#i can't wait for the dvd to release ....
andyridgeley · 21 days
Abigail 👀
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
send me a movie!
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bishonenspit · 1 year
i have such a deep deep love for eroica stage....i have so much hope for it i really hope they do more....
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toomuchracket · 2 months
birthday sleepover (office nerd!matty x reader smut)
final day of matty35!! happy birthday to my favourite boy. have a fic about watching star wars and shagging afterwards to celebrate!! enjoy <3
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“why did we need to rewatch the ending of return of the jedi on dvd? i thought i was doing a good thing cueing them all up on demand for you coming over.”
“no, you were, darling, i appreciate it so much, but i really need to show you this bonus feature,” matty kisses your head, before abandoning you completely to stand next to the tv and gesture to the force ghosts appearing to luke skywalker onscreen. “look - different anakin.”
you squint. “what? how?”
“they retconned the digital edition for continuity - added the guy from the prequels to the dvd box set release in 2004,” your boyfriend explains, eyes lighting up in that adorable way they do when he’s passionate about something; naturally, it’s how he looks at you, most of the time. “that’s the original guy, there. same guy who played unmasked vader in the him and luke reconciliation scene, you know. isn’t that weird?”
“yeah.” you’re not lying.
matty moves back to sit next to you on the bed, tugging you onto his lap and gently holding your face. he kisses you, soft and slow and long, and you can feel his affection for you in it. “thank you for marathoning the original trilogy with me, darling. best birthday i’ve had in a long time.”
you pout. “not best ever?”
“that would be the tour of st. james park when i was ten,” he grins. “but this is a close second.”
“i’ll take it,” you kiss his nose. “wait… so if i was to take you on a tour of st. james park…”
“stop it right now, i might cum.”
“oh, for god’s sake,” you facepalm, trying your best not to grin while matty cracks up beside you. “let’s 86 that idea, then.”
“yeah. and we can do that number take away 17 together instead.”
“what… oh,” you smirk at your giggling boyfriend. “then you really will cum.”
“so will you,” matty leans in to kiss your neck. “you know how much i love it when you sit on my face.”
“fuck,” you can't help moaning at the thought of his tongue slicing through you, flicking against your clit with reckless abandon as you writhe on that pretty face of his; the way it's currently soothing the bite he just left on your neck isn't helping, either. “is it bedtime yet?”
matty presses kisses up across your neck to your lips - when they meet yours, you slip your tongue into his mouth, and the whine he lets out completely liquifies your insides and sends them straight into your underwear. “yeah… wait, babe,” he pants against your lips. “we haven’t let maggie outside tonight yet.”
“oh, right,” you look around the room, slightly groggy, for the puppy you were convinced was asleep on her bed by the radiator. “she’s not in here?”
“think she left halfway through the empire strikes back. reckon she was bored,” he looks at you pointedly, smile threatening to break out. “takes after her mother in that regard.”
“i wasn’t bored!”
your boyfriend kisses your nose. “sweetheart, i saw your eyes glazing over like five separate times,” he kisses all over your face, dragging a giggle from your lips with each press of his own. “but you stayed awake through all of them, and you didn’t complain, and i think you deserve head as a thank you.”
“you know, baby, you don’t actually need an excuse to eat me out.”
“yeah, i do,” matty blushes, hiding his face in your neck. “because i’d just have my head between your legs all the time if i didn’t.”
you laugh, holding the back of his head and cuddling him. “well, the sooner you take the dog out, the sooner you can come back and do that to me.”
the speed with which matty practically shoves you off his lap and runs out of the bedroom is comical. he laughs when you smack his ass, turning back to blow you a kiss before running towards the living room, shouting for maggie. you roll out of bed, darting over to softly close the door behind him then making a beeline for your wardrobe.
excitement - and slight nerves, you must admit - building in your stomach, you reach behind a stack of band tees on the wardrobe shelf, standing on tiptoe to grab the paper bag you stashed there a week ago. moving quickly, acutely aware that you have limited time before matty returns, you pull the lingerie from the bag, barely even looking at it before you’re yanking your (well, matty’s) t-shirt off and replacing it with the fancy bra. only once you’re fully dressed in the new underwear do you admire it, moving to stand in front of the full-length mirror and examining yourself. adjusting the chains holding your tits up, and smoothing any creases from the long skirt, you turn, looking at your outfit from different angles, giggling deliriously.
you look hot. extremely hot. matty’s going to fucking lose it.
and he’s going to be back any second - you can hear him padding along the hallway, humming the imperial march to himself. chucking your discarded clothes onto the chair at your vanity, you all but launch yourself back onto the bed, and settle into the first sexy-ish pose that comes to mind: lying on your side, facing the door, elbow propping up your head and top leg slightly bent.
a brief wave of panic washes over you when the realisation of what you’re doing sinks in, but you don’t have time to psych yourself out of it before matty’s knocking softly on the door. “darling?” he sounds concerned. “you alright? can i come in?”
you take a deep breath. now or never, you suppose. “yeah. come in, angel.”
“got worried when i saw the door was- oh my god,” matty’s breath catches when he opens the door and sets eyes on you for the first time. he stands there quite gormlessly for about a minute, mouth agape and pretty eyes blinking constantly, as if to make sure you’re actually lying on the bed in princess leia cosplay and he isn’t dreaming. his eyeline shifts quite constantly, too, flitting from your smiling (smirking) face to your legs to your chest and back again. yours shifts down over his bare chest to his boxers, already beginning to tent, much to your delight.
mission accomplished.
twirling your hair around your index finger, you smile at your boyfriend. “happy birthday, baby,” biting your lip, you beckon him over with the same finger; he stumbles forwards, entranced, sinking to his knees at the side of the bed. you run your thumb over his lips, and matty whines quietly, eliciting a satisfied hum of your own. “do you like my new outfit?” 
he nods so frantically you fear for his neck. still, you want to hear him. “words, sweet boy. want you to tell me what you think about it.”
“okay,” matty croaks out, eyes glued to your tits. “you- you look fucking incredible. um, just, like, so sexy. m’so fucking turned on. never been so hard in my fucking life. seriously.”
he isn’t kidding; you glance down at his clothed dick, visibly straining against the fabric, and you can feel your ego inflating to match. “yeah?” you slide your hand into his hair. “what do you want to do about it?”
“wanna fuck you,” he whimpers, looking doe-eyed at you. “but i wanna eat you out first. can i? please, darling?”
he’s so fucking eager. you’re obsessed with him.
nodding, you move so you’re sitting on the edge of the bed in front of matty, flicking the front of the skirt out of the way; his pupils dilate even more when he sees you’re bare underneath, and you giggle. “go on then, gorgeous.”
matty’s barely gasped out a “thank you” before you’re being tugged towards his face and it’s buried between your thighs. really, there’s no other word for it - if you could think anything coherent amidst the pleasure searing through you with every movement of your boyfriend’s tongue, you’d genuinely worry about whether he can breathe or not, so close is he to your core. but how can you be expected to think when you feel so fucking good?
of course, matty being matty, he’s slightly graceless with his tongue in his overexcitement, but that’s easily remedied - you root your fingers between those curls you love so much, using them as leverage to grind yourself against him and, in the process, guide him to do what you need him to. he groans what you assume, knowing him, is a “thank you” into your cunt, and the vibrations of his voice add an extra layer to the stimulation already turning you into a wanton, whining mess of a woman. “fuck, matty, such a good boy for me,” you pant, stomach contracting with every lick. humming happily, he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on the bud and making you wail.  “yes, yes, just like that… fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good to me. keep going, angel, make me feel good.”
just like you knew it would, the praise spurs your boyfriend on, more than you would’ve thought humanly possible had you not spent copious amounts of time with his mouth on you just like this. after he’s had his fill of making out with your clit - for now, at least - matty turns his attention to your hole itself, licking into it like melting ice cream, driving the muscle into you to the hilt, over and over and over. that in itself is enough to make your legs convulse, but then he adds his thumb to your clit; some form of half-scream half-sob thing drags itself up your throat and past your lips as matty draws every pattern he knows you love onto the bundle of nerves, and your thighs involuntarily clench around his head, keeping him flush against you.
as if he would ever leave you hanging.
some part of your pleasure-numb brain urges you to apologise, tells you that crushing his head like that is surely painful, but it’s quickly disproven by your boyfriend whimpering into your core, pretty little masochist that he is. he looks up at you, beautiful eyes rolling back further into his head with every moan you make, responding with whines and groans of his own. there are a lot of things to like and love about matty, and his focused desire to always make you feel good is one of them - he gets off on this, making you feel nothing less than euphoric, and there’s no way in hell he’s stopping doing what he’s doing until you cum.
and when he rapidly flicks his tongue on your clit, side to side, curls flying everywhere from the force with which he’s shaking his head, you do. the building ball of pleasure in your stomach shatters, careening into your veins and nerves and brain and voicebox, and it’s all you can do to hold him against your cunt until the aftershocks subside.
matty giggles breathily, tenderly rubbing your thighs as you flop back onto the bed and catch your breath. when you’ve stopped shaking quite so much, you sit up on your elbows to look at him. “now where on earth did you learn that last move?”
he shrugs, cheeks rosy from use and damp with you. sweet as caramel and completely earnest, he replies. “just wondered if it would work.”
“jesus christ,” you giggle, shaking your head. “you're perfect, you know that? now,” you beckon him again. “get up here, birthday boy.”
matty doesn't waste any time; he's lying beside you before you've even finished talking, giddy smile intact. you make the same face in return, climbing onto his lap and pressing your lips to his, while his hands find home on your waist. the taste of yourself on him is exhilarating - you moan into matty when it hits you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and fluster you even further.
it's such a good kiss that it physically pains you to pull away. but the sight of matty, all messy hair and big adoring eyes, makes up for it. smiling, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. “so, birthday boy, what do you want to do next?”
“hmm,” matty's brow furrows adorably, hands tracing the bare skin of your torso as he thinks. after a moment, he looks up at you shyly. “i’d like you to ride me, please.”
before you can open your mouth to agree, he bursts into speech again. “but only if you want to! we can do something else if you’re not in the mood for that. god, i’d take anything at all. but, also, nothing. i don’t mind,” he takes a breath, smiling lovingly at you and stroking your hair. “to be honest, i’d settle just for looking at you, darling. my beautiful girl”. 
your cheeks burn, your heart flutters, and all you can do is kiss your boyfriend again. it's sweeter than the last kiss, but it quickly deepens into something desperate - you lift your hips and tug gently at matty's boxers, and he lifts his own hips to let you slide them off. you giggle against his lips as he holds you at a funny angle so he can kick the underwear off, pulling back slightly to talk. “can i fuck you now, sweetheart?”
matty smiles. “you can do anything you want.”
“alright,” you grin at the way he whimpers when you take hold of his dick, eyes fluttering closed when you pump it; you softly touch his face as if to stir him. “eyes open, sweetheart. want you to watch me.”
“okay. sorry,” he obliges, eyes opening and widening as you sink down onto him slowly, hands braced on his hard chest. “jesus christ.”
“yeah,” you breathe, jaw dropping as you take him fully. after a second, you begin to grind your hips, riding him slowly to adjust to how big he is. “always feel so fucking good inside me, baby. how is it for you?”
“perfect,” he's fucked already, eyes heavy and jaw slackening, a sheen of sweat covering his chest tattoo. you speed up your movements, and matty groans, gaze fixated on your tits. “can i touch you, please?”
“of course, angel.”
“thank you.” just as you predicted, your boyfriend's hands immediately go to your chest, palming and squeezing as best he can through the bra. feeling generous - it is his birthday, after all - you reach backwards and undo the garment, chucking it somewhere in your bedroom. matty smiles deliriously, and when he lightly pinches your nipples, you can't help the way your hips speed up or the moan that escapes your lips.
clearly, he isn't the only masochist in the room.
your thighs are beginning to burn from the effort, but you ignore it. matty's enjoying this, the way you're fucking him, as evidenced by the whines of your name and groans and whimpers that fall from his lips, punctuated by the gorgeous sound of your skin slapping against his. and you're enjoying it, too - he hits a delicious spot inside you every time your bodies meet, and given your previous orgasm you don't think it'll take long for you to get off again. 
he also seems to be getting close, hips sporadically jerking up into you. it feels good, actually, so good that you decide it might be time to relinquish control for a bit. you smile sweetly. “do you want to do the work for a bit, angel, wanna fuck me?”
“can i?”
fuck, you have the most adorable boyfriend in history. you nod. “i'd really like that.”
“alright,” matty shuffles beneath you, sitting up more against the pillows and moving your arms to rest on his shoulders. he kisses you, so deeply and passionately that your head spins. “can i make you cum, please, darling?”
he smiles, hands moving to hold your hips. “whatever my girl wants.”
no sooner than the words have left his mouth, matty fucks up into you as fast as he can. you've no idea how he can even move at such a brutal pace, but you're not about to complain; you're not about to do anything, actually, except cling onto him and moan into his neck, your second orgasm of the night creeping closer and closer with every thrust of your boyfriend's hips. urging it on even faster, you slip a hand down to your still-sensitive clit, matching pace with matty and pulling the pleasure out from your very bones. you throw your head back, whimpering praise and pleas for him to get you off; matty watches, mesmerised. “fuck, you're beautiful,” he groans, still fucking you with reckless abandon. “cum for me, please, please. wanna watch you, wanna make you feel good. need it, darling, need you to cum.”
his pleading is what does it for you; with a wail, you bury your head in the crook of matty's neck, whimpering into him as you cum for the second time in under an hour. he brings a hand to the back of your head, tenderly holding you close as his hips stutter to a stop, murmuring more pleas into your ear. “fuck, fuck, please let me cum, can't - shit, darling - can't hold it any longer.”
“do it,” you speak into his skin. “cum, baby, fill me up.”
matty whines, thrusting up into you a final time. he wraps his arms around you as he cums, kissing your shoulder as he recovers. “thank you, sweet girl. so good to me.”
“so good for me,” you lean forward to kiss your boyfriend, both of you unbothered by the cum leaking out of you and onto his stomach when he slips out of you. “always exactly what i need.”
matty smiles. he holds your face so carefully, caressing your cheeks when you pull apart. “i've changed my mind.”
“about what?” you frown, confused.
“about what my best birthday was,” matty giggles, still panting for breath. “it's this one. hands-down. fuck the football.”
you laugh. “can i get that in writing?”
“after today? you can get anything you want,” he laughs, slightly manic, shaking his head in disbelief. “i can't believe you bought and wore that outfit for me, darling. sexiest fucking thing i've ever seen, christ.”
“i'm glad you liked it. i had a lot of fun,” you kiss his nose. “happy birthday, baby. can i clean you up?”
“in a minute, my girl,” matty wraps his arms around your thighs and tugs you until your core hovers over his face, currently set into the biggest smirk you've ever seen. “my turn first.”
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galacticstarslove17 · 2 months
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It's The Day Of Wish Released On Disney+!!
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After I Have All Merchandise Collection and DVD On Wish, IT IS TIME FOR THE BIG DAY ANYONE!!
{No Wish Haters in The comments Please! 🌟}
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romancemedia · 5 months
I'm glad it's finally 2024, because sooner or later, these animes will FINALLY be released on DVD and Blu-Ray and I Can't Wait to start collecting them!
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misslavenderlady · 4 months
I've always been curious as to what your pfp is from 👀 is it a cartoon or something??
Okay so back in 1990 the animation studio Hanna-Barbera released one season of this cartoon called Gravedale High. It was basically a 90s version of the Monster High Franchise. It was about teenaged monsters going to school and getting into shenanigans. One particular class had a human teacher (who was voiced by actor Rick Moranis).
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The character in my pfp is Vinnie Stoker, a vampire. His last name comes from Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula. He's this cool guy, 50s style greaser vamp who talks like the Fonz from the show Happy Days. Despite being a rebel, he's actually very sweet and loyal to his friends, especially his best friend Reggie, a nerdy werewolf.
I just love vampires, regardless of the media. I even cosplayed as Vinnie one year!
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Like I said, there was only one season and I don't think it ever got a release on DVD or Blu-ray. But!!!! The whole show is free on YouTube. It's got the classic VHS look to it. Tumblr is being weird and I can't post the link, but just search for it on YouTube. I highly recommend giving it a watch 💜
Also!! Fun fact! One of the characters is voiced by Jackie Earle Haley. He's best known for his more intense roles like Rorschach in Watchmen or Freddy Krueger in the reboot of Nightmare on Elm Street.
But in this show he's voicing this super laid back, surfer dude version of a swamp monster named Gill. Just totally opposite vibes lol
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Couch Cuddles Masterlist
A Beautiful Mess Of Emotion (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Dan was a mess after the holidays ended. He came back from his family’s house with bags under his eyes and no spring left in his step. The moment Phil opened the door, he knew something was wrong.
Or: Phil comforts Dan after a stressful week.
A Horror Deal (ao3) - bakingphaninmymind
Summary: Dan and Phil decide to watch a horror. Both boys know it's not a good idea, but at least they have a chance to find out who's gonna come and cuddle to whose bedroom first, right? Fluff :)
being with you (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil have just released their DVD; after chatting with their audience, they spend the night alone.
cat and bear (ao3) - furryphil
Summary: 2009!phan in which dan finds something unexpected on phil’s phone. it’s not a bad thing, though phil is a bit embarrassed by it.
Distracting Boyfriends and Sleepy Kisses (ao3) - ElleF
Summary: Phil just wants his boyfriend to pay attention to him.
Home is Wherever I'm With You (ao3) - xoPrincessKayxo
Summary: Dan has a habit of showing up at Phil's place unannounced whenever he can't sleep. Phil doesn't mind at all
In another life you still would’ve turned my head (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes across old black and white photos of two queer men messing around, one playing with the other's hair, just like he did in a recent video with Phil. He gets caught up in the emotions that he would have fallen in love with Phil in any universe. He crawls into Phil's lap and tells him exactly that.
In Touch (ao3) - enbyishimaru
Summary: After seeing Dan being comfortable with himself in Australia, he plans a date night to encourage Dan to continue doing things that mqke him happy. Also combining my personal wanting Dan to catch up with Rick and Morty, so if you aren't caught up there will be spoilers.
Keep It Down (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Phil wants a quiet life. That's all he's asked for. He doesn't want the new neighbour to blast music at him at 2 in the morning, so if he would kindly stop then that's all Phil needs
keep your brittle heart warm (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: this summer is strange. but its warm. and theres wine. and theres music. and maybe things will be okay.
Nothing Matters But Us Two (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan really doesn't want Phil to leave him after their joyful weekend playing Crash Bandicoot on the couch, so he convinces him to stay. Lots of cuddles ensue.
Of Racing Hearts and Weighted Blankets (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil wakes up with anxiety coursing through his body and finds that Dan is a pretty good weighted blanket.
Sleepy Movie Nights (ao3) - YourEyesHoldTheGalaxy
Summary: Dan and Phil need a movie night in and maybe just maybe, it’ll be different this time.
Sunshine and Snuggles (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: - There were some days when Dan couldn’t stand the thought of being alone. They were few and far between, and impulsive, but whenever these days came about, he found himself clinging to Phil as if he was his lifeline. -
A day of Pastel Dan and Punk Phil cuddles.
Take a Picture and Frame It (ao3) - interruptedbyfjreworks
Summary: Dan's never been one to believe that 'everything happens for a reason', but he can't help but feel that Amelia was put into their lives by more than just an off-chance.
When I Think About My Future All I Think About Is You (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan looks back on their past and writes his favourite memories down for Phil to read. He talks about how he can't wait until their future together begins, but maybe it already has...
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kageqama · 8 days
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it was such a good movie! i forgot how long its been since new hq stuff has been released. well, anime stuff, at least. but i can't wait til it comes to dvd so i can just rewatch it lol. but i am curious what part two will be... i mean i thought it would all be just timeskip stuff.
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rosetta-j-stone · 8 months
Anyway I can't wait for them to release the DVD so I can watch that opening credit sequence on repeat like the one for Cvetlicarna
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keeperoftinyarmy · 4 months
I think jikook are featured a lot for a couple of reasons the first being that jimin and jungkook just naturally spend the most time together. Even when they aren't the primary focus we'll get background shots of those two doing something which is probably the second reason they aren't just sitting next to each other on their phones they're interacting doing something interesting and fun. One of the last ot7 award shows before Jin enlisted they were playing the hand slapping game backstage while waiting infinitely more usable then any of them sitting on their phones or having a conversation that can't be released so if jikook spend a lot of time together and their relationship naturally includes having fun then they're gonna be fun to watch and you need fun when your DVD is 8 hours long. Third tkkrs full of shit and in the world of celebrity good press/ bad press > no press. Enough people like them separately and together that they benefit from the screen time and it's better fo capitalize off what already exists than to try and ignore it and make a whole new thing and the people who hate it also won't shut up about it which as we all know is a goldmine
I am so glad you chimed in. Thank you for bringing up good press/bad press… even the hateful keep them trending
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piovascosimo · 10 months
the blur thing is making me insane, and it is maybe hard for people from the outside to get it. but picture this, a 16 year old starts getting into a band in 97, then goes crazy about them when they release a masterpiece a couple of years later but we were still mostly offline back then, access to things was so limited. my first email is from 98 but back then we didn't have internet at home or even a good computer. i used to listen to music on cds, waiting all day for mtv to show one video, and here in brasil they've always privileged awful american bands like 'faith no more', and 'rhcp', ugh. i was thinking beetlebum, but i am pretty sure it was 'country house' or 'the universal', that first appeared to me late at night at some point, that is why i went and bought blur/blur when it came out in 97. i still remember the store and the act of me buying it, that spark of energy that you could feel back then, oh i think this is for me. when 13 came out i was in love with them enough to not need visuals for it, but i used to buy 4th gen copies of concerts via mail order from a pirating store in são paulo. it was so hard to come by any kind of content. finally by the early aughts we got the early (good) internet, some official dvds, and we could illegally download so many great music, buy on ebay old magazines, and discover every single hidden blur song that they ever made, but what i was really excited about were the new songs, the new album. and then i find out via a shitty webcam that graham was out of the band. i understand now that it was a hard time for everyone, but i couldn't help and really resent them for leaving graham behind. it was so depressing, it felt like getting really into the beatles just as about they were to break up, i picked sides, i was upset, i hated (still resent) that album that sounds nothing like blur (and that hideous banksy cover, barf). it was such a bittersweet feeling, when i finally could get somehow near them, my main reason for me loving the band was cast apart. years went by, every reunion they did felt like a triumph and a step closer to where they were before, i saw them for the first time live in 12, after missing the 09 ones, bc i couldn't afford it. you could feel they wanted to put it right, but often you could tell the wound was still raw. i'm a big fan of the magic whip, the album that graham put together, because he wanted there to be more blur, that think tank wasn't the end. i understand that the way the album was created wasn't 'organic', graham made it happen because he wants to work with damon, he wanted to show they could do it again, and i think he did an amazing job, i think it is a beautiful album. but it was not until now, that i have felt that we've come out at the end of the tunnel, so now i am reading all these interviews of damon talking about their friendship and how important musically it is for graham to be there for blur to be blur. it feels like 23 years later i am getting what i was expecting to get back then. the more i listen to the album, more layers i find about them, their friendship, and it's so fucking nice that damon is finally talking about it too. i guess most people get over their teenage obsessions, i am not 16 anymore, but unlike most bands from that era they've kept growing and growing, they don't want to be stuck to the past anymore than i do (my teenagedooom was the worst). it feels really nice growing up with your favourite band. that is why this feels so joyful, and why i can't stop talking about it. feeling grateful about it.
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thelesbianpoirot · 3 months
Me: Wait my favorite actor was in a shitty cancelled show from the 90s-early 00s...I am not watching that crap. Google: The only way to watch this show is to buy every single episode on amazon for 2 dollars each. There wasn't even a DVD release. So you can't own it physically and no the actors don't get residuals. Me: Time to download and watch every episode illegally!
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bookwormchocaholic · 8 months
Season 2 of "The Gilded Age," drops in all its exquisite goodness...I'm now contemplating subscribing to HBO Max because I don't think I can wait until the DVD releases. I mean, I'll definitely buy the DVD. I just can't wait like six to eight months until it does.
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cathedraldecay · 2 years
what are your thoughts on whether they will drop an album/documentary/live performance dvd and if they will tour again?? i feel really sad bc them playing fake your death seems like a final goodbye again but some ppl are looking at it as a positive and i can't seem to get there it feels pretty permanent that they are gone forever again :( (ik they're not done touring bc japan & australia but you know what i meaaaaaaaan)
last night’s encore was fake your death, their goodbye letter, and vampires will never hurt you, the first song they ever released. this isn’t a goodbye, it’s a new beginning. how I see it, last night solidified more than ever that this tour’s purpose is to be a tribute to the band and the people they were pre breakup and to lay the past to rest. during the years they were broken up, my chemical romance was set in stone. we had years to carve every image, lyric, and interview into our minds. and the band’s “emo band” reputation towards the general public was solidified. this tour’s job was to tear all of that down. it contorted their reputation so it can fit who they are today. it reached through their history and grabbed the things that stay true to who they are after years of change (see: the setlists, gerard’s costumes, the drumheads, changed lyrics, etc.), while leaving the rest in the past. the monuments that were built while they were apart are now torn down, now nothing is in their way. the future is an blank page.
it’s almost 100% confirmed that there will be a documentary/live album. so many people have said they were interviewed in europe and the US, audiences at the LA shows were notified that they were being recorded, and we’ve seen film cameras at countless other shows as well. AND there’s that live recording ray leaked on twitter. they are going to do something with all of those recordings and i can’t think of much else other than a documentary/live album.
as for an album, i dont think it’s likely that it exists right now because it doesn’t make sense with the timeline, however, they now have an open ended future, as well as plenty of time and passion to spare once this tour is done. keep in mind that frank told us that this isn’t a nostalgia tour, my chemical romance is an active band. remember, they got back together in the first place. by their own volition. and now they’re the happiest they have ever been, gerard said so themself. every single show they have the time of their lives, grins plastered on their faces as they sing every line. my chemical romance means more to them than it ever could to us, there’s no way they would say goodbye again so soon. with this tour they have been resurrected and their past is laid to rest. they are now free from expectations and the future is left for them to write at a pace they’re comfortable with. don’t sit around waiting for a breakup announcement because it’s not coming any time soon. they’re here to stay.
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romancemedia · 9 months
I'm really hopeful these animes will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray next year. 2023 has given us some really amazing anime and I can't wait to start collecting them, especially my top 3.
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spongebob-connoisseur · 6 months
Soooo spongebob season 13 is coming to dvd in a few days and I can't wait to get it. That along with dvds for the second half of the patrick star show and kamp koral. I want all of it because I'm like a mouse and spongebob is my cocaine water.
But speaking of dvds, the only Spongebob dvds currently missing from my collection is season 5 and 6. Which I'm not in a rush to get. I actually have season 5 volume 2. I only need to find volume 1, as well as both volumes of season 6.
Every so often I find a spongebob season 5 and 6 boxset combo in the discount dvd bin and often others point out I should get it if I'm missing those two seasons.
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The reason why I haven't is because of the boxart. I want to collect the original release dvds because the boxart is better. I've collected all my dvds with the original boxart because I'm picky like that. I mean at first when I started collecting, that was all there was, so it looks more cohesive to keep collecting the original style.
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And also I personally think the newer version is ugly. Its just a plain number.
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Meanwhile the originals had a sleeve with art, dvd with original art, disk with original art, and somwtimes a lil note inside from patchy or hillenburg and its super sweet.
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I could go in depth about how dvds have gotten so boring with time. I mean why should it matter if I'm only collecting to watch the show?
Idk but the originals just look charming and it's more special to me.
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I'm not really in a rush so I can wait around until I can find it.
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