#i have to take care of bills and my mom
goingghostcomic · 1 month
Does the fact that DP now has an official canon continuation affect you while working on the comic
Like does the new canon stuff influence your own vision or has your vision for your reboot remained the same since you started?
Sorry it's taken so long to answer so I'll match with a long answer and update in my process, I'm so sorry lol
But no, an official canon continuation will not stop me from making the comic. And while I do own the new comic and plan on getting all the future official DP merch I can get my hands on, it wont effect my story in the slightest because I haven't read it. Plus I've already written my story and I'm very happy with it. I will someday read the new comic but not anytime soon, I'm just so happy it exists and that it's in my hands either way.
What might stop me (for a little bit at least) is a full on rebooted series, not a continuation/revival because the fandom has been around so long and we've all influenced each other in big or little ways. And since we're all playing in the same sandbox there's naturally some overlap. But this started as a pitch bible/proof of concept for a full on reboot of my own and if there's an active reboot airing I'd be very sad it wasn't mine (so silly I know lol but it's true).
What has stopped me is the a back and forth issue I have on the comic in general. I have found a style of comic I enjoy making, but I have gotten in my own head about it being stiff and bad. I know practice make progress and I'm getting more confident about it and also considering making it into a fic with art and slowly adapting it into a comic just so I can have some thing to post and put out there. But my iPad is dying and outside of sketches on paper I haven't been able to write or draw to the extent I'd like. I've been saving for a new one for a while now and about half way there but life happens and it takes a toll on my savings. So I'm trying to decide what's the best way to proceed and I have a lot of options and that's also a little overwhelming, which sounds silly typing out. But it's easy for me to feel guilt every time I try to commit to one game plan because all my best options rely on me getting a new iPad
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a-lil-strawberry · 28 days
Please pray that a complicated billing situation will be sorted out and covered by my insurance. It's for an ambulance ride I had in June for a panic attack. Some of you might remember me panicking about it a few months ago when I got the statement.
#it's a giant bill and my mom's insurance which is my primary only covered a tiny portion of it#and the ambulance service tried only once to contact my secondary insurance and they never even got it#so they never covered anything#but they were never contacted#so then i made them contact each other when it was made apparent that otherwise i would owe $2020.#yes two thousand and twenty dollars#and then i was waiting for them to deal with it#and today i just received another statement still showing that they never contacted that insurance and that i owe them the money by the 30th#so i panicked a little bit#then called the insurance and they said they had just recieved the claim on the first#so then i called the ambulance service and told them so and asked if the due date of the 30th was still in place#and she said no it's on hold and the insurance lady said most likely some of it would be covered#so hopefully it will go down drastically#and man this whole situation is like.... why did i have to do all the contacting back and forth#i thought that was y'all's job#but whatever#so now i am waiting again :)#fully aware that i may still owe a large chunk of that#but it's okay bc i am starting a new job and all will be well :)))))))#right???????#all will be well??????#and it was a dang panic attack that started all this#so i feel somewhat like this is all my fault#if i had never taken that thc gummy and greened out so bad and worked myself up none of this would be happening :)#but that's not healthy for me to think#it's in the past and i truly thought i needed to go in so in that moment i was doing what i thought i needed to do to take care of myself#i should be proud of myself for that#i just wish healthcare was different in this country
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anandasamsara · 5 months
Ok, i cant find any other job nor other way to make some money rn. I still have to pay 450 for credit card, that we used to buy groceries, 450 for electricity and at least mom's phone. Ideally, 700 that we owe for the apartment payments, but we can keep pretending it doesnt matter as much.
So, opening sketch and whump comms bc i cant bring myself to do more than that rn. I can barely bring myself to draw at all. I could even toss some notion of nsfw for an extra 10 bucks.
Prices, how-to's and more info >>here<<
Im relatively desperate, bc even tho i managed to pay the internet bill, it doesnt matter if electricity is cut down, specially as we're having heat waves of about 40C for the last week with no end in sight.
(I listed the amount i need in brazilian real, so it would be around 250usd. 400usd if we count the apartment things that im ignoring.)
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hestiasroom · 5 months
does anyone else's mom think they are "mean" for having boundaries? or is that just my mom?
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handweavers · 1 year
instead of my dad flying with me back home in april he waited until i came back to canada in june to be like 'ok I want to go home now' (because he's getting evicted from his apartment so if he doesn't go back to msia asap he'll be houseless, and he already knew he was getting evicted before i left in april so he SHOULD HAVE come with me then esp because my flight ticket cost was covered by my grant but he didn't because hes insane) so now i'm going BACK to msia again in august because he needs a caretaker in order to fly and i'm the only one who both can and will do it, and then i have to return to canada a few weeks later because my fall uni semester starts in sept. dude
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tittyinfinity · 27 days
I'm disabled and yes it is very wrong to tell your kids "get over it" or ''you're faking it'' their whole life and then turn around and expect your kid(s) to take care of you in the event of disability. Like no, you made your bed. "But I'll struggle to survive!" And so did your kids after years of abuse. Believe it or not, your kids have bodily autonomy, and aren't owed you their labor just because you birthed them. You wanna tell your kids that they're faking every fever and illness for attention then expect them to give a shit when you go down. Well, get the fuck over it.
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fly-sky-high-09 · 6 months
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scoreplings · 8 months
he wants to run away to florida
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tariah23 · 1 year
My upcoming check is so pitiful wtf
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cozypups · 1 year
holy shit can i go a day without a family member making me feel like i grew up spoiled because i was the youngest or that i don't even make an effort to try to get better??? one of my sisters said there were a lot of people doing things for me when i was little, so subconsciously i may have developed a sort of "princess syndrome" and she was going about it gently, but then she started unloading her own stresses onto me, and she even mentioned about how i wasn't grounded as much as she was in the past, and that at most my parents would let me do my thing but then send me to my room, and it took everything in my body to not blow up. imagine having siblings get mad at their parents for not treating their youngest sibling the same way as them as if it was a healthy thing to threaten to ground a little kid if they didn't stop crying by counting to 3 and then sending them to their room without anyone to help them regulate their emotions, or even at the age of around 20, made to feel like i don't have my shit together and even if i talked calmly and didn't look angry, i have ulterior motives and placed in the persecutor role, which has still stuck with me for years and years and not a single person in my family thinks that it's understandable, and just says "if i was stressed about something, I'd do something to fix it. I've had moments where i thought i couldn't do something, but i knew i had to push past it." GOOD FOR YOU? I'M HERE FEELING LIKE I CAN'T TALK TO ANYONE WITHOUT HEAVILY AFFECTING THEIR MENTAL HEALTH OR HAVING THEM GIVE ME ADVICE THAT I COULD LITERALLY GIVE MYSELF. it fucking annihilates me when anyone says i have the luxury of not having to do anything, even though i have to go everyday wanting to make money for myself, just do anything, but i can't and i can't say i just need to start saying i can because I'm fucking tired of that, I'm so so tired of being told i don't like being told what to do by my mom, I'm ok with being told what to do, what hurts me so fucking much is that if I'm mentally and physically struggling to get myself to do something, people take it as me not being considerate or never wanting to make an effort or work, there's no excuses, it's all me, i cause myself to feel like shit and i can easily get out of it, i just don't want to apparently is what I'm made to believe
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bennitastisch · 1 year
i wish i could fuck my parents up in the same way they fucked me up
#i wanna tell my dad that my mom cheated on him soooooooooo bad#but i also wanna see for how long my mom will continue to pay my phone bill#so i wont#but i really wanna hurt them#cause every day since they kicked me out im scared that the same thing will happen here living with the bf and his parents and im also like#100 times more scared the bf will break up with me since my parents kicked me out bc i always thoight well i know my parents dont really#support my life choices and they don’t particularly like me that much but at least they know im their child and they try to love me#and i dont know i think they still do love me but not in a way that is good for either of us#and it is only speculation by now bc we havent talked in a year#they prolly expect me to come back home like my brother did when they kicked him out#but i will never talk to them again#and i know i shouldnt care what they r up to now or how they are doing but i really really really want them to be miserable#and i know its no healthy but they hurt me so much#they did so much damage to my mental health that will take so much time amd effort and energy to buff out again that i just want them to hur#i once asked them if they kicked my brother out if they could promise me to never do that to me#and they said of course no one is going to kick me out#and then they did#and i know its stupid and im naive to have trusted them but knowing this#knowing they promised me they wouldnt kick me out and then doing it anyways#because i wasnt willing to be their little pet or doll or whatever the hell anymore it just hurts#they always wanted me to be who they wanted me to be#and as soon as i broke out of that mold they didnt like me anymore#they didnt like their own child anymore cause they couldn’t control it and i hate that i knwo that they r fucked up ppl for it and still wan#them to come crawling to my door and apologize and tell me they still love me#just so i can tell them to fuck off and close the door in their faces#i want to hurt them like they hurt me#i hate that they have that power over me#bc im not a malicious person#but i also want revenge#ben vents
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madnessismylover · 1 year
Tw: negative
Wish you could like... sue your depressed for all the time and money it costs to take care of it and anything else that results from it.
I never wanted depression so why do I need to pay for the things that make me not want to off myself? (Pills/therapy/etc.)
For the rest of my life I'll need to pay for the things that are gonna keep me alive because of something I cannot control. I can't just tell my brain 'hey, work properly so we don't wanna fucking die'
If I hadn't been depressed in school I would've planned ahead, I would have been better than where I am today.
I never thought I'd get to 18 and I'm gonna be 26 in April. I don't blame past me because they weren't doing well. Unmedicated. I don't wanna go back to that. It was scary. Actively thinking it's easier to die is fucking terrifying.
Living is so fucking expensive.
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lilgynt · 2 years
having a small cry sesh in front of my mom 🤪
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
I had a dream where my family had a cat and it was a really nice and friendly cat and i got to pet it but then i woke up and now i remember that i don't actually have a cat and now i'm sad
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flammenxci · 2 years
In light of recent events I am seriously thinking about buying an MMA dummy I can body slam.
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kazuwhora · 2 years
I hate how society puts so much of someone’s self worth on how independent they are because there’s some people like myself that no matter how hard I try I will never be able to be the type of independent that non disabled and neurotypical people expect me to be
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