#i could not be bothered to rewrite the ENTIRE chapter rn
A sequel to this bc I feel self indulgent in this Chili's
Trigger warning for mention of blood
Something was wrong. The glass broken, the lights dark. Pierce opened the door, positioning himself in front of Bonnie. She huffed at the action but he ignored it. Nobody approached them, and just from a brief scan of the place...nobody was here. He stepped deeper inside, taking the lantern from his belt.
"Rather dusty here." Bonnie commented in a mutter, stifling a cough. Pierce looked over at her and gave a small nod, noticing a shattered bottle on the ground. Not from a struggle, likely the unwanted guest's own clumsiness.
"Something doesn't seem right." He murmured, peering into the room behind a counter.
Bonnie laughed at the statement, sounding like she was in a different part of the store. "When is anything right on this island?"
She had a point. Pierce didn't respond, looking around the room. A painting on the wall and things scattered about. He frowned and moved back out. Figuring out what happened to the bugler seemed more important.
He noticed his companion flipping through a book, approaching closer to see it was a book about the history of Darkwater. "Anything interesting in there?"
She didn't look up, closing the book and offering it to him. "Nothing I could find. Then again, this place gives me the creeps so I'd rather not learn more about it."
Pierce nodded in response, flipping through the pages himself. He remembered the promise he made to himself. Telling her how he felt after the bookstore, but that was before it became finding yet another missing person.
He closed the book and put it back on the shelf, staring at the endless titles for a moment. "...Bonnie. There's something I want to tell you." It felt like there was a cannonball in his stomach and a flutter in his chest. Strange how being nervous before telling someone of romantic feelings never changes from the younger, innocent days.
"Yes, detective?" He could feel her warm brown eyes on him. They were so beautiful, a beautiful dark shade. Most would dismiss her eyes since they weren't a bright blue or gorgeous green, but he preferred her Earthy colored eyes.
Pierce bit his tongue, scrambling to figure out words. "I...we should figure out what happened here." Damn fool, he cursed himself mentally.
Bonnie raised a brow and chuckled. "Alright, no more history lessons. I'll take this room, you search any others!" She sounded so enthusiastic about working with him. Perhaps it was naive of her but it was so charming.
Pierce watched her step away, before realizing she didn't have a light source. He hurriedly put the lantern handle into her hands, feeling her soft skin on his. As stereotypical as it would sound, just that touch felt like lightning going through his body. She smiled in appreciation and continued. He pulled out his lighter and entered another room. A Phonograph and a chess table, becoming more clear as he walked further inside.
Nothing that gave clue to the bugler.
He left the room, checking on Bonnie. She was doing well, inspecting the broken glass he'd spotted earlier. He continued to look around, beginning to understand the series of events. It was easy to get lost in picturing the scene, almost forgetting Bonnie was there.
"A safe behind a painting...hey, what's that symbol?"
He snapped to attention at her voice, staring at the symbol. It was scribbled around in Francis Sander's cell. Pierce still didn't know what it meant but noted the connection. "I'm not sure myself. Any chance you found a code?"
"No, sorry. I did find these though!" Bonnie proudly held up three cylinders for the Phonograph. He decided to let her hold onto them, giving a warm smile in return.
"Well done, Miss Reid!"
She seemed too proud in her find and pleased with the praise to comment about being called 'Miss Reid'. Pierce led her to the room with the Phonograph, the light of her lantern making the room much brighter.
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lumilasi · 2 years
Hi, I love your fics so much!! They're amazing!!! I don't comment a whole lot bcs Im bad at it I wish I knew what to say ;;;
Do u have tips or something for comments? Like what authors would like? IDK if this is a weird question but I thought a writer would maybe know how dafaq to do this ahaha IDK sorry if Im bothering u or smth
Aww thank you! Glad you like them C: and no, you’re not being a bother at all!
Haha I don’t blame you, figuring out what to say in comments is kind of tricky! I know because I always try to leave comments when I read something; since I’m a writer too I get why not getting feedback can be incredibly demotivating. Kudos and hits are ultimately just numbers, whereas comments can make writers go ’yes, this thing is actually worth posting, actual people are enjoying it!’. At least the other writers I’ve spoken to have all shared this sentiment, so I’d figure it’s pretty universal feeling? Of course I can’t know how every writer thinks, but this would make sense to me haha!
Not saying non-writers wouldn’t realize this too btw, but I guess it might be the easiest to see when you are kinda ’in it’ so to say? I dunno how to put this sorry lmao OTL
(Side note; I wonder if I’ve seen a post about commenting tips or if this has been asked from me before? This feels vaguely familiar lmao.)
So, uhh yeah. I guess I could share some of the basic ’comment ideas’ or whatever I use when I myself comment on the few fics I still read? You can do whatever you want with how you comment, but maybe these could help coming up with what to say? They help me at least cuz yeah, commenting is hard sometimes!
You Could....
1. Bring up the parts you especially liked in the chapter you commented on, or the story so far in general; this gives the author a good idea what is working in the story. You can type this out freely or just basically quote the parts from the fic (latter is probs easier haha)
2. Maybe theorize a little where things might be going. You might either guess somewhat correctly - meaning the breadcrumbs we’ve left are working yes - or maybe even give the author something to think about they hadn’t thought of before. (The amount of times readers have pointed stuff out to me that kinda makes sense that I didn’t think of, is kinda funny.) This one can be hard to do I admit, but I figured I’d still throw this in there; these are just comment ideas like said, to maybe help you come up with what to say!
3. Express the emotion the chapter made you feel, whenever it made you sad/happy/etc. You can for example, express this humorously, like all those people shaking their fists at me for making them sad over AFO in FS lmao (sorry, I’m mainly using examples from my own fics because I don’t really go reading other people’s fic comments heh) or just go ’I’m crying in the club rn’ or something (a phrase I’ve also seen commenters use hehe)
4. Maybe you can comment about what you think of the character’s actions in the specific chapter/some overall part of the story? If you think they’re being a dumbass or if you’re glad they did what they did. This I guess can be tricky because you can’t know as the reader what the author’s intent fully is, but comments like these can still be fun/interesting to read! Sometimes it gives me an incline I need to clarify something if too many people are getting confused by it lmao (thankfully this is super rare, but it has happened. There was one extreme case of me deciding to rewrite an entire chapter because one comment from a reader made me alarmed enough that the vibes in that chapter were badly off. It was just this one person who seemed to notice it, but after they pointed it out I couldn’t unsee it so I rewrote the whole thing lmao)
5. Maybe lightheartedly roast a character who is doing something dumb in the story? I roast characters I write myself in author notes sometimes hehe
6. Just simple ’I love this,’ ’this is great,’ etc. Can be more than enough if you dunno what else to put there!
So yeah. Those are few things I can think of to maybe help you come up with what to say?
I know it can still be difficult to type anything down (especially if you are more of a shy/anxious person, it can be intimidating for sure!) but it is worth it! Not only are you brightening an authors day, but you are helping them to stay motivated to provide you the story you enjoy reading. Even if not every comment gets responded to (I try to respond to most of them personally, but even I don’t always do that, purely because I might not know what to say, ironically lmao) they all get read in all likeness.
This is all ofc written from my perspective, these are the kind of comments I feel are probably the most common kind out there.
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Girl I seriously cannot wait to read the next chapter !!! Ahhhhhhhhh when’s it coming?
If you were tagged in this, don’t bother reading this thing I just complain about you having talent in a very sarcastic way, comments you’ve likely heard from me in the last week or that I will be spamming you with when I’m done writing. 
Be ready for some rambling because days where I’m writing means days where literally no one, except you precious anons, is talking to me and my thoughts start driving me mad and make me want to talk a lot on tumblr.
Let’s note: I literally talked so much in warning you that I’m talking so much.
ANSWER YOU ACTUALLY ASKED FOR: Soon. I’m working legit full time on it so that I don’t keep you guys waiting too long. I promise I really really am trying. I know I’ve bullshited accidentally in the past, but you have to trust me. :)
A wanted ad will be posted soon about readers/advisors/betas/etc that I DESPERATELY need so I can cut the wait time shorter bc there’s so much work to do. And catching up on a story that I haven’t written in months has been difficult so I could use a little help.
I’m a needy ho.
I love my successful writing wives and crushes who are fancy ass celebs. I’m hopefully cute enough to be their trophy wife. 
Go read their stuff while you wait for me.
I know I’m being needy to y’all. I won’t apologize for it until after the stress of getting this story finished is gone, bc I don’t like to apologize for something that I won’t change immediately after. Gonna have to hold off on changing this until I’m done writing. At least my mental health crises are gone for now, so you only have to put up with my neediness and not my random depressing posts that I AM deeply sorry about.]
Long version of updates regarding A Cold and Broken Hallelujah:
I’ve made progress today on a huge scene. I think I’m gonna write all day since I’ve been snowed into this restaurant and at least I have my laptop and wifi even if I am here with nosy fam. And I don’t have a lot of plans so I’ll have the time to write all day today.
So hopefully that means a lot of progress will be made. I’m not gonna promise a day for this posting but I will say I’m dedicating as much time as I can to it without actually getting too anxious (since I did promise putting my mental health first and that means I need some free time). But literally all of my “buckle down and work” time is going into writing this. So I can at least assure you it will get to you as soon as I get done and get it reviewed.
Meanwhile, CALLING ALL READERS(/spideychelle fans), if anyone wants to shorten the wait at all:
I do occasionally need advice about the story bc I can’t read it from another person’s perspective so I occasionally need to ask questions about the first two chapters and what impression certain things left off.
Also I ask a lot about what expectation I set up.
And for those who don’t care too much about reading things ahead of time, I do occasionally want some advice on what I’ve written so that I don’t rewrite something that doesn’t need rewriting. I’m also trying to cut scenes that don’t need to be in this chapter so that I can just save those for later in the deleted scenes I’m posting. 
A beta reader for when I finish this shit
Also just general word from any of you anons who want to say literally anything about this story
A real post about all this will go up soon.
Even if you can generally chat about spideychelle in general, that’s like such a big help you don’t even understand.
Normally I wouldn’t ask for these bc I had a whole chat of writers and I used to live post these scenes as I finished them to get feedback but…
Well the story got too complex for me to post them before the finished product is ready.
BUT ALSO SOME PEOPLE JUST HAD TO GO AND BE SUCCESSFUL AND BUSY WRITERS THEMSELVES AND CAN’T ANSWER TO MY NEEDY, DEMANDING AND OVERDEPENDENT SELF….All said with full sarcasm and hyperbole of course bc I don’t judge myself for being weird, and more importantly I support the shit out of these babes and I was screaming and hollering about them not feeding my fandom heart enough with their beautiful voices. Wow, I’m so gay for my wives and their words. Idk if you can be attracted to works of art but wow am I sexual for their stories lmao. Plz go read their shit while you wait for me. @aqhrodites, @peterjonesparker, @suplosers, @duhmj are my wives. My secret embarrassing crushes @softboyholland, @spideychelleforever, @spideyxchelle, @here-be-spideychelle, @letstrysomefanfic all also decided to be annoying, famous, and talented writers, and their blogs give me life. There are so many more people but if I keep listing I’m gonna never go back to writing.
Anyway, sooooo I’m needy. I explained this mostly in the TLDR. But to be fair some TV shows write like this and that is where my training is when it comes to writing. I’m used 24/7 to sitting at a table of writers and being like “does this part of this story match the other chapters” “What is your feedback” “how can I meet audience expectations”.
More than anything this is my hardest chapter to date bc this is not a fun story to wait for and I’ve had you guys waiting practically all semester. So this NEEDS to meet expectations. Maybe y’all don’t mind but I do. I have this weird thing about making y’all proud in exchange for making up for being the worst.
And don’t worry, none of this self-criticism is coming from a dark place. I like being blunt about things I need to improve about myself and how I improve them. We good fam 👍🏽 I’m good, and happy. The only source of stress for me rn is my feelings about my writing, and that improvement-based stress can be good for you.
Your asks have been SO CRUCIAL to keeping me going so I just want to say thank you. Even/especially to those of you who are rushing me. I answer privately a lot just so no one gets upset with you for doing this bc I really, really appreciate it. Truth be told with my severe ADHD, I kinda need to be nagged to keep going sometimes, and sometimes I run out of steely self-control. You’re beautiful and selfless for talking to me. Especially since when I’m writing I can’t really talk to most people since they’ll drag my mindset elsewhere.
So send me an ask, talk to me, answer the posting I’m putting up later, tell me to shut up and write, whatever you want. You can even ignore this post entirely ;) have fun with your freedom. Happy New Year, it’s 2018, don’t let anyone pressure you or put you down or compel you. You do you, babes.
Not that you have to listen to me, you can also be totally not free and listen to what everyone says all the time. Kinda a catch 22 to be doing that tho, lmao.
Wow, I’m rambling.
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lumilasi · 3 years
I saw this in my feed and since I was pretty bored and FINALLY free from the said boredom, figured I could do this one. I generally enjoy question based tags, especially if they relate to art/writing/fandom/are some general things about favorite colors, music, foods, things about your home country etc.
(basically, you can tag me in stuff similar to listed above things and I’ll probably do them if I see them/have time lmao)
Fic Writer Questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? 
44 total. I used to have more but I’ve deleted an old Bleach one I knew I’d never continue to write, and two bnha ones for the same reason (those two were also at the very beginning stages so nobody missed a lot anyway)
What's your total AO3 wordcount? 
4 269 068......wow. It’s even MORE than I even imagined. Over 4 million words. 
....Someone take my writing tools away from me lmao
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
 Three. I started with MCU, moved on to Bleach and now I’ve done most ofr BNHA
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Crossroads - 3069 
Family Secrets - 3015 
Reanimate - 1534 
The neighbor - 809 
Espada and Fraccion - 782
.....Admittedly this list surprised me. Not the first three but the last two. The fifth is an one shot for Bleach that I wrote AGES ago. I also for some reason expected this list to match the bookmark list more lmao
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always try to respond to every comment I get, but often times when it’s just one word or a heart emoji I don’t really know what to say, so I might not reply to those. I do appreciate every comment I get, and read every single one, even if I don’t respond
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? 
I don’t do angst endings typically, but Family Secrets is probs the most obvious choice, given what happens at the end. 
- and its not even the real end, because I couldn’t help myself and made two more stories for the AU that was like “hey! this character I made you all love so much actually DIDN’T die, he just had unfinished business back home” lmao
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've ever written? 
Rarely, typically they’re between my own fics (the story that crosses the paths of Crossroads and Family Secrets AU’s, literally titled Crossover, creative name I know OTL I was out of ideas) 
Or between me and other people’s fics. Currently there’s two, both with Crossroads: one with Theteapotofdoom’s fic Something Good, and another with leontheneon’s fic Here with you. Both stories are basically a two part series that is non canon to actual Crossroads. The first story is finished, second one has two chapters left...that...I uh...struggle to write it seems OTL
(not tagging either person into this because Tea is very busy IRL right now so I don’t want to bother her, and Leon hasn’t been around in ages, IDK if they even use tumblr anymore)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not really no? I can only remember one time with somebody kind of demanding me to completely rewrite one fic in the past. It wasn’t really hate, more just...kinda unreasonable in my eyes? This was years ago by now.
While I did understand their side and the particular struggle they had (once they actually explained it, the first comment at the time came off pretty rude and demanding), I still feel them wanting me to re-write an entire multi-chapter fic just for them is a bit unreasonable, like said.
Like it wasn’t just couple of grammatical errors that was their issue, we’re talking weeks and even months long process of completely reworking multi-chapter story, because the grammar wasn’t tip top perfect. (I’m not a native speaker so there’s bound to be some mistakes; pointing out small occasional things is one thing - asking me to rewrite an entire multi-chapter story is another)
You can imagine that is not exactly high on my priorities list with IRL responsibilities and being more focused on the actual content of what I write, the ongoing stories I’m updating. This fic isn’t even finished yet either, so...yeah. Like after they explained their side of the story I was a bit more understanding, but its still....a bit ridiculous and unreasonable in my eyes to ask somebody to do such a massive overhaul when the story isn’t even finished yet?? Like maybe once its done and I have time I can go and edit it, but not when I haven’t even finished it lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nah. I don’t care about smut a whole lot personally. I much more enjoy writing emotional scenes, character interactions and mystery. Plot over porn basically lmao 
Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
I don’t...do people actually do this? It feels like such a weird and pointless thing to do. It’s fanfic. stuff you write for fun and for free, for people to read for free. I’d also imagine its pretty easy to get caught given AO3 shows when you first posted your story. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
 Yes, a couple of times. In Russian and I think other one was Chinese?
Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Writing the crossovers was kinda that? Like I asked feedback from Tea and Leon on how to write them. there was also actually third crossover story that was supposed to happen (only I wasn’t going to be the one to write it) but this project has been shelved as the other person had to drop majority of online activity due to some IRL health related things. (I’m just glad they recently contacted me to inform they were doing better)
What’s your all time favorite ship? 
Right now it’s..probably pretty obvious its Shigadabi, but I can never really say any ship is my all time fave, as it always changes depending on the fandom lmao. 
I guess my favorite character x proper sleep/emotional stability/happiness will always be the OTP
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oof. I always try to finish every single one, and if I absolutely know I won’t, I tend to just delete them. Thankfully I’ve only done it thrice. Which I guess is still a lot, but compared to how much I write, in context not really? 
What are your writing strengths?
From what I’ve gathered of feedback, its typically emotional moments/character dialogue and interaction/character arcs and so. Mystery plots too. Or maybe that last one is just me lmao
What are your writing weakness?
Personally, while I tend to get positive feedback on both, sometimes I feel like I struggle to choose a good pacing for a fic, and fight scenes are always a pain. Namely, I might struggle with making the pace too long-winded and slow sometimes. Ironically, my IRL update pacing is probs a bit too fast in turn. (To add another layer of irony, I got an update ready for Unravel that I’ll post after making this tag)
Also writing shorter stories. I’ve been trying to write one-shots more (like the Spinaraki series thing) to kinda try and get myself to pack up my stories better and not let them always spiral out of control haha
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I did try to do that once with a fic I deleted, I had a native speaker help me with the canadian french bits. This person is no longer active on tumblr, and I deleted that fic because I realized I’d never finish it. 
Technically tho, as a non-native English speaker, EVERY word is in other language to me lmao. I could only add Finnish as an extra one easily, and it rarely makes sense to do so anyway.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? 
MCU. It’s what I originally made my AO3 for, as I felt brave enough to post things. I also can’t remember writing fandom related stuff before that, it was typically more oc related. Writing fics has helped me learn a lot about world-building, character consistency and all that stuff, without having to make everything from scratch (tho I do enjoy doing that as well of course). I feel like my original work writing has improved too thanks to my fic writing shenanigans in a way lmao. Tho that might just be me, IDK
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
Oooof. This changes a lot depending on the time. I can never really pick just one either: my current favorites are Stringmaster, The neighbor and Family Secrets
Stringmaster because I love building the Steampunk AU, and Tomura’s relationship with Dabi and his Sensei, The neighbor because I personally think the romance build up in that one is probably one of the best I’ve done so far (the character dialogue in that is among my favorites I’ve written as well) and FS, because it taught me a lot about character building through writing a character like Hisashi.
 Plus I just really like Hisashi. 
And baby Izuku and little Tenko are super adorable. 
And Inko is the best mum.
 Also the fact the whole story is so ironic in a sense its still kinda funny to me. 
The only writer I know that might be around rn is @nightlilly0110 soo...I guess I’ll tag them if they want to do this! Anybody who’s a writer can snatch this too of course ;)
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