#i feel like she's not opposing to having other people killed if they piss her off enough idk she Can be v mean actually
pinkpain · 1 year
i told silabus earlier "support womans wrongs" and seju popped up in my head yes queen i'm talking about your problematic ass💗
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kidrat · 11 months
having feelings about trans Gwen,,, like there's the 'superhero leading a double life' allegory for being closeted, which ppl have noted, but there's plenty I haven't seen anyone mention yet! like, the fact her dad has a trans patch in support of her means she's out.
She's a young trans *girl* (as opposed to a trans woman) living as her authentic gender in a loving home. she went to her school dance in a dress. she did ballet! which of course boys can do too, but often times when people are assigned male they don't get the chance to explore feminine hobbies. It's really lovely that someone, likely Gwen's dad, supported her enough to let her have those girly experiences and memories, whether she was living as a girl when she took dance up or as a gnc boy.
While it's subtle rep, I still think it's awesome to imply a character like Gwen is trans. Trans girls don't always get to have a childhood. Transmisogyny fetishizes transfems and presents them as always victimisers, never victims. They're barred from girlhood and it's connotations of innocence, vulnerability, lovableness.
Not that Gwen isn't a hashtag strong female character! And not that she hasn't had to grow up fast in other ways. She Is Literally Spiderwoman and she plays the drums and has agency and expresses negative emotions. But she's also a teenager, and she gets to be hugged and comforted, and to be set up for a soft friends to lovers relationship with another teenager, a cis boy who respects her and only knows her as a girl and thinks she's amazing and draws her in his sketchbook. That is not a role the media often lets trans girls have!!! It's lovely to think young transfems might be able to see themselves in a character consistently shown as worthy of affection.
Of course, the fact that Gwen is in the closet about being spider-woman is even sadder knowing this is her second rodeo. Lots of us have hesitated to come out a second time because our parents were supportive about the first thing and well, putting something else on them feels like taking the piss or hoping for too much.
Something else I wanted to talk about is how Gwen being trans effects a reading of her Peter's death, especially taking into account the new information this film gave us about this. There's this gendered switch happening, where Peter passes on his usual role to a woman. What's more, he has to die for her story to happen. She loves him, and never wanted him to die, but she's blamed for it anyway. Her father talks affectionately about the dead Peter, calling him his daughter's best friend. He talks about him like a son. He vows revenge on Gwen for killing him. It's a fantastic allegory for how some transphobic parents hate their out trans children for 'killing' the kid they had before.
I think with the above in mind, maybe we can see the subtext of Gwen's arc with her dad in this film as that of a supportive parent who's nevertheless got some biases left that hurt his trans daughter, who doesn't speak up for fear his acceptance is conditional.
I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that protecting a trans daughter is this Captain Stacy's motivation while he's working as a cop. Obviously there's the text that he wants to be a 'good cop' to work against the institution's bigotry, and he displays the trans flag on his work jacket. His quitting the police is a fantastic story beat because it makes a point about the real world while also serving a lot of the analogies going on.
Good cops quit. They realise you can't be a well intentioned cog in a bigoted machine. It doesn't matter if you're a bigot or just taking actions a bigot might because you're working within parameters set by bigots. It's an important message. Within a trans reading of the film, I'd also see this plot moment as Stacy realising he can't protect his trans daughter if he's still playing by the rules of a society that see her as threatening and duplicitous. He's then able to stop seeing her on some level as having killed his son.
They're able to be close again because he has completely rejected the cis culture he was a part of, rather than just decrying the worst parts and slotting Gwen in. She no longer has to worry that he'll rescind his acceptance if she's too trans, and so he gets to know all of her because she can let him into her world without self-editing.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on Gwen after watching Across The Spiderverse two hours ago lmao.
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dlartistanon · 2 months
I wanted to ask because I find you have really good takes on arknights ships most of the time so I’m genuinely curious what the deal with PlatiNearl is. I don’t remember them interacting much in the Kazimierz events and I assume the ship is popular because they were some of the only kazimierz operators from when Arknights started. You don’t have answer if you don’t want to of course, but I want to know what it is about the ship that you like if you wouldn’t mind explaining
Huh. I don't believe I've talked about ships that much, but I was originally baited by the Near Light 3D PV. They played up a sort of rivalry or climactic showdown between Ideal Knight and Knight-Assassin... only for them to never exchange a single word in any event. Needless to say, I was disappointed. Though it wouldn't be the first time. Also NLPT isn't really popular at all, at least in EN.
Regardless, it did get me thinking about the potential. Even if they don't say anything to each other directly, Platinum does have a voice line about Nearl, and her operator record has Nearl show up in her dream. Also Plat's whole deal is that she's assigned by the Armorless Union to keep an eye on Nearl.
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On the surface it's knight and knight-killer, positions that are fundamentally opposed and can never truly meet on the horizon as the KGCC has a hold on both. One is stuck in darkness, the other in light. Nearl (at first) wears mostly black, Platinum is all white. Nearl is pretty old-fashioned, Plat is a bit of a fashionable girl. Nearl is serious and disciplined, Plat is casual and wants to coast by on life. Nearl has a hidden dorky side to her personality while Plat, despite her lackadaisical nature, enjoys simple frivolous pleasures. They're pretty clear opposites.
It's no secret that Platinum hates knights. According to her, they’re either muscle-headed jocks or self-obsessed assholes (and she knows what she’s talking about; she was one of them) What pisses Plat off the most about Nearl is that Nearl is neither. Nearl is what a knight SHOULD be and Platinum is just astounded that after all these years, after all this time, she’s acting like being a knight actually means something. It pisses her off so much because why? To run the risk of being left behind by stubbornly clinging to what some might call outdated ideals... deep down, I think she can’t help but admire Nearl too. There's something admirable about believing in the romanticism of true knights in a world so determined to quash you under its boots. For all she knows, the world has moved on from knights, but Nearl disagrees. There's value in keeping the ideal alive in a world that seemingly dismissed it but is also in desparate need of it. Nearl is not the artificial lights of Kazimierz that Plat is used to, but actual light.
I also want to say that Plat resents Nearl because Nearl had the chance to escape Kazimierz, but came back instead. Plat wants nothing more than to be free from her current life. So to see Nearl willingly return to the place that made her life hell? It’s infuriating. How can she think this rotten country can be fixed, when Platinum herself can't see any light at the end of the tunnel? They're both victims, but how is it that their outlooks are so different?
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Pictured: Juxtaposing the symbolism of Nearl standing alone but bathed in light, who's still adored by many, while Platinum stands in shadow, surrounded by others but in reality she has no one and has to fend for herself in a cutthroat organization she hates. Their respective loneliness and isolation...
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The events reveal that Platinum is quite compassionate. She didn't become an assassin to kill people; rather, she was coerced into it by someone taking advantage of her emotions. Yes, her job is to monitor Nearl, but she doesn't want to hurt her. She sees that Nearl has been away from her family and just wants her to be with them, likely projecting her own feelings of being estranged from her own parents.
This is more going into extrapolation of their characters and circumstances, but yes, Platinum kidnapped and threatened Maria to use as leverage but I have to wonder if Nearl would actually hold that against her should she learn about Plat having been manipulated into a job she desperately wants to leave. Also I think just based on Nearl’s voice lines about not pursuing enemies and giving them another chance to change their life trajectory, she’d feel sympathetic for Plat’s situation if she ever learned that she was tricked into it and couldn’t easily leave.
I just really like the idea of a slow-burn where Nearl herself is actually against Plat at first because of said kidnapping but eventually learns about her situation and how Plat is trapped and miserable. Her distrust and wariness turns to pity and then gradually concern. Nearl’s strong desire to help people compels her to try and find a way if she can help the girl she has mixed feelings about. In Plat's op rec, Nearl's appearance implies that both of them can never truly escape the shadow of the KGCC. If they come calling, Plat will eventually have to answer. Nearl still has to watch her words and actions now that she's back in Kazimierz, otherwise her friends get targeted.
Compare and contrast Nearl the ideal knight who stuck by her morals versus Platinum who just did what she was told under threat of retribution and how they both ended up getting screwed over by the system anyway, the unwinnable Kazimierz competition scene. Alternately, an assassin falling for their mark? That's the stuff of novels. Something that actually happened to Platinum's predecessor, and for her to follow in his footsteps?
NLPT slow-burn because both of them aren’t sure how to feel about the other. Plat avoiding her, it’d be so easy to blame all her problems on Nearl; if she didn’t exist, she wouldn’t be in this predicament. and Nearl always second-guessing Plat’s intentions... I have a scene in my head that’s basically like: too much of their dynamic is rooted in the place that changed their lives for the worse. But at Rhodes Island, they are not assassin nor knight, but comrades. And as her comrade, Nearl will die for Platinum, if need be. She was willing to die for Firewatch too, despite Firewatch also claiming to despise knights.
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hematomes · 1 year
Oh it's fine ,I was just really curious about what's up with them ,you don't have to explain if you don't want to :D
I DO WANT TO IM JUST GONNA NEED TO ORGANIZE MY THOUGHTS and struggle with the sources bc i just grabbed bits of lore from other shippers 😭 most of their lore, if im not mistaken, comes from the passerby of wandering cloud relic set. keep in mind im also only referring to the english translation so it could be slightly different in the source material
but basically they were very closely involved with each other in the past. dan heng made matching bracers for both him and blade, as stated in the hand relic:
"A slender yet strong hand once wore the other bracer. That owner, whose sharp spear glinted with a cold light and flourished like shooting stars, once sparred with the unnamed. That owner also once shared company and drinks with the unnamed, the two of them simply gazing at the moon with no words exchanged. However, in the end, it was also this person who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed, turned the beloved into a monstrosity, and pushed all into an abyss of eternal hatred and remorse."
the owner is dan heng, while the unnamed/beloved is theorized to be blade. im insisting on the theorized part because it could be a third-party; some people mentioned jingliu, who was jing yuan's mentor, but it doesn't exactly correlates as she isn't mentioned anywhere else in the set + i think there's a lightcone mentioning that she went mad after losing her sister? don't take my word for it tho. another interesting thing is that these bracers allowed them to communicate telepathically <3
now the "turned the beloved into a monstrosity" is also important, because it's theorized that dan heng turned blade immortal, which is why he's banned from the entire planet. this comes from blade's intent for revenge/"three must pay the price" cutscene, + the head piece lore of the relic set:
"Epiphany struck him like lightning. The curse of immortality still raged on, and the grudge of past misgivings never died out. HE was now the newborn flower on this once-dead branch."
now there's a moment where blade just wanders aimlessly before he's found by the stellaron hunters, and he's still pretty much out of it and closer to a wild beast than an actual person. however, the body piece says this (as he is with the stellaron hunters):
"In hazy memories of the olden days, he finally made up his mind to gift his bosom friend with his hand-made jade flask, only to realize with a shock that the person he longed for was no longer there."
"bosom friend" is theorized to be dan heng, and blade's intent to give him a hand-made gift to be a response to the aforementioned bracers. it's also interesting to note that "bosom friend" is kind of an outdated term for lovers, or at least someone you have deep feelings for
that's all i can say without diving into leaked information (including story spoilers) but. the way i see it, they're former lovers - and dan heng turned blade immortal against his will, perhaps as a desperate attempt to keep him forever by his side.
a deeper look into the theory/timeline: the vidyadhara race is known to "reincarnate" (like bailu says when we meet her), which is why they're truly immortal in a sense, because their cells rejuvenate completely (as opposed to the foxians for ex) and they actually die. so dan heng could have sealed away his actual dragon self in a way. as it stands, he doesn't remember anything - he just saw blade in a nightmare once, and considering what blade says it's understandable that dan heng is pissing himself.
however i don't believe that blade wants to kill him for good, or that dan heng is actually traumatized/suffering from ptsd. it looks more like guilt, that you can't even explain because you're unable to remember what you did. it's a matter of interpretation for now. i also believe that dan heng will in fact have to "die" to have his dragon unsealed, so.
anyway i really love them. blade isn't out there out of pure hatred but he feels hurt and betrayed (by someone so close to him, too!!!), because he's forced to live and probably so, so tired. dan heng isn't just scared and helpless, but also devoured by a guilt he can't exactly explain. they have such a complicated relationship, and chalking it up as abuser x abused is not only reductive but blatantly wrong. i strongly believe that, once unsealed, dan heng could literally fold blade in half with one hand <3
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Ventus and Vanitas for the character asks!! 3, 8, 21, 22, and 23! Sorry if that's too many? You don't gotta do all of em!
HELLO thank you for the ask!! this is a lotta questions but i'm excited to answer them!! Warning, there's a little negativity since some of the questions ask for dislikes about the characters. I love both Ven and Vanitas, I'm just saying my personal thoughts on them! + If you don't agree with these thoughts that's not a huge deal to me, we just agree to disagree LOL
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Ventus - The "You're awful, Aqua" scene. Please Ventus I know you're upset but APOLOGIZE TO AQUA she didn't deserve that. I wish his and Aqua's relationship had more focus in general, because they're really cute when they're together. I genuinely hope Ventus apologizes to her for being a brat in BBS though
Vanitas - To be honest, anything I dislike about Vanitas comes from fanon, since I feel Vanitas does his role as antagonist really well.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Ventus - Two big things.
One: Portraying him as a coldblooded killer when in comes to the KHUX/Strelitzia stuff. I think it's a lot more fun that Ventus didn't mean to hurt anyone, but ended up being responsible for so much pain. It's really tragic, and I think it makes KHUX more interesting as opposed to "Ventus killed Strelitzia out of malice". Also, it's genuinely just funnier like that. I know it's dark but nothing makes me laugh more than the mental image of 10 year old Ventus covered in blood just going "wow is this strawberry jam?? lol how'd this end up here?"
Two: Not the biggest fan of people like. Boiling Ventus' personality to just "oh he's baby". I think Ventus being childish is a really important character flaw, but he's got a lot more to him than just that, and his youthful nature has upsides and downsides. On this note I 100% think Ventus knows what sex is and that that's how babies are made. I know it's a weirdly popular portrayal to just have him not know what sex is at 17 years old. It's also a lot funnier if Ventus just has a different vocabulary from the other characters his age when it comes to adult topics and doesn't understand slang because Master Eraqus taught him that it's impolite to use term XYZ or whatever. Vanitas - Okay this is rough because there's a lot in the KH fandom's portrayals of Vanitas that I really don't like and other things that I really love. But to match Ven I'll boil it down to two big things: One: This one is kinda hard to explain but. I know that Ventus and the Wayfinder Trio DO NOT have to be present in every "Vanitas Redemption Fanfiction" but it really grinds my gears when they're treated as, like, 'close-minded' and completely left out of Vanitas' life. The idea that Vanitas is secretly a good guy and it's just his relationship with the Wayfinders/the Wayfinders themselves are the problem is just such a boring take. They don't have to be on good terms but have Vanitas earn their tolerance, have them settle things, man! It's SO JUICY when they have to work things out or Vanitas feels actual regret and isn't just handed the "you're a good guy now and we trust you" stuff on a silver platter. Ventus, Sora, and Vanitas are a trio...I think that if Sora takes in Vanitas as a friend, he should at least try to understand Ventus' fears about the whole thing.
Two: I think its a BILLION times funnier if Vanitas is shorter than Ventus but SO MANY PEOPLE MAKE HIM TALLER IT PISSES ME OFF. Vanitas and Ventus are either the same size OR Vanitas is shorter. No more tall Vanitas. I am on my hands and knees begging you all. Short King Vanitas. SHORT. KING. VANITAS. As a short person I need this. DO IT FOR ME.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ventus - Hardest thing for me to write when it comes to Ventus are. Sassy remarks/comebacks, and times I'd KNOW he'd be a brat but I can't bring myself to write him saying anything too harsh. But my favorite things to do? I love giving Ventus issues/fears that he would reasonably develop after his 12 year nap. I don't care if canon says he doesn't have horrible insomnia after KH3. He SHOULD have horrible insomnia and I WILL write him crying in frustration when he's struggling with sleep.
Vanitas - I actually don't write Vanitas much. I feel like I can't do him justice, but it's fun to have him just be a douche-bag sometimes. I think I'm not great at his dialogue, but writing about his feelings towards Ventus is fun.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Ventus - I LOVE fics where Ventus is forced to take a more responsible role, or has to balance his childish nature with a growing sense of maturity. This is one of the reasons I'm SUCH a huge fan of fanfics where Ventus is like a big brother figure to Sora. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE fics where Ventus' anger is explored like. Oh he is FULL of anger, man. As much love and kindness that's in his heart. There is Hatred there too. AND ANY FIC THAT REVOLVES AROUND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SORA AND HOW BEING IN SORA'S HEART AFFECTS HIM. Fic recs that have some of the above tropes!
Hurricane Heartbeat by Dorked
Sleeping hearts often wander by Bommie20
How Long Have You Known Sora, Exactly? by 13thSyndicate
Three Quarters by angeltheatre For Ventus stuff I don't like, see question 8's answer
Vanitas - I love when he's kinda. Forcibly made to form a "truce" with Ventus but keeps testing him. I love fics where Ven's just minding his own business and Vanitas is like "I'm gonna start shit >:)" and they both get called out for being idiots when they fight each other. But OH MAN. MORE THAN THAT. I love love love when fics have Vanitas adapt the attitude of "No one can hurt Ventus BUT ME." it's my favorite flavor of protective Vanitas. For stuff I don't like, see question 8's answer
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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roseworth · 8 months
pls elaborate on ur dream outlaws team im entranced 🥺
blushes and twirls my hair 🥰 im so glad u asked
basically its jason rose lorena connor & kara. and its exactly as messy as it sounds
so first of all one reason i like these 5 is that there is representation across the spectrum of thoughts on killing. jason kills (relatively) often, rose kills very deliberately and not as much as jason, lorena (to me) is willing to kill but doesnt really do it, kara wont kill but may step aside and let someone else kill if she thinks they deserve it, and connor wont kill and doesnt like it if anyone else kills
also in my head this is NOT red hood and the outlaws. its just outlaws. because connor's in charge. i dont think any of them have any leadership skills (lmao) but connor is so much more able to rein them in than anyone else, and everyone likes him so hes a neutral party to be a "leader"
heres where im gonna get annoying and go over everyones individual dynamic with each other:
jason & rose: i literally talk about these two like once a day so im sure you can guess but theyre toxic besties. if one of them gets into a fight then the other joins. theyre haters together and theyre also both the worst ever
connor & jason: i dont think connor would ever hold a grudge so he doesnt hate jason for kidnapping his sister and blowing her up. HOWEVER. hes certainly not happy about it. jason respects connor as a hero so he doesnt deliberately try to get on his nerves, and connor is just a good person so he usually wont cause problems. but he doesnt like jason (for the mia thing and the fact that hes. yk. awful) so theyre not exactly chummy. but because of jason respecting connor he wouldnt kill in front of him
kara & connor: theyre close given that theyre the "Heroes" on the team. like,, theyre all good but kara and connor are the ones that are unequivocal Good Guys since they dont kill and they have the family name n all. i think they would bond over carrying on a legacy (connor as ga after ollie died, kara with krypton in general) and they'd get along rly well
lorena & kara: LESBIANS. listen to me. they both have the same experience of having their whole life destroyed and their family dead, then coming out of that experience and immediately choosing to be a hero and help their new world. lorenakara is my best rarepair in the sense that they've never interacted but i KNOW if they did they would be gfs. theyre parallels of each other. i think that both of them (especially kara) would be so excited to have someone with such a similar experience that knows how it feels. they should fall in love
jason & lorena: she likes him (mostly) but he wouldnt like her at first. he would be annoyed by her at first bc she tends to be upbeat and he would get tired of that. BUT eventually she grows on him bc shes not naive shes just being positive bc what else can you do!!! she had a normal childhood for the first 17 or so years of her life so i think he would find it hard to relate to her (but also everyone else on the team has that problem bc. none of them had normal childhoods) but they'd be friends after a while, esp after he saw her in one of her "im so pissed off im gonna beat someone up about it" moments
kara & jason: she doesnt like him. pretty much just because hes an asshole, no personal grudge besides him being him. kara's not really willing to let it go when someones rude to her and jason is rude to everyone. they'd get into fights a lot bc theyre both stubborn and will not let anything go, and they usually have opposing viewpoints so it does not go well
rose & kara: rose hates women! she has never gotten along with another female character and shes not starting now. rose & kara would have a lot of the same problems that jason & kara do, in that theyre both stubborn and rose will go out of her way to pick fights with her. a big problem that rose would have is that she doesnt trust people and she doesnt like not having control, so having a kryptonian around would make her uncomfortable given that if kara decided to kill all of them rose knows she couldnt do anything about it. so shes very wary of kara and a little threatened, so when she gets nervous she gets meaner (<- cop car by mitski). i dont think kara would have a big problem with rose other than that rose keeps being mean to her. eventually they would get along better though :)
connor & rose: im sorry in advance for acknowledging connor in robin 2021. but these two met on lazarus island and sorta became friends so they would still be getting along here! he understands her pretty well and obv still tries to stop her from killing but they work well together <3 i also think that connor would try so hard to get rose to like. take care of her mental health. and be emotionally open. it wont always work but he'll still try
lorena & connor: honestly. this is the only combo that i have 0 thoughts on hkjafhadjfhf i dont think that they have personalities that would specifically connect or clash with each other. they'd get along but theyre also kinda just people that happen to be on the same team fhakjfhadjfk theres not a lot that just the two of them can use to relate to each other
rose & lorena: rose still hates women!!! rose would like lorena more than she likes kara, but they would still bicker all the time. tho their fighting would be more ribbing each other instead of actually being antagonistic, then moving on to heckling other people. basically ideal lorena & rose dynamic is statler & waldorf
uh oh shes moving onto trios now (not every possibility though fhajdfhsadk just my favs hehe)
jason & rose & lorena: uh oh the moral compass is gone! someones gonna die! these three are all haters and are willing to kill so bad things will happen when its just the three of them
lorena & rose & kara: they would have the most catastrophic girls' night in existence and it would be so fucking funny i need it
connor & jason & rose: basically the angel & devil on rose's shoulders. i also think that this trio would give connor the worst experience of his life
connor & kara & jason: pretty much the opposite of the previous one. honestly funnier to me that jason would be having a terrible day because kara and connor are essentially taking turns stopping him from doing whatever he wants to do
so thats the gist of their dynamics <333 in my head the team is in calfornia (and also we're pretending california is only like a mile long bc star city is in NorCal and san diego is in SoCal but i need them to be right next to each other so connor and lorena are in the same area hfjakfakdafh) which also means that jason would get to be pissy about it since hes out of gotham and out of his element
i also have arcs i made for all of it. that i wont go into detail about bc ill get embarrassed about how much ive thought about it hfksjdfhasdjkf but the big picture is all of them struggling with loneliness then coming together and all hating each other a little but still working well as a team. then eventually jason goes back to gotham bc he hates being away from it, lorena dies, kara kills someone then goes into a guilt-fueled self-exile, then its just rose & connor going hm. what now. rose has a breakdown because everyone left and connor is trying to stop her from becoming the joker
actually i am gonna talk about lorena because i have thought so much about how i would put her back into canon. first of all i would say that sub diego has just been there the whole time but everyone forgot about it :( lorena is basically the sole protector of sub diego since arthur left a long time ago and there are no cops or other heroes there. also everyone in sub diego doesnt like her (mostly because shes the only one that can go to the surface so theres a lot of people bitter about that). she spends most of her time underwater but she comes up because there are various problems making their way to sub diego, then she joins the team to have other people around while still looking out for the best interest of her city. also i decided that the way she finds out she can breathe above water is too boring so what happens instead is that she swims to the surface as a suicide attempt the realizes that she wants to live right as she goes above water but its too late but then its not bc omg she can breathe air!!!
alright i think thats all i have. if u read all of this...... im sorry. i dont think any of it is actually coherent its just my stream of consciousness directly onto the page
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tjodity · 2 months
UM. YES. I have so many fics to try and write in the month of march but i've got writers block so im not really procrastinating so I will talk abt this!!! Some ideas:
-Okay so the big important first change is that Fundy's voter fraud can't be proven. The numbers are still suspicious, but nobody can prove that they were tampered with. COCONUT2020 beats POG2020 and SCHLATT2020+SWAG2020 in a massive landslide.
-Schlatt never lets this go from the second he hears it. he knows in his bones that he was cheated. Niki is on an edge of not being able to make a sure decision about it. Quackity, George, Tubbo, and Tommy are all fairly pissed about it.
-Losing the election to his son and his first lady fully fucks up Wilbur. He mumbles congratulations and then fully leaves L'Manberg to go off into the woods and build like. a house. imagine how he was in pogtopia but he has no one to fight and no one to talk to and no justifiable reasons to himself to be upset at all.
-Fundy and Niki become co-presidents. Niki appoints Tommy as L'Manberg's scout so he has an excuse to try and find Wilbur. With no exiles, no dictatorship, and no underground rebellion L'Manberg has a lot of people who don't see eye to eye and can say what they want.
-opposing political parties form pretty soon after. Schlatt, Quackity, and Tubbo form a party on the basis of preserving L'Manberg's integrity, making it a better place to live, and integrating more with the SMP. This is referred to as the Opposing Party but I'm sure if it was real lore it would have a very stupid name. Niki, Fundy, George, and Karl end up in a looser party focused on getting an upper hand in ongoing external conflicts and maintaining L'Manberg as a cohesive unit. This is referred to as the Presidential Party. Hbomb stays relatively neutral and Tommy tries to play negotiator. I'm not sure which side Ponk would be swayed towards.
-Niki and Schlatt sort of come up as the biggest political figures. Fundy gets increasingly weird and reclusive as time goes on and Quackity handles a lot of the actual logistics of running L'Manberg. Fighting an uphill battle with a team of people keeps Schlatt a lot more grounded than he was in Manberg. Niki on the other hand is fucking panicking because she feels like she's been dragged into a set of beliefs she doesn't really agree with but she doesn't really know how to keep everything moving. She tends to go towards fairly straightforward and firm answers to problems which keeps pushing her towards militarization.
-Dream doesn't really get a chance to be a villain, at least to the extent he is in the main story. The result of 2nd Era L'Manberg politics is that the country is expanding quickly and acting with sporadic violence with no predictable diplomatic policy, which is a nightmare for him. He ends up resolving that L'Manberg is a much more pressing issue than the disc conflict and devotes a lot of his time to normal diplomacy. Also due to the different position of Schlatt he never hears about the Revival Book.
-Tommy and Dream could actually resolve their issues a little here. Tommy is the only L'Manbergian trying to soften conflicts between the parties and also spends a lot of his time out in the SMP as a scout. He's also lost a lot of confidence in most of his friends and mostly wants everything to calm down. There wants align enough for them to partially work together and I think that at this point they could reasonably figure out their shit.
-Sapnap becomes a much bigger threat. Coconut winning basically resulted in the country of L'Manberg becoming his enemy. I don't think he'd get as fucked up as Dream did but he was also a pretty violent person to begin with and I could see him both escalating and broadening the conflict.
-I don't have a lot more ideas I can remember than that! Some more may come to me but I think it's fascinating! Take some very quick drawings
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
I used to think the people who call Sylvie "abusive" to Loki over the fact that she's occasionally rude or mean to him were just annoying, but after the D*pp Vs H*ard trial I actively hate them and want to punch them in the face. It's this watering down of what abuse means, that ignores key factors like power imbalances, coercive control, and the honeymoon cycle, that made D*pp trick the entire world into thinking he was the real victim with just a handful of out of context audios of Amber snapping back at him, even though she held no power over him whatsoever. It's this misinformartion about the nature of abuse, that reduces it to aggression in and of itself without contextual factors, that got people on his side, and when someone calls a female character abusive to a male character just for being rude to him THEY'RE HELPING SPREAD THIS KIND OF DISINFORMATION.
If anyone is a long-time follower of mine, you all would know I fucking hate JD for what he did to AH. The trial fucked me up so much and put me into a terrible mental state where and I could not avoid it. I feel like I constantly mention it in some rants. Those annoying as bitches need to shut the fuck up and learn what abuse actually is!
It pisses me off so much when Sylvie gets called abusive over:
Calling Loki "A clown" when they're both under duress and in a shaky alliance. He also broke the Tempad, which could have gotten both of them killed.
Kissing him and them pushing him through a portal because she didn't want him killed and to get him out of the way. This is not "playing with his feelings". Sylvie, like Loki, had goals for revenge for who knows how long! So, I am the kind of person that thinks Loki was justified in killing Laufey, and I also think Sylvie was justified in killing Kang. She should be allowed to have revenge too! I also think that her kiss was sincere on some level, and that her pushing him through the portal shows that she cares about him because she didn't want him harmed.
BECAUSE SHE TELLS HIM TO SHUT UP WHEN SHE IS SCARED AND NERVOUS OVER POTENTIALLY ENCOUNTERING HER NEMESIS. She's scared, ok? She's about to meet the person/being responsible for ruining her entire life! Of course she's going to say mean shit! ! People lash out over smaller things like being stuck in traffic.
None of this is abuse. They were two people under severe duress that had just met. One being threatened/coerced by the TVA into helping them, and the other had been running from the TVA since childhood. They started out on opposing sides just trying to ensure their own survival. Fighting when in opposing sides or shaky alliances is not abuse! It's self-defense and self-preservation! Yet they managed to care about each other in the end.
Loki HAS been abused (or heavily implied) by other characters either emotionally/psychologically or physically e.g. Odin, the Black Order, and the TVA (especially by another VERY popular character he gets shipped with and it gets ignored). I will elaborate if asked to do so.
But NOT by Sylvie. Unsurprisingly, I have seen Sylvie get more flack than Loki's actual abusers.
The same people that think a police interrogation is "therapy" will claim Sylvie's abusive for calling Loki a clown. And it does worry and enrage me sometimes...
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skaruresonic · 8 months
@beevean Out of morbid curiosity, I watched episode one of Netflixavania following a video explaining games lore (disclaimer: just the Classic era. There seems to be A Lot covered in this franchise). My first impressions are: = Despite being almost comically edgy, I really wasn't emotionally impacted by the writing. It almost felt like it was just going through the motions. We begin the show with the start of Dracula and Lisa's relationship, and yet we're told it was this great transformative love instead of being shown that. One minute she's convinced him to let her stay, the next she's being burned at the stake. Wow. The tragedy. Break out the tissues. Dracula says he loved her, ofc, but since we don't get to see their relationship in action, the show might as well shrug and be like "just trust me dood"
= It's really ironic that a show paying lip service to science conveniently forgets that burn stake victims were likely to die or fall unconscious from smoke inhalation before the actual burning. Meaning Lisa wouldn't have had the time to scream and plead for as long as she had.
= ...Is this another one of those "all religion is bad and I am smart for shitting on it" works? Because I had enough of that with Mists of Avalon lmao. Not that I'm the biggest fan of Christianity, but anti-Christianity tracts like these tend to be equally fucking obnoxious because they're always so one-note, disingenuous, and boring with how they constantly beat you over the head with "religion bad" and don't really add anything else to that particular thought
= Wallachia is portrayed as like, cartoonishly backwater. Women doctors existed in the Middle Ages. They were not all automatically burned at the stake because hurr durr technology is evil.
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Some of them even treated kings; I recall reading about a medieval Jewish doctor who cured a young king's eye condition. somehow I get the feeling the writer of this show has not read A History Book
= I also found it funny how the priest named "strange weeds" in the list of Lisa's possessions, as if the people of medieval Wallachia were so backwards that they didn't know what fucking herbs were.
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The absolute lmao. = I don't really know anything about Dracula other than he decided to oppose God due to the death of his first wife in the games, but even then, despite my sheer lack of knowledge, I still sensed something off about his characterization here. Given how the show practically has Dracula spell it out for us that He Really Loved Lisa More Than These Stinky Humans, I Swear Just Trust Me Dood at the episode's climax, I had the feeling that if someone like him had been told his wife was dying, he'd fly like the wind to go try and rescue her. Or, failing that, unleashing unholy wrath upon her killers. But no, he just broods to the old woman just to be Dramatique. no talk him, he angy >:c = crying blood. CRAAAAAWLING IN MY CRAAAAAWL, THESE CRAWL THEY WILL NOT CRAAAAAAAAWL = Alucard tells Dracula to go after the one who killed Lisa instead of condemning all of humanity to death, but he already fucking saw who did it so like lmao what kind of logic is this = The people of Wallachia were too dumb to live actually. And kinda had it coming tbh. Imagine you don't think Satan exists but one day he shows up out of nowhere in a cloud of hellfire and tells you to gtfo before he kills you all. And instead of getting the fuck out of Dodge that very night because holy crap Satan is real after all and worse, he's pissed off, you decide to stay. Like dumbasses. = oh is this just Hunchback of Notre Dame without the sexual repression? k cool. = I'll bet the animators really liked drawing all that gore. ow the edge = Why did we spend five minutes on a not-funny, prolonged bestiality joke? It did nothing but waste time. Is this what passes for humor on this show?
= Well. That just happened. Thought it'd be more interesting than that but nah
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chiyuki-hiro · 1 year
Things I Want For Frozen 3 ((And A Little Bit Of What I could See Happening))
First things first. I��m just putting my personal thoughts & feelings out into to void. If you don’t like/agree with some of the things I put here, that’s fine. Just please be respectful.
- I want a redemption arc for Hans. Yes, I’m starting off with what is probably one of my most controversial opinions in the Frozen fandom. As for why I want a redemption arc...there’s a few reasons for that. For starters, seeing as Hans didn’t actually kill anyone, I could see it as being a bit easier to redeem him, as opposed to how Disney has been trying to redeem/victimise their other villians in the recent movies we’ve been getting ((Especially if the info I’ve heard about A Frozen Heart is meant to be taken as canon)) 2. Disney has made it pretty clear that they want to tell more complex stories & I think redeeming the man who betrayed Anna in the first film could be a bit more of a complex story to tell 3. I just like Hans & want to see more of him. ;-; 
All that being said, I’m aware this most likely won’t happen, due to the fact that it’s probably going to be viewed as too difficult of a task & Hans isn’t loved as much by both the Disney company & by fans. 
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- I want Elsa to remain single. There, I’ve said it! I’m not really sure if I feel like Elsa is aro/ace or not but either way, I just don’t really see Elsa having an active interest in romance. Also I feel like if she does get hooked up with someone, fans of any of the other ships involving her will get pissed & the whole fandom will become a shit show.
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- I want to see Elsa & Anna actively work twards solving a problem together. It’s gotten pretty annoying for me that the movies we’ve gotten so far love to have these two sisters get split up & come up with their own separate plans, one thing leads to another & somehow the day is magically saved! Can I please just have one time, where Elas & Anna both work out a plan by talking to eachother & working things out as a team?!?
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- I want Olaf, Kristoff & Sven to have a narrative reason to actually be in the plot. Seriously, Frozen II did these boys dirty. by having them just be there, but not really serve any purpose to the main plot. Also, Olaf was annoying in F2 & that crime needs to be fixed.
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- Last but not least, I want F3 to have memorable songs. I’m sorry but, the songs in F2 didn’t really do anything for me & I can maybe only remember one or two of them, at most. For me F1 did a much better job with the songs. And yeah, I know it became this whole thing for people to hate F1 because of how stupid popular Let It Go was but, just because something is popular & played to death, doesn’t mean it’s bad.
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As for what I can actually see happening in Frozen 3... this is pretty one is pretty obvious. A wedding for Kristoff & Anna. Not really shocking since, a good portion of F2 had Kristoff trying & failing to propse to Anna right up until the end. That being said, I think the wedding will most likely happen at the begining of the movie, giving Kristoff a bit of his own story line where he’s just wed the queen of Arendelle & now has to face a very real future as the soon-to-be-crowned-king-of-Arendelle. Which I can only imagine will be a bit of a nightmare for our “Reindeer King.”
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mystydjinn · 9 months
Hiyo! I've been cursed to endlessly wander an empty void between physical space! I may only peer into your world through corners of darkness and mist for respite!
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I mean, hi! My name's Mysty! I like long walks on the beach and games, or honestly all art! Nice to meet you!
The endless void is horrifyingly, empty, lonely, dark, and... I don't... Really know what I am, on top of that. But art, and being around people helps keep the shadows at bay. So if you'd like to end my isolation and stave off the encroachment of madness upon my fragile psyche, joining my stream is a great place to start✨ 💚
I mostly just babble in different voices, and play really fun games (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
That said, this is my blog, and I hope you have fun! Here's the tags to help you get around! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡✨
#Mystychats If you ask or submit something, it's going in here
#I see u Stream updates or when I'm live on Twitch 💚
#trying hard for posts about things I'm working on, sometimes for my gigs when they're something I can discuss, but usually for my own stuff I'm working on
#echoes Anytime I feel like flexing my Voice Acting powers, or just have something to "say," I'll use this tag so you can find it ✨
#cursed girl for reblogs of stuff I like
Find my leash holder down here
I don't know about mine. Back when I was still flesh, I bought... I'll say a lamp, and a djinni popped out. Purple smoke, all powerful, and everything! I don't remember much after that. Just her being pissed and then waking up... Like this. In the dark.
World Seed stuff
Honestly though, I don't mind. I mean sure I'm floating in an endless, time forgotten void all by myself, but I can still feel and hear my old body... Kinda. And the djinni comes to visit every now and then! Plus, I get to hang out with all of you and talk about games whenever I'm streaming, so it's definitely an improvement from before! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*💚
If you know the terminology; it's a system agnostic ttRPG, designed to simulate a given setting more than a specific mode of game. But it does handle games with stories where conflict is handled with bombast & drama; like Kill la Kill, Your lie in April, Once, or Soul Eater(extd. Universe); particularly well. As opposed to subdued, traditional epics like LOTR, or GOT.
I actually set out to make a mod of 3.5e DnD for the Soul Eater universe, so I could play with friends I knew when I was still flesh! But I kept running into problems. Pathfinder was closer but didn't have the right feel, Vampires the Masquerade was too specific to its setting, 5e didn't allow enough customization or social options, and I figured it'd be easier to dust off my childhood designs than keep looking.
I'm apparently being punished for disrespecting her, so I'm out here and my body kinda runs around on its own now. But fir's cool and even if she yells a lot, and we both kinda belong to Belle now, so who cares ¯⁠\⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠/⁠¯
Socials & other blogs
The djinni that owns me kinda manages everything for both my halves, especially the storytelling ✨
🖤 Belledjinn 💜
Opinionsssssss and poetry
🖤 Trixiedjinn 🌺
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kagedbird · 6 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (Lucia part 2)
Lucia: *sees her grandmother at the front door talking to someone and smiles, slipping from Inigo's hand to run over to her* Grandma!
Lyra: *startles, turning to Lucia with a smile, and scoops her up* Hello my dear. How are you? Your hair looks lovely!
Lucia: *giggles* Thank you! I'm good!
Legionnare Guard: *startles at the term "grandma", wide eyed* Erm, uh-
Lyra: *chuckles* At ease, soldier. My son has a partner now, who adopted her. This is Lucia.
Legionnare Guard: *salutes to the little girl* Greetings, Lady Lucia.
Lucia: *shy, curling up against Lyra* Hi...
Lyra: *sees Inigo walking over, tossing him a nod, before turning to the guard* You were saying about a sighting?
Legionnare Guard: *stands tall again* Yes ma'am! I know you are retired, but we thought it best to warn you in case. A dragon was spotted in the Great Forest.
Lucia: Oh! Was he blue and red?
Legionnare Guard: *jolts* Ye- yes! Did you see it on the way in?
Lyra: *frowns* Strange that Allora wouldn't take care of it...
Lucia: That's my mama's friend! He's really scary, but nice! He let me hug him before he flew up into the sky!
Lyra + Legionnare Guard: *greatly confused* Huh???
Inigo: *chuckles* Pardon for the intrusion, but Lucia is no liar. Odahviing is one of Allora's smelly dragon companions. She called for him to remain nearby, on the off chance we had some trouble. He will be fine, so long as no one provokes him.
Lyra: ...The Dragonborn. Not killing a dragon?
Inigo: It is a long story, but I assure you, he is good company to have around.
Lucia: Mama loves him! She would never hurt him.
Legionnare Guard: *nearly pissing himself* The Dragonborn??? Her mother???
Inigo: Oh boy.
~Some explanations later~
Lucia: *sitting on Davidicus' lap as he looks over her art of them, smiling happily while eating an apple*
Davidicus: *feeling so soft at a child's affection, giving her a gentle squeeze* Thank you for your gift, little one. I will cherish it greatly.
Lucia: *frowns a little bit, remembering that's what Kodlak said before he died, clinging to Davidicus' robes* ...Are you sick?
Davidicus: Hm? What's brought this on?
Lucia: Um... never mind... uh! Have you met a dragon?
Davidicus: *hums, setting the picture on the table* No, I'm afraid not. I'm sure your mother has seen plenty though.
Lucia: Mhm! Her friend is in the Great Forest nearby! He's really nice.
Davidicus: Her friend? A dragon?
Lucia: Mhm! He's really, really big, and his voice is really loud, but he's super nice! His scales felt funny too. Really smooth like a rock, but a little sharp. He had really big teeth too!
Davidicus: Hmm... do you think you could draw him for me?
Lucia: Um... I could try! It would be easier if we saw him though. I draw better when I look at things. Mama says it's good to have "references."
Davidicus: Do you think your mother would be opposed to taking us for a visit? I would very much like to meet her friend.
Lucia: *gasps* I could ask!! I wanna see him again too! I wanted to... say sorry for being scared of him.
Davidicus: How brave of you. We shall ask when she returns with Lucien then.
Lucia: *fidgets, frowning and gnawing on her lip*
Davidicus: Hmm?
Lucia: *sighs, wringing her hands together* ...Grandma was surprised mama didn't kill Odah... Odahviing. But he's her friend! They love each other. Why would Grandma want her to hurt him?
Davidicus: Ah... hm. *takes a breath to think* ...In this world, and likely any other, there are people who are ruled by their fear. And in that fear, it is easy to lash out and hurt others to make them leave, in order to stop being frightened. It is quite all right to feel afraid, but you must be aware of the consequences of your actions that you make. What you say, and how it may make others feel. What you do, and if it will hurt someone.
Lucia: *frowns* Mama doesn't lash out...
Davidicus: Perhaps not. Perhaps she has learned to still herself and process before she acts. But her actions in killing dragons was not her lashing out. It was to protect those the dragons would have harmed.
Lucia: So... are the dragons scared of us?
Davidicus: *chuckles* Perhaps not in the same way you might fear things, my dear. Dragons are cunning, long living creatures. However, they may fear losing that longevity. Your mother seeps that fear into them, with her powers.
Lucia: Her singing?
Davidicus: No, child. She was born of Akatosh, given a piece of his being like Talos had, in order to steal the life of a dragon permanently. Death for dragons means to sleep, unless by her hand.
Lucia: ...
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beantothemax · 10 months
OK SO basically in this country there's a civil war where I have yet to decide what the conflict is. Rochelle often attends public executions and hires lots of people to assassinate others for her. After Enzo did a particularly good job, her family essentially hired him and his team as assassins.
Enzo didn't care about the civil war before, but does now bc he is besties with Rochelle (honestly does also have feelings for her) (they're mutual) (I'll get back to that later). Rochelle invites Enzo to form his own opinions on the war, and he ends up meeting Constanza in the process and she gives him an unsolicited history lecture, he ends up with the same beliefs as Rochelle though. Yadda yadda, the three of them are like. Buddies now. At one point, Rochelle sends a letter to someone and Matis read the contents of that letter.
Matis has connections with anti-Rochelle gangs. He sells that info to one, and they kill her. He knew they would do this if given that information. He knew that they would kill her after obtaining this info, and still sold it to them (becomes relevant later).
Enzo and Constanza are now both PISSED. Cause of course they are. They work together to try and figure out how Rochelle died. After several months of work, they trace it back to Matis. They kidnap and torture him, and Matis basically says "yeah, I disagreed with Rochelle's actions. I wouldn't kill her myself, but I do not mind X gang killing her".
When Matis says this, Constanza gets confused bc she supported that gang bc they agree with her political beliefs. Turns out, Rochelle publically pretended to agree with Constanza, but actually had opposing beliefs and would lie in public to get the people's favor and she planned to backstab them in the future.
Constanza is obviously disgusted. But Enzo knew from the beginning. He knew Rochelle was a horrible excuse of a human but still loved her cause he was basically a blank slate and she fed him her opinions first. Enzo is still dead set on killing X gang but Constanza obviously is not.
She makes it her mission to stop him, and does. She kills him in a horribly emotional sword fight and probably honestly has to resort to dirty tricks to kill him cause there's no way a short sheltered girl is beating a nearly 2 meter tall fighting expert.
Matis is all that remains. She doesn't know what to think of him at first, but eventually ends up forgiving him. She tells him to flee the country for his own safety, but sends him off with lots of money and supplies to restart his life.
After the civil war ends, Constanza would go to Rochelle and Enzo's graves and celebrate that the side she agreed with won in the end and probably defile them a little (nothing big, probably just grafitti something non permant but definitely rude on them)
I know politics aren't exactly objective but in this story then Rochelle and Enzo's beliefs would be something really really horrible that isn't justifiable no matter how you look at it, like murdering people for fun or something idk. Point is, Rochelle and Enzo are twist villains
wasn’t expecting Rochelle to be a twist villain, dang. ALSO matis is a bitch I hate him!!!!!!
constanza and enzo get to have an emotional sword fight. as a treat
Constanzo just graffiti’s a durian on their graves and leaves it at that. (it’s because durians smell awful)
pie is officially invested in these guys (half of them are dead)
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fuzzydreamin · 6 months
for the oc details ask: 💯🖊️🤍 💚 💔🤔, for Al, Nora, & anyone else you want to answer these for?
Three lists in one ask? You're killing me.
Snipped for longer post.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Nora answered here.
✝ Alberta:
Had a boyfriend before they left the vault - Paul Hannon Jr. Didn't know he died after 'Escape!' until she returned later.
Their first companion was Jericho...
Al didn't get normal periods. She could go months without them but when she did have one it was bad. They've stopped completely in recent years thanks to Al's poor health. A blessing from a curse.
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
✪ Nora gets a small heart shaped tattoo around the bullet scar on her collar bone, which was already sort of heart-shaped and why she wanted to define it that way. Nothing else. She's not personally into tattoos on herself, and just does it as a way to own her scar -something she also has some trouble accepting at first.
✝ Alberta has a sentinel rank tattoo on their left upper arm. Maybe more I haven't figured it all out yet.
🎖 I don't think Nate had any, but he wouldn't have been opposed to the idea. It would've been something small that he could hide though.
☣ Calamity probably did but I dunno what, and they'd be hard to see on his ghoulish skin anymore. He probably had friends who did their own work on him -nothing all that much, just a few small tattoos here and there of varying quality.
🏕 Jack does not have any. He might get something for Beckett in the future though, since he'll likely outlive him thanks to mutations. Maybe something for his family, and maybe Sofia too, though they're just friends. Basically, he's the type where if he got one he'd get more, but they would still have to mean something to him. They'd probably represent the people symbolically in some way, so it's not blatantly obvious that they're tributes.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
✪ Nora:
Doesn't like others questioning her leadership, decisions, or abilities (a genuine "you sure you can do that?" is fine, but not a "there's no way you can do that").
Isn't above sometimes being a little cruel and scaring the pants off people if it gets her point across, especially if they've pissed her off. (She usually does this to 'bad guys' but I'm counting it here anyway.)
Touched on in my previous post but Nora has some issues with control. She was always ambitious but after the bombs and what happened in the vault she gets panicked if she feels like she doesn't have power in a situation.
✝ Alberta:
Will overlook the bad actions of those they care about.
Will do bad actions if it gains the approval of said people - to a point, there are some lines Al won't cross. But they also don't always think before they act, so... Basically they're easily manipulated.
I... dunno. Al's full of bad things but they're all sorta tangled up together so it's hard to just pull them out seperately.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
✪ Nora:
Does not like bugs or 'pest' animals. Like, not a hatred for them, but she thinks they're gross and gets the willies if they're scurrying about.
Has a habit of flirting with people for fun. Often she'll do it just to test a persons reaction, because it can tell her other things about their character.
Can be concerned with her image - like, if she is clean and put together, and presents as capable.
✝ Alberta:
Doesn't trust others easily. Al will tentatively go along with others, but they're always on the watch for being double crossed or the like. She'll still go along though...
Similar line as above, but they don't believe there are that many truly good people out in the world. Regular 'good' people sure, but they all have or will hurt others at some point, and put their own desires above others. It's just nature. Contradictory this also makes her more willing to forgive some slights - because she simply expects them to some degree.
Doesn't give a fuck about their image generally. You want something done or not? No? Fuck off.
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
✝ Alberta: Either? Mostly just whichever will give the most space away from others usually. So probably outside more, travelling from one place to another, but a dark corner where they can fiddle with their tech is also good.
✪ Nora: Inside. Where things are neat and orderly and she can (hopefully) relax and get some work done.
🎖 Nate: Outside. Preferably doing some sports activity or just enjoying the sun and people watching.
☣ Calamity: Inside. Where the people are, causing a ruckus and being the centre of attention. Or just chilling out in a dark corner.
🏕 Jack: Outside. He loves nature.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Nora answered here.
✝ Alberta plays with their pipboy, or whatever other tech/project they might have on hand. 100% the type to bounce their leg or tap fingers on something if their hands aren't occupied. Generally cannot sit still, unless exhausted.
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Dark Truths That Post-Comics Azula Fics Have to Handwave or Directly Confront to Be Believable
I am not a fan of the comics, especially since they use Azula’s mental issues as an excuse to keep her a villain and justify her demonization and abuse. Thus, I understand the sympathy for comics!Azula's treatment, especially considering what happened, and what was implied, in The Search.
But why should anyone in-universe have any sympathy for, or want to help, Azula post-Smoke and Shadow since she is a domestic terrorist who is an ongoing threat due to her desire to remake Zuko in her and their ancestors’ image? Especially considering her power buff, which makes her all but unbeatable except for, in my opinion, an Avatar State Aang or bloodbenders fighting with lethal intent?
And before you say this post is anti-Azula, how would you feel if it was one of your kids and/or siblings that got kidnapped; or one of the many people the New Ozai Society hurt, or almost killed, after Azula started “supporting” them; or one of the asylum guards Azula likely attacked when she broke out her fellow Fire Warriors; or one of the people who got assaulted by Azula and/or the other Fire Warriors; or the world leaders who rightly fear what Azula would do in order to break her brother considering this is the same girl who bloodlessly conquered Ba Sing except for killing The Avatar, and effortlessly repelled an invasion without killing the opposing force?
The above is (partially) why I don’t understand why people think Mai and Ty Lee, or even Zuko, post-Smoke and Shadow would want to help, or leave alone, Azula instead of killing her. Or at least without serious changes of heart caused by new information, new circumstances, and/or Azula changing her behavior.
For Ty Lee attacks Azula the moment she is anything other than docile, even when she is restrained, and can’t sleep peacefully once she learns Azula is free.
Mai calls Azula a psycho numerous times, is pissed Azula got out of "prison", had her brother kidnapped by Azula, has tried to kill Azula multiple times, and her father is in jail because of Azula.
And Zuko clearly believed that Azula would have killed him before hearing her plans for him, she kidnapped Kiyi in front of him, and she made him look like a fool in front of his nation and the international community.
So in sum, Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee do want to, at the very least, jail Azula, and with Azula’s current mindset, the only thing left in my opinion is for the Gaang plus Mai and Ty Lee to confront Azula in an epic final battle. A final battle where Zuko has to do what he likely would have done at the Final Agni Kai if Azula had directly shot lightning at him, and kill her, leaving him broken-hearted and wondering, alongside Mai and Ty Lee, what could have been if she hadn’t been twisted by Ozai and her asylum abuse, if Zuko could ever be assed to research why her mental condition got worse.
And yes, a lot of my fics do deal with the post-comics status quo, where I tend to hand-wave and/or ignore the issues I describe in this post. Though in my defense it is because I have already written one fic, Sometimes You Have to Let It Burn, that tries to seriously deal with the issues I brought up in this chapter, and because I want to write about post-comics scenarios without having to constantly write really long and dark fics.
So what do you guys think about my ramblings? Coherent thoughts, or hypocritical ramblings of an asshole? And if you disagree with anything I said, please feel free to respond.
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devilisln-moved · 1 year
Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
I mean, there are certain story tropes in general I don't care for. Amnesia, body swaps, that whole misunderstanding thing they do in romantic comedies or just for cheap conflict, god i fucking hate that. Also, I think i'm an acquired taste, the way i like to write ships. I'm not a huge fan of constant conflict within a ship. Like, of course no relationship is perfect, but like constant turbulence is fucking exhausting to me. I'm boring. I just don't want my couples to kiss and fuck, I want them to be happy and supportive to each other. I would rather the angst be related to some kind of external conflict, not some insecurity within the relationship. That being said, I don't oppose to much, you know (aside from the really fucked up shit I prolly don't have to detail)? I'm just not likely to cater to that sort of thing without discussion. In other words, I think I prefer to find like minded individuals because I can be very eager to please and I often find myself in situations where I'm treated as a doormat lmao.
2.Okay, okay, okay, stick with me here. I like Frank Castle, okay? I like the idea of exploring such a damaged man, his trials and tribulations, his complicated relationships with other heroes. Love that shit. However, the fandom that rose up around him with season 2 of the Netflix series really pisses me off. I hate how it brings up the old "no-kill hypocricy" (and god forbid "well how does Matt know he's not killing people and isn't beating up people without fully understanding their personal history and working with cops is pretty shitty too? Yeah, I agree, it's...called nuance and the core internal conflict of most vigilante stories) discourse and the bloodthirsty nature of the way they talk about justice. I get it, I do, there's something cathartic about Frank's vengeance, yet i really wish they'd step back and think about what they're saying or at least be more honest about it. There's also something i find really irritating about the Kastle ship. I don't have a dog in the fight. i don't really care for Karedevil, either. But it 9/10 it turns into another reason to compare Frank and Matt, and much as I hate to say it, it also feels like they're using Karen as a mouthpiece, when the fact of the matter is Karen is a very messy character in Netflix's Daredevil. I could probably write an entire essay about her being the inversion of the femme fatale, but my point is, Karen is a good person with her heart generally in the right place, but she's also a recovering drug addict, dealing with the guilt over her brother's death, etc. She's no paragon of virtue, and her attraction to Frank, regardless of how you put it is related to her internalized identification of herself as a killer (yes, she really, actually is, given the whole Wesley ordeal, but her desperate violence in self-defense is quite different from Frank stalking, planning, and enacting explicit, targeted murder, but I digress). So yeah, it's complicated. I like Frank Castle, but I don't like the way fandom tends to interacts with him. It's like everyone becomes Garth Ennis, y'know?
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