usually distance myself from people due to the fact that my job revolve around killing, so I can’t be a goody-goody. So I just stay there when people are talking and have no idea when it’s the right time to give my input.
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Danielle: The HoH competition is coming up and I do not plan on changing my strategy one bit. Throwing till the end.
Houseguest Soup The Houseguests must sit in a bath tub filled with water. At predetermined intervals, buckets filled with various disgusting items will be dumped into the tub. The last Houseguest sitting in the tub will become the new Head of Household.
Danielle has no effort in this challenge, but decides to quit when there’s 5 players left. Pratyush and Esme give up behind, leaving only Chris and Jazz. Since she had already been HoH, Jazz decided to give it to Chris.
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Chris: Yes! Finally what I came here to do. Captain America: 1, rest of the house: 2, I guess. But I’m gonna make it to the top!
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Chris: So after all that happened we can all agree that Esme and Pratyush can’t be trusted, right?
Danielle: Yes, we give them an opportunity and they threw it away.
Jared: So what’s the plan, chief?
Chris: I’m thinking we should backdoor Esme. Get her without giving her a chance to fight back.
Tommy: Perfect. She’ll realize what’s going on right away but won’t be able to do shit.
Tameka: I would love to see that.
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Pratyush: Things are looking very grim for Esme and myself. We’re the only Silent Assassins left in the game and I have this terrible feeling she’s next to go. And I really don’t wanna lose her.
A few contestants are worried about having to lose bonds. At the same time, others are planning on beginning ones.
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King: You know, I’m the King of many things. But in this game, I’m more than anything the social King. There’s no one on my level when it comes to that. And since I need numbers on my side when we eventually go deep in the game, I decided to talk to Kalani to get her on my side. Good thing is she’s been feeling down lately for voting wrong last time, so she was an easy target.
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Kalani: I’m really sorry for voting for Cass last week. And thank you so much for giving me this opportuntity to explain myself. It’s just that that whole talk Genevieve had with us, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for her...
King: It’s totally ok, Kalz. I get it. You know you can trust me, right?
Kalani: Sure, I know that for a fact.
King: Are you sure no one came up to you talking about voting for Cass?
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Kalani: I swear, there was no one. People knew that I didn’t have my head on the game up until now and maybe they used that to try to burn me.
King: Yeah, that’s a possibility. But hey, if you hear anything, come talk to me. I can help out.
Kalani: Thanks, man. You can count on me.
King: Likewise. I’m all in for an unpredictable alliance like this!
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Kalani: You know, up until now I totally thught you were a muscle for brains kind of guy, but you’re actually pretty cool!
King: Haha, thanks. Well, I’ve actually got it all, the brains, the muscles, the looks. What can I do?
Kalani: Hahaha, also humility.
King: Yeah, no need for that when your name is King.
Kalani: Seems so, hahaha.
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King: Kalani, I can see us getting far together. But please stop voting with your emotions and get focused on the game.
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Chris calls the houseguests to the living room as it’s time for the nomination ceremony.
Chris: I have nominated you, Cass, as a pawn once again. I feel like I haven’t connected with you very well.
Cass: Not cool, man. I just barely survived one.
Chris: Sorry, gotta do what I gotta do. I’m also putting you, Pratyush, as my main target. You’re constantly performing well in challenges and is a long term threat.
Pratyush quietly sits at the nomination chair.
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Chris: This is a very tough situation for me but I had to do it.
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Cass: Can’t believe it...
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Cass: This time I’m not only angry, I’m sad too, man. The paranoia of being nominated had just cooled down, and besides, putting me up against one of the very people who tried to get me out? What is wrong with these people who are supposedly on my side?
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Esme: I just know it for a fact that these guys are planning on backdooring me. If I don’t get picked for that veto I’m out of this game. So I decided to talk to Jazz to see what are my chances.
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Esme: Jazz, doesn’t it make sense to you that Chris would nominate Pratyush and backdoor me sitting right beside Cass because he and someone else are the responsible for the rogue votes?
Jazz: Oh my God, I hadn’t thought of that. I trusted that son of a bitch to become the new HoH...
Esme: Do you really think there’s a way I can be saved this week?
Jazz: My original plan was to get Chris to nominate someone else instead of you over the next days, but now maybe the only way is for myself or someone I trust to get that veto...
Chris gets everyone together for the veto selections.
Chris draws Tameka.
Cass draws Houseguest’s Choice and picks Danielle.
Pratyush draws Tommy.
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Danielle: God, why would Cass expose our bond like that when she’s not even at risk? We just saw two people leaving back to back because of a dumb decision like that. I just hope this doesn’t come to bit me back later. Anyways, one more comp I have to run, one more comp I have to throw.
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Tameka: Those comps up until now have all been about proving myself. And I’ve been performing pretty well on them, thank you very much. But I just want to have that golden moment of victory. And right when I can be the one to send my #1 enemy here home? That would be perfect.
Morph-O-Matic One at time the Houseguests privately enter the backyard to see a huge screen next to a switchboard with each Houseguest's name near a switch. Each round the screen will show two Houseguests morphed together. The Houseguests must flip the switches of the Houseguests that make up the face. The Houseguest to correctly figure out who is in each picture in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto!
Tameka and Cass ace this challenge, with Tommy right behind them. Pratyush and Chris are just pissed because of their inability with puzzles, while Danielle is dead last on purpose. In the end, Tameka takes home the Power of Veto.
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Tommy: Well, I’m not happy, man. Jared says he can control Tameka easily, but I think she’s far more influenced by the girls than he believes. That’s why I gave my all to get that Veto, but it just didn’t work out.
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Jared: Chill out, man. I can assure you she’ll get Pratyush off the block just cause I’ll tell her to.
Tommy: Have you talked to her?
Jared: No, but-
Tommy: And shouldn’t you?!
Jared: Sure, can you get her for me?
Tommy: Ok.
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Jared: What is Tommy even going on about? I have Tameka on the palm of my hand. Actually, I have him right there too. As well as this whole house. I’m truly the man behind the curtain.
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Jared: So, no surprises, right? Pratyush going down, Esme going up?
Tameka: Yeah, why would you ask that? Don’t you know what she did to me?
Jared: I know, I know. Just checking in with you.
Tameka: There’s no way in hell she’s not going home this week.
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Jazz: Things are not looking good at all. But I think there’s still some hope for Esme. My very first alliance in this house included Tameka and I’m gonna appeal to that.
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Danielle: So, Tameka, we called you in here because we have something important to say. We believe the guys are not being honest with us.
Tameka: What do you mean?
Jazz: Well, if you look at it, our alliance has 4 men and 3 women. And just like we’re together here, I think the boys are too.
Danielle: The four of them, or at least some of them four, are clearly trying to get us against each other so that they can dominate.
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Tameka: Hmm, that would make sense.
Danielle: Have you thought of the fact that if Pratyush was to remain on the block, he would probably go home? And then the only guys left on the house would be the ones on our alliance? They would not be able to get Pratyush on their side.
Jazz: Exactly, Dani said it all. If we give up Esme, we give up our power.
Tameka: But the things she did to me...
Danielle: I’m not denying any of that, and if it’s up to me, she’s going next. But we have to make sure we don’t screw this up.
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Tameka: Can you guys at least give me some time to think about it?
Danielle: Sure.
Jazz: I’m so freaking happy, I can’t believe you’re actually considering it.
Tameka: There’s something I want to pay attention to with my very eyes.
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Jared: Hey man, you can rest assured you ain’t going home. I made it sure myself.
Pratyush: Really? Oh, that’s music to my ears!
Jared: Yes, but this favor won’t come for free. You gotta be loyal to me from now on.
Pratyush: Man, whatever you say I’m in.
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Tameka: That fucking nugget. I knew I should not have trusted him. Like he’s always saying we’re good and he’s got a path for us to go forward together but then suddenly he’s working with people outside of the Power 7? He’ll learn I’m not anyone’s puppet and he won’t take credit for my achievements. I’m not an emotional player and I can totally think straight when it comes to what’s best for my game. And if that means keeping Esme, so be it.
Tameka reunites the houseguests for the Veto Ceremony.
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Tameka: I have decided not to use the power of veto.
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Kalani: As soon as she said that, all hell broke loose and I couldn’t contain my laughs!
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Jared: Why would you do something like that?! Are you insane?!
Tameka: Well, Pratyush is a big threat too, I just thought it would be better to get him out first. Now... why are you so defensive about it?
Jared: I’m not-I’m just saying Esme has constantly been performing better than him, it doesn’t make sense... besides, you told me-
Tameka: I changed my mind. And on top of it all, I want to see where people’s allegiances are at.
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King: What? Me? I know nothing about Jared trying to get the guys together!
Tameka: Are you sure of it?
King: If they’re doing something, I’m not included.
Tameka: Then we best get Pratyush out now, because that’s his plan.
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Jazz: Tameka, I just wanted to thank you so much for this, really.
Esme: Yeah, I don’t know how I can repay you.
Tameka: Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do this for Esme and I still don’t trust nor like you. It’s just that I’m not letting any animosity take that prize out of my hands.
Esme: Geez, that hurts...
Tameka: I don’t care.
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Tommy: You better realize that this is a team game. And when you go against the team, there are consequences. And it shows we can’t trust you.
Chris: Yeah, we made this decision together.
Tameka: Right now, I really don’t care. And I’m just doing what I think is best for my game. If you wanna scream and shout, get in line.
Danielle: Jesus, this is gold!
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Tameka: Ugh, I can’t with this *starts crying*. When I signed up for this game, I knew I was the strongest person I’ve ever met. But all of this pressure, dealing with all of those assholes and their egos, I just can’t. But I’m not gonna quit. I’ve never been a quitter. When people made fun of me for my skin tone, or when people told me I was crazy for immigrating from Jamaica. Never. And this game is just my next challenge. I’m gonna get through this. For myself, but most of all, for my wife and daughter.
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Jared: The girls are not gonna get away with this unscathed. They’re gonna pay for it big time.
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Jared: I’m pissed, man. And that’s not gonna stay like that! We have to do something!
Chris: Man, right now we better just roll with it. Can we get the votes to take out Cass?
Tommy: I doubt it. We could get Esme, but King and Kalani would never go against the girs.
Jared: I know. But all of them truly believe that Esme and Pratyush were the votes for Cass last time. We could totally do it again.
Tommy: What? Are you sure?
Jared: More than anything.
Chris: Man...
Jared: I swear, that’s gonna be the end of their trust.
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Chris: Jared has gone crazy. And honestly, I want nothing to do with this alliance anymore. From now on, I’m only looking out for myself.
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Padma: Hello, houseguests. It’s once again time for eviction. First up is Tommy.
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Tommy: I vote to evict Cass. Honestly I’m just expecting more chaos after this vote is over. As a fan I’m excited.
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Jared: I vote to evict Cass. It’s gonna be fun to see you going mad over these votes again.
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Esme: I unfortunately vote to evict my friend, Pratyush. But this is not a vote against you, but for you. I’m gonna make it, I swear.
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Jazz: I gladly vote to evict Pratyush.
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Kalani: I’m gonna do it as I was told and vote to evict Pratyush.
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King: Sorry, things weren’t meant to go this way, but apparently there’s things going on under the King’s supervision without his approval. I’m gonna check that. I vote to evict Pratyush.
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Tameka: I vote to evict Pratyush. And just so you know it, you’re going home just because I wanted you to.
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Danielle: This week was totally insane. I vote to evict Pratyush.
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Padma: The votes are in. And by a vote of 6-2...
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Padma: Pratyush, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your belongings and say your goodbyes.
Pratyush: ...
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Pratyush walks away in absolute silence.
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Padma: Make some noise for Pratyush!
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Padma: So, Pratyush! What happened? I felt like we lost you in the game.
Pratyush: My alliance got picked off and my hard time bonding with these people really showed tonight. Also both me and Esme getting set up by someone didn’t help at all.
Padma: And who are you rooting for now?
Pratyush: Esme, 100%. But I doubt her chances right now. I just hope she doesn’t go home right after me.
Next time, on Big Brother Sims...
I never wanted any of this power, but now I love it!
My plan was to play a honest game and I haven’t been doing that. It’s time to change.
This vote is pure chaos and there’s only one person who really knows who’s going home. And that ain’t me, bitch!
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